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View Full Version : Question for 8x10 Kodak 2D Owners...

Jay Decker
11-Dec-2009, 22:54
Is this lens...


too big to hang on the front of my 8x10 Kodak 2D?
(The lens is mounted on a 6x6 lens board.)

John T
11-Dec-2009, 22:57
It will work...


12-Dec-2009, 07:14
I use wooden pieces of differing thicknesses (to accomodate different rise) that sit on the rails and support the under side of the front of the lens.

12-Dec-2009, 07:38
That looks like an 8x10 14" Wollensak Vesta. It should be fine on your 2D. I regularly use the next size down--a whole plate 11 1/2" Vesta on my 2D and it doesn't come close to overstressing the 2D front standard. My 13 1/2" Vitax is at least as big as your lens and it's also ok on my 2D. I've found 2D's vary in their ability to lock their front standard rise, so you may want to use a support block as Bill suggests. Lenses that size are at the limits of what the 2D will support, but if the flange fits on the lens board, the camera can usually handle the lens.

Mark Sawyer
12-Dec-2009, 09:29
I agree that the 2D can handle it. The lock works well on my front rise, so I never worry about locking it. If I have a heavy lens at a long extension on mine, I usually put a monopod under the end of the front rail.

Jay Decker
12-Dec-2009, 09:31
That looks like an 8x10 14" Wollensak Vesta.

You are correct. It is a rebranded 8x10 Wollensak Vesta. This particular sample is named "Hyatt's Rapid Atelier". How do you like the results with yours?

Jay Decker
12-Dec-2009, 09:42
Lenses that size are at the limits of what the 2D will support, but if the flange fits on the lens board, the camera can usually handle the lens.

Had planned to "draw the line" size-wise on what I'd mount on the 2D with this lens, but I have another lens that is just a little larger and heavier that you now have me thinking... well, why not mount that one also? What do you think about the 3B on the right in the photo below?


12-Dec-2009, 10:00
Looks like instead of a house of cards, you're building a house of lenses. At some point it's going to come tumbling down. :)
If anybody can tell you, though, it's Galli. Wonder where he is....

12-Dec-2009, 10:08
if you can hang it yo can use it....jut be CAREFUL when she is up and running.....when you start hanging the ones that require a bigger adapter board to get the giant flange to hold something, you need to start and really worry.


12-Dec-2009, 10:51
You are correct. It is a rebranded 8x10 Wollensak Vesta. This particular sample is named "Hyatt's Rapid Atelier". How do you like the results with yours?

I love my Vesta. Mine is branded as a Seneca Portrait Lens Series A. The Vesta's aren't as popular as some of the better known Petvals, but they're fine lenses. I'd give the 3B a shot--the flange should easily fit on a 6" board. I draw the line at the 16" f/4 Petzvals like the 3A and the Vitax #5 for the 2D. Although I was tempted to rig up spacer boards, I broke down and bought a Century 8A studio camera. I figure I can mount anything on a 10" x 10" lensboard. At the rate you're going, you'll need to start shopping for one, too. :)

Jay Decker
12-Dec-2009, 11:06
At the rate you're going, you'll need to start shopping for one, too. :)

Ah... I now have two studio cameras and take a regular ribbing from my better half about them. Bought a two-liter sized Petzval with the first studio camera from a certain gentleman in Tonopah. When returning home with that studio camera in my car, I met a man selling a collection of vintage lenses and another studio camera, which I ended purchasing as a package. I'm in the process of getting everything operational...

12-Dec-2009, 11:14
Whoa-you got it bad! I can recognize it in others. I'm going to pick up my 8A next week and it's going straight to a new studio I'm renting.

Jim Graves
13-Dec-2009, 12:48
Jay ... it may be time for an intervention ... I think we'd better leave Galli and Chauncey out of the group though.

Jay Decker
13-Dec-2009, 18:48
Jay ... it may be time for an intervention ... I think we'd better leave Galli and Chauncey out of the group though.

I just might need an intervention...