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View Full Version : 350mm apo tele xenar on 8x10?

Don Dudenbostel
4-Feb-2010, 08:24
I've searched but found little real world information on this other than arguments about back focus distance. I am interested in a compact 350-360 lens for 8x10 that allows more image circle than just enough to cover the film. I see that Schneider publishes 350mm as the image circle but I want to hear from people who have used this lens as to what the real coverage is stopped down to f32 or 45. What are the real world limits of coverage at infinity? Are Schneider's numbers conservative like many of their other lenses? I have a Nikkor M 300 and find I can get quite a bit more coverage above published figures when stopped down. For those who have the apo tele xenar how do you like it?



Don Dudenbostel
4-Feb-2010, 21:11
No experience with the 350?

John NYC
9-Apr-2010, 20:15
There really is a dearth of info on this lens. I'd like to know how it performs on 8x10 also. Anyone own one of these exotic cats?