View Full Version : Redi-Load for Fuji Quick Loads?

Gerry Meekins
14-May-2009, 06:10
Now that Kodak quit selling Tmax in Redi-Loads I want to try out some Fuji Quickloads.
Do I need to get the Fuji Quickload holder or should the Kodak Redi-Load holder work ok?


Larry Gebhardt
14-May-2009, 06:13
The latest Kodak holder has worked fine for me.

Ron Marshall
14-May-2009, 08:13
I've never had a problem either using Fuji in the Kodak.

14-May-2009, 08:42
When I started in LF I thought that you needed a Fuji holder for Fuji fims and a Kodak holder for Kodak films, so I bought both versions. It turned out, of course, that both films will work in each others holders. I ended up using the kodak holder exclusively because it seemed to work smoother and kept the Fuji holder as a "back-up." Now I shoot cut sheet film exclusively and have a Kodak holder that has been used or years and both looks and operates like "brand new," and a mint Fuji holder.


Gerry Meekins
14-May-2009, 15:46
Thanks for your help guys. I ordered some Acros quickloads today.
