View Full Version : Mounting a laser pointer for focusing

Ed Richards
24-Jan-2010, 20:15
Found a green laser that should be good for focusing, but I am looking for suggestions on how to mount it. I could get a gorrillapod to hold it to my tripod, but is there a better way to mount the laser on the pod than gaffer tape?

Jerry Bodine
25-Jan-2010, 00:27
Here are a couple of options (from earlier threads in this forum):

flexible clamp, such as those used to hold paper on a computer monitor http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/p1_Kensington-Flex-Clip-Copy-Holder_19993_Business_Supplies_10051_SEARCH


Jean HER
25-Jan-2010, 04:10
i have heard about this trick but never try it.
did you use a laser point or a laser in shape ? like square etc...

Vick Vickery
25-Jan-2010, 09:58
I've only used this method in dark interiors and have always been able to find a nearby surface to sit the pointer on while I focused on the point it put into the scene; a flexable clamp attached to the tripod leg seems like it might work well.

25-Jan-2010, 10:17
I've only tried it once with the Wimberly Plamp (http://www.tripodhead.com/products/plamp-main.cfm), but it worked fairly well:

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4047/4282680575_d6d60b21a1.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/drew_saunders/4282680575/)

You can't see in that picture, but the Plamp has a clamp that holds onto the tripod leg. The white clamp part that's holding the pointer will also keep the button pressed, but that part has changed in the current version, although it should still work to keep the button depressed. It wobbles a bit too much for close-up work, but I suppose you could wrap the "arm" around the tripod to shorten it and keep the wobbles under control, or clamp it to some other object.

25-Jan-2010, 10:48
I think a chemisty lab buret clamp might work. But I tend to think like a lab-rat since I've worked around labs most of my life.... Bob G.

25-Jan-2010, 10:51
Or you could get a tripod for your Lazer.. <grins>
