View Full Version : V750 - under the hood...

24-Feb-2010, 15:36
Anyone been inside a V750?

I've got a dreaded black line, I assume it's dust on the sensor array, is that the most likely scenario?

Sending it away for repair runs the risk of having it returned with that line fixed,
and many others affected, I suppose-
presumably it needs to be opened in a clean room to be assured of success?
I doubt whether that facility is available here...

A miniature remote control vacuum cleaning robot is what I need-

Jon Shiu
24-Feb-2010, 15:57
I would also suggest making sure the top 1/2" portion of the scanning glass is clean, as that is the calibration area.


24-Feb-2010, 16:12
Jon, you are a scanning god-

That took care of it immediately, thank you very much-