View Full Version : does my meter need a battery

24-Sep-2009, 11:59
I have a Pentax digital spotmeter. The last couple times I have been out it worked fine most of the time. However, a couple times that I tried to use it the display flickered on and off (off as much or more than on). I think I was squeezing the trigger firmly.

I was all set to go buy a new battery, but this morning when I used it it did not do that. Any ideas what is going on? I'm not too cheap to buy a new battery and carry it for when this one goes, but I'd rather have the freshest spare possible, so not buy until really necessary.

24-Sep-2009, 12:04
I'm glad to read that you are not too cheap... read this: http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/meters.htm

and this:


Gem Singer
24-Sep-2009, 12:05
"Rather not buy until really necessary".

From your description of the problem, you passed "really necessary" quite a while ago.

I always carry a spare battery for my meter in my camera bag.

Steve Goldstein
24-Sep-2009, 12:20
Consider the cost of film and chemicals, the expense involved in getting to and from wherever the film is exposed, and how much you value your time. I would think the cost of a spare battery would be negligible. A 3-year-old-but still-good spare is way better than a dead one when you're 300 miles from the nearest fresh supply.

24-Sep-2009, 12:32
OK, OK! :D

I'm about to head out to the more locally owned alternative to Home Depot to look for some black cloth tape to mend the little flaps at the bottoms of some film holders. I'll hit the garage door section and buy a battery too!

Thanks to all you for pestering me!