View Full Version : From Grafmatic to darkroom, while on the road

Michael Stafford
12-Sep-2009, 22:31
I spend a fair amount of time photographing on the road, and I use grafmatics quite a bit. Does anyone have any ideas on how to handle your film after unloading your grafmatics at night? I am on the road for weeks, and need to store them light tight until I can process them. Does anyone make a product (sleeves, bags, boxes, etc) that you can use for temporary light tight storage? Thanks.

Frank Petronio
12-Sep-2009, 22:35
Most photographers just put their film into leftover film boxes, the triple box is plenty of protection. Use a little tape to make sure it stays shut.

13-Sep-2009, 12:18
I'd suggest a LOT of tape, if TSA is going to be handling it. It'll give you a few more seconds to say, "please don't open that to swab it."

13-Sep-2009, 14:12
If inside the USA mail the exposed film home for processing and use ground shipment. If you shoot color use ready loads and ship to your lab. If you shoot black and white including a back up negative I would put one exposed sheet from each film holder into a box marked for Normal Normal -3 -2 -1 compensating etc ( assuming Black and White) and put the back up in a film mailer which has a card board mailer and a 3 mm black poly bag. These are available from Freescale in the Darkroom/Accessories/Misc section. A mailer and bag for 5X7 ( they dont have a smaller combination for 4X5 available) costs $.59 each.

The alternative is to get daylight tanks and develop on the road

13-Sep-2009, 19:52
Ehh... just buy more Grafmatics. :)