View Full Version : Filter holder for a 3 1/2" OD lens

19-Nov-2009, 02:05
Hi everyone,
I am the proud owner of a 11 1/2" Verito lens. I need a way to mount & unmount ND's quickly was I shoot.

Here the deal:

I focus on my person, close shutter, NEED to put on ND, film, shoot, remove film, remove ND ...focus ...

So is there a way to place & remove an ND fast. Holding is a pain, but I refocus everytime because I am wide open on the Verito. Not too easy.

I see Lee has a holder with a rubber band... anyone use that or something else?

Thanks in Advance!

Michael Roberts
19-Nov-2009, 07:20
Hi Steve,
I use a vintage filter holder like the one here for my barrel lenses. I sometimes see these on ebay. Diameter of opening is 4 and 1/4 and as you can see it is adjustable for lenses of varying diameters.