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View Full Version : Where to look for Kodak Series 9 filters

2-Mar-2002, 16:04
I've been hunting for Kodak Series 9 filters for my Ektar WF. Some brands of fil ters that I've tried (labeled for Series 9) are sized to fit Series 9 holders, a nd are too large for the retaining ring of my lens. S Grimes reminded me that Ko dak made a set of filters for these lenses, and that's probably what will work b est.

I'm watching the online stores like Lens/Repro, MPEX, Badger and Ebay - are the re some other places the list could recommend for my shopping?

Thanks in advance - Bill

Steve Gangi
2-Mar-2002, 16:41
Pawn shops can sometimes be very good, if you find the right one. A shop that has lots of old cameras will probably have boxes of old filters in the back room. Often you can get them cheap because the shop owner just wants to get rid of them.

Doug Paramore
2-Mar-2002, 17:04
Check for any photo swap meets in your area. Larger cities have them on a regular basis. Shutterbug Magazine used to publish a listing. You can find about anything photograhic at those swap meets and used camera shows.


Bob Salomon
2-Mar-2002, 18:12

Ken Hansen, Foto Care, Photo Gizzmmo, Photo Habitat, Ken Mar, Jimmy Koh, Dover Photo, Fishkin Bros, Camera care, Midwest, Dodd, Photomark, Samys, Nelson, Bel Air, Keeble & Schuchat, Gasser, Glasers, F11 and lots more.

Michael Kadillak
2-Mar-2002, 18:42
Here is a Plan "B". I had SK Grimes make me an adapter for my Ektar so that I could use the same set of B+W filters that I have already carry for my other Nikkor lenses.

2-Mar-2002, 20:14
Michael -

2 minutes after I posted the question, I also sent S Grimes a note asking him if he made an adapter that would get me from Series 9 down to maybe an 82mm. I really doubt I'd see any vignetting - do you think I would?

Michael Kadillak
2-Mar-2002, 21:00
I pulled out my filter adapter ring that I had made by SK Grimes for my 250mm Kodak Wide Field Ektar and it is a very modest expansion adapter to go out to 95mm. Several other lenses I have take the 95mm, so adding the Kodak to the user list made sense for me. If this is the only lens in the +/- 85-90mm size for which you need to acquire filters, it is not as attractive an option.

As a general rule of thimb, I make a point of never taking a chance in opting for a smaller filter size for an adapter than whatever the lens calls for. Caution is the better form of valor as if it does not work, you have an expensive piece of scrap metal. Good filters are expensive to begin with and get even more so for increasing sizes, but I look at it as an investment.

Good luck.

Ellis Vener
4-Mar-2002, 10:37
I have a set of the standard contrast filters in Series IX for black & white, from I believe Tiffen. What diameter are you looking for?

Wayne Crider
5-Mar-2002, 21:31
I have a local source that carries quite alot of Series stuff. If you let me know what you want I'll call for you and see what's available.

6-Mar-2002, 09:02
I'm trying to find Kodak Series 9 filters. My experience with other brands is that they are 1mm too large for the retaining ring that comes with the lens. Grimes has even offered to "enlarge" the retaining ring to accommodate these other brands. I'm figuring that Kodak 9's would fit Kodak lenses, but I haven't found any to prove my theory.