View Full Version : Website Update

Merg Ross
4-Dec-2008, 15:47
My daughter has added about three dozen photographs to my website. Please take a look and let me know of any problems. Thanks.


Gem Singer
4-Dec-2008, 16:14
Everything looks great, Merg.

Your daughter is doing a fine job setting up your website.

Nice pictures, too.

Merg Ross
4-Dec-2008, 16:18
Thanks, Gem.

We had some minor problems this morning but she took care of them.

Always good to hear from you, hope you are busy with the camera (or cameras).

Jeremy Moore
4-Dec-2008, 16:42
Tell her great job, Merg!

Jim Galli
4-Dec-2008, 17:16
Merg, your abstracts are exquisite.

Brad Rippe
4-Dec-2008, 18:44
Nice work Merg. Please let us know when you are having a show in the SF Bay Area, I'd love to see your work.

Robert Glieden
4-Dec-2008, 19:37
All good things Merg. Enjoyed reading your bio and viewing your work.


Richard M. Coda
4-Dec-2008, 20:42
Beautiful site and beautiful images, Merg.

Kirk Gittings
4-Dec-2008, 20:46

Eric Biggerstaff
4-Dec-2008, 20:49
Looks great Merg!

al olson
4-Dec-2008, 20:51
Great site, Merg, and wonderful images. Have you tried any of the Ilford SFX yet?

Doremus Scudder
5-Dec-2008, 02:54
The site works perfectly and the images are stunning.

I'm sorry I haven't seen your work until just now. Very arresting!

Thanks for the great work.

Doremus Scudder

Frank Petronio
5-Dec-2008, 05:36

Merg Ross
5-Dec-2008, 08:32
Merg, your abstracts are exquisite.

Thanks, Jim. The abstracts are my favorite work, probably the result of early influences in my career (and I don't mean just photographers).

Also, thank you to all who have taken a look and given such positive feedback. My daughter will be delighted to hear (as am I).

Ken Lee
5-Dec-2008, 09:25
Wow !





Brian Ellis
5-Dec-2008, 10:17
Wonderful work Merg. I have a bookmark called "Inspiration." Your web site is the first one the list. Not that I do the same type work you do, nor would mine be as good even if I did. I just find it exciting and inspirational to see how a very talented photographer can transform a seemingly mundane subject.

Ralph Barker
5-Dec-2008, 11:09
Nice to see some of your earlier work being added to the site, Merg. Kudos to your daughter for her work on the site.

Merg Ross
5-Dec-2008, 17:08
Wonderful work Merg. I have a bookmark called "Inspiration." Your web site is the first one the list. Not that I do the same type work you do, nor would mine be as good even if I did. I just find it exciting and inspirational to see how a very talented photographer can transform a seemingly mundane subject.

Brian, you nailed it ............."can transform a seemingly mundane subject". That sums up the real pleasure I get from photography. I'll do my best to remain at the top of your "Inspiration" list! Thanks for the kind words.

Nice to see some of your earlier work being added to the site, Merg. Kudos to your daughter for her work on the site.

Thanks, Ralph. I relayed your kudos to my daughter. The downside of including earlier work is the realization that I may have peaked at 16!

Jim Fitzgerald
5-Dec-2008, 19:13
Merg, I don't think you peaked at 16! I have visited your site many times for inspiration and ideas on how to elevate my work to the quality of yours. The abstracts are simply amazing! I have sat at my desk looking at an image of yours the white shoe comes to mind and wonder how did you see that, interpret it and transform your vision to paper. I could go on with many of the other images on your site. I am glad to know a photographer of your stature can share his wisdom with us. I for one am very thankful.


Merg Ross
6-Dec-2008, 17:01
Merg, I don't think you peaked at 16! I have visited your site many times for inspiration and ideas on how to elevate my work to the quality of yours. The abstracts are simply amazing! I have sat at my desk looking at an image of yours the white shoe comes to mind and wonder how did you see that, interpret it and transform your vision to paper. I could go on with many of the other images on your site. I am glad to know a photographer of your stature can share his wisdom with us. I for one am very thankful.


Jim, I get a lot of comments on the image you mention, "White Shoes". Even with the very descriptive title, and an explanation, some people still can not see two white shoes. I think it may be because they are only seeing the negative space, not the white surrounding it. It is exactly that, the spade shape, that attracted me to the subject. Negative space is often the key to successful abstracts, something to be aware of when composing.

Thanks for taking a look, and for your comments.