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View Full Version : Holiday Wish List

Brian Sims
23-Dec-2009, 09:36
What new piece of equipment, tool, film, processing or printing service, darkroom supply, framing material, or any other accessory to our art that doesn't already exist would you put on your wish list?

Here's mine:

My rule in backpacking is try not to take anything that has only one purpose. So, I want a darkcloth that is also a film changing tent. To keep it relatively light weight, I would accept something that isn't perfectly light tight, assuming that I wouldn't be changing film in bright sunlight. I just need something to use at night to prepare for the next day's shooting. You could eliminate the usual changing tent "poles" by suspending the top of the changing tent to something around the camp.

What's on your wish list?

23-Dec-2009, 10:04
A single-shot 96x120mm sensor digital back that runs on AA batteries and costs less than $2000.

And a unicorn.

I have better hopes for the unicorn.

Richard M. Coda
23-Dec-2009, 10:46
A wife that doesn't view the few hours "a month" that I get to devote to photography as "the other woman".

Gem Singer
23-Dec-2009, 11:09
Got everything i need, but not everything I want.

A new Epson 3880 printer would be nice.

Anybody want to trade one for camera gear?

23-Dec-2009, 11:15
Louis Pacilla's cameras.


23-Dec-2009, 11:19
1) 4.5% unemployment rate in the U.S.
2) Never again forget to pull the darkslide
3) Never again forget to close preview shutter

eh, there are too many others to list. :rolleyes:

23-Dec-2009, 11:23
A light weight fit in your pocket dark cloth. Knee Pads for getting one with the earth while doing low to the ground landscapes.

Mud Boots!

23-Dec-2009, 11:33
A peddle operated valve for rinsing hypo off my hands without contaminating the faucet handle.

Richard Wasserman
23-Dec-2009, 12:00
A light weight fit in your pocket dark cloth.

This one exists–from Ebony. It's made of rubberized silk and folds up about the size of a handkerchief and weighs next to nothing. I thought long and hard about spending that kind of money on a dark cloth, and am very happy with it for a light-weight kit I put together. https://www.badgergraphic.com/store/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=671

David McNiven
23-Dec-2009, 12:47
Hi all,

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to drop a box of film into an auto-feeding holder? Then we could fire 'em off like digiboys...
Long time ago I remember such a device being announced, possibly in the British Journal of Photography. I've only ever seen that one reference to it though. Anyone else happen to have seen it?

Hmmm... lightweight darkcloth/changing bag eh? Wonder if spaceblanket is light-tight?

Have a good'un everybody!

23-Dec-2009, 13:04
A lightweight but sturdy 8x10... a Ritter might be a good choice. :)

23-Dec-2009, 13:04
an inexpensive 210mm lens


Bruce Watson
23-Dec-2009, 13:16
A single-shot 96x120mm sensor digital back that runs on AA batteries and costs less than $2000.


Michael Graves
23-Dec-2009, 14:21
A platform to go on top of my Xterra to stand on with my tripod while I take photographs. And the lack of acrophobia to go with it.

23-Dec-2009, 14:22
A peddle operated valve for rinsing hypo off my hands without contaminating the faucet handle.

Set up a wash tray that you can swish your hands through and get rid of most of the hypo. It's going to have hypo from prints anyway, and you can recycle your print wash water through the tray.

Diane Maher
23-Dec-2009, 14:23
A carrier for my gear which has small anti-gravity capability so it could hover over the ground as I walk along.

23-Dec-2009, 14:29
I'd like a new MacBook, but prices are still pretty steep. Maybe next year.

Oren Grad
23-Dec-2009, 14:51
I was going to say that I have everything I need, but that anti-gravity hover-carrier sounds mighty appealing.

Emil Schildt
23-Dec-2009, 15:05
four lenses: Nicola Perscheid - Pinkham and Smith - universal heliar and the Eidoscope...

If not, then a little inspiration would be nice...

Steven Barall
23-Dec-2009, 19:15
A sherpa, or as we say in New York, a shlepper. Also, 8X10 Ready Load color neg film.

23-Dec-2009, 21:08
"... I wish for all the "collectors" to gather around the magic tree, and realize lenses are for shooting, not collecting." said little Johnny. "Then... they sell them, at reasonable, below market rate prices, to those of us who actually make art with them. That's what I want for the world this year dad."

And 300 boxes of good Type 55
and this chair, and this thermos ...

And heaven & angles sing, and heaven & angles sing ...

23-Dec-2009, 21:55
A peddle operated valve for rinsing hypo off my hands without contaminating the faucet handle.

You need a Tapmaster. We have one in the kitchen and would not live without it.


John Bowen
24-Dec-2009, 04:41
Michael Smith's Lodima Fine Art Paper. It didn't make Santa's sleigh, but it just might be here for MLK's birthday.

Oh yeah, and some more time to devote to my photography....that's probably still a few year's away..

Merry Christmas!

Bruce Barlow
24-Dec-2009, 06:32
50 sheet boxes of Kodak 8x10 black and white film.

24-Dec-2009, 06:59
Resurrection of AGFA Portriga Rapid paper.

24-Dec-2009, 15:43
My wish in post #12 came true thanks to a couple great guys here!

Thanks to all


24-Dec-2009, 18:51
Agfa Brovira #2. Is that so hard?

My real wish came true. Christmas with the entire family together.

Merry Christmas Y'all.

Louis Pacilla
25-Dec-2009, 06:37
Hi All

For my Father( Louis Sr.) to be w/ us This Christmas. He passed away this past July & I miss the heck out of him:(

Sorry for the downer but that's what I want. Really.


25-Dec-2009, 06:55
Louis Pacilla's cameras.



25-Dec-2009, 16:57
Louis You're a good man.

You've done so much for others and your family, in the the last year that most people will never do in a lifetime. I Have the utmost respect for you

27-Dec-2009, 09:46
Hmmm... Wonder if spaceblanket is light-tight?


David: Mine is not. I can see through it. I suspect it is simply reflective at deep infrared. Bob G.

Louis Pacilla
27-Dec-2009, 16:25
Louis You're a good man.

You've done so much for others and your family, in the the last year that most people will never do in a lifetime. I Have the utmost respect for you

Hey John. You helped me cop w/ the worst of times & I will & do consider you a friend for life. Thanks buddy

William McEwen
28-Dec-2009, 10:30
Got everything i need, but not everything I want.

A new Epson 3880 printer would be nice.

Anybody want to trade one for camera gear?

Dr. Singer, just curious here -- what does the 3880 printer do that your present printer does not?