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23-May-2011, 07:00
im glad your safe robert ...


tom thomas
23-May-2011, 07:22
bob, glad you are safe. Joplin, Missouri wasn't so lucky apparently. More than 90 dead so far, town severely damaged. I know we have a member in Springfield up the road east of Joplin. Sure hope he is OK.

My son, a photojournalist, caught these photos last evening at 7:30PM CDT on his Iphone in Tulsa, OK. These clouds would be the ones that caused the problem in Joplin. I hope you guys don't mind me posting them for him. Mother Nature's beauty can be so awesome times.

austin granger
24-May-2011, 14:20
I bought a Yashica Mat so I could prowl the streets.

Mattress Truck, Portland



26-May-2011, 08:37
I've given up colour LF. Here's a final Leicaroid of from an LF setup posted elsewhere.

27-May-2011, 02:49
The hummingbird was letting me get really close. So close I needed the extension tubes on my 135mm. I don't think the result was as good though. The flower as the background looks odd. I like how the 300+1.7x obliterates the background as well.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2210/5764624684_1a814db8b3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5764624684/in/photostream)

135mm f/2 DC
Kenko extension tube

Gary Tarbert
27-May-2011, 03:12
The hummingbird was letting me get really close. So close I needed the extension tubes on my 135mm. I don't think the result was as good though. The flower as the background looks odd. I like how the 300+1.7x obliterates the background as well.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2210/5764624684_1a814db8b3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5764624684/in/photostream)

135mm f/2 DC
Kenko extension tubeAwesome shot , This level of bird photography is impossible on LF , Have loved all your hummingbird shots. Cheers Gary

27-May-2011, 03:20
Awesome shot , This level of bird photography is impossible on LF , Have loved all your hummingbird shots. Cheers Gary

Thank you! I appreciate that. I actually have tried with my 4x5. I can get VERY close to these guys now. I was about 1.5-2ft for that shot above. The shutterspeed was the problem with my 250mm on 4x5. I posted it in the animals thread in image sharing & discussions. I get a few Portra shots back today, maybe one of those turned out :D.

Gary Tarbert
27-May-2011, 03:21
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2094/5764688126_8484f586de_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gtar058/5764688126/)
Hello pinky (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gtar058/5764688126/) by Gazzman5 (http://www.flickr.com/people/gtar058/), on FlickrAnother impossible or near impossible to reproduce on LF .Cheers Gary

27-May-2011, 05:00
Saw your flickr. Very impressive. Are the birds auto-focus?

27-May-2011, 07:19
My favorite dish-cloth.

tom thomas
27-May-2011, 09:22
Zaitz, your last hummingbird photo is fantastic. Such "bokay" as some would say. You've captured the motion of the wings, normally nearly invisible, beautifully. Nothing wrong with the flowers either, they are just background, as they should be in this great shot.

Hummingbirds can be quite friendly, even coming up to sit on your finger if you are patient enough. I enjoy it when they come up about 12 inches in front of my face, hover and we look each other in the eyes. They seem to say thanks for putting the feeder out.

Too bad there aren't any hummingbirds in Europe. I could enjoy them here too.


27-May-2011, 11:48
Texas hill country redbud tree.


Steve M Hostetter
27-May-2011, 13:56
Scarlet Tanager of the Twin Swamps
D200 w/ 300mm f4.0 af-s focused @ 4' min. focus distance
tripod w/ cable release
iso 200
wide open at 1/250 I think

David Woods
28-May-2011, 00:07

Good shoot pity they so noisy, when your trying to have a sleep in

28-May-2011, 00:42
7D with Pentax-A 645 35mm f3.5. One of my favorite lenses I ever owned.


Gary Tarbert
28-May-2011, 02:27
Saw your flickr. Very impressive. Are the birds auto-focus?Thank you , Yes autofocus these guys fly quite fast and with the smallow DOF i was working with every bit helps . Cheers Gary

29-May-2011, 08:39
This is a lovely shot.

Another hummingbird. This time in b&w:
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5187/5745611640_21cb20ba3e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5745611640/in/photostream)

Banding not my fault.

D300s + 300mm f2.8 and x1.7 teleconverter.

29-May-2011, 13:28
Zaitz, your last hummingbird photo is fantastic. Such "bokay" as some would say. You've captured the motion of the wings, normally nearly invisible, beautifully. Nothing wrong with the flowers either, they are just background, as they should be in this great shot.

Hummingbirds can be quite friendly, even coming up to sit on your finger if you are patient enough. I enjoy it when they come up about 12 inches in front of my face, hover and we look each other in the eyes. They seem to say thanks for putting the feeder out.

Too bad there aren't any hummingbirds in Europe. I could enjoy them here too.

Thanks for the very nice comment. I totally agree about them saying thanks, they were doing that the other day. We finally had two fighting over the feeder too, so a bit more drama then usual.

Our new puppy:
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3121/5773289120_03d43e100b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5773289120/in/photostream)

And thanks NoBob!

Roger Cole
30-May-2011, 02:53
TMZ exposed at 3200, development in T-Max RS for whatever time Kodak recommended for 6400 (didn't record exactly, I just knew I'd learned to give development for one stop more than I shot at.) These are from a weekend event in the Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval group I used to participate in. These are from 1998.

These were shot by torch light and candle light. I was playing around with these in the darkroom at the time and hit on the idea of printing them on RA4 color paper and adjusting the filtration to give this kind of yellow torch light / candle light effect.

Apologies for the poor scans. I found I only had small scans of about 350x275, dating from right after they were printed. I enlarged the size in Photoshop but obviously that's not a real substitute for rescanning. Original prints are 8x10 and I still have them so I'll get around to scanning them again.

30-May-2011, 07:13
Getting deeper in with the leicaroid. Going to have to do this with a Suter 360

30-May-2011, 08:19
Aneta 01
Bronica SQAi + 80/2.8PS
Neopan 400 in R09 1+100
scan - Epson 4950

Ramiro Elena
30-May-2011, 12:01
Getting deeper in with the leicaroid. Going to have to do this with a Suter 360

Wow Christopher... this one stands out. The tonality, composition... very strong.

Jay Decker
30-May-2011, 13:00

Rush hour, Paris
Olympus XA
APX 100 in XTOL 1:1
The Latin Quarter, Paris

austin granger
31-May-2011, 14:49
A few more recent ones:




All with a Yashica Mat 124. Tri-X.

Jay Decker
31-May-2011, 17:41

Leica M3
Leitz Apo-Summicron-M 90mm f/2 ASPH
Tri-X @ 1250 in Diafine
Portland, OR

austin granger
1-Jun-2011, 10:54




Jay Decker
1-Jun-2011, 17:20

Zeiss Ikon
Sonnar 50/1.5
Tri-X @ 1250 in Diafine

austin granger
2-Jun-2011, 20:14
I guess me and Jay will keep it rolling.




Jay Decker
2-Jun-2011, 20:56

Locks on the Church Door
Zeiss Ikon
Sonnar 50/1.5
APX 100 in XTOL 1:1
Las Trampas, NM

Donald Miller
2-Jun-2011, 22:03
Seashore Vendor Ilocus Norte Luzon Philippine Islands

Canon 5D II - 85mm F1.2 L lens

3-Jun-2011, 07:36
Something I shot over Memorial Day. Grabbed the 4x5 after but the light was no good anymore :(

Nikon D700, 17-35mm at 17mm.


3-Jun-2011, 08:17
Something I shot over Memorial Day. Grabbed the 4x5 after but the light was no good anymore :(

Nikon D700, 17-35mm at 17mm.


Very nice! Like the old pier poles sticking out in it's own trail there.

3-Jun-2011, 10:49
Pair of CF-18s that were visiting a month or so ago.
Canon 450D w/ 70-200f4L

3-Jun-2011, 11:43



Shots on the new Ensign quarter-plate, using the 6x9 rollfilm back. Cropped a little.

austin granger
3-Jun-2011, 13:52
Memorial Bike, Portland

4-Jun-2011, 00:16
35mm tri-x in Rodinal:


4-Jun-2011, 00:25
Corran, That is the most constructionally correct landscape I have seen for a long time.

4-Jun-2011, 08:17
Thank you! Glad you guys like it. I think I'm going to get a 30x20 canvas print of it.

4-Jun-2011, 09:39
[QUOTE=Ben Syverson;729650]The man whom I've shamelessly ripped off while learning LF technique.

Is that Timothy Greenfield Sanders?

I'd love to hear the story of how you ran into him and made this photograph...

4-Jun-2011, 18:01

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2333/5798371618_524e9ca92d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5798371618/)

D300s and 85mm f1.4:
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3021/5798022071_9aca666a30_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5798022071/in/photostream)

4-Jun-2011, 19:00
The National Gallery of Art, East Building, last December. Four of Barnett Newman's 14 Stations of the Cross. Leica D-Lux 4, f/2.7, 1/15, ISO200, hand-held.

Rick "in a minimalist mood" Denney

5-Jun-2011, 05:27
Puppy photo.

Another puppy photo.

These are fantastic! You're amazing at shooting dogs (that sounds weird. I know).

I'd like to go through this whole thread, but 130 pages?

Sorry to everyone who posted in those pages, but damn. 130 pages? No way. I'm not up for that. I'll watch it now though.

Scratched Glass
5-Jun-2011, 07:21
This is one of my favorites. I watched this storm for all afternoon. I wrote more about it on my blog (http://winnebagophotography.blogspot.com/2011/05/myth-and-magic.html).

5-Jun-2011, 07:26
Wow! I love the combination of startrails and lightning!

5-Jun-2011, 09:28
These are fantastic! You're amazing at shooting dogs (that sounds weird. I know).

I'd like to go through this whole thread, but 130 pages?

Sorry to everyone who posted in those pages, but damn. 130 pages? No way. I'm not up for that. I'll watch it now though.

Thank you! I take pride in them, although these are more snapshots out back but it's easier to do with a puppy. I like getting out in the woods with them.

Andrew that is epic!

5-Jun-2011, 10:35
iPhone, during a break at work:


Processed in iPhoto.

5-Jun-2011, 10:37
Those tones are really great. Iphone?!?!?! Pretty cool nonetheless.

5-Jun-2011, 10:51
Thank you!

As for the iPhone, well, the title of the thread is "tiny formats" isn't it? :D

That's the iPhone 3Gs, the 3MP one. Automatic everything, but it can take very decent images under good light and if one knows how to use it.

A camera you don't have with you takes no pictures.

Ben Syverson
5-Jun-2011, 11:27
Is that Timothy Greenfield Sanders?

I'd love to hear the story of how you ran into him and made this photograph...
It's too long to relate here, but suffice it to say that Timothy is one of the warmest and most generous people I have ever met. That photo was snapped during a video shoot for his upcoming film about the original supermodels (http://www.greenfield-sanders.com/galleries/portraits/supermodels).

5-Jun-2011, 11:35
Dinner last night on the iPhone....

Toro, the underbelly of a Tuna. Marbled like a fine Kobe steak!


6-Jun-2011, 17:29
Sheep - Washington's Crossing - Olympus E-PL1

7-Jun-2011, 05:13
Today's Leicaroid, in LF simulation mode.

Jay Decker
7-Jun-2011, 05:59

Zeiss Ikon
Sonnar 50/1.5
APX 100 @ 320 in Diafine
Burbank, WA

Jim Bradley
7-Jun-2011, 08:40
Shot from the family room:


D300, 80-200 @ 200 + doubler


Scott Walker
7-Jun-2011, 11:24
One from my family room, while moored at Port Sidney :)


austin granger
7-Jun-2011, 13:19
Hotel, Portland

Bird and Bush, Making Do, Portland

Fire Escape, Portland

Roger Cole
7-Jun-2011, 14:01
Zeiss Ikon
Sonnar 50/1.5
APX 100 @ 320 in Diafine
Burbank, WA[/SIZE][/CENTER]

Cats can be hard to photograph and you really caught Sam. Nice one.

Is that the old Agfa branded APX or one of the new incarnations? I'm trying to figure out which one of the new ones is the old one, as it were.

7-Jun-2011, 16:09
Is that the old Agfa branded APX or one of the new incarnations? I'm trying to figure out which one of the new ones is the old one, as it were.
Refer to post #4 in this thread http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?p=736076#post736076

- Leigh

Roger Cole
7-Jun-2011, 16:53
Refer to post #4 in this thread http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?p=736076#post736076

- Leigh

That accounts for the Rollei. I don't see a retro 100, just 80 and 400, so that doesn't appear to be Jay's film.

EDIT: Unless of course he shot it back when APX 100 was around or had it left over.

I think, based on something I read on APUG, that Maco is coming out with what amounts to a revival of APX 100. Adox lists something that very well may be a new incarnation of APX 100 as "in preparation" :


Jay Decker
7-Jun-2011, 18:14
Cats can be hard to photograph and you really caught Sam. Nice one.

Is that the old Agfa branded APX or one of the new incarnations? I'm trying to figure out which one of the new ones is the old one, as it were.

Thanks Roger. That was taken on the old Agfa branded APX 100. I have three or four one-hundred foot rolls NOS Agfa APX left in the freezer. It is it is pretty good pushed to 320 and developed in Diafine, but it really shines when shot at 100 and developed in XTOL.

Roger Cole
7-Jun-2011, 18:27
Thanks Roger. That was taken on the old Agfa branded APX 100. I have three or four one-hundred foot rolls NOS Agfa APX left in the freezer. It is it is pretty good pushed to 320 and developed in Diafine, but it really shines when shot at 100 and developed in XTOL.

I always liked it. I have a couple of boxes of it in 4x5 frozen since 1998 back in Tennessee. I meant to retrieve it along with a nearly full frozen 100 sheet box of Delta 400 and some Agfa Optima 100 on my last trip home but forgot it. It's still safely frozen so next trip...

7-Jun-2011, 23:06
In another thread I talked about making one photo of Mount McKinley that I liked and that all my others didn't say anything more. I was a little wrong. I had arranged a panorama and had forgotten, and once I merged it, I sorta liked it, too. To answer Paul's question in that other thread, I'm not sure either one asks new questions or provides new insights. Having grown up in Houston, however, any time I can stand in front of a 20,000-foot mounts, I'm gonna make pictures.

The first is from Mt. McKinley View Lodge, and I used a 280mm lens on a Canon 5D. I didn't have anything nearly long enough for the 6x7, and shorter lenses just weren't what this needed. Six times normal would be about 600mm for the Pentax and the longest I had on hand was 200. This one was hand-held at a high shutter speed--I could not use a tripod at the location. We were travling south and this one was later in the day than the next one, but I made more of the color difference than there was. Pretend I used an 85 filter.

The second is a stitched panorama of three images from the Canon, made from the Denali State Park South Overlook. It shows all the highest peaks of the Alaska Range, floating above the foreground mountains. Focal length was 96mm, resulting in about as big a file as I'd get from scanning 6x12 on my Epson (but not as good as stitching two scans from my Nikon). Detail is reasonable--this one will hold up to a 12x36" print pretty well, I think.

I made my adjustments on my new computer, and I'm using a wide-gamut monitor that I calibrated and profiled using a Gret--er--Xrite's iMatch and an Eye One 2 sensor. I don't really have the sense that it's working out. Both my monitors are profiled but they seem to show colors that are too different for my liking. I have embedded an sRGB profile after converting it from ProPhoto, and opinions on the color would be welcome. I intended them to be fairly intense. Foreground seems darker in Firefox than on my calilbrated display, though.

Rick "yes, lots of tripod holes (or elbow prints, in the case of the Lodge) at these sites to choose from" Denney

9-Jun-2011, 05:57
We had tornado warnings last night. I thought this was interesting.....


9-Jun-2011, 11:16
Jon, Incredible. Fussli Boeklin Gericault.

9-Jun-2011, 11:33
Jon, Incredible. Fussli Boeklin Gericault.


9-Jun-2011, 15:25
That's a very interesting shot. I don't take many of just skies but that is great. Reminds me of an old oil painting.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5150/5815999825_74419a5975_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5815999825/?reuploaded=1)

Rokinon 85mm on D300s at f/2.

9-Jun-2011, 20:57
Zaitz, your dog images are awesome - they really bring their personality out.

9-Jun-2011, 21:35
Zaitz, your dog images are awesome - they really bring their personality out.

Thank you, I appreciate that. Dog photos don't get much credit usually and I can understand why. But I try to make them more than the typical backyard snap. I really enjoy getting out in the woods with them. That is where they really shine:

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4114/4848274095_1a52f022b2_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/4848274095/in/set-72157622835159771)

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5288/5297903303_d2549de509_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5297903303/in/set-72157624837075030)

I'll try and post something other than dogs too though. :D

10-Jun-2011, 07:29
That's a very interesting shot. I don't take many of just skies but that is great. Reminds me of an old oil painting.

Thanks Zaitz! I don't take many images of clouds either. But I thought this one was rather interesting. You do have a way with your dog images! Nice work.

Jay Decker
10-Jun-2011, 08:08

Dog Days of Summer
Zeiss Ikon
Nokton 35/1.2
APX 100 in XTOL 1:1
Burbank, WA

10-Jun-2011, 09:31
Zaitz, Your dogs are out of the ordinary!
I'm stuck with flowers and the Leicaroid is becoming a bad habit. It's too easy to shoot different lighting moods.

Eric James
10-Jun-2011, 12:15
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5102/5604432963_46bdd5557b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/5604432963/)
Scrabble, Favorite Summit (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/5604432963/) by EAJ (http://www.flickr.com/people/eajames/), on Flickr

austin granger
10-Jun-2011, 13:39



10-Jun-2011, 14:18

"Voodoo II"
'62 Pro Street Nova

Mamiya 645 Pro, 70mm lens, Kodak Portra 160NC

10-Jun-2011, 15:28
Zaitz, Your dogs are out of the ordinary!
I'm stuck with flowers and the Leicaroid is becoming a bad habit. It's too easy to shoot different lighting moods.

Is that a good thing :D ? I'd love to able to shoot still lifes even close to what you can do. They are all amazing and unique.

Eric: That dog shot is awesome! Now that's a location for portraits.

I am still stuck locally. Here is the 135mm f/2 DC on nearly full soft:

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3577/5819570488_85f7d1c3ba_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5819570488/in/photostream)

10-Jun-2011, 17:16

Tom J McDonald
10-Jun-2011, 19:33
Hey as long as we're posting dogs!


My dog Jackson. Ilford FP4+ and Ilford MG paper.

tom thomas
11-Jun-2011, 12:03
Four hours of cutting, scanning my film from France. Graflex Crown 23 and Ensign 1620 Folder. First rolls thru either camera and I was pleasantly surprised with the results. I used Kodak Ektar 100 in the Graflex with a 23 roll film adapter. No light leaks either, lever advance works fine too, ie no overlap, good spacing between shots.

I shot Rocamadour across the valley with the Graflex and tripod, the nice solid one I'd mentioned elsewhere that I'd found in France. First shot is full size, the second is a crop on the town itself to check focus, clarity of the lens.

Photos 3 and 4 were taken with an Ensign 1620 folder from the 50'ies. Intended for 620 film but designed to drop in 120 as well without having to modify the spools. Thanks English engineer whoever you are.

I used Kodak 100 TMX.

Photo 3 is a oopsie of the Moulin de Daudet at Fontveille, with the east wall of Aigues Morte overlaid. Looks like I compose well or at least center my subject. I could make a postcard of this one for folks to visited both places but forgot to buy postcards at one of them.

Photo 4 is the Tour de Constance at Aigues Morte. I intended to catch the couple in the foreground. The lens even captured the soft glow of the sun on the woman's shoulder.

I'm pleased with both cameras, the Graflex I got off E-*, the Ensign was a gift from an English expat and great friend in France. He'd told me the focus was off, looks good at infinity I think. I left both cameras in France. Too much trouble dragging them around.

For the BW scans I told my Epson driver that I had BW negs but scanned it with a color option. Thats why I picked up the sepia highlights in the sky. Contrast seems better too. I need to fine crop the BW shots but perhaps I'll leave the border as I think it adds an age to the photo.

Comments about my shots, camera, lenses will be appreciated.

Ramiro Elena
11-Jun-2011, 12:17
To keep the dog/cat balance a little. Specially now that an unknown neighbour poisoned a few in the hood.

11-Jun-2011, 13:42
Another one from the short break series:


iPhone 3Gs

Tom J McDonald
12-Jun-2011, 06:44
Another dog pic...

Mamiya 645, scanned negative.

12-Jun-2011, 08:31
Hey Tom, great portrait.

On a side note, Jackson looks like a blue heeler, if I'm not mistaken.

Tom J McDonald
12-Jun-2011, 16:16
Marko, thanks.

Yes, both Jackson and the one above, Rocky, are Blue Heelers.

Jay Decker
12-Jun-2011, 18:10

St. Thomas Church
Zeiss Ikon
Nokton 35/1.2
APX 100 in XTOL 1:1
Abiquiú, NM

austin granger
12-Jun-2011, 18:42
Lewis and Clark at the Ocean, Seaside, Oregon


12-Jun-2011, 21:48
Marko: I am quite amazed at the tones the Iphone is giving you. I almost feel 'bad' saying I like them just because they come from the Iphone! But I do like those tones a lot.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3511/5827541476_ca4114854a_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5827541476/in/photostream)

D300s 300mm f2.8 af-i and 1.7x teleconverter.

13-Jun-2011, 06:54
Zach, thank you, it is quite a compliment when you say something like that in the same post with that image!

But yeah, I was initially surprised too at how capable that little 3 MP auto-everything camera can be when the light is right. It's become fun to play with it in situations where that's the only camera I have and when there's nothing else to do. Like waiting rooms, planes, supermarkets, malls, work...


I have a feeling that the iPhone 5 is going to be quite a jump in that sense when it comes out. :)

13-Jun-2011, 09:05
Another one from the short break series:


iPhone 3Gs

I love this image..

13-Jun-2011, 09:09

four 24mm shots in hthe Romanian south forest. Then stiched with photomerge.

13-Jun-2011, 09:13
another 5 shots with a 50mm AIS on a D200 in Transilvanian mountains. Stiched untill the 6x17 back. http://eduardtoader.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/pano1.jpg

13-Jun-2011, 10:53
My daughter peeking out of her kangaroo:


Simba the dog, still going at 17:


Both shot on a Mamiya C-330, 65mm lens on HP5

13-Jun-2011, 16:35
Mamiya C220, 80mm


Yashica D

Rolleiflex 3.5 Planar

13-Jun-2011, 18:58
I love this image..

Thank you!

Tom J McDonald
13-Jun-2011, 19:01
Mamiya 645 and lith print.

13-Jun-2011, 19:19
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3511/5827541476_ca4114854a_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5827541476/in/photostream)

D300s 300mm f2.8 af-i and 1.7x teleconverter.

Really, really awesome! I love the background colors along with the luminescent gold of the hummingbird. Great shot!

13-Jun-2011, 21:15

Weston Beach

Michael Cienfuegos
14-Jun-2011, 10:31
This fellow was trying to work his way through a sleeve.


Dragonfly on a stem.


Nikon D700, Tamron 90mm/2.8 macro

14-Jun-2011, 17:44
Really, really awesome! I love the background colors along with the luminescent gold of the hummingbird. Great shot!

Thank you very much!

Tom J McDonald
15-Jun-2011, 01:08
Hasselblad. Scan of a print.

austin granger
15-Jun-2011, 13:59
Chairs, Portland

Behind a Business, Portland


15-Jun-2011, 14:26
Stlll there on tuesday. I'm into decay. my B&W 4x5 didn't quite match the leicaroid when printed side by side.

tom thomas
15-Jun-2011, 14:36
Zaitz, have you seen the male hummingbird yet?

I found a couple waiting for me here near Tulsa when I returned from France. The female was probably born here in my yard last year. I spotted her checking out newly planted flowers and before I'd had time to put out the feeded. She checked out the flowers, then zoomed up under the patio cover exactly where the feeder usually is. That's how I know she's lived here before.

The male is now showing his face so the babies are born. Ruby throat variety. What variety do you get in Minnesota.

Love you last shot too with the golden shimmering back of the bird.


15-Jun-2011, 14:49
Zaitz, have you seen the male hummingbird yet?

I found a couple waiting for me here near Tulsa when I returned from France. The female was probably born here in my yard last year. I spotted her checking out newly planted flowers and before I'd had time to put out the feeded. She checked out the flowers, then zoomed up under the patio cover exactly where the feeder usually is. That's how I know she's lived here before.

The male is now showing his face so the babies are born. Ruby throat variety. What variety do you get in Minnesota.

Love you last shot too with the golden shimmering back of the bird.

TomIt is quite a marvel at their memory. I heard a story of one who just stood in someones yard where the feeder used to be. But the house had new owners! They contacted the old owners to learn about the feeder.

I have still never seen a male, unless these are juveniles. I am pretty sure they are all ruby throated. It is the most common here and the pictures seem to match. There were two fighting over the feeder for a time. One staked the ground and watched it close by.

And thanks!

tom thomas
15-Jun-2011, 15:13
Zaitz, if you saw two fighting over the feeder, one was probably the male. They spar all day around here, improving their survival techniques. I'm expecting the little ones to show up next week.

Several years ago, one female came back 3 or 4 years in a row. She was easily recognized as she had a small bump on her back, probably from a peck wound, that got a bit larger each year until she disappeared. I missed her, although I wouldn't be surprised that her offspring are still coming here. The horrible fires in southern Mexico several years ago must have devastated the hummingbird population as they were there at the time. I've noticed a decline in the numbers who share my yard. In the past, over 10 or 12, now just one couple.


17-Jun-2011, 07:51
While I await the arrival of my 120 and my Crown Graphic in the now stagnant Mail System... here's a couple I shot out at Muskrat Falls the other day with my DSLR. Practicing composing for the big stuff. ;)

Shoreline Blossom


Living on the Edge

David R Munson
17-Jun-2011, 10:17
A random shot I remembered tonight. I've always liked this one.


tom thomas
17-Jun-2011, 13:37
Here are a couple "pool" sharks hanging out in a sunbeam. My pool thermometers always seem to find each other and snuggle up. I can take one to the other end of the pool and later I'll find them snuggling again. FujiPix S5700.

While cleaning the pool filter this morn, I noticed a "dead" bug moving by itself. Close look reveals an enterprising and "Arnoldian" ant dragging the bug home. Shot with FujiPix S5700 in macro mode.

I hate racoons. The darned thing ate up a brand new pool float after having drug it off the patio to the pool, and chewed it up, leaving the neat little pile of foam bits just as you see them. I wonder if a little tree frog hadn't taken refuge in the tube so the racoon went after it. FujiPix S5700.


austin granger
17-Jun-2011, 14:12
Hope and Finn, Brentwood Street, Portland
My daughter says I should photoshop out the sucker sticks. :-)
Yashica Mat 124, Tri-X

17-Jun-2011, 17:15
Hope and Finn, Brentwood Street, Portland
My daughter says I should photoshop out the sucker sticks. :-)
Yashica Mat 124, Tri-X

nah -- I like the implication that the kids are all sugared up and ready to go!


17-Jun-2011, 17:36
Better off having two sugared up kids than three of them.

austin granger
17-Jun-2011, 19:37
Better off having two sugared up kids than three of them.

I do have three of them, but their older brother is unfortunately too cool to sit for pictures anymore, at least not without making ridiculous faces.

18-Jun-2011, 05:40
Another kid picture. My youngest here had a first time and pretty good femoral seizure (caused by fever) which was quite scary for mom. The two of them had an ambulance ride to the hospital. Don't worry, the girls are back to normal now.

Lots of hurry up and wait time at the hospital between visitors, medicine, hydrations, temp check, and I manged a couple nice photos with my camera phone (samsung android something-or-other). Camera phones will surprise you with great photos once in a great while, but no substitute for the real thing.

I thought the angles/lines and textures here worked great, and the facial expression and eyes came out really nice. Kinda sad/bored/scared all in one with angelic white fabric.


austin granger
18-Jun-2011, 10:15
I'm sorry you and your family and daughter had to go through that, but I have to say, it is a great picture. And just to let you know you're not the only one taking pictures in the hospital, here's my oldest son shortly after breaking his arm. Turns out if they give you enough morphine, you start seeing clowns. Oh wait, I saw him too...

Picture made with cellphone.

18-Jun-2011, 12:24
Lots of hurry up and wait time at the hospital between visitors, medicine, hydrations, temp check, and I manged a couple nice photos with my camera phone (samsung android something-or-other). Camera phones will surprise you with great photos once in a great while, but no substitute for the real thing.

That is definitely a great picture, especially given the circumstances! I've been in situations like this more than once with my kids and I was always too distracted to even think about taking photos.

But whether it is a substitute or not largely depends on one's definition of "the real thing". My definition is simply "a camera that I have with me" (or the one I can use) at the time.

Your image proves that point. :)

18-Jun-2011, 20:25
Another kid picture. My youngest here had a first time and pretty good femoral seizure (caused by fever) which was quite scary for mom. The two of them had an ambulance ride to the hospital. Don't worry, the girls are back to normal now.

Lots of hurry up and wait time at the hospital between visitors, medicine, hydrations, temp check, and I manged a couple nice photos with my camera phone (samsung android something-or-other). Camera phones will surprise you with great photos once in a great while, but no substitute for the real thing.

I thought the angles/lines and textures here worked great, and the facial expression and eyes came out really nice. Kinda sad/bored/scared all in one with angelic white fabric.

http://www.midcoast.com/~jp/nhospital.jpgNo doubt! Emotional capture for sure.

Yes, more of the puppy. 135mm @f/2 DC on r4.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3462/5847482454_3c62fccce7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5847482454/in/photostream)

Gary Tarbert
19-Jun-2011, 05:19
Hi all , This was meant to be a LF shoot i had my 5x8 Chamonix on tripod ready to shoot the beach scene , But mother nature decided not to co-operate and the overall scene was bland , But small areas of the image were interesting so i went exploring with my digital and got a couple of shots i was happy with . Cheers Garyurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/gtar058/5847998107/]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3364/5847998107_488b18e7b7_b.jpg[/url]
reflection (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gtar058/5847998107/) by Gazzman5 (http://www.flickr.com/people/gtar058/), on Flickr

Gary Tarbert
19-Jun-2011, 06:12
Another kid picture. My youngest here had a first time and pretty good femoral seizure (caused by fever) which was quite scary for mom. The two of them had an ambulance ride to the hospital. Don't worry, the girls are back to normal now.

Lots of hurry up and wait time at the hospital between visitors, medicine, hydrations, temp check, and I manged a couple nice photos with my camera phone (samsung android something-or-other). Camera phones will surprise you with great photos once in a great while, but no substitute for the real thing.

I thought the angles/lines and textures here worked great, and the facial expression and eyes came out really nice. Kinda sad/bored/scared all in one with angelic white fabric.

http://www.midcoast.com/~jp/nhospital.jpgI have a 5year old son so i understand the parent angle for sure, i am so pleased all is o.k:) This image is so cute the hand in hand is priceless, facial expression is priceless. Cheers gary

Gary Tarbert
19-Jun-2011, 06:18
#2 same series . Cheers garyhttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3520/5847998113_fd092a69a2_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gtar058/5847998113/)
trigg 4 copy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gtar058/5847998113/) by Gazzman5 (http://www.flickr.com/people/gtar058/), on Flickr

Steve M Hostetter
19-Jun-2011, 12:38

50mm 1.4

19-Jun-2011, 12:48
#2 same series . Cheers gary

I do like these probably better than most landscapes. It's a nice time to be at the beach.

19-Jun-2011, 17:07
Soft focus with the 135mm on D300s. @f/2.8 DC on full R:

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3334/5850423591_b46dccf5cd_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5850423591/in/photostream)

19-Jun-2011, 17:49
Nice picture! I love the 135mm DC, I think it's my favorite lens, along with my 55mm micro. I need to experiment more with the soft focus, that is a really nice result.

19-Jun-2011, 18:08
I have never heard of that lens. Must have one! Great picture.
Is the 105mm just as good?

19-Jun-2011, 19:11
Nice picture! I love the 135mm DC, I think it's my favorite lens, along with my 55mm micro. I need to experiment more with the soft focus, that is a really nice result.
Thank you! The soft focus can really alter the image when shot wide open. Most people don't seem to like the softness it provides when set on full soft.

I have never heard of that lens. Must have one! Great picture.
Is the 105mm just as good?
Much appreciated! The 105 may be a bit better. A lot of people think the 135 (and sometimes 105) have focusing issues. I think it is more defocus control settings softening the photo and, more of an issue I think, people missing focus wide open due to extremely shallow DOF. The AF is a bit slow being screw driven. But I love it and am glad I traded my 80-200 f2.8 for one. The 105 some seem to think is a tad sharper. It is also more readily available and a bit cheaper as a result.

19-Jun-2011, 20:10
I have never heard of that lens. Must have one! Great picture.
Is the 105mm just as good?

I have also read that the 105mm was sharper, but man, my 135mm is beyond "sharp" wide-open. It is scary how sharp it is. And at f/4, I can see individual pores on headshots. The DC is usually subtle but can be really helpful too.

20-Jun-2011, 07:01
I have the 105 dc and like it a lot. I have not tried the 135 dc as it would be too tele for me with the dx sensor. The out of focus stuff is buttery smooth and the front/rear defocus control just makes it a tiny bit different sort of butter. It's normally a super sharp lens for the portion in focus, but you get softness out of it by adjusting the defocus control to a higher f stop than the shooting aperture. Zaitz is shooting at 2.8 but has the defocus control set for 5.6 rear. This produces an honest soft focus effect in the lens by doing this.

Because it's f/2, and has razor thin DOF wide open, I had trouble getting it focused on my d300, but it was the d300 that was off, and the focus fine tuning took care of it. I also need this adjustment on some other lenses, but it wasn't bad enough for Nikon to replace my camera body. It focuses perfectly accurately out of the box with my d50 and other cameras I 've used it on.

The scary-sharpness is also good for infrared work. I use my lifepixel converted d100 with this lens and can identify work related things (radio towers) 20 miles away through summertime haze, which isn't bad for a 6mp camera. Makes for super detailed panoramas like http://www.f64.nu/photo/tmp/jeffersonsouth/ (It could be even sharper if my climber was a better photographer). I preset the exposure and tape down the focus ring and send it up the tower.

Steve M Hostetter
20-Jun-2011, 08:07
Where I live twilight in Naptown
Deck I just built

Steve M Hostetter
20-Jun-2011, 12:14
Nikon D5000
50mm 1.4

Frank Petronio
21-Jun-2011, 07:04
Happy Summer





21-Jun-2011, 08:29
Pretty good Frank, I like the one with the broken table. I only get to shoot jugs and flowers nowadays.
As usual, this digiroid (borrowed HB) came out better than the 8x10 version because of the p'shop colour sliders for conversion.

21-Jun-2011, 11:00
This speaks to Zack's post 1371,
Nice to see someone shooting outside of the box. Using a lens as it wasn't intended.
I have both the 105 and the 135 DC lenses. And they are both the sharpest and the softest of all my Nikors. The D200 had trouble with focus but the D700 is wonderful.

Here is a shot taken with a Sinar hybrid and a Busch-Bia-TelarF:9NO3 Foc 360mm D.R.P.a. made by R.O.J.A. vorm.Emil Busch with a few modifications.

21-Jun-2011, 21:51
This speaks to Zack's post 1371,
Nice to see someone shooting outside of the box. Using a lens as it wasn't intended.
I have both the 105 and the 135 DC lenses. And they are both the sharpest and the softest of all my Nikors. The D200 had trouble with focus but the D700 is wonderful.

Here is a shot taken with a Sinar hybrid and a Busch-Bia-TelarF:9NO3 Foc 360mm D.R.P.a. made by R.O.J.A. vorm.Emil Busch with a few modifications.

That is a great photo. Kind of the image I was going for. I think I got too close with the extension tubes. I'll have to give it another go soon. I really hate how some macro photos of mine come out so super saturated on the d300. To the point that all detail is nearly lost and the photo is just a mass of color with no separation. I shoot in raw and can pull it back a bit. But I am wondering if it is an issue with lighting.

22-Jun-2011, 05:55
Zaitz, Saturation and lighting: colored petals reflect into each others shadow. Maybe use a sky-blue board for fill, to keep the shadows clean and to reproduce natural sky fill.
Shot today with a blue reflector:

22-Jun-2011, 11:24
Over-saturated colours...I know!
My D200 had better colour than the D700, at least out of the box. I specialize in Fine Art Repro work with a large format and a scanning back. Some of the same work flow can be used with 35mm too. So we build colour profiles for the camera. All sensors and camera computers interpolate if they use a Bayer filter and the camera vendor is in the business of making pretty pictures not accurate colour. So my D 700 red channel is too hot, and there is a contrast and saturation boost too. Making in Camera profiles helps. Also a good method of Raw to tif conversion is needed. I use Capture One Pro. In the studio you can shoot tethered too!

So Zack you used a DC lens and extension tube? Have you tried bellows?

22-Jun-2011, 11:44
A bit of History :
My Bis telar was delaminating (front cell). So the "used camera dealer" put the element onto a hot stove and forgot it. He cooked the lens element. melted it together. He gave me the lens. I mounted it on the Sinar. I lit it with 2 Northlight 900 HID ceamic discharge lights.
I shot the Bis Telar without the front element. A surprising amount of spherical aberration came into play and yet there is still an underlying sharpness.

24-Jun-2011, 08:49
The Southern Pacific "Santa Cruz Local" crosses over Elkhorn Slough in January of 1996. The train is on its last lap on the mainline, before diverting to the branchline at Watsonville Junction, California.

Canon TL-QL, Tamron 28-200mm ƒ3.8-5.6 lens, Kodachrome 64.


25-Jun-2011, 12:58
I was set up to do this on 8x10 but there were only the white cards left in the box.
So I shot it with the digiroid.

25-Jun-2011, 13:27
Arranged by a little old florist with arthritic hands and blue hair resurrected from the morgue somewhere in coastal England.

austin granger
25-Jun-2011, 20:07
Arrows, Portland

Under a Freeway, Portland

26-Jun-2011, 00:09
Arranged by a little old florist with arthritic hands and blue hair resurrected from the morgue somewhere in coastal England. Goodness me! David, is that a scottish plaid behind your lunch?

26-Jun-2011, 00:22
Goodness me! David, is that a scottish plaid behind your lunch?

Thats the woolen inside of my oilskin vest. Threw it down before eating my lunch. I got it for free from Honda and there is gorse in its pockets, some hayseeds too.

26-Jun-2011, 01:42
Relieved no heather.

26-Jun-2011, 02:25
Bored in the grocery store

Waiting for dinner

Both iPhone 3Gs

26-Jun-2011, 05:47
Great pictures Marko. I especially like...both of them.

26-Jun-2011, 10:34
Thank you, Randy! :)

Henry Ambrose
26-Jun-2011, 18:23
More iPhone:

27-Jun-2011, 05:14

From the 450D the other day.

Postal Strike is over! So hopefully I can get some bigger format in here soon. :)

27-Jun-2011, 05:58
More iPhone:

Nice one, Henry!

Is that the 3 or 4?

27-Jun-2011, 15:17
Over-saturated colours...I know!
My D200 had better colour than the D700, at least out of the box. I specialize in Fine Art Repro work with a large format and a scanning back. Some of the same work flow can be used with 35mm too. So we build colour profiles for the camera. All sensors and camera computers interpolate if they use a Bayer filter and the camera vendor is in the business of making pretty pictures not accurate colour. So my D 700 red channel is too hot, and there is a contrast and saturation boost too. Making in Camera profiles helps. Also a good method of Raw to tif conversion is needed. I use Capture One Pro. In the studio you can shoot tethered too!

So Zack you used a DC lens and extension tube? Have you tried bellows?

I haven't thought of a custom profile but that may help, although for RAW does it even effect the file?

The extension tubes work great. Kenko cheap ones. Haven't tried a bellows for it. I'd rather get a nice real macro lens or more LF stuff.

Great shots cjbroadbent and Austin.Both of those are great Marko.

Rain Dance
27-Jun-2011, 19:53
Shot with either a nikkomat with 50mm and a zenit 122 with helios 44. Cheap drugstore film was mostly used, except for the kodak BWCN400.




Rain Dance
27-Jun-2011, 19:55



Eric James
27-Jun-2011, 20:27
A ~1/2 second camera toss image of neon tubes.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5246/5350064883_5f50eff29f_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/5350064883/)
CT127 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/5350064883/) by EAJ (http://www.flickr.com/people/eajames/), on Flickr

1-Jul-2011, 07:53
Digiroid (Nikon D50!) for an 8x10 flower shot. Lisanthus. Somehow the oids come better.

Roger Cole
1-Jul-2011, 15:13
My girlfriend Alicia relaxing with her iPad, Yashica Mat 124, Kodak Portra 400 (new version) exposure unrecorded but probably about 1/8th wide open. I find I can brace the TLR against my chest and strap and shoot at some fairly slow speeds.


I'm loving my Yashica 124, the machine prints and scans from Dwayne's not so much. I touched up their scan in Photoshop a bit to be more like I'll print it in the darkroom, but I can still do better. I'm pretty horrible with PS compared to wet darkroom printing.

I finally just got the darkroom mostly set up and plan to get the backlog of exposed B&W gathering in the fridge started this weekend, hopefully some printing too. Looks like I'll be jumping back into wet color printing as well pretty soon, since the negs I got back are too good to suffer with the machine prints that accompanied them (which, to be fair, aren't awful, they're just normal machine prints.)

2-Jul-2011, 12:48

Look at the grain in the original (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tomshue/5894082457/sizes/o/in/photostream/), I like it!

2-Jul-2011, 13:22
FD to EF adapter?

David Hedley
3-Jul-2011, 05:01
From late morning on the Haut-Rhin wetlands;
Digiroid on Canon 5D

D. Bryant
3-Jul-2011, 08:29
Another one from the short break series:


iPhone 3Gs

These are very nice Marko. Good work.

Michael Cienfuegos
3-Jul-2011, 11:19
D700 with Nikkor 300/f4 AF-S:




Steve M Hostetter
3-Jul-2011, 12:10
D700 with Nikkor 300/f4 AF-S:




Michael, Nice! I had that lens attached to a D5000 last night for some butterflies..Love the Killdeer
is a tad shade blue from ours

4-Jul-2011, 02:19
These are very nice Marko. Good work.

Thank you, Don. I appreciate the comment!

Michael Cienfuegos
4-Jul-2011, 11:07
Michael, Nice! I had that lens attached to a D5000 last night for some butterflies..Love the Killdeer
is a tad shade blue from ours

My bird is probably the same color as yours. I just didn't do proper white balance. :(

4-Jul-2011, 16:04
A ~1/2 second camera toss image of neon tubes.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5246/5350064883_5f50eff29f_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/5350064883/)
CT127 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/5350064883/) by EAJ (http://www.flickr.com/people/eajames/), on Flickr

Eric...what?? Can you give a few details? I like it.

4-Jul-2011, 16:38
Some local ingredients photographed still life style on a piece of coffee colored matboard.

Did some LF B&W as well, but didn't like it in B&W. These are with the D300. Two white lightning flashes with umbrellas.


4-Jul-2011, 18:14
More iPhone:


Raindrops on the sunroof.

Eric James
4-Jul-2011, 20:40
That's awesome Marko !

Randy, it's simple really. The only rule to camera toss photography is that the camera must be untethered and airborne when the shutter is open. I use an audible 2-second countdown timer to help me with the release. Shutter speeds range from 1/10 second to 3 seconds depending on the target and what you're trying to achieve. If you want to try, start by removing the camera strap and practice with releases and catches over a mattress, but only rely on the mattress as a back up. Once you're comfortable with the process find a target and go to town. Neon and other noble gas lights are great; LED sign are good too. Check your histogram frequently to avoid blowing out highlights. Some work via an iterative approach to dial in a pleasing image, others achieve success through brute force and high numbers of tosses. The target in this shot was a neon sign and a mercury vapor street light.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4122/4820090619_968356c03f_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/4820090619/)
CT100 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/4820090619/) by EAJ; (http://www.flickr.com/people/eajames/), on Flickr

5-Jul-2011, 03:11
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5027/5878963434_26cc0d77ab_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/21075475@N02/5878963434/)

think i'm gonna have to drag the 5x4 up here, very nice chimney stacks in whitechapel. M6 with old 35 lux and rollei retro 100 in prescysol EF

5-Jul-2011, 03:21
I haven't thought of a custom profile but that may help, although for RAW does it even effect the file?

The extension tubes work great. Kenko cheap ones. Haven't tried a bellows for it. I'd rather get a nice real macro lens or more LF stuff.

Great shots cjbroadbent and Austin.Both of those are great Marko.

Yes even Raw files are really interpolated from the Bayer sensor. Because the little specs of RGGB are interpreted by the on board computer processor the RAW FILE is still a guess by the computer. RGB values at each pixel position are all approximations. The guesses are getting better but the colour is ramped up. Especially in the reds...Seasoned to Nikons taste, or what they think people want. The contrast is also ramped up. Subtle highlights get quashed. White balance gets you part way but not all of the way. Custom IN Camera profiles are necessary for accurate colour.

As to your 135 DC on extension tubes. These will work. Try also an achromat. Or maybe even a magnifying glass. Who knows till you try.


5-Jul-2011, 05:52
Leicaroid processed with RPP.

David Hedley
10-Jul-2011, 11:37
Obersee, Arosa
Canon EOS5D

10-Jul-2011, 13:34
The Nikon 135mm DC flower shots a few pages ago inspired me to mess around with the defocus effect more. Here is one of the results:http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/135dc1.jpg

austin granger
10-Jul-2011, 16:18
Phone Booths, Gerlach, Nevada

Cottonwood, Nevada

The Stars from the Black Rock Desert, Nevada

10-Jul-2011, 17:35
Not exactly small format. I got board with the forum being down the past few days so I converted me ladies bathroom to a camera obscura. The first pic with me in it for scale - the next I inverted.
30 sec exposure with Nikon D200, 16mm Mir lens @ 5.6, ISO 400.



The FL is about 54" and the pin hole diameter is about 1/4".
Now I can sit on the toilet with the lights out and watch the traffic go by and the birds bathe.

Good times...good times.

Tom J McDonald
10-Jul-2011, 18:45
That's awesome. How bright is it in there?
This should be in the ULF forum :)

11-Jul-2011, 06:35
That's awesome. How bright is it in there?
This should be in the ULF forum :)

Tom, if you let your eyes adjust for a few minutes you can see all the detail, and watch the clouds float by.

11-Jul-2011, 07:25
Here's one from the 4th of July weekend:


iPhone 3Gs, four-frame stitch.

This one really shows the iPhone's limits...

11-Jul-2011, 09:36
Industar 61 on m4/3 - taken by my 12 year old.


tom thomas
11-Jul-2011, 15:18
Phone Booth in Rocamadour, Dordogne, France
Early 15th Century.

Tom J McDonald
11-Jul-2011, 15:38
Tom, if you let your eyes adjust for a few minutes you can see all the detail, and watch the clouds float by.

Randy, I'm gonna do it too! Maybe I can spy on my neighbours.

Tony Evans
11-Jul-2011, 20:08
Contax RTS II, Delta 400, DDX (1+4) 10 mins.http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6129/5926407309_765302784e_b.jpg

Peter De Smidt
11-Jul-2011, 21:14

Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, Toledo, OH

Camera: Fuji GSW690III
Film: Fuji Acros
Developer: Divided Pyrocat MC

14-Jul-2011, 08:30
bencini 24c

... bus stop

David Hedley
16-Jul-2011, 10:49
Alplisee, Arosa
Canon EOS5D

My Sinar is at the far end of the lake, with my wife and daughter; just visible as a few pixels if I enlarge as far as possible in Photoshop . I did the circuit of the lake with my son, bringing the DSLR in case we saw anything interesting. In retrospect, I should have carried the Sinar with me.

Roger Cole
16-Jul-2011, 11:14
Alicia again at the Huntsville, AL botanical gardens, Ektachrome 100G, Pentax LX, Vivitar Series 1 28-105:



Our friend Brigette, Yashica Mat 124, Portra 400:


18-Jul-2011, 12:48
David, Great!

18-Jul-2011, 13:09
Hey Roger, looks like you did what I do when you photo'd Brigette!! ;)

18-Jul-2011, 14:32

Julian. 135/4 Pentax 67ii Fuji Pro 160NS

Roger Cole
18-Jul-2011, 15:44
Hey Roger, looks like you did what I do when you photo'd Brigette!! ;)

Yeah, focus wasn't quite on the eyes, huh? :D

I still liked the photo, though.

18-Jul-2011, 15:45
The Nikon 135mm DC flower shots a few pages ago inspired me to mess around with the defocus effect more. Here is one of the results:http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/135dc1.jpg

I really like it! I think the softness works well.

18-Jul-2011, 17:48
Thanks! I don't know if the DC affects color rendition but I do feel the pink in the background was also an effect of the lens. It certainly wasn't that pastel in person!

19-Jul-2011, 18:11
D3 images.

A Damselfly:

Some b&w - I was practicing using all of the frame and getting close with the 20mm lens:

19-Jul-2011, 18:12
More from the series above:


Jim collum
19-Jul-2011, 18:51
i'm going to miss this film when the last of the stock is gone..
TXP & Rodinal 1+50
Roaring Camp, Felton, Ca.




19-Jul-2011, 19:10

19-Jul-2011, 19:11
Nice texture, I like it.

20-Jul-2011, 08:43

Nice. Where and what type of locomotive if you know?

20-Jul-2011, 09:36
Nice texture, I like it.

Thanks Bryan!

20-Jul-2011, 09:38
Nice. Where and what type of locomotive if you know?

Thanks! This was shot in Independence Iowa. Maybe you can tell me what type it is, here is a full image:


20-Jul-2011, 13:44
One from Death Valley:

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6148/5958461749_038f32c64e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5958461749/in/photostream)

D300s and Tokina 11-16mm.

20-Jul-2011, 20:10
Zach, very nice, I like that one a lot!

20-Jul-2011, 20:16
Zach, very nice, I like that one a lot!

Thank you! I have a few more I'll be uploading that I like more but still deciding which ones and touching them up.

We also finally got a male hummingbird for the first time in the few years we've had a feeder. First sighting was Saturday and it's been back everyday.

20-Jul-2011, 21:56
Highway 120, 4th of July weekend:
Canon T2i, four-frame stitch

21-Jul-2011, 08:52
Thanks! This was shot in Independence Iowa. Maybe you can tell me what type it is, here is a full image:


Awsome, one of the big switchers of the Illinois Central.

One from Death Valley:

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6148/5958461749_038f32c64e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5958461749/in/photostream)

D300s and Tokina 11-16mm.

Fantastic dunes! Ours along the coast here never look like that.

21-Jul-2011, 14:53
Awsome, one of the big switchers of the Illinois Central.

Fantastic dunes! Ours along the coast here never look like that.

Thanks! I forgot about those ones. I was driving all around California. Death Valley is just awesome.

Grand Teton - I didn't want to go the known places in Grand Teton but didn't spend nearly enough time there to get out and really hike through. The mountains here are awesome but I would have rather done a unique composition from a more unknown location.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6011/5962312488_231c27229a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5962312488/in/photostream)

Michael Cienfuegos
21-Jul-2011, 15:13
Yesterday was Opening Day at the Del Mar Race Track just north of San Diego. There were some 46,000+ fans in attendance. Opening Day is also the day for a Hat Contest. Women wear fancy and at times outlandish hats. Others were sporting their tattoos. Quite a circus. I even won on a few races.





Nikon D80, Tamron AF 28-75 2.8 lens.


tom thomas
21-Jul-2011, 16:00
Great shots, simple subject, who would think to even take a photo of hoses and sprinkler system. Guess that's what makes us photographers, all of you out of my league.

A bit of advice on your 4-way manifold connection. You should use the mounting kit and screw it to the wall. I just did one for my son's house. Otherwise, yanking on a hose can break the copper pipe in the wall, immediately needing a nice visit from the plumber. Also, seal the holes where the pipes enter the walls to keep out bunches of bugs and critters. Don't mean to intrude, just a helpful hint.

Tom, one who has broken off the outside faucet at the wall and learned the hard way after removing sheet rock inside the house to repair it.

21-Jul-2011, 21:21
Selfie w/ Hasseblad, trying a new lens (50/2.8):

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6129/5956444803_d5bbf5ffca_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/james__m/5956444803/)
me (http://www.flickr.com/photos/james__m/5956444803/) by James__M (http://www.flickr.com/people/james__m/), on Flickr

Ektar 100.

Count me in the "I like Zeiss glass" crowd, for better or worse.

22-Jul-2011, 17:45
Mist trail at Yosemite:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6145/5965716722_26eca8d00c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5965716722/in/photostream)

Nevada Fall. Also posted the 4x5 a few days ago but I like this one better:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6134/5965718332_9233154a1c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5965718332/in/photostream)

Nikon D300s Tokina 11-16mm.

austin granger
22-Jul-2011, 23:27
Independence Day, Christmas Valley, Oregon

Sunset over King Lear Peak, Black Rock Desert, Nevada

Camp Fire, Black Rock Desert, Nevada


23-Jul-2011, 06:52
Thanks for the comments and tips, Tom. I'm going to remove the 4-way manifold as all the hoses we need will actually fit nicely on the timer. Also I'll have to wait for the brick to dry before sealing the hole (as we've actually had some rain in Houston).

Roger Cole
23-Jul-2011, 11:01
Selfie w/ Hasseblad, trying a new lens (50/2.8):

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6129/5956444803_d5bbf5ffca_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/james__m/5956444803/)
me (http://www.flickr.com/photos/james__m/5956444803/) by James__M (http://www.flickr.com/people/james__m/), on Flickr

Ektar 100.

Count me in the "I like Zeiss glass" crowd, for better or worse.

I like this and the way the focus is on the front of the lens with you somewhat blurred. That and the wide angle perspective of the 50mm on 6x6 makes the lens really dominate the shot, looming in front of the photographer in a way.

Roger Cole
23-Jul-2011, 11:01
A thought - I really like some of the digital shots here, please don't get me wrong. That said, I wonder if two threads one something like "safe haven for small format film" and the other "safe haven for digital" might be better. I'm not sure why I'd prefer that exactly, except that I see them as two rather different things, more different really than, say, MF versus LF film.

23-Jul-2011, 11:49
I'm not sure why you'd prefer that exactly either, but how about a compromise - we simply post our images without stating the equipment and the type of light-sensitive material? I think that would greatly diminish the differences you think you are seeing. :D

Roger Cole
23-Jul-2011, 12:06
I'm not sure why you'd prefer that exactly either, but how about a compromise - we simply post our images without stating the equipment and the type of light-sensitive material? I think that would greatly diminish the differences you think you are seeing. :D

Never mind I said it ;) I do like having the information.

I think, particularly in color, I see certain things and wonder what film was used. When I see it was digital that ceases to matter - in PS you can make that look however you want. (Of course the same is pretty much true with scanning from film, but unless someone says otherwise I usually assume they haven't manipulated i beyond the basic look of the film, IOW Portra 160 will not look like Velvia 50.)

But really, I'd rather drop it. I'd personally rather prefer that but can't really articulate why so it's a silly discussion until I can do so.

23-Jul-2011, 14:17
Haven't manipulated in the sense of not having used any filters (warming, enhancing, polarizing, etc.) nor perhaps processing tweaks?

Or haven't manipulated in the sense of not doing the equivalent in PS?

Basic look of which film? Why does it matter at all anyway?

23-Jul-2011, 23:12
D300s and Tokina 11-16. False Klamath Cove:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6142/5968792313_c09eb7c629_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5968792313/in/photostream)

The Velvia didnt turn out. Underexposed one and the other is a poor shot.

24-Jul-2011, 14:47
That shot is quite fine IMO.

24-Jul-2011, 20:30
That shot is quite fine IMO.
Thanks, would have liked to try Bandon Beach as well.

More Death Valley:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6125/5972948174_fd31fdc15c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5972948174/in/photostream)

D300s and 50mm.

26-Jul-2011, 02:08
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6003/5976903945_d313ea61e5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5976903945/in/photostream)

D300s and Tokina 11-16m.

26-Jul-2011, 21:05
After this I'll just wait and post a few at a time. Unfortunately I didn't shoot as much 4x5 and 8x10 as I would have liked. And none in Death Valley :(.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6125/5979825519_bd6e279043_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5979825519/in/photostream)

D300s and Tokina 11-16m.

Scratched Glass
27-Jul-2011, 06:39
So many great photos in this section. I am inspired to take out my Canon Ftb QL this weekend. It is already loaded with some expired Fuji Velvia 50

27-Jul-2011, 12:47
After going from 35mm to 120 to 4x5, I recently picked up a Nikon S2 rangefinder from the 1950's. I couldn't resist a little pocket camera with interchangeable lenses and the fun and joy of a fully manual/mechanical camera.

Much to my surprise and delight the little bugger has stupendous optics. All in all I have a 28mm, 50mm, 85mm, and 135mm lens, all of them pocketable and less than 10 pounds in total.

Here are a couple frames from my first roll. I think I'm in love :D



27-Jul-2011, 13:24
I've never seen an affordable Nikon S2 (or else I'd own it).

27-Jul-2011, 13:31
I thought that too but I found an auction last minute accidentally and got the whole set minus the 85mm for about $1k. Got the 85mm from KEH for $200. $1200 for the set seems to be a steal, a few nights ago an SP body with 35, 50, and 105 lenses went for almost $7k! Ridiculous really. I figure when I don't want it anymore I'll probably sell it for a lot more than I paid.

I was close to buying a Fuji X100 which is the same price, but I think I got a much better and more fun camera.

27-Jul-2011, 14:13
Definitely a steal, well done.

austin granger
27-Jul-2011, 14:31
Koloa, Kaua'i

Offerings, Koloa, Kaua'i

Headstone and Tree, Koloa, Kaua'i

27-Jul-2011, 18:57
I am in t he process of scanning a huge number of family slides from the late 1940's through the late 1970's

Most are typical snapshots.

There is a group of slides from the mid 70's in 110 format.

Here is a crop of one photo.

I'm amazed at how much detail I'm able to pull out of that tiny piece of film.

27-Jul-2011, 19:46
Here is another from the 50's.

It's a Kodachrome taken at the Americana Hotel in Florida c.a. 1953

Don't ask me why, but I really like this image.

Maybe it's the Kitsch?

28-Jul-2011, 16:19
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6020/5985381366_a838a27801_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5985381366/in/photostream)

Mount Shasta:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6150/5985381294_956e8709d1_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5985381294/in/photostream)

29-Jul-2011, 11:51
More from me?!?! :p
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6149/5987919357_dec085fafa_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5987919357/in/photostream)

Walking out of Death Valley:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6124/5988485294_e9f0d50cd5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5988485294/in/photostream)

Both D300s and Tokina 11-16mm

austin granger
29-Jul-2011, 12:16
Let me be the first to say that last one is killer! Wow. I like the clouds over the mountain (Shasta?) a lot too.


29-Jul-2011, 12:18
Let me be the first to say that last one is killer! Wow. I like the clouds over the mountain (Shasta?) a lot too.


Thanks Austin, and thanks for the comment on Flickr a few days ago. Yup, it's Mount Shasta. I was making little to no progress on the Redwoods in the mid-day sun so I drove over to Shasta and up some old logging roads.

Sirius Glass
29-Jul-2011, 12:19
Hello,,, post your 35mm, 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7,6x9,6x12, DSLR, p&s, half frame, 110, 126, and any other non-LF size I didn't mention..

So don't be shy,,, we know you have em

Gosh! I have not because I thought that I would get shot! :eek:

I will have to look through my photographs and post some.


29-Jul-2011, 18:00
Zaitz, I like all of these photos! I am wondering, are these a "backlog" of stuff or are you out in different locales that often? And if so, are these photos end up being marketed/sold/whatever (i.e. is it providing income).

Just curious.

29-Jul-2011, 18:12
Zaitz, I like all of these photos! I am wondering, are these a "backlog" of stuff or are you out in different locales that often? And if so, are these photos end up being marketed/sold/whatever (i.e. is it providing income).

Just curious.

Much appreciated!

I went on a road trip a few weeks ago and am just uploading them to my Flickr slowly. I won't be making many photos for a bit and following up Death Valley with a snapshot of a dog just doesn't seem right...so I am putting that off for a while :D. I make no money off them :(. I'd like to be a landscape photographer but there appears to be tens of thousands of people who are great at it so it seems quite tough to make it.

29-Jul-2011, 22:00
Ah, well good job nonetheless. I am not one to opine on the potential for photographers to "make it" but I would definitely be interested in purchasing nicely done prints of some of your shots if you were at a local art show/fair. Now if you wanted to make enough to live off of that's another story, in this day and age (and economic climate)...

Rick A
30-Jul-2011, 13:18
Shot this with a recently acquired circa 1957 Kodak Retinette 35mm and Fomapan 100.

31-Jul-2011, 15:47
Ah, well good job nonetheless. I am not one to opine on the potential for photographers to "make it" but I would definitely be interested in purchasing nicely done prints of some of your shots if you were at a local art show/fair. Now if you wanted to make enough to live off of that's another story, in this day and age (and economic climate)...

Well thanks! I have been looking at doing some art fairs and perhaps traveling around doing it.

Finally a male hummingbird!
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6002/5995893888_7b5e65c73d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5995893888/in/photostream)

D300s and 300mm f2.8 af-i.

Steve M Hostetter
1-Aug-2011, 05:35
Well thanks! I have been looking at doing some art fairs and perhaps traveling around doing it.

Finally a male hummingbird!
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6002/5995893888_7b5e65c73d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/5995893888/in/photostream)

D300s and 300mm f2.8 af-i.

excellent! wireless remote control???

1-Aug-2011, 10:38
excellent! wireless remote control???

Thank you! Actually I just sit there and wait for them with the camera at the ready. I was so close one time with the 135mm that I needed to use extension tubes because I was closer than the minimum focusing distance.

tom thomas
1-Aug-2011, 15:24
Zaitz, this is a jaw-dropping shot of the male. What a beauty. It's not the same breed that we have here in 110 degree Oklahoma. We have Ruby-Throat, I wonder what this one is. The colors are fantastic.

I do want to correct an earlier statement I'd made when you mentioned you were only catching females at the feeder. I'd said that was because the male was busy sitting the nest. I later did some checking and found that the male doesn't help at all other than becoming the father.


Alan Gales
1-Aug-2011, 15:39
Zaitz, this is a jaw-dropping shot of the male. What a beauty. It's not the same breed that we have here in 110 degree Oklahoma. We have Ruby-Throat, I wonder what this one is. The colors are fantastic.

I do want to correct an earlier statement I'd made when you mentioned you were only catching females at the feeder. I'd said that was because the male was busy sitting the nest. I later did some checking and found that the male doesn't help at all other than becoming the father.


Sounds like some human males!

tom thomas
1-Aug-2011, 16:13
Zaitz, I agree with Corran. Your hummingbird photos are National Geographic quality or better. Forgive me, I downloaded your latest photo and printed a 4X6, adding a copyright with your name before I printed it. It came out beautiful at 4X6 on an Epson Photo R260. Lost some resolution but I'll enjoy it in France where they don't have hummingbirds.

Here are a few nature shots taken with either a 35mm Minolta or a digital camera in my yard.

The first is Rootsawful the Red Nose Armadillo. Armadillos don't have red noses so this one is a weirdo. I'd offed the beast the evening before when it was tearing up my yard.

The second is a male Golden Orb spider, the third is a female Golden Orb. I've been bitten on the head by a female, swollen and a headache for 3 days. Now, I kill every one I see around the outside of the house. I found a large Black Widow in a flower bed last week. First I've seen here. I gave her a nice poison spray too. Killed the male a couple days later. Nasty things.

The fourth had my pulse racing when I first heard then saw in the forest in my back yard. I'd just seen the news about a possible sighting of an Ivory Billed Woodpecker somewhere (they are supposedly extinct), and I thought I had one in my yard.

Darn, it's a Pileated version, big #about 16 inches tall), with the Woody Woodpecker crest, and real noisy.


1-Aug-2011, 16:19
Zaitz, this is a jaw-dropping shot of the male. What a beauty. It's not the same breed that we have here in 110 degree Oklahoma. We have Ruby-Throat, I wonder what this one is. The colors are fantastic.

I do want to correct an earlier statement I'd made when you mentioned you were only catching females at the feeder. I'd said that was because the male was busy sitting the nest. I later did some checking and found that the male doesn't help at all other than becoming the father.


Thanks! He was trying to fly under the radar by going to the flowers, good thing for me. The dominant female will kick him and the other female we get out. I think the colors can vary quite a bit. The 4 other species we sometimes get here (I've never seen them) just look so different, especially the males.


I'd love to be able to shoot some of the exotic ones from South America.

Really appreciate that Tom! If you had wanted better resolution I'd have had no problem sending you a file. I haven't made the leap yet to charging for my photos. I'll have to scope out some Art Fairs soon as I'd like to stop the data entry gig. Bummer about the Woodpecker. I remember my dad talking about a sighting recently. Looks like the reward money couldn't hurt!

tom thomas
1-Aug-2011, 16:49
Thanx for the URL. They are Ruby Throat. The ones here in Tulsa area don't appear to be as bright colored. I think it's the great camera you are using to catch them with. I put out 3 separate feeders and the dominant female hogs them all. Fun to watch them sneak in for a sip.

I appreciate having the downloaded photo. It's enough for me. Thanx.
I looked through my Peru photos but the hummingbirds only appear as blurs. The ones at Machu Pichu altitude level are much larger than the hummers we see.


1-Aug-2011, 20:38
Thanx for the URL. They are Ruby Throat. The ones here in Tulsa area don't appear to be as bright colored. I think it's the great camera you are using to catch them with. I put out 3 separate feeders and the dominant female hogs them all. Fun to watch them sneak in for a sip.

I appreciate having the downloaded photo. It's enough for me. Thanx.
I looked through my Peru photos but the hummingbirds only appear as blurs. The ones at Machu Pichu altitude level are much larger than the hummers we see.


The camera helps. My keeper rate with action shots went way up with the D300s. The lens helped just as much. The 300mm f2.8 is awesome. I took a risk getting an old one that can't have the AF motor replaced anymore. Way cheaper than the new ones. It also doesn't hurt that I've been using Photoshop for a little over 10 years. I do a lot of work to try and isolate the hummingbird and make it stand out.

2-Aug-2011, 06:24
My first serious digital is a Panasonic G1 micro 4/3. What I've found interesting about them is their adaptability. When I discovered an old Cooke cine lens (Kinic Anastigmat F3.5) at an antique store, I bought a $20 adapter and started shooting. Not bad for a $10 lens:


2-Aug-2011, 12:01
Wouldn't be able to tell it's a cheap lens from the photo^. Looks great.

False Klamath Cove:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6144/6002342957_af980050c1_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6002342957/in/photostream)

Death Valley:
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6148/6002336703_6e7b742241_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6002336703/in/photostream)

D300s and Tokina 11-16mm.

3-Aug-2011, 11:23
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6123/6005617351_d8c204890d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6005617351/in/photostream)

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6026/6005613933_3f876241d3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6005613933/in/photostream)

D300s + Tokina 11-16mm.

4-Aug-2011, 11:28
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6012/6008859497_113a980bf1_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6008859497/in/photostream)

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6022/6008856225_8aa8d433f7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6008856225/in/photostream)

Just got Way Beyond Monochrome. This book looks to have just about everything in it O_O.