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Roger Cole
31-Oct-2011, 11:30

Medium Yellow filter plus a tad bit of burning. I do not have an orange filter in 77mm or 82mm but that was I would have used otherwise.
Grain, reciprocity and price are a good argument to use this film. I use FP4 in 4x5 and I am going to try Delta 100, once I choose one over the other in 4x5, then I might consider testing these in 120 to use only one slow film in both format. But then again grain, reciprocity and price :)



Thanks for the info. Looks right for yellow. I've read that Acros has less red sensitivity than most modern films giving it the sort of old fashioned almost "semi-ortho" look. But that would tend to lighten blue sky relative to the rest of the scene.

I ask in part because I currently shoot 120 in a Yashicamat 124 for which I don't have any bayonet filters. I use a cheap clip on filter holder with barn doors that double as a hood and 3x3 filters mounted in frames on 4x5, which works well enough and is cheap and easier than keeping track of a bunch of thread adapters (of weird sizes for two of my three LF lenses.) I could use that on the Yashica but it would be cumbersome at best unless shooting it like LF, off a tripod and deliberately.

I should invest in a few bayonet 1 filters if I can find them, I think.

31-Oct-2011, 12:00
Thanks for the info. Looks right for yellow. I've read that Acros has less red sensitivity than most modern films giving it the sort of old fashioned almost "semi-ortho" look. But that would tend to lighten blue sky relative to the rest of the scene.

I ask in part because I currently shoot 120 in a Yashicamat 124 for which I don't have any bayonet filters. I use a cheap clip on filter holder with barn doors that double as a hood and 3x3 filters mounted in frames on 4x5, which works well enough and is cheap and easier than keeping track of a bunch of thread adapters (of weird sizes for two of my three LF lenses.) I could use that on the Yashica but it would be cumbersome at best unless shooting it like LF, off a tripod and deliberately.

I should invest in a few bayonet 1 filters if I can find them, I think.

Yes it is very easy to get washed-out blank skies with Across. Pyrocat helps control the sky somewhat. I would get these filters. I have a couple for my Autocord and they are fairly easy to use and so is a dedicated Bay 1 hood.



Roger Cole
31-Oct-2011, 12:15
Yes it is very easy to get washed-out blank skies with Across. Pyrocat helps control the sky somewhat. I would get these filters. I have a couple for my Autocord and they are fairly easy to use and so is a dedicated Bay 1 hood.



I have the hood. Just looked on eBay for the filters and didn't turn up a great selection but will keep looking. Need them anyway, at least something like a #8 or #12 which can be pretty much left on for most B&W.

Gary Sommer
31-Oct-2011, 14:54
Roger- this place has bay filters for Rollei and Yashica. http://www.camera-depot.com/TLR.htm


Roger Cole
31-Oct-2011, 15:25
Roger- this place has bay filters for Rollei and Yashica. http://www.camera-depot.com/TLR.htm


Thanks, already had it bookmarked. But they're just generic "yellow," "red" and "orange" - not sure what the filter factor or equivalent wratten # might be. Then again, the price is right. Another alternative would be to just get a bay 1 to 49mm adapter ring and use 49mm filters, which also fit my f/1.7 50mm Pentax. I think going another step with a 49mm-67mm to use the same filters across everything from my Pentax mount Vivitar 28-105 down might be too big, and intrude on the viewing lens, but a quick holding of the filters up to the lens should tell me that. I'll check in to it.

Gary Sommer
31-Oct-2011, 22:51
I went with the bay 1 to 49mm adapter, and use standard 49mm filters and an old Vivitar metal lens hood.


1-Nov-2011, 06:55
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6102/6226525510_c5c7ee7eb2_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/24125157@N00/6226525510/in/photostream#/)

Click through for flickr page and description - it's a digital stitch of 6x7 Acros frames, equivalent to about 7x22cm of film. Shot in an RZ67 with 65/4 M-LA in Terelj NP, Mongolia.

1-Nov-2011, 17:07
Really nice shot.

I never had much success with Acros myself but it was obviously me - some really great shots here.

austin granger
1-Nov-2011, 17:48
In the Corn, North Plains, Oregon


1-Nov-2011, 19:33
Experimentation with long exposures on Ektar 100; this one was about 6 minutes, I believe.

Seems like the Ektar reciprocity times listed elsewhere are rather accurate.

Fotoman 6x17
Fuji 300 T

austin granger
1-Nov-2011, 20:56
Experimentation with long exposures on Ektar 100; this one was about 6 minutes, I believe.

Seems like the Ektar reciprocity times listed elsewhere are rather accurate.

Fotoman 6x17
Fuji 300 T

Just saw this over on flickr. Those pastel blues are really pretty. I do wish I could see it bigger though-you pano shooters have it rough on the computer!

1-Nov-2011, 21:36
Here's an image from last night at a Halloween event with several bands playing. Taken on a Nikon SP with the 85mm f/2 lens wide-open on T-Max 3200 pushed to 6400 in undiluted XTOL. Embrace the grain!


1-Nov-2011, 21:37
Ah! Love it!

1-Nov-2011, 21:49
Thanks! Made a really cool print in the darkroom too.

2-Nov-2011, 07:34
In the Corn, North Plains, Oregon


Very nice Austin. Story of my life - I have been driving past a dried-up corn field for weeks. Finally planed on taking my 5X7 and shooting a few. Of course, when I arrived, it had been cut down.

austin granger
2-Nov-2011, 09:06
Very nice Austin. Story of my life - I have been driving past a dried-up corn field for weeks. Finally planed on taking my 5X7 and shooting a few. Of course, when I arrived, it had been cut down.

Thanks Randy.
And the sort of thing you describe has happened to me more times than I could count.

2-Nov-2011, 14:41
Here's an image from last night at a Halloween event with several bands playing. Taken on a Nikon SP with the 85mm f/2 lens wide-open on T-Max 3200 pushed to 6400 in undiluted XTOL. Embrace the grain!

Grain at its finest! Nice shot.

2-Nov-2011, 17:06
Thanks tuco.

2-Nov-2011, 18:15
Here's an image from last night at a Halloween event with several bands playing
Love the shot. Great mood and "feel".

- Leigh

3-Nov-2011, 08:01
Another Leicaroid shot today.

3-Nov-2011, 20:39
In the Corn, North Plains, Oregon

This one is growing on me :) . The more I look at it the more I like it. And it has nothing to do with repressed pop corn cravings :D

3-Nov-2011, 20:41
One more Across


And TMY-2 in Tmax still with P67 and 55/4




Tom J McDonald
4-Nov-2011, 03:50
Olympus OM2, 50mm @ f/11, Fuji Acros 100.

Large format version to come when I can print it.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6114/6311395413_7aec54b555_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/68285466@N02/6311395413/)

austin granger
4-Nov-2011, 09:02
Mount St. Helens


4-Nov-2011, 13:17
Mount St. Helens

http://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/I looked at the image and knew who's it was before I looked at the name...and that's a good thing.

4-Nov-2011, 14:33
Austin that photo is great. The luminosity and almost glow looks fantastic.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6049/6312850437_eb0f44a6b8_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6312850437/in/photostream)

D300s - 300mm f2.8 af-i

4-Nov-2011, 15:39
Looking at the Yosemite Conservancy Sentinel webcam (http://www.yosemiteconservancy.org/webcams/view-sentinel-dome) today, it all seems vaguely familiar:

Mamiya 7II, 80mm, APX 25 (Rodinal)

4-Nov-2011, 15:48
Another Leicaroid shot today...

Wonderful decay, wonderful arrangement and fun image.

4-Nov-2011, 18:22
Mount St. Helens

Yes a triple yes. :cool: you took full advantage of the light and it shows in the tones with the clouds "exploding".



4-Nov-2011, 23:20
Playing NYC tour guide for my friend from Zürich had me shooting some Corona Park


Mamiya 7 II (50mm), Portra 400

David Hedley
5-Nov-2011, 00:26
A quick blackberry snap yesterday evening;

5-Nov-2011, 07:09
Cool image, but what is it?

5-Nov-2011, 07:14
Wow, and a Blackberry at that. Very nice.

David Hedley
5-Nov-2011, 09:53
Thanks Jon and Bob - this is just a lampshade, but it seems to look a bit like a Calabi–Yau manifold. I liked it enough to return to the market today, buy one, and do some more controlled photographs with the Sinar this afternoon - the negs are drying now.

5-Nov-2011, 13:18
Nice abstract, David.

1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 Drophead Coupe

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6110/6314047357_43ccc5bcaa_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6314047357/)

M7II, 65mm, 400TMY, Yellow Filter, Pentax Digital Spotmeter

5-Nov-2011, 22:09
An older image...about 3 years ago...my daughter...

Revisiting a neg, for a print for a local lactation specialist's office...

Hassy 6x6 - Neopan 400 - Print scan - old Ilford single weight FB

Comments - Critique - Welcome - Thanks

6-Nov-2011, 20:00
Dan; looks excellent composition and skin tones. The overall image is a little magenta though; probably just your scan.

Tuco. the white and chrome looks real nice. It's almost impossible to shoot a white car on a sunny day with digital without things getting blown out or having to compromise the range elsewhere.

While we're doing cars... Out back of a local used car dealer...
Rolleiflex 75/3.5 tessar probably at 5.6, yellow, TMY2 in PMK.


austin granger
6-Nov-2011, 23:51
Horse, Portland

Possessions, Portland


7-Nov-2011, 09:31
Dan; looks excellent composition and skin tones. The overall image is a little magenta though; probably just your scan.

Thanks JP...

The color cast is the scan - little old all-in-one that seems to be hit or miss - I have yet to find a way to scan with it properly, or even somewhat accurately... :)


7-Nov-2011, 11:56
Tuco. the white and chrome looks real nice. It's almost impossible to shoot a white car on a sunny day with digital without things getting blown out or having to compromise the range elsewhere.

Yeah, it's strange, but I find myself having to pay way more attention to light range with my digital camera than film even though the so-called DR on digital is suppose to be up in the 12ish EV range. I think it is because film can compresses the highlights where digital remains linear.

In the Aston Martin shot, I was attempting to simulate what I've done on wet prints before. Namely, make a dark print dodging the middle third, add a heavy vignette and add a graduated tone to the upper half in diluted mix of brown toner. Looks pretty close.

7-Nov-2011, 14:27
An older photo:

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6238/6323764596_2662591981_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6323764596/in/photostream)

D300s + Rokinon 85mm f1.4

7-Nov-2011, 19:46
An older photo:

D300s + Rokinon 85mm f1.4

Besides being really cute, the softness and warmth in the image is really nice. And I really like the transition from in and out of focus from this lens.

7-Nov-2011, 20:08
Besides being really cute, the softness and warmth in the image is really nice.

Thanks. I worked it quite a bit warmer. Bringing more yellow into the grass vs a pure green and warming up the rest of the image. I do what I can to bring softness into the surroundings vs the subject when there is shallow depth of field.

7-Nov-2011, 20:50
I do what I can to bring softness into the surroundings vs the subject when there is shallow depth of field.

With results like that, you must have payed a fortune for that lens! :D Seriously though, that lens looks like an exceptional bang-for-your-buck for OOF rendering.

7-Nov-2011, 20:52
With results like that, you must have payed a fortune for that lens! :D Seriously though, that lens looks like an exceptional bang-for-your-buck for OOF rendering.

The lens is the best bang for you buck for DSLRs, imo. $250 Manual focus 85mm f1.4. I will say I've been using Photoshop since I was ~13 though :D.

7-Nov-2011, 23:10
Fotoman 6x17
Fuji 300mm T


8-Nov-2011, 06:37

Scott Walker
8-Nov-2011, 08:40
iPhone, peeking around the corner of my house

8-Nov-2011, 09:17
An older photo:

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6238/6323764596_2662591981_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6323764596/in/photostream)

D300s + Rokinon 85mm f1.4

Who wouldn't like that face? Nice image.

8-Nov-2011, 13:48
Who wouldn't like that face? Nice image.

Thank you! She was easy to photograph :D .

Older Redwoods photo I never edited:

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6037/6326967082_5ff55fe2b5_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6326967082/in/photostream)

35mm Neopan 400 I think.

8-Nov-2011, 14:10
Leicaroid. I hope to find some 8x10 for this tomorrow.

8-Nov-2011, 16:16
Admiral's Row



Fifth Ave


austin granger
9-Nov-2011, 09:34
Under the Fremont Bridge, Portland


9-Nov-2011, 12:00
Love the shadows in the foreground and geometry of the picture. Whats the story behind the material they are transferring?

austin granger
9-Nov-2011, 14:06
Love the shadows in the foreground and geometry of the picture. Whats the story behind the material they are transferring?

Thanks John. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what's going beneath this bridge. I was just passing by and made a quick photo. I'm thinking of going back with the big camera and investigating further.

I like your middle photo (above) especially. The trees outside the window make a nice contrast with the room.

9-Nov-2011, 15:28
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6221/6330329564_440d13a3aa_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6330329564/in/photostream)

D300s + Rokinon 85mm f1.4 @f/2

austin granger
10-Nov-2011, 23:00
Styrofoam, Columbia River, Oregon


10-Nov-2011, 23:09
Hi Austin,

That photo rocks!

(Sorry, couldn't resist. Great shot.)

- Leigh

11-Nov-2011, 02:01
Styrofoam, Columbia River, Oregon


It makes for an interesting picture. Contrast on a couple of levels. Nice shot.

austin granger
11-Nov-2011, 09:19
Hi Austin,

That photo rocks!

(Sorry, couldn't resist. Great shot.)

- Leigh

Thanks Leigh. I thought it looked like an iceberg. It was about the size of a small refrigerator.

It makes for an interesting picture. Contrast on a couple of levels. Nice shot.

Thanks Tuco!

11-Nov-2011, 09:58
I thought it looked like an iceberg.
Yes, it does.

But "That photo icebergs!" just doesn't cut it. :rolleyes: ;)

- Leigh

11-Nov-2011, 17:22
Just a photo walking around the local campus. Right before this I was unscrewing a filter and the entire front element unscrewed! Curious, I took this shot sans front element and it was surprisingly not terrible. The edges are blurred pretty bad but it gives it an interesting look I think. Taken with a Nikon SP + 50mm f/1.4 at f/2 I believe on Kentmere 400 pushed to 800.


12-Nov-2011, 14:26
Nikon 135mm f/2 DC on Nikon D3:
More here:

13-Nov-2011, 21:01
This week-end, I had my first snow in our local mountains (it had snowed during the week at higher altitude but only the idle and lucky could enjoy it on a week day).

Fuji GW690 TMY-2 pushed to 1250 Tmax Developer


Regretfully there was not a lot of light and I did not take a tripod not expecting much in terms of photographic opportunities :o



13-Nov-2011, 21:57
This week-end, I had my first snow in our local mountains (it had snowed during the week at higher altitude but only the idle and lucky could enjoy it on a week day).

Fuji GW690 TMY-2 pushed to 1250 Tmax Developer

Regretfully there was not a lot of light and I did not take a tripod not expecting much in terms of photographic opportunities :o



Nice shot. I ran into fresh snow on a hike back in late October when it normally doesn't get some then.

Haven't you've learned. The only time you need a tripod is when you don't bring one along. ;)

13-Nov-2011, 22:57
This week-end, I had my first snow in our local mountains (it had snowed during the week at higher altitude but only the idle and lucky could enjoy it on a week day).

Fuji GW690 TMY-2 pushed to 1250 Tmax Developer

Regretfully there was not a lot of light and I did not take a tripod not expecting much in terms of photographic opportunities :o



That is fantastic! The light is awesome.

Another older photo of Stella:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6059/6342683447_4cf60f4a97_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6342683447/in/photostream)

D300s + 135mm f/2

14-Nov-2011, 07:38
Glad to see the Nikon DC lenses being put to good use by multiple people. It's a bit of an obscure gem.

14-Nov-2011, 07:50
That is fantastic! The light is awesome.

Thank you very much. There was this funny Christmas feeling out of the sudden.:D

Another older photo of Stella:
D300s + 135mm f/2

It cannot get cuter than that.



14-Nov-2011, 07:52
Nice shot. I ran into fresh snow on a hike back in late October when it normally doesn't get some then.

Haven't you've learned. The only time you need a tripod is when you don't bring one along. ;)

Thank you. I know, I know but when I go hiking with a friend, I always feel reluctant to take a tripod, set-up....



14-Nov-2011, 08:21
Another one. This time a pano of two shots.
It cannot be printed as handheld shots in dim light do not create the most consistently sharp images and aligned images, but I like the composition as a keepsake.




14-Nov-2011, 10:34
My daughter, up to no good. :)


Mamiya 645, Ektar 100

14-Nov-2011, 13:34
Glad to see the Nikon DC lenses being put to good use by multiple people. It's a bit of an obscure gem.
Yes, they are quite rare. A lot of digital folk don't like them. Not sharp enough, especially with the DC feature in use. I'd love it even more if it had very fast AF. DC feature full soft:

Thank you very much. There was this funny Christmas feeling out of the sudden.:D

It cannot get cuter than that.



Thank you! And another great shot. Those are scenes I walk right by generally. I find photographing in forests/woods very tough. I haven't honed my way of seeing in them yet. I always see the scene as too cluttered and too much detail and rarely try taking the photo. That kept me from using up a lot of 4x5 in the Redwoods.

14-Nov-2011, 16:26
A lot of digital folk don't like them. Not sharp enough.

Proof they don't know how to use them!! I think the 135 DC is my sharpest lens.

Beautiful photo of your dog (as usual). I wish I would have gotten in to photography when my dog was still alive :(

john wood
14-Nov-2011, 16:58
Nikon 135mm f/2 DC on Nikon D3:
More here:

I love this lens...and you work it well.

14-Nov-2011, 18:11
On a weekend getaway to our old stomping grounds in New Mexico, I found a very nice Leica IIIc with two Elmar lenses at an antique shop (50mm and 135mm). Screwed the 50/F3.5 on and used it the rest of the trip. Pretty sharp little sucker.


Roger Cole
14-Nov-2011, 19:17
Yes, they are quite rare. A lot of digital folk don't like them. Not sharp enough, especially with the DC feature in use. I'd love it even more if it had very fast AF.

I had to look up what the DC meant.

The thing also costs $1300! :eek: Maybe that's why "digital folks don't like them."

Nicely used here, no argument, but that is an expensive piece of glass!

14-Nov-2011, 20:04
Proof they don't know how to use them!! I think the 135 DC is my sharpest lens.

Beautiful photo of your dog (as usual). I wish I would have gotten in to photography when my dog was still alive :(
Thank you. I know a lot of people don't like dog photos but I can't resist them. Sorry to hear about yours.

I had to look up what the DC meant.

The thing also costs $1300! :eek: Maybe that's why "digital folks don't like them."

Nicely used here, no argument, but that is an expensive piece of glass!
Thanks! It's definitely expensive. I had to order mine from Japan used because they aren't available here very often. They get mixed reviews for inaccurate focus where a lot of AF fine tune is needed. Poor af performance too. And some think it isn't very sharp. Most don't even use the defocus feature. It seems to me that most digital photographers want everything insanely sharp. Completely different than perusing the Galli thread or Portrait thread on here!

14-Nov-2011, 21:39
I use a 105/DC. It's very sharp. I mostly use it for infrared panoramas.

For color, it's sharp where it's in focus and buttery smooth elsewhere. Shooting wide open needs dead-on AF fine tuning. It's the cameras fault if it's not properly in focus, not the lens. I don't have a problem with AF performance, but I mostly use it with more powerful camera bodies that can turn the screwdrive faster.

14-Nov-2011, 22:00
Thank you! And another great shot. Those are scenes I walk right by generally. I find photographing in forests/woods very tough. I haven't honed my way of seeing in them yet. I always see the scene as too cluttered and too much detail and rarely try taking the photo. That kept me from using up a lot of 4x5 in the Redwoods.

It took me a lot of wasted film to just start getting it....:rolleyes:



15-Nov-2011, 00:03
Rubik's Cube


"Somewhere in Pennsylvania"


15-Nov-2011, 00:22
I use the Nikon 105mm f/2 DC as well, for the diffusion:

16-Nov-2011, 09:45
Haven't shot a roll for a while now. Being hard up for a picture, I scavenged this from last years visit to Ruby Beach which didn't make the cut the first time around. And it's a reminder to pay attention to the camera being level. I had to straighten the picture out and the resulting crop cut a little too much of the left side, I feel.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6120/6346573486_ea31c5c453_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6346573486/)

500C/M, 80mm, NDX8 filter, Acros, PMK, 45 sec

Ramiro Elena
16-Nov-2011, 11:52
Just developed a roll that's probably been in a drawer for 2 years or more. I am pretty surprised on how sharp the 150mm Sonnar is... or maybe it is just that I got used to the fungy 80mm Planar.

My girlfriend way before we planned to have a kid (I know because you can see her smoking in other takes.)

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6231/6351224574_f341ab46bd_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6351224574/)
Sandra en Terramar (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6351224574/) por rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), en Flickr

austin granger
16-Nov-2011, 20:22
Police, Portland


16-Nov-2011, 20:45
That holds together very well. Imaginary eyes and visors echoed by windows and chandeliers.

16-Nov-2011, 20:58
Police, Portland

Just love the composition and the technical accomplishment of the photo.
The ominous/mysterious crowd in riot gear versus the everyday people in the office.
The ribbon is a must have for the composition making it not static and giving a hint of movement still to come.
Superb take.

:cool: :cool: :cool:



16-Nov-2011, 21:01
Just developed a roll that's probably been in a drawer for 2 years or more. I am pretty surprised on how sharp the 150mm Sonnar is... or maybe it is just that I got used to the fungy 80mm Planar.

My girlfriend way before we planned to have a kid (I know because you can see her smoking in other takes.)

Enjoy everything about this... Excellent...

Thanks for sharing...


16-Nov-2011, 21:42
Trying out my new ND4 filter with the Hassy

Hasselblad Sonnar 150/3.5 TMX in Tmax Developer





16-Nov-2011, 23:32
Yesterday I shot a couple rolls of film at an abandoned bridge locally known as "Spook Bridge." Many stories are passed along about it, all of which end with it being a haunted bridge. Here are 4 shots from the bridge, taken with a Nikon SP and either 28mm, 50mm, or 85mm lenses, on Tri-X 400 and Portra 160.





If you like, you can find a few more on my blog post:

17-Nov-2011, 02:48
Got to sneek away from work for a bit and went to the cheetah refuge:

Our driver Alex with his taxi, We also paid for him to join us on Refuge. He had a pretty good time eventhough he does not look too happy here. He spent a lot of time teaching us french and answering our questions:

My long time friend and travel buddy vs an Ostrich. She wanted a close up, and it wanted to eat the camera:

One of 6 Cheetahs on the Refuge. They would come up to the fence and start purring at you. They would also reach through the fence to bat at you.

My travel buddy peeking out of a nomadic hut:

austin granger
17-Nov-2011, 18:03
Thanks David and Luc, I appreciate that.

I like those ND shots a lot Luc. I enjoy it when time is presented as part of a subject.


Jan Pedersen
17-Nov-2011, 18:58
Re: safe haven for tiny formats

On a weekend getaway to our old stomping grounds in New Mexico, I found a very nice Leica IIIc with two Elmar lenses at an antique shop (50mm and 135mm). Screwed the 50/F3.5 on and used it the rest of the trip. Pretty sharp little sucker.

flickr galleries

That's a keeper. Amazing what a little Elmar can do!

Frank Petronio
17-Nov-2011, 19:43
Dead, naked animals - how disgusting! - the American Museum of Natural History, NYC, Nikon F100 with 50/1.8 G and Portra 400.


Tom J McDonald
17-Nov-2011, 20:31
I like the green.
What's that tool doing pointing the TV at those octopuses?

Frank Petronio
17-Nov-2011, 20:39
I think he was using the camera on his iPad, kind of awkward....

Tom J McDonald
17-Nov-2011, 20:53
Very awkward.

18-Nov-2011, 00:34

Nikon D3, Nikkor 105mm f/2 DC. The gallery is here:

18-Nov-2011, 07:10

Nikon D3, Nikkor 105mm f/2 DC. The gallery is here:

That's very very nice, but I like your 8/11 reflection image at another level of greatness.

austin granger
18-Nov-2011, 09:36
Horses, Portland

Rearing Horse with Flexible Ducting, Portland


Greg Y
18-Nov-2011, 10:03
Beautiful Austin. Love your work

Frank Petronio
18-Nov-2011, 10:21

Toni by flashlight

austin granger
18-Nov-2011, 11:23
Beautiful Austin. Love your work

Thanks Greg. I appreciate that.

18-Nov-2011, 17:46
That's very very nice, but I like your 8/11 reflection image at another level of greatness.

Wow! Thanks. I've had a surprising response to that reflection image:


19-Nov-2011, 00:30
Yesterday's Leicaroid, getting the right exposure for 8x10.
To be honest, this is a 5-shot tone map. No way to get this range on film.

Tom J McDonald
19-Nov-2011, 02:40
So soft.

Andrea Gazzoni
19-Nov-2011, 03:06
Viola and leaves
both taken with Bronica Etrs, Velvia 50, drum scan



Michael E
19-Nov-2011, 03:30
Beautiful Austin. Love your work


Austin, your work really stands out in the crowd of pictures on this forum. I love your writing (website), too.


Tom J McDonald
19-Nov-2011, 04:48
Andrea, your portrait is wonderful.

austin granger
19-Nov-2011, 11:45

Austin, your work really stands out in the crowd of pictures on this forum. I love your writing (website), too.


Thank you so much Michael. It heartens me to know that I am not just talking to myself, if you know what I mean. Regards, Austin

Frank Bunnik
19-Nov-2011, 12:49
A woman from Dha Hanu, Ladakh, India. These people differ totally from the rest of the inhabitants of Ladakh. They claim to have descended from the soldiers of Alexander the Great.

Hasselblad with 120mm lens, b&w film.

Steve M Hostetter
19-Nov-2011, 14:45
Viola and leaves
both taken with Bronica Etrs, Velvia 50, drum scan


Andrea, very soft old master's style. Beautiful!


Andrea Gazzoni
20-Nov-2011, 08:08
Andrea, your portrait is wonderful.

Andrea, very soft old master's style. Beautiful!

I am glad you appreciate it, thank you

20-Nov-2011, 11:42
Andrea, very nice. I am addicted to color these days

20-Nov-2011, 13:06
Looking across the Rosario Straight along the northwest shore of Washington Park, Anacortes, WA.

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6095/6360909259_21b645a783_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6360909259/)

100ACR, NDX400, PMK

20-Nov-2011, 13:15
I really like that photo. lbenac suggested on one of my photos to crop most of the bottom off. I think that would also work really well with your shot. Actually, all the way up so the tree is nearly in the exact corner so only water is showing! I find that a quite unique crop and composition. Although I like it both ways. Perhaps a bit more balanced currently too.

20-Nov-2011, 13:27
I really like that photo. lbenac suggested on one of my photos to crop most of the bottom off. I think that would also work really well with your shot. Actually, all the way up so the tree is nearly in the exact corner so only water is showing! I find that a quite unique crop and composition. Although I like it both ways. Perhaps a bit more balanced currently too.

Cropping would lose the circular movement of the square format, no?

20-Nov-2011, 13:32
Looking across the Rosario Straight along the northwest shore of Washington Park, Anacortes, WA.

100ACR, NDX400, PMK

Nice composition. There is just something bothering me with the branch in the water (I think) on the left foreground. Is that effect due to the water coming and receding?



20-Nov-2011, 13:36
Cropping would lose the circular movement of the square format, no?

Yes it would be a very different dynamic or static more likely. If I was to try cropping I would crop at the top of the big rock in the foreground. That would be something in between 6x9 and 6x7 format. The mood would be different more like a japanese ink paint.



20-Nov-2011, 13:37
Cropping would lose the circular movement of the square format, no?

Perhaps! All an opinion of course. I don't usually like making drastic crops on my photos either. But I've personally never responded well to square crops in my own images. I don't seem to notice the square format in the photos of others though. I've always preferred about a 1.6 crop ratio. That's why I'd love a Chamonix 5x8!

20-Nov-2011, 13:41
Here is a square format cropped then. ;)

1958 Chevy Impala

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6107/6364613419_f83bba3399_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6364613419/)

100ACR, Rodinal 1+100

Frank Petronio
20-Nov-2011, 23:03
Here I am, ready to f#&k the police at Occupy Rochester. I'm the old pink guy itching for a rumble, I'm going to liberate your cameras for the people!



21-Nov-2011, 05:39
With your "F**k Tha Police" reference, you could be representin' like you're the next Ice Cube. With some Photoshop skills, we could get you on the cover of an NWA album.
You can fit in right up there about 2 o'clock.


austin granger
21-Nov-2011, 11:58
Road, Sauvie Island

Field with Birds, Sauvie Island


21-Nov-2011, 15:22
This should have been today's exposure test with the leicaroid.

21-Nov-2011, 15:37
Those are both fantastic Austin!

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6019/6379410557_24cdf73f39_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6379410557/in/photostream)

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

21-Nov-2011, 21:23
Just a typical afternoon at Molera Beach, where the Big Sur River meets the sea. Pico Blanco looms in the background.

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


21-Nov-2011, 22:25
This should have been today's exposure test with the leicaroid.

I really like the mood of these stills. Definitely would look good on the right wall.

Rare sun on a Seattle winter day

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5164/5279791672_3948e430d1_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5279791672/)

100ACR, NDX8 + O2 Filters, PMK, Cropped From Square

austin granger
22-Nov-2011, 09:49
Rare sun on a Seattle winter day

That is so cool. St. Ansel would be proud of your pre-visualization!

austin granger
22-Nov-2011, 09:53
Lone Oak, Sauvie Island

Yes, if you haven't noticed, I have an obsession with solitary things on empty plains. What can I say-I'm working some things out.


22-Nov-2011, 11:15
That is so cool. St. Ansel would be proud of your pre-visualization!

Lone Oak, Sauvie Island

Yes, if you haven't noticed, I have an obsession with solitary things on empty plains. What can I say-I'm working some things out.

Thanks. Your isolation and less is more is turning out much better than my attempts at it. It's not as easy as it looks for me for some reason.

22-Nov-2011, 11:29
Great photo tuco. I love playing with shutter speed like that.

Peter De Smidt
22-Nov-2011, 12:58

22-Nov-2011, 15:09
So that's where Nemo has been hiding? Sorry, couldn't resist, I watched it a zillion times with my grandson. Nice shot.

22-Nov-2011, 16:24
http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6213/6385875619_506d2bcc10_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6385875619/in/photostream)

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

22-Nov-2011, 16:26
More leica stuff today. Different pot, same old flowers. The 8x10 is hanging up to dry.

Drew Wiley
22-Nov-2011, 16:31
I just love the "bronzed" off-hues in these flower pot shots, Chris. I remember deliberately spoiling the developer in the early-style Cibachrome media to get these
kinds of understated tones (doesn't work with the current stuff very well). Hope you'll
post more from time to time.

22-Nov-2011, 18:23
More leica stuff today. Different pot, same old flowers. The 8x10 is hanging up to dry.

Nice muted colors.

22-Nov-2011, 18:27

Jupiter 3

22-Nov-2011, 19:58
Road, Sauvie Island
Field with Birds, Sauvie Island
Lone Oak, Sauvie Island
Yes, if you haven't noticed, I have an obsession with solitary things on empty plains. What can I say-I'm working some things out.

Very nice series Austin. We do not have "empty plains here so I am doing more the very busy and crowded composition:


Or even chaotic:


I really like the mood of these stills. Definitely would look good on the right wall.
Rare sun on a Seattle winter day
100ACR, NDX8 + O2 Filters, PMK, Cropped From Square

Cool technical shots Tuco. I never really remember to try things like that.:rolleyes:



22-Nov-2011, 22:36
Great photo tuco. I love playing with shutter speed like that.

Thanks. It's fun to see what you get.

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

You create such great moods with your color that really fit the scenes.

Cool technical shots Tuco. I never really remember to try things like that.:rolleyes:


Thanks. You just need to come down out of those mountains now and then and you'll remember. :D

kev curry
22-Nov-2011, 23:43
Here I am, ready to f#&k the police at Occupy Rochester. I'm the old pink guy itching for a rumble, I'm going to liberate your cameras for the people!



Objective forces are moving you to the left...its a great shift. There's hope for you.

austin granger
23-Nov-2011, 10:23
Sermon on the Mount

Riot Police


kev curry
23-Nov-2011, 10:30
That's a great photograph. They make the SS look like Sunday school teachers...very ominous.

Frank Petronio
23-Nov-2011, 11:31
Geez they have serious gear thanks to all that Homeland Security funding there in Portlandia. Don't they understand that the most worked up those kids might get is to have a temper tantrum or maybe spit at someone?

23-Nov-2011, 13:19
Yeah, if this is what the police wear to drag a bunch of kids out of a park, what would they wear going into Afghanistan after the Taliban? Solid titanium sphere?

23-Nov-2011, 13:24
Sermon on the Mount

Riot Police


Both are great photo.
I am surprise that they let you take pictures of the police officers faces without clubbing the camera out of you...



Frank Petronio
23-Nov-2011, 13:38
I wonder if those battle suits come in XXXL with a cup holder and donut tray?

E. von Hoegh
23-Nov-2011, 13:43
Riot Police


Not too many years ago, we had to watch a sci-fi movie to see people dressed up like that. Sad and disturbing.

23-Nov-2011, 13:58
Sermon on the Mount

Riot Police


Excellent photojournalism shot. They seem to be missing gear that protects the family jewels. :cool: Some chrome spikes on the shoulder, kneecaps and gloves would be a finishing touch to that riot gear.

23-Nov-2011, 14:29
Not too many years ago, we had to watch a sci-fi movie to see people dressed up like that. Sad and disturbing.

Almost as if the dystopian movies inspired their gear look!

23-Nov-2011, 14:37
Great stuff as usual Austin!

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6224/6391264981_53ca0f20a8_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6391264981/in/photostream)

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

Tom J McDonald
23-Nov-2011, 17:23
Are they cruising in on a stretch hummer?

24-Nov-2011, 02:51
http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4004/4163459955_489eeae76c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4163459955/)


Tom J McDonald
24-Nov-2011, 04:22
That's nice Tuco.
Which company makes ACR?

Ramiro Elena
24-Nov-2011, 05:44
Riot Police

Kiss are back! Yes!

24-Nov-2011, 09:00
tuco that photo is fantastic! Love everything about it.

24-Nov-2011, 09:20
http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4004/4163459955_489eeae76c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4163459955/)


Nice. Especially seeing that it's empty!

24-Nov-2011, 11:07
That's nice Tuco.
Which company makes ACR?

Fujifilm Acros. Though this is 120 roll film, their sheet film has 100ACR as a code on it.

tuco that photo is fantastic! Love everything about it.

Nice. Especially seeing that it's empty!

Thanks you guys.

24-Nov-2011, 20:42
A leftover from July.

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6051/6397944741_757fc4f3f4_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6397944741/in/photostream)

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

Jan Pedersen
24-Nov-2011, 21:09
Not too many years ago, we had to watch a sci-fi movie to see people dressed up like that. Sad and disturbing.

Agree but is it disturbing because of the gear needed to send a message to 1% of the population or is it disturbing because of lack of respect for the 99% of the population and their values which these guys are sworn in to protect?

24-Nov-2011, 21:10
A leftover from July.

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

Beauty. What shutter speed was that?

24-Nov-2011, 21:52
Beauty. What shutter speed was that?

Thank you! It was a bit slow at 1/800. I've had to go lower too. Keeper rate drops big time. It's hard enough to AF on the buggers.

E. von Hoegh
25-Nov-2011, 08:30
Agree but is it disturbing because of the gear needed to send a message to 1% of the population or is it disturbing because of lack of respect for the 99% of the population and their values which these guys are sworn in to protect?

All of the above.

austin granger
25-Nov-2011, 09:50

Riot Police II


Frank Petronio
25-Nov-2011, 10:00


25-Nov-2011, 10:54
Frosty, Foggy Marsh

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2713/4164692132_230d0701da_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4164692132/)

Jay Decker
25-Nov-2011, 12:27


Bronica SQ-Ai
110mm Macro
Fuji Velvia
Near Carson, WA

austin granger
25-Nov-2011, 13:48

Thanks Frank! And thanks to everyone else above who commented on the riot police picture(s). This is new territory for me, but not one which I plan on staying in for long. The humans tire me (present company excluded :)). I need to get back to the wide open spaces I love so much. I think I hear the desert calling...

austin granger
25-Nov-2011, 13:48
I love that one Tuco.

25-Nov-2011, 14:42
My only foray into the digital world was way back when my Nikon D100 was pretty much state-of-the-art :). I rarely had use for a lens greater than my 70-200mm, but there were times, just not enough to warrant plunking down big $$. This past fall I took the D100 along on vacation along with a pretty inexpensive 500mm mirror lens just to see how things would look. I'm sure current technology and better equipment would yield better results, but I was pleased with how both worked.

25-Nov-2011, 16:22
Tuco, wonderful and distressing atmosphere. Not such a tiny format either.

25-Nov-2011, 16:29
Digital Hassaroid saved as 16bit greyscale. I'm out of 8x10 again so this is the defintive result.

26-Nov-2011, 09:51
I love that one Tuco.

Tuco, wonderful and distressing atmosphere. Not such a tiny format either.


austin granger
26-Nov-2011, 11:03


26-Nov-2011, 17:38
Cooke F3.5 Anastigmat Cine:


26-Nov-2011, 19:24

As seen on my dusk walk. Having fun with mediocre bokeh.
d300/50 1.4d-af.

27-Nov-2011, 04:24
Cooke F3.5 Anastigmat Cine:



Ken Lee
27-Nov-2011, 04:51
Apple Leaves, 2011
iPhone 4S

27-Nov-2011, 04:59
Ken, Your iPhone leaves came up while I was online and I could not resist converting them to greyscale. It's you right the way through.

Ken Lee
27-Nov-2011, 05:06
Apple Leaves, 2011
iPhone 4 S

You've reminded me why I don't like color photos - except those done by certain Maestros ;)

27-Nov-2011, 05:44
Really needed 400 film for this shot. I just opened the lens up, used the lowest shutter speed I was comfortable with handheld and hoped for the best.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2688/4173815098_2d87900d8a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4173815098/)


27-Nov-2011, 08:00

Thanks Christopher, if there's one thing we get in Arizona is sunlight. It's really good in this spot in the fall near sundown. The amazing thing is if you go 100 yards on either side of this water oasis, you are in brown, dry, rocky desert with just a few cacti.

27-Nov-2011, 10:09
Riot Police II


I guess the Portland mayor had enough of occupy too?

Frosty, Foggy Marsh

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2713/4164692132_230d0701da_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4164692132/)

Nice. Foggy days are always the best!

austin granger
28-Nov-2011, 09:52
Bench and Shrubs, Skyline Memorial Gardens, Portland


Trees, Skyline Memorial Gardens, Portland



28-Nov-2011, 13:59
It's still got some life. Hassaroid.

Roger Cole
28-Nov-2011, 19:33
This is the courtyard of the little place in New Orleans where my fiance and I stayed back in the summer. Yaschicamat 124, Ilford FP4+, exposure unrecorded. Print is on Ilford Multigrade Warmtone Fiber Based paper developed in Ilford Warm Tone developer then toned for 45 seconds in 1/4 strength Legacy Pro brown toner (Freestyle store brand equivalent to Kodak Brown Toner.)



28-Nov-2011, 20:36
from a trip to NH taken in october,
and processed a few days ago ...

i can't remember much of what happened afterwards

29-Nov-2011, 11:02
Nice. Foggy days are always the best!

Thanks. Yes, foggy days open up new opportunities for sure.

Bench and Shrubs, Skyline Memorial Gardens, Portland

That's really foggy!

Steve M Hostetter
29-Nov-2011, 11:15

Riot Police II


This is cool... I seen some protestor's dressed like R2D2:D

austin granger
30-Nov-2011, 20:21
Muddy Truck with Beer Can, North Plains, Oregon



austin granger
1-Dec-2011, 09:57
Sheridan, Oregon



1-Dec-2011, 11:27
A couple more, first with a Cooke F3.5 Cine, the second with a Jupiter 3. I'm starting to notice Fall colors in the desert are predominately yellow!



2-Dec-2011, 08:35
Holga camera. Fuji Acros.


2-Dec-2011, 08:36

2-Dec-2011, 09:00
1939 Pontiac Deluxe 8 Convertible

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7175/6439389397_2c239381a7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6439389397/)

100ACR, Rodinal 1+100

Steve M Hostetter
2-Dec-2011, 15:00
HOHOHO Merry Christmas! :)

The Santa Claus that drives his Harley around Monument Circle:D !

I used a D5000 50mm 1.4 af-s


Roger Cole
3-Dec-2011, 10:30
Another of my fiance Alicia, Yashicamat 124, Tri-X, T-Max RS, Ilford MGWT FB, Ilford WT developer, as the above toned for 40 seconds in 1/4 strength brown toner:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7022/6429895995_a5b07901a9_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/6429895995/)
A_ParkBench_Toned1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/6429895995/) by Roger Cole (http://www.flickr.com/people/rogercole/), on Flickr

Tom J McDonald
4-Dec-2011, 00:28
Roger, is she a lady cop?

Tom J McDonald
4-Dec-2011, 00:29
Tracey in tea!

RB67 150mm soft focus lens, Fomaspeed RC paper toned in tea.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7162/6451211605_4cc70295f7_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/68285466@N02/6451211605/)

Brian Legge
4-Dec-2011, 01:54


Rick A
4-Dec-2011, 07:07
1939 Pontiac Deluxe 8 Convertible

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7175/6439389397_2c239381a7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6439389397/)

100ACR, Rodinal 1+100


4-Dec-2011, 08:12

I agree!

Roger Cole
4-Dec-2011, 08:55
Roger, is she a lady cop?

Hehe, nope. That's just a crossing guard cap she got from a thrift store when she lived in Philadelphia. It goes with the rest of this outfit to reflect her fashion style.

I just told her about the question and she got a good laugh. Thanks for the morning brightener. :)

Roger Cole
4-Dec-2011, 08:57
1939 Pontiac Deluxe 8 Convertible

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7175/6439389397_2c239381a7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6439389397/)

100ACR, Rodinal 1+100

That's a beautiful shot. I love how you get those high tones to separate getting good definition while keeping them looking white.

What is ACR? Acros?

4-Dec-2011, 09:21
That's a beautiful shot. I love how you get those high tones to separate getting good definition while keeping them looking white.

What is ACR? Acros?

Thanks, yes, it's Acros. Their 120 roll film just says 100 Acros with no code like Kodak uses. But their sheet film has 100ACR code on it. So I just use that.

Roger Cole
4-Dec-2011, 09:25
Ah, figured it must be. I've not yet tried Acros. I have three rolls of 120 waiting to try.

4-Dec-2011, 09:51
The Watsonville Junction, California stucco depot waits out its final days as seen on November 26th. Union Pacific will be knocking this one down in favor of a smaller modular building in the yard.

Canon Elan 7, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, Fuji Neopan 400.


Tom J McDonald
4-Dec-2011, 14:57
Hehe, nope. That's just a crossing guard cap she got from a thrift store when she lived in Philadelphia. It goes with the rest of this outfit to reflect her fashion style.

I just told her about the question and she got a good laugh. Thanks for the morning brightener. :)

:) - Good to hear. I'd feel kinda restricted being engaged to a copper.

BTW what is a crossing guard?

4-Dec-2011, 15:58
1939 Pontiac Deluxe 8 Convertible

100ACR, Rodinal 1+100

That's an absolutely outstanding shot. Excellent example of holding highlight detail. (I love Acros for the same reason.)


- Leigh

4-Dec-2011, 16:35

That's an absolutely outstanding shot. Excellent example of holding highlight detail. (I love Acros for the same reason.)


- Leigh

Why thanks. I mostly use Acros for long exposure work because of its resistance to reciprocity failure. Too many times I have forgotten to bring along a reciprocity chart or left it in another camera bag. T-Max films, however, are pretty easy to memorize out to 4 minute exposures.

4-Dec-2011, 16:40
Post Alley, Seattle

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7154/6410248527_bb5bf94dc6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6410248527/)

400TMY, PMK, Pentax Spotmeter V

Roger Cole
4-Dec-2011, 17:13
:) - Good to hear. I'd feel kinda restricted being engaged to a copper.

BTW what is a crossing guard?

Apparently it's the same thing as a "School Crossing Supervisor" in your country:


It's appropriate to her not just in fitting her fashion sense with some outfits (it's an antiquated cap, I'm pretty sure) but also because she's a teacher (middle school, special ed.)

More on my flickr page, which still needs me to figure out how to organize stuff on it better:


Tom J McDonald
4-Dec-2011, 18:48
Apparently it's the same thing as a "School Crossing Supervisor" in your country:


It's appropriate to her not just in fitting her fashion sense with some outfits (it's an antiquated cap, I'm pretty sure) but also because she's a teacher (middle school, special ed.)

More on my flickr page, which still needs me to figure out how to organize stuff on it better:


Ahhhh. gotcha. A lollypop lady.

Cool, my mum was a special ed teacher.

5-Dec-2011, 11:30
Zephyr = Wind. Even when standing still. Cooke Cine:


Annie M.
5-Dec-2011, 18:57
Bit of bad weather last few weeks.

Brian C. Miller
5-Dec-2011, 23:32
Sample frame of William Mortenson-style refridgerator development.
Camera: Fuji GW680
Lens: 90mm? I don't remember. This was a test shot, and then I shipped the camera to Vaughn. Yes, this roll of film has been sitting around for years.
Film: Fuji Acros 100
Development: Ilford Ilfosol 3, 1:9 in cold tap water, shaken for 30sec, and then put into the refrigerator for five days. Shaken once in the morning, and once or twice in the evening.
Scanned on Epson 3200, 3200spi output. Low sharpening in scanning software, then one pass of the Gimp unsharp mask, default settings.
Yes, the negative has more detail than this.

6-Dec-2011, 06:29
Bit of bad weather last few weeks.

Nicely captured. I like skies like that, when I have my camera and when lightning isn't involved.

6-Dec-2011, 08:31
Bit of bad weather last few weeks.

Wicked looking cloud formation.

Annie M.
6-Dec-2011, 09:15
Big clouds... big rain too! That mass of black on the surface of the ocean is rain... the land mass is the Olympic Peninsula... they get rain... lots of rain.

6-Dec-2011, 09:22
Big clouds... big rain too! That mass of black on the surface of the ocean is rain... the land mass is the Olympic Peninsula... they get rain... lots of rain.

Hope the gutters are cleaned out!


6-Dec-2011, 10:31
Big clouds... big rain too! That mass of black on the surface of the ocean is rain... the land mass is the Olympic Peninsula... they get rain... lots of rain.

Love it!

6-Dec-2011, 10:47
I thought I'd share this. This is what I built a while back to develop my film. And here is a a video (http://vimeo.com/11210854) I made while making it. It does BW 135, 120 and 4x5 sheet.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3443/3376205605_7b0cf348d3_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3376205605/)

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3477/3227429207_ea2562171c_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3227429207/)

This was my first version built around 1995

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3005/2945759333_baf567c242_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/2945759333/)

6-Dec-2011, 11:21
I hope in the video you're wearing a lab coat and horn-rimmed glasses, talking in a warbly monotone; otherwise I may not take you seriously.

That's a fantastic contraption, and if we may judge from your photos, it works beautifully!

6-Dec-2011, 12:00
Thats so nerdy and so awesome. I remember seeing it on flickr a while ago and wanting to build one myself. I also like the double entendre in the name :)

6-Dec-2011, 12:09
Uh, wow. I am speechless.

Annie M.
6-Dec-2011, 12:14
AG-O-MATIC ... pure beauty... I adore this kind of 'thing'

6-Dec-2011, 12:43
It is a beauty of a machine! And it might easily convert into a Bass-O-Matic too! ;)

Minor point -- In the video at 1:05, the shutter of the 4x5 is used while the darkslide is still in the holder.

6-Dec-2011, 13:07
Ok, you weren't in a lab coat and nerdy glasses, but I took you seriously.
That was fantastic.
Congratulations, Tuco!

6-Dec-2011, 13:44
Thats so nerdy and so awesome. I remember seeing it on flickr a while ago and wanting to build one myself. I also like the double entendre in the name :)

Uh, wow. I am speechless.

AG-O-MATIC ... pure beauty... I adore this kind of 'thing'

Why thanks. It makes developing more consistent and fun for me.

It is a beauty of a machine! And it might easily convert into a Bass-O-Matic too! ;)

Minor point -- In the video at 1:05, the shutter of the 4x5 is used while the darkslide is still in the holder.

Mystery solved. I was wondering why that sheet turned out blank. :cool:

Ok, you weren't in a lab coat and nerdy glasses, but I took you seriously.
That was fantastic.
Congratulations, Tuco!

Thanks, but I did have a my wood working apron on and those magnifying goggles at the end. I'd think that would count. :D

6-Dec-2011, 13:46
Thanks, but I did have a my wood working apron on and those magnifying goggles at the end. I'd think that would count. :D

Oh, it counts big time!

And if you ever make one for 8x10 and larger, you have my permission to call it The Agitator. :)

6-Dec-2011, 13:48
Wow, most excellent all round tuco!

6-Dec-2011, 14:28
Dude, you sell those. I would buy one. Congrats!

6-Dec-2011, 21:22
Very cool Tuco - and nice job on the video as well, it was fun to see all the steps. Thanks for sharing!

6-Dec-2011, 21:38
What microprocessor did you use?

6-Dec-2011, 22:10
Wow, most excellent all round tuco!

Very cool Tuco - and nice job on the video as well, it was fun to see all the steps. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks. The video was a lot of work. More so than I expected.

Dude, you sell those. I would buy one. Congrats!

Thanks. Sorry, it was too much custom work to build any for sale.

What microprocessor did you use?

I used a Soekris Net4801 (http://soekris.com/products/net4801.html) general communications board. One I use to build my firewall/routers with. It has an embedded AMD SC1100 CPU. It is running OpenBSD for an operating system. It also has a Senao NL-2511MP Plus mini-PCI wireless card running basically as a wireless access point. An XML RPC server also supports remote control via a client application on, say, a laptop. Other services such as OpenSSH is also available for logging into it as well. And failing any of that you can connect a serial console to it to gain access.

Roger Cole
6-Dec-2011, 23:27
My reaction varies between awe-filled admiration and the thought that, "some people just have way too much time on their hands." :D

Seriously, that's awesome. I have some familiarity with electronics from being a ham for decades and now a network engineer, but that would be way beyond me. So I just bought a Jobo. ;)

7-Dec-2011, 00:11
...Mystery solved. I was wondering why that sheet turned out blank. :cool: ...

For some unknown reason, having the darkslide in place in the holder temporarily reduces the film's ASA -- pretty much close to zero, I believe. When you pull out the darkslide, the film's ASA snaps right back up to 100 or 400 or whatever you have set on your meter. Almost magical... But I do know from personal experience that an hour exposure of the night sky will not yield star trails if you don't pull the darkslide out...even on clear nights!

Wonderful device. I enjoyed seeing how you bent the plastic of the case, and how the final designed morphed from the prototype.


7-Dec-2011, 01:08
Someone noted to me that the machine agitates too fast. Wrong. In the video you can see I programmed in 5 agitation profiles during the software scene. And for PMK Pyro you want a "brisk" agitation profile of around 3 inversions within 5 seconds every 15 seconds which has been working for me for the last 18 years.

austin granger
7-Dec-2011, 10:18
Mary with Cloud, Portland

Last Light, Haystack Rock, Oregon Coast


7-Dec-2011, 11:54
Last Light, Haystack Rock, Oregon Coast

Nice. Which haystack rock is that? It doesn't look the one at Cannon Beach.

7-Dec-2011, 12:50
Last Light, Haystack Rock, Oregon Coast

I love that location. Nice photo!

austin granger
7-Dec-2011, 13:15
Nice. Which haystack rock is that? It doesn't look the one at Cannon Beach.
Thanks Tuco. You're right, this is "The Other Haystack Rock," at Pacific City/Cape Kiwanda.

austin granger
7-Dec-2011, 13:19
I love that location. Nice photo!

Thanks Sam! Despite having lived in Oregon for over five years now, before this trip I'd never explored Cape Kiwanda. Unfortunately, I got out there pretty late (it was even darker than this photo suggests) so I wasn't able to photograph much. I'm planning to go back when I can though-the cliffs are amazing!

Scott Walker
7-Dec-2011, 13:35
Wow Tuco, stellar job on the video as well as the Ag-O-Matic.
It looks like something you would see in the Robb Report "Best Of The Best" Issue.

7-Dec-2011, 13:57
Thanks Tuco. You're right, this is "The Other Haystack Rock," at Pacific City/Cape Kiwanda.

Awh, yes. I've yet to visit that place. When I was a Cannon Beach, everyone always shoots that haystack rock. But I didn't even take a picture of it. Instead, I found these stacks next to haystack rock way more interesting.

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4145/5028468153_3e432ee7c1_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5028468153/)

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5092/5398907607_492ca1436e_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5398907607/)

100ACR, NDX400 + Orange Filter, 60 sec exposure

austin granger
7-Dec-2011, 22:09
Awh, yes. I've yet to visit that place. When I was a Cannon Beach, everyone always shoots that haystack rock. But I didn't even take a picture of it. Instead, I found these stacks next to haystack rock way more interesting.

Beautiful. I like the second one especially. It is clear that you have a firm control over your materials, something I still aspire to.

7-Dec-2011, 23:27
Some beautiful photos in this thread. This was taken with a Nikon D200 at an impromptu medical clinic in the mountainous area of northern Nicaragua.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7173/6464033335_0246b6dde8.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6464033335/)
Village Girl, Nicaragua (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6464033335/) by Jeffery D Ross (http://www.flickr.com/people/jefferydavidross/), on Flickr

8-Dec-2011, 09:23
Fall Creek yesterday in Felton, California. Nothing like a chilly hike down to the gulch! :D

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, ASA 100.


austin granger
8-Dec-2011, 21:43
Mammoth, Oregon


8-Dec-2011, 22:55
Mammoth, Oregon

I knew that down here in California we have a Mammoth, CA, a Mammoth Lakes, CA along with Mammoth Mountain. Now I know Oregon has its Mammoth Butt!

Fun image!