View Full Version : Do you buy your camera/lenses new or used??

J Ney
30-Oct-2009, 10:01
If used... how do you find them? Auction sites? Wanted Ads? Used Camera Stores?

30-Oct-2009, 10:04
oddly, the only gear I've purchased new, I've not been happy with.

David Karp
30-Oct-2009, 10:09
Almost 100% used from MPEX, KEH, this forum, some E-Bay, once from a friend, once on Craig's List. I have only purchased a few items new: my darkcloth, my first four film holders, and my first lens (210mm Caltar II-E). Everything else is used. Most of the items looked like nobody ever touched them before I purchased them.

Ole Tjugen
30-Oct-2009, 10:15

Here, APUG, Ebay, KEH, local shop, here and there, all over...

In general, I find the used stuff cheaper.

Ron Marshall
30-Oct-2009, 10:18
Used, KEH, Badger, Calumet, MPEX.

30-Oct-2009, 10:41
Both Zone VI 8x10 and Fuji W 300mm bought used from Midwest Photo. Tripod/head I bought new directly from Ries. Lenses since then have all been bought used, as have the film holders -- although 3 were wood Fidelitys which were never previously used.

Pack was bought new. Previous 4x5 and 5x7 cameras (and lenses) were bought new. (back when a LF camera and lens could be bought new for <$600.


30-Oct-2009, 10:45
I've purchased a few things new, but mostly used. it's cheaper that way :-) Like Vaughn, I purchased my Ries new, and pretty much everything else used (or given to me free, used)

J Ney
30-Oct-2009, 10:52
First 4x5 camera / lens were luckily found on Craigslist... since then, it has mainly been eBay with few disappointments

Eric Leppanen
30-Oct-2009, 10:53
The vast majority of my LF equipment was bought used, mostly via MPEX, Ebay and Badger Graphic. The only exceptions were a couple lenses that I bought new when I first entered LF (I did not have enough lens knowledge to feel comfortable buying used at that time), a couple SSXL's that I bought when those lenses first entered production, and a lens and a couple cameras that rarely hit the used market (did not want to potentially wait 12+ months).

Rodney Polden
30-Oct-2009, 11:29
Mostly eBay and the altogether excellent LFPF For Sale section. Some gear I've bought new on eBay (but mostly used), some new stuff from stores, but it's hard for stores to offer sensible prices any longer in this era it seems. I tried to buy a regular tripod screw recently in a camera store I have used for 30 years - no luck, not even available. I can find them on eBay.

I wish all photographic needs could be met as simply as buying used cameras and lenses through eBay. On another thread here, Acros 8x10 film is being offered for around $9 to $11 a sheet. It's a great film, but when 8x10 black-and-white costs even $5, let alone $10, some of us will be forced to shoot much less. Thank heavens that there are still some Chinese manufacturers offering 8x10 for $2.50 or $3/sheet.

Who knew we would all be rescued by the Chinese?

30-Oct-2009, 11:38
Early on, with most everything, I developed the ability to not need new stuff. Good used gear works as good as the new stuff and is much cheaper. There is also a much wider selection of types of equipment when used is considered.

Almost everything I have was purchased from Ed Olson at The Camera Show in Seattle. The key was to let Ed know what you were looking for and then visit him to BS about once a month and, eventually, he would have what you needed or wanted. He would get film holders in frequently and always at a good price. I think, over the years, I bought at least 15 8x10 holders from him when I was just in the store to say hello. Used gear sometimes works that way.

Unfortunately, Ed was a diabetic and went blind, causing him to have to sell out and retire.

Steve Hamley
30-Oct-2009, 11:42
When I put my 4x5 kit together, you couldn't find some lenses used very easily, like the 55mm Rodenstock Apo-Grandagon, so I bought several lenses for the 4x5 new. But when I started shooting 8x10 and larger, I can't think of a single camera or lens I've bought new.

Cheers, Steve

30-Oct-2009, 11:48
Used - finding stuff here, the bay, and other auctions and "for sale" sites, 2nd-hand shops, etc. As Ole pointed out, that's where things are cheaper. Then, I am also interested in "historical" stuff, and you don't find that new :)

Wilbur Wong
30-Oct-2009, 12:14
In days of yore I purchased exclusively new and would not have considered new other than from someone I knew.

For today, many of the items I have added to my kit in the last several years have been used, and I would note that the majority are no longer offered new from the manufacturers.

I have gotten some bargains, but for the most part have paid fair prices for truly well cared for equipment. To date, I haven't had a bad experience with large format lenses and accessories. (Not to say I haven't had other sour experiences)

A few years ago, I paid within a few dollars the same amount that the lens originally sold for a decade plus before but was happy with my purchase.

If you are asking because you are afraid that you may be stung with a bad transaction, yes the possibility exists. Caveat emptor. With reasonable intelligence I will continue to acquire used equipment.

Bill Kumpf
30-Oct-2009, 12:24
All my large and medium format gear was used or home made. I have purchased from KEH, Midwest, graigslist, this forum, my Nikkor 300M from a back alley camera shop in Japan.

I prefer to buy used equipment and spend the rest on film and paper.

Vick Vickery
30-Oct-2009, 13:17
Pretty much all of my lenses, for all of my cameras from 35mm thru LF have been purchased used from dealers, eBay, other photographers, etc.; the only lenses I have that came to me new are the two kit lenses that came with my Olympus DSLR. I admit that I have been very lucky...all the lenses I've bought on eBay have been as described and in good shape. :)

30-Oct-2009, 13:17
P2 4x5 - fleabay
P2 8x10 conversion - store international mail order
symmar 300 - private sale
165 SA - here
8x10 holders - here
Tripod - new from store
pan tilt head - fleabay
lots of expired 8x10 chrome - here

Not had any problems with gear quality or with sellers really - where I have after sales has been good.

30-Oct-2009, 14:15
All but 2 lenses were bought used—some on Ebay, some from my dealer, and one from a friend. My camera inventory is equally split between used and new. If possible I would buy used, but a used Arca F is almost impossible to find!

30-Oct-2009, 14:34
ebay, and shutterbug, KEH, mpex, equinoxphotographic and local ...
most things i have gotten used
except for studio lights + stands
tripods and darkroom stuff ...

Dan Fromm
30-Oct-2009, 15:08
Depends. Back when, I bought mainly new Nikons and lenses for 'em. I didn't have access to the used market, didn't trust much of it. Cambridge Camera, ugh! But where possible I bought grey market because grey versions of the lenses I wanted were so much less expensive than official imports.

I bought used S8 cameras, mainly at camera shows. When I took up S8 used was nearly all there was.

My Graphics and lenses to fit 'em were bought used. Camera shows, dealers' web sites, eBay, private sellers on CompuServe's photo forum, ... A fair number of used lenses from sellers in the UK and continental Europe, mainly France and Germany. I still search the French equivalents of Craigslist but not Craigslist itself; most sellers on Craigslist set prices too high.

I'm sure that the latest most best LF lenses are better than the ones I use; if nothing else they have more coverage, but they're priced far out of my range. The lenses I use are good enough ...

Robert A. Zeichner
30-Oct-2009, 15:34
I acquired the vast majority of my photographic equipment used and that is ever since I started doing this over 50 years ago. That is not to say I haven't bought some new equipment here and there, but certainly the best stuff I've gotten and that I've kept the longest happens to be used. And, as time goes on, I seem to keep stuff longer and longer.

Bruce A Cahn
30-Oct-2009, 16:16
Mostly new, but I have gotten some large format lenses used. I buy them at my camera store, Bruce's Field Camera Store. This is not an ad though. I rarely have any used lenses in stock any more. I have been getting only new lenses for the 35mm & digital cameras. If I need something new, for the small cameras, I visit Adorama. If used, I will look on Ebay. Being an Ebay seller, I know how to spot a problem seller, and avoid those. I might also check with Lens and Repro for used LF lenses.

John Jarosz
30-Oct-2009, 16:27
I have a 135 Schneider lens for 4x5 that I bought new. My 4x5 Wista was new. Everything else has been used, and that includes 99% of my darkroom. I find I improve/modify almost everything I buy, so I stay away from new stuff where I might lose more value. I don't believe in having perfect pristine glass. I've yet to see a minor lens defect show up in a print, especially so in contact printing formats (8x10 & 8x20). I still have my 3 original 4x5 filmholders (purchased used) that I got for my freshman photography class.


30-Oct-2009, 16:31
Used Lens from KEH accessories from Ken and MPEX

Jan Pedersen
30-Oct-2009, 20:29
I wish all photographic needs could be met as simply as buying used cameras and lenses through eBay. On another thread here, Acros 8x10 film is being offered for around $9 to $11 a sheet. It's a great film, but when 8x10 black-and-white costs even $5, let alone $10, some of us will be forced to shoot much less. Thank heavens that there are still some Chinese manufacturers offering 8x10 for $2.50 or $3/sheet.

I do believe that the 8x10 Acros is in 20 sheet boxes, if not i don't think anyone would buy it, at least i would not.

30-Oct-2009, 21:39
All my 4x5 equipment so far are second hand, and judging from the amount of people who buy used, is it any wonder when camera makers are all going digital? Guess "they just don't make em like they used to any more..."

Rodney Polden
30-Oct-2009, 22:43
I do believe that the 8x10 Acros is in 20 sheet boxes, if not i don't think anyone would buy it, at least i would not.

Yup, seems that now the consensus is they will be 20-sheet boxes, making it much more reasonable. Wheew!;)

30-Oct-2009, 22:57
I wonder whose buying the New Equipment?

shadow images
30-Oct-2009, 23:01
All used, except the digital I need for work. I avoid ebay and use LFPF, APUG, and KEH.

Lachlan 717
31-Oct-2009, 01:14
Who knew we would all be rescued by the Chinese?

I'd dare say the Chinese would argue that they've know since the People's Revolution...

31-Oct-2009, 03:21
As I mentioned earlier, I bought my two 4x5's (one later became a 5x7) were bought new. The Deardorf Special knock-off from India that came with a Computar Symmetron (sp?) 210mm/6.3 -- bought new in a San Diego camera store for $525 in 1980. I saw the ad for the camera (on sale) in the newspaper, It ended up too heavy for backpacking (decided after a trip into the Grand Canyon and then 3 months hitch hiking in New Zealand). To lighten the load, I paid Calumet $220 for a new Gowland Pocket View, along with a new Caltar IIN 150mm/5.6 (for $235, I think). This would be about 1985. I found a used Deardorff 5x7 back that fit right on the Indian camera.

Both these new purchases were made before the internet access to the used camera market. I find it just amazing to have seen this transition come about. Between ebay, craigslist, and the rest, there is a sizable sub-economy happening

I bought my 8x10 in about 1996 -- not much around on the internet (that I knew of, anyway), and I gave Mid West a call on the advise of a local photographer. I was set up with what I needed.

I have not done many transactions here, my largest purchase being the less satisfactory. So it goes. Ebay lens purchases have been primarily with Dagor77.

John Powers
31-Oct-2009, 06:47
Used, mostly eBay, from sellers with more than 100 sales (preferably 500+) and 100% or close feedback. The ad has to make sense, be creditable, the pictures good, the communication believable, the feedback positive and believable. I have been taught a lot by good sellers. I learned very early that if it doesn’t feel right another similar item will come around from a better seller. It just takes time.

Major very positive exception to eBay was the purchase of my 7x17 RH Phillips through a friend of a friend who also had one. Good sellers want to work with good buyers. I try to be all that I expect, except I don’t have to photograph what I want.


John Bowen
31-Oct-2009, 16:51
Both. I have a Zone VI and Wisner 8x10 cameras that were purchased used. After using both of those cameras, I purchased a new Ritter 7x17 and liked it enough to purchase a new Ritter 8x10. I purchased new Fuji 240, 450 and 600 lenses and a new Ries J100-8 tripod (I've never seen this tripod avialable used). I also have about another 6+ LF lenses that were purchased used, used tripods, used darkroom equipment, used film holders for 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10, but new holders for 7x17. I prefer to purchase lenses new, and do my best to get my "previously owned" gear with as little wear and tear as possible.

Renato Tonelli
1-Nov-2009, 09:42
A bit of each. I've bought used from KEH, PhotoCare (great people!), eBay sellers (one ripoff!), Lens & Repro, this forum.

john biskupski
1-Nov-2009, 13:40
I've bought mostly mint used LF camera and lenses, usually off ebay, at very reasonable prices, which was for me an afforable way into LF photography.

However, some new equipment prices are not unreasonable here in UK imho, eg Apo-Sironar N & S 135 and 150 from Teamwork, or the new Schneider 360 Tele Xenar Compact from Robert White, as though the manufacturers recognise there is a non-professional keen amateur market out there. The latest starter version 4x5 cameras from Ebony, Shen Hao, Walker are other examples of keen pricing, where there is reduced benefit buying used.

For digital, I used to only buy new, due to (my perceived) fear of electronics and plastics and micro IS motors etc. As the digital age ripens, and if these new fangled things actually don't fall apart and stop working after the warranty expires, maybe I will reconsider that.

Robert Hughes
3-Nov-2009, 11:49
About everything I've picked up in the last 5 years came cheap off the Dreaded. If I were to buy something more valuable, say a good lens, I'd probably be more likely to buy from the forum here, Midwest Photo or KEH.

3-Nov-2009, 14:12
I built my Cambo kit by shopping at local stores, back when there were local stores that support large-format photography. I think I bought the bulk of that kit between about 1985 and 1993. I remember stores like Bob Hawley's in Austin, Texas, and there was a time when Camera Exchange in San Antonio had a good line of used medium and large-format stuff. If I needed to go mailorder, I bought from Midwest, or from Del's, both of which understood large format.

During this latest acquisition of gear to build a Sinar-based system with better lenses, I have bought from KEH, ebay, and this forum. None have been without some degree of risk. All have required the occasional rectification, and I've had no problems solving problems with any of these sources.

With the possible exception of the very short digital lenses, which I think must be retrofocus though I've never handled one, I seriously doubt that the improvement in large-format lenses between new models and models from as much as 30 years ago are significant in practice. The shutters are, however, sometimes an issue.

Of course, part of the hobby for me is getting good deals on old stuff and making it work for me. But that does lead the occasional accident (I have a Compur 00 shutter that lives in pieces in a plastic bag, having proved easier to disassemble than to assemble. It's not worth the cost of having it reassembled, but it may be someday. Or not.)

I do, however, buy my digital SLR stuff new. The reason is that prices for the better Canon lenses are very nearly as much as they cost new. For the extra 10-15%, I'll buy it with a warranty and support my local store. I bought the bodies new, but only after the initial high prices as new models had settled down a bit. I've spent more on my wife than on myself in that regard. Many of my lenses for my Canon are old mechanical manual prime lenses from bygone days that I bought for pennies.

Rick "enjoying the buyer's market" Denney

tom north
4-Nov-2009, 12:38
Used-Always. Even 30 years ago when I started LF the smart guys (and best) frequented photo shops and their old, begrudened, , half blind, half crazy, and generally angry shop keepers who never took a bath to make a find that would change the way we photographed forever and could make us famous instantly . Some I purchased at reputable shops (which no longer exist), some through newspaper ads, some on e-bay (depending on the seller, considered the highest risk for getting screwed), and yes, some transactions were made involving a suite case, a deserted parking garage, a dark and stormy night, and inky black shodows.

Always unbelievable but always true
