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17-Mar-2009, 13:35
The F295 Symposium is Coming!

The 2009 F295 Symposium on 21st Century Photography is approaching and we have a lot of great things planned this year. It will be held in Pittsburgh PA USA from May 28 - 31, 2009. The opening reception, lectures and round-table discussion are held in association with the Center for Arts in Society at Carnegie Mellon University and the workshops are held in association with Pittsburgh Filmmakers.

We've had the symposium as an annual event for three years now. We're currently planning the next symposium for 2011. We'll be taking 2010 off from planning a big multi-day event in order to work on a book based on the great events of the past three years!

I thought I’d post a complete list of this years exciting programming. Complete information & registration information may be found on the website: http://www.f295.org/symposium2009/

Wednesday (pre-symposium events!) May 27, 2009
Workshop: Tintypes: Dryplate and Modern! With Jill Enfield SOLD OUT

6:00pm FREE public lecture:
Photographer Ben Long entitled Technology, Perception, and Photography (http://www.f295.org/symposium2009/?page_id=152)

Thursday, May 28, 2009
4-9pm: Symposium Opening Reception
The opening reception features the signature work sharing/open portfolio session, and an artists’ talk, and time to see all of the great work of our attendees! Our friends from Freestyle Photographic will be there with show specials and lots of products of interest to our niche community!

Artist’ talk by Carol Panaro-Smith and James Hajicek (http://www.f295.org/symposium2009/?page_id=3#cps) entitled: The Search for the End of Searching.
"....Over the last 8 years, James and Carol have been working collaboratively using the process known as photogenic drawing – one of photography’s earliest and most beautiful. It is also one of the most simple and direct processes that defines the very core of photography without recourse to the normally thought of requisite equipment and materials. Carol & James will share ideas about collaboration, their creative process and love affair with photogenic drawing."

Friday May 29, 2009
9am - 6pm: Lectures and round-table discussion (http://www.f295.org/symposium2009/?page_id=168)
Features lectures and time for questions with the following artists:
Michelle Bates: Through a Plastic Lens
Dan Estabrook: A Fabricated History
Robb Kendrick: The Tintype and Beyond
Jarosaw Klups: To Freeze a Reflection
Martha Madigan: Solar Printing for a Lifetime
Elizabeth Opalenik: Possibilities in Mordançage
Mark Osterman: Artifacts

Saturday, May 30, 2009
6:00pm F295 Exhibition Opening: TBA

9am-5pm Workshops all day. A number of the workshops are nearing capacity. If interested sign up ASAP. Please note that to take a workshop one must be registered for the symposium.

The Fugitive Shadow w/ France Scully and Mark Osterman
Lens-Building and Optical Effects (2 days) w/ Alan Greene
Working in the Cultural Landscape w/ Craig Barber
Printing with Gum Bichromate (2 days) w/ Scott McMahon
SOLD OUT! Three Day Daguerreotype Workshop (3 days, Sat, Sun, & Mon) w/ Jerry Spagnoli
Toying with Plastic Cameras w/ Michelle Bates

Sunday May 31, 2009
Workshops: 9am – 5pm

Non-Destructive Image Editing with Photoshop w/ Ben Long
Lens-Building and Optical Effects (2 days) w/ Alan Greene
Photography Walk-About w/ Tom Persinger and Jo Babcock
Printing with Gum Bichromate (2 days) w/ Scott McMahon
SOLD OUT! Three Day Daguerreotype Workshop (3 days, Sat, Sun, & Mon) w/ Jerry Spagnoli

6pm Closing gathering.

Complete information may be found on the website:

See you in Pittsburgh!
