View Full Version : Finely Focused by Bruce Barlow

20-Mar-2009, 09:09
I ordered Bruce Barlow's book "Finely Focused" on CD last Saturday. I found it in my mail box at work today.

I will have fun exploring Bruce's book this weekend. Happy birthday to me!

Thanks Bruce!


Mike Castles
20-Mar-2009, 10:46
Think you will enjoy it Wayne...Bruce is great, and the CD is interesting and a lot of fun read.

Rick Floyd
20-Mar-2009, 13:58
Tell Bruce I finally made it through take down and put back up fifty times in one setting with a large bag of Hershey's Kisses. I started after lunch on a Saturday and finished well past dinner sicker than a dog. I ate the whole bag. Hope he's happy.


20-Mar-2009, 14:20
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...sounds interesting. I have a bag of bite size 3 Musketeers.

Rick Floyd
20-Mar-2009, 14:41
Everyone has their photography heros and Bruce is on my short list. His book is a reflection of a great teacher. My tummy ache went away but I now know my way around my camera better than I ever did. I highly recommend "Finely Focused" to everyone.

Note to Wayne: Think M&M's.


20-Mar-2009, 14:42

Note to Wayne: Think M&M's.


Mrs. Wayne has a bag of those. I could loose body parts going after them. :eek: :D :cool:

Rick Floyd
20-Mar-2009, 14:51
Peanut, in a yellow bag, right? I totally understand. My wife hides them from the kids. I've learned to get by on plain.


John Bowen
20-Mar-2009, 18:19
"Finely Focused" is the best $25 I've EVER spent on photography. Bruce is a wonderful teacher. I've read/proofed/re-read the draft/first edition/final product a few times. I've re-read it again this winter and continue to pick up new points that help my photography....and I've been photographing for 30 years!

21-Mar-2009, 05:33
Completely agreed. That is the best CD/book/... ever one bought. You even got some surprise gift like zone VIII / zone I item. Very good!

21-Mar-2009, 06:28
I strongly agree -- I was on vacation last summer down south with my LF gear when we hit a straight week of rain :mad: .

Ordered Bruce's CD, got it mailed to the campground and spent a good part of the week working through it.

Salvaged the LF part of my vacation!


Bruce Barlow
21-Mar-2009, 10:38
Tell Bruce I finally made it through take down and put back up fifty times in one setting with a large bag of Hershey's Kisses. I started after lunch on a Saturday and finished well past dinner sicker than a dog. I ate the whole bag. Hope he's happy.


I prefer my brunette of nearly twenty years. The kisses are great, and then maybe you don't get through all fifty times... Congratulations on actually mustering the gumption to do it! Not many share your fortitude and dedication.

Wow. Kind words. You all made my day, having just come from the high school where I'm on the school board. We were doing emergency management communication around a tuberculosis case reported in the school. Not how I planned to spend the morning, but I think it will all be OK. To come back and find this thread helps the chill-out process immensely.

Thank you, folks. OK, pick an exercise from chapter V and enjoy the day.

Bruce Barlow
21-Mar-2009, 10:42
By the way, when I mailed out copies of the first revision last May or so, somebody left a message on Richard Ritter's machine to tell ME that their copy arrived broken. Richard thinks it was someone in the Philadelphia area. I never got the details (Richard can be as quick on the "delete" button as I am). In any case, I'm the guy to contact, rather than Richard.

If that person would please contact ME, I'll happily send a replacement. Sorry to be so tardy posting this.

John Bowen
5-Dec-2009, 08:52
For those of you looking for a Christmas gift Bruce's book should be on your short list.

John Bowen
18-Dec-2010, 11:55
Shameless plug......

The book makes a wonderful stocking stuffer for those last minute shoppers....

18-Dec-2010, 12:19
I think it is a great book. I wish it were in Kindle format. I keep the pdf on my kindle and read through it when traveling. Lots of tips born from experience.