View Full Version : Terminus

Donald Miller
6-Dec-2008, 10:31
I have produced and posted a short slide show entitled Terminus. This presentation is of a few of my photographs made at Il Monumentale in Milano, Italy. I will be returning in a week to spend three months to further amplify on this presentation.


Windows platform users will have a better view at the following link:


(right click for full screen viewing)

Any comments that you wish you make will be appreciated.

Donald Miller

6-Dec-2008, 11:02
Excellent sequencing, beautiful compositions. A noble effort. However, I was irritated by the heavy-handed vignetting.

Daniel Grenier
6-Dec-2008, 11:04
WOW! Fantastic. I love this body of work, Donald. You are a truly talented photographer. Such feel, presence, and reverence in these images. All strongly composed, framed and presented. Just amazing, Donald.

PS..... I am not sure this project needs further involvement. It is very powerful as-is but by all means show us the results after you return.

Nathan Potter
6-Dec-2008, 15:02
Donald, nice images; great idea. Every viewer will come away with something different from the images and their sequence. For me I'm looking for a connection between the images - a theme that ties them together. For instance what if you take birth and death and all the events that shape life in between and try to look at the evolution of life as mirrored by the series of photos that you are dealing with. I think in sequences like this we are, in a way, mirroring motion picture sequences and there needs to be some tight coupling between all of the images. Just my humble opinion. Absolutely keep us updated. I personally love collections of images which tell more than an individual image can convey.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

Donald Miller
6-Dec-2008, 15:40
Thanks to each of you that commented and for the private messages that I received.

Nathan, This short show is just one aspect of a fuller production that will evolve in the months ahead. So your thoughts and my direction on this are on the same page.

Thanks again everyone.

Donald Miller

6-Dec-2008, 21:25
Have a good trip, I may be in the Lake Como area next September - nothing final yet, but seriously considering it.

Donald Miller
7-Dec-2008, 09:59
Have a good trip, I may be in the Lake Como area next September - nothing final yet, but seriously considering it.

Thanks Robert,

I suspect that September may be a better time to go. I just could not work my schedule out for a different time...of course the fogginess at this time of year can lead to some evocative images.

Como is a nice experience. I have made several nice photographs there.

7-Dec-2008, 12:28
Geeze, and here I thought you were just here for the lounge :D Great work, Donald. I really like your abstracts as I'm sure I've mentioned before. Very impressive all around!


Donald Miller
7-Dec-2008, 13:44
Thank you Brian,

I am happy that you enjoyed it.

Donald Miller