View Full Version : Manfrotto MA 117 suitable for 8x10 Sinar P?

27-Dec-2008, 15:07
Hi there,

I was looking for a tripod for my (hopefully soon arriving) Sinar P 8x10" and stumbled across the Manfrotto 117B.
I know it's acutally a video tripod but as it has a load capacity of 39.68 lbs/18kg I assume it would be strong enough for the Sinar, and it's quite reasonably priced, about 150$ less than the 058 and quite a bit sturdier...

Does anyone have experience with this tripod?

28-Dec-2008, 13:10
You might do better with the Manfrotto video tripod that does not have a central column but has a cup and ball leveling base. I use one of them indoors for 8x10 (The leg braces and add-on rubber feet make for stability) and a similar carbon Viglen video tripod for all formats outdoors. Both tripods are light because there is no central column and no head - other than a pan plate (You may rarely need to point the camera uphill or downdale).

29-Dec-2008, 10:07
I was thinking about a ball base tripod but it just wouldn't be as flexible, I need to use it mainly in a studio for portraits and still life....so pointing it up and down is very important.

Anyway, I guess I'll give it a try, seems to me that nobody knows this tripod (at least not with LF)

29-Dec-2008, 10:25
... I need to use it mainly in a studio for portraits and still life....Beware vibrations with an 8x10 on the end of a vertical column. Whatever, good luck!

31-Dec-2008, 04:57
See if you can pick up a Slik Professional 4, it's pretty much the same as a Gitzo series 4 but without the interchangeable collumns. Mine holds my 8x10 P2 steady as a rock and it is cheaper than an 058 (I got mine for 140GBP).

31-Dec-2008, 11:00
I just took a look at the specs of the Silk Pro 4, it's about as heavy as the Manfrotto 117 but it'll only carry as much as the 058 (26lbs/12kg) compared to the 39,7lbs/18kg of the 117 and I don't think it's cheaper than that.

1-Jan-2009, 06:08
Don't forget the ratings are for maximum extension, and the slik4 4 is 8 feet tall" it's absolutely rock solid without the final leg extensions out and my P2 + hood, holder, 300/5.6 sat atop.

1-Jan-2009, 14:37
You are right about that, but as I can't find it anywhere, neither at ebay not at any store in europe....well I guess I've made my choice, the 117 seems good enough :)

erie patsellis
6-Jan-2009, 22:05
If it's for studio use, find a nice studio stand, they aren't expensive on ebay and go a long way towards making your studio life easier. I have a Cambo UST I got cheap, and my only regret is not getting one sooner.

8-Jan-2009, 11:09
A studio stand would be the better choice but as I do not have my own studio yet, and I want to do some outdoor/location shots, I'll have to stick with tripods.

4-Feb-2009, 13:26
Well, today the tripod arrived, it's really big and very very solid, no problem with the Sinar even at ridiculous and extreme positions.

It's really a nice 'budget' tripod, carries a lot but won't empy your bank account, sure the weight is a considerable drawback if you are mainly into landscape photography "off the beaten track" but otherwise a really great deal.

Now I only need a decent lens (I guess an apo-ronar 480mm f9 will do fine) and some film holders... ;)