View Full Version : New England Large Format Weekend

Steve Sherman
26-Feb-2009, 19:41
The New England Large Format Photography Collective hosts it’s annual Large Format Weekend which always coincides with AIPIAD in New York
City http://www.aipad.com/photoshow/new-york/

Friday March 27th

Our Annual pilgrimage to AIPAD in New York City begins early Friday morning and ends back in Central Connecticut for dinner and print sharing.

Saturday March 28th

Reservations required
Saturday all day... Bob Carnie from Elevator Workshops
http://www.elevatordigital.ca/ Toronto Canada will demonstrate his Split Contrast printing techniques in the morning and his Lithe Printing techniques in the afternoon
Evening dinner and print sharing to follow

Sunday March 29th

Beginning at 12 noon to 5 PM NELFPC will host a members show of 70 + Large Format Photographs at the Valley Photo Center in Springfield Massachusetts
Refreshments served

1 PM Ken Hanson, NELFPC’s very own Ken Hanson will present a talk on his two year odyssey of researching and publishing his first Monograph Titled “Himalayan Portfolios” is 190 pages with more than 100 exquisitely reproduced black and white images from nearly a dozen trips to Tibet, Pakistan and Nepal http://home.cshore.com/kenhanson/

3 PM Paul Turnbull, Director of Exhibitions and Curator of the Hallmark Museum of Contemporary Photography will present a 1 hour talk on presenting your work for exhibition to Museum standards.

Each talk is 60 minutes in length with a 15 minute Q & A to follow.

Email or PM for space availability and directions

A special thanks to Ilford / Harmon and Hunt’s Photo who have supported this weekend in part

27-Feb-2009, 06:46
awesome! i am there!

i am trying to register for bob's talk but can not find it. can you direct me?

