View Full Version : Contemporary Daguerreotype Lecture & Demonstration

2-Mar-2009, 12:57
This March, Project Basho (http://www.projectbasho.org/index2.html) will be hosting a series of events dedicated to daguerreotypes, a mirror-like image and one of the first photographic processes made on silver plated copper.

March 13th, 7 pm - Lecture on Contemporary Daguerreotypes (http://www.projectbasho.org/lectures/#Lecture_Series)

March 15th, 11 am - Daguerreotype Demonstration (http://www.projectbasho.org/lectures/#Lecture_Series)

Both events are lead by Takashi Arai (http://www.takashiarai.com), an emerging Japanese photographer who primarily works daguerreotypes. For more information on Takashi Arai, please read his interview in Project Basho's Featured Photographer (http://featured-photographers.projectbasho.org/) this month or visit his website (http://www.takashiarai.com/).

Admission is $10 for the general public, and $5 for students and Project Basho Members (http://www.projectbasho.org/membership/). (Admission to first event will comp admission to the following event)

Other Upcoming Events:

March 24, 26, 31 & April 1
Seminar on Contemporary Japanese Photography (http://www.projectbasho.org/workshops/2009spring/japanese_photo_seminar.html) by Mika Yobayashi

Project Basho
1305 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19122 (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=1305+Germantown+Ave,+Philadelphia,+PA+19122&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=16&ll=39.971036,-75.140777&spn=0.008041,0.021629&iwloc=A)