View Full Version : Instant film badly out of focus

16-Sep-2009, 18:37
I'm having issues with pack film. I have a Polaroid 550 holder (which I have cleaned) and use Fuji FP-100C45. My focus in the instant shots is pretty far off. A comparative example:


TMax 100:

Other shots have been even worse. Is there a standard offset in the film plane for Fuji packs in this holder? I looked around for a good while but didn't find anything.

Many thanks for any advice.

Tracy Storer
16-Sep-2009, 20:12
I haven't looked into it in detail, but my understanding is that the Polaroid 550 holder is not actually compatible with the Fuji film....even if the pack does fit.....I think the Fuji holder has a spring in the back that pushes the film forward?

16-Sep-2009, 20:34
Looks like the instant film was not flat.

17-Sep-2009, 02:32
It's difficult to tell at this scale, but are you sure it's not just a resolution issue?
The Fuji won't resolve detail like film can-

I use a 550, and the results look comparable-

Unless you can point to specific focus issues that I can't make out here,
I'd say this isn't bad-

If you want to test for focus, a close up will show up discrepancies more clearly than a wide-angle long shot-

17-Sep-2009, 04:18
I should have mentioned that you can click on the linked images to see a larger version. The difference is then more apparent.

I agree that the film must not be flat, but don't know why that's so. The holder is in good shape. Is there anyone who can confirm that Fuji won't work with this holder? If so, must I get a Fuji holder instead?

Thanks again

17-Sep-2009, 05:34
I think I'd stick with my earlier comment-
the resolution of these two films is simply not comparable.

A focus test at a higher magnification would show up a discrepancy instantly, if there is one-

I have no problems using that film in a 550-