View Full Version : Which Tripod

John Cooper
22-Oct-2001, 19:41
I just spent two days in Savannah Georgia where the weather was superb; I was sh ouldering my Linhof Technika V 6X9 with super rollex back, viewfinder and hand g rip that weighs about 7lbs. I had left my big tripod at home, thinking I could s houlder carry this weight for several hours. My question is this - is there a li ght weight strong tripod weighing about 3lbs that has a levelling head (for arch itectural shots) and has one of the legs that will convert to a monopod-like set ting via quick release/trigger mechanism. My aching shoulders are willing to pay several hundred dollars if necessary.

John Cooper

Ellis Vener
22-Oct-2001, 21:06
Gitzo 1349 with your choice of head. you might get by with a Gitzo 1227 (I don't like the four section legs of the 1227-- the last one is too skinny, I don't think either of these tripods has the monopod feature but I know there is a Gitzo model that does.

Tom Perkins
22-Oct-2001, 23:50
The Gitzo 1227 has three sections; the 1228 has four. The 1227 works with a 2k 4x5 camera.

Tom Perkins
23-Oct-2001, 00:01
I'm sorry, I wrote it out wrong. The 1227 supports a 3kg 4x5 camera. There is no way to separate a leg for monopod use.

paul owen
23-Oct-2001, 15:26
John, Consider the Gitzo 1349 (carbon fibre), I use it with the 1370 low profile head and the gitzo quick release plate. Superb!! Hardly know its on your shoulder. No monopod facility, but does everything a tripod should! Regards Paul

John Cooper
26-Oct-2001, 13:10
Thanks for the feedback - it seems Gitzo is it. I just received "The Digital Photography SourceBook" from B&H, in it they describe two interesting tripods from Bogen (aka Manfrotto!) that are Carbon Fiber, nos 3443 and 3444; they are $200+ cheaper than the Gitzo - any user experience with these?

Abigail Sinai
28-Jan-2002, 16:16
Hi John, I understand you made a long search for the right tripod, so I was thinking mybe you can advise me what kind of tripod I should buy for my 35 mm camera. I was thinking to get the Manfrotto 3021PRO. it weights 5.3 lb and stand stabil for a big format as well. I didnt choose a head yet so feel free to give any advice (specially on the head that looks like a joystick). Thank You, Abigail

Ethel Buisson
15-Feb-2002, 02:18
Hi John,

More than an answer, I am seacking for tips. I have similar preoccupations than yours, and was wondering if you went and buy the Bogen 3443 or 3444, and if it is the case which head do you use with your tripod? and are you happy with your new combination? thanks

Best Ethel Buisson