View Full Version : Zone VI sticker for Pentax digital spotmeter

13-Feb-2009, 01:46
Is any store selling it? I know I can make my own, I am just lazy.:p

Bruce Barlow
13-Feb-2009, 06:35

Cut it out and put a loop of transparent tape over it. I just replaced mine after twenty years of pretty hard use.

Brian Ellis
13-Feb-2009, 07:31
They used to be sold by Calumet. I don't know if they still are. Cost was about $5.

13-Feb-2009, 08:51
They used to be sold by Calumet. I don't know if they still are. Cost was about $5.
I did a search yesterday on Calumet, there is only one for sekonic for $3.

13-Feb-2009, 08:53

Cut it out and put a loop of transparent tape over it. I just replaced mine after twenty years of pretty hard use.
Thanks, is it the exact size?

Keith Pitman
13-Feb-2009, 09:13
Go here: http://www.darkroomagic.com/

and look in the library.

By the way, each zone is one EV apart -- that's the size!!!

Claude Sapp
13-Feb-2009, 09:14
I would call Calumet.

I did not see it online last year, but called and they indeed had the Pentax stickers for sale. They also just dropped it in an envelope and charged me for a first class letter so I did not spend more on shipping than a little sticker.

13-Feb-2009, 10:11
Funny...the first thing I did when I got my "Zoned" Pentax DS was to remove the sticker. Unfortunately, it came off in pieces or else I would send it to you.


13-Feb-2009, 10:11
Go here: http://www.darkroomagic.com/

and look in the library.

By the way, each zone is one EV apart -- that's the size!!!

wow, a lot of nice stuff there, Thanks!

Lenny Eiger
14-Feb-2009, 11:47
Funny...the first thing I did when I got my "Zoned" Pentax DS was to remove the sticker. Unfortunately, it came off in pieces or else I would send it to you.


I have an unzoned pentax digital spotmeter. I am now helping someone who has a zoned one and ought to know the difference. I have never paid much attention to what they did. In the shortest possible way, can someone suggest what they do - and why?



14-Feb-2009, 12:08
I have an unzoned pentax digital spotmeter. I am now helping someone who has a zoned one and ought to know the difference. I have never paid much attention to what they did. In the shortest possible way, can someone suggest what they do - and why?


Here (http://www.butzi.net/articles/zone%20VI%20worth%20it.htm)

Lenny Eiger
14-Feb-2009, 12:52

Best, shortest response I've seen in a while - Thanks!


25-Aug-2014, 22:23
[QUOTE=Vaughn;439847]Funny...the first thing I did when I got my "Zoned" Pentax DS was to remove the sticker. Unfortunately, it came off in pieces or else I would send it to you.


Vaughn, what is your approach to exposure & metering? I have a 'Zone VI modified Soligor spot meter that I bought from Fred (Fred Picker) way back in the way back. I also have an unmodified Soligor bought a few years ago and unused. My son didn't take to photography unfortunately. No time. Now that I'm reading this I will get both out and check them loosely to see if they agree. Not scientific but interesting.

Like Alan Ross I too have a "Pocket Spot" from Metered Light. It has the Zone System etched right into the dial. My very old Luna Pro has the zones on the dial.

As to the Zone System people seem to fall into three categories. Those who use it absolutely, those who don't use it at all, and those who say they "use a kind-a modified zone system!"

I like the Pocket Spot due to its size and function. I get enough of visual displays on my iPhone. Speaking of which I have an app called "Pocket Light Meter." It is so close to "real" meters that I wonder about the whole subject!

Kirk Gittings
26-Aug-2014, 08:04
I like the Pocket Spot due to its size and function. I get enough of visual displays on my iPhone. Speaking of which I have an app called "Pocket Light Meter." It is so close to "real" meters that I wonder about the whole subject!

I have tried the Iphone light meters against my Pentax spot and find them wrong enough that I can't trust them for serious work. I was hoping for a dependable handy backup. I have an Iphone 4. The slightest flare throws them off.

26-Aug-2014, 12:01
That is why I am taking my spot meter with me to England next month, the phone is fun and interesting but it wasn't designed as a light meter per se. I figure if I have time to pull out an iPhone then I have time to pull out a light meter.

26-Aug-2014, 12:22
...Vaughn, what is your approach to exposure & metering?

I just use the numbers read off the meter. If I read a 4 to 8 light range on the meter, then generally I expose at 6 (two stops less exposure than a shadow reading where I want detail) -- then develop more to get the '8' (falls in Zone VII with normal development) to stretch out to Zone X or so for carbon printing -- perhaps 100% additional development). I just do not need to see the zones on the dial...they just get in the way.

26-Aug-2014, 17:27
I just use the numbers read off the meter. If I read a 4 to 8 light range on the meter, then generally I expose at 6 (two stops less exposure than a shadow reading where I want detail) -- then develop more to get the '8' (falls in Zone VII with normal development) to stretch out to Zone X or so for carbon printing -- perhaps 100% additional development). I just do not need to see the zones on the dial...they just get in the way.

Actually on my 1 deg spot meter the Zone sticker fell off many years in the woods somewhere at a Newport Or. campground. Interestingly though I was able to go about my photographing without it! I just asked myself what would Ansel or Edward do! The answer was to "think"!