View Full Version : Who do you use to scan your sheet film in the UK?

27-Dec-2008, 09:45
title says it all really.
Just want to know for when i get my batch of film back soon.

Cheers, edd

Joanna Carter
27-Dec-2008, 10:08
title says it all really.
Just want to know for when i get my batch of film back soon.
Two things :

1. Why don't you try joining the UKLFPG?

2. I scan my own on an Epson V700, with a Better Scanning film holder, and get results that seem every bit as good as those I had done on an Imacon. A lot cheaper, in the long run, than spendng on scans at a lab.

What part of the country are you in? I would be willing to do a sample scan for you so you could see what to expect from a well set-up flatbed.

Paul O
28-Dec-2008, 05:28
Hi Edd

I'll second both of Jo's suggestions!

1. Join the UKLFPG and make contact with like-mined souls on this side of the pond!
2. I was a die-hard traditional b&w user until Jo scanned a few of my negs and printed a sample on her Epson R2400 - and I'm sold! The V700 (combined with the Better Scanning holders) are excellent and I was totally amazed at the quality which Jo made avaialble and which I am getting with my V700 set up (I'm still very much a digital newbie btw!)

Steve M Hostetter
29-Dec-2008, 06:43
Is there such thing as a scanner that will scan 11x14" negs ? If not how do ppl post their 11x14 work,,,? use a digital camera and copy..?

Steve M Hostetter
29-Dec-2008, 07:51
I guess you could make a print and cut it in half then scan individual and stitch together in ps..

29-Dec-2008, 11:20
Both Epson and Microtek make tabloid size scanners that will scan a 11X14" negative in one pass. And unless you plan to print larger than 11X14" even the older models with relatively low resolution, 1640Xl, 9800Xl, and so fort will do a goo job.

However, for posting your work to the web a digital camera should work fine.

Sandy King

Is there such thing as a scanner that will scan 11x14" negs ? If not how do ppl post their 11x14 work,,,? use a digital camera and copy..?

Lenny Eiger
29-Dec-2008, 17:55
title says it all really.
Just want to know for when i get my batch of film back soon.

Cheers, edd

I have had a number of interactions with Richard Kenward of Precision Drum Scanning. I met him on the Scan High End list. He is very knowledgeable, many, many years of experience and a good guy. I'd give him a call....

+44(0)1873 890767

Feel free to tell him I sent you...
