View Full Version : Horseman Backs Jamming...

13-Nov-2009, 06:32
I have 2 Horseman backs, 6x9 and 6x12, and they both started jamming recently,
mid roll-

Taking the film out frees the jam, and they're good for another few rolls-

The 6x9 has jammed three times on me now-

Is there an easy fix?
Anyone know what the likely cause is?
The mechanism seems pretty well concealed and contained...

I know I could leave it in to be repaired, was just checking here first-

13-Nov-2009, 07:23
At what point does it jam? I had my Horseman 6x7 back jam when sliding the little slider to unlock the advance, some times it would not unlock even though you'd fully activated the switch. I eventually found that if I hold the switch open and press hard whilst trying to wind on it would in all cases allow me to wind on normally, just a case of getting the mechanism inside to activate properly. I think with mine its just wear and tear mechanism, could yours be something similar?

13-Nov-2009, 07:35
Usually between frames in mid roll-
frame 2 or 3-

When it happens, I can't move the advance lever, and don't want to force it-
Will try the press hard thing next time it happens,
though I thought I might have tried everything already-

Mine aren't that worn, don't get much use,
though they're not new-

Thanks for the tip-
and welcome to the forum- post no. 1...
Thank you-