View Full Version : what to keep, not to keep

Ben Calwell
14-Feb-2009, 07:04
Not sure if this is the right heading to post under, but I'm considering trading my Wista Field in on a super wide zoom for my DSLR. This would leave me with a Sinar F-1 for large format work as well as a not too pretty 5x7 Linhof.
I hope I won't regret this. I'm thinking the Sinar is the best 4x5 to keep because it's still small enough to carry into the field, plus it has a bag bellows and feels more precise in its movements.
Still, I have the nagging feeling that I would miss the beautiful, rosewood, lightweight Wista, which I've owned for 20 years.
Would anyone care to weigh in on this highly insignificant situation?

14-Feb-2009, 07:24
I would keep the Wista and save for your next DSLR lens.
Selling the Wista: you will regret it ! It has been a part of your life longer than any D will.......

I once had a Wista and sold it, still regret it despite a Sinar P2 8x10.

14-Feb-2009, 08:22
Hey Ben,

Here's a thought from a different angle: If you know you need superwide, why zoom? The wide end is where zooms perform the worst - even the best of them are still nothing more than good compromises. Good but compromise nevertheless and sooner or later you will regret trading your Wista for it.

I would agree with Peter - keep your Wista and save up for a superwide prime. You can always rent it and let it buy itself.


Paul O
14-Feb-2009, 09:36
Sell the DSLR ;)

Andrew O'Neill
14-Feb-2009, 10:04
Keep the Wista!! You will regret it. I sold my new Linhof tech 2000 and regret it.
A friend of mine is considering selling his 8x10 Sinar...I won't let that happen over my dead body :D

14-Feb-2009, 11:56
Here's a thought from a different angle: If you know you need superwide, why zoom? The wide end is where zooms perform the worst - even the best of them are still nothing more than good compromises.

Most (if not all) of the super wide angle lenses (at least on sub-35mm sensors like APS-C and DX) happen to be zooms. Tokina 11-16, 12-24, sigma 10-20, canon 10-22, nikon 12-24, etc.

There are a couple of 14mm primes I think, but they don't really perform a whole lot better than the zooms.

The tokina 11-16mm is reputed to be one of the best in the bunch.

14-Feb-2009, 12:57
Most (if not all) of the super wide angle lenses (at least on sub-35mm sensors like APS-C and DX) happen to be zooms. Tokina 11-16, 12-24, sigma 10-20, canon 10-22, nikon 12-24, etc.

There are a couple of 14mm primes I think, but they don't really perform a whole lot better than the zooms.

The tokina 11-16mm is reputed to be one of the best in the bunch.

There is also that Sigma 10mm lens, but the availability seems spotty.

But yes, you have a good point. It's been a while since I checked that market segment...

I still think Ben should keep his Wista, though. At least I would if I were him... :)

Ivan J. Eberle
14-Feb-2009, 16:01
I daresay the Nikkor wides may hold their value into the future better than view camera gear. My Nikkor 17-35mm outperforms most primes in its range, and it focuses to something like 6". There are certain near-far shots that only work in 35mm due to the natural DOF advantage the smaller formats enjoy. The newer Nikkor 14-24mm supposedly smokes any prime ever made within its range, handily trumps the Nikkor 14mm. The only advantage of primes might shooting directly into the sun, as non-zooms have fewer elements and internal reflections.

Brian Ellis
14-Feb-2009, 17:15
I've never been a Wista fan, I've always thought they were overpriced compared to very similar cameras such as the Tachihara and Shen Hao that sell for half as much. So I'd have no trouble selling the Wista and buying the lens you want. If you later regret the decision you likely can sell the lens for not much less than you paid for it, especially if you buy the lens used. Then you can use the money to buy a Chamonix and have a better camera than the Wista IMHO plus some money left over. If you think your Wista is a light weight beauty, wait until you hold a Chamonix.

Darren H
15-Feb-2009, 18:21
Sell the Wista. Get your DSLR lens.

Like you say, the Sinar can be used in the field and is very precise.

In the future if you think you want a wooden camera get a Chaminoix or Shen Hao.

Best of luck!!

neil poulsen
15-Feb-2009, 22:42
Maybe for a Nikon zoom lens. Not for a Canon lens, though.

Mark Sawyer
16-Feb-2009, 00:13
Selling the Wista will only result is Wistful thinking...

Steve M Hostetter
16-Feb-2009, 07:51
If I do wide shots I always choose the LF camera which will do a better job then any wide zoom lens for any brand name camera,, be it aps,dx, full frame 35mm..

But since we have limited info on what dslr your talking about I would assume you've already made up your mind and don't wanna be talked out of it..

I'm waiting on a reasonable full frame Nikon so I can use the 20-35mm 2.8 which in my humble opinion is still the best wide zoom,,,,

as far as trades go ,,, well, I wouldn't! Not at a camera store anyway

16-Feb-2009, 08:48
I thought the Nikon 14-24/2.8 was the hot ticket in wide zooms? On a D700 body.

The Zeiss, Leitz and Zuiko 19-21 wide angle primes are reportedly deadly good on Canon bodies.

I don't own or use any of those rarefied lenses so what do I know?

I do know that for the cost of just one of those lenses a person could own more than one really nice 4x5 wide angle lens.

Steve M Hostetter
16-Feb-2009, 11:39
I suppose the 14-24/2.8 is a very great lens. If the price is any indication.! I bet though, at 20-24 range the older might be sharper.. Was considered one of Nikkors best and sharpest lenses ... I could be wrong I'm thinking the newer version is quite a hunk of glass to carry

16-Feb-2009, 11:54
No doubt you are right on all counts.