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24-Feb-2019, 11:46
A couple 35mm photos made last week, with my Widelux F7 and Kodak XX:

Twelve Oaks Trail


Biloxi Beach Boardwalk Fog


Both great images Bryan. Good use of the format.

24-Feb-2019, 13:21
Bryan, you've been really knocking them out of the park lately.

I'm new here, so I can't speak about any of the photos he has posted in the past, but this pair of photos are definitely dingers!

Very nicely seen and captured! :)

Tin Can
24-Feb-2019, 13:42
Bryan is one of many here to watch!

I'm new here, so I can't speak about any of the photos he has posted in the past, but this pair of photos are definitely dingers!

Very nicely seen and captured! :)

24-Feb-2019, 15:01
Well gosh, thanks everyone :D.

Allow me to post one more from the Twelve Oaks Trail. A different viewpoint of the big oak above:


25-Feb-2019, 18:12
A couple years ago I took a bunch of hummingbird photos in Arizona. Never made any prints, but recently I bought a painting of a hummingbird from a new friend and artist and showed her the images. She loved them and wanted to see some prints. Her painting was made on a ceramic tile and presented on a piece of thick corrugated cardboard painted to look like roofing. I loved the look and took some inspiration from that.

I bought some wainscoting from Home Depot and a thicker piece of wood for more rigidity and glued them together. Then, I used a really nice hammertone metallic spray-paint to make it look a bit like metallic barn siding. Finally, the hummingbird photos were printed on Kodak Endura metallic paper and mounted on gatorboard, which will be glued onto the wainscoting. Oh, and I plan on mounting plexiglass on top to the same size using nuts and bolts like I did with a tintype recently (https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?101014-Collodion-Wet-Plate-Images&p=1484064&viewfull=1#post1484064).

These three images also looked nice as a vertical triptych. If I have an interested buyer, I could make another one, but the plan is to cut the wainscoting down into three pieces here (8x10 each). The hummingbird prints aren't glued on yet:


Tin Can
25-Feb-2019, 18:35
Yes the colorful delicate birds contrasted by harsh cage tower which shares soft and sharp like Reinholdg’s road and sea fog also just posted.

25-Feb-2019, 19:35
Man (used in the general sense, which also includes women) does not live by photographing palm trees and houses alone, so I tried something a bit different today during my outing / dog walk and photographed the Palo Verde tree in my neighbor's backyard:


DIY modified full-spectrum Samsung NX500 / Contax 28/f2.8 lens / Hoya R72 filter

Leszek Vogt
26-Feb-2019, 00:13
And you didn't cut yourself ? That's biting sharp. Really like those IR images.


27-Feb-2019, 05:54
And you didn't cut yourself ? That's biting sharp. Really like those IR images.

Initially, I didn't think so, but I woke up yesterday morning with a small, but painful cut on my right thumb, so maybe I did?

Anyway, thanks for the kind words! :)

27-Feb-2019, 06:11
So I tried yet another experiment yesterday, this time creating a five-panel stitched photo with each of the five panels itself the result of stacking and then median-blending seven identical exposures to reduce noise / increase the SNR, as well as increase the overall file size to 62MP and its resolution accordingly. By my math, the final, effective field of view laterally is equivalent to that of a 17.2 mm lens on a 24x36 sensor, only its resolution is more than six times greater than it would have been if I had cropped a 4:1 panoramic photo from a single one of my A7R's 36 MP files. :D

Creating this photo required me to take a total of 35 photos (although I actually took 63 in total, because the FPS rate of my camera is fast enough that I can't count-off exactly seven exposures, so just let it run until I was sure I had taken at least seven ... lol) and required a lot of post-processing, because I first had to create each of the five panels by stacking and blending seven exposures, and then editing a 4:1 pano required me to alter my on-screen tools / menu setup to accommodate it, so nothing fell readily to hand while I was working on it.

Still, I think it was worth all the effort, because I rather like the final photo -- IMO, photographing with IR light was the perfect choice for this scene, on this day and at this point in time! -- and that I was able to successfully do this handheld was a bit of a revelation to me, as I have always used a tripod on those rare occasions when I've created stitched panos in the past. Here's a link to a larger version -- https://i.imgur.com/aoX2mRV.jpg -- but below is a smaller version that can be seen here:


27-Feb-2019, 14:06
Yes the colorful delicate birds contrasted by harsh cage tower which shares soft and sharp like Reinholdg’s road and sea fog also just posted.

Randy, you always have such interesting interpretations!

Here's what the final product looks like, with plexi protective covering attached with nuts/bolts like I experimented with previously:


27-Feb-2019, 15:05
Randy, you always have such interesting interpretations!

Here's what the final product looks like, with plexi protective covering attached with nuts/bolts like I experimented with previously:


I like your framing approach -- it's unique and fits well with the subject matter -- but the OCD part of my personality wants to align the nuts and bolt heads so they're in sync. And until they are, it would drive me absofreakinlutely nuts every time I look at it!

YMMV, obviously. :)

27-Feb-2019, 15:26
Yeah I measured but my drill drifted a bit on the upper left one. I think it's mostly invisible on the wall.

Scott Schroeder
27-Feb-2019, 16:19
Canon 5D; SuperTak 50/1.4; PS_CC

Howard County, Tx


27-Feb-2019, 18:31

Konica Hexar RF, Probably Summicron 35mm, Tri-X/Rodinal

27-Feb-2019, 18:38
Yeah I measured but my drill drifted a bit on the upper left one. I think it's mostly invisible on the wall.

Actually, I was referring to aligning the six points of the nut and the head of the bolt, as was done for the bottom left corner, versus the other three corners, where they are misaligned.

27-Feb-2019, 18:39
Oh! Ha, yeah didn't even notice that.

28-Feb-2019, 11:24
Yeah I measured but my drill drifted a bit on the upper left one. I think it's mostly invisible on the wall.

Use a center punch? It would guide the bit.....

28-Feb-2019, 13:43
Yep you are correct. Couldn't find mine yesterday! Actually I was drilling through the plexi first so that was really the problem but I can probably do it the other way around, just have to make sure the plexi doesn't move.

28-Feb-2019, 14:03
Use a drill with 135-degree point. They don't walk.

- Leigh

Michael Graves
28-Feb-2019, 14:49
With my Nikon D750.

Vermont Mountain Stream

Michael Graves
28-Feb-2019, 15:04
Got back to Vermont for a couple of weeks over the holidays but could only take the digital. I'm finally getting around to looking at some of the images.

Nikon D750
Rock in Stream

Scott Schroeder
28-Feb-2019, 16:15
Canon 5D, Supertak 50/1.4, PS

Howard County, Tx


28-Feb-2019, 18:52
Canon 5D; SuperTak 50/1.4; PS_CC

Howard County, Tx

Love the crispness and texture and tones you get with the DSLR.

Here's a cell phone snap that I sorta made to simply document my way of photographing winter. It made flickr's Explore sometime during last night; not one of my great photos, but it fits right in there.
I titled it "walking circumspectly"... In snow and sand I have to walk carefully to make sure I don't mess up the scene.. Here my footsteps are the scene. I do like to pay attention to my surroundings and backtrack and see how light hits things from literal different points of view, see how things look near and far, etc.. It's as if I walked the path like a curious dog or stammered down the path impaired but it's all intentional and not caring what that strange route looks like to the next walker. If it helps me get some nice photos and enjoy the day, it's good.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7829/47171816052_048a6984e5_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2eSpTtj)
0110190949_HDR (https://flic.kr/p/2eSpTtj) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
28-Feb-2019, 22:53
Canon 5D Supertak 50/1.4 PS

Bedroom, Howard County Tx


Ken Lee
1-Mar-2019, 07:20
I do like to pay attention to my surroundings and backtrack and see how light hits things from literal different points of view, see how things look near and far, etc.. It's as if I walked the path like a curious dog or stammered down the path impaired but it's all intentional and not caring what that strange route looks like to the next walker. If it helps me get some nice photos and enjoy the day, it's good.

Amen :cool:

1-Mar-2019, 12:25
Here are two 35s from walking around Central Ohio. Nikon FM2, 55mm Micro Nikkor. TriX, D76 1+1.


Ken Lee
1-Mar-2019, 17:41
Palm Leaf, February 2019

Scott Schroeder
2-Mar-2019, 16:08
Canon 5D; Supertak 50/1.4; PS

Howard County, Tx


2-Mar-2019, 17:01
Canon 5D; Supertak 50/1.4; PS

Howard County, Tx


I love it ... very well done!

Scott Schroeder
4-Mar-2019, 17:18
Canon 5D; Supertak 50/1.4; PS

Howard County, Tx


4-Mar-2019, 18:38
Yesterday morning, I successfully finished work on a lens adapter to mount my Contax N lenses on my Samsung NX500 body. I then promptly mounted the CN 24-85/f3.5-4.5 zoom on it and took Miss Abby for a two-hour walk around the neighborhood.

During which time I took these photos, among many others:





[Details: DIY modified full-spectrum Samsung NX500 / Contax N 24-85/f3.5-4.5 / Hoya R72 filter /@ f6.3 and ISO 100]

We also received a visit from the police, because somebody, somewhere along our path called them to complain about me photographing their house and violating their privacy. <sigh>

Scott Schroeder
5-Mar-2019, 01:21
Canon 5D; Supertak 50/1.4 PS

Howard County Windfarm


5-Mar-2019, 09:27
Canon 5D; Supertak 50/1.4 PS

Howard County Windfarm


You're showing us some great work here ... keep it up! :)

5-Mar-2019, 18:14
Good series Scott.

Scott Schroeder
6-Mar-2019, 00:37
Yea I had a little time to spare out there....

Canon 5D, supertak 50/1.4 PS


Roger Cole
6-Mar-2019, 04:03
If you want it done right, we often must DIY.

I won't ride any motorcycle until I check it over with a torque wrench. Brand new or ancient.

I would never ride a motorcycle that I had touched with a wrench.

A man has to know his limitations. Mechanical things are one of mine. I ride, but I don't wrench.

Bruce Barlow
6-Mar-2019, 08:10
Scott - Very nice!

Jim Jones
6-Mar-2019, 10:37
I'm with Bruce. Magnificent tonality. Such a photograph looks much better than the real subject.

Louis Pacilla
6-Mar-2019, 11:55
Yeah man Scott has been hitting them out of the park for some time now. He has the “it” for sure!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

6-Mar-2019, 23:34
Rhododendron Falls - Widelux F7, Kodak XX:


This isn't the actual name of the waterfall. I call it such because it had quite a lot of rhododendron around - and I also hesitate to post the actual name of the falls because this trail was extremely treacherous and not something that should be casually attempted. I had researched this and thought it'd be an easy 1.2 mile out-and-back but it turned out to be quite a rough trail. Perhaps due to last year's hurricanes and/or recent rains. I thought I'd need a panoramic camera but turns out I should've brought my 4x5. Might return in late spring to see if I can catch the rhododendron blooming, if I dare. Quite a spectacular falls though.

7-Mar-2019, 03:08
That Widelux seems to have more than its share of karma--I don't think a bigger format would make up for the great light that seems to accompany it.:)

7-Mar-2019, 12:02
A lot of dodging and burning on this one, to make it not be overly contrasty. The sun was in an awkward position. I did shoot some 6x12 as well but haven't finished the roll...

7-Mar-2019, 12:20
Three from my first outing with the CN 17-35/f2.8 zoom mounted on my full-spectrum modified Samsung NX500 and capturing infrared light thanks to a Hoya R72 filter mounted on the lens:




So far, I'm favorably impressed by its performance! :D

7-Mar-2019, 17:58
The sun was in an awkward position.

Ha, not quite Nantahala Gorge (the proverbial "Place of the Midday Sun") maybe but I bet you don't get that light ten days a year. At any rate, I'd love to get a case study if you're able to hack out a nice print from your negative--for me at least, the stars really aligned for you in terms of light and shadow.:)

7-Mar-2019, 18:51
Ha, not quite Nantahala Gorge (the proverbial "Place of the Midday Sun") maybe but I bet you don't get that light ten days a year. At any rate, I'd love to get a case study if you're able to hack out a nice print from your negative--for me at least, the stars really aligned for you in terms of light and shadow.:)

It's true that some of these deep gaps do not get good coverage of the sun most of the year, and/or only briefly in the day. I will put this negative in my pile and see what I can do ;).

7-Mar-2019, 18:59
Three from my first outing with the CN 17-35/f2.8 zoom mounted on my full-spectrum modified Samsung NX500 and capturing infrared light thanks to a Hoya R72 filter mounted on the lens:




So far, I'm favorably impressed by its performance! :D

I am equally impressed by your work

7-Mar-2019, 20:55
I am equally impressed by your work

Thanks! I photograph for myself, first and foremost, but it's always nice to hear that others enjoy my photos, too! :)

Here's a bonus photo from the same outing:


Asher Kelman
7-Mar-2019, 21:45
Three from my first outing with the CN 17-35/f2.8 zoom mounted on my full-spectrum modified Samsung NX500 and capturing infrared light thanks to a Hoya R72 filter mounted on the lens:




So far, I'm favorably impressed by its performance! :D

Hi Jeffrey,

This is so impressive!

Who modified the camera?

Where does this lens come from? Is this the Nikon APS-C 17-35 2.8 and what’s the adapter?


7-Mar-2019, 22:58
Hi Jeffrey,

This is so impressive!

Thanks for the kind words! :)

Who modified the camera?

I did, as I explained in this post earlier in this thread: https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?43423-safe-haven-for-tiny-formats&p=1484865&viewfull=1#post1484865

Where does this lens come from? Is this the Nikon APS-C 17-35 2.8 and what’s the adapter?

It's a Contax N 17-35/f2.8 zoom. I modified a Fotodiox Fuji to Contax N dumb adapter by removing the Fuji bits from the rear of it and adding back a spacer, as well as a modified Samsung NX-mount 58 mm reverse ring (as seen in this photo along with the Contax N 24-85/f3.5-4.5 zoom lens that I have found also works very well for IR photography when mounted on my modified Samsung NX500 body):


Unfortunately, the Contax N series lenses all have electronically controlled apertures and because this is a dumb adapter, they must be stopped-down and preset before they're mounted onto it and in turn the camera body. This is a major issue for my nighttime photography (which is why I am pursuing a different solution for the FrankenKamera IV I am presently building), but for daylight IR photograpy, I find it's no hardship at all to compose and focus with the lens stopped down as far as f8 or so. (FYI, for all four of the photos I've posted from the CN 17-35/f2.8 lens, the aperture was preset to f7.1.)

For obvious reasons, I can't recommend any of this to anyone else, especially because the two CN lenses I'm using are fairly large and heavy to be used on a small camera handheld. But I already own them, love how they render (it's a cross between the classic Zeiss look and the modern Zeiss look, hence the best of both, IMO), and even with my very limited resources, I was able to successfully cobble together a functional lens mount adapter, so why not? :cool:

Ken Lee
8-Mar-2019, 19:35
Boston, February 2019

Ken Lee
9-Mar-2019, 21:13
http://www.kennethleegallery.com/images/forum/2018-03-2566 E.jpg
Tulip, March 2018

I don't know if this is an appropriate interpretation of a Tulip: it feels a bit more like Stonehenge.

Mike in NY
10-Mar-2019, 09:08
That tulip is beautiful, Ken! And I always love photographs of interesting doors.

Mike in NY
10-Mar-2019, 09:11
Speaking of doors, I recently returned from the UK, where I visited Leeds Castle. I shot these with my handheld Minolta Autocord TLR, using T-Max 100, stand developed in Rodinal.



Peter De Smidt
10-Mar-2019, 11:52

10-Mar-2019, 13:08
http://www.kennethleegallery.com/images/forum/2018-03-2566 E.jpg
Tulip, March 2018

I don't know if this is an appropriate interpretation of a Tulip: it feels a bit more like Stonehenge.She looks like a dancer; one arm out, the other arching over her head, just lightly grazing her cheek. Lovely as always, Mister Lee.

Ken Lee
10-Mar-2019, 14:08
She looks like a dancer; one arm out, the other arching over her head, just lightly grazing her cheek. Lovely as always, Mister Lee.

Thank you :-)

Bye bye Stonehenge: now I can't see it any other way !

11-Mar-2019, 10:52
Yesterday I did a 6-mile loop, summiting Blood Mountain - the 6th tallest mountain in GA and the tallest on the Appalachian Trail in GA - and then looping around the Freeman Trail, a very difficult scramble through rocks and rain run-off. This is a pretty brutal hike and last time I did it I carried my 8x10. That was pretty dumb but also the light sucked that day. Yesterday it was pretty good in the morning. I brought my Century Graphic and my Widelux F7. Here's two Widelux shots:



I keep day-dreaming about what I would bring on an AT through-hike and while I want to shoot larger formats I actually think nothing but the Widelux might be the "right" answer for low weight and more unique images than a standard camera.

11-Mar-2019, 11:33
I keep day-dreaming about what I would bring on an AT through-hike.

DSLR, then DNG to your heart's content once you got back home?:) (Of course, with your Century and 6x12 RFB, you could crop to 1:2.5 and still have that 6x9 "quantum" I was obsessing over a while back.)

At any rate, a couple of very nice shots--which (unfortunately) would no doubt make spectacular Pt/Pd prints.

Tin Can
11-Mar-2019, 12:13
Bryan, I encourage you to hike the AT, I never will now, but I have read some very interesting first person experiences.

My big adventure was riding a motorbike from Skyline Drive & down the Blue Ridge Parkway in 1978. I camped with bicyclists as often as possible to lower costs.

I rode exactly the speed limit unlike most. I had to pull over all the time to let motorhomes roar by. :)

Some day sometimes never comes.

I think a DSLR is too big, get a hot rod mirrorless or not.

Send film home like Greg Hindy did, I think his father, Carl stored the 4X5 film in a bank. Greg stayed with me 3 days while we fixed his trailer. He shot a lot of 4X5, both color and B&W.

Here Greg is on THE TREK (https://thetrek.co/) a hiking site. https://thetrek.co/guy-walked-9000-miles-year-without-talking-watch-emotional-break-silence/

11-Mar-2019, 12:17

Ha! Too heavy anyway. And if trying to keep things small/light in the digital realm, the mirrorless+RF lens route invariable has light angle issues. I'm just not interested in digital really.

Anyway - right now for hiking with 120, I tend to bring one custom Century with my 38mm XL on it, modified for more movement than normal but the lens can't come off easily, and another Century for "normal" lenses. And two backs, one for b&w and one color. I am still looking for a good, multicoated 47mm SA (non-XL), and will condense to just the one Century with 47mm and probably my 105mm Nikkor-M. My Centuries are modded for tilt going in the correct direction without dropping the bed, which is really helpful, but that also only works for horizontal compositions (or only swing for vertical). I would like to try some other 6x9 cameras that can take a Horseman 6x9 back but just haven't had the opportunity.

Thanks! And I could always make digital negatives for larger alt printing...

11-Mar-2019, 12:20
Bryan, I encourage you to hike the AT,

I certainly would like to and I totally agree, "some day" might not ever come, so I am working on doing things now, while I am able. I have lots of ideas...

Meagan and I have to get more financially stable and then I need to train hard to bring my weight down about 30-40 pounds. I can walk w/o pack or with a light pack 10-15 miles in a day. If I lose that weight I can carry that much and feel unencumbered. My spring/summer goal is to do more solo camping and get my survivalist skills honed. I bought a wood-burning stove last year that also charges devices but haven't really used it yet.

I never saw much film from Greg's journey. I will look at that article.

Tin Can
11-Mar-2019, 12:32
I know that stove, never tried it

I was 50 lbs heavier after a medication test failure, now almost down to fighting weight

Took years...

good luck!

11-Mar-2019, 15:16
I would like to try some other 6x9 cameras...

Well, start bringing home Ebonies and Technikardan's and your wife might make those newfound survivalist skills come in real handy...:)

At any rate, I'll definitely be interested in how the AT plans unfold--I usually drift up out of the holler to Spence a couple of times every Spring to catch the news (though myself have never been tempted to stray too far from my personal Yoknapatawpha County.)

11-Mar-2019, 15:53
Corran, Do you have your Centurys modified to mount the Horseman backs? If not - it is not that difficult to adapt them.

11-Mar-2019, 16:30
Corran, Do you have your Centurys modified to mount the Horseman backs? If not - it is not that difficult to adapt them.

You know, one of my Centuries, the Horseman works perfectly on. Another, it takes some finagling. I've heard about this "mod" but I've had trouble finding more info, because "Century" and "Graphic" are such common words that Google searches are filled with junk. Can you enlighten me about the mod? I actually took a rasp to the backside of my Horseman where the Graflok slides were hitting the edge from the one Century. This fixed the issue somewhat and is not something that would change the placement of the film. The Century in question has already been cut down and heavily modded to fit wider lenses so is already very far from "stock:"


11-Mar-2019, 17:15
As for adapting the Horseman film backs to fit on the miniature Crown. Century should be the same.

Facing the back of the camera, the baffle (or lip) on left side kept the Horseman back from fully seating itself on the back of my miniature Crown. I carefully, filed that side down until the back would fully seat. Actually, I gave it a small clearance to be safe.

The second problem is that the slides would not lock the Horseman back in place. I removed the slides and carefully cut a notch in the tabs that were causing the problem.

This has been done on my miniature Crown and two Mamiya Press bodies with Graflok backs.

11-Mar-2019, 17:46
Thanks! It appears my cameras are mostly modified or okay as-is. My Horseman back fully seats in without hitting the left "lip." The slides are the only issue, and with the one problem slide I actually took some pliers and bent it up slightly to give it a bit more clearance.

I imagine, after many decades of use, that many Centuries/Crowns/Speeds have been modded to fit the more modern holders that have come up. I love the Horseman holder and would like to get another one. For shooting color, I have a 6x7 Singer 220 back I use, as I have about 30 rolls of Velvia 220 in the freezer.

Scott Schroeder
19-Mar-2019, 19:36
New phone/camera
Galaxy S10 Snapseed
Oilfield squid


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

Louis Pacilla
19-Mar-2019, 20:38
New phone/camera
Galaxy S10 Snapseed
Oilfield squid

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

What an eye brother Scott!

I do wish you shared an occasional large format image as you use to do and equally impressive.It seems you've given shooting bigger film cameras (?) but either way I dig your work.

20-Mar-2019, 18:40
New phone/camera
Galaxy S10 Snapseed
Oilfield squid


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

Yes, great vision on this.

Christopher Mark Perez
21-Mar-2019, 05:03
Beautifully done, Ken. As always. ;-)

21-Mar-2019, 10:15
I was just thinking about a photo I took years ago and decided to pull it up again. This was during a time I couldn't shoot film as most all my gear was packed up to move. I am still sad I didn't get this image on film.

This was deep in a forest on the Florida panhandle. A felled tree somewhere in the forest opened up the canopy like a spotlight, and caused one tree to have its leaves turn color very early. As soon as I saw this tree way off in the woods as I was driving past with a friend, I had to stop and venture into the woods to make a photograph. Right place, right time.

Nikon D800E, 14-24mm f/2.8:


I could never wring a good b&w conversion from this file but maybe I'll give it another go.

Also I think this image loses its impact at such a small size. Oh well.

22-Mar-2019, 10:40
New phone/camera
Galaxy S10 Snapseed
Oilfield squid

Wow, creepy!

Ken Lee
22-Mar-2019, 18:54
Tropical Ferns, February 2019

22-Mar-2019, 19:41
Tropical Ferns, February 2019

Very nice! The composition, the tonality ... everything! :)

Scott Schroeder
23-Mar-2019, 01:57
Hey y'all. Thanks. I miss my b/W photography. I found some time to revamp my photoshop process and I want to play with new photographs. . But PS is only on my desktop at home. Which I never am... I just use a chromebook and there isn't a full version available on chrome os.

S10, Snapseed


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

Scott Schroeder
23-Mar-2019, 23:16
Oh yea. Louis it has been awhile since I shot LF. Also, it's been a very long time since I shot some LF film. I was only shooting Wetplates for those last couple of years. Then there were some twists and turns along the path of life and I never made it back. I'd like too. I also liked shooting 35mm film and making toned lith prints from Pyro negs. That was quite fun!
We will see where the future takes me. Hell my "dslr" is antiquated at 13 years old. I still like her though. Dynamic range and a tad bit more iso and I'd be happy. But those things are still pricey. Oh wait. Someone offered me a 5D mark II awhile back for free. Were those the improvements they made?

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

24-Mar-2019, 11:31
Airshow weekend. Jupiter 9 lens.




25-Mar-2019, 16:45
I miss airshows like that... And very nice afternoon light.

Spent Sunday afternoon in the woods photographing what remains of winter as things thaw out. Shot 10 sheets and wished I brought more film along.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7864/33591244118_3810d5563c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/TbkUzm)
_DSC3122 (https://flic.kr/p/TbkUzm) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7908/33591244018_22779cb424_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/TbkUxC)
_DSC3135 (https://flic.kr/p/TbkUxC) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7897/32525994437_fb6627622c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/RyddXx)
_DSC3141 (https://flic.kr/p/RyddXx) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7912/46736394684_93429ab226_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2ecWeSm)
Springtime in my woods (https://flic.kr/p/2ecWeSm) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Jim Galli
25-Mar-2019, 18:46
Beautiful images Jason.

26-Mar-2019, 17:01
Great images Garrett and Jason.

Jay Decker
26-Mar-2019, 18:29
... it's been a very long time since I shot some LF film. I was only shooting Wetplates for those last couple of years. Then there were some twists and turns along the path of life and I never made it back. I'd like too...

Just restarted shooting LF (and MF and 35mm) film after a career induced hiatus and am building back “touch” skills, e.g., handling an 8x10 camera quickly and efficiently. It is a lot of fun and encourage you to do it, because your vision will surely produce great work.

26-Mar-2019, 19:04
Thanks Chassis & Jim. The Nikon has been second string all winter to the Rolleiflex and Speed Graphic. The color is coming back.

Christopher Mark Perez
27-Mar-2019, 01:22
Jupiter 9 works even on American aircraft, eh? :) :) :)

Which version do you use? The old all chrome or newer all black?

27-Mar-2019, 07:36
Jupiter 9 works even on American aircraft, eh? :) :) :)

Which version do you use? The old all chrome or newer all black?

Ha! It's a 1956 KMZ aluminum one. It was a great choice for my criteria: light weight lens around 75-90mm that is very sharp, speed didn't matter, I'd be outside. Weight did. I auditioned a Kern Macro Switar 75mm with presets against the Jupiter 9. The Jupiter was sharper, surprisingly, at the antenna on the house across the street. Though the Jupiter was much larger, the aluminum barrel doesn't weigh much. Those Soviet sonnars never cease to amaze. I could have taken an always good Pen-F lens, but I wanted something different this time.

27-Mar-2019, 07:41
Adult skate night series here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettsphotos/albums/72157706120187381 Olympus Pen-F 40mm/F1.4.


Christopher Mark Perez
27-Mar-2019, 09:17
I had a Jupiter 9 like our's. Mine was surprisingly soft wide open. But stopped down it equaled anything made in the West. It's long gone as I thought I _needed_ something sharp wide open and a Canon 100mm f/2 EF seemed to fit the bill. Oh well. Live and learn? I wish I had it back. Well, that and a pretty Takumar 85mm f/1.9 that I sold for foolishly little money.

These days I shoot Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 K and 105mm f/2.5 P and have grown to love their rendering.

That Jupiter 9 of your's makes me think I should keep my eyes open during the Bievre Photo Foire (camera swap).

Keep up the great work.

Ha! It's a 1956 KMZ aluminum one. It was a great choice for my criteria: light weight lens around 75-90mm that is very sharp, speed didn't matter, I'd be outside. Weight did. I auditioned a Kern Macro Switar 75mm with presets against the Jupiter 9. The Jupiter was sharper, surprisingly, at the antenna on the house across the street. Though the Jupiter was much larger, the aluminum barrel doesn't weigh much. Those Soviet sonnars never cease to amaze. I could have taken an always good Pen-F lens, but I wanted something different this time.

27-Mar-2019, 11:39
Sonnars are like that (as are several soft focus LF lenses like the Verito), slightly soft wide open. I love my 2 Nikkor 50/1.4 LTM sonnars for that, make great portrait or pictorial lenses wide open, one stop down, they're super sharp. The sharpest long lens I've ever used is the Canon 135/3.5 in LTM. Just heavy.

Ken Lee
31-Mar-2019, 12:44
Candle and Vase, March 2019

31-Mar-2019, 14:06
Candle and Vase, March 2019

Unsolicited question. Did you consider cropping a little from the left?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ken Lee
31-Mar-2019, 14:52
Unsolicited question. Did you consider cropping a little from the left?


Thank you for your suggestion ! How's this ?

I'm obliged to stick with the 4x5 ratio out of stubbornness, so I've just cropped in a bit tighter. I think it's an improvement !

In 4x5 terms, the first image has an angle of view equivalent to a 210mm lens which I've often found just a little too short or wide. We're just a little too far away from the subject and we go back and forth from the candle to the vase. The second version is more like what we get from a 240mm lens, just longer enough to give a sense of emphasis and simplicity. The subject is clearly the candle and the rest is relative to it.

31-Mar-2019, 16:07

Thank you for your suggestion ! How's this ?

I'm obliged to stick with the 4x5 ratio out of stubbornness, so I've just cropped in a bit tighter. I think it's an improvement !

In 4x5 terms, the first image has an angle of view equivalent to a 210mm lens which I've often found just a little too short or wide. We're just a little too far away from the subject and we go back and forth from the candle to the vase. The second version is more like what we get from a 240mm lens, just longer enough to give a sense of emphasis and simplicity. The subject is clearly the candle and the rest is relative to it.

That’s it! :) At least the way I see it.
If you get the setup back in place try with the candle lighted. It should be a tricky exposure and compensation for light temperature and spectral response from the emulsion used but that’s part of the fun, right? :)
I love the subject and composition!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Michael Graves
3-Apr-2019, 11:33
So anyway, we have this dog...half black lab and half basset hound. about three weeks ago, he brought back a tiny baby bunny very carefully held in his teeth and said to my wife, "Mommy, look what I found. Can I keep it?" Naturally Carol got all upset, thinking her dog had hurt the bunny, but it didn't have a scratch on it. She started feeding it from an eye dropper until it got strong enough to stand on its own and got its eyes open. Now, the little thing is as feisty and active as you could ask. It eats vegetation and drives the kitties nuts. They think he's a snack. In about two weeks, we figure it'll be big enough for us to turn loose in the park.

3-Apr-2019, 12:38

3-Apr-2019, 13:07
Some good images on a sunny day ....




4-Apr-2019, 16:45
Some good images on a sunny day ....




Great images using high contrast lighting to successful effect.

4-Apr-2019, 17:32

5-Apr-2019, 10:19
Daisy Avenue. Pasadena. Abstracts. "Samarai, 2019"


Hasselblad 500 C/M, 120mm Planar F/5.6, Fuji Acros 100, B+W Orange Filter.

MultiFormat Shooter
5-Apr-2019, 11:06
Some good images on a sunny day ....


This one, somehow, has a 1950's feel to me, which I quite like.

5-Apr-2019, 15:00
Cactus. No. 1.


Hasselblad 500 C/M, Planar 120mm F/5.6, Fuji Acros.

Ken Lee
12-Apr-2019, 17:28
Clouds, August 2017

Christopher Mark Perez
13-Apr-2019, 01:00
Beautifully done, Ken.

Clouds, August 2017

Ken Lee
13-Apr-2019, 16:04
Thank you Chris !

14-Apr-2019, 08:36
Thanks. I'm an old dude.

This one, somehow, has a 1950's feel to me, which I quite like.

14-Apr-2019, 08:38
Black (almost) on white on a sunny day. Right up my alley. Nikon FM2, 55 mm Micro Nikkor


14-Apr-2019, 10:44
Black (almost) on white on a sunny day. Right up my alley. Nikon FM2, 55 mm Micro Nikkor

Nice series. They look fun to find.

14-Apr-2019, 13:15
Snake Girl
Georgia Renaissance Festival
Nikon F5, Nikkor 135mm f/2 DC, Kodak XX, HC-110 dil. H:

http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/renfair19-3019ss.jpg http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/renfair19-3023ss.jpg

14-Apr-2019, 19:21
An actually tiny format, Minox Submini!
This was taken on a Minox B on Blue Moon black and white film.


14-Apr-2019, 20:21
An actually tiny format, Minox Submini!
This was taken on a Minox B on Blue Moon black and white film.


Hi Alex, long time no see.

I like your photo. My parents had a delayed honeymoon trip in Europe in 1958. Dad had a Minox with him and he took quite a few with the camera. They are amazing cameras.

15-Apr-2019, 11:05
One taken with a Leica Summicron 50/2.0, and the other a Voigtlander Nokton 50/1.5. Both 1950s vintage. One Tri-X and the other Neopan, 400 speed. Can you guess which is which?

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40649152383_7f9a2da093_z.jpg (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40649152383_7f9a2da093_b.jpg)

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40649153723_d08531841e_z.jpg (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40649153723_d08531841e_b.jpg)

15-Apr-2019, 11:25
One taken with a Leica Summicron, and the other a Voigtlander Nokton. One Tri-X and the other Neopan, 400 speed. Can you guess which is which?

These pictures are so small they are an eye test when comes to that. :) Does my Voigtländer Nokton 50/1.5 have the same bokeh as the other versions of that lens? I'd say #1 is the Voigtländer.

15-Apr-2019, 12:21
I size 35mm on screen to be symbolic of what size they used to be printed: 4x6. Everyone was happy looking at that sized prints, in ancient times.

#1 = Summicron
#2 = Nokton

Mark Crabtree
15-Apr-2019, 12:40
I size 35mm on screen to be symbolic of what size they used to be printed: 4x6. Everyone was happy looking at that sized prints, in ancient times.

#1 = Summicron
#2 = Nokton

Wow. I've shot Summicrons for a very long time and never seen anything like that. Which version is yours? Some people seem to prefer the Dual Range and similar Rigid version over the late 6 element, but I've never found an advantage in my use. I guess it depends a lot on what you point it at. I'd be curious to see a direct comparison of those lenses if you ever do one, though I've mostly moved to an old Sonnar 1.5 these days anyway.

15-Apr-2019, 12:57
It's the DR version. I'll do a comparison on identical shots.

15-Apr-2019, 13:03
My second year going to the Renaissance Fair - the jousting is my favorite thing. So I brought some more "serious" gear this time.

Nikon F5, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, XX, HC-110 dil. H:

http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/renfair19-3006ss.jpg http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/renfair19-3014ss.jpg
http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/renfair19-3083ss.jpg http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/renfair19-3090ss.jpg

15-Apr-2019, 13:12
I size 35mm on screen to be symbolic of what size they used to be printed: 4x6. Everyone was happy looking at that sized prints, in ancient times.

#1 = Summicron
#2 = Nokton

Okay. But you gotta admit, all but the most extreme lenses and films look the same when they are a postage stamp in size. 640x400 image is a different size on different resolution monitors. 4x6 inches is the same size for everybody holding a print in their hand.

15-Apr-2019, 13:27
Nice Bryan. That brings it in.

My Nokton 50/1.5 on an M9 at f2.8. This was indeed the end of the road for this old dog. I might have missed focus on the face of the dog. But now the camera has a serious back focus issue with this lens. And to a lesser degree with my 35mm and not as noticeable when using a 25mm. I think the camera might of got banged around too much on some of my hiking trips with it.

https://live.staticflickr.com/5713/22009372796_5bb1182ee2_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zwTMJL)
Old Buster (https://flic.kr/p/zwTMJL) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

15-Apr-2019, 13:33
Thanks tuco. I like the photo of your dog. I don't have many good photos of my first and only dog unfortunately, but maybe I'll dig one up.

My Leica M9 also had focus issues after a bit of use. After getting the sensor replaced last year and not really using it much I finally just got rid of it when I was offered a sweet trade+cash deal for it.

Mark Crabtree
15-Apr-2019, 13:40
It's the DR version. I'll do a comparison on identical shots.

Thanks. I got a DR on my first M a very long time ago. That M3 is long gone, but I still have the DR. I never had a complaint about it, and took a picture with it on a newspaper job that my friends and I jokingly called "the sharpest picture ever taken on 35mm". I thought maybe it was one of my pitifully few Flickr uploads, but don't see it. Maybe I'll upload it just for fun.

I got a 80's 6 element on a camera I was buying and liked it just enough better that I stuck with it. I know that lens gets some blowback; even Mike Johnston gives it grief. I feel guilty enough to compare them every few years, but always decide they are both great. Have you ever used the later lens? A friend has the first 6 element version, and I suspect we would be the absolute happiest if we switched, since I'm more of a boke nut and he is more resolution obsessed. I just don't really think there are any bad Summicrons.

15-Apr-2019, 15:03
I do like the Summicron DR. I've seen Canon rangefinder lenses are almost as sharp as anything, and use them mostly (8 or 10 Canon LTM lenses). Here is a good example of what the Summicron is capable of, on Ilford Delta 100. I'm just starting to use the Nokton, I got the adapter a week or two ago. Click for larger, I'm seeing this forum reduces sizes even if you post them big:

https://live.staticflickr.com/1453/25977720253_96cf798ef6_b.jpg (https://live.staticflickr.com/1453/25977720253_96cf798ef6_b.jpg)

15-Apr-2019, 15:09
And the Summicron on color, Ektar 100:


Ken Lee
17-Apr-2019, 05:14
Massachusetts, April 2019

17-Apr-2019, 12:53
Very strong composition, Ken, with your lyrical eye -- even though I continue like the tonalities in your LF (film) work better.

17-Apr-2019, 15:31
This is what passes for "street photography" in my very urban neighborhood:


Full-spectrum modified Samsung NX500 / Contax N 24-85 / Hoya R72 filter

17-Apr-2019, 17:57
Ken, do you get tired of compliments? Well, here is another. Good stuff.

Ken Lee
18-Apr-2019, 06:10
Ken, do you get tired of compliments? Well, here is another. Good stuff.

Thank you. We all appreciate support :)

Ken Lee
18-Apr-2019, 06:19
Very strong composition, Ken, with your lyrical eye -- even though I continue like the tonalities in your LF (film) work better.

Perhaps the low cost of digital shooting makes it easy to experiment with riskier subjects. Shooting LF film generally demands more consideration up-front.

I'm often reminded of Merg Ross's recollection of shooting at Point Lobos for a weekend, taking only enough film for 10 or 12 exposures. Under those conditions, we have to make each shot really count.

19-Apr-2019, 09:56
President Trump profile.


19-Apr-2019, 11:18
Profile of a flower in my brother's backyard.


20-Apr-2019, 18:48
Things lined up nicely on my desk as I was enjoying a cappuccino and working on mounting a print so I took a photo with my cell phone. The print is from a negative I shot in 2017 on my Rolleiflex and printed last year but hadn't gotten around to mounting due to the odd size. I am prepping prints for a festival this coming weekend.


Tin Can
20-Apr-2019, 19:17

Peter De Smidt
20-Apr-2019, 19:34
That's a fun one, Bryan.

20-Apr-2019, 19:39
Thank you both :).

21-Apr-2019, 09:41
Great still life Corran. :cool:

Ken Lee
22-Apr-2019, 17:00
Boston, January 2019

23-Apr-2019, 19:21
A new light box. They put the ON/OFF switch on the wrong surface and place. I'm inadvertently shutting the thing off all the time because my hands brush across the touch sensitive switch. I went so far as to tape a plastic cap over it; otherwise, a big improvement over my old, old lightbox.

https://live.staticflickr.com/7918/40365471893_7786c5f600_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24uXAtX)
Kaiser Slimlite Plano Light Box (https://flic.kr/p/24uXAtX) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

23-Apr-2019, 19:43
Taken from the end of my driveway while I was fetching the newspaper before breakfast:


DIY modified Samsung NX500 / Contax N 24-85 / Hoya R72 filter

27-Apr-2019, 17:41
Thawing snow near Spangle, WA.
Olympus Pen F / Pana-Leica 15mm

Pali K
28-Apr-2019, 16:52
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47674366062_a51d4ac410_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fCPA5E)

Hasselblad XPan | 45MM | Portra 160
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner


Martin Aislabie
29-Apr-2019, 10:02
Thawing snow near Spangle, WA.
Olympus Pen F / Pana-Leica 15mm

Love this


29-Apr-2019, 18:58
Thanks, Martin. This is the sort of image I'd like to make with large format.
Another in the same vein (comments and critique welcome):

Spring runoff near Pullman, WA.
Lumix GX85 / Pana-Leica 15mm

Pali K
29-Apr-2019, 19:08
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47685002172_9b3147ae39_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fDL6PS)

Hasselblad XPAN | 45MM F4 | Ektar 100
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner

Peter De Smidt
29-Apr-2019, 20:33
That's a fun photo, Tuco.

30-Apr-2019, 09:36
Foothill Avenue. Pasadena.
Hasselblad 500 C/M, 50mm, Fuji Acros.

30-Apr-2019, 09:37
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47685002172_9b3147ae39_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fDL6PS)

Hasselblad XPAN | 45MM F4 | Ektar 100
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner

Feels like home.

1-May-2019, 07:46
Thanks, jerrybro.

Pali K
1-May-2019, 15:48
Feels like home.

:) The colors are so lush right now Bryan. Here is another one from the same roll.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/33874628598_e0e7502dfb_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/TBojUE)

Hasselblad XPAN | 45MM F4 | Ektar 100
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner

Peter De Smidt
1-May-2019, 17:48
Terrific forest shots, Pali.

2-May-2019, 00:41
Yes good stuff Pali.

Pali K
2-May-2019, 03:39
Thank you Peter and tuco!


Martin Aislabie
3-May-2019, 10:46
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47685002172_9b3147ae39_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fDL6PS)

Hasselblad XPAN | 45MM F4 | Ektar 100
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner

This is lovely


Pali K
3-May-2019, 14:10
Thank you Martin!


Ken Lee
3-May-2019, 16:51
Espresso Cups, May 2019

Pali K
3-May-2019, 16:54
Beautiful as always Ken!

Another random photo while walking around.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/32824299187_6ea1318a59_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/S1z7yT)

Hasselblad XPan | 45mm F4 | Portra 160
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner


Christopher Mark Perez
4-May-2019, 01:00
Beautifully done, this. I like how you've placed the tones deeply down the scale.

Ken Lee
4-May-2019, 05:06
Beautifully done, this. I like how you've placed the tones deeply down the scale.

Thank you - Ive been trying to do some studying (https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?151978-My-father-s-Clarinet-teacher-amp-Edward-Weston).

Christopher Mark Perez
4-May-2019, 07:32
So I see. Well, I think you're on to something, there. I look forward to seeing what you next do with this.

Thank you - Ive been trying to do some studying (https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?151978-My-father-s-Clarinet-teacher-amp-Edward-Weston).

Ken Lee
4-May-2019, 08:46
So I see. Well, I think you're on to something, there. I look forward to seeing what you next do with this.

Thank you.

In case I inadvertently conveyed a sense of pride: I found some inspiration in the works of the masters :o

Christopher Mark Perez
4-May-2019, 10:12
It's often useful to learn from the masters. :-) :-) :-)

Thank you.

In case I inadvertently conveyed a sense of pride: I found some inspiration in the works of the masters :o

Ken Lee
5-May-2019, 14:12
Espresso Cups, May 2019

Peter De Smidt
5-May-2019, 14:25
Fine work, Ken!

Ken Lee
5-May-2019, 19:10
Thank you very much :o

Leszek Vogt
6-May-2019, 00:06
V. nice, Ken. It's fairly easy to spot your images (spoken w/positive intent).


Ken Lee
9-May-2019, 04:52
Espresso Cups, May 2019

Ron (Netherlands)
10-May-2019, 10:36
Beautiful as always Ken!

Another random photo while walking around.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/32824299187_6ea1318a59_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/S1z7yT)

Hasselblad XPan | 45mm F4 | Portra 160
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner


Love the fine combination of colors and shades!

10-May-2019, 19:15
So far this season I've photographed about 4000 graduates walking. Been in Athens GA shooting multiple UGA graduations where I grabbed this architectural photo with my phone inside the graduation venue. Should bring a handheld 6x12 next time...


Oren Grad
10-May-2019, 22:47
Time for some balloons!


Peter De Smidt
11-May-2019, 07:52
Lovely, as always, Ken!

11-May-2019, 08:00
Love the dark tones Ken... Sort of like your bright tones, but the negative we never get to see.

Bryan; you've got moire in your cell phone photo! Wild.

Oren; your balloons remind me of a video I watched recently about the Flint Wedding Sting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GRNRPs2z84

Greg Y
11-May-2019, 09:27
191224 Rolleiflex /rolleinar 1. On Kodak TMY-2 (pyrocat HD). Printed on Fortezo #3 processed in Formulary 130

Oren Grad
11-May-2019, 09:39
Oren; your balloons remind me of a video I watched recently about the Flint Wedding Sting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GRNRPs2z84

That's delicious - you never know what someone is going to "see" in a picture!

Pali K
11-May-2019, 12:09
Love the fine combination of colors and shades!

Thank you Ron!

Here is another from the roll as I pick back up on the scans again :)

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47826842671_9f31046e7e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fSi54H)

Hasselblad XPan | 45mm F4 | Ektar 100
JOBO CPP2 | Tetenal C41
Eversmart Supreme Scanner

12-May-2019, 00:44
Just had a roll processed that was shot a few winters ago.

Canon P, Canon 50mm f/1.8 LTM (older all chrome version), Portra 400



David Lobato
12-May-2019, 12:00
Rocky Mountain National Park last week

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/46918665455_f0e3a9a438_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2eu3qBR)Marsh Grasses RMNP A7309768 (https://flic.kr/p/2eu3qBR) by David Lobato (https://www.flickr.com/photos/168073674@N05/), on Flickr

13-May-2019, 23:49
I've been on the road for the last two weeks shooting graduation ceremonies. Usually I don't bring anything but my work cameras but this year I stuffed the Widelux F7 in my bag and some Kodak 5222 to shoot here and there. I get to shoot in a number of different venues, from coliseums to concert halls to auditoriums to gymnasiums. Finally have a break for a couple days so developed my film. Here's a few photographs I made at UGA:





14-May-2019, 10:08
Graduation Day - a.k.a. the start of your 6-month grace period
Emory University Campus - Atlanta, GA
Widelux F7, XX, HC-110 dil H


Tin Can
14-May-2019, 10:13
Not funny!

20 years ago I did my MFA Thesis project on Student Loans.


Graduation Day - a.k.a. the start of your 6-month grace period
Emory University Campus - Atlanta, GA
Widelux F7, XX, HC-110 dil H


14-May-2019, 10:24
You were ahead of the times.

Tin Can
14-May-2019, 13:06
I did video interviews outside the main MFA Gallery. I gave them 3 minutes to tell, 'How are you going to pay off your student loans?'

100's of interviews over 3 weekends, the duration of the exhibit.

I learned a lot doing it. Several influential professors earned Doctorates in England completely free.

Most fantasized about how they would pay for it.

and look at us now...

You were ahead of the times.

14-May-2019, 14:06
Any clue what the average student loan debt was in 1999? I believe the current statistic is $36,000 average for graduates of a Bachelor's program, equivalent to roughly $24,000 in 1999 (over 50% inflation in those 20 years, according to online calculators).

My guess is still less than that - probably because...oops can't talk about it ;).

Tin Can
14-May-2019, 14:44
We can talk about student debt but we cannot assign blame.

This has some data. https://www.valuepenguin.com/average-student-loan-debt

And this is about when it became impossible to discharge through bankruptcy. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/history-student-loans-bankruptcy-discharge-steven-palmer) I knew many of my generation that did escape by bankruptcy. I never got in education loan debt in that era. And I just had a conversation with my daughter about her 2 college age men. But i must not be overbearing.

My questionnaire, websites, posters, stickers and video were disappeared by me in reaction to the nations attitude post 9/11.

Which I shared in deep shock, paranoia. 9/11 blew my mind. I was in Thunder Bay when it happened. I almost never went home because I was fully equipped for retreat. As now I had an Airstream type camper and truck. I was on personal safari. Looking back now I wish I had not gone home.

Here's my TIN CAN COLLEGE which was the MFA interview space. The day before 9/11. I spawned this which arose 2 years later in a very similar trailer. (https://storycorps.org/about/) Now very professional. People do find trend at MFA shows.

https://live.staticflickr.com/770/33142542762_fc94d7ebd4_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/SuGci5)1-TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://flic.kr/p/SuGci5) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

This is June 2011 at the School of the Art Institute Chicago west campus.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/33840679058_b02600edba_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/TyojTL)negative TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://flic.kr/p/TyojTL) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

My card,
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/32774565417_5aaefa2e3f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/RWbds6)TIN CAN COLLEGE BiZ card (https://flic.kr/p/RWbds6) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

Any clue what the average student loan debt was in 1999? I believe the current statistic is $36,000 average for graduates of a Bachelor's program, equivalent to roughly $24,000 in 1999 (over 50% inflation in those 20 years, according to online calculators).

My guess is still less than that - probably because...oops can't talk about it ;).

14-May-2019, 14:56
Lots of interesting data in your first link.
I found another story that says student loan debt has risen 828% from 1999 to 2017. I couldn't find the "average" per student in the first few links on Google. Oh, I was mistaken about the current average - it is $32,000, not 36.
My wife and I worked hard to pay for school through working, scholarships, or tuition assistance programs - we both have graduate degrees but our total debt was much less than even the average single undergrad amount.

Tin Can
14-May-2019, 15:03
I owe

I pay

Yet never in default

I will be forgiven upon death

Not kidding

Ken Lee
15-May-2019, 04:22
Barbells, May 2019

15-May-2019, 08:59
My wife and I had a total educational debt of about $3200.00 in 1974. We paid it off in four years. The inflation calculator: What cost $3200 in 1974 would cost $16476.63 in 2018.

Not too bad. We skipped a lot of things, including some meals.

Tin Can
15-May-2019, 09:12
When I went to a state college in 1969 tuition was FT $118 per quarter. Normally most went for 3 of 4 quarters. That included textbook rental of $8.

Room and board was under $600. Student on campus jobs were available. I worked nights. Never took a loan until decades later.

But i dropped out 1970 when the college shut down early sending all home. It reopened Fall 1970 without me.

This 2015 article is partly true. (https://thesouthern.com/special-section/vietnam40/siu-campus-shut-down-during-vietnam/article_89bdfaa7-c9de-5493-9caf-20f34b945b22.html)

15-May-2019, 09:48
As a point of reference - my tuition (not including mandatory fees for athletics, student activities, etc.) was around $1100 in 2004. By 2009 when I graduated the first time it was around $1300, and the University System of GA mandated a "one-time-only fee" to cover expense shortfalls of $50 per student. The next year it was doubled to $100 and since then has continued to be charged per semester AFAIK. Oh, and those mandatory fees? Around $400 when I started and ballooned to over $900 when I left. These are what covers all the fancy events and facilities that are supposedly paramount to getting and retaining those precious students. I don't know what tuition was while I was in graduate school as I had a full tuition waiver and stipend so didn't pay much attention. This all was at a mid-tier state school.

Back on topic, a vertical image from the Widelux. I like the way the lights "bloom" with the swinging lens, though in these rolls of film I've noticed a lot of flare elsewhere in the frame caused by the lens turret's shiny edges. Might need to try blacking them out somehow.


15-May-2019, 11:38
Another interesting statistic to find is how many people get college degrees today, compared to in 2000, and in 1980. I bet there are a lot more, per capita. Why are the costs more again, if there are more students going?

Peter De Smidt
15-May-2019, 13:14
Good one, Ken. I think I have those dumbbells.

Tin Can
15-May-2019, 17:06
1998 Nikon Coolpix 900 (https://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/coolpix/others/900/) The third Sam

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47806861392_820c7857bd_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fQwEjU)1-Hi (https://flic.kr/p/2fQwEjU) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

16-May-2019, 10:44
Cute dogs are always a good subject :). Better than cats anyway :D.

Finally made a few prints from my Widelux negatives, on Ilford Galerie G3:


Tin Can
16-May-2019, 11:12
Mother had 3 exactly the same female Dachshunds over 45 years, all named Sam.

In pictures I cannot tell them apart. They are very bossy dogs.

Tell us about the middle Widelux print as it varies from the others.

16-May-2019, 11:33
1. Twelve Oaks Wilderness Preserve - Ocean Springs, Mississippi
2. Biloxi Beach in Fog - Biloxi, Mississippi
3. Blood Mountain Approach Trail - Appalachian Trail in north GA

I guess it's just the high-key fog aspect that makes it different? Hard to tell here in small size, but you can see the delineation of the beach sand and sky just barely - Zone 8/9 I guess.

Peter De Smidt
16-May-2019, 11:53
Those look great, Bryan!

Tin Can
16-May-2019, 12:53
I really like the middle one, but we can barely tell it's fog or what.

Just the sizing of the forum default.

16-May-2019, 13:36
Thanks Peter and Randy! Yes that seems to be the consensus. One of my favorite compositions is groups of threes.

I might try upping the size to the max I can print - 9.5 x 23.5. Just to see what it looks like. 10x enlargement!

16-May-2019, 17:59
I might try upping the size to the max I can print

Or you could scare up one of those Canham 4x10 "box cameras" with the helical focus 90mm and wear it like a GoPro...

At any rate, that was a great trip--agree that the center photo is special indeed.

16-May-2019, 18:06
Thanks CB!

Or you could scare up one of those Canham 4x10 "box cameras" with the helical focus 90mm and wear it like a GoPro...

So actually I sometimes leave my Chamonix 4x5 on the tripod when it's attached to my bag, which makes the camera loom over my right shoulder. I get plenty of odd looks and questions about it on the trail. It's nice to have my hands free sometimes when clambering over rockier terrain as I'm sure you know.

Ken Lee
17-May-2019, 14:13
Boston, May 2019

Merg Ross
17-May-2019, 22:14
Boston, May 2019


Christopher Mark Perez
18-May-2019, 08:45

Indeed. There is a serious richness about sliding the values down the scale a bit. Nicely done, this.

Tin Can
18-May-2019, 12:32
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40909751563_9ac4672d08_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/25k4aSc)May 17 2019 (https://flic.kr/p/25k4aSc) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

19-May-2019, 01:11
Took the ole digital camera out for a walk yesterday because the spring colors are just starting to get nice and it was not raining yesterday... It's been cold wet just above freezing for the past month and it actually got up to 60 in the partial sun yesterday. I used a Sigma 35 art at wide aperture since I could get in close to the flowers yet have a wide field of view behind them. More trouble than macro or long lens, but I thought there was some nice background material for photos yesterday.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47827163522_9ac2014914_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fSjHrC)
_DSC3699 (https://flic.kr/p/2fSjHrC) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/32935078297_85c7f71599_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/SbmTkx)
_DSC3698 (https://flic.kr/p/SbmTkx) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47879287621_22908d6a5f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fWVS7Z)
_DSC3692 (https://flic.kr/p/2fWVS7Z) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

23-May-2019, 12:17
Synchronous Fireflies at Congaree National Park in South Carolina:


This proved more difficult than I expected, especially as the park is only open for about an hour after they really start going. I had very little time to experiment. Next time I know where I am going to go and I'll probably make one 1-hour long exposure. This was about 9 minutes and still was way underexposed. I wanted a wider view but I could've used my 35mm f/1.4 I brought but just didn't have the time - this was with my 14-24mm at f/2.8 and ISO 800.

Thanks to Brandon aka Kerosene Hat for cluing me into this event last year. I am glad I got to go last night in-between work and festivals. Drove 500 miles round trip in one day to do this, and made a little roadtrip out of it, sleeping in my car last night and shot 4x5 in rural GA on the way home.

23-May-2019, 14:57
Synchronous Fireflies.

Very cool--the fireflies have become a major tourist draw over on the Tennessee side of the GSMNP, to the point where the NPS has instituted a lottery system for visitors, complete with a special trolley to Elkmont. Hope you were able to roll on/roll off there in the Congarees without too much hassle--other than alligators, mosquitos, and a couple of species of pit vipers.:)

23-May-2019, 19:10
Yeah I heard about the lottery for the synchronous group at the GSMNP. Congaree is the least-well-known of the 3 major areas of synchronous fireflies, and while a bit crowded around the "peak" of the show, it wasn't too bad. I actually drove in 4 hours early to be sure, and spent some time in the park shooting "normal" images. It's a wonderful place. I gave my info to a young lady to hopefully get in contact with the manager about an artist residency. I would LOVE to spend a week or two there with my big cameras...

I did learn a lot for next time. Most of the crowd was on the "official" trail. However there is another trail specifically for those with dogs that was basically unused. I made this image on that trail, with basically no one else in the vicinity. The main area was constantly lit up by folks checking their cell phone or because their DSLR's focus assist light flashes up. Every time that happened, the fireflies would stop or retreat further away. Once I got on this trail, they were all around me. Truly "magical" and really the best area to shoot. It was pitch black and I had to very carefully shuffle along to avoid tripping over roots and just crossed my fingers I wouldn't step on a snake :). The lights in the distance are from cars leaving the parking area, as I was the last person on the trail. Next time I think I'll go straight to the dog trail, find a couple compositions with a couple tripods, and then do a 30-45 minute exposure. One chance!

Tin Can
24-May-2019, 00:12
Very interesting Bryan

Love how DSLR ‘fail’

Hate the cell phone spoiling your view

My whole area just lost grid electric

Yet here I am under the glow of phone and in touch by cell tower

Great pic and story

But now the cat is out of the bag...

austin granger
24-May-2019, 07:57
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40941992313_c3a8946fe1_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/25nUpVc)Self, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/25nUpVc) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

24-May-2019, 08:17
Both an interesting and challenging subject to shoot, Bryan. I look forward to next years version.

24-May-2019, 10:32
I would LOVE to spend a week or two there with my big cameras...

I think "a lifetime" is more like it, though you might have to finally put the 8x20 out to pasture as your ULF option.:)

FWIW, during the Colonial period the Congarees was important crossroads--it was the "The Gateway to the West," with the main trading path from Charles Town to the Cherokee and Creek nations (among others) running through, while also being on the major route (via a branch of the Occaneechi trail) that connected the Charleston with the Catawba country and the lands back north and east.

Graham Patterson
24-May-2019, 10:45
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40941992313_c3a8946fe1_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/25nUpVc)Self, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/25nUpVc) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

I like it. There is an optimistic, cartoon-like feel.

Tin Can
24-May-2019, 11:23
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/40941992313_c3a8946fe1_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/25nUpVc)Self, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/25nUpVc) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/806/27457204388_a1e61d8c3e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HQimgE)Shadow Beating Camera (https://flic.kr/p/HQimgE) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
24-May-2019, 21:03
That’s excellent, Randy!

24-May-2019, 21:03
Thanks tuco, Randy.

CB, you always have an interesting historical perspective on subjects/locations here!

Love the truck/silhouette Austin.

My wife and I today went to several wineries here in the area to hang out as our weekend family plans got cancelled. Took my Widelux and finally shot a roll of Rollei IR 400 film I had been wanting to try, with the special Panon Red filter:



Worked really well considering I was just guessing exposures and filter compensation and just took a stab at development with DDX at 1:4 for 10 minutes.

Peter De Smidt
24-May-2019, 21:24
Those turned out very well, Bryan.

Tin Can
25-May-2019, 02:17
Thank you.

That’s excellent, Randy!

25-May-2019, 07:30
Thanks Peter! Randy I do really like that silhouette with the camera. That's how I feel some days, shooting film...

Edit: One more from yesterday. When I was little, I would take lots of photos of clouds. I still love clouds but refrain from photographing them as subjects themselves usually, but this big cloud caught my eye as it blotted out the sun. Still the Widelux but this time T-Max 100 and shot with an orange filter, developed in DD-X 1:9 11 minutes at 70F:


austin granger
25-May-2019, 14:31
I like it. There is an optimistic, cartoon-like feel.
Thanks Graham. I was in a playful mood.

https://live.staticflickr.com/806/27457204388_a1e61d8c3e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HQimgE)Shadow Beating Camera (https://flic.kr/p/HQimgE) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr
Good one Randy! Besides being silhouettes, our pictures share the element of showing how much trickery there is in photography. I mean, I don't think you were actually beating your camera, just as I wasn't really in that truck. Of course, I could be wrong; maybe you were beating your camera...

Ken Lee
25-May-2019, 16:43
Boston, May 2019

Tin Can
25-May-2019, 16:52
Austin, my stick was a piece of PVC

I envisioned the image then made it.

Used a shutter delay.

Took some time to get what I wanted.

Leszek Vogt
25-May-2019, 17:05
Don't know about you, Randy. At least you could have used a curtain pole as a selfie-stick.


Christopher Mark Perez
26-May-2019, 01:03

I think you're getting the hang of this right nicely.

Boston, May 2019

26-May-2019, 22:31
A few from a roll of Ilford Delta 100


Tin Can
27-May-2019, 05:17

Ken Lee
28-May-2019, 16:36
Boston, May 2019

Tin Can
28-May-2019, 16:41

30-May-2019, 10:36
Toddler toes. Nikon FG, 50mm series E, Ilford HP5+ at 1600.


Scott Schroeder
30-May-2019, 22:07
Galaxy S10 ; Snapseed


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

31-May-2019, 16:06
My 1-year old great grandson checking out the fountain in Columbus.


Tin Can
1-Jun-2019, 05:22
40 years ago today, selfie. Pentax H3v It had a timer.

Scan of print with date in lower right.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47978405297_0f413bb979_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2g6FSmr)June 79 53 stitches (https://flic.kr/p/2g6FSmr) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

1-Jun-2019, 20:15
40 years ago today, selfie. Pentax H3v It had a timer.

Scan of print with date in lower right.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47978405297_0f413bb979_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2g6FSmr)June 79 53 stitches (https://flic.kr/p/2g6FSmr) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

Which bike did that?

Peter De Smidt
1-Jun-2019, 21:22
For a second there I thought it was David Crosby. :)

1-Jun-2019, 21:37
Leica M6, 5cm f/3.5 Elmar, T-Max, DDX


Taken this morning during a film walk in Cabbagetown, a neighborhood in Atlanta, with one of the guys from the Studio C41 podcast

Oren Grad
1-Jun-2019, 22:21
Leica M6, 5cm f/3.5 Elmar, T-Max, DDX

That's great, lots of fun stuff going on... Was the utility pole really curved like that? I've certainly seen a few that are.

Oren Grad
1-Jun-2019, 22:32

Memorial Day

2-Jun-2019, 04:50
Leica M6, 5cm f/3.5 Elmar, T-Max, DDX

Taken this morning during a film walk in Cabbagetown, a neighborhood in Atlanta, with one of the guys from the Studio C41 podcast


2-Jun-2019, 04:56
Thanks Oren and jp! Yep, while the ol' Elmar isn't exactly perfect in terms of distortion, the pole definitely curved.

And I love the flags. I always find patriotic and religious themes/juxtapositions interesting. Speaking of which, here's another photo from yesterday with some of that. Same camera/lens:


Tin Can
2-Jun-2019, 05:08
Bob and Peter, the bike did nothing.

We hit a tree, the bike and tree both died.

I was riding with 2 friends, we stopped at a rural bar for refreshment on a very hot day. We were sober. One tap beer each. We always rode together, but as soon as we got on our bikes. One left immediately the wrong way. #2 took off in a big hurry, but in the right direction. I followed at a safe speed. We both crashed at the same time a couple miles apart.

I suspect we got a Mickey Finn.

Here I am 1 year earlier.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47984919312_9d89ebe08a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2g7gfK3)PSFSGreen BMW (https://flic.kr/p/2g7gfK3) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

2-Jun-2019, 20:03
Cell phone pic from Fort Mountain State Park after shooting some LF:


Tin Can
3-Jun-2019, 06:27
NSFW........Naked Dragon with illuminated flashing penis.

NOGARD born 1986, later TELOIV became his mate, she screamed.

They bore seven babies.

Three babies survive. Two here. PUKE flew.

Raged for decades in Chicago. PUKE ridden until slain by me. I regret that.

GOT (https://www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones)not first.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47968153272_4afe61f043_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2g5MjMo)NOGARD Born 1986 (https://flic.kr/p/2g5MjMo) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/47968254293_cefcb95a51_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2g5MQP8)Nogard on car 1986 (https://flic.kr/p/2g5MQP8) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

Not Hell-o-ween...

3-Jun-2019, 11:10
Leica M6, 5cm f/3.5 Elmar, T-Max, DDX


3-Jun-2019, 11:55
Thanks tuco.

Randy, your dragons are always interesting, especially in vivid color. I keep thinking of you when I drive by this place nearby...they have what I assume is the skeletal remains of a parade float that looks like a massive dragon behind their house. Looks 15+ feet tall. I need to stop and ask if I can take a pic...but looks like one of those places where they answer the door holding a shotgun.

Summer on the Chattahoochee River
Widelux F7, Kodak XX:



One my list of things to do one day is a series of images on the Chattahoochee, from the source to the Gulf of Mexico (Apalachicola Bay).

Tin Can
3-Jun-2019, 12:22
Bryan, thank you. I forget what images i may have already posted.

When they were still of this world, I would only display them during extreme weather, either very hot or vary cold.
Put out in my yard and move them a couple yards a day, so they slowly marched around. The previous owner of the house had Whirligigs all over the yard, another home had a giant squirrel on the garage door. All the homes were Sears kit homes on the old Sears Estate. Sears Roebuck founder Richard W. Sears owned what we now know as Wildwood. (https://sites.google.com/site/idlegages/history)

Halloween with my second wife, we got busloads of kids coming to see. Marnie was always Bride of Frankenstein. That makes me...

Scott Schroeder
4-Jun-2019, 22:22
Galaxy S10 PS


Peter De Smidt
5-Jun-2019, 03:44

Tin Can
5-Jun-2019, 03:58

5-Jun-2019, 10:14
Galaxy S10 PS



John Earley
5-Jun-2019, 16:07
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48010284637_6303eb0cac_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2g9vfYe)
Magnolia blossom (https://flic.kr/p/2g9vfYe) by JOHN EARLEY (https://www.flickr.com/photos/jacketch/), on Flickr

Tin Can
6-Jun-2019, 05:57
Red Jen 1999 Nikon CoolPix 900

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48013033366_5025c02a05_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2g9Km57)Red Jen1999 (https://flic.kr/p/2g9Km57) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr