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4-Aug-2011, 12:33

You are posting some great images here!

4-Aug-2011, 15:18

You are posting some great images here!

Thank you! I think I am overdoing it in this thread though :o.

4-Aug-2011, 17:19
Zaitz, I am a fan, great stuff!

Here are a couple of my personal favourites.



This one with 5D mk II and Leica 19mm Elmarit v2.

Don't know why this one is resized smaller.. 12mm Voigtlander on M9

All M9 and 18mm ZM Distagon unless otherwise noted. I have a lot of stitched pano's but I don't really consider them 'small format'.

4-Aug-2011, 17:20
...and one more, also 18mm Distagon.


4-Aug-2011, 19:25
Here is another from my Nikon S2 (with the 135mm f/3.5 lens). I used Kentmere 400 film developed in xtol stock. This cheapy film is actually pretty nice. I like the grain.

As an aside, I sure wished I lived closer to some of these awesome places you guys are posting.


4-Aug-2011, 20:39
Thank you! I think I am overdoing it in this thread though :o.

That's what the thread is for, and it's to everybody's enjoyment, I think. :)

But flickr most definitely does not do your images justice, you need to have your own site.


4-Aug-2011, 20:50
Leica M9 with 24mm Summilux
Ephesus, Turkey


5-Aug-2011, 14:35
That's what the thread is for, and it's to everybody's enjoyment, I think. :)

But flickr most definitely does not do your images justice, you need to have your own site.


Thanks, I may have to look into designing a simple one.

thrice: Thank you! Where were your seascapes taken? I really like the round rock one and the last one.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6125/6012452698_271095728e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6012452698/in/photostream)

austin granger
5-Aug-2011, 21:46
Listing Phone Booth, Astoria

6-Aug-2011, 11:27
Listing Phone Booth, Astoria

Austin do you use the same editing procedure for most shots? It always looks great. Just wondering.

My favorite from Death Valley:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6134/6015354996_4658c1c597_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6015354996/in/pool-tokina-lenses)

6-Aug-2011, 13:58
Some brilliant images in this thread (as with all the threads really).

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2358/5822015289_01eeaccd8f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5822015289/)
BIRD (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5822015289/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

Digital! D300 from Egypt.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5012/5553597067_ce1f9b5301.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5553597067/)
Hardian's Wall Sunset Velvia 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5553597067/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

Mamiya RB67 Velvia 50

austin granger
6-Aug-2011, 17:36
Austin do you use the same editing procedure for most shots? It always looks great. Just wondering.

My favorite from Death Valley:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6134/6015354996_4658c1c597_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6015354996/in/pool-tokina-lenses)

That's an incredible picture. Otherworldly. And I love the blowing sand. The one time I explored the dunes in Death Valley, there were footprints everywhere and it drove me mad until I realized that the whole business was a little absurd, me tromping around looking for 'pristine' sand, so I just went with it and started photographing footprints. A few of them turned out pretty cool-maybe I'll post them.

As for my procedure, well, my um, 'workflow' is pretty primitive. I think I'm now at the point where I know just enough (barely) to get what I want, or at least I've convinced myself I do, but I'll tell you, when I browse through some of the forum topics here (particularly the digital stuff) I start to break out in a cold sweat: "Man, I really have no idea what I'm doing!"

Anyway though, I shoot film (medium format or 5x7 these days), have it developed (gasp!) and then scan it in with my Epson 4990. Sometimes I play with the levels a bit. Then I work (with Photoshop Elements-double gasp!) on the contrast and the brightness and so on. After that, there's usually a little dodging and burning and then some sharpening. For the tones I add a fill layer. I have a list of codes for my favorite colors. And that's about it really. I try and keep things simple, not so much for philosophical reasons, but because I like to keep my energies focused on going out into the world and discovering things. Either that or I'm just not very smart-ha! Thanks for the compliment though. I admire your own pictures a lot.

6-Aug-2011, 20:32
Michael, I'm a sucker for ruins, there aren't any interesting ones in Australia :(
Zaitz, both astounding pictures, the redwoods in the fog shot (as with your 4x5 shot) has great atmosphere and mystery to it. The Death Valley shot is great as well! Is it a blend/hdr? a lot of dynamic range in that image :)
The seascapes are taken all over the place, the first and last taken near my house in Perth, Western Australia, the second is from a lake also near my house. The one with the orangey rock formations is from a place called Kalbarri about 6 hours North of Perth. The round boulder is from Moeraki Boulders near Dunedin in New Zealand.

6-Aug-2011, 21:56
That's an incredible picture. Otherworldly. And I love the blowing sand. The one time I explored the dunes in Death Valley, there were footprints everywhere and it drove me mad until I realized that the whole business was a little absurd, me tromping around looking for 'pristine' sand, so I just went with it and started photographing footprints. A few of them turned out pretty cool-maybe I'll post them.

As for my procedure, well, my um, 'workflow' is pretty primitive. I think I'm now at the point where I know just enough (barely) to get what I want, or at least I've convinced myself I do, but I'll tell you, when I browse through some of the forum topics here (particularly the digital stuff) I start to break out in a cold sweat: "Man, I really have no idea what I'm doing!"

Anyway though, I shoot film (medium format or 5x7 these days), have it developed (gasp!) and then scan it in with my Epson 4990. Sometimes I play with the levels a bit. Then I work (with Photoshop Elements-double gasp!) on the contrast and the brightness and so on. After that, there's usually a little dodging and burning and then some sharpening. For the tones I add a fill layer. I have a list of codes for my favorite colors. And that's about it really. I try and keep things simple, not so much for philosophical reasons, but because I like to keep my energies focused on going out into the world and discovering things. Either that or I'm just not very smart-ha! Thanks for the compliment though. I admire your own pictures a lot.

I definitely got a bit lucky. The other people there wouldn't go 50 yards out from the parking. And if they did the wind would blow the foot prints out pretty quick. Only footprints were my own!

Thanks for the insight. I just kept seeing the consistent toning. It works well in every image and that surprised me. I can never get a set scheme that works well in more then a few photos. And thanks for the compliment.

Michael, I'm a sucker for ruins, there aren't any interesting ones in Australia :(
Zaitz, both astounding pictures, the redwoods in the fog shot (as with your 4x5 shot) has great atmosphere and mystery to it. The Death Valley shot is great as well! Is it a blend/hdr? a lot of dynamic range in that image :)
The seascapes are taken all over the place, the first and last taken near my house in Perth, Western Australia, the second is from a lake also near my house. The one with the orangey rock formations is from a place called Kalbarri about 6 hours North of Perth. The round boulder is from Moeraki Boulders near Dunedin in New Zealand.
Thank you! Single exposure for this one. The seascapes above were a blend of two to gain detail in the rocks/shadows. The d300s files are very adjustable. Looking at the histogram I set the EV to underexpose by almost two stops. This gave my nice sun stars and the shadows were still recoverable. The sun is overexposed and pure white. But by yellowing the highlights it softens them quite a bit and gives the highlights less harsh of an appearance. Copious dodging on the ripples brought them out. And thanks for the info. I'd love to have access to a fantastic coastline like in those.

austin granger
7-Aug-2011, 08:21
Two Ships, Astoria, Oregon

7-Aug-2011, 11:34
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5098/5527350116_a2ac427a8c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5527350116/)

Mamiya RB67 and Ektar 100

More iPhone:


Raindrops on the sunroof.

This is superb!

8-Aug-2011, 19:02
An image from my brief foray into digital - Nikon D50 - 18-55

Comments/Critique Welcome

8-Aug-2011, 21:13
Two Ships, Astoria, Oregon

I love this!

8-Aug-2011, 23:42
Frank I agree I have the G1 with the 20mm lens it's great I use it for scouting and all around easy shit, my d 700 doesn't get much use, all the others are film up too and including 8x10. I think the G1 is an great little camera.BTW I like your work a great deal.

austin granger
9-Aug-2011, 07:27
Shirt in Shop Window, Portland

9-Aug-2011, 08:07
I like these photos Austin.

austin granger
9-Aug-2011, 16:33
I like these photos Austin.

Thank you.

austin granger
9-Aug-2011, 19:14
On the Road, Oregon Desert

Stranger on the Edge of Town, Christmas Valley, Oregon


10-Aug-2011, 10:43
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6139/6029845036_131ae47153_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6029845036/)
Death Valley (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6029845036/) by Zach Boumeester (http://www.flickr.com/people/zboumeester/), on Flickr

austin granger
10-Aug-2011, 11:27
Contrails, Death Valley


Rick A
10-Aug-2011, 12:14
Shot these yesterday with an OM-1 and 1.8/50mm on Legacy 100. My wife was yelling at me to get the hell away from them the entire time. BTW, one of those tails belong to the head on the other side of a four foot long rock it was under, and the bodies are as fat as my arm. Eastern diamond backs.

10-Aug-2011, 12:52
Keep 'em coming Austin. Great stuff!

Michael Cienfuegos
10-Aug-2011, 20:40
Shot these yesterday with an OM-1 and 1.8/50mm on Legacy 100. My wife was yelling at me to get the hell away from them the entire time. BTW, one of those tails belong to the head on the other side of a four foot long rock it was under, and the bodies are as fat as my arm. Eastern diamond backs.

Those snakes look like they are well fed!

Steve M Hostetter
11-Aug-2011, 06:14
3- stitched images to make this scene from St. Clair st.

More canals ran through Indiana then any other state.. This is from "re-formed" central canal where you can rent a paddle boat and enjoy the night air..

D5000 /50mm 1.4 @ f11

Steve M Hostetter
11-Aug-2011, 06:16
Hummer from near 4' away w/ a 300mm f4.0 af-s flash set on low power

austin granger
11-Aug-2011, 09:32
Hawaii, Portland


11-Aug-2011, 09:34
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6139/6029845036_131ae47153_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6029845036/)
Death Valley (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6029845036/) by Zach Boumeester (http://www.flickr.com/people/zboumeester/), on Flickr

Oooooh, nice!

11-Aug-2011, 21:48
Oooooh, nice!


Great stuff Austin. That Burning Man shot in the other thread is fantastic. Other Worldly.

12-Aug-2011, 07:47
5 hours North of Oslo Norway. June 19th or so.

thanks again stephane

35mm velvia

12-Aug-2011, 07:57
Very nice. It's almost like you can reach up and grab a cloud. I would love to have those in the sky today. I'm wrapping up a few calls for work and will be heading for Cades Cove immediately after lunch. Without clouds, there's always rivers, creeks and waterfalls. The Smokey Mountains seem like a fine place for testing out a batch of film holders. I wish I had time to do it before I left, but here I am. I can only hope for the best.


12-Aug-2011, 14:31

austin granger
13-Aug-2011, 09:16
Cemetery, Koloa, Kaua'i

Shigematsu, Koloa, Kaua'i

Fruit, Koloa, Kaua'i

Domingo A. Siliceo
13-Aug-2011, 13:19
Cox, Spain, view from the castle.

Apotar 4.5/80mm, f/11, 1/100, Rollei RPX 100, 50 ISO, developed with Rollei RLS.


13-Aug-2011, 14:51
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5059/5538401880_9089fabe86.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5538401880/)

Hadrians Wall - Nikon D300

13-Aug-2011, 15:27
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3308/4590865866_b6ed38a042_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4590865866/)

Hasselblad 500C/M, Sonnar CF T* 150mm f4, NDX400 filter, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Pentax Spotmeter V, 60 sec exp

13-Aug-2011, 15:41
For some reason, of the ~260 photos I took in Hawai'i this past June with my Leica M6TTL, this one is overwhelmingly the most popular:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6121/5972419952_19979b667c_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/drew_saunders/5972419952/)

I don't get it. It's just a ship model! I used either the Leica 24/2.8 ASPH or the CV 21/4, probably the 21 at this distance. Apparently, someone linked to it through tumblr, and then it became really popular.

And here's one that I actually like:

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6016/5976871386_602c275e0a_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/drew_saunders/5976871386/)

I think I shot that with the 24/2.8. Both with Kodak 160NC.

13-Aug-2011, 15:51
Abandon and left to decay along the Columbia River near Astoria, Oregon. I hope all the oil and fuel was removed.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3496/3978938563_5996628cc9_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3978938563/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 105mm f2.4, NDX400 + O2 orange filter, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Spotmeter V, 120 sec exp

13-Aug-2011, 16:27
And here's one that I actually like:

I think I shot that with the 24/2.8. Both with Kodak 160NC.

I like that one better too. Have you tried the New Portra 160?

13-Aug-2011, 17:54
Abandon and left to decay along the Columbia River near Astoria, Oregon. I hope all the oil and fuel was removed.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3496/3978938563_5996628cc9_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3978938563/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 105mm f2.4, NDX400 + O2 orange filter, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Spotmeter V, 120 sec exp

WOW! Beautiful! Where is this, more specifically??

13-Aug-2011, 18:19
WOW! Beautiful! Where is this, more specifically??

Thanks. The Washington State side of the Columbia River about 2 miles east of the Astoria Bridge.

13-Aug-2011, 19:13
I like that one better too. Have you tried the New Portra 160?

I couldn't find it in 135 before my trip, so I went with tried 'n' true 160NC. I'll try the new one soon.

13-Aug-2011, 20:18
I couldn't find it in 135 before my trip, so I went with tried 'n' true 160NC. I'll try the new one soon.

I've been shooting it some. Here is an example and I'm starting to like it mostly because it scans well so far.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6053/5871600159_d61d91df4d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5871600159/)

Hasselblad 500C/M, Zeiss Makro-Planar CF T* 120mm f4, New Portra 160, Jobo C-41 Press Kit, Sekonic L-398A

14-Aug-2011, 03:01

14-Aug-2011, 10:27
Thanks. The Washington State side of the Columbia River about 2 miles east of the Astoria Bridge.

Thanks, I'll have to check this place out if I ever get that far away from the southeast.

14-Aug-2011, 10:50
In another thread about shooting your landscapes before they're gone, a bit of a heated discussion is going on about it. So I thought I post a picture about much what was being discussed.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5001/5369161982_0a5afe3dd6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5369161982/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 165mm f2.8, NDX8 + R60 (R2) Red filters, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Pentax Spotmeter V, 1 sec exp

14-Aug-2011, 11:41
Great stuff, Tuco, these last three images, but weren't you killed off at the end of season 1? :)
I'd like to know how you maintain such clarity and detail in scanning these beautiful photos (I'm assuming you scan, but correct me if I'm wrong).
I always feel like I have to over-sharpen after scanning just to get the detail back, at which point it starts looking kind of fake to me.

Steve M Hostetter
14-Aug-2011, 11:50
In another thread about shooting your landscapes before they're gone, a bit of a heated discussion is going on about it. So I thought I post a picture about much what was being discussed.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5001/5369161982_0a5afe3dd6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5369161982/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 165mm f2.8, NDX8 + R60 (R2) Red filters, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Pentax Spotmeter V, 1 sec exp

awesome well done ! tuco

Frank Petronio
14-Aug-2011, 12:44
Summer 2011





14-Aug-2011, 13:02
Great stuff, Tuco, these last three images, but weren't you killed off at the end of season 1? :)
I'd like to know how you maintain such clarity and detail in scanning these beautiful photos (I'm assuming you scan, but correct me if I'm wrong).
I always feel like I have to over-sharpen after scanning just to get the detail back, at which point it starts looking kind of fake to me.

Why thanks. Ha, my tuco is from the movie, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I believed he lived to spend that money.

Yes, I scan myself. Sharpening our scans can be difficult. Tools like smart sharpen, unsharpen mask and high pass sharpening can all be employed. I take it your final sharpening is that last thing you do after you have scaled your image to its final size, right?

I scan to a DNG file and find I get good results with the sharpening tool in Lightroom 3 where I do most of my editing except I need to also export from LR3 to CS5 for using the healing tool to clean dust (so much better there), apply local curve adjustments and sometimes toning. But sometimes I'll do my sharpening in CS5 with those sharpening methods I noted.

awesome well done ! tuco


14-Aug-2011, 13:05
Why thanks. Ha, my tuco is from the movie, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I believed he lived to spend that gold.

Yes, I scan myself. Sharpening our scans can be difficult. Tools like smart sharpen, unsharpen mask and high pass sharpening can all be employed. I take it your final sharpening is that last thing you do after you have scaled your image to its final size, right?

I scan to a DNG file and find I get good results with the sharpening tool in Lightroom 3. But sometimes I will go to CS5 and use those other sharpening methods.


Thanks for the info.
Yes, I do sharpen after re-sizing; I've been wondering if my scanner has an inherent softness, since I never adjusted the scanning height for 4x5.
Keep up the good work!

14-Aug-2011, 14:10
I usually sharpen before resizing for web or whatever. Is there a reason to sharpen after resizing instead?

Tom J McDonald
14-Aug-2011, 14:22
Great stuff, Tuco, these last three images, but weren't you killed off at the end of season 1? :)
I'd like to know how you maintain such clarity and detail in scanning these beautiful photos (I'm assuming you scan, but correct me if I'm wrong).
I always feel like I have to over-sharpen after scanning just to get the detail back, at which point it starts looking kind of fake to me.

:) Breaking Bad.

Hangin' out for the next season.

14-Aug-2011, 16:41
Just a beauty image from today:

austin granger
14-Aug-2011, 19:14
There's some serious photo diversity going on in this thread. I like it-it's like picture roulette!

Abandoned Structure, Marin Headlands

Sandbags, Marin Headlands

14-Aug-2011, 19:37
Abandoned Structure, Marin Headlands

Nice. I missed my chance to go to that area last time I was down there.

Foggy morning and low tide in the costal town of Florence, Oregon.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6129/5999949010_4686e218bb_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5999949010/)

Mamiya 7II, N 43mm f4.5 L, 100TMX, PMK Pyro, Pentax Digital Sportmeter

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6001/6000757488_a1ecf4f7cc_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6000757488/)

14-Aug-2011, 20:07
There's some serious photo diversity going on in this thread. I like it-it's like picture roulette!

I do my best to mix it up.

Tom J McDonald
14-Aug-2011, 20:12
Amazing makeup: it covered all those moles :)

14-Aug-2011, 20:38
I do my best to mix it up.


In fairness to the makeup artist, if you're demonstrating her before and after work, you really should qualify with a statement that no post processing for skin smoothness was performed; otherwise, I have to infer you're just showing me your great skin smoothness plugin at work.

David Hedley
15-Aug-2011, 11:59
A while since I visited this thread - it's really taken off. Here's one from yesterday afternoon - does anyone recognise the (jazz) album that also featured this same statue?
Amazone, Pferd Führend (Amazon guiding a horse)
Hasselblad H2 / 80mm, TMax 100

15-Aug-2011, 13:22
A while since I visited this thread - it's really taken off. Here's one from yesterday afternoon - does anyone recognise the (jazz) album that also featured this same statue?
Amazone, Pferd Führend (Amazon guiding a horse)
Hasselblad H2 / 80mm, TMax 100

"This statue was on the cover of the Anthony Braxton Quintet's excellent Basel 1977 performance."

Nope, but I cheated to find out. :rolleyes: Nice shot.

15-Aug-2011, 14:44
In fairness to the makeup artist, if you're demonstrating her before and after work, you really should qualify with a statement that no post processing for skin smoothness was performed; otherwise, I have to infer you're just showing me your great skin smoothness plugin at work.

I don't have a skin processing plugin - I just use the heal brush extensively to clean up blemishes+dodge and burn.

15-Aug-2011, 15:19
In another thread about shooting your landscapes before they're gone, a bit of a heated discussion is going on about it. So I thought I post a picture about much what was being discussed.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5001/5369161982_0a5afe3dd6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5369161982/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 165mm f2.8, NDX8 + R60 (R2) Red filters, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Pentax Spotmeter V, 1 sec exp

Perfect shutter speed. I find wind mills make fantastic subjects. Great shot.

15-Aug-2011, 15:31
Perfect shutter speed. I find wind mills make fantastic subjects. Great shot.

Thanks. I think it also shows where one opportunity is lost another is gained, photo-wise :eek:

austin granger
15-Aug-2011, 16:24
Woman on a Plane, Portland

15-Aug-2011, 19:15
That's an interesting shot.

15-Aug-2011, 20:14
A couple of shots of the Olympic Sculpture Park Fountain in Seattle taken at different times. One in afternoon sun and the other when it was in the shade. Periodically the fountains switch to expose either the Father, Son or both. The long exposure erased the people who were walking and biking by but the second one some people were standing around and got recorded.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4002/4397777150_2cecfb2026_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4397777150/)

Hasseblad 500C/M, Distagon CB T* 60mm f3.5, NDX400 + Pentax #56 (O2) Orange filter, 100 Acros, Rodinal 1 +100 Stand, 45 sec exp

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5148/5608417554_a33b366b42_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5608417554/)

Hasseblad 500C/M, Distagon CF T* 50mm FLE f4, NDX400 + Pentax #56 (O2) Orange filter, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, 60 sec exp

austin granger
16-Aug-2011, 06:14
Wow, those are wild!

Vincent, San Francisco

kev curry
16-Aug-2011, 06:35
Tuco those are nuts. Amazing!

16-Aug-2011, 07:43
Wow, those are wild!

Vincent, San Francisco

Thanks. Is that a wax figure?

Tuco those are nuts. Amazing!

Thanks. They are fun to do. Long exposures are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. :rolleyes:

16-Aug-2011, 07:53
This is a cliché shot of Seattle under full moon light. I was just trying out this new film and this was my first roll. I took a shot at 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min and 4 min since I wasn't sure of the reciprocity characteristics. This is the one minute exposure. I took a reading off the Space Needle with my one-degree spot meter of about EV2. But that's not too accurate since it didn't cover the entire one-degree circle. I went with it anyway and placed that 3 stops above middle gray and for f11 that works out to be a one-minute exposure for EI400.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5251/5460296582_b488a8d2d5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5460296582/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC M* 300mm f4 ED (IF), New Portra 400, Jobo C-41 Press Kit, Pentax Spotmeter V

A Crop

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5019/5460286850_48f6f63ea7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5460286850/)

16-Aug-2011, 08:05
In another thread about shooting your landscapes before they're gone, a bit of a heated discussion is going on about it. So I thought I post a picture about much what was being discussed.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5001/5369161982_0a5afe3dd6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5369161982/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 165mm f2.8, NDX8 + R60 (R2) Red filters, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Pentax Spotmeter V, 1 sec exp

Very nice indeed. Reminds me of Altamont Pass where lots of wind generates energy.

One from me. The Amtrak Coast Starlight has a little bit of color on the head end yesterday afternoon. One of Amtrak's engines pooped out between Seattle and Portland, thus a Burlington Northern Santa Fe engine was added to the point. It stayed with the train all the way to LA. Here the "Starlate" rolls through Bradley, California about an hour late.

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


austin granger
16-Aug-2011, 11:15
Thanks. Is that a wax figure?

Yep, the wax museum. I was fun. I mean, where else can you find Van Gogh and the Pope willing to sit for you?

Wax Pope, San Francisco

16-Aug-2011, 14:36
Tuco, I really like that skyline shot; I could never get my C-41 to come out that well from my Jobo usage.

17-Aug-2011, 07:37
Tuco, I really like that skyline shot; I could never get my C-41 to come out that well from my Jobo usage.

Thanks. I think that Jobo press kit is the same a the Unicolor kit that I also use. It looks like they just put a different label on the shipping box. I use hand tank developing with them. So far okay.

17-Aug-2011, 10:54
A couple of shots of the Olympic Sculpture Park Fountain in Seattle taken at different times. One in afternoon sun and the other when it was in the shade. Periodically the fountains switch to expose either the Father, Son or both. The long exposure erased the people who were walking and biking by but the second one some people were standing around and got recorded.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4002/4397777150_2cecfb2026_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4397777150/)

Hasseblad 500C/M, Distagon CB T* 60mm f3.5, NDX400 + Pentax #56 (O2) Orange filter, 100 Acros, Rodinal 1 +100 Stand, 45 sec exp

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5148/5608417554_a33b366b42_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5608417554/)

Hasseblad 500C/M, Distagon CF T* 50mm FLE f4, NDX400 + Pentax #56 (O2) Orange filter, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, 60 sec exp

Very nice images tuco!

17-Aug-2011, 12:23
How about a 6x12 pinhole:


17-Aug-2011, 12:51
How about a 6x12 pinhole:

Why not! Great. What focal length does that work out to be? It looks pretty wide. I've thought about building a 4x5 pinhole on more than one occasion myself.

17-Aug-2011, 13:08
Foggy morning at Ruby Beach along the Washington coast

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3448/3918689640_710ef8dd16_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3918689640/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 67 55mm f4, NDX400 filter, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, Pentax Spotmeter V, 60 sec exp

17-Aug-2011, 14:58
tuco, that's your best yet I think. wow.

17-Aug-2011, 15:15
tuco, that's your best yet I think. wow.

Thanks. When I look back at my pictures, I see I have done a lot of BW with rocks. I don't know what deep, hidden meaning that has but I guess that is what you find along the coast.

austin granger
17-Aug-2011, 17:23
That's beautiful Tuco.

Hope and Finn, Portland

17-Aug-2011, 19:54
That's beautiful Tuco.

Hope and Finn, Portland

Really nice tonality and the kids make for a great picture. That's a Yashica-Mat?

17-Aug-2011, 20:18
Hope and Finn, Portland
With every photograph you post, my thoughts are the same - I want to create images like Austin when I grow up.

Ramiro Elena
18-Aug-2011, 00:48
With every photograph you post, my thoughts are the same - I want to create images like Austin when I grow up.


18-Aug-2011, 07:28
I'm also an Austin Granger fan. If you haven't already done so, do yourself a favor and go to his website http://www.austingranger.com/ I have spent several enjoyable hours viewing his portfolios.


18-Aug-2011, 07:46
Face Rock Park, Bandon Oregon

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2496/4143134410_6bcafa64d5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4143134410/)

Hasselblad 500C/M, Planar CF T* 80mm f2.8, NDX400 + Orange Filter, Acros, PMK Pyro, 30 sec exp

18-Aug-2011, 07:56
More rocks... Sunset At Cannon Beach, Oregon

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4145/5028468153_9c4cf98133_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5028468153/)

Hasselblad 500C/M, Planar CF T* 80mm f2.8, NDX400 + Orange Filter, Acros, PMK Pyro, 60 sec exp

18-Aug-2011, 07:56
Face Rock Park, Bandon Oregon

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2496/4143134410_6bcafa64d5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4143134410/)

Hasselblad 500C/M, Planar CF T* 80mm f2.8, NDX400 + Orange Filter, Acros, PMK Pyro, 30 sec exp

Very nice!

Got some similar ideas here when our wintry surf returns.

Robert Hughes
18-Aug-2011, 08:56
Tuco's on a roll!

18-Aug-2011, 09:29
Very nice!

Tuco's on a roll!

Thanks. I've revisited these places for the last couple years and still pondering if I should go this year.

People looking at the Gum Wall in Post Alley, Seattle. The Market Theater Gum Wall (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gum_Wall) is a local attraction where people stick their gum in addition to coins all over a brick wall. And if you find a fresh one, it still has some flavor left I've discovered. :eek:

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6135/5926863375_ee0347c46d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5926863375/)

Hassy 500C/M, Planar CF T* 100mm f3.5, Kodak 400TMY, PMK Pyro

This was normal developing time but I have been working on a compression development method described by Gordon Hutchings, the author of PMK Pyro, as "minus-x" development for high contrast. He briefly noted to meter and place the low values, add 3 stops to your exposure and develop the film 50% less. In other words, meter, say, 400 film at EI50 and place your zone III as normal and cut the development time in half. 400TMY looks like a good candidate to try this on. So I've been looking for scenes with 15+ stops in them to try it out.

E. von Hoegh
18-Aug-2011, 12:18
With every photograph you post, my thoughts are the same - I want to create images like Austin when I grow up.


austin granger
18-Aug-2011, 12:42
Really nice tonality and the kids make for a great picture. That's a Yashica-Mat?
Thanks Tuco. Yeah, all my square stuff is from a Yashica Mat. I picked it up awhile back because I wanted a camera I could carry around and get 'loose' with (if you know what I mean) and the Yashica Mat was the only thing I could afford. But you know, I've gotten pretty fond of it-they're good little cameras!

With every photograph you post, my thoughts are the same - I want to create images like Austin when I grow up.
Geez, thanks Randy. I'm honored. Wow.

Ramiro, thank you so much.

I'm also an Austin Granger fan. If you haven't already done so, do yourself a favor and go to his website http://www.austingranger.com/ I have spent several enjoyable hours viewing his portfolios.


Dan, thank you. Seriously, you guys are going to make me cry. To be honest, I've been pretty down lately about not being able to find a publisher for my Point Reyes thing, but then when people such as yourself say such things, I have to think; "Well, isn't this success? I mean, to reach across the abyss and make contact with another person-what more should I want? Thank you.

Of course, if you know any good publishers... ha ha

E. Thank you, thank you. I am heartened. And will now go make some pictures.

18-Aug-2011, 13:21
tuco these last few have been great, especially Cannon Beach.

Death Valley on fire:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6085/6056622883_52d68f00ed_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6056622883/in/photostream)

Dog in tough conditions:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6194/6054733343_2c56db165a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6054733343/in/photostream)

18-Aug-2011, 13:25
Yeah, all my square stuff is from a Yashica Mat. I picked it up awhile back because I wanted a camera I could carry around and get 'loose' with (if you know what I mean) and the Yashica Mat was the only thing I could afford. But you know, I've gotten pretty fond of it-they're good little cameras!

Austin, I have a Yashica-D that I enjoy greatly.

Matt & Otis

Roger Cole
18-Aug-2011, 17:09
Austin, I have a Yashica-D that I enjoy greatly.

I'm enjoying my 124 too. I enjoy it enough that if I don't buy a Rollei I lust over I may buy another 124, so I can carry two types of film loaded. Two of the cameras, a stash of film, a cable release, and my Luna Pro SBC all would fit into a neat little shoulder bag smaller and lighter than my 35mm bag with two K mount bodies and two lenses. It's a nice little kit.

18-Aug-2011, 19:33
I'm enjoying my 124 too. I enjoy it enough that if I don't buy a Rollie I lust over I may buy another 124...
Roger, I recently acquired a Rollie with the f3.5 Planar. Camera cost me nothing but the shutter repair was $350 :( It is a jewel. I am only on my second roll of film so I can't sware by it...yet.

18-Aug-2011, 19:43
Thanks Tuco. Yeah, all my square stuff is from a Yashica Mat. I picked it up awhile back because I wanted a camera I could carry around and get 'loose' with (if you know what I mean) and the Yashica Mat was the only thing I could afford. But you know, I've gotten pretty fond of it-they're good little cameras!

Yes, TLRs are great cameras. I have an old Rolleicord IV TLR too. If it were in better shape, I'd shoot it more but it needs some work to be used on a regular basis.

tuco these last few have been great, especially Cannon Beach.

Death Valley on fire:

Dog in tough conditions:

Thanks. That Death Valley on fire is pretty amazing. Great capture.

18-Aug-2011, 20:19
Yes, TLRs are great cameras.

+1 I am a big fan of my Minolta Autocord. The price was good and the CLA was very reasonable.

This was one of the first image with it that got me hooked




18-Aug-2011, 20:42
Okay, I'll join the TLR club. Here is one from my Rolleicord with a Rollei sports filter (a light yellow). These days they don't want you to take pictures of trains. I was approached after taking this shot and told to stop.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2441/3690854824_b8b06ca2f5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3690854824/)

18-Aug-2011, 22:20
Okay, I'll join the TLR club. Here is one from my Rolleicord with a Rollei sports filter (a light yellow). These days they don't want you to take pictures of trains. I was approached after taking this shot and told to stop.

It is well known that TLR is the planning tool of choice of any decent terrorist - add to that the antecedent of the original Tuco and they might well have yanked the film from the camera and forced you to eat it :D

18-Aug-2011, 22:27
Ok I still have many rolls from my last vacation/trip in the mountains to processed but last week-end I could not resist taking my Hassy for a hike and a fruit/cheese finding mission in the green belt of the Fraser Valley.

I like this series on the barn taking into consideration the limited access (do not jump the fence) to the property.





Hassy 500 C/M 60mm or 150mm CF - TMY-2 @ 320 in Tmax Developer 1:9



19-Aug-2011, 08:00
Okay, I'll join the TLR club. Here is one from my Rolleicord with a Rollei sports filter (a light yellow). These days they don't want you to take pictures of trains. I was approached after taking this shot and told to stop.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2441/3690854824_b8b06ca2f5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3690854824/)

He must have thought you were a professional with a TLR, and were going to rip them off! :D

Nice pic though!

Frank Petronio
19-Aug-2011, 09:37
One for Sam, choo-choo


austin granger
19-Aug-2011, 10:48
Hard to follow the above (nice one Frank-and an invigorating shift of gears for the thread!), but Tuco's Oregon coast photos made me think of some 'tiny' format pictures from the same area. I didn't have much luck with the rocks that trip, but I still like these OK:

Lighthouse, Bandon, Oregon

Collapsing Building, Bandon, Oregon

Both taken with my old Pentax 67 (sadly long gone).

19-Aug-2011, 10:56
Really like that second one, great photo. The movement in the birds is perfect.

19-Aug-2011, 11:57
Hard to follow the above (nice one Frank-and an invigorating shift of gears for the thread!), but Tuco's Oregon coast photos made me think of some 'tiny' format pictures from the same area. I didn't have much luck with the rocks that trip, but I still like these OK:

Lighthouse, Bandon, Oregon

Collapsing Building, Bandon, Oregon

Both taken with my old Pentax 67 (sadly long gone).

I recognize the lighthouse but I've never saw the building. Where is/was that at?

19-Aug-2011, 20:02
Getting passed during a race. One of the few times I use a metered prism on this camera; otherwise, it is a waist level finder and a one-degree spot meter.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5282/5239132307_10a234f908_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5239132307/)

Pentax 6x7, 165mm, 320TXP, PMK Pyro

19-Aug-2011, 21:58
More from the same day




19-Aug-2011, 22:39
More from the same day

Nice series. How many cameras did you take?

19-Aug-2011, 23:02
Nice series. How many cameras did you take?

Thanks - only the Hassy with 50FLE, 60 and 150. Very low key!
I wanted to take the 67 but it was too heavy for the hike we did in the morning.



Sirius Glass
20-Aug-2011, 05:44

Sirius Glass
20-Aug-2011, 05:51
circa 1935 Certo Dolly SuperSport folder with Zeiss lens

20-Aug-2011, 08:13
Went for a quick jaunt to Atlanta...here is the skyline. This overpass has been photographed on a lot but so be it. I want to do some night shots here.

I had my D700 with me but the intense backlight made the images pretty much useless. I'll go again at sunrise instead. However I took some film and developed in divided pyrocat which turned out okay. But this film didn't do as well with DPC as TMax100 in my opinion.

Fuji Neopan SS 35mm, Nikon S2 RF w/ 50mm f/1.4, Divided Pyrocat:

And then here is a shot of some leaves because I like them. Same roll:

austin granger
20-Aug-2011, 08:19
I recognize the lighthouse but I've never saw the building. Where is/was that at?

I'm not exactly sure, other than near downtown along the Coquille River. I do imagine it's gone by now-that was made in 2001.

Great picture of the sailboat. I know from experience just how hard it is to make a picture while on the water.

20-Aug-2011, 09:07
One for Sam, choo-choo


My whistle just blew! LOL.

Me like Frank.

Getting passed during a race. One of the few times I use a metered prism on this camera; otherwise, it is a waist level finder and a one-degree spot meter.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5282/5239132307_10a234f908_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5239132307/)

Pentax 6x7, 165mm, 320TXP, PMK Pyro

Looks super. That dark sky makes for photographic drama, and a great angle of them banking in the wind.

My latest, I have been properly introduced to model photography by Miss Wolfpup. Here she is on my street in her neat black dress.

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 400.


20-Aug-2011, 11:02
Another beauty shot:

Nikon D3 and 6 shots with a hazy Nikon 20mm f/2.8:

Some other nearby shots:

20-Aug-2011, 11:24
More from the same day

I really like your Chilliwack Shack series. Very well done. Thanks.

- Leigh

20-Aug-2011, 11:55

I really like your Chilliwack Shack series. Very well done. Thanks.

- Leigh

Thank you very much. It came after a frustrating hike (strictly from a photographic point of view) lost in the fog/clouds. ON the way back I decided to stop when I saw the shacks and the barns. I will have to go back with my 4x5 and a nicer light and sky.



austin granger
20-Aug-2011, 15:57
Seaside, Oregon

Salmon, Astoria

Voodoo Room, Astoria


20-Aug-2011, 16:12
Austin, that second shot is a winner for me.

20-Aug-2011, 20:29
Apology for the large size but this thing needs the size to see the hikers on the trail to the right side (glacier side)
Pano of 6 shots taken with Minolta Autocord - TMX In Tmax 1:9
I have to print it in really large but I start sweating at the cost of framing if I decided to.

Yoho Valley viewed from the Iceline Trail

If you have the occasion to come to the Canadian Rockies this is a trail that you need to do. Less people and a view....



Frank Petronio
21-Aug-2011, 07:22
Salmon, Astoria


Ding Ding Ding winner!

Steve M Hostetter
21-Aug-2011, 07:27
Apology for the large size but this thing needs the size to see the hikers on the trail to the right side (glacier side)
Pano of 6 shots taken with Minolta Autocord - TMX In Tmax 1:9
I have to print it in really large but I start sweating at the cost of framing if I decided to.

Yoho Valley viewed from the Iceline Trail

If you have the occasion to come to the Canadian Rockies this is a trail that you need to do. Less people and a view....



Hey Luc,, How bout I make you a frame and you give me = size print..? :D

austin granger
21-Aug-2011, 08:05
Jessie's Fish, Ilwaco

Aquarium, Seaside, New Year's Day

Debbie Doesn't Like Your Lies, Astoria

austin granger
21-Aug-2011, 08:10
When I lived in Astoria along the Columbia River, I photographed the passing ships a lot. It was my version of 'street' photography. :-)





21-Aug-2011, 08:45
When I lived in Astoria along the Columbia River, I photographed the passing ships a lot. It was my version of 'street' photography. :-)

Nice shots. #2 is especially cool with those clouds. I have a buddy who has a cabin in Altoona, WA right on the river which is east about 15 miles as the crow flies from Astoria. Saw those ships all the time too. This shot should be familiar.

The Astoria Column (http://www.astoriacolumn.org/) is patterned after the Trajan's Column (http://www.aviewoncities.com/rome/trajanscolumn.htm) in Rome, Italy

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3436/3402882839_238954aef5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3402882839/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 45mm f4, 320TXP, Orange Filter, PMK Pyro

21-Aug-2011, 08:58
Jessie's Fish, Ilwaco

Nice! The one time I visited Ilwaco, it was a fascinating experience.

When I lived in Astoria along the Columbia River, I photographed the passing ships a lot. It was my version of 'street' photography. :-)


Great looking sky! The Columbia is pretty unique in that it can host the big ships.

21-Aug-2011, 09:43
Apology for the large size but this thing needs the size to see the hikers on the trail to the right side (glacier side)
Pano of 6 shots taken with Minolta Autocord - TMX In Tmax 1:9
I have to print it in really large but I start sweating at the cost of framing if I decided to.

Yoho Valley viewed from the Iceline Trail

If you have the occasion to come to the Canadian Rockies this is a trail that you need to do. Less people and a view....



Really nice pan. But I still don't see the hikers.

21-Aug-2011, 10:38
Really nice pan. But I still don't see the hikers.

There is a rectangular rock on the right side and a trail that goes parallel to the glacier line. On a 6"x22" print or at higher magnification you can see the hikers making their way.
I am considering printing on a 13" roll of Epson Luster but these ink cartridges on the R2880 are SO small.....:(



21-Aug-2011, 13:28
I was walking around with my M7II rangefinder Friday and came across this. I really think I should have put on a polarizer with all that glare. But that's one of the quirks with a rangefinder. It reminded me of the old Television Police Drama (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam-12) that ran through 1968-1975 called Adam-12. And at the opening intro you often heard the call:

"One Adam-12, one Adam-12 a 2-11 in progress. One Adam-12 handle code 3"

1970 Plymouth Satellite

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6063/6061478412_dceeb41734_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6061478412/)

New Portra 160, Unicolor C-41 Kit

austin granger
21-Aug-2011, 14:06
Nice shots. #2 is especially cool with those clouds. I have a buddy who has a cabin in Altoona, WA right on the river which is east about 15 miles as the crow flies from Astoria. Saw those ships all the time too. This shot should be familiar.

The Astoria Column (http://www.astoriacolumn.org/) is patterned after the Trajan's Column (http://www.aviewoncities.com/rome/trajanscolumn.htm) in Rome, Italy

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3436/3402882839_238954aef5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3402882839/)

Pentax 6x7, SMC 45mm f4, 320TXP, Orange Filter, PMK Pyro

Yeah, pretty familiar.
Column and Moon, Astoria

22-Aug-2011, 14:10
135mm f/2 dialed in a bit soft.


22-Aug-2011, 16:11
135mm f/2 dialed in a bit soft.

You can't help but like that. Wonderful.

22-Aug-2011, 17:04
I agree, it's a wonderful action shot.

22-Aug-2011, 18:24
You can't help but like that. Wonderful.

I agree, it's a wonderful action shot.

Thanks! Accidentally found it again today. Not sure why I didn't like it at the time.

22-Aug-2011, 20:19
Having a bad lens flare day last weekend. And of course it's on the only one I liked of the roll of this subject

Sunrise On Mount Rainier

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6197/6068142788_bc55d892fd_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6068142788/)

Another view from the same spot.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6209/6067952521_0bc3294435_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6067952521/)

Kodak 100TMX

Domingo A. Siliceo
23-Aug-2011, 05:09
Nikkor 2/24mm, f/4, 1/15, Kodak Tri-X 400, 1600 ISO, semi-stand developed with HC-110 (1+100)


Richard Wasserman
24-Aug-2011, 17:46
Mamiya 7 65mm Portra 400NC

Museum of Appalachia

tom thomas
25-Aug-2011, 14:42
Richard, which god? Or whose god?

Richard Wasserman
25-Aug-2011, 15:42
Richard, which god? Or whose god?

I'm not sure, but at least he seems somewhat willing to share....

austin granger
26-Aug-2011, 07:13
Exit, Portland

Bully, Barnes Elementary School, Beaverton

Beaver's Work, Willamette River, Portland

26-Aug-2011, 08:49
Beaver's Work, Willamette River, Portland

That was one hungry beaver!!

austin granger
26-Aug-2011, 09:51
That was one hungry beaver!!

Yeah, I can't believe that tree is still standing. Dead, but standing. I might have to bring in the big camera before it falls.

26-Aug-2011, 14:40
Bully, Barnes Elementary School, Beaverton

This one is my favourite out of the 3.

One of my more recent ones on Ektar 100 and my RB67

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6083/6080710603_21c8189e0c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/6080710603/)

27-Aug-2011, 00:07
More of Miss Wolfpup, near an old wooden garage in the alley around here. Nothing like free rustic backdrops!

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 200.


Frank Petronio
27-Aug-2011, 00:21
One for the creepy old codgers....


27-Aug-2011, 09:08
Lmfao. :d

27-Aug-2011, 23:36
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6200/6084655524_d9530f53bf_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6084655524/)

Kodak 400TMY, NDX8 Filter, PMK Pyro

eddy pula
28-Aug-2011, 11:06
Rolleiflex 3.5 tessar, part of my new nightlife series
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6205/6046743549_59f563b55b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/raijsi/6046743549/)
painter (http://www.flickr.com/photos/raijsi/6046743549/) by Eddy Pula (http://www.flickr.com/people/raijsi/), on Flickr

sanchi heuser
28-Aug-2011, 14:33

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6089901793_1cb91b2c58_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6089901793/)
Hofgarten (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6089901793/) by andi_heuser (http://www.flickr.com/people/58013730@N08/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6210/6090507754_6f6f7b9c39_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6090507754/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6090507754/) by andi_heuser (http://www.flickr.com/people/58013730@N08/), on Flickr

35mm film Kodak Portra 160 VC

austin granger
28-Aug-2011, 15:30
Mitchell, Oregon

28-Aug-2011, 15:35
A smoke stack or something near an abandoned warehouse. Nikon D700, 17-35mm f/2.8.


austin granger
28-Aug-2011, 21:42
Chowder House, Long Beach, Washington

Someone worked hard on those trompe l'oeil shingles. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure this building is long gone...

28-Aug-2011, 21:46
Minaret peak, Eastern Sierras:

28-Aug-2011, 21:47
More Eastern Sierras - Twin Lakes:


Brian Bullen
28-Aug-2011, 22:10
Rolleiflex 3.5 tessar, part of my new nightlife series

Great work Eddy, loved your flickr sets!

Austin your photos are outstanding!!

29-Aug-2011, 08:04
Chowder House, Long Beach, Washington

Someone worked hard on those trompe l'oeil shingles. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure this building is long gone...

If it was not for that power meter, that would really be a brain teaser. That's a pretty cool application of those shingles.

austin granger
29-Aug-2011, 12:22
Great work Eddy, loved your flickr sets!

Austin your photos are outstanding!!

Thank you Brian. I appreciate that.

austin granger
29-Aug-2011, 12:23
Grandfather and Grandson at a Wedding, San Francisco

29-Aug-2011, 23:56

austin granger
30-Aug-2011, 14:28
Gina, Silva Street, Santa Rosa

Allen in Montreal
30-Aug-2011, 20:51
When I lived in Astoria along the Columbia River, I photographed the passing ships a lot. It was my version of 'street' photography. :-)

:) :)

Before the post Sept 11th security wave hit, every year I was given a seasonal all access pass to the St. Lawrence Seaway to wander and shoot the locks and the boats as they passed along the Montreal skyline. Many of the images made their way into the newspaper. It was always fascinating to watch these ships that just fit in to the locks with a foot or two to spare, sail up and down the seaway.

Greg Y
30-Aug-2011, 21:22
More great images. Thank you Austin!

austin granger
1-Sep-2011, 09:14
The Moon on a Stick (Strip Mall Lamppost), Beaverton, Oregon

Swimming Pool, Beaverton, Oregon

Nevada, Raleigh Park Elementary School, Beaverton, Oregon

Frank Petronio
1-Sep-2011, 19:05
Cell Phone


1-Sep-2011, 23:15
Strange little building on the Ottawa U campus


Canon 5D, various contrast filters

1-Sep-2011, 23:46
^ nice!

1-Sep-2011, 23:52

Tri-X uprated to 6400. Rollei 6008i 2.

2-Sep-2011, 17:12
Strange little building on the Ottawa U campus


Canon 5D, various contrast filters

Nice shot! I like the tones and geometry. :)

2-Sep-2011, 17:28
Nice shot! I like the tones and geometry. :)

Thanks, Bob.

3-Sep-2011, 10:47

I have been looking at two panorama of mine from the same valley thinking that I would have one of them framed. I still cannot decide which one after looking at the prints for a week.
So I am asking for opinion from the community :D





Roger Cole
3-Sep-2011, 10:56

I like them both but if I have to choose one I prefer the first one. The high terrain closer to the camera on the right that falls away into the valley in the center with the high mountains in the distance gives it a strong sense of depth.

Mike Anderson
3-Sep-2011, 11:05

I have been looking at two panorama of mine from the same valley thinking that I would have one of them framed. I still cannot decide which one after looking at the prints for a week.
So I am asking for opinion from the community :D

I vote for #1 also.


3-Sep-2011, 11:17

I like them both but if I have to choose one I prefer the first one. The high terrain closer to the camera on the right that falls away into the valley in the center with the high mountains in the distance gives it a strong sense of depth.

Good point. The bottom floor of the valley is better framed on the second but it is probably not enough to compensate. This likely make #1 less of a postcard composition than #2.



3-Sep-2011, 11:50
Yup, #1

3-Sep-2011, 16:05
I agree, #1.

Sirius Glass
3-Sep-2011, 17:43
# 1

3-Sep-2011, 18:20
# 1
OK guys thank you very much for clearing my mind #1 is going to go on the wall of our guest bedroom (officially now the Banff and Yoho bedroom:D ) along with some of my 4x5 and the other pano that I like




I agree, #1.

Yup, #1

I vote for #1 also.



I like them both but if I have to choose one I prefer the first one. The high terrain closer to the camera on the right that falls away into the valley in the center with the high mountains in the distance gives it a strong sense of depth.

Frank Petronio
4-Sep-2011, 12:54
#1 but the last one is best of all, lol.

Here is a picture of me poking one of my models, I know you've been waiting for this:


Alan Gales
4-Sep-2011, 13:37
That's funny! :D

4-Sep-2011, 15:19
you are a genius.

Maris Rusis
4-Sep-2011, 17:53
Spring Saplings, Mount Beauty

Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa Classic MCC 111 VC FB, image area 16.3cm x 21.2cm, from a Tmax 100 negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 camera fitted with a 127mm lens.

5-Sep-2011, 13:07
Been shooting quite a bit more pano's lately. Here's one from yesterday at Los Osos Oaks

Fuji GX617, 105mm, Efke R25


5-Sep-2011, 15:23
With Canon 50/1.5 Sonnar type on m4/3.


Greg Y
5-Sep-2011, 19:22
Beautiful photo Leon, Love those panoramics

6-Sep-2011, 09:17
Thanks Greg, I love pano's too :-)

6-Sep-2011, 19:08
Been shooting quite a bit more pano's lately. Here's one from yesterday at Los Osos Oaks

Fuji GX617, 105mm, Efke R25

Sweet. I had a chance to hold one of those cameras not long ago. I was mighty tempted to get it but had to pass on the deal.

Frank Petronio
6-Sep-2011, 20:43
Back to work, Summer's over....


7-Sep-2011, 21:53
All I had in my bag was Plus X. For the uninitiated, Plus X does NOT like to be pushed... at all! Even though I blew the roof off the highlights in some images, I am beginning to really like this film.

I like Plus-X specially in my Kodak Medalist at 400 in Diafine. The problem is that 120 has been discontinued and I only have 10 or 20 rolls left :eek:



7-Sep-2011, 21:55
More hard work for the little 50 years old Minolta Autocord...

TMY-2 Tmax Developer 1+9





7-Sep-2011, 21:57
Back to work, Summer's over....

Did you poke that model too? :p

Tom J McDonald
7-Sep-2011, 22:00
that's why she's running away.

7-Sep-2011, 22:07
that's why she's running away.

She looks quite capable of poking back!

7-Sep-2011, 22:16
Awesome detail in that first one. Especially in the pines across the river.

kev curry
7-Sep-2011, 22:38
She looks quite slim for an American lady.

8-Sep-2011, 01:40
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6062/6126682540_a2d644419e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6126682540/in/photostream)

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

Ramiro Elena
8-Sep-2011, 01:50
Shiet! ...I mean wow!

Roger Cole
8-Sep-2011, 02:57
I like Plus-X specially in my Kodak Medalist at 400 in Diafine. The problem is that 120 has been discontinued and I only have 10 or 20 rolls left :eek:



Agree, Plus-X is actually very nice in Diafine.

As a mostly penniless high school yearbook photographer in 1980-81 I used Diafine as my main developer because it lasts and lasts, and just used Plux-X when I wanted a 400 speed film, Tri-X at 1600 (I've since decided I like it better at about 1250 but that may be the meters in my cameras now versus then.)

8-Sep-2011, 07:08
Agree, Plus-X is actually very nice in Diafine.

As a mostly penniless high school yearbook photographer in 1980-81 I used Diafine as my main developer because it lasts and lasts, and just used Plux-X when I wanted a 400 speed film, Tri-X at 1600 (I've since decided I like it better at about 1250 but that may be the meters in my cameras now versus then.)

I use Tri-X @ 1250 also so we have the same meter...

Ramiro Elena
8-Sep-2011, 14:21
Finally developed a stray roll of Efke. Found some pics of my kid in his first month.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6070/6128374674_a47c615683_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6128374674/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6128374674/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

8-Sep-2011, 14:25

Exceptional !!!


8-Sep-2011, 14:27
Tones look fantastic!

8-Sep-2011, 18:46
Shiet! ...I mean wow!

No kidding!

8-Sep-2011, 19:38
Shiet! ...I mean wow!

Shouldn't it be Coño, Joder or Hostia to keep it in context. Mind you I speak only Spanish and not Catalan so it might be Fotre...



8-Sep-2011, 19:42
Back to work, Summer's over....



8-Sep-2011, 21:19
This is a test shot of "minus-x" development for highlight compression using PMK Pyro. Basically you place the low values of the scene, add 3 stops of exposure and cut the development time in half. I was looking for a scene with 15+ stops of light but didn't find one. I walked by this establishment and it looked dark inside so I asked if I could take a shot and they agreed.

This is T-Max 400 shot at f11 and 4 seconds to give you an idea how dark it was in parts of the inside. Middle gray was placed at EV6 (zone 5). The girl's jeans measured EV4 (zone 3), behind her back is EV3 and the bright concrete outside EV15 (zone 14). The negative seemed thin by about a stop. The grain seemed the same as a normally developed roll of 400TMY. There is detail in that EV3 and EV15 areas not easily seen on this size. I'm looking forward to trying it on a more interesting scene.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6071/6123000665_c44aeebee7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6123000665/)

400TMY, EI50, f11 @ 4 seconds

8-Sep-2011, 21:49
No kidding!


http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6188/6128849373_e5b1c899bb_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6128849373/in/photostream)

D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i

I also like the toned b&w:
http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/9144/120cop2y.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6128849373/in/photostream)

tuco that looks great. Do you have an comparisons to digital with that method? I am wanting to do one to compare to my d300s.

Frank Petronio
8-Sep-2011, 22:07
So it was really hard digging Helmet Newton's body up and reanimating him, but it worked for a few minutes....


8-Sep-2011, 22:08
tuco that looks great. Do you have an comparisons to digital with that method? I am wanting to do one to compare to my d300s.

Thanks. Digital uses more than one picture to bring that many stops by HDR software or picture blending, no?

I see DXO scores rating 12EV or so for dynamic range on digital cameras but I don't know how they get those numbers because every time I pull out my one degree spot meter and check a scene and compare to my digital and friends D700, I don't see 10 stops captured in the scene.

8-Sep-2011, 22:17
Thanks. Digital uses more than one picture to bring that many stops by HDR software or picture blending, no?

I see DXO scores rating 12EV or so for dynamic range on digital cameras but I don't know how they get those numbers because every time I pull out my one degree spot meter and check a scene and compare to my digital and friends D700, I don't see 10 stops captured in the scene.

I would generally agree. Though others on another forum keep stating digital has superior dynamic range and I do not agree, not for a single exposure. Not to turn this into a debate. I may do my own tests soon.

8-Sep-2011, 22:40
I also agree. Usually, if I can shoot a scene with my D700 and get everything I want to see in the DR I feel comfortable with shooting it on slide film. I think digital might have a slight edge on transparencies but not negative.

Of course, if you are scanning, that can come back to bite you when your scanner can't get all the DR.

8-Sep-2011, 23:24
Of course, if you are scanning, that can come back to bite you when your scanner can't get all the DR.

Yes, that's the problem. Getting everything that's on the negative is the challenge.

9-Sep-2011, 05:38
So it was really hard digging Helmet Newton's body up and reanimating him, but it worked for a few minutes....


he's looking pretty damn good in that shot.

9-Sep-2011, 08:54
So it was really hard digging Helmet Newton's body up and reanimating him, but it worked for a few minutes....


I see two things I like about Helmet. :D

Another of Wolfpup freezing in the fog for my enjoyment.

Canon Elan 7, Canon EF 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, Fuji Neopan 400.


austin granger
9-Sep-2011, 12:53
Basketball Court, Portland

Insomnia, Portland

Steve M Hostetter
9-Sep-2011, 13:44
So it was really hard digging Helmet Newton's body up and reanimating him, but it worked for a few minutes....


Frank, I like it I think she's your best looking model or how should I say most photogenic

9-Sep-2011, 15:09
Basketball Court, Portland

Insomnia, Portland
Hi Austin,

Two great shots, as is your habit.

'Basketball Court': Great treatment of a mundane subject. Quite creative.

The 'Insomnia' shot looks like a lake monster about to devour the house. :D


- Leigh

austin granger
9-Sep-2011, 16:46
Hi Austin,

Two great shots, as is your habit.

'Basketball Court': Great treatment of a mundane subject. Quite creative.

The 'Insomnia' shot looks like a lake monster about to devour the house. :D


- Leigh

Thanks Leigh. You are always so kind. And yeah, that tree's a beast. I'm lucky I made it out of there alive!

Frank Petronio
9-Sep-2011, 18:05
I just checked and couldn't find a town named "Insomnia" in Oregon, just Boring.

Frank Petronio
9-Sep-2011, 18:06
Who in their right mind buys a house in Boring, Oregon?

What were the founders thinking?

Frank, I like it I think she's your best looking model or how should I say most photogenic

Yeah so many young ladies have "not even well done" tattoos and piercings and weird haircuts and such, Jess almost has a retro, pre-60s look. She's actually a singer in a death metal band and uses the cuteness to advantage.

austin granger
9-Sep-2011, 19:34
I just checked and couldn't find a town named "Insomnia" in Oregon, just Boring.

The insomnia's all in my head.

I've been through Boring. It really isn't a very exciting town. There's a Drain, Oregon as well. And I live pretty close to Aloha, which is just plain silly.

9-Sep-2011, 22:02
Who in their right mind buys a house in Boring, Oregon?

What were the founders thinking?

Perhaps they were thinking how to get as far as possible from NYC or LA... :D

austin granger
10-Sep-2011, 07:22
A Family at the Mall, Beaverton

10-Sep-2011, 12:48
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6134027876_597cb704df_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6134027876/in/photostream)

10-Sep-2011, 13:16
Wonderful image Zaitz.

10-Sep-2011, 13:38
A Family at the Mall, Beaverton

Really nice. You didn't get chased out of the store? I did shooting these. But I was not going to be put off. I went back in with the camera in a inconspicuous shoulder bag. Found the the scene, metered it, whipped out the camera, shot and dashed before any store manager would notice. I think they're kind of fun to shoot. It's too bad the attitude towards it.

BTW, not that I care, but Flickr's TOS says you're suppose to link back to their site and give you the proper BB code for that (or HTML) under Share->Grab The Link->BBcode radio button option.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4140/4935647549_8c4232449d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4935647549/)


David Woods
10-Sep-2011, 20:39
full moon

10-Sep-2011, 21:26
This is a very very rough scan, but this is the view from the Lake Champlain ferry in the middle of Irene's visit.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6209/6129460024_1eacf3a94e_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tombeaman/6129460024/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tombeaman/6129460024/) by tombeaman (http://www.flickr.com/people/tombeaman/), on Flickr

Took this by wedging the camera between the windshield and dashboard, and hoping for the best. You can see we're midway through listing to port. Upon listing back to starboard, the ship will slap the water and send a big wave crashing over the bow and our car.

It was terrifying and fun.

Rolleicord III
Kodak Pro 400 MC

10-Sep-2011, 21:32
full moon

that is not a full moon. looks to be 2 to 3 days from full

10-Sep-2011, 21:58
Wonderful image Zaitz.
Thank you!

One from my trip in July - Grand Teton light rays:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6196/6134834891_0cb409f6b7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6134834891/in/photostream)

D300s Tokina 11-16mm.

11-Sep-2011, 09:49
This is a very very rough scan, but this is the view from the Lake Champlain ferry in the middle of Irene's visit.

Took this by wedging the camera between the windshield and dashboard, and hoping for the best. You can see we're midway through listing to port. Upon listing back to starboard, the ship will slap the water and send a big wave crashing over the bow and our car.

It was terrifying and fun.

Rolleicord III
Kodak Pro 400 MC

It would have been cool to catch one of those waves crashing over the bow.

One from my trip in July - Grand Teton light rays:

D300s Tokina 11-16mm.

Nice capture of that atmosphere.

austin granger
11-Sep-2011, 10:10
Really nice. You didn't get chased out of the store? I did shooting these. But I was not going to be put off. I went back in with the camera in a inconspicuous shoulder bag. Found the the scene, metered it, whipped out the camera, shot and dashed before any store manager would notice. I think they're kind of fun to shoot. It's too bad the attitude towards it.

BTW, not that I care, but Flickr's TOS says you're suppose to link back to their site and give you the proper BB code for that (or HTML) under Share->Grab The Link->BBcode radio button option.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4140/4935647549_8c4232449d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4935647549/)


Nice one Tucco. I think your mannequins must be vintage, as there seems to be a trend now of of having them either faceless or headless. These sorts of things fascinate me... :) As for my own picture, it was actually taken inside the mall but outside the store, so I didn't have to worry about interference much. But believe me, I've been chased out of plenty of places!
When I was younger, I worked at a mall (at a camera store-surprise). A co-worker and I used to sneak around and put dollar sign sticker in the eyes of various creatures (think giant Christmas bears, etc) as a kind of 'guerilla art.' Man, I wish I had more pictures of that stuff.
I had no idea about the Flickr TOS. Thanks for the heads up.

11-Sep-2011, 17:14
some random NYC stuff, M7II





11-Sep-2011, 19:02
Stella after a bath:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6154/6138334629_959ec2865c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6138334629/in/photostream)

D300s + Rokinon 85m f1.4

11-Sep-2011, 21:40
Stella after a bath:

D300s + Rokinon 85m f1.4

Ha, it looks like the dog's face is pressed up against some glass.

Brian Legge
12-Sep-2011, 09:16
I just took me first trip to Joshua Tree a few weekends back. It was a brief trip with my wife so I was in exploring mode, taking an Autocord and a rangefinder but nothing large format. I definitely see the appeal of the place. Here are a few from the Autocord:




12-Sep-2011, 10:24
I just took me first trip to Joshua Tree a few weekends back. It was a brief trip with my wife so I was in exploring mode, taking an Autocord and a rangefinder but nothing large format. I definitely see the appeal of the place. Here are a few from the Autocord:

Thanks for the inspiration. I've been wanting to go there for sometime now. I'm just going to have to make the effort.

14-Sep-2011, 13:24
Went to a car show last weekend. It's hard to get an isolated shot of a car without all the people being in it.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6192/6142751316_0c5ab83a9e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6142751316/)

M7II, 65mm, 400TMY, Pentax Digital Spot Meter, N-2 dev

14-Sep-2011, 14:37
That's a great shot, Tuco. Composition is perfect, and exposure is spot on.

Great rendering of a difficult subject. (What did you do with the bodies?)

- Leigh

14-Sep-2011, 15:03
Red-Billed Firefinch on a razorwire fence in Africa:

Nikon D3100, F:5.6 70-300 VR (at 300mm) 1/640

A few nights ago at work:

Nikon D3100, F:1.8 35mm 1/625

Cell Phone:

14-Sep-2011, 15:17
That's a great shot, Tuco. Composition is perfect, and exposure is spot on.

Great rendering of a difficult subject. (What did you do with the bodies?)

- Leigh

Thanks. I cropped them off!

Red-Billed Firefinch on a razorwire fence in Africa:

Nikon D3100, F:5.6 70-300 VR (at 300mm) 1/640

Nice contrast with the bird and wire. I've never seen that kind of a bird before. Pretty.

14-Sep-2011, 15:27
Thanks. I cropped them off!

Nice contrast with the bird and wire. I've never seen that kind of a bird before. Pretty.

Thank you. I had never seen one either. He was the first bird that was not a crow or a pigeon that I've seen here. I found him fluttering around under one of the A/C units at work. So I ran over to my shop and grabbed my camera. Once I got back he was kind enough to pose for this shot.

17-Sep-2011, 11:42
My attempt at a glamour shot from some years ago. I used the sun as a hair light and had a key and fill flash in the water on stands. While walking around in water with flash meter hanging from my neck, I stepped in too deep of water and it went for a swim. Surprisingly, after a few days of drying out, I put the battery back in and it worked.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3220/2862202212_52857c9e9b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/2862202212/)

P67 165mm f4 LS, 100TMX, Yellow Filter

18-Sep-2011, 07:45
Here's two I took a few nights ago. (I'm having a Graflex shipped out here.)

I've been waiting for about a month to get this shot. I did our command photo today and was able to have the helo parked where I wanted and the tail rotor rotated to unmask the unit's tail art. So after the sun went down all I had to do was wait for the airport across from us to shut down for the day and turn off their huge lights. Lucky me, they finished up at around 4am. :rolleyes: But I got my shot and I'm very happy with it.



I have no idea what kind of bird this is, but I found him today:


Frank Petronio
18-Sep-2011, 08:33
Nice juxtaposition of bird and copter. The metalwork on the copter sure is impressive.