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View Full Version : First LF shots

8-Jun-2009, 17:53
After using my LF Camera with Polaroids and 120 roll back I finally had a chance to feed my Toyo with what it's made for.

I finally bought the 4x5 developing tank and here are some of my first pictures taken with Delta 100 ISO developed with Rodinal. I was so excited that I complete forgot to look at the camera's lens:o


Steve M Hostetter
8-Jun-2009, 18:12
welcome aboard Sapata,, perfect exposure and processing is excellent

you must be a natural :)

Lachlan 717
8-Jun-2009, 18:26
To help nudge this thread along, here is my first sheet of LF film.

My dad and his dog.

Taken on Tri-x 320, Horseman LX 4x5 with 240mm f4 Petzval @1/60th.

(I think that posting your first sheet, either good or bad, is a great idea for a thread. There seems to be an increase in the numbers joining this forum, and there seems to be lots of Newbie posts as well. They certainly see some awesome shots from experienced shooters, and this can intimidate someone new. If we put up our first efforts, they might see light at the end of the tunnel!!)

9-Jun-2009, 06:03
Thank you !
Lachlan you're right, I believe that some people can learn a lot from posting results in here and get an honest feedback from the more experienced. To me if it's a good or a bad shot I want to know but not everyone think like this.

My suggestion is that we could have a dedicated section on the forum where people can discuss images only. I have to say that I didn't know where to post my pictures (and I still don't know...)

Maybe there are images all around the forum, it would be nicer to get them gathered in just one place...

Again many thanks for the feedback !

Gary L. Quay
18-Jun-2009, 23:57
My very first LF Image


Linhof Technica, 150mm Linhof (Schneider), Tmax 400 developed at Blue Moon Camera in St. Johns, Oregon.