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View Full Version : filter attachment to LF lens

Michael Krause
10-Sep-2001, 23:02
Can a filter system such as Cokin be used on the various LF lenses?

John Cooper
10-Sep-2001, 23:18
I use the "P" system with my 75mm F:8 Super Angulon. The 49mm adapter screws on the front onto which slides the filter holder; a single modular hood (P255) does not vignette and I use a color correcting filter P020 (80A) to shoot daylight film in tungsten light. Results have been excellent.

John W.
11-Sep-2001, 00:29
Since you asked about systems "such as Cokin" I'll note that many users here have had good experience with Hitech and Lee (which I highly recommend). Whichever holder you get, you may want to see that it can use standard 4x4 and 4x6 (for grads) filters, and be sure the largest filter size you're likely to have has a corresponding adaptor ring available with the particular filter system.


John W.
11-Sep-2001, 00:31
In that last sentence above I meant "whichever lens filter size"--82, 86, 95, etc.--not the size of the square filters you want to use.


Scott Walton
12-Sep-2001, 10:47
Yes, as long as you have filter threads on your lens (if you don't you can get adapters too) but I do agree with John above about other filters than Cokin. Cokin's are made of resins and aren't really color true. I would spend the money on the Lee's or the Hi's for better images. Just my opinion. Cheers, Scott