View Full Version : Feisol Handcart?

Don Kellogg
26-Jan-2010, 15:51
With the passage of time it just isn't any fun (actually, never was) to lug my photo backpack on my back any more. I have a Lowepro Road Runner Mini which is adequate to hold all my stuff. I've pretty much beat it up going over some rough terrain and wonder if one of the Feisol photo handcarts might suit me. The fact that I can collapse it and take it on a plane or pack it in my suitcase also appeals to me. I note that there are two versions with a minimal weight difference but a sizable price difference. I have read the thread on jogging strollers but they seem fairly cumbersome and wonder if Feisol handcart might be better for me. Has anyone any experience with the Feisol product or any other recommendations?

Greg Lockrey
26-Jan-2010, 17:00
I asked that question myself and was told by a vendor that it was okay fo 35mm or equivelent but not study enough for 4x5.

27-Jan-2010, 06:31
I bought something like this from B&H:

I've had it nearly ten years and it shows no sign of slowing down (can't say the same for myself:) ).
There are smaller and lighter versions of this at B&H or elsewhere.

Dan Fromm
27-Jan-2010, 07:27
Search for RuXXac

Unlike the Feisol, it doesn't have a "monopod" attached.

Don Kellogg
2-Feb-2010, 08:10
Hi Dan, The Ruxxac cart that you recommended looked great to me but ,alas, it appears to be discontinued, at least on the Amazon website. Do you know if it is available in the US? My understanding is that there are similar products but perhaps not as well made or with as good a warranty as the the Duetchland iteration.

Dan Fromm
2-Feb-2010, 08:34
Don, your question prompted me to ask Google. It found none in the US for me either. Don't know what to suggest.



2-Feb-2010, 08:37
I have used those folding carts. Although they beat carrying the gear, they are no match for a jogging stroller. I just returned from a trip out west and took my new folding jogging stroller. It was great in the airport, no problem getting it on the plane. It worked great at national parks walking around the lookout areas on the road and at Bryce walking the trail (packed snow) along the rim. Kept my gear and film holders off the ground, dry, and clean.

If you use a hand cart with heavy large format gear, all the weight on the bottom of the cart requires arm force to push the cart handle downward when pulling which is tiring and awkward as the cart keeps trying to pop upright. If you put more of the weight up high, then you have downward force on your arm which defeats the purpose.

The downside of strollers for me is that they are designed to carry children of all things. So they are not quite wide enough to carry a camera bag. You have to figure out the best way to carry your gear without too much awkwardness but that is not difficult. I carry a large backpack or Pelican case in the main seating platform, film holders in the bottom, and my tripod nestles on the top handle (but could be lashed on more securely if need be).

So check out an InStep jogging stroller with a fixed wheel like this which is a great deal by the way:


Also, consider signing up for Amazon Prime shipping which costs ~80 for a year but you get free 2nd day shipping on most Amazon products. I think my stroller was $150 wiith 2nd day shipping but it was not on sale like this one.

2-Feb-2010, 09:01
Dan, here's something similar. They sell these at hardware stores as well.

2-Feb-2010, 09:07
Dan, here's something similar. They sell these at hardware stores as well.

I have 3 or 4 of those models that I bought in a delirium one night (got a good deal though) thinking that I would use them all the time. If you want to stop by Wisconsin I will give you one!

John Powers
2-Feb-2010, 19:28
The reason I went stroller over hand cart was the large 20" wheels and shocks carry all the weight and go over large bumps in the road (trail) without dumping the cargo. They do not fold as small as a hand cart, but I hate picking up a dumped $4,300 camera. Since flying with film has become such a hassle maybe it is reasonable to consider shipping the film, tripod and the cart/jogger in advance and carrying the smaller more valuable camera and lenses. Fedx for instance allows you to ship "hold at airport for pickup". This handles late or missed flights. The 7x17 is bulky but only 12 pounds.


Lenny Eiger
5-Feb-2010, 10:23
Those carts are available at Costco for about 25-35, FWIW.

I have always thought that the jogger strollers were too wide to go on the trails I want to go on. However, what if one took the two wheels off, turned the thing around and created a backpack with the remaining one wheel on the ground? Wouldn't that take a lot of the weight off?

I haven't seen such a thing, but would grab it if I did. I even bought a used jogger stroller for $10 to see if I could adapt it, but haven't the time.

Has anyone seen anything like this?


Dan Fromm
5-Feb-2010, 11:00
T*R*A*V*O*I*S. Got a dog?

8-Feb-2010, 17:47
The reason I went stroller over hand cart was the large 20" wheels and shocks carry all the weight and go over large bumps in the road (trail) without dumping the cargo. They do not fold as small as a hand cart, but I hate picking up a dumped $4,300 camera. Since flying with film has become such a hassle maybe it is reasonable to consider shipping the film, tripod and the cart/jogger in advance and carrying the smaller more valuable camera and lenses. Fedx for instance allows you to ship "hold at airport for pickup". This handles late or missed flights. The 7x17 is bulky but only 12 pounds.


I'll second the Stroller option. Though I have my gear either hanging off the back, or under the seat. Slight problem of having a child in the seat most of the time. :-)

Out of curiosity, how do people react to you using a stroller to cart camera equipment around? I read this thread as I am wondering what I'll do in a couple years when our youngest is to big for the stroller.

Chris Strobel
8-Feb-2010, 18:08
What about somthin like this?Then you wouldn't even have to push it :D


John Powers
8-Feb-2010, 20:54
Out of curiosity, how do people react to you using a stroller to cart camera equipment around? I read this thread as I am wondering what I'll do in a couple years when our youngest is to big for the stroller.

I was strolling down a trail in Acadia National Park with my 8x10 gear. Coming at me down the trail maybe 100 yards away was a woman having a terrible battle with a screaming kid. The noise continued until we were just passing each other. I looked at her and the rig and said, "Oh is that what these are for? She laughed and said, "I think I like yours better." We passed and the screaming started again.

Mostly I get shock that someone is using that large a camera, 8x10 or 7x17, or wonder what it is I am taking around. The ones who understand it is a camera think it must be a great way to move the gear around. It is.


Hal Hardy
10-Feb-2010, 09:44
I use a folding golf bag cart. It even has a swinging can holder for a Dr. Pepper. :)