View Full Version : Durst Mutigraph use manual

Steve Wright
24-May-2009, 08:59
I'm trying to find a user manul for the new/used Multigraph that I bought. The keyboard is totally lit up and I have no idea how to get it to shut off or how to reset it. I'd appreciate any insight or help....Thanks

Renato Tonelli
24-May-2009, 09:24
You could try e-mailing the service dept. at Durst: they are usually very helpful. I could also photocopy mine and mail it to you. Where are you located?

Steve Wright
27-May-2009, 11:26
renato: I would be thrilled if you could do that! I live in Indiana and the keyboard on the Mutigraph is all lit up and I can't get it to reset! Let me know what I can pay you for the copy.....
Steve Wright
820 Redwood Drive
Anderson, Indiana, 46011

Steve Wright
30-May-2009, 19:44
Reanto: I found the owner's manual at the Durst site (eventually). It was no help in fixing the problem so I have an emaill into Durst.it. Fingers crossed. Thanks

Renato Tonelli
31-May-2009, 08:09
Steve - I hope you get it working. If you can get your hands on a repair manual with schematics from Durst (or someone else) you may be able to get it fixed by a competent technician. I dread the day mine goes on the blink - I have had it for about fifteen years with no problems so far.

Steve Wright
31-May-2009, 11:46
I suspect I'll wait for a msg from Durst and probably send it in. Pretty sure there is a microprocessor on the blink... Thanks...