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View Full Version : CAMBO WIDE DS- for Architecture

15-May-2010, 15:29
I`m looking for a camera -mainly for architectural photography.
It should work with rollfilm, 4x5" film, and with a digital back (in a few years).
Do you think a CAMBO WIDE DS would be the right camera for this purpose?
Does it work with my lenses: Super Angulon 47mm, 65mm, 90mm & Symmar 150mm?
Where can I buy the lenspanels and do they work with the mentioned lenses?
Maybe someone uses this camera for architectural photography and can give me some informations...
or maybe someone knows a better camera for this purpose...

from europe.

Kirk Gittings
15-May-2010, 20:40
I have no experience with that camera, though it has always looked like an interesting AP camera. Personally, I would ask this same question on the Luminous Landscape forum. There are numerous top notch professional APs who frequent that forum and have wide and varied experience.

15-May-2010, 21:08
I have no experience with that camera, though it has always looked like an interesting AP camera. Personally, I would ask this same question on the Luminous Landscape forum. There are numerous top notch professional APs who frequent that forum and have wide and varied experience.

Sorry for a slight OT, but it seems impossible to register on the LL forum. At least I'e tried it several times using my real name and never succeeded.

15-May-2010, 22:19
Hi Mark,

I used the Cambo WideDS extensively for about three years for architecture and interiors, with film and a Betterlight scanback. It is a wonderful camera, and assures precise framing and movements. After a few times, handling it is very easy, and intuitive.

Cambo offers a lens mounting service, but it is not cheap at ~$1000 per lens. It would probably be easier and cheaper to buy used lenses that are available with a bit of effort.

I ultimately sold it because I started doing more landscape, where close focusing and movements are required.

This whole project on the temples of Shodoshima:
http://www.bskumarphotography.com/landscape.html was done with the Cambo and Betterlight. I had the 38, 47, 90 and 150mm lenses.


luis a de santos
21-May-2010, 14:39
I have used this camera system for 10 years. Initially I had the Cambo Wide and two years ago switched to Cambo Wide DS. I had all my lenses remounted by Cambo in Holland.
This is a wonderful precise camera that is light enough to take places you can use it, and I do, with film and roll film backs. I have two 6x12 Linhof backs and this allow you to do very precise panoramic work.

My advice to you would be only that if you plan to use a digital back then the Cambo RS is a more practical camera but if your use is going to be hybrid,both film and digital, the DS is a great choice.

They are hard to come by used but I were you I will call all the Calumet locations mostly NY and Chicago sometimes they have used ones or sales.

Good luck
