View Full Version : Duet...Again! John and Susan Daly Voss Exhibition

John Voss
29-Mar-2009, 15:26
Hello all!

My wife and I are opening our second show at the Wallkill Gallery in Montgomery, New York which will run the entire month of April. Susan's oil paintings, in the contemporary realist style, are simply gorgeous, and my 'graphs are...well...what they are, and I like them! ;) There are many that are large format (Shen Hao 4x5), and others that are medium format (P67, and Mamiya C220 and 330). The opening reception will occur on April 4th from 5-8PM, and all are welcome.

The gallery itself is a treat. It's a mid-19th century structure that's been beautifully restored. It's located in Orange County (NY...not CA), and is, btw, adjacent to the former home of "Orange County Choppers" the new home of which is just a few miles away if you want to include a motorcycle eyegasm with your visit! The address is: 232 Ward Street (Rte 17K) in Montgomery, New York. The gallery phone number is 845.457.2787, and their URL is www.wallkillriverschool.com .

Montgomery is a terrific place to visit with historic buildings, quaint atmosphere, and some really first rate restaurants, so if you attend during our show, you can certainly enjoy yourself beyond the exhibition.

Here's our show card:

Jan Pedersen
29-Mar-2009, 18:37
Why is NY so far away?
Nice Show Card John, Good luck with the exhibit.

J. Gilbert Plantinga
29-Mar-2009, 18:51
I'll try to come down for your opening.

Greg Miller
30-Mar-2009, 07:49
Congratulations John! I will plan to attend the opening.

For anyone who is reasonably close, John's superb work is worth the trip to Montgomery to see the show.

gene LaFord
2-Apr-2009, 19:24
Dang! Sorry I am gonna have to miss the opening reception, gotta hang the next exhibition at the Valley Photo Center. Good luck John, I'll make it out your way one of these days.


Steve Sherman
2-Apr-2009, 19:28
Congrats John to both of you, wish I could be there

Kerik Kouklis
2-Apr-2009, 21:57
How great that you and your wife can show work together. Good luck with the show.

John Voss
6-Apr-2009, 16:32
Thank you all for your kind support. The opening was a very happy event (and we even sold some work :D ). It was great to see Greg Miller there, and also a couple of folks from way-back who were a complete surprise, and a lot of fun.

As I'm a classical musician who finds performance can be fraught with nerves over the possibility of the slightest mishap during an in-the-moment presentation, a gallery opening is a real treat in a way, but still has a component of uncertainty. The work is done...it's as good as it's going to get. Those who attend either like it or they don't but the work is immutable and certain. So what's the concern? Will there be visitors, will there be enough wine, and goodies, will there be red dots....:( Is there a gene that regulates stupid anxiety? Fortunately, Susan and I have slept reeeeeeaaaaally well since, and whatever the downsides may have been, they'll soon be completely forgotten!