View Full Version : PageMaker 6.5 still ok for this?

13-Feb-2010, 18:16
I have a manual on an alternative printing process that was prepared on a MAC running OS 9.2.2 with PageMaker 6.5. I am now running a late model Intel Mac but still have a couple of fully functional MAC G4s that can run either OSX or OS 9.2.2, and I still own the original PageMaker program. PageMaker 6.5 files can be exported to Adobe Acrobat .pdf files, and I do know how to do this on the MAC with Acrobat Distiller.

I plan to do some extensive revisions of the manual but I would like to keep the basic format the same as it now exists, which I can do by starting with the original document in PageMaker 6.5. I am a little rusty with the program since I have not used it for several years but getting acquainted with it again would be a lot easier for me than learning another page layout program. I am not sure how it would be printed later, perhaps from a hard copy that I would print out, or perhaps from a .pdf file.

My question is this. Suppose I want to send the file out of the country to print, say to China. Will a .pdf file of the manual be good enough?

Sandy King

13-Feb-2010, 18:55
I actually used to use Pagemaker on a PC, but the workflow to generate PDF's is almost identical to what you describe. No real reason for it to be otherwise.

Pagemaker itself ain't great, but then again I wasn't at all fond of Quark either for various usability reasons.

That said, Pagemaker does work fine, so go with what you know.

The only issue I ever really had with creating PDF's is copyrighted fonts not embedding in the PDF.

Distiller output logs would show warnings if embedding failed. Not sure if Mac's will be identical in the regard, or where to locate the output log files.

If the font embedding failed, the font substitution on other machines without the necessary font(s) installed could sometimes disturb the pagination and layout.

Now with that covered, PDF itself is an actual specification, so it should render correctly at both ends, if your output is error free.

I did a large poster with Asian characters some years ago, and besides the differences in interpretation of the actual translation, the characters would appear differently on different machines.
The easiest way to verify what others were seeing was to take screen captures and email them.

The same may work for you if you'd like to check things before you commit to having large numbers printed overseas.


13-Feb-2010, 19:57
The only issue I ever really had with creating PDF's is copyrighted fonts not embedding in the PDF.

Distiller output logs would show warnings if embedding failed. Not sure if Mac's will be identical in the regard, or where to locate the output log files.

If the font embedding failed, the font substitution on other machines without the necessary font(s) installed could sometimes disturb the pagination and layout.



Thanks for your comments, and for the warning about copyrighted fonts not embedding in the PDF. I will try to locate the output log files and check to see if this is happening.

Sandy King

Richard M. Coda
13-Feb-2010, 20:00
Can't you open the file in InDesign? That's a current app, and IMHO, the best layout package out there. Then you can do anything you want with it. Not many places still support PM.

As far as is a PDF good enough... if it is made properly. If your source file (PM or INDD) is set up correctly and you use the correct export settings yes. I am a graphic designer by day, Sandy, if you need any help let me know.

13-Feb-2010, 20:23
InDesign 3 Pagemaker Edition can open PageMaker 6.5 files but from what I have read there are some problems.

I am reluctant to learn a new page layout program if it can be avoided. Although not many places support PageMaker I think it would be fine if the book could be printed without any problems directly from a .pdf file. Converting the files to InDesign and doing final editing there might be a back-up plan if the .pdf files are not suitable.

Thanks for the offer of help. I may well take you up on it.


Can't you open the file in InDesign? That's a current app, and IMHO, the best layout package out there. Then you can do anything you want with it. Not many places still support PM.

As far as is a PDF good enough... if it is made properly. If your source file (PM or INDD) is set up correctly and you use the correct export settings yes. I am a graphic designer by day, Sandy, if you need any help let me know.

Henry Ambrose
13-Feb-2010, 21:08
Yes, a proper .pdf will do the job.
Asking the printer is always the best idea.

Bill Burk
15-Feb-2010, 20:15
Hi Sandy,

Thanks for helping me out the other day. Like Richard, I also have a graphic arts background.

By definition, you will have zero file formatting problems opening your document in the same application that created it. So because you can, the best thing to do now is use what you have.

Your existing setup can make fine PDF files. That's the stage where you want to talk to your printing company about their Distiller job options. You want to make sure the output is appropriate for the way the job will be printed. An obvious example is to make photo resolution high enough for print (not screen resolution 72 dpi).

Be sure to embed all fonts if you can.

Only you can decide how long you want to keep your Mac Classic systems running.

If the time comes for you to move on, I think you will find the learning curve going from Pagemaker 6.5 to InDesign CS4 no worse than the learning curve to remember Pagemaker 6.5 from several years' absence.



25-Feb-2010, 20:11

The key is to distill it as a PDF/X-1a. You should have a setting under distiller for PDF/X-1a:2001. Go back under acrobat - verify and preflight it or email it to me
and I can preflight for you.


28-Feb-2010, 05:00
Running pagemaker on a OSX requires running classic environment, which caused lage problem, especially in the display, on Quark. That leaves the G4's under 9.2.2 and I think it will work, allthough pagemaker 6.5 was designed for system 7. But remember that you G4 is almost ten years old and it may crash any day or keep running.

The only way I know to produce a good PDF is though Distiller, in which the path to any font used must be designated before distilling. There are a lot of formats that call themselves PDF, but in fact are not, at least not suitable for printing. In such a format the chinese printshop cannot add the required fonts, even if they possess them.

I would be very cautious te pick a chinese printshop, because there are very few top quality printing presses in China. I would prefer HongKong (OK, officially part of china now, but technological not at all) or Singapore, and you might have a even good chance in the US or in Europe. Never forget to ask which printing press they use and to ask for work that was printed on that particular press.