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Steve M Hostetter
30-Nov-2008, 17:26
Hello,,, post your 35mm, 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7,6x9,6x12, DSLR, p&s, half frame, 110, 126, and any other non-LF size I didn't mention..

So don't be shy,,, we know you have em

30-Nov-2008, 18:13
Hasselblad 501C, 80mm lens.


Scanned with my brand new Epson V750!


30-Nov-2008, 18:52
35mm. myanmar

30-Nov-2008, 18:54
two more 35mm. myanmar again

30-Nov-2008, 18:56
rb 67 hand held 250mm. 800 and 400 ASA. (portraits. tripod on the landscape 100asa)

30-Nov-2008, 21:12
A mix of D200 and Fuji S3 Pro.... The panos in this case are stitched..


San Francisco de Asis Church - Taos, NM

Kilauea Erupting - Volcanoes National Park, Big Island, Hawaii

Bath, England

Great Falls - Great Falls National Park, Virginia

Steve M Hostetter
1-Dec-2008, 06:52
some wonderful images keep em comin

first: D200 w/ bellows/ 4 extention tubes and 105mm lens
second: D200 300mm 4.0 Nikkor
third: D200 12-24 DX
last: customer used a p&s , thats me w/ back turned

2-Dec-2008, 04:06
Mamiya 645 1000s on FP4+, printed to 8x10 on MGWT in hot Lith.


2-Dec-2008, 04:48
Mamiya 645 1000s on FP4+, printed to 8x10 on MGWT in hot Lith.


2-Dec-2008, 06:18
Month or so old now...


645, I think it was a Bronica, might have been Mamiya (whatever camera had been left in the studio when I finished my 5x4 sheets that day)

2-Dec-2008, 08:43
Egeskov Castle, Island of Fyn, Denmark


Canon 40D stitched panorama

2-Dec-2008, 16:13
Another image. Hasselblad 501C, 80mm lens.



2-Dec-2008, 16:20
one more, another 645 shot on FP4+, developed in P-cat HD. I'm sure most recognize the subject; this is at the racetrack in Death Valley, where space aliens come down at night and move the rocks around.


2-Dec-2008, 16:25
alright, last one. 645 in P-cat HD, printed on fotospeed lith paper, in LD20 lith developer. McClure Beach, along the hidden section, Point Reyes Nat'l Seashore.


2-Dec-2008, 16:39
Hmm, found an old one. I miss Scala.


Eric James
2-Dec-2008, 18:29
BHPV still stock Scala in 135!


2-Dec-2008, 19:00

Brian Schall
2-Dec-2008, 21:02
Forgotten Souls

A roll from 2 Saturdays ago.

Rolleiflex MX, Fuji Arcos, 1+100 Rodinal

http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten1small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten1small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten2small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten2small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten3small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten3small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten4small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten4small.jpg)


Brian Schall
2-Dec-2008, 21:03
Forgotten Souls - Part 2

http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten5small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten5small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten6small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten6small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten7small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten7small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten8small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten8small.jpg)


Brian Schall
2-Dec-2008, 21:03
Forgotten Souls - Part 3

http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten9small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten9small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten10small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten10small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten11small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten11small.jpg) http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/th_Forgotten12small.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/r-brian/Forgotten%20Souls/?action=view&current=Forgotten12small.jpg)


2-Dec-2008, 21:08
Some fantastic shots there, Brian!

2-Dec-2008, 21:17
Pilgrims, Lourdes, France
Nikon F100, Delta 400 in XTOL


3-Dec-2008, 09:39

awesome! i love it.

3-Dec-2008, 11:58
120 Pinhole, Bryce Canyon

Steve M Hostetter
3-Dec-2008, 12:58
Scarlet Tanager of the twin swamps of Indiana

4-Dec-2008, 11:01
awesome! i love it.

I agree...awesome!

tom thomas
4-Dec-2008, 14:41
I found the attached photos in the users manual that accompanied a Prakticaflex FX 35mm camera I'd purchased at a local antique store. It came with a camera case loaded with accessories.

The camera had belonged to the deceased Japanese father-in-law of the store owner. I scanned these photos and returned the originals to a surprised and very thankful owner. Neither he nor his wife knew they existed. No one had inventoried the camera case apparently.

They were taken circa 1953, probably when the Prakticaflex was new. The lens is a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar at F2.8, 50mm.

I thought someone would enjoy seeing the Hiroshima Peace Garden about 9 years after the war. The first photo was the conservatory building that served as Ground Zero aiming point for the B29 pilot.

The camera itself is real interesting as it is a 35mm SLR but has a popup viewfinder like a Rolleicord or Flex. Even has the close up magnifier for fine focusing. I guess that the Germans hadn't recovered their glass making industries enough to make the prisim viewfinders found on later models. I do have the mirrored top mount viewfinder that simulates the later prism'd models. It was in the case too.

Tom Thomas

tom thomas
4-Dec-2008, 15:23
Ok, OK, you've got me going now.

The first one I took on the Royal Palace grounds in Bangkok in 1969 with a Rolleicord Vb. The yellowish tint was caused by heat and overexposure to airport XRay I think. Most of my negatives from this trip came out with odd tint.

Second and third were taken with a Fujifilm 3800 digital camera.

The last was too but it shows why my wife is so mad with me for collecting "junk" cameras. This only represents about half of them, others are hiding in drawers and boxes under my computer desk. I keep threatening to take photos of her jewelry drawer, she quiets down then.

Tom Thomas

12-Dec-2008, 09:03
Fuji S3 Pro, 18-70 Nikkor. Photographed while setting up the 4x5.

12-Dec-2008, 09:07
Hasselblad 500 CM, 80mm, 40mm.

12-Dec-2008, 09:27
Shot on a yashica 124g (can't justify a rollei!) Delta 3200 at 1000 in diafine then scanned on the epson V700.

the two more creamy light shots were handheld at 1/8th or so with very dim window light. The other 2 very fashion type 'gritty' images were with a little ring-flash that I've had for years.

Lovely model, who is a close friend. That's about it.

12-Dec-2008, 09:34
A nice driving home shot.

The rain had just moved in front of me, the sun chasing it's tail. My fuji S5 was sitting on the passenger seat with the nice $100 arsat tilt lens from fleabay.

I get to the little humpback bridge before the edge of the countryside turned, saw the rainbow. Parked up, tilted the lens then took the 7 shots that make this up. (auto and handheld... gotta love technology sometimes)

Stitched using Auto ( or commonly known as lazy ) in CS3.

Hope you enjoy.

Clive Gray
12-Dec-2008, 11:47
A recent sunset at Wisley D300 with 55Micro and 28F2



If anyone happens to like it I dumped all the fullscales in Flickr here (http://www.flickr.com/photos/abbandon/sets/72157610856524420/)

Water lilly at Kew Cannon 710 powershot


If you like water lilies there are a few more here (http://www.flickr.com/photos/abbandon/sets/72157601868400971/)

reflections may possibly be an obsession .....

Jeremy Moore
12-Dec-2008, 12:30
been having fun with my hexar af and neopan 1600 lately



12-Dec-2008, 13:14
Here's something totally unlike me... I love this though.

View from an acquaintance's back yard.

SWC, last month.


12-Dec-2008, 13:16
Here's another SWC shot, but from October I think? Maybe November, I don't remember!


That was 64T that I'd bought from a member of the forum, cross processed and then colour corrected.

12-Dec-2008, 16:10
Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, Utah.



Frank Petronio
17-Dec-2008, 17:11
Nashville w a D80

Nathan Potter
17-Dec-2008, 17:23
Frank first image is great. I like the synergy between the cigabutt and the scar - something raw about the two subjects that draws one in. Need just a bit more space below the cigabutt, if possible.

Great stuff.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

Paul H
18-Dec-2008, 03:01
Certo Six (6x6), Efke 25:

Iskra (6x6), Neopan 400:

Iskra, TriX @ 1000 in Diafine:

And now for some 8x11 (mm!):

18-Dec-2008, 06:06
35mm APX100, Lith Print Forte PWT

18-Dec-2008, 06:13
These images Rock!!

18-Dec-2008, 16:09
So I was doing the annual White House Christmas tour and there was this guy playing the piano while a woman sang. Wow. The way the guys hands moved was just insane. So, I had to make a photograph of it. The only issue was that I couldn't use my flash and the light is crap in this corner - so very little is actually in focus. Anyways, figured ya'll int he tiny format area might enjoy this a little bit.


tom thomas
22-Dec-2008, 17:02
Wow, some beautiful work. Easy to see why Nat Geo mag uses Canon's too as a couple entries prove.

For SCrighton, a Yashica 124G is nothing to apologize for. It wasn't called the Black Beauty for nothing. You have some great shots there. I have two that I'm working on now.

I wanted to submit these "lost" photos I found on a deteriorated roll of 120 film in a beatup Frankawerke (FW) folder on E-Bungle. The camera came from the Ft Worth, Tx area.

There is some family history here that is unknown to the young boy featured scaring his grandparents for Halloween ca 1958. His dad obviously worked for Shell Oil Company as there are shots of a Shell Production Facility, probably out in the panhandle of Texas. There is a 1958 Chevy Impala parked in front which helped me date the photos.

The young boy could now be a Shell big-wig or perhaps a casualty of the Vietnam War. Who knows now?

First photo shows the camera. It was water soaked, perhaps found under the seat of the salvaged 1955 Ford depicted in the photos. It did clean up nice though.

Second is the ghost and his trusty companion scaring his grandparents. His dad's 1955 Ford is in the background.

Third are the "frightened" grandparents. There appears to be a ghost standing behind the screen between them too.

Fourth was obviously taken the by young man himself while playing with dad's camera in the car. Real arty shot of the steering wheel, shift knob and instrument panel of the 1955 Ford. I recognize it as I had a 1956 model way back when.

Although not my work, I wanted to recognize some father's long lost photos.

Tom Thomas

Ron McElroy
22-Dec-2008, 19:54
Wonderful find Tom.

24-Dec-2008, 13:12
Here's some strange stuff, shot on a digital SLR through an antique meniscus lens.

tom thomas
24-Dec-2008, 13:28
Nice work Walt.
Now if someone would just create a digital insert for Rollei and Yashica TLR's so we can take advantage of their lenses.

24-Dec-2008, 13:34
Nice work Walt.
Now if someone would just create a digital insert for Rollei and Yashica TLR's so we can take advantage of their lenses.

Gaffer's tape and an extension tube :) Not quite the same thing.

tom thomas
24-Dec-2008, 13:46
I'm actually thinking of wedging one of those minature $10 digital cameras in the film gate of a 2 1/4 Yashica, some gaffer/duct tape involved to see it's possible. Set the Yashica speed to B, lock the shutter open and click away at something. Maybe in the new year.

24-Dec-2008, 13:48
The only problem I see with that is that the sensor is so tiny. That means your lens is going to act like a pretty long telephoto... and also that focus (sensor placement) is going to be incredibly critical! Guess it can't hurt to try but I'm pretty skeptical of it working out very well.

tom thomas
24-Dec-2008, 14:04
You're probably right Walt. The one I have is a Vivitar Mini-Digital camera. Fixed focus from what I can tell. Lens is F2.8, f3.9. Camera is 1 5/8 by 2 1/4 inches but the lens is offset to the left so I'll have to make a mounting plate of black cardboard. I'll probably get a nice shot of the back of the Yashica lens housing and the interior of the camera itself.

24-Dec-2008, 14:19
Hmm, actually if you left the lens on I have no idea what would happen. I was thinking you meant yanking the lens off and shooting directly onto the sensor with the yashica.

I've seen an interesting variation on that idea whereby people mount a camera & lens up to the viewfinder of a TLR and shoot through the viewing lens (basically focusing on and shooting the image on the ground glass of the TLR viewfinder). Gets the retro kiddies all juiced up because you get some extra dust, mirror flakes, framing lines, etc, in your images... we all know that old cameras can only take images with dust and crappy optics, right? :)

Scott Schroeder
5-Jan-2009, 17:55
just got back from Big Bend.

5-Jan-2009, 18:58
Eddie, that is one wicked spliff she's smokin'! That would put Cheech and Chong to shame!

5-Jan-2009, 20:20
Liked the image quality of the Delta 3200 @1000 that was posted. Must try that, have a roll or two just waiting!

here are some delta 3200, 35mm Nikon F4


agfa 400, Nikon N80


Joe Forks
6-Jan-2009, 06:54
just got back from Big Bend.

I'm drawn to this one. Grapevine Hills? Nice shot.

Best Joe

6-Jan-2009, 07:27




Scott Schroeder
6-Jan-2009, 07:52
I'm drawn to this one. Grapevine Hills? Nice shot.

Best Joe

Thanks Joe.
Yep, you guessed right. Probably 3/4 of the way to balancing rock. The afternoon winter light was just perfect that time of day.

Joe Forks
6-Jan-2009, 08:00
My Father took this one about 60 years ago. By the age of my sister in the photo I'm guessing 1948 or 1949.

tom thomas
6-Jan-2009, 08:58
I'm awed at your photos everyone. Keep it up.

Here are a couple I caught at the Day of the Dead Festival, 1 November 2008, in Tulsa, OK.

The first I call Art Deco, the second Art Nuvo. Both show the clutter of today.

Imagine this girl's grandchildren someday asking about the tatoos she has. There are more that luckily don't show in the photo.


Jeremy Moore
6-Jan-2009, 13:08
Imagine this girl's grandchildren someday asking about the tatoos she has. There are more that luckily don't show in the photo.

Except grandmothers of that future time period won't be like grandmothers of this time period who were raised under stricter moral and religious tenets (hopefully).

--If this crosses the line of moderation just kill it, but please don't leave Tom's denigration of the young girl with tattoos because she tattoos. Would he be allowed to type such spiteful sentiments about the young ladies in Frank's photographs?--

Fog w/ the 35mm.





Frank Petronio
6-Jan-2009, 13:15
Wow... that second one of the mountain valley by z_photo is as impressive as any landscape I've ever seen.

Tom, you're entitled to your opinion. Just don't voice them to your future food service workers or nursing aides if you don't want some unexpected consequences!

tom thomas
6-Jan-2009, 13:32
Nice shots, Jeremy. As Tommy Smothers once said," Touchy, Touchy!"

6-Jan-2009, 13:33
I don't get to show much color (I don't do much, anyway), so here are two images using my Rollei TLR...color negative film, printed by me and scanned.


6-Jan-2009, 13:41
And just a little smaller

From the World Toy Camera Day, 2008 (Diana camera)
Scanned silver gelatin print (Oriental Center F, selenium toned)


Jeremy Moore
6-Jan-2009, 13:54
Nice shots, Jeremy. As Tommy Smothers once said," Touchy, Touchy!"

Thanks, I haven't shot 35mm in a long time and am really enjoying it.

As to the rest, I am tattooed (as is my wife) and we prefer to not judge books by their cover.

7-Jan-2009, 14:38
Wow... that second one of the mountain valley by z_photo is as impressive as any landscape I've ever seen.

thank you, Frank. shot on the 2007 summer solstice somewhere above 10,000ft in the beartooth mountains. the beams are through a passing snow shower.

anyone who has not done the drive across the beartooth range really should!

Jeremy Moore
7-Jan-2009, 15:42
More fun with the 35mm



tom thomas
7-Jan-2009, 16:47
You're welcome Jeremy. Tommy Smothers, by the way, never could pronounce the fencing term, Touche, correctly. I always laughed about that.

You all continue to awe me with your work. I keep striving to catch up one day.

I was inspired by Jim Galli's Tonopah home page to try this shot of a 37 Ford while taking down the XMAS tree today. I dont' have a large format camera however so I used my Fuji FinePix S5700 instead and then used Photosuite to play with the results a bit. I dont' have a 37 Ford parked in the yard though, darn it, so used a Hallmark XMAS ornament for my subject.

My second shot I call Convoy, a tribute to the Big Three and the Murray Company and others that used to make the pedal cars we remember. I enjoy the Hallmark collectors pieces as does my son so Santa brings him a new pickup and me a new heavy iron auto each year. The pedal car series is finished now though, darn it.

Friends brought us some multicolored roses for New Year's so I experimented a bit with Macro mode on the Fuji. The flash overkilled the beautiful deep red color but did highlight the velvet surface of the flower petals.

My last shot welcomes the new year. I wasn't freezing in Times Square to get it though as caught a screen shot on a TV. I'm dedicated too as my wife had to wait for her New Year's kiss till I got the shot.


Frank Petronio
7-Jan-2009, 16:52
Here, have some grain

Steve M Hostetter
21-Jan-2009, 19:01
School 38 John Herbert Dillinger attended grade school here

Steve M Hostetter
21-Jan-2009, 19:02
Here, have some grain

very nice

21-Jan-2009, 19:51
Tri-x at 1250iso in diafine.
Hexar AF


Joe Forks
21-Jan-2009, 21:38
Terlingua Cemetery - RZ 67 and Konica 750 IR


22-Jan-2009, 09:01
This may have been my Mamyia C330 TLR, not the hassy.


22-Jan-2009, 09:12
How about a 6x9 pinhole shot?


Stefan Lungu
22-Jan-2009, 12:53
Now, for some 6x9 Agfa folder with a not so great film flatness ( Ilford Delta 100 - lab processed ) :
And one from a Mamiya RM67 on Astia

22-Jan-2009, 13:06

Santa Barbara Zoo, 12/2008, Canon G9


Fort Clinch, Fernandina Beach 12/2008, Nikon D200


Galapagos Islands, 6/2007, Nikon D200

22-Jan-2009, 16:04
Early 70s. Covington, LA Rodeo. Original Tri-X. 400mm/5.6 Novoflex Follow Focus. Nikon F Photomic.

The blonde in the hat.


Thanks for looking.

Joe Forks
22-Jan-2009, 19:04
Love the Galapogos shot. The iguanas basking, and Pterodactyl flying around, looks like you took that 65 million years ago (no reference to your age :)

22-Jan-2009, 19:52
Love the Galapogos shot. The iguanas basking, and Pterodactyl flying around, looks like you took that 65 million years ago (no reference to your age :)

Sometimes I think I feel like I am 65 million years old! Thank you for the compliment. It was the first time trying out the D200. Most of my shots suffered, but there were a few good ones.


24-Jan-2009, 09:40
Swirls and Eddies, Lone Pine Creek, Sierra
Mamiya 645E, 80mm Mamiya Lens
October 2005


There is some very nice work in this thread! Good job, every one!


Ben Syverson
25-Jan-2009, 19:00
35mm point and shoots are so much fun...



29-Jan-2009, 14:35
It looked as though the leaves were trying to communicate with me. Hasseblad 501c, 80mm Planar, Tri X.

29-Jan-2009, 14:41

That Galopagos image is SWEET!

29-Jan-2009, 14:50
Hasselblad 501c, 80mm Planar, Neopan 400. Third images is Plus X.

29-Jan-2009, 14:51
I'll just keep these coming till I actually shoot something in 4x5!
6x9 pinhole


29-Jan-2009, 15:01
Last three for this thread:
All images, Hasselblad, 80mm, Plus X.
Montreal is an incredible city. All I had in my bag was Plus X. For the uninitiated, Plus X does NOT like to be pushed... at all! Even though I blew the roof off the highlights in some images, I am beginning to really like this film. The bar image was after quite a few round of Boreal Noir, the absolute best beer in the world (next to Lion Stout, of course). Wish I could get here in the States. :-)

31-Jan-2009, 08:46
Some... Tried to pick up some that does not represent my normal photography style.

Frank Petronio
1-Feb-2009, 07:27
Hexar AF (the quiet one)

1-Feb-2009, 08:03
Hasselblad. Again.

Donald Miller
1-Feb-2009, 14:57
***Minox Hybrid

Frank Petronio
2-Feb-2009, 14:45
Screw Politics

Steve M Hostetter
2-Feb-2009, 17:24
[QUOTE=Frank Petronio;436183]Screw Politics[/QUnice set

Joe Forks
8-Feb-2009, 19:04
Here's another one my Dad took before I was born. This would have been somewhere around 1958 or 59'. My mom recently passed too and we're going through boxes of oldies but goodies. Lot's of people and places which I can't identify. There are some old negs in there too. Some roll film and few 3.5 x 5.5 negs.

I like the Salza truck in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

8-Feb-2009, 20:50
My mom recently passed too and we're going through boxes of oldies but goodies. Lot's of people and places which I can't identify. There are some old negs in there too. Some roll film and few 3.5 x 5.5 negs.

After my grandparents passed (born in the late 1890s), I received all the photos in boxes. Here I found a pic of a great Uncle dressed in a Union uniform during the Civil War that is 100% Blackfoot; I have my grandfather in WWI dressed like a Smokey-the-Bear. Then when my uncle passed in '99, I was given all his 120 film shot during WWII. The biggest problem is all of the older daguerreotype photos and tin types have no identification on them. I do not know who my relatives are. :confused:
Great treasures, yet great mysteries.

Good luck with your family photos as well.

BTW, the Salza truck in front of the Tower is definitely cool!!

9-Feb-2009, 08:22
A detail from the oldest Jewish cemetary in Europe.

Mamiya TLR, 80/2.8 lens, AGFA L ISS film.


Thanks for looking.

10-Feb-2009, 17:10
Yashica Electro 35. Fuji Neopan 400.

10-Feb-2009, 17:12
Fuji GW690. Can't remember the film.

12-Feb-2009, 12:05
...somewhere in Switzerland. September, 1969. Portion of 6x6 Agfa L ISS negative.


12-Feb-2009, 15:03
3x24x36 stitched. I do a lot of this.

12-Feb-2009, 15:18
Three Shadows (my boys), 2008
Luffenholtz State Beach, CA


Stream, Great Basin National Park, 2008

2 1/4 neg - Platinum/palladium prints

12-Feb-2009, 15:20

Are those contact prints from 2 1/4" square negatives?

12-Feb-2009, 15:21

Are those contact prints from 2 1/4" square negatives?

Yes they are -- precious little things! LOL!


The Shadow neg is outdated Kodak Tech Pan, the Stream is outdated Ilford Pan F +

12-Feb-2009, 15:22
I may have to do that. I recently learned of a photographer making 4x5 pt/pd contact prints. This is all very interesting.

12-Feb-2009, 15:52
I processed the film with Pt/pd printing in mind -- much more contrast (over-developed) than a "normal" negative. The plan (when I have the time) is a small hand-made book from this summer's adventures..though since it is already winter and I have made more negatives, I might extend the project's time-frame. Just a few copies with pt/pd prints somehow made into book form. The above prints were just to test the feasibility and determine brush strokes, contrast, etc.

I keep good records -- but of course this particular printing session I can not find. I printed one more last week...I used a mixture of 22 drops of Sol #1, 18 drops of palladium and 4 drops of NA2 -- then used 6 drops of this mixture for each print (neg on Arista Ultra). It was actually more of a "normal"contrast negative. The negatives shown here would have used less of the NA2 (a contrast-increasing form of platinum salts). Solution #1 is Ferric oxalate.

The posted images were taken with a Rolleiflex, but I have some Diana camera negs that I might also use.

Here is one more...

Lake Powell, 2008
on Arista Ultra

12-Feb-2009, 15:55
Three Shadows (my boys), 2008
Luffenholtz State Beach, CA
and Stream, Great Basin National Park, 2008
2 1/4 neg - Platinum/palladium prints
Very nice. The wide emulsion frame is quite effective. I been shy of brush strokes so far. No longer.

12-Feb-2009, 15:58

You are my hero!

12-Feb-2009, 16:14
35mm landscape shot. Hepoköngäs (horse falls), Northern Finland. Autumn 1992.
Lens was standard 50mm.

12-Feb-2009, 16:20
Very nice. The wide emulsion frame is quite effective. I been shy of brush strokes so far. No longer.

It works with the small images very well. But as in the Lake Powell image, one has to be careful of dark areas of the image being close to the edge -- and getting lost with the emulsion frame around it.

Venchka -- I am doing another printing session tonight, and plan on making some more of the 2 1/4 negatives. If I have a successful evening, I'll post some more next week (since you have successfully swelled my head;) ).


12-Feb-2009, 16:26
35mm landscape shot. Hepoköngäs (horse falls), Northern Finland. Autumn 1992.
Lens was standard 50mm.

Very nice!

12-Feb-2009, 23:34




13-Feb-2009, 05:56
It works with the small images very well. But as in the Lake Powell image, one has to be careful of dark areas of the image being close to the edge -- and getting lost with the emulsion frame around it.

Venchka -- I am doing another printing session tonight, and plan on making some more of the 2 1/4 negatives. If I have a successful evening, I'll post some more next week (since you have successfully swelled my head;) ).


Glad I could help! ;)

14-Feb-2009, 13:31
Walter23, are those 35mm or medium format photographs?
Really nice colors!

14-Feb-2009, 13:35
January 2009, Canon XT 350





Ron Marshall
14-Feb-2009, 13:37
My neighbors dog. Mamiya 7, 80mm, TMY.

14-Feb-2009, 13:42
December 2008, Canon G10




Scott Schroeder
14-Feb-2009, 18:14
A small tree in Eureka Valley.

15-Feb-2009, 11:17
Walter23, are those 35mm or medium format photographs?
Really nice colors!

Jukka, they're digital SLR. I used a saturated slide film emulation plug-in which I actually quite like, in this case a Kodak E100VS emulation. It's actually not a bad representation of how that film behaves (e.g. the sunset light on the cairn / tree turning a vivid red).

Too bad it costs $200 and my demo version ran out :)

15-Feb-2009, 18:24
Hasselblad TMY handheld Taos Pueblo

16-Feb-2009, 07:22
Hasselblad and Plus X.

16-Feb-2009, 07:23
Fuji S3 Pro.

16-Feb-2009, 07:33
Fuji 645zi, Kodak chromogenic BW.

16-Feb-2009, 12:59
Some Buildings:

Coheelee Creek Covered Bridge, Blakely GA
(the town where they recently closed down the Peanut Corp. of America plant)

Gulf Station, Quincy FL
(Quincy is the birthplace of Dexter Jackson, NFL: Cincinnati Bengals)

Guayaquil Cemetery, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Naval Air Station Richmond, Miami FL
(now part of the Gold Coast Railroad Museum)

16-Feb-2009, 15:02


Very nicely done! I hate to be a gear head... but.... you know... how... what...etc.?

16-Feb-2009, 15:24


Very nicely done! I hate to be a gear head... but.... you know... how... what...etc.?

Thanks, :) I have been admiring your work (and others) as well. Love your Hassy shots.

All the Building pics were done with a Nikon D200 and 18-200 DX lens. Covered Bridge and Gas Station on tripod, blended with three exposures (+2, 0, -2). Other two walk-around hand held. I wish I had some $ for better glass. It is the only DX lens I own. I have been experimenting with my older AI lenses lately. Some macro shots with the 105mm AI later.

Keep 'um coming ...

16-Feb-2009, 20:09
I've recently found a Nikon LS-4000 for a good price, so I've been scanning like crazy on it and really like it much better than my 4990 for that format.

How about 3 for this batch.

#1 - North Cheyenne Canyon in early winter 2008. 35mm Fuji Pro160S, 17-40L

#2 - Cancun fruit market, May 2000. 35mm Kodak Gold 400, not sure of the camera.

#3 - Fall in Colorado, 2008. 35mm Kodak E100GX, 17-40L

16-Feb-2009, 21:16
#1 Autographic Kodak Jr. (90 year old folding 6x9 on 120 film)



18-Feb-2009, 13:24

6x6 Rolleicord III Fuji NPS160 @100iso

Joe Forks
18-Feb-2009, 18:45
I have a very nice 8x10 chrome to share but no way to scan it, so here's a digi-snap with a lot of Photoshop, and rz67 on E100g cropped square

19-Feb-2009, 01:39
Yesterday and today's shots:





27-Feb-2009, 15:28
October, 1969. Somewhere in France. Probably Normandy. Maybe Honfleur. Canon IV-S2, 50mm/1.8 lens, PLus-X.


27-Feb-2009, 15:42

I dig that first shot a lot. Awesome stuff!


Darin Boville
1-Mar-2009, 22:27
Shot this series in 2005 but only now making prints. You can see the whole series as I print them on my blog (see sig).



Frank Petronio
2-Mar-2009, 05:54
The usual Leica in the bathroom mirror shots...

2-Mar-2009, 21:39
#1 - Yellowstone Falls - 2004, Kodak 400HD, Pentax ZX-50, 35-80

#2 - Trout Creek Pass - 2008, Kodak Portra 160NC, Canon EOS300, 50/1.4

#3 - Blue Lake Basin, Sneffels Wilderness - 2008, Canon Rebel XT, 10-22

2-Mar-2009, 22:20
The usual Leica in the bathroom mirror shots...

Love #2 Frank. I am reminded of my dentist appointment tomorrow for a loose crown. Oh boy! :D

Mark Sampson
3-Mar-2009, 13:08
I've used a Leica for 30 years and never made any pictures that look like *that* with it. Well done!

3-Mar-2009, 13:41
Rodeo Bull Rider.

After the Bull's attempt at revenge.

Bruce Pollock
3-Mar-2009, 20:26
Perseus with the Head of Medusa (Cellini) Firenze
Canon C35


3-Mar-2009, 20:29
Perseus with the Head of Medusa (Cellini) Firenze
Canon C35


I'm just seeing a local path to your hard drive here, Bruce.

3-Mar-2009, 20:45
Rodeo Bull Rider.

After the Bull's attempt at revenge.


3-Mar-2009, 20:47
Yesterday and today's shots

Great shots Walter!

Bruce Pollock
3-Mar-2009, 21:26
I'm just seeing a local path to your hard drive here, Bruce.

Yeah, either I'm a moron or it's hard to post images unless they are already on the web somewhere. I think I've fixed it.

Steve M Hostetter
4-Mar-2009, 17:13
one afternoon with a d200 and a 50mm 1.2

Steve M Hostetter
4-Mar-2009, 17:16
D200 50mm 1.2 nikkor

6-Mar-2009, 09:58
Until I can make new photos with my newish 4x5 gear, I will have to post my Water's Edge photos here.

First up, my granddaughter Caty Grace on the beach east of Destin, Florida. A 3 photo montage of 35mm original negatives.


Frank Petronio
7-Mar-2009, 17:35
Thanks for the previous comments. I am starting to love grain.

Steve M Hostetter
8-Mar-2009, 14:31
one of those fridge pics that fell a few times.. Megan around 3-4 yrs old

Don Hutton
8-Mar-2009, 15:00
"big" tiny format.... Adox CMS in a Leica with a 50mm Summilux ASPH (first) and a 135mm Apo Telyt (second)...

8-Mar-2009, 16:45
A Photo shoot, Portraits of Bull Riders on 4x5 film.
My Wife (and assistant) took the pics.

It was an exciting time for me. I was afraid no one would show up, at the setup.
I will be using this for a School project as well as for the intrinsic value.
One might guess, that I have been reading Avedon in the West.




Frank Petronio
8-Mar-2009, 18:05
Don's 35mm is the finest technically I've ever seen (and the portrait is quite good as a portrait as well.)

9-Mar-2009, 17:06
Deliberately desaturated.

Fuji NPS160 in Rolleicord III




Frank Petronio
9-Mar-2009, 19:17
You could send British models to me Ash. Mine already want to visit you, just send them airfare.

Couple oddballs

Steve M Hostetter
9-Mar-2009, 19:40
Damn this page rocks!

9-Mar-2009, 21:18
it was a wonderful day in the zion neighborhood. was a rushed trip so i was saddled with 35mm



10-Mar-2009, 05:25
Oh yea, Frank?

Some blokes for a change.

RF645 in Brazil. Fuji NPS160 on 220.




10-Mar-2009, 08:56
Hasselblad, Mamiya RB67.

10-Mar-2009, 09:01
[QUOTE=bspeed;447416]A Photo shoot, Portraits of Bull Riders on 4x5 film.
My Wife (and assistant) took the pics.

It was an exciting time for me. I was afraid no one would show up, at the setup.
I will be using this for a School project as well as for the intrinsic value.
One might guess, that I have been reading Avedon in the West.

I want to do that. And some real time dull riding portraits too. At night even. In small town arenas.

17-Mar-2009, 18:53
From the "Oklahoma Meetup" at Turner Falls;

Mamiya C220, Ilford PanF, Ilfosol.



Steve M Hostetter
17-Mar-2009, 19:16
where will the money come from ,, Nikon D200 / 50mm Nikkor 1.2 wide open

Steve M Hostetter
17-Mar-2009, 19:26
D200 50mm 1.2

Steve M Hostetter
17-Mar-2009, 19:30
W/ red filter

17-Mar-2009, 20:58
D200 50mm 1.2

Hey Steve, I like that dog, is that a Yorkie?

Frank Petronio
17-Mar-2009, 23:18
Our buddy Meagan. Hope she thanked you guys for the cameras. She is as dramatic as ever.

Steve M Hostetter
18-Mar-2009, 07:19
Hey Steve, I like that dog, is that a Yorkie?

Hello Mark,,, funny you should ask. I'm not sure It's a mut I think , I'll have to ask my friend Mark, it's his dog.. :)

18-Mar-2009, 08:58
Hello Mark,,, funny you should ask. I'm not sure It's a mut I think , I'll have to ask my friend Mark, it's his dog.. :)

I should've said I liked the portrait of that dog... :)

18-Mar-2009, 18:55
Forgive me Victor, for I have sinned...
Fuji S3... Nikkor 50mm 1.8.

18-Mar-2009, 19:03
The image of the dog is great!

Steve M Hostetter
18-Mar-2009, 19:47
The image of the dog is great!

Thank you Cobalt,,, I'll tell ya how that shot came about.. I go to my buddy Mark's ever so often and he has this dog Robby that I've known since he was a small pup.

I sit in this chair by a table lamp and noticed that everytime Robby would jump up to the chair he would be in perfect light... the rest is history:)

Don Hutton
18-Mar-2009, 21:29
This past weekend near Wolf Laurel, North Carolina - Mamiya 7 150mm on Velvia 100, drum scanned... I had forgotten how amazing the optics on this camera are - glad no-one bought it when I was trying to sell it here!

19-Mar-2009, 14:10
Lovely shot Don.

A few from me.

1) Hanging Garden, Red Rock Canyon, Colorado Springs - Canon EOS 300, 50/1.4, E100G

2) Imperial Bowl, Breckenridge - Canon EOS 3, 17-40L, Ektar 100

3) Ponderosa Forest, Colorado Springs - EOS3, 70-300IS, Ektar 100

Steve M Hostetter
19-Mar-2009, 19:37
More fun with the 35mm



Jeremy,,, I love this ! do more of her:) :o

Steve M Hostetter
19-Mar-2009, 19:56
D200 last year bird shot @ iso 1600

Steve M Hostetter
19-Mar-2009, 20:50

Steve M Hostetter
19-Mar-2009, 21:00

19-Mar-2009, 21:01
St Patricks

Ektar 100, EOS3, 50/1.4

19-Mar-2009, 22:54
Couple from the fuzzolator lens - an old folding kodak meniscus.

Steve M Hostetter
20-Mar-2009, 17:38
D200 50mm 1.2

24-Mar-2009, 10:06
Mamiya RB67 with Fuji NPS160 on 120




24-Mar-2009, 10:25
Did a quick wee shoot for wella trend vision last week.

Nikon D90 softboxed sb600 + bare sb600.

I think 85mm 1.8

Ulrich Drolshagen
24-Mar-2009, 10:54
Island Juist, Germany, December 2007



Juergen Sattler
24-Mar-2009, 13:58
The Wave in duo tone is a Canon 5D capture, Antarctica Paradise Bay was Kodak 160VC, The crosses were taken at Santa Monica Beach with a Canon G10 (each cross represented one dead soldier in Iraq), The Blacksmith is TRX pushed to 1600 and developed in Diafine.

25-Mar-2009, 19:37


28-Mar-2009, 08:51
spring is springing


30-Mar-2009, 16:09

Frank Petronio
30-Mar-2009, 17:53
a few, the one of Albion is my home town

Steve M Hostetter
5-Apr-2009, 10:52
into the misty copse:eek: D200 raw file 105mm f2.0 DC and a 180mm 2.8 -(first and last)

Steve M Hostetter
5-Apr-2009, 10:59
105mm f2.0 Nikkor

Steve M Hostetter
5-Apr-2009, 11:33
near the confluence of the Wabash and Ohio river D200 w/ different lenses...

the Wabash river is nearly 2 miles wide at the very confluence of the Ohio,,do to muddy roads I could not venture to it at this time. The Wabash river starts as just a trickle of water near Fort Recovery Ohio and flows free over 400 miles to the Ohio river,also taking with it anything that gets in the way.. I am just now able to get into this area to photograph these old cars.. Usually they are covered in mud. Many years ago on a return visit I found a car rolled up in a ball and the only thing that distinguished it was that it still had all 4 tires, some still had air..

Jeremy Moore
5-Apr-2009, 12:27

HexarAF. Neopan400.

5-Apr-2009, 14:04
You wouldn't catch me trying this kind of photography with anything but a digital SLR, or at the very least automatic diaphragm and auto flash metering. Focus with moving insects at this magnification is pretty hit or miss so I'm glad I got into photography post-DSLR. 'scuse the sensor dust, should get around to cleaning it up - I was really just working on my light technique with these.





Steve M Hostetter
7-Apr-2009, 14:57
D200 50mm

8-Apr-2009, 02:02
The scan wasn't perfectly straight, in print I'd bother to correct the slant.


8-Apr-2009, 05:34
my 6x18 pinhole shot


how can i get the image to show in the thread?


8-Apr-2009, 06:03
Recent Coney Isand trip. Pinhole image.

Frank Petronio
10-Apr-2009, 12:12
$100 Panasonic, don't be crude

10-Apr-2009, 12:24
my 6x18 pinhole shot


how can i get the image to show in the thread?



Hey Eddie!

Great shot.
How to get it in the forum:

1> Go to the flicker web page:

2> On PC: right click on image and hold for a menu to appear
3> Select 'properties'
4> Copy: Location address:

5> Go to thread you want to post photo in
6> Select the Image icon
7> Enter: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3595/3423170155_d502cfcd12_b.jpg

Enough computer lessons for today!! :eek:


PS: Hope your exchange on the other forum is warming up!

10-Apr-2009, 12:27
my 6x18 pinhole shot


how can i get the image to show in the thread?


moab? capital reef?

13-Apr-2009, 13:12
Images made with Mamiya 645 with 55mm lens. Exposures unrecorded.

13-Apr-2009, 13:39
Images made with Mamiya 645 with 55mm lens. Exposures unrecorded.

I like #1 a lot!

14-Apr-2009, 01:33
Mamiya RZ67, 110mm @ f/4 1/2, Velvia 100.


16-Apr-2009, 13:23

virgin river, zion NP

17-Apr-2009, 11:42
Nice shot with the snow z_photo.

I've got a few tourist shots from my recent trip to Washington DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival. I shot everything in 35mm.

Freer gallery - Kodak 800 Ultramax

What all the fuss is about - Ektar

Arlington National Cemetary - E100GX (to Kodak - please offer this film in sheets)

Keith Tapscott.
19-Apr-2009, 09:03
What, no Minox subminiature?! Here`s one I took with my Mamiya RZ67 on HP5 Plus.
I only bought the film scanner last week, so it isn`t a perfect scan.

Frank Petronio
19-Apr-2009, 10:10
pretty classic Leica/40mm/TX

19-Apr-2009, 11:35
Mamiya RZ67, 110mm @ f/4 1/2, Velvia 100.


Very nicely done.

19-Apr-2009, 12:36
Fuji gs645s, Neopan 400, Perceptol.

Keith Tapscott.
19-Apr-2009, 12:52
This one was taken with a Bronica ETRSi + 75mm lens.

19-Apr-2009, 12:55
Taken with my new Fuji GS690II. I thought I would hate this thing but man it's one serious camera, sharp for days.

1/125s, f22, Ilford Delta400, tripod.

19-Apr-2009, 13:35
Yeah... all the Fuji rangefinders are sharp. I've used the 6x9s before, and they are all superb. Still, I am really surprised at how sharp the lens on this baby is. Never cared too much for 645... until now. :)
Haven't had time to spot these; I hate using the Polaroid dust removal, as it blurs the image.

19-Apr-2009, 15:10
Mamiya 645, Delta 100 in Rodinal


20-Apr-2009, 19:53
Mamiya 645, Delta 100 in Rodinal


Very nice work.

20-Apr-2009, 21:15
Thank you!

21-Apr-2009, 02:22
Done on a shoot for the UK Wella Trend Vision Hair Awards last month.

D90 85mm 1.8 and Nikon's beautiful CLS Flash system. I think the whole setup shoot and post took around 20mins in the end. Which always keeps the clients happy :)


21-Apr-2009, 02:25
Plus another from the next look from the same day. Not so keen on the hair in this, also there was a lot of re-shaping of facial features and the neckline to make it geometrically follow the crossing lines of the hair.


Scott Kathe
21-Apr-2009, 04:23
Here's one of the first pictures using my Mamiya 7 and 80mm lens as a scouting camera. I think I should go back with my 4x5:)

21-Apr-2009, 09:07
More from DC cherry blossoms
Cotton Candy
EOS 3, E100GX, 70-300IS

Calligraphy - Tidal Basin
EOS 3, Ektar 100, 17-40L

Hirshhorn sculpture gallery
EOS 3, Ultramax 800, 50/1.4

Kerik Kouklis
21-Apr-2009, 09:10
A few images from my Hasselblad:





21-Apr-2009, 12:28
A few images from my Hasselblad:


The first two are beautiful.

21-Apr-2009, 13:01
The first two are beautiful.

...and the second two are exquisite.

Frank Petronio
22-Apr-2009, 00:16
Shannon, Ricoh GR-D II P&S digicam

22-Apr-2009, 06:30
Shannon, Ricoh GR-D II P&S digicam

Does that thing have a viewfinder? If so, I might be interested in trying one.
This guy does some fantastic street work with one:


Frank Petronio
22-Apr-2009, 07:58
you can buy a separate vf for it

There is a new Sigma DP2 w a larger APS sensor and 40mm (on 35mm) equivalent lens coming out, I think I will probably get that one but for now the Ricoh is nice. The smeary little pixels are a pain but maybe something I can work with and use for character, not as a image-breaking flaw, I hope.

22-Apr-2009, 11:14
The more I use this little camera, the more I like it.

Fuji GS645S, Neopan 400.

24-Apr-2009, 13:37
Washington DC Metro
Kodak HD400, EOS3, 17-40L

E100GX, EOS3, 70-300IS

25-Apr-2009, 22:39
Ilford XP2 Super, EOS 3, Super Takumar 135 f2.5


Frank Petronio
26-Apr-2009, 06:23
1. Milt, my sickly father-in-law

2. Olivia

3. Running away from Mom

4. Oh and Edgar Praus (http://www.4photolab.com/) got his second Refrema installed! (And isn't that a colorful snap?)

26-Apr-2009, 06:30
Balda Super Baldax


27-Apr-2009, 01:57
Scanned some more small platinum/palladium prints. The first one is a double exposure from a Diana camera...two of my boys running in the surf. The next two are 2 1/4 from my Rolleiflex. The second one is Wheeler Peak, Great Basin National Monument. The third is my brother-in-law on Lake Powell.


29-Apr-2009, 12:32
Pentax 67 with 90mm lens. Agfapan 100.

Frank Petronio
29-Apr-2009, 20:22
Just a few 35mm snaps

29-Apr-2009, 23:33
A mix of D200 and Fuji S3 Pro.... The panos in this case are stitched..


San Francisco de Asis Church - Taos, NM

Kilauea Erupting - Volcanoes National Park, Big Island, Hawaii

Bath, England

Great Falls - Great Falls National Park, Virginia

i love that photos!

30-Apr-2009, 04:53
Pentax 67 with 90mm lens. Agfapan 100.


Steve M Hostetter
13-May-2009, 15:59
D200 50mm 1.2 window light

Frank Petronio
14-May-2009, 04:42
A few from lately... newbie model -- $100 P&S digi; Pink hair -- Ricoh GR-D II; Catfight -- D60 to 300 (forgot); Victory Floater -- Leica IIIc/Summitar.

Jeremy Moore
16-May-2009, 16:58

4"x6" platinum / palladium print on vellum subsequently dry mounted to watercolor paper and waxed.

Canon 1Ds Mk2n with Nikon AiS 50mm f/1.2

16-May-2009, 18:00

Nikon D70 infrared conversion.


Frank Petronio
17-May-2009, 16:24
Rolleiflex E2, Mt. Hood, many Summers ago....

18-May-2009, 07:38
Mount Fuji.
6x6 Bronica SQ-Ai, 150mm lens.


Frank Petronio
19-May-2009, 21:25
This is one of the first from my new used Panasonic G1 and its kit lens, which is really impressing me as probably the best value in a decent digital camera to date.


20-May-2009, 05:25
This is one of the first from my new used Panasonic G1 and its kit lens, which is really impressing me as probably the best value in a decent digital camera to date.

Dammit, Frank!!
You are about to make me spend some more $.....

Eirik Berger
20-May-2009, 05:43
From the jewish cemetery in Prague.
Yashica Mat 124G (6x6), Fuji Astia 100F.


20-May-2009, 12:01
This is one of the first from my new used Panasonic G1 and its kit lens, which is really impressing me as probably the best value in a decent digital camera to date.

Very nice image, Frank!
My brother has the same camera and we're both really impressed with the image quality for its price.

21-May-2009, 13:52

Trees blossoming along a classic Amsterdam canal. 35mm Tri-X in a Pentax MX with a cheap Tamron 24mm mounted. On small sized prints and screens it's perhaps a little too much..

Frank Petronio
21-May-2009, 23:15
$450 for that used Pany G1 -- it took a bit of getting used to but it's half the size/heft of the Nikon D300 that I loved -- and I think the image quality and B&W conversions are quite similar.

It looks like Panasonic is now a pretty darn good camera maker. It has a couple of negatives -- the RAW files need to be opened using the crappy OEM software or converted to DNG for other applications. And the controls are a bit small, but not as bad as the Olympus 420 I used to have (about the same size camera otherwise.) Maybe down the road they'll develop a little larger, more ergonomic camera, I hope.

The truth is that having a decent digital camera -- that you can use for all the things you want a digital for -- test shots, family snaps, eBay, goofing around -- that isn't too expensive -- frees you to go off and shoot more film and not guilty about not using your $$$$+ dlslr system.

22-May-2009, 07:11
Math, nicely seen image...and an interesting observation on how the size of the print changes how we perceive the image.


22-May-2009, 08:30
The best print 30x40 print I have from this subject was done with a LeicaM8 and 28mm lens. Beats 8x10, beats me.

22-May-2009, 09:44
It looks like Panasonic is now a pretty darn good camera maker. It has a couple of negatives -- the RAW files need to be opened using the crappy OEM software or converted to DNG for other applications. And the controls are a bit small, but not as bad as the Olympus 420 I used to have (about the same size camera otherwise.) Maybe down the road they'll develop a little larger, more ergonomic camera, I hope.


If it hasn't happened already, hopefully you'll find support for the G1 in the near future in Adobe. My LX3 was pretty quickly picked up in ACR 5 and LR 2 and it has worked pretty well so far.


Steve M Hostetter
23-May-2009, 06:53
This is one of the first from my new used Panasonic G1 and its kit lens, which is really impressing me as probably the best value in a decent digital camera to date.


Frank,,, nice shot