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5-Jan-2018, 20:47
Thanks tuco. Here's another one from Manhattan that cold night.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4638/38820321254_2f7608be03_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/229qi2G)
Soligor 135/2.8
Kodak TMZ

6-Jan-2018, 14:42
My son Thomas has gone back to Toronto. No one to play chess with.

M2, 50 Lux ASPH, XP2 Super @800, Ilfotec HC, X1 scan:
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4588/39543735611_17466f5a84_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23fkYV2)
Chess (https://flic.kr/p/23fkYV2) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

6-Jan-2018, 19:15
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4684/39547407931_a637e69c70_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23fENyT)
One World Trade Center
Soligor 135/2.8
Kodak TMZ

Ken Lee
6-Jan-2018, 20:02
Massachusetts, December 2017

6-Jan-2018, 20:13
Massachusetts, December 2017

Great wintry composition Ken.

Jim Galli
6-Jan-2018, 20:17
Somewhere in eastern Oregon

Looks like a tiny train station where the dispather sits in the bay window. There's one about that size in Montello Nevada that's converted to a house. Pogonip. Brrrrrrrrrrr.

6-Jan-2018, 20:36
Well done, David!


gene LaFord
7-Jan-2018, 13:14
Great wintry composition Ken.

Reminds me of back home Ken. But then again, I sure don't miss the weather you are having!!
Happy New Year!


Ken Lee
7-Jan-2018, 13:28
You're a mind-reader Gene. I was just thinking of you today, along these very lines !

It was -12 degrees F when I got up this morning and I thought to myself "I'll bet Gene isn't missing any of this".

Happy New Year to you too :o

7-Jan-2018, 16:28
M2, 50 ASPH, XP2 @ 800, Ilfotec HC, X1 scan:
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4638/39536087682_feece30a51_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23eEMsb)
H (https://flic.kr/p/23eEMsb) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

7-Jan-2018, 23:17
Two 35mm negs from the late 80's, found and scanned today. Kodak T-Max 100.

Scanned with Epson V800 scanner.


8-Jan-2018, 09:09
Dr. I'm finally able to pick out your work without looking. Please keep them coming.

8-Jan-2018, 16:45
My pleasure!
Pentax MX, 50/1.2, XP2, ISO 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4617/38876397814_c44d7d8944_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/22enGCW)
Under the Deck (https://flic.kr/p/22enGCW) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

8-Jan-2018, 23:25
Massachusetts, December 2017

I like this a lot Ken. The dark hill holding the barn, framed against the tree. the cold foreground - empty fields of winter.
I wondr why there is no smoke in the chimney.

11-Jan-2018, 07:18
With compliments to Mr. Gursky.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4608/38735207995_265f5ffe76_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/221U4PH)
iPhone X

12-Jan-2018, 18:13
I haven't photographed much in the past week, but I've been doing a ton of cleaning around the house and building some shelving and a new workbench in the basement/darkroom. Today I found a plastic bin full of really old negatives from back when I first started shooting film. I was a novice then, both at shooting and also scanning. This negative was of interest to me because I thought it looked great but I remember my scan was abysmal. I rescanned it and am very happy with this shot - I need to print this I think.

This is "Balanced Rock," seen at Suwannee River State Park in Florida. This huge limestone edifice is shown here when the river was at the lowest point I've ever seen due to drought. I made this photograph in 2011, and in 2015, with flood-stage water constantly eroding around the formation, the rock fell sideways. I have not seen very many photos of the rock in such a view, with the low water level.

Nikon SP or maybe my old S2, probably my 5cm f/1.4 if I remember right, on T-Max 100 film dev'd at a lab:


Tin Can
12-Jan-2018, 18:29
I watched Batman Begins 2005 last night for the first time.

That is actually Scarecrow. Be very afraid.

Great movie!

You have captured his essence.

12-Jan-2018, 18:36
Nice Bryan!

12-Jan-2018, 23:21
I was a bit confused Randy at first, but then I got it :).

Thanks tuco. Really liking the MF photos you've been posting BTW!

13-Jan-2018, 13:18
OM2n, 28/2, XP2 @ 1600, Ilfotec HC, X1 scan:
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4699/24802870367_7a0f6b5f74_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/DMKceZ)
Crane (https://flic.kr/p/DMKceZ) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

Ken Lee
14-Jan-2018, 07:55
Two Pears, November 2017

gene LaFord
14-Jan-2018, 11:43
Two Pears, November 2017

Quite nice Ken. Pears are a wonderful subject, theirs skins have such great texture to them.

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2018, 13:01
A friend is taking an online photo class. His next assignment was to photograph a shiny necklace with a visible shadow. I thought it'd be a fun exercise. Here's my imperfect result:


14-Jan-2018, 13:23
A friend is taking an online photo class. His next assignment was to photograph a shiny necklace with a visible shadow. I thought it'd be a fun exercise. Here's my imperfect result:


That's cool Peter. What is the table surface?

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2018, 13:27
Thanks. It’s a piece of black polyethylene I bought to use as a mask for scanning.


14-Jan-2018, 13:37
Nice work Peter. I really need to get a better handle on studio flash...

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2018, 13:48
Thanks, Bryan! Shiny things, even small ones, can be challenging. Do you see the back loop that holds the pendant to the chain? I tried everything I could think of to get a nice bright and even shiny metal look on it, and I couldn't.

14-Jan-2018, 14:32
Thanks Peter. Does the back loop have a concave surface? Probably tough to get highlights from it if that is the case. Maybe a small angle grid to camera right roughly at camera height, normal to the deepest surface of the back loop, just an idea.

14-Jan-2018, 14:42
Since we are talking digital here, I'd be tempted to move around a light till it hit the reflection you wanted and then composite it in :).

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2018, 14:44
Tried all of that....and a bit more. :)

14-Jan-2018, 15:11
Here's a photo from a few weeks ago. I went off-trail and got kinda lost in the woods. Took me a bit to find my way out!

Gulf Islands National Seashore, MS
Nikon F3, 15mm f/3.5 AIS, Provia 400X, converted to monochrome:


Louis Pacilla
14-Jan-2018, 15:31
A friend is taking an online photo class. His next assignment was to photograph a shiny necklace with a visible shadow. I thought it'd be a fun exercise. Here's my imperfect result:


Thanks, Bryan! Shiny things, even small ones, can be challenging. Do you see the back loop that holds the pendant to the chain? I tried everything I could think of to get a nice bright and even shiny metal look on it, and I couldn't.

Hey Peter

Beautiful image of that pendant! Love the lighting.

FWIW- Adding light to the back loop of the pendant may be the good time for one of those tiny flexible fiber spots attachments/head that can be had to work w/ several different makes of power packs. I was recently looking at a set for sell but forget where it was that I was looking it over.

something but not exclusively this one.https://katalog.hensel.eu/en/lichtleitfaserset.html#!prettyPhoto

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2018, 16:04
That’s some pretty heavy vegetation, Bryan!

14-Jan-2018, 16:44
Yeah and they don't call 'em "saw palmettos" for nothin'!

The Gulf Islands National Seashore is an amazing place and I can't wait to go again...I can't believe I never went there before in the many years I've been traveling to the Mississippi gulf coast. Now if I only I could afford to buy the canoe I want so I can paddle to the actual islands...well maybe this year if business is good.

14-Jan-2018, 16:48
OM2n, 85/2, XP2 @ 1600, Ilfotec HC, X1 scan:
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4608/25799884008_696d5e8a7b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/FiR9Em)
Strokable (https://flic.kr/p/FiR9Em) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

14-Jan-2018, 23:25
A friend is taking an online photo class. His next assignment was to photograph a shiny necklace with a visible shadow. I thought it'd be a fun exercise. Here's my imperfect result:

It all works well. It captures my interest.

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2018, 23:34
Thanks, Tuco!

austin granger
18-Jan-2018, 06:46
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4741/39713479422_b1e41fb3a4_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23vkXQs)Dog Mountain, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/23vkXQs) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Ken Lee
18-Jan-2018, 07:14

Bravo !

Peter Lewin
18-Jan-2018, 07:57
Austin, almost everything you post is interesting, but this one is downright awesome! (And you are either very patient, or you trained the bird well in positioning :))

18-Jan-2018, 11:30
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4741/39713479422_b1e41fb3a4_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23vkXQs)Dog Mountain, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/23vkXQs) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr


18-Jan-2018, 12:15
Sweet, Austin.

austin granger
18-Jan-2018, 14:52
Thanks Peter, Jon, Tuco. I got lucky on this one as I just happened to have my camera (an XPan) in my hands as the bird swooped past. I actually didn't think it would come out; the wind was blowing so hard I could hardly keep still.

19-Jan-2018, 02:02
Like that a lot as well!

In response, two photos of a Great Blue Heron from today. Or yesterday now I guess.

Leica M6, Voigtlander 50mm f/3.5, Kodak XX dev'd in Pyrocat:



19-Jan-2018, 05:59
Nice composition and sense of movement in the second image, Bryan.

Jim Jones
19-Jan-2018, 07:55
I prefer the first one, with the dramatic light heron against the dark background in contrast to the normally exposed foliage.

19-Jan-2018, 10:49
Thanks - you have both described what I like about each image. I was going for the "darker" feel in the second image as a counterpoint to the first.

Still trying to get a handle on XX film, but it's looking good with Pyro.

19-Jan-2018, 13:52
Austin; the photo seems to show a feeling of being there, and it's very expressive too.

Bryan; I like the 2nd photo. The first photo the branches are only composition it seems to me. In the second photo, they are both composition and mood.

This is at a beach about 2 miles from my house just before sunrise. D600/Sigma35art.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4708/39784909691_7f94e88492_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23BE4yP)
_DSC9745 (https://flic.kr/p/23BE4yP) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

19-Jan-2018, 14:18
Bryan; I like the 2nd photo. The first photo the branches are only composition it seems to me. In the second photo, they are both composition and mood.

Interesting observation, thanks.

Your photo makes me feel cold again! :) It's finally warming up here. Apparently a couple days ago it was colder in Atlanta than Anchorage.

20-Jan-2018, 08:42
Flea Bay. it was advertised as in excellent mechanical condition but there is a lot, seemingly excessive, free-play in helicoid/lens. You can get a little "clunk" sound from it and see movement in the helicoid. It's like a slightly smaller diameter tube fitting inside a larger diameter tube kind of play. Does anyone know if that's normal?

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4758/27973749509_6ec922ce8f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JBWM92)
New Gear (https://flic.kr/p/JBWM92) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

20-Jan-2018, 17:30
We had fresh snow, so I went for a photo-walk to enjoy it. The place with the sunshine and fresh air was the Breakwater. I was the only one to walk it, so I got to enjoy pristine clean untrampled snow at a normally popular place. There were some missing rodents and dead birds and bird parts once in a while breaking up the sparkling snow texture. A big owl or other bird of prey had been busy out there. The snow texture was unreal yet quite normal at the same time.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4614/24934895307_e5ebbb2a09_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/DZpRE4)_DSC9757 (https://flic.kr/p/DZpRE4) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4663/39773633912_a931a6e93f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23AEgEQ)_DSC9763 (https://flic.kr/p/23AEgEQ) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4649/39095276404_2b6c9dba25_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/22yHvBJ)_DSC9768 (https://flic.kr/p/22yHvBJ) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

21-Jan-2018, 05:28
That's quite the wingspan! I wonder if the prey made it down the hole.

Pentax SF1n, 50/1.4, Tri-X, ISO 800, TMax developer, Nikon 9000 scan:
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4602/25926141028_b59836f1cd_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Fv1ftw)
Hands up! (https://flic.kr/p/Fv1ftw) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

23-Jan-2018, 22:59
My nephew and niece. He built a "camera" out of Lego and took a pic of her. He even left a space in the middle to put the "Lego Film" :).

Leica II converted to III (1932), 5cm f/2 Summitar, Kodak XX, Pyrocat:


24-Jan-2018, 05:52
Bryan that's a great portrait and has a feeling of familiarity between the two subjects, and between subjects and photographer.

Jerry Bodine
26-Jan-2018, 11:11
From my early days with Leica M3 color, backpacking on the Olympic Coast. People sometimes ask how I got all the birds to look the same direction; I tell them I had to be firm.

David Lobato
27-Jan-2018, 20:03

I can't post any pictures from either Flickr or Dropbox that will display it. I'm inserting the link like this link

Peter Mounier
28-Jan-2018, 10:50
Hi David
To display your images that are hosted on Flickr you have to follow these steps ...
Open your image that you want to display on LFPF. Click on the "share" arrow at the lower right of the Flickr screen.
From the share page, click on the "BBC code" option.
Copy the code that you see in the window and paste it somewhere so you can edit the code.
Highlight just the part of the string that begins with Https and ends with .jpg (like this ... https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7186/6900620303_32368c92df_b.jpg). It should be near the beginning of the string.
That is the web location of the image.
Copy that part only and insert it into your post on LFPF with the tags before and after that string, without any spaces, and your image should display.


David Lobato
28-Jan-2018, 11:04
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4717/39896941201_d981ce124b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23MyfCz)A7200657 (https://flic.kr/p/23MyfCz) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

Peter, Thanks.

Peter Mounier
28-Jan-2018, 11:19
:) Love those Hermit Pass photos you've posted!


28-Jan-2018, 11:51
From several years ago:

Before and after re-colorizing with Corel Painter

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4719/39703093672_b293a7c39d_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23uqJvN)_DSC6398Copy BW1 (https://flic.kr/p/23uqJvN) by Alan Butler (https://www.flickr.com/photos/43210263@N04/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7323/10783032174_dc00b81ceb_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/hqRRMQ)Dani Digitally Tinted (https://flic.kr/p/hqRRMQ) by Alan Butler (https://www.flickr.com/photos/43210263@N04/), on Flickr

28-Jan-2018, 11:54
Nicely done!

Ken Lee
28-Jan-2018, 15:14
JH Restoring a Table, January 2018

28-Jan-2018, 19:32
Alan and Ken, both interesting portraits.

Michael Graves
29-Jan-2018, 06:06
From my early days with Leica M3 color, backpacking on the Olympic Coast. People sometimes ask how I got all the birds to look the same direction; I tell them I had to be firm.

Yeah? Well the one on the left didn't pay any attention.

29-Jan-2018, 17:52
JH Restoring a Table, January 2018

Ken, this has a remarkable ironic quality -- the complete anonymity and absence of any facial expression, the figure in modern garb and glove, using a power tool, while gesture, simplicity of composition, and relationship of figure to frame, subtly printed with the muted tonality you have mastered, all speak to the involved care of a fine craftsman, a definite individual. The image has a timeless, classical sense. Wonderful! So much to learn from it!

30-Jan-2018, 09:06
OMG, gloves, body suit, breathing mask and eye protection just to sand a table. Okay.

30-Jan-2018, 09:24
OMG, gloves, body suit, breathing mask and eye protection just to sand a table. Okay.

People dress up more than that simply to pose for a wet plate portrait.

Old finishes can contain pretty nasty stuff you don't want in your lungs. Lead is the most famous, but there are many others too.

Ken Lee
30-Jan-2018, 11:01
People dress up more than that simply to pose for a wet plate portrait.

Old finishes can contain pretty nasty stuff you don't want in your lungs. Lead is the most famous, but there are many others too.

Exactly - it's an old drafting table is from the early 20th century.

30-Jan-2018, 12:50
Speaking of restoration, this older picture's color is not very good so I just converted it for better or worse.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7287/8715692748_120074dd0d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ehbcNC)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (https://flic.kr/p/ehbcNC) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Ken Lee
30-Jan-2018, 12:57
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7287/8715692748_120074dd0d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ehbcNC)

Bravo !

30-Jan-2018, 13:01
Wow tuco, intense!

30-Jan-2018, 13:38
Exactly - it's an old drafting table is from the early 20th century.

Generally paint is the only finish that contains lead. It would be unusual for a table to be finished with paint. Especially a drafting table. But it's possible.

The finish is more likely a varnish or nitrocellulose lacquer, both of which generally would be non-toxic. A table from the early 20th century would most likely be finished with shellac. Shellac is non toxic. In fact, many pharmaceuticals have shellac coatings.

A respirator mask is generally a good idea in such dusty work just to reduce the air-borne particulates, which although non-toxic can be irritating and are a hazard for people with pulmonary disorders.

But the full-body suit is pretty unusual in a woodworking environment. Maybe the wood is a tropical variety or other species to which he has a known allergy.


30-Jan-2018, 14:29
Speaking of restoration, this older picture's color is not very good so I just converted it for better or worse.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7287/8715692748_120074dd0d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ehbcNC)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (https://flic.kr/p/ehbcNC) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr


30-Jan-2018, 14:49
Speaking of restoration, this older picture's color is not very good so I just converted it for better or worse.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7287/8715692748_120074dd0d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ehbcNC)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (https://flic.kr/p/ehbcNC) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Great! Energy, tension, pattern and texture. All working.

30-Jan-2018, 14:50
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4713/39960782662_5a667975eb_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23Tcstq)

Ken Lee
30-Jan-2018, 15:17
Generally paint is the only finish that contains lead. It would be unusual for a table to be finished with paint. Especially a drafting table. But it's possible.

The finish is more likely a varnish or nitrocellulose lacquer, both of which generally would be non-toxic. A table from the early 20th century would most likely be finished with shellac. Shellac is non toxic. In fact, many pharmaceuticals have shellac coatings.

A respirator mask is generally a good idea in such dusty work just to reduce the air-borne particulates, which although non-toxic can be irritating and are a hazard for people with pulmonary disorders.

But the full-body suit is pretty unusual in a woodworking environment. Maybe the wood is a tropical variety or other species to which he has a known allergy.


Thanks for the clarification. He does have asthma.

I think he wore the suit to keep his clothing clean.

30-Jan-2018, 16:21
Bravo !

Wow tuco, intense!


Great! Energy, tension, pattern and texture. All working.

Thanks you guys.

30-Jan-2018, 18:38
Forgot about this photo I shot a few months ago. Seems mildly topical today :).

Nikon F2SB, 80-200mm f/4.5 AI, T-Max 100, FX-39:


1-Feb-2018, 13:21
Being out west this past summer I was shooting digital for a ranch job (Brush Creek Ranch, which by the way has a great artist residency program which I was a recipient)

I really appreciate what small formats can do.

Sony A7II 24-70mm F4

1-Feb-2018, 15:46
Being out west this past summer I was shooting digital for a ranch job (Brush Creek Ranch, which by the way has a great artist residency program which I was a recipient)

I really appreciate what small formats can do.

Sony A7II 24-70mm F4


2-Feb-2018, 19:55
Sope Creek Ruins II

Leica M6, MS-Optical 35mm f/3.5 Perar, T-Max 100 pushed two stops in T-Max developer 1:4, semi-stand
Printed on Ilford ART 300 5x7, dev'd in Ansco 130 and toned in thioreau


David Lobato
3-Feb-2018, 21:07
Solid Light Works show at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn, NY last night. Nikon J5, because of its silent shutter during the live music.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4770/40066652311_b4eeaf6abf_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/243y4Qc)DSC_7679 (https://flic.kr/p/243y4Qc) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

David Lobato
7-Feb-2018, 11:32
Night Shot, Sony A7II, 200mm Nikkor

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4674/39426283674_3000e0e6e8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/234Y1xC)Dusk Light A7200780 BW (https://flic.kr/p/234Y1xC) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

7-Feb-2018, 16:21
Solid Light Works show at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn, NY last night. Nikon J5, because of its silent shutter during the live music.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4770/40066652311_b4eeaf6abf_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/243y4Qc)DSC_7679 (https://flic.kr/p/243y4Qc) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

Interesting to look at.

7-Feb-2018, 16:31
Agree, really cool light/shapes!

austin granger
7-Feb-2018, 22:08
Some great stuff since I last checked in here. I have to call out the picture of the Kayaker Tuco; that's amazing! And I know you know this shipwreck:

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4653/25265162197_950601f1b0_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EuAyuM)Shipwreck, Columbia River, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/EuAyuM) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

7-Feb-2018, 22:19
Austin, it's nice to see this bigger than on Instagram. Love the use of the wide frame. I would love to see a shipwreck like that.

austin granger
7-Feb-2018, 22:30
Thanks Bryan. Instagram really is a terrible way to share panoramic pictures. I'm enjoying the XPan though. It took me a while to warm to it, but it has its strengths, and is super easy to use as well. Our family is going to Peru next summer and I think the XPan is headed for the Inca trail!

austin granger
7-Feb-2018, 22:33
There are a couple of interesting shipwrecks near the mouth of the Columbia River if you're ever out this way. There's a good reason the area is referred to as the "graveyard of the Pacific."

8-Feb-2018, 10:52
Some great stuff since I last checked in here. I have to call out the picture of the Kayaker Tuco; that's amazing! And I know you know this shipwreck:

Did you have to beat back the blackberry bushes to get that shot? Last time I was there they got the better of me. That darn fallen tree on the shores edges is still there.

austin granger
8-Feb-2018, 12:53
Did you have to beat back the blackberry bushes to get that shot? Last time I was there they got the better of me. That darn fallen tree on the shores edges is still there.
No blackberry bushes, but I did slip on some slimy rocks and fall in the mud. To photograph this wreck, you have to suffer a little!

austin granger
11-Feb-2018, 09:39
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4711/25287506967_60bba06812_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ewz5Pr)Harvey-O, Ilwaco, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/Ewz5Pr) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4709/40144150152_092a707879_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24apgeS)Ilwaco, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/24apgeS) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4608/40173214862_6dc7caacf6_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24cYeay)Fishing Boats, Ilwaco, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/24cYeay) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

15-Feb-2018, 13:41
Coffee Shop Portal

Bessa R2S, 35mm f/1.8, TMZ @ 1600, T-Max Developer:


This little coffee shop is only about 15 feet wide and is across the square from the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. The whole thing has crazy mirrors on the ceiling and hanging circles of LED lights. I could barely remember which way was up on this photograph.

Michael R
16-Feb-2018, 12:48

Ilford MG Classic/Dektol

Apologies for the poor scan quality.


Tin Can
16-Feb-2018, 14:32
Bryan, Chicago has a 9ft wide coffee shop, 2 stories tall inside, but only 4 customers fit in it. Really! No chairs, sit outside, maybe. I always stop for a Doppio which is gone well before the door opens again.

Interesting history and it is around the corner from Central Camera. https://www.chicagoreader.com/Bleader/archives/2015/04/08/one-of-the-loops-oldest-smallest-buildings-is-now-a-cafe-thanks-to-asado-coffee.

More history. https://curioustraveler66.com/2014/11/18/route-66-update-mysterious-odd-and-historic-chicagos-tiny-pickwick-stable-lives-and-shines-again/

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4750/39594447334_75fb6bc409_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23jPTK5)AsadoFSBWPSTINT (https://flic.kr/p/23jPTK5) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

17-Feb-2018, 04:48
Waouh ! Juste beautiful Randy !

Ken Lee
17-Feb-2018, 08:28
Massachusetts, February 2018

Tin Can
17-Feb-2018, 09:07
Last snow...

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4624/39421641775_1c934e38b6_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/234ydET)IMG-0829 (https://flic.kr/p/234ydET) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

17-Feb-2018, 10:31
Massachusetts, February 2018

Beauty, plenitude, peace, a magnificent and simple landscape. And fantastic light ! :)

DG 3313
17-Feb-2018, 15:04

From Kaanapali Beach, Maui 2/2018

Canon 6D

17-Feb-2018, 15:07
Bryan, Chicago has a 9ft wide coffee shop, 2 stories tall inside, but only 4 customers fit in it. Really! No chairs, sit outside, maybe. I always stop for a Doppio which is gone well before the door opens again.

Interesting history and it is around the corner from Central Camera. https://www.chicagoreader.com/Bleader/archives/2015/04/08/one-of-the-loops-oldest-smallest-buildings-is-now-a-cafe-thanks-to-asado-coffee.

More history. https://curioustraveler66.com/2014/11/18/route-66-update-mysterious-odd-and-historic-chicagos-tiny-pickwick-stable-lives-and-shines-again/

Sounds like someplace I'd like to go! The wife and I love to visit local coffee shops when travelling. When out and about in a big city I tend to stop in and grab an espresso 3-4 times a day :D

DG 3313 - wow, nice clouds and light!!

17-Feb-2018, 22:27

From Kaanapali Beach, Maui 2/2018

Canon 6D


David Lobato
18-Feb-2018, 09:27
Baltimore, MD. Sony A7II

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4674/38422617460_832086d459_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/21xgXxJ)Herring Run B&W -7201130 (https://flic.kr/p/21xgXxJ) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

DG 3313
18-Feb-2018, 09:53

Thanks Chassis and Bryan.....the catamaran added scale to the cloud formation.

19-Feb-2018, 17:04
Baltimore, MD. Sony A7II

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4674/38422617460_832086d459_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/21xgXxJ)Herring Run B&W -7201130 (https://flic.kr/p/21xgXxJ) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

Great composition and interpretation of tones David. What lens did you use? Not able to check Flickr at the moment.

Ken Lee
19-Feb-2018, 17:38
Massachusetts, February 2018

Erik Larsen
19-Feb-2018, 18:35
Very pretty light Ken, my compliments

David Lobato
19-Feb-2018, 19:16
Great composition and interpretation of tones David. What lens did you use? Not able to check Flickr at the moment.

Thanks. It was the 28-70 kit lens, set to 33mm. I pulled down the blue channel for more separation of tones in the sky in the b&w conversion.

19-Feb-2018, 20:00
Thanks David, nice image.

gene LaFord
19-Feb-2018, 20:21
Massachusetts, February 2018

Ken... that looks like the road in Sunderland where my drawing teacher used to live. Even if it isn't, thanks for the memory!! :D

Ken Lee
20-Feb-2018, 07:47
Thanks Eric and Gene.

Gene, you're very close, within a few miles: just a few towns south. Sunrise peaking through the clearing storm, just after this weekend's snow fall.

David Lobato
20-Feb-2018, 17:16
Baltimore, today.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4648/40345035732_8c386e688e_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24t9Rwm)Grindon Tree IMG_4443 BW (https://flic.kr/p/24t9Rwm) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

gene LaFord
20-Feb-2018, 18:23
Thanks Eric and Gene.

Gene, you're very close, within a few miles: just a few towns south. Sunrise peaking through the clearing storm, just after this weekend's snow fall.

Rte 47 between Hadley and Sunderland?? That would be my second guess.

Ken Lee
20-Feb-2018, 19:45
Gene, I'll contact you by PM.

gene LaFord
20-Feb-2018, 20:00
For Ken!

20-Feb-2018, 21:59
That looks like the Sunset Trail at Picacho Peak?

Ken Lee
21-Feb-2018, 05:21
For Ken!

Now that's a dramatic change of scene ! You have a whole new world there.

gene LaFord
21-Feb-2018, 08:23
Thanks Ken... it is fun exploring a whole new world.

Bryan... it is the Hugh Norris Trail in Saguaro Nat'l Park - West.

austin granger
21-Feb-2018, 10:41
I really like that last one Ken, very mysterious and dramatic.

I was going though a shoebox full of old stuff last night and came across these snapshots from a long-ago road trip. I don't remember the exact temperature (it was below zero) but it was one of the coldest days I've ever felt. The car was sitting there idling, empty, and as far as I could tell, with no one around. It almost seemed alive.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4654/39682013254_b6ac568e8c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23syG3j)Lee Vining, California (https://flic.kr/p/23syG3j) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4768/40402809661_91c897b1e8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24yfXGz)Lee Vining, California (https://flic.kr/p/24yfXGz) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Ken Lee
22-Feb-2018, 18:15
I really like that last one Ken, very mysterious and dramatic.

Thank you !

Tin Can
23-Feb-2018, 13:56
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4756/25573640017_1fa333015e_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EXRAcT)1-DSC_7447-Edit (https://flic.kr/p/EXRAcT) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

23-Feb-2018, 17:14
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4756/25573640017_1fa333015e_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EXRAcT)1-DSC_7447-Edit (https://flic.kr/p/EXRAcT) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

Great palette and lighting Randy!

Tin Can
23-Feb-2018, 17:45
Thanks, BJ

It was a fast session, well over 100 shots while she was in constant motion, I often failed to wait for the strobes. My four mid-session 5X7's were poorly exposed. I missed the calculation.

I asked her to comb out her magnificent hair from a bun and put it back into the bun. I think it was 10 minutes. She commented how it was the fastest and easiest shoot she has done.

Not a pro, a friend. She saves children. I am humbled by her goals and commitment to human life. TFP

Greg Y
23-Feb-2018, 20:57
Leica iiii Summaron 35 2.8 TriX

24-Feb-2018, 21:37
Kodak 5054 TMZ from back when it was around in honor of its re-introduction

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4747/39573198675_fd125ed638_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23hWZfT)
Kodak 5054 TMZ (https://flic.kr/p/23hWZfT) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

25-Feb-2018, 08:17
Kodak 5054 TMZ from back when it was around in honor of its re-introduction

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4747/39573198675_fd125ed638_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23hWZfT)
Kodak 5054 TMZ (https://flic.kr/p/23hWZfT) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Well done on many levels.

25-Feb-2018, 10:35
Well done on many levels.


Ken Lee
25-Feb-2018, 11:54
Sugar Bowl, February 2018

25-Feb-2018, 16:56
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4754/39758831914_e29007af28_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23zmpxY)
detail, Chicago

Tin Can
25-Feb-2018, 17:52
Interesting BJ. Really interesting is how it looks when you scroll it up and down. The diagonal make the rectangle appear to move sideways.

I now use an iPhone SE, do you find the X camera to be significantly better at this type of shot. I see it's a 'detail'.

Here's an iPod 6 shot. Full frame. The Bean.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/750/22378030028_cff428da11_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/A6tfFW)The Bean1.1 (https://flic.kr/p/A6tfFW) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

25-Feb-2018, 18:19
Thanks Randy. Nice colors and shapes on the Bean image.

I have not done a critical evaluation of the X camera. It is good. I think the most noticeable thing for me is color rendition seems better than earlier cameras. This could be due to the optics or graphics engine.

25-Feb-2018, 20:12
Brought my digital camera on a hike to Birch Point Beach state park. The lichen was so colorful, it seemed like the only thing colorful on a gray day.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4740/25617621057_560784a2b3_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/F2K1eF)
_DSC0055 (https://flic.kr/p/F2K1eF) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4694/25617622457_d7daf8cd69_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/F2K1DP)
_DSC0048 (https://flic.kr/p/F2K1DP) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4623/26617731348_3cf5252110_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Gy7Qby)
_DSC0046-Pano (https://flic.kr/p/Gy7Qby) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

26-Feb-2018, 14:13
I like "classic" 35mm lenses on digital. Here's an FD85L:

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4458/26423039989_c58471bbd5_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GfUZdZ)
Classic Volvo (https://flic.kr/p/GfUZdZ) by Mike Aubrey (https://www.flickr.com/photos/50635732@N02/), on Flickr

26-Feb-2018, 19:07
I like "classic" 35mm lenses on digital. Here's an FD85L:

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4458/26423039989_c58471bbd5_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GfUZdZ)
Classic Volvo (https://flic.kr/p/GfUZdZ) by Mike Aubrey (https://www.flickr.com/photos/50635732@N02/), on Flickr

Mike, that's great. There is something about film camera lenses on digital. You have captured it here.

Tin Can
26-Feb-2018, 19:23
Nikon CoolPix 990 shot Dec, 2000 3.1 MP

My third CoolPix, first was 0.3 MP, second 1.0 MP and this monster 3.1 MP.

I loved Jen in this dress, but she moved her head. The dress was sharp. Somewhat fixed in PS Motion Blur.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4623/40508329941_8e6e5e73a6_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24HzMcK)1.4red jen (https://flic.kr/p/24HzMcK) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

Tin Can
26-Feb-2018, 19:51
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4754/26637827168_c9f2bcd38c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GzTPYd)Smile Jen (https://flic.kr/p/GzTPYd) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

David Lobato
28-Feb-2018, 09:47
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4623/39640943505_52c7551d02_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23oWcrc)A7201493 (https://flic.kr/p/23oWcrc) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

28-Feb-2018, 12:08
I like "classic" 35mm lenses on digital. Here's an FD85L:

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4458/26423039989_c58471bbd5_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GfUZdZ)
Classic Volvo (https://flic.kr/p/GfUZdZ) by Mike Aubrey (https://www.flickr.com/photos/50635732@N02/), on Flickr

Now, this is very nice! That "classic" lens makes this image shine!

1-Mar-2018, 10:56
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4535/38097874624_bf1aa61d89_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/213zyPj)Food Port (https://flic.kr/p/213zyPj) by M_alice '68 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/148513280@N03/), on Flickr
Kodak Retina, Ilford 100.

3-Mar-2018, 12:43
Canon 5D


3-Mar-2018, 12:50
I really like that first one!

3-Mar-2018, 14:01
I really like that first one!

Thank you :)

Alex DiBacco
3-Mar-2018, 22:20

My fiancé straining some pasta.
Taken on an M4 with Tri X, stand developed for 1h in Rodinal.

Ken Lee
4-Mar-2018, 07:48
Massachusetts, March 2018

4-Mar-2018, 09:03
Ken, always inspiring work.

7-Mar-2018, 06:28
Reflected Parthenon - Nashville, TN


Just a cell phone snap. Been travelling the last 5 days or so, making photographs from Charleston, SC to Nashville, TN. Got a ton of film to develop and a new enlarger in the trunk of my car to reassemble in the DR...fun week ahead ;).

Tin Can
7-Mar-2018, 07:19
Interesting how Ken Lee's and Bryan's images nearly echo each other. Moreso on a cell phone yet still holds up on my monitor right now.

Scroll between them.

I think it is high time we stop apologizing for cell phone images, the latest cell phone cameras are astounding.

I am glad to see their improvement and this Forums acceptance of all imaging methods.

7-Mar-2018, 10:48
Interesting observation Randy! I am still not a big fan of the ergonomics of my cell phone...but I do like to futz with the exposure compensation (!) to get darker, contrastier images like the above.

I met a rep from B&S last year and she showed me some Pt/Pd prints she made from digital negatives, made from cell phone images. Looked gorgeous.

7-Mar-2018, 11:12
To Fangel:

I like the first one, also.

What's the story behind these?


Tin Can
7-Mar-2018, 11:26
Add a BlueTooth selfie stick, actually buy 2. The BT remote is very handy. The stick can look over a wall...

The phone mount from the second stick can be added to an old-school camera handle. Makes it much better for me. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/131401-REG/General_Brand_Right_Angle_Bracket_with.html

I have even mounted a cell phone to a 8ft tall Arkay camera stand.

Interesting observation Randy! I am still not a big fan of the ergonomics of my cell phone...but I do like to futz with the exposure compensation (!) to get darker, contrastier images like the above.

I met a rep from B&S last year and she showed me some Pt/Pd prints she made from digital negatives, made from cell phone images. Looked gorgeous.

7-Mar-2018, 14:56
French Huguenot Church, in Charleston, SC

Nikon SP 2005, Voigtlander 25mm f/4 w/ orange filter, T-Max 100 dev'd in FX-39:


7-Mar-2018, 17:07
With apologies to Kerosene Hat :) (http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?75932-Aircraft&p=1397483&viewfull=1#post1397483), here's my image of a plane engine.

Nikon F2SB, Nikkor 8mm f/2.8, TMX, FX-39:


8-Mar-2018, 07:22
Photoshop can do some cool stuff. First, here is another 8mm fisheye image from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston:


And here is the image run through the lens correction tool to make it "rectilinear:"


8-Mar-2018, 09:19
Photoshop can do some cool stuff. First, here is another 8mm fisheye image from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston:


And here is the image run through the lens correction tool to make it "rectilinear:"


I like it! I have been there many times. Here is a small format image of the church:


You know, you were only about 20 miles from my home in Summerville!

8-Mar-2018, 09:50
Oh! Nice! My wife and I stopped in Summerville a couple of times and we both said it seemed like a really nice suburb of Charleston! We got coffee at Coastal Coffee twice - their Cuban Cortado was awesome.

Nice shot of the front - when I was there the light was not really on the face of the building so I didn't shoot anything outside. I like the reflected light / glint on the cross.

Here's another from inside though:


And one from the Circular Church (wish I could've gone inside but it was closed):


8-Mar-2018, 13:03
I've never been able to get into the Circular Church either. Here is my take on it:


Speaking of good places to eat, I really like the Hominy Grill on Rutledge, Ave:


Peter De Smidt
8-Mar-2018, 13:17
With apologies to Kerosene Hat :) (http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?75932-Aircraft&p=1397483&viewfull=1#post1397483), here's my image of a plane engine.

Good one, Bryan!

8-Mar-2018, 13:27
Thanks Peter! Jon, that grits place sounds good! Need to put that on the list for next time :).

One more image...but not Charleston. A couple days later I was in Nashville, TN, and went to the Parthenon for a bit before heading home.

Nikon F2, 16mm f/3.5 AI fisheye, rectilinearized in PS, TMX, FX-39:


8-Mar-2018, 13:47
Thanks Peter! Jon, that grits place sounds good! Need to put that on the list for next time :).

One more image...but not Charleston. A couple days later I was in Nashville, TN, and went to the Parthenon for a bit before heading home.

Nikon F2, 16mm f/3.5 AI fisheye, rectilinearized in PS, TMX, FX-39:


Wow! I really like this one!

8-Mar-2018, 14:17
Thanks Jon. I love the ultrawide perspective this correction gives, which seems to exaggerate perspective even more than my 14mm or 15mm lenses do. Not sure why - I just wish it was doable in the darkroom.

One more from the Parthenon, using my 8mm:


Ken Lee
8-Mar-2018, 14:38
Snowfall, January 2018

9-Mar-2018, 17:44
Pup at the Parthenon

Nikon SP 2005, 3.5cm f/1.8 reissue, TMX, FX-39:


9-Mar-2018, 19:01
Thanks Jon. I love the ultrawide perspective this correction gives, which seems to exaggerate perspective even more than my 14mm or 15mm lenses do. Not sure why - I just wish it was doable in the darkroom.

One more from the Parthenon, using my 8mm:

I like the tree shadow and silhouet! (and the dog is great, too). A good friend uses an 8mm quite a bit, originally with B&W IR film, now FF digital with the camera set up to record IR. The perspective is challenging to work with! Geir used a Widelux before going to the 8mm set-up, so he is use to twisting his vision to match the equipment! Some examples: https://www.flysfo.com/museum/exhibitions/geir-jordahl-circle-life

It is a lens that gets up close and personal!

David Lobato
9-Mar-2018, 19:36
Geneva, Switzerland, Church
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4777/40718483651_413cc61b45_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2539Szz)Geneva Church B&W A7201849 (https://flic.kr/p/2539Szz) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

9-Mar-2018, 19:41
I like the tree shadow and silhouet! (and the dog is great, too). A good friend uses an 8mm quite a bit, originally with B&W IR film, now FF digital with the camera set up to record IR. The perspective is challenging to work with! Geir used a Widelux before going to the 8mm set-up, so he is use to twisting his vision to match the equipment! Some examples: https://www.flysfo.com/museum/exhibitions/geir-jordahl-circle-life

It is a lens that gets up close and personal!

Thanks for the link Vaughn! It is nice seeing other photos from the 8mm (most people are just collecting these optics and only have pics of their lens and don't actually use it!). Some very nice photos on that site. It's definitely a hard lens to use well and so big that it doesn't make it into my bag as a "daily carry" kind of thing! Next time I am hiking out on the AT maybe I'll bring just that lens...

David Lobato
10-Mar-2018, 13:03
Farmer's Market

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4784/38922670810_c4239988b3_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/22isRZd)A7201862 (https://flic.kr/p/22isRZd) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

10-Mar-2018, 13:17
I'm a dedicated user of Fuji film.

Didn't know they also made apples. Neato.

- Leigh


David Lobato
10-Mar-2018, 13:38
Leigh, you'd think they'd include a box of sheet film with a box of apples.

10-Mar-2018, 13:52
Leigh, you'd think they'd include a box of sheet film with a box of apples.
But then they'd have to quintuple the price. :cool:

And how can you advertise B&W film as "red delicious"? False advertising.

- Leigh

10-Mar-2018, 20:06
David, I missed the church while replying earlier. I really like the light on the organ pipes.

Something a little different...the wife and I were cruising through Columbia, SC near USC and saw a sign for a graveyard. We headed that way and found that it was closed for "cleaning." Saw this immense pile of real and fake flowers and had to grab a photograph. It was kind of surreal.


Should've thrown a roll of color in my other camera and shot this with Portra or something, because it was full of fake red flowers in yellow sparkly paper vases...I'm sure you know what I'm talking about if you've been to a cemetery.

Also I only just now realized the sign is misspelled!

austin granger
13-Mar-2018, 07:37
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4799/40775741621_cc37b19b39_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/258dknX)Red Eagle, Astoria, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/258dknX) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

13-Mar-2018, 11:00
Very powerful shot Austin!

13-Mar-2018, 18:28
http://www.wilmarcoimaging.com/img/s12/v171/p2781264637-4.jpg (http://www.wilmarcoimaging.com/p426252683/ea5c6bafd)
Kodak Portra 400
Minolta 28-70/2.8 G

Tin Can
13-Mar-2018, 19:30
I have lived in a few of those. Some good some bad. 13th floor is always the least crowded...

Where is it? Reminiscent of the Chicago Corn Cobs, aka Marina Towers.

Which are horrible tiny triangle units.

I miss those days. I almost never left the building, as there was no need in winter.

14-Mar-2018, 01:17
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4799/40775741621_cc37b19b39_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/258dknX)Red Eagle, Astoria, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/258dknX) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Wonderful. That pulls me in and tells a story to me.

14-Mar-2018, 03:50
Randy, it is the Radisson Blu (Aqua) tower in Chicago. Pretty interesting facade. I can imagine not wanting to leave the building in winter. The day I made this photo it was cold and windy, as usual for February, in Chicago.

Tin Can
14-Mar-2018, 05:36
Ah Studio Gang. I watched it go up. Views from inside must be good also.

Studio Gang is a big influence but i really disliked http://studiogang.com/project/wms-boathouse-at-clark-park

As the roof seems low function and very hard to maintain for a public project. I complained when designed.

14-Mar-2018, 11:18
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4799/40775741621_cc37b19b39_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/258dknX)Red Eagle, Astoria, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/258dknX) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Very nice image. I like it a lot!

Ken Lee
16-Mar-2018, 04:42
Tulip, March 2018

16-Mar-2018, 05:29
Looks great Ken. I like how smooth the leaf in the background blurs, along with your usual good lighting and tones.

I'm getting stuffed up from here. It brings to mind going into church where well meaning people meant to make Easter look nice and colorful and springlike but ended up messing me up with my allergies.

Ken Lee
16-Mar-2018, 06:47
Yes - The lilies are the worst for that :o

16-Mar-2018, 18:32
http://www.wilmarcoimaging.com/img/s10/v110/p2785039825-4.jpg (http://www.wilmarcoimaging.com/p426252683/ea60055d1)
Minolta AF 28-70/2.8 G
Kodak Portra 400

16-Mar-2018, 22:51
Back at it experimenting with my Nikonos and underwater (kinda) photographs in the river.



More formal but dreamy, kind of pinhole-esque (15mm @ f/22 is basically a pinhole anyway right?):



17-Mar-2018, 06:28
I particularly like the 2nd one. It has a clear juxtaposition between underwater and out of it. Kind of makes you do a double take.

17-Mar-2018, 09:20
Thanks for your thoughts - yes the in/out dynamic is what interests me, but it's difficult (due to water motion and especially lack of viewing and direct composition). Here's a few more from my second roll:




I am still experimenting with the aesthetic, and I think I like this extra-crunchy grain. This second roll was Kodak T-Max 3200, the previous one was Double-X. I think pushing the XX a stop or so will get similar results and I have a ton of it already.

Tin Can
17-Mar-2018, 15:37
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4769/27914927589_3cdcc78bc2_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JwKiqZ)Spam Beer Tin (https://flic.kr/p/JwKiqZ) by moe.randy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

Simon Benton
17-Mar-2018, 17:25

Storm clouds Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia Fuji X-E1

17-Mar-2018, 18:52
Fungus World
Nikon F2 / 8mm / Tri-X:


18-Mar-2018, 13:53
Back at it experimenting with my Nikonos and underwater (kinda) photographs in the river.



More formal but dreamy, kind of pinhole-esque (15mm @ f/22 is basically a pinhole anyway right?):



Awesome!! I just picked up a Nikonos V too, with a 35mm and 15mm lens. Also came with a 28mm but I need to repair it.

Finished my first roll but haven't developed it yet... will post soon.

18-Mar-2018, 13:56
Awesome!! I just picked up a Nikonos V too, with a 35mm and 15mm lens. Also came with a 28mm but I need to repair it.

Finished my first roll but haven't developed it yet... will post soon.

Thanks! I have a Nikonos V coming to me next week...the IV's meter stops working after getting in the water for a few minutes. Not sure why (it's not flooding). Hopefully the V works better! These were all shot by bracketing heavily from a guessed exposure. I also have the 15 and 35. Looking forward to your shots!

18-Mar-2018, 15:06
Thanks! I have a Nikonos V coming to me next week...the IV's meter stops working after getting in the water for a few minutes. Not sure why (it's not flooding). Hopefully the V works better! These were all shot by bracketing heavily from a guessed exposure. I also have the 15 and 35. Looking forward to your shots!

Ahh gotcha. I've heard the IV are prone to flooding, but not sure about their meter's quality.

So far I haven't shot anything underwater, all above water with the 35 mm.

The V is a great little machine, love it! I may paint the orange to black to make it more discrete for street photography.

Scott Schroeder
22-Mar-2018, 11:56
Buffalo River NP. Ar. Creek to Thunder Canyon Falls
5D supertak 50/1.4 PS


Scott Schroeder
22-Mar-2018, 12:07
Arkansas Ozarks and Buffalo River NP
Samsung S8. Some with lightroom on phone.





David Lobato
23-Mar-2018, 09:19
SW Virginia this week.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/801/26100417507_dbf49073e4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/FLpsNp)Beaverdam Creek A7202254 BW 2500 (https://flic.kr/p/FLpsNp) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

David Lobato
24-Mar-2018, 10:37
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/796/26119568117_c4e69aeea8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/FN6BBk)A7202257 B&W (https://flic.kr/p/FN6BBk) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

24-Mar-2018, 12:05
Nice series Scott.

Scott Schroeder
24-Mar-2018, 12:06
Here's another from Arkansas. This is right before hawksbill crag.
Galaxy S8 ps


Ken Lee
25-Mar-2018, 09:54
Tulips, March 2018

gene LaFord
25-Mar-2018, 12:20
Very nice tones and textures Ken.

Scott Schroeder
25-Mar-2018, 15:12
Lost valley trail arkansas ozarks
5D supertak 50/1.4 PS


27-Mar-2018, 16:58

Doesn't get much better.

Greg Y
27-Mar-2018, 18:52
Beautiful Scott!

28-Mar-2018, 18:12
Zion NP

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/806/40374882474_5f0e2d30c2_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24vMPVm)
Angels Landing Warning (https://flic.kr/p/24vMPVm) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/901/27211703068_36b0de8cdf_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HsB6hh)
Ascending Angels Landing (https://flic.kr/p/HsB6hh) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/796/27211694858_283fd268ca_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HsB3QJ)
View From Top Of Angels Landing (https://flic.kr/p/HsB3QJ) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

28-Mar-2018, 18:45
Zion NP

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/796/27211694858_283fd268ca_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HsB3QJ)
View From Top Of Angels Landing (https://flic.kr/p/HsB3QJ) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Wow. I didn't have the nerve for this hike. Great feeling of space.

28-Mar-2018, 19:34
Wow. I didn't have the nerve for this hike. Great feeling of space.

They certainly wouldn't make this trail today. But they put steel poles in the rocks with a steel chain connecting them together for you to grab onto. Oddly, for as much of it put in place, there is about a 15-foot section without chain and it's a big, angled rock sheet slippery with sand on it and no other rocks or foliage in reach to grab onto. If you slip there you're likely going off the edge. I'd guess to say that's probably where the fatalities occur.

Ken Lee
30-Mar-2018, 16:27
Tulip, March 2018

30-Mar-2018, 16:34
Lost valley trail arkansas ozarks
5D supertak 50/1.4 PS


Scott that is one of my frequent camp spots back before it became popular though I don't recognize the spot. Is that at the mouth of the cave?

Nice photo. Lost Valley is just a couple miles from heaven.

30-Mar-2018, 16:37
Tulip, March 2018

That somehow has a definite "Ken Lee" signature to its look. Very nicely done.

David Lobato
30-Mar-2018, 16:42
tuco, way back when I did that hike I squeezed the chain so tightly my finger prints must have been embossed in it.

30-Mar-2018, 17:25

Thanks for the inspiration. Great work.

David Lobato
31-Mar-2018, 19:25
Eastern Tennessee last week

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/807/41148021061_bbe67ce8e0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/25G7n5Z)Dogwood Rocks Flowing Water A7202647 (https://flic.kr/p/25G7n5Z) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

31-Mar-2018, 19:29
Eastern Tennessee last week

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/807/41148021061_bbe67ce8e0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/25G7n5Z)Dogwood Rocks Flowing Water A7202647 (https://flic.kr/p/25G7n5Z) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

Looks nice David.

Tin Can
31-Mar-2018, 23:50
A lot of areas are flooding again this year.

Wild weather.

1-Apr-2018, 21:06
Walking around Atlanta today, I brought along my Nikon SP with a new 12mm f/5.6 Voigtlander lens. This lens is ridiculously wide and for landscapes is just...too much! I somehow like the 15mm fine. It really is quite a bit wider.

Anyway, I wanted to try shooting some architecture with it as I figured it would work well for that. I went to the iconic Peachtree Plaza building, a.k.a. the Westin Hotel and found some interesting views. I've been to this hotel for a few conventions but never really looked up at the architectural details. Here's a couple images, taken on Kodak XX:



Also, out on the street I found a big metal peach sculpture I've never noticed before, behind the CNN Center:


Beautiful weather to walk around the city with some film :).

1-Apr-2018, 21:11
Awesome Bryan

1-Apr-2018, 21:28
Thanks tuco. I especially like the sun filtering through the windows. I need to bring my 4x5 and 47mm XL here...

2-Apr-2018, 03:32
Great Bryan. You’re on to something.

Tin Can
2-Apr-2018, 04:11
I assume the 35mm is handheld? It will be interesting if a tripod is allowed.

Nice work!

2-Apr-2018, 08:28
Thanks chassis and Randy. Indeed, it was handheld, but this view is on like the 8th floor in front of a ballroom or something. There was no one around. I had my tripod on my backpack and I probably could've grabbed a shot on 4x5 without anyone complaining, but I decided to wait for another day when I could bring my widest lens. I did snap a shot with a panoramic MF camera...but it's not that great.

2-Apr-2018, 12:12
Some more interior shots. First is still inside the Peachtree Plaza, second is looking up inside the Marriott Marquis:



2-Apr-2018, 14:06
Went to France, made a few pictures with a Rolleiflex.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Scott Schroeder
2-Apr-2018, 15:58
Scott that is one of my frequent camp spots back before it became popular though I don't recognize the spot. Is that at the mouth of the cave?

Nice photo. Lost Valley is just a couple miles from heaven.It's about 3/4 of the way to eden falls. You have to be walking the creek to see it. There is a waterfall coming out this "cave". Which would be to the left of where I'm standing.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

2-Apr-2018, 17:55
David L; love the water and branch photo!

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/901/39387260750_8e85664f80_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/231w1oA)
_DSC3840 (https://flic.kr/p/231w1oA) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Infrared at the Rockland Breakwater.

2-Apr-2018, 17:59
Good stuff JP.

2-Apr-2018, 19:31
Man I think I've found my new fav lens for walking around the city...

Tri-X this time.




David Lobato
3-Apr-2018, 18:32
At the Big Ears Festival, on March 23, Knoxville, Tennessee

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/868/40324241655_01b258fb50_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24rjhaM)A7202492 (https://flic.kr/p/24rjhaM) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

David Lobato
3-Apr-2018, 18:36

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/785/40324232035_6f72d25be0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24rjeiV)A7202499 (https://flic.kr/p/24rjeiV) by blazingshutters (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55571025@N03/), on Flickr

4-Apr-2018, 01:59
Hey Corran, finally got around to finishing a roll in my Nikonos V...

Takes me forever to get in enough shots. I only used it on land so far - want to get it pressure tested before I take it underwater.

Btw, love your recent shots, great geometry and architecture.

Nikonos V
Nikonos 35mm F2.5
Fuji Neopan Acros ISO100

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/797/40512558674_aeaeae167a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24HXsfW)
r001-04 (https://flic.kr/p/24HXsfW)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/795/26354405607_506b69f3f1_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/G9RdBz)
r001-06 (https://flic.kr/p/G9RdBz)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/798/40512559404_7f707ed280_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24HXstw)
r001-11 (https://flic.kr/p/24HXstw)

by Sheel Kapur (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheelkapur/), on Flickr

4-Apr-2018, 07:27
Thanks! And nice ones! I always love the shiny reflections of wet pavement like in the first image. I'm still waiting on my V, it was part of a trade and actually I may have been swindled...hopefully not.

Ken Lee
4-Apr-2018, 17:56
Tulip, April 2018

5-Apr-2018, 07:50
Ken, always great work.

Peter De Smidt
5-Apr-2018, 14:28
Cotton enjoying what is hopefully the last snowfall of the season:

Louis Pacilla
5-Apr-2018, 19:07
Cotton enjoying what is hopefully the last snowfall of the season:

Terrific portrait Peter! Cottons has a very soulful look going on.

Peter De Smidt
6-Apr-2018, 11:27
Thank you, Louis. Recently, I've seen a bunch of beautiful portraits taken with a 200mm f/2 lens. Wide open the backgrounds just melt away. Well, I don't have the money for one of those lenses, but I do have a 200mm f/4 AIS lens. The weather was nice enough the other day for me to spend a few minutes walking around with it. Cotton happened to be watching me.

7-Apr-2018, 19:54
Corran, I like your Marriott Atlanta shot. I was in that hotel a few years ago for a conference. I gawked like a tourist and took several photos with a pinhole camera, some of my first.

7-Apr-2018, 20:30
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/887/40409628655_4164445283_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24yRUKr)
Interior detail
iPhone X

7-Apr-2018, 20:40
Thanks Steve- I'd love to see the pinhole images! I need to play more with pinhole, but I struggle with visualizing the results.

chassis, I like the detail shot.

8-Apr-2018, 05:56
Thanks Bryan.

10-Apr-2018, 18:04
Few more from the Nikonos...

Nikonos V
Nikonos 35mm F2.5
Fuji Neopan Acros ISO10

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/785/27505327788_b448366d76_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HUxZFs)
r001-35 (https://flic.kr/p/HUxZFs)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/870/39566417580_720a7922de_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23hmets)
r001-20 (https://flic.kr/p/23hmets)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/802/39566420070_bce778caba_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23hmfdo)
r001-27 (https://flic.kr/p/23hmfdo)

by Sheel Kapur (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheelkapur/), on Flickr

11-Apr-2018, 04:19
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/785/40483275205_9918fce1c0_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24Fnnix)
I'd rather be... (https://flic.kr/p/24Fnnix) by Michael Schomer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/mjschomer/), on Flickr

My wife took this picture, with one of those Ilford HP5 Plus Single Use cameras, of me and my large format last spring. I finally got around to developing and scanning the roll. It's a reminder to me that a good image doesn't need to be tack sharp, perfectly exposed, or free from grain.

Peter De Smidt
11-Apr-2018, 07:50
That's a fun picture, Michael.

Scott Schroeder
11-Apr-2018, 10:00
Galaxy S8 PS


11-Apr-2018, 10:01
Few more from the Nikonos...

Nikonos V
Nikonos 35mm F2.5
Fuji Neopan Acros ISO10

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/785/27505327788_b448366d76_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HUxZFs)
r001-35 (https://flic.kr/p/HUxZFs)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/870/39566417580_720a7922de_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23hmets)
r001-20 (https://flic.kr/p/23hmets)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/802/39566420070_bce778caba_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/23hmfdo)
r001-27 (https://flic.kr/p/23hmfdo)

by Sheel Kapur (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheelkapur/), on Flickr

Very nice! I like them all. Great use of the Nikonos.

Ken Lee
13-Apr-2018, 15:11
Tulips, April 2018

Leszek Vogt
13-Apr-2018, 15:24
That's a v. sweet light, Ken. Like the composition too.


13-Apr-2018, 17:06
+1 Ken

13-Apr-2018, 17:26
Tulips, April 2018

That’s beautiful Ken! So smooth.

14-Apr-2018, 17:45
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/897/41417936742_7b1a511f3d_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/266XKBC)
Minolta AF 28-70/2.8 G
Kodak Portra 400

14-Apr-2018, 17:46
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/889/40746660174_4dbc5af41e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/255DhtG)
iPhone X

DG 3313
14-Apr-2018, 20:30

Awesome Bryan