View Full Version : Gold Fibre Silk trouble - Help!

Robert Glieden
1-Feb-2009, 13:34
I've finally settled on this paper as like its aesthetics and price tag to match. However, I'm having much difficulty printing with it. Something is not right with the last pass of the print head. On every print on the far right side of the page it is noticeably soft and blurry. I've tried numerous settings with the platen gap and even not centering the image on the page. Neither has worked. I have aligned the head but will try this again.

The paper is not going in curled but could quite possibly be curling as the ink is applied to it. I am printing on an Epson 3800 in ABW mode. I've downloaded the profiles and read the recommended settings but choose "printer manages colors" as those results look best to me. Paper: Epson Semi-gloss; High-Speed off and 1440 dpi. I'm sick of wasting paper so please let me know if you've had similar trouble or settings you've found to work for you.

Thank you so much,


P.S - Anyone want to give-away an enlarger? One sounds really appealing about now...

D. Bryant
1-Feb-2009, 13:57
I've finally settled on this paper as like its aesthetics and price tag to match. However, I'm having much difficulty printing with it. Something is not right with the last pass of the print head. On every print on the far right side of the page it is noticeably soft and blurry. I've tried numerous settings with the platen gap and even not centering the image on the page. Neither has worked. I have aligned the head but will try this again.

The paper is not going in curled but could quite possibly be curling as the ink is applied to it. I am printing on an Epson 3800 in ABW mode. I've downloaded the profiles and read the recommended settings but choose "printer manages colors" as those results look best to me. Paper: Epson Semi-gloss; High-Speed off and 1440 dpi. I'm sick of wasting paper so please let me know if you've had similar trouble or settings you've found to work for you.

Thank you so much,


P.S - Anyone want to give-away an enlarger? One sounds really appealing about now...

I'm using Ilford Gold Fiber Silk and the 3800 and I've never had this problem. If you print a smaller image on the same paper size do you still have this problem. And what size sheet are you printing?

Don Bryant

Peter De Smidt
1-Feb-2009, 14:02
I have a similar problem with GFS on my R2400. When the paper is almost through the printer, the edge nearest the paper feed side will eventuality no longer be supported by the rollers on the paper feed side of the print head. As such, I've had problem because as the paper bends down as it leaves the printer, the edge under the printing head tends to pop up a bit, leading to head strikes. One thing you can try that has helped for me, is to place something light, like an empty box, on the output tray, such that when the paper leaves the printer it is supported without having to bend down at all.

Robert Glieden
1-Feb-2009, 14:06

I bought a 10 pack of 8.5 x 11 sheets just to try it out. I'm down to 3 sheets left... I'm almost positive a smaller image printed on the page will not have this problem as it's always the last pass of the head. The rest of the images is fantastic. I've printed all 8 x 10's thus far.


This is a great idea and as I've watched and listened to prints come out this may very well be the problem. I'll run one through now to try it out.

Thanks guys,


Robert Glieden
1-Feb-2009, 14:35

That should have worked but unfortunately did not. I thought for sure that would have solved it but I still get a gross edge. I'm down to one sheet left but can always get more locally tomorrow. I do have a show coming up and can't afford (time or money) to burn through another box though. The thing is I really want to use this paper. I never had this trouble with Harman Gloss FB. I'll try a head alignment and some Harman before I use up my last sheet.

Thanks again,


Robert Glieden
1-Feb-2009, 15:27
Head alignment complete and ran a sheet of Harman through and the edge is crisp, defined, sharp. I only changed one setting: Premium Glossy Photo paper for the Harman to Premium Semigloss for the Ilford and the edge is back to terrible. I can't figure it out. The Harman is even 10 gsm thinner. It makes no sense to me...

Any more suggestions are much appreciated,


2-Feb-2009, 19:18
I wish I could help. I've had this happen to just ONE of my GFS prints. You might try to turn off high speed (bidirectional printing) since the paper does seem to swell in the printer. The greater time between passes may help.

Robert Glieden
2-Feb-2009, 19:27
Thanks for the reply. That's a good idea as well. I have spoke with Ilford and they were fairly sure it was because I have low relative humidity in my home - which I do. Dry skin and static electricity are common. We need a humidifier in this cold, dry Minnesota air.

I went and tried some Harman Matt FB today instead (totally different paper type I know) and really liked the paper. I haven't heard any good reviews of it, Glossy FB AL gets all the glory, but I like the matt for my work and see myself sticking with it.

Thanks again,


Peter De Smidt
2-Feb-2009, 19:59
Hi Robert,

How is the Harman matte compared to other matte papers?

Robert Glieden
2-Feb-2009, 20:24
I have only tried Hahnemuhle Photo Rag (didn't like the texture or softness of detail in texture like grasses) Epson's Ultrasmooth (only comes in big sheets and is expensive) and now the Harman. I've only tried those few (matt papers) but have looked at quite a few different papers at West Photo in Minneapolis. In no way am I an expert but I know what I like... I like the Harman Matt FB because it holds fine details really well, it's smooth - no texture or dimples whatsoever and its got a fibre base which should make it long lasting. It's also a bright white paper and I like the feel of it - it's not like a cotton rag or too plastic feeling either - sort of a nice in-between.

On the downside it does scratch easy (I've heard most matt papers do anyway) and the blacks will more than likely need some darkening. I used a few different settings in ABW mode to darken them up without touching my original file. Quick and easy.

I will be displaying these prints in an upcoming group show and can't wait to get them under glass as I think they'll really come alive then. If you look at some of the big box stores the price has really dropped on Matt FB. I paid too much for it.

Like I said I'm fairly new to large format and have only been printing for a little over a year so take it for what its worth... I've printed on some of the new papers but glossy is just not for me.


Peter De Smidt
2-Feb-2009, 21:13
Thanks Robert!

3-Feb-2009, 14:40
Unless I've missed it you don't say which feed method you're using. On my 3800, I use the manual front feed and "catch" the print as it comes out, holding the end up lightly with my fingers. This has solved most of my problems, but I do get the occasional head strike.


Robert Glieden
3-Feb-2009, 15:05

Thank you for that idea. I've always and only used the manual rear sheet feed. If I get some more of this paper in the future I will certainly try the front.



Jeffrey Sipress
3-Feb-2009, 17:27
How could a paper itself be responsible for one small area of a print being blurry? Makes no sense. Must be a printer issue. My gold silk paper works just fine, and I use rolls of it.

Robert Glieden
3-Feb-2009, 17:59
Rolls would solve the problem - it can't curl at the end like a sheet. No worries all; if I was really concerned I'd go and buy a humidifier (I probably should for my own sake anyway) and I trust Ilford's CS rep that that would solve the problem. For now I'm plenty content with the Harman Matt. All things happen for a reason and this allowed me to try that paper.

Thanks again,


Paul Kierstead
3-Feb-2009, 21:02
How could a paper itself be responsible for one small area of a print being blurry? Makes no sense. Must be a printer issue. My gold silk paper works just fine, and I use rolls of it.

If it is the last bit of paper that exits the printer, the paper could be responsible. If the paper has some curl especially. On the 3800, it seems the last inch or so isn't held the best and can be troublesome. Good support of the paper (sometimes as simple as making sure the outfeed tray is correct, othertimes more elaborate) or using less of the printable area seems to be the general solution. I could be mis-reading the situation.