View Full Version : Mido system users

23-Mar-2009, 14:50
I bought a new in box Mido 4X5 kit at a local camera shop a while back for a very reasonable price. I've figured out how to load the holders with some dead film in the daylight. Its clear how it is meant to function. I'd like to use it as an alternative to quickloads/readyloads.

I had some questions about the system.

1) How does it hold up in the long term. Do the packets hold up OK? Are the packets light tight in general?

2) The process for exposing the film and then removing the packet is a bit odd. Bending the packet to one side, then the other to remove it seems like a way to dislodge the entire film holder from the camera. Do they get easier to use with time? Should I expect some lost sheets?

3) Can new or additional film packets be found? 6 holders (12 sheets) is a decent start, but I prefer to carry around 20 sheets when I'm backpacking and I tend to carry a mix of slide and color negative films, so its helpful to have lots of extra holders to swap out as needed.

4) How do you keep the packets from pulling apart when not in use? I've had a quickload or two snag on a pack strap and get pulled open. These seem like they could be pulled apart even easier.

23-Mar-2009, 15:24
I've just realized after doing some additional research here that there are several versions of this holder system, so I'll need to check which one I have when I get home.

Drew Wiley
23-Mar-2009, 15:47
I tried both versions of the Mido system. The one you describe I never could get to
work reliably without light leaks. I might still have some of those holders stored away
somewhere. The second version of Mido holder was loaded like a regular sheet film
holder but was thinner, with the difference in thickness made up by a clamshell-type
adapter. It worked but was a little heavier overall than the original version. I never put
these to much use becuause that was about when the various disposable sleeve systems were first coming out, so cannot comment on their durability. I checked the second category of holder yesterday. I have a dozen of them (for 24 sheets) and they all seem in fine shape. Might try them out again this summer, but only if I need
to use a film unavailable in Quickload.

23-Mar-2009, 20:56
They were, and are , garbage.

Doremus Scudder
24-Mar-2009, 05:52

I beg to differ. I have about 20 Mido 1 holders and a couple of clamshells and use them fairly regularly. They are my holders of choice when backpacking and going on long day hikes when I might be shooting lots.

That said, they are a royal pain to load. Impossible to load them in a changing bag. One needs a very clean, flat surface and lots of patience. Once reassembled, I have had no problems with them pulling apart, but I keep the stack of packets in a zip-loc type storage bag; they only come out for use.

As for light leaks: I did have some problems with the packets leaking light through the edges. I have covered all the corners with aluminum tape, which solved the problem.

Part of the learning curve with the original Mido holders is learning exactly how much to bend them when pulling the slide so that the little tab on the packet catches and stops you from pulling the entire outside envelope off. On a couple of holders, I have thickened up the tabs by adding tape.

I use them without light leaks. They are light and allow lots of the films I use to be carried in a small package. The downside (same as readyloads) is that they flop around in any wind at all, which can leak light and/or move the camera during exposure. I usually carry a couple of regular holders for situations when the Midos are not practical.

Hopes this helps the OP.


Doremus Scudder

Michael Jones
24-Mar-2009, 06:16
They were, and are , garbage.

I can't speak to the Type 1 holders (which look like readyloads), but I used the Type 2 holders for 10 years without problems in 6x10 & 8x10 sizes. There is a slight learning curve as mentined elsewhere on loading and unloading. I had no more failures with the Mido holders than with any readyload or Polaroid film. You use them for odd formats and travel. I could carry 8 holders, a Phillips 8x10 explorer and 190mm WF Ektar in my briefcase when I traveled.

If you have the Type 2 holder, I ran across the instructions and probably could find them and email them to you.

Good luck.


24-Mar-2009, 08:06
Thanks for the feedback and tips. After reading both this and some of the archived posts again, I realize that I have a type 1 holder. Without finding additional packets I'm not sure how much use I'll get out of it, but as I said, the price was right.

Most of my preferred films are Kodak and since they're no longer making readyloads, I thought this might provide an alternative when my stash of readyloads runs out, but it would be nice to get some additional packets.

Terence McDonagh
24-Mar-2009, 11:59
I have an unused package of five 4x5 Mido holders I'd be willing to sell. I believe they're Type I, but I'll check.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if I remember correctly the Type I just said "Mido" and the Type II said "Mido II".