View Full Version : red knobs on either side of Durst L1200?

Blair Ware
19-Mar-2009, 19:01
After many years of lusting, I just got a Durst L1200 and was wondering what the pair of red knobs are for (they are located on either side of the body, close to the column).

The enlarger seems pretty straightforward, but is there anything I should know about maintenance (its has a VLS 501 head)?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Blair

20-Mar-2009, 03:04
Should be tilt lock/unlock - mine are black, but IIRC they were warning red for the majority of the series (depending on the installed light source, the head can be very top heavy).


Blair Ware
20-Mar-2009, 06:13
Sevo, thanks... I will treat these with caution. :)

Blair Ware
20-Mar-2009, 08:37
Does anyone have a PDF of a repair manual for either the VLS 501 head or Durst L1200 enlarger? I may never need the manuals as they seem pretty straightforward, but I am curious about the beast. Thanks in advance.

BTW, nobody ever mentioned how tall these are at full extension... almost 6 feet!

Renato Tonelli
20-Mar-2009, 08:50
E-mail Durst in Italy - they will send you a manual; they are very responsive and helpful. I hope you will enjoy working with this enlarger as much as I enjoy working with mine.

20-Mar-2009, 09:13
Not exactly what you want but may be some help: http://manuelsphoto.free.fr/durst_laborator1200autocolor_vf.pdf

Brochure if you don't have this already: http://www.darkroompro.com/pdf/enlargers/durst_l1200_brochure.pdf

Durst site: http://www2.durst.it/shop/ga.asp?prodcatid=6&pg=1&abc=l

Blair Ware
20-Mar-2009, 17:26
Renato and ic-racer... thanks. I will follow up on your links and drop Durst a note. At first glance it appears Durst sells manuals.