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1-Aug-2016, 20:39
Consumer flatbed scan of a print. Original is a lot smoother with more shadow detail, but I kind of like the grittiness of the scan.

Nikon FM2, 24mm, Ilford HP5+, D-76, printed on some 5x7 ultrafine paper. Laguna Pueblo, New Mexico, June 2016. The dark streak across the sky is where my squeegee scratched the negative.
http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r620/mwikstrom/Laguna-2_zpsaxsblimb.jpg (http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/mwikstrom/media/Laguna-2_zpsaxsblimb.jpg.html)

2-Aug-2016, 08:40
A few from a recent trip to Roatan, Honduras:

153502 153503 153504 153505

2-Aug-2016, 18:11
A few from a recent trip to Roatan, Honduras:

That composition really deserves a huge print, IMO.

2-Aug-2016, 18:59
Waterman, Those are just nasty good! Clean, crisp, composed - beautifully executed. 'Wish I could shadow some of your process - the results are great.

3-Aug-2016, 02:55
Yucca flowers (XP2 in HC-110):

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8688/28454815520_820b4d066b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KmsniA)
Yucca (https://flic.kr/p/KmsniA) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


3-Aug-2016, 14:17
F6, 105/2.8, Fuji Superia 400, Unicolor presskit, Hasselblad X1:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8607/28717863196_b87147b957_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KKGydm)
Tansy (https://flic.kr/p/KKGydm) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8863/28749678385_8ff7e3a2e2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KNvBL6)[
url=https://flic.kr/p/KNvBL6]Queen Anne's Lace & friends[/url] by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8516/28644347482_d6ff4aba73_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KDcLy3)
Bullrush (https://flic.kr/p/KDcLy3) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


4-Aug-2016, 07:58
F6, 105/2.8, Superia 400, Unicolor presskit, X1 scans:

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8846/28685954121_0041569860_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KGT1KT)
Lillies (https://flic.kr/p/KGT1KT) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8587/28685985091_80acd477ff_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KGTaXR)
Sumac (https://flic.kr/p/KGTaXR) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


4-Aug-2016, 08:51
I finally bought something portable so I can now get my ya-ya's out anytime I want to.
The new Fuji GA645Zi; I really like it, and thanks to the thread started by Merg Ross, I bought one!

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8806/28659108272_13ba47c067.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KEvqqq)

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8815/28659108152_dd9ac59655.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KEvqom)

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8454/28659108042_8b089ea3f3.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KEvqms)

4-Aug-2016, 08:52
Couple more:

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8065/28764107885_b05d11a943.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KPMz9z)

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8669/28659109852_c6e6365f77.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KEvqTE)

4-Aug-2016, 20:21
Nice ones Ari. I keep looking at those little 645 cameras too...

I shot a couple more hummingbirds today, and this one's color was just gorgeous. He also landed on my head for a minute wondering what all the clicking was about.


Peter De Smidt
4-Aug-2016, 20:57
That's quite the plumage!

5-Aug-2016, 04:05
I have a GA645Pro which lacks the zoom, and I call it my medium format instamatic. It really lets you use 120 film as if it were in a point and shoot:

https://c6.staticflickr.com/4/3940/15322376509_86629037bc_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pkZbHk)
Pond (https://flic.kr/p/pkZbHk) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

But it also possible to do portraits (and I do like yours above!)

https://c6.staticflickr.com/8/7325/12415637165_8e4882b52f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/jV8onK)
Khaled (https://flic.kr/p/jV8onK) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Erik Larsen
5-Aug-2016, 05:36
A few from a recent trip to Roatan, Honduras:

153502 153503 153504 153505

Love these, my compliments!

5-Aug-2016, 05:41
Bryan, thank you; I was nicely surprised by the Fuji's image quality and its versatility.
It's great to have a MF camera that does AE, AF and has a decent zoom range as well.

Chris, nice stuff, the sharpness of these Fuji lenses is very impressive and the ease of handling makes them a winner.

5-Aug-2016, 13:38
Last two from the Fuji Superia:

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8799/28712018901_809de2cc66_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KKbAUD)
Rudbeckia (https://flic.kr/p/KKbAUD) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8547/28174312263_1d24d5fda9_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JVEHsx)
Caboose Platform (https://flic.kr/p/JVEHsx) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Andrew O'Neill
5-Aug-2016, 14:18
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8597/28505608600_7ff582b818_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KqWGjm)Lutheran Church, Admiral SK (https://flic.kr/p/KqWGjm) by Andrew O'Neill (https://www.flickr.com/photos/62974341@N02/), on Flickr

Taken with dslr on recent Saskatchewan road trip.

Andrew O'Neill
5-Aug-2016, 14:19
https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8170/28790228405_be7299b5a3_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KS6rSn)Wheat Field Clouds (https://flic.kr/p/KS6rSn) by Andrew O'Neill (https://www.flickr.com/photos/62974341@N02/), on Flickr

Another with the dslr on same trip.

5-Aug-2016, 17:00
Ari and chrisM
- looks like you're both having fun withe your ga645-s.
Nice portraits and images from you both.

- very colorful shot. Also enjoyed seeing the hummingbirds on previous page.

Eric Larsen
- each of those images is a real winner, especially the second.

Andrew O'Neill
- I love the church and clouds. Beautiful scene and composition.


6-Aug-2016, 03:29
Finally cleared up enough to take some night-time photos. This was a roughly 2.5 hour exposure (stacked). Would love to have been out at one of the national parks but it didn't work out that way, maybe next time.

D800E, 14-24mm:


6-Aug-2016, 04:43
Wonderful! Like the old Vertigo record label in the sky....


6-Aug-2016, 05:16
Very cool Bryan. I like the way the north star is not plastered in the center. Lucky shot on the meteorite! It really makes the shot. Foreground light actually works very well. I like this very much.

What ISO?

6-Aug-2016, 06:02
Very cool Bryan. I like the way the north star is not plastered in the center. Lucky shot on the meteorite! It really makes the shot. Foreground light actually works very well. I like this very much.

What ISO?

I have to agree. So much of this particular technique (and similar) has already jumped the shark in my view, but this is really exceptional. Thanks for sharing it.

6-Aug-2016, 07:50
Thanks guys. There's certainly a lot of potential compositions out there to do this with but (pardon the pun here) the stars really have to align to get a good chance at capturing clear circles/ovals. This might be the most successful I've been - many times I've had beautiful skies for a minute and then clouds roll in.

Anyway - Marty, exposure data is f/3.5, 32 seconds, at ISO 1600. Usually I would program my remote to shoot at ISO 400 and go for around two minutes but it ran out of batteries today so couldn't do that, and the internal intervalometer only allows you to shoot to 30 seconds (which is actually 32) per shot.

6-Aug-2016, 09:03
Thanks guys. There's certainly a lot of potential compositions out there to do this with but (pardon the pun here) the stars really have to align to get a good chance at capturing clear circles/ovals. This might be the most successful I've been - many times I've had beautiful skies for a minute and then clouds roll in.

Anyway - Marty, exposure data is f/3.5, 32 seconds, at ISO 1600. Usually I would program my remote to shoot at ISO 400 and go for around two minutes but it ran out of batteries today so couldn't do that, and the internal intervalometer only allows you to shoot to 30 seconds (which is actually 32) per shot.

Very nice image! Could you have used the 'Bulb' setting on the camera to get past 32 seconds? I think I read that somewhere....

6-Aug-2016, 09:13
Yes you can use the bulb setting (which is how you set the camera when using the remote control). Using a bulb setting though and just choosing a corresponding aperture/ISO for the length of exposure you want is problematic for a number of reasons. First and most important, the longer the exposure the more the sensor heats up and you can get some ghastly noise and image degradation on digital when going past even just a minute or two, depending on the local temp (in the heat of south GA, a 2-4 minute exposure in the summer night would look like it was shot at ISO 6400 even if it was set at ISO 100, just due to noise pollution from the heat, in my experience). Secondly, if clouds roll in and you've left the camera alone you may destroy the image by washing out the sky/stars from the diffusion of the clouds, whereas in the multi-image method you can choose to "stop" the exposure at any time, even in post/editing. Finally, a nice little bonus in doing the multi-exposure method is you can make a time-lapse movie with the still images. So overall the multi-shot method is best for digital. Using a programmable remote you can do multi-shots of any length and like I mentioned I usually try to make the exposure about a minute or two for best results. The thing lasts a long time on AAA batteries but it tends to die at inopportune moments!

6-Aug-2016, 10:29
Bryan, Thanks for the explanation!

6-Aug-2016, 11:23
Bryan do you use the noise reduction? Most my lightning shots are between 2 and 8 seconds with equal time in the post noise reduction. I normally shoot at 100 depending on the storm but still have problems with ambient light. I haven't used the stack feature.

6-Aug-2016, 11:32
I never use in-camera noise reduction personally (because it greatly extends the time between shots). In the stacking program I use you can use subtractive "dark frames" to reduce noise, which I've used before and it works well for startrails but I almost always forget to do it! Which applies to this photo. Looking at this photo at 200% on my monitor I really don't see much noise to get excited about. I do always add a selective curves adjustment on these types of images to darken the blacks in the sky and brighten the stars a bit if needed, which pretty much pushes down the noise floor. Any kind of real issues present come from movement in the grass/trees due to wind. I will probably re-edit this later when I get home from my trip and use a single frame from the 290 images shot with very little movement to replace the foreground to make a sharper overall image but this was just a quick stack and resize from JPEGs. I also will edit the RAWs more appropriately and make sure the color/DR is where I want it to be but on a laptop I don't have much patience for doing that kind of work!

BTW I have seen more lightning bolts here in AZ the past two weeks than probably my entire time in Valdosta. Yesterday before dark I was shooting some angry clouds outside when a bolt struck pretty close, so I high-tailed it inside!

6-Aug-2016, 18:45

Great catch !

Doing the math (32 sec X 290 frames = 150 min or 2.5 hrs), it's clear that the exposures follow eachother immediately. I.e no time to allow the sensor to cool down.

Doesn't the sensor heat up from the repeated firing and use ?

6-Aug-2016, 18:51
Yes, the trick to shooting lightning is knowing when not to go out. There was one measly cloud tonight. It crapped out just as I got setup and sprayed down with anti-skitter juice. This year is shaping up to be worse than last year.

6-Aug-2016, 19:00
Dennis, that is a reasonable assumption and something I asked myself as well. Trying it both ways though proved that the short rest does affect the results. As an aside, the old D700 was much more susceptible to this problem, with really high noise on long exposures, while the D800 in high heat situations doing longer expsures did something different - the image was full of large speckles, almost like there was a million dead pixels. It was weird and frustrating, as it ruins the image unless you put in a lot of work in post editing all of that.

Marty, I have been enjoying not having any mosquitoes over here!

Pali K
6-Aug-2016, 19:09
Late to the party but wow Bryan! The hummingbird and the star trails photos are so so nice.


6-Aug-2016, 19:22
Thanks Pali!

7-Aug-2016, 11:13
Painted Lady - Kings Canyon National Park, 2008.



This is a hand-held shot taken with a Nikon F3 fitted with a 35mm lens early one morning while hiking south on the John Muir Trail from Rae Lakes to Mt. Whitney. Printed on Ilford MGIV Fiber paper.


7-Aug-2016, 12:23
Dennis, that is a reasonable assumption and something I asked myself as well. Trying it both ways though proved that the short rest does affect the results. As an aside, the old D700 was much more susceptible to this problem, with really high noise on long exposures, while the D800 in high heat situations doing longer expsures did something different - the image was full of large speckles, almost like there was a million dead pixels. It was weird and frustrating, as it ruins the image unless you put in a lot of work in post editing all of that.


Now that you mentioned it, I recall hearing about an issue with D800s and long exposures.
As you described - large areas of seemingly dead pixels
I never experienced the problem... Perhaps because I rarely make extremely long exposures.

However, your multiple exposure method seems an excellent alternative to the problem.

Very helpful for future reference. Thanks,


7-Aug-2016, 12:27
This is a hand-held shot taken with a Nikon F3 fitted with a 35mm lens early one morning while hiking south on the John Muir Trail from Rae Lakes to Mt. Whitney. Printed on Ilford MGIV Fiber paper.



Wonderful image, particularly good looking with nice shadow detail for 35mm.


7-Aug-2016, 14:25
Dennis, thank you.
Bryan, that's a remarkable night shot, great work!

7-Aug-2016, 18:23
Too busy with manual labour to go out and take new photos today, so tonight I scanned some old ones. These were taken in May 1980 in Minorca, with a Pentax K1000, FP4 (maybe there was no + in those days), developed by a lab in Brighton called Paragon, and now scanned on the X1:

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8741/28836706365_8013ba1732_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KWcE9v)
San Carlos 1981 (https://flic.kr/p/KWcE9v) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8256/28836723565_73914be7c1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KWcKg4)
]Tomato and bread (https://flic.kr/p/KWcKg4) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8112/28731911242_4e80918587_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KLWyd3)
Tomato (https://flic.kr/p/KLWyd3) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8641/28836711925_7ec18c92aa_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KWcFNn)
Pippa 1980 (https://flic.kr/p/KWcFNn) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

You all know she is still my favorite subject, so what can I say? I am still helplessly in love!


Barry Kirsten
8-Aug-2016, 23:47
Not many blokes make public declarations of their love... Bravo Chris.

Ramiro Elena
9-Aug-2016, 02:36
[QUOTE=chrism;1344363]Too busy with manual labour to go out and take new photos today, so tonight I scanned some old ones. These were taken in May 1980 in Minorca, with a Pentax K1000, FP4 (maybe there was no + in those days), developed by a lab in Brighton called Paragon, and now scanned on the X1:

You all know she is still my favorite subject, so what can I say? I am still helplessly in love!


It is nice to see these. We're in Menorca right now with two days left of our vacation.
I took the Nikon F3 with a 28mm and shot Superia 100

9-Aug-2016, 03:53
One of the odd things I remember well about Minorca was the government photographer at the bottom of the steps from the plane, photographing all of us, one by one, as we got off the plane in Mahon. He had some kind of rangefinder, and in those days I didn't know enough to notice what it was. He must have looking for enemies of the state!


Ramiro Elena
9-Aug-2016, 04:03
Ha! Franco was well dead an burried luckily. I bet they were photographing tourist number 1 million and you missed it by little.
They used to publish the photo in the local paper.
We come to Mahon every summer. Such a great island.

9-Aug-2016, 07:57
Thanks Ari.

I hope no one minds if I post one more. This is a 2 hour stacked exposure from last night in the real desert of Yuma, AZ. Only a mile or so from the Yuma Proving Grounds military base as well as apparently near the airplane corridor towards Tucson or Phoenix, so quite a bit of air traffic. Still pretty dark and this time a more interesting foreground I hope. Only here through Wednesday unfortunately so trying to make the most of it but dang it is hot. I was out walking at 6:30am and it was already too dang hot.


Tin Can
9-Aug-2016, 08:42
Very nice Byran. I only recently learned of stacked night shots.

I like the UFO's!

You could sleep outside on a cot, so you can star gaze when you wake up.

9-Aug-2016, 10:42
Only here through Wednesday unfortunately so trying to make the most of it but dang it is hot. I was out walking at 6:30am and it was already too dang hot.

Yeah, but it's a dry heat :)

Pali K
9-Aug-2016, 10:50
Very nice Bryan and I know about the heat in the early AM. We went out horse riding at 6 AM and it was 95 degrees :) But as Ari mentioned, it was dry heat so it was quite comfortable actually until it got to 120 degrees in the day.


Peter De Smidt
9-Aug-2016, 10:58
Cool shot, Bryan!

9-Aug-2016, 11:01
;) If I had a nickel for every time someone said "dry heat" on this trip I could pay for my plane tickets! Ha, yes it is "dry" but man I am so used to the GA/FL heat and humidity - here I just feel like I am in a frying pan! Actually the worst part in my opinion is the sun beating down being so bright, mostly because I have migraines triggered by light sensitivity so I've been hitting the extra strength Advil a lot lately. I am taking shelter inside now because it's a legit Dust Bowl out there with crazy winds and of course the thermometer keeps climbing...

9-Aug-2016, 16:56
Some more from 1980 here. Firstly the tunnel leading into Fort Marlborough on the south shore of Cala de San Esteban. This fortress was dismantled under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht:
https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8244/28805088631_58f8490f64_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KTpBia)
Fort Marlborough (https://flic.kr/p/KTpBia) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

It was plain to see where the blocks of stone to build the fort had been cut:
https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8839/28805069781_1e10deb0e8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KTpvGa)
Cala de San Esteban (https://flic.kr/p/KTpvGa) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr
(do note the SEAT version of a Fiat 126 in front of the house!)

The bride:
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8656/28263140024_a408a52cd1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K4vYRE)
Pippa 1980 Sol del Este #2 (https://flic.kr/p/K4vYRE) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8660/28805081141_7327b446e5_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KTpz52)
Pippa 1980 Sol del Este #1 (https://flic.kr/p/KTpz52) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


9-Aug-2016, 20:55
Terrific shots of Cala de San Esteban, but the portraits of the lovely woman are superb. 'Daughter, I presume from the resemblance to the older portrait subject. I'm sure they'll be glad for the rest of their days for you fine lens work.

9-Aug-2016, 22:27
Finally got to experience real sand dunes today. The scale and perspective was mind blowing to my flat-lander brain.

Kept my nice 14-24mm in the car because the wind was crazy and I didn't want to ruin that lens. Instead, a very capable and useful lens was used here, the 25-50mm f/4 AI, at 25mm. That's my uncle at the top:


And of course I had to do the typical sand dune shot in the late afternoon sun:


10-Aug-2016, 04:01
Terrific shots of Cala de San Esteban, but the portraits of the lovely woman are superb. 'Daughter, I presume from the resemblance to the older portrait subject. I'm sure they'll be glad for the rest of their days for you fine lens work.

Thank you. Pippa will be delighted to hear the daughter comment - these were taken on our honeymoon in 1980!

10-Aug-2016, 05:47
Outstanding Bryan! I love sand dunes. What dunes are these?

10-Aug-2016, 08:26
Thanks Marty, I think they were called the Imperial Dunes or something like that. I looked online and they aren't even marked on a map, except for one specific place we went was the Glamis Desert Dune Buggy Park. Way way south Cali, only a mile or so from the Mexico border is where they start and then they go for a long ways north.

I wish I could go back to those sand dunes more but unfortunately I have to work today and then tomorrow it's back to the East Coast for me :(.

10-Aug-2016, 15:06
You will be welcomed by rain.
I've enjoyed the photos from your trip.

10-Aug-2016, 17:02
Some more oldies, all taken the day after our wedding.

Pen FT, FP4, X1 scans:
https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8136/28616129940_ca46d7a0f9_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KAH9sG)
Pippa 1980 (https://flic.kr/p/KAH9sG) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8741/28283589424_58414b0678_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K6jMKw)
Pippa 1980 (https://flic.kr/p/K6jMKw) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

Pentax K1000, FP4, X1:
https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8088/28616122190_8ae68bbc00_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KAH7a5)
Domestic Violence (https://flic.kr/p/KAH7a5) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


10-Aug-2016, 17:06
Truly a beautiful woman. Very complementary photos too.

11-Aug-2016, 08:31
Keep them coming Chris.

11-Aug-2016, 13:05
Thanks, guys! I'm excavating in the basement to find old negatives, which have been shamefully stored with loving neglect. Once I qualified and started a 1 in 2 rota in 1981 I rarely saw anything other than the inside of hospitals. I have found a film or two from 1990 when I started developing again. I'll keep looking.

11-Aug-2016, 22:36
Chris, you're truly reaping a superb harvest of work from before. They're wonderful & I hope they are never far away from view. Bravo on getting the important stuff as well as the beautiful.

12-Aug-2016, 12:21
Scanning the oldies again today. This was 1991, Pentax SF10, 35-70mm, TMax 100, TMax developer, X1 scan:

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8703/28319901374_dfa0ce0ba0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K9wU2C)
Pippa 1991 (https://flic.kr/p/K9wU2C) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


David Lobato
12-Aug-2016, 16:22
August 6, NYC. Jonathon, the trumpet player in a jazz Octet in which my wife also played.


13-Aug-2016, 08:22
K1000, Orwochrom 100, Nikon 9000 scans. My beloved BSA in 1976:

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8134/28922654176_a6e47cc1e0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/L4Narj)
BSA Bantam (https://flic.kr/p/L4Narj) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

On the number 14 bus on Gower Street in 1977:
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8336/28669057480_180c13e199_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KFopYu)
Number 14 bus (https://flic.kr/p/KFopYu) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


15-Aug-2016, 03:33
I'm still nibbling away at the films and slides dredged up from the basement. These are 1983 Fuji slides, one from Ibiza and the other from Pippa's first trip to Canada. Both K1000, 50/1.8, Nikon 9000 scans (I can't be bothered to dismount them for the X1!):

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8277/28377438584_5a8fe6aaa9_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KeBMQu)The Elegant Tourist 2 (https://flic.kr/p/KeBMQu) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8866/28377451384_0ee938babb_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KeBRDb)Jet Lag (https://flic.kr/p/KeBRDb) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

That Olympus PenFT and its crazy 1970's strap rarely left her hands.


15-Aug-2016, 18:19
'Lovely, Chris. Bravo for getting these shots over the years - they're a treat.

16-Aug-2016, 07:07
A couple of summer portraits shot on Tri-X 1600 (pushed). First one shot with a Leica M4 & Voigtlander 28mm/f2, second shot with a Contax G1 & Carl Zeiss 35mm/f2.

I load pushed Tri-X on cameras with wide-angle lenses for hyperfocal "street" shots and I end up shooting portraits... :o :)

https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8784/28838777211_fa65610a45_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KWogJK)

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8873/28403602653_8cc8ddd8f4_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KgVTv8)

16-Aug-2016, 08:56
Pippa's revenge: a photo of me 'swigging' a halyard' in 1983:
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8104/28404956464_1316334a04_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kh3PWG)Swigging a Halyard (https://flic.kr/p/Kh3PWG) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

After the BSA:
https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8443/28920202562_c5850a8646_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/L4zAE7)BMW 2002 1983 (https://flic.kr/p/L4zAE7) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8157/28739067710_79069c4ca6_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KMzezq)TR7 1984 (https://flic.kr/p/KMzezq) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

She's still carrying that PenFT!


Ramiro Elena
17-Aug-2016, 02:44
Sexy chick, on a cool car, sporting a Pen Ft... are you trying to break the Internets??? ;-)

But seriously, it is so cool you keep all these images. It is nice to see the old film/processing after all this time. I realize most kids in this generation will have different memory formats. Well, mine will have quite a few analog shots still.

17-Aug-2016, 08:27
I hope I'm not boring anyone with my treasure trove of old photos!
1981, K1000, Dixon's slide film. I stayed with my brother in Nova Scotia and he took me icehole fishing:
https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8402/28429091193_7f8b2bd648_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KjbwmH)
Canada 1981 (https://flic.kr/p/KjbwmH) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


17-Aug-2016, 10:14
Chris, looks like you caught a nice one:)

Pali K
17-Aug-2016, 10:34
Chris, these are far from boring. Really nice to see your old memories and thanks for sharing them here. Beautiful photos.


19-Aug-2016, 13:20
M2, 35FLE, Fuji Superia 400, Unicolor presskit and X1:

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8601/28988457182_938cdbe3f2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LaBqnU)
Waugh River (https://flic.kr/p/LaBqnU) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


19-Aug-2016, 15:14
https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8612/28456167444_a386f80d75_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KmzibC)
_DSC4621-Pano (https://flic.kr/p/KmzibC) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Moon rise at Owls Head harbor. This is several digital photos stitched with lightroom. If it doesn't fit in my 50mm lens view, many things can be stitched without needing to carry more lenses.

(https://flic.kr/p/LaLvcA)_DSC3313-Pano (https://flic.kr/p/LaLvcA) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Used a wider angle lens for this one... ir converted D800.

LR needs a tremendous amount of ram to stitch though; 26 gigs of ram at peak to stitch a bunch of D800 frames into a 250megapixel photo:


David Lobato
20-Aug-2016, 13:57
Hatch Chiles are in season!


20-Aug-2016, 14:03
Yes, 35mm film, in this case expired Delta 100, will fit in a Shen Hao 6x12 back.



I apologize for the inconvenience of having to scroll that much.

David Lobato
20-Aug-2016, 15:00
koraks, excellent. No apologies needed.

20-Aug-2016, 15:19
Thanks, David. It was a fun experiment. The inspiration for these were actually Corran's posts along a similar vein from about a year ago IIRC.

20-Aug-2016, 18:12
In 1979

Rollei 35, Ilford FP4, Paterson Acutol, Hasselblad X1:

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8317/29041822311_1b4a54336c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LfjVYk)
Pippa 1979 (https://flic.kr/p/LfjVYk) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8008/28832238810_9bd72e398c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KVNL6G)
Crouch End 1979 (https://flic.kr/p/KVNL6G) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Jim Andrada
20-Aug-2016, 21:11
Prickly Pear with fruit. It's edible if you scrape off the thorns first. Mamiya 645, Ektar 100, 150mm f:2.8


21-Aug-2016, 01:41
Chrism, your archives are great, keep them coming! And it's easy to see why you fell for Pippa!

Jim, those prickly pears always make for appealing images. I find them a bit bland in terms of flavour and the many seeds always spoil the experience for me.

21-Aug-2016, 10:00
'Big smile. I'm w/ Koraks about your lovely portraits of Pippa. When she took a liking to you, you were done for. And most likely - so was she. The images of that story are magnificent.

21-Aug-2016, 12:30
koraks, nice usage of the 35mm in a 6x12 back! Gotta do some more of those soon.

21-Aug-2016, 17:08
Thank you! You are, of course, right. I'm doomed. Stuck with her. Poor me.:rolleyes:

I bought a Pentax ME Super in 1984, but it died a couple of years ago. I found I could replace it very cheaply at KEH, but today that camera has failed too. Three shots exposed normally, and all the other so underexposed I'm not sure whether the shutter stuck or some electronic problems have struck. KEH can't help me this time (just a $3 'as is' ME Super). So I've found a K2 instead, as I do like aperture priority metering. (K1000 from 1976 and an MX still work fine, as do a couple of SF1s and an MZ-S.)

Pentax ME Super, 150mm/f3.5, Neopan 400, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8760/29037208442_b2d1646a84_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LeVhqS)
Pippa 2016 #15 (https://flic.kr/p/LeVhqS) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


21-Aug-2016, 19:23
Chris, and she does laundry:) , one of my favorites. Kindred spirit, and all that stuff.

21-Aug-2016, 19:36
This is a wonderful portrait, Chris. 'Would butcher language to say much about why, but the pose or position on capture, warm, subdued smile. The eyes are killer - not just nice photographically, but very expressive. 'Hope you both had some fun this wkend.

22-Aug-2016, 07:27
I was going to say that the K-1000 would be a good sub but not auto. I never like the ME Super. Too small, even smaller than the Olympus OM series, which I owned and loved.

Ya know. We should all be so luck to have someone for that length of time. Your photos express your feelings. Well done.

22-Aug-2016, 08:00
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8790/28428797784_f745c622a7_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kja28W)
Tree Over Middle Spunk Lake (https://flic.kr/p/Kja28W) by Michael Schomer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/mjschomer/), on Flickr

Leica M4 / Minolta Rokkor-M 40mm
Kodak Plus-X

22-Aug-2016, 13:09
Well I tried to resuscitate the ME Super with new batteries and a roll of Acros 100, but even so, there were four frames out of the 24 (home rolled) that just didn't happen. Blank. I played with the MX for a bit but I find it hard to like. So tomorrow, weather permitting, I shall go out with my 1976 student grant money on one shoulder in the form of a K1000, and with an FM3a on the other. Something to do until the K2 turns up. Amusingly I went into the drugstore and asked for LR44 batteries. "How many?" she asked. "How many do you have?" I bought all of them. It's very convenient that the K1000, MX, ME Super, K2, FM3a and OM-2n all use the same battery!
I'll scan the Acros later and see if there is anything worth sharing. Thank you all for your kind words. I am sensible of my good fortune (even when doing the laundry, Dick!)

22-Aug-2016, 13:58
Maybe she was just putting it away:) Pippa 2015 #31 by chrism229, on Flickr

22-Aug-2016, 15:14
Well I tried to resuscitate the ME Super with new batteries and a roll of Acros 100, but even so, there were four frames out of the 24 (home rolled) that just didn't happen. Blank. I played with the MX for a bit but I find it hard to like. So tomorrow, weather permitting, I shall go out with my 1976 student grant money on one shoulder in the form of a K1000, and with an FM3a on the other. Something to do until the K2 turns up. Amusingly I went into the drugstore and asked for LR44 batteries. "How many?" she asked. "How many do you have?" I bought all of them. It's very convenient that the K1000, MX, ME Super, K2, FM3a and OM-2n all use the same battery!
I'll scan the Acros later and see if there is anything worth sharing. Thank you all for your kind words. I am sensible of my good fortune (even when doing the laundry, Dick!)

I had my Mamiya 645 1000s serviced before my last trip, replace light seals and CLA. First time out on the trip and the battery was dead. New foam inserts apparently left the meter on. I could not find a battery for that in Page, AZ, Las Vegas, NV, or anywhere in between. When I got home I found them at the local Walgrens. Go figure. I now have F2's with various viewfinders. I hardly ever touch them any more.

22-Aug-2016, 15:18
Sunset - San Francisco.


I didn't get the "green flash" that day but did get a colorful sunset over the Pacific. Pentax K1000.



22-Aug-2016, 15:21
Nice Thomas. What film?

22-Aug-2016, 15:24
I don't know Marty but probably Fuji. It was commercially processed and mounted in a Plasticmount.


22-Aug-2016, 15:58
ME Super, 50/1.7, Acros 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8369/28544144654_455305948b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KumcK5)
Fallen by the wayside (https://flic.kr/p/KumcK5) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


23-Aug-2016, 06:05
Why does that image seem forlorn to me?
It did evoke a feeling so it is a success.
Apples? Peaches? Potatoes?

23-Aug-2016, 08:58
I like it too, except that the horizon bugs me a bit... :)

Nice Thomas. What film?

Michael Graves
23-Aug-2016, 09:20
Early in the day, Burlington, VT.

Scott Schroeder
23-Aug-2016, 11:11

23-Aug-2016, 13:47
Thomas and Scott, your two contributions make for a beautiful color contrast on this page!

These are from another roll of 135 I coaxed into the Shen Hao 6x12 yesterday; outdated Fuji C200 in this case:





The orange edges are due to the film not lying perfectly flat against the back. Light bounces around and exposes the film from the backside, resulting in a local redscale effect.

Miguel Coquis
23-Aug-2016, 14:02
Too many masterpieces !
Wow !!!

Scott Schroeder
23-Aug-2016, 14:11
From the S7, edited in snapseed




23-Aug-2016, 14:13
Particularly the first is lovely, Scott! Goes to show that in capable hands, a smartphone is actually a quite usable camera.

23-Aug-2016, 17:44
A couple from today, carrying two cameras!

Pentax K1000, 150/3.5, XP2, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8166/29190066155_e11c128b60_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LtqHGF)
Vine leaves (https://flic.kr/p/LtqHGF) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

Nikon FM3a, 85/1.8, TMax 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8383/29111843641_17e61fe44f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LmvNSD)
Bullrush (https://flic.kr/p/LmvNSD) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

PS Marty: apples

24-Aug-2016, 08:28
Chris, twice as nice.

24-Aug-2016, 13:16
Thankee, Dick!

Pentax K1000, 150mm/3.5, XP2, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7498/29111858401_e581fcb286_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LmvTg8)
Pondside (https://flic.kr/p/LmvTg8) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

Nikon FM3a, 85mm/f1.8, TMax 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c8.staticflickr.com/8/7789/29111870191_47c5378903_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LmvWLp)
Fallen Apples (https://flic.kr/p/LmvWLp) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Peter De Smidt
25-Aug-2016, 15:41

26-Aug-2016, 11:51
Funeral in Chinatown - San Francisco.


Nikon F3.


26-Aug-2016, 13:10


Tin Can
26-Aug-2016, 13:15

Yes it is!


26-Aug-2016, 13:18
Pentax K2, 50/1.7, TMax 100, HC-110. X1 scans:

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8648/29250470455_ff4360a6a8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LyLiN8)
Calla Lily Leaves (https://flic.kr/p/LyLiN8) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Miguel Coquis
26-Aug-2016, 13:34

Soooo Nice !!!

Peter De Smidt
26-Aug-2016, 14:26
Thank you, Miguel!

26-Aug-2016, 20:49
A lot of interesting and well done images lately,
Thomas (sunset)
Koraks, (135 strips)
Scott (trees and clouds)
Chrism (trees)

Peter, absolutely precious !


Peter De Smidt
26-Aug-2016, 21:03

27-Aug-2016, 05:36
Another K2, 100mm/f2.8 Macro, TMax 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8082/28975336170_34d5ee15f0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/L9saXy)
Calla Lilly blooms (https://flic.kr/p/L9saXy) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

and from 1980, PenFT, 38mm/f1.8, Kodachrome 64, Nikon 9000 scans:
https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8337/29263624265_cdf3559af0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LzVHXX)
Middleton-on-Sea 1980 (https://flic.kr/p/LzVHXX) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8282/29155390802_2c92abd56c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LqmZVL)
Middleton-on-Sea 1980 (https://flic.kr/p/LqmZVL) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Scott Schroeder
27-Aug-2016, 08:41

Sunset last night. I wish I had my dslr and a clear view.

Roger Thoms
27-Aug-2016, 09:57
From my front porch at my AZ house. iPhone 5s


27-Aug-2016, 12:32
Very impressive cloud shots from both Roger and Scott! The former, I see here occasionally but never the later. Good stuff both of you.

Roger Thoms
27-Aug-2016, 13:25
Thanks Jmarmck, Scott definitely inspired me to post that one. Also got some nice shots that day with my Rolleiflex and Provia, just don't have a scanner right now.


28-Aug-2016, 06:31
K2, 100/2.8 Macro, TMax 100, HC-110, X1:
https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8325/29287691095_6ff816e830_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LC45ci)
The Ladybird and the Fig (https://flic.kr/p/LC45ci) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Peter De Smidt
28-Aug-2016, 16:53


28-Aug-2016, 18:37
K2, 100/2.8 Macro, TMax 100, HC-110, X1:
https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8325/29287691095_6ff816e830_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LC45ci)
The Ladybird and the Fig (https://flic.kr/p/LC45ci) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr



Peter De Smidt
28-Aug-2016, 20:45

Tin Can
28-Aug-2016, 20:54
Looks great! Glad I got to watch the setup. I love the view out the window which is actual, not PS!


Peter De Smidt
28-Aug-2016, 21:32
Thanks Randy!

29-Aug-2016, 06:10
Wow. Nice work, and nice digs. :cool: But I hope they ordinarily use shades to keep the sun off the piano. :eek:

Scott Schroeder
29-Aug-2016, 08:56
Another interesting sky

29-Aug-2016, 10:34
Fantastic Peter! That is a nice place. I just got finished with a couple of architecture photo gigs and your tips last time I posted some were very helpful - and seeing such nice balance and composition here with your shot is another learning experience (would've liked to see the setup like Randy!). I'd post an example from my latest gig except it was on a military base and don't think I should in case I'd possibly get in trouble.

Peter De Smidt
29-Aug-2016, 10:44
Thanks Bryan! The setup was pretty simple. I put a Speedotron 102 head in a 45" Halo modifier near the ceiling to camera left. That brought the overall level of the room up to match the windows. After that, I painted with light using a V850 speedlight with a little softbox, using my Iphone to fire the camera and see a quick jpg of the results.

29-Aug-2016, 10:56
Nice, I figured you had a bit more than just a "room" light from the look of the violin. Now that you mention it, I can see the shadow from the couch indicating the main light camera left. Thanks for the details!

I couldn't bring anything big due to flying but I had a couple of Nikon Speedlights with me on my gig. But either way nothing could make the stark military base construction and ugly fluorescent light look all that great! That's a beautiful apartment/studio.

29-Aug-2016, 11:04
Took a trip to the highest peak (not pictured) in this country. Took some time to climb but it was fun, at least in retrospective.

The conditions:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8246/28674498444_49c7d06810_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KFSiod)

The peak:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8099/28674497764_01568504c8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KFSibu)

(we didn't climb the last 30 height meters, to be honest)

The mandatory postcard picture from the day after climbing the mountain:

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8122/29296969055_524f5a7f3a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LCSCd8)

I brought my Fuji 6x9 with me but not up on the peak. The negatives are over developed but I think I'll be able to hand that when printing next time.

29-Aug-2016, 11:37
Thanks Bryan! The setup was pretty simple. I put a Speedotron 102 head in a 45" Halo modifier near the ceiling to camera left. That brought the overall level of the room up to match the windows. After that, I painted with light using a V850 speedlight with a little softbox, using my Iphone to fire the camera and see a quick jpg of the results.

Hmmm, Ideas!
Nice color color and detail. It has a very smooth and rich feel to it. Very nice flooring. I bet the room has its own reverb built right in.
Now, I have some 20 guitars and several reel to reels in my front room. (amongst all the wires cables and speakers. It is a real mess)

Tin Can
29-Aug-2016, 11:47
The room does have special acoustics. All passive. I have listened to formal concerts there.

That is the Chicago Art Instiute out the left window.

Hmmm, Ideas!
Nice color color and detail. It has a very smooth and rich feel to it. Very nice flooring. I bet the room has its own reverb built right in.
Now, I have some 20 guitars and several reel to reels in my front room. (amongst all the wires cables and speakers. It is a real mess)

31-Aug-2016, 11:49
FM3a, 105/2.8, XP2, HC-110, X1 scan:

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8071/29333094976_125c935a9f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LG4MbQ)
Hibiscus (https://flic.kr/p/LG4MbQ) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Barry Kirsten
31-Aug-2016, 19:15
Mining the archive... Our two girls around 1983. Contax 137, Zeiss 50/1.4, FP4. I have a framed one of this on Ilford Gallery. This one a V600 scan with minimal treatment in Lightroom comes close.


31-Aug-2016, 20:23

Barry Kirsten
31-Aug-2016, 21:31
Thanks! Another one... A lazy Saturday morning: Ruth and the girls all rugged up together. (1985 or '86) OM1n, Zuiko 50/1,4 and Tri X.


31-Aug-2016, 23:29
I spent the day in Atlanta today as my fiancee was attending a training seminar. Wednesday mornings are totally dead, and Atlanta really isn't much of a tourist destination. So I was pretty much alone most of the day.

Here's two images, both with my Nikon F2 and 15mm f/3.5, on T-Max 100 developed in Rodinal 1:50:



Peter De Smidt
1-Sep-2016, 08:00
Nice work, Bryan!

Tin Can
1-Sep-2016, 08:13
Yes very nice work. I would have been tempted to place the Sun differently.


Hope this isn't taken the wrong way

1-Sep-2016, 08:23
Thanks Peter!

And Randy - there's been some controversy in Atlanta over building a new stadium to replace the Georgia Dome and moving the Braves out of Turner Field to a new locale. The new stadium is being built behind the Georgia Int'l Plaza and so I took this other photo to perhaps represent some of the public's sentiment - but I have no commentary really as it doesn't matter to me...plus it might be political?? ;)


1-Sep-2016, 12:21
FM3a, 50mm/f1.2, TMax 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8538/28764934704_b82fed6278_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KPRNW5)
Rudbeckia (https://flic.kr/p/KPRNW5) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

I have been having trouble lately with Paterson reels getting sticky despite thorough rinsing after use and a good brushing to remove residue. So I spent last night practicing with Hewes 35 and 120 reels and my last film was developed entirely in metal (Hewes and Nikor tank).


Peter De Smidt
2-Sep-2016, 07:26

2-Sep-2016, 08:11
FM3a, 50mm/f1.2, TMax 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8538/28764934704_b82fed6278_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KPRNW5)
Rudbeckia (https://flic.kr/p/KPRNW5) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

I have been having trouble lately with Paterson reels getting sticky despite thorough rinsing after use and a good brushing to remove residue. So I spent last night practicing with Hewes 35 and 120 reels and my last film was developed entirely in metal (Hewes and Nikor tank).


Good for you. I have never liked the plastic reels and tanks. Nikor all the way!
Nice tone and texture on those flowers. Hard balancing act with the dark centers.

2-Sep-2016, 08:52
Red flowers just seem to justify the existence of silver halide photography.

FM3a, 105/2.8, TMax 100, HC-110, X1 scan:
https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8254/29406986595_a20a668538_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LNAuAg)
Hibiscus (https://flic.kr/p/LNAuAg) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Scott Schroeder
2-Sep-2016, 13:49
S7 and snapseed




2-Sep-2016, 13:59
I love the way you tone your images Scott Schroeder

3-Sep-2016, 03:47
Another 1983 Fujichrome:
https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8020/29343094971_f8eb3f1309_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LGX2Qx)
Santa Eulalia del Rio, Ibiza, 1983 (https://flic.kr/p/LGX2Qx) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


3-Sep-2016, 10:52
Sometimes you just make photographs of what is around you. Because I have to make photographs.

Nikon F4s + 50mm 1.4



Jim Jones
3-Sep-2016, 12:22
Nice opportunity, Tim.

3-Sep-2016, 14:57
Nice opportunity, Tim.

Thank you sir.


3-Sep-2016, 15:53
Sometimes you just make photographs of what is around you.

That almost sounds like an excuse. I think making photographs af what happens to be around you is actually on of the best things you can do as a photographer. I recall a famous photographer (don't remember who) saying: "if you cannot make great photo's in or around your house, you cannot make great photo's anywhere".

Scott Schroeder
4-Sep-2016, 13:42
S7 and snapseed


I also have to photograph all the time. My phone is my daily camera.

Scott Schroeder
5-Sep-2016, 11:59

Scott Schroeder
7-Sep-2016, 08:03
sunset last night


7-Sep-2016, 08:19
https://photos.smugmug.com/Catalog/Location/Blue-Ridge-Parkway/i-KQxCGJN/2/L/Frozen%20sunset%20at%20Price%20Lake-L.jpg (http://www.summersmountainphoto.com/Catalog/Location/Blue-Ridge-Parkway/i-KQxCGJN/A)

I'm ready for winter! I'm going to recapture a similar seen this year on my 4x5. This was shot on Sony A99 / Minolta 17-35 G

Price Lake, Blue Ridge Parkway, Blowing Rock, NC

7-Sep-2016, 15:05

This is one of those that's really growing on me. And it reminds me of Van Gogh's "Starry Night".

Peter De Smidt
7-Sep-2016, 18:32

7-Sep-2016, 20:10
Mountains behind Mexican Hat, UT
https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8553/29499184316_807c4a747e_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LWK2L9)013_6037 BW 2k (https://flic.kr/p/LWK2L9) by Marty McKimmey (https://www.flickr.com/photos/marty_mckimmey/), on Flickr
https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8727/29499497156_5161173500_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LWLCKW)013_6053 BW 2k (https://flic.kr/p/LWLCKW) by Marty McKimmey (https://www.flickr.com/photos/marty_mckimmey/), on Flickr
Nikon D800e

9-Sep-2016, 23:40
Met up with some friends at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta to view the Walker Evans exhibit. Took some pictures with the 8mm lens:




Whoops, just realized I didn't do all the editing to make floating balls in the standard forum color background. Oh well, hope the black squares do not detract.

Peter De Smidt
10-Sep-2016, 07:03
Fun shots, Bryan.

10-Sep-2016, 07:26
I think anything other than what you have would detract. They are great just as they are!

Scott Schroeder
10-Sep-2016, 11:04

Robert Brazile
11-Sep-2016, 05:04
Bryan, you seem to have a knack for finding good scenes for fisheye.


11-Sep-2016, 09:45
Thanks guys! The 8mm circular fisheye is the most fun lens I think I've ever shot.

Scott, I hope that interior designer got fired, thought it makes for an interesting photograph!

Scott Schroeder
11-Sep-2016, 16:41
I had to photograph it. So 70s....this was a LA Quinta waiting area.

Scott Schroeder
12-Sep-2016, 07:51

Peter De Smidt
12-Sep-2016, 08:42

austin granger
12-Sep-2016, 11:03
This thread has taken a turn to the surreal since I last visited! I like it.

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8069/29425304222_7fde758c54_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LQdnMq)Deer, Burns, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/LQdnMq) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8083/29569938685_a3e6cd509d_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/M3ZEz4)The Hare I Killed with my Car, Eastern Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/M3ZEz4) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

After viewer's comments on it elsewhere, I feel like I need to clarify that my killing the hare was an accident and I felt terrible about it. I photographed it because I photograph things that make me feel. Sometimes I feel happy, and other times, such as here, I feel sad, but either way, if I'm compelled to photograph, I photograph.

12-Sep-2016, 19:10
No worries. I've accidentally killed many a hare by running over them with my car, when I lived in northern Quebec. They were delicious.

13-Sep-2016, 13:41
F6, 105/2.8, Tri-X, HC-110, X1 scans:

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8521/29037245853_7d91d0a7ba_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LeVtxT)
March of the picnic tables (https://flic.kr/p/LeVtxT) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8492/29371079320_948feffee1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LKqsBj)
Floating (https://flic.kr/p/LKqsBj) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Scott Schroeder
15-Sep-2016, 11:32

Ramiro Elena
15-Sep-2016, 13:43
Took the Nikon F3 with a Nikkor 28mm f2,8 AIS on vacation this summer. My kid getting ready to leave the beach in Menorca.

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8296/29649443486_841f722211_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Mb29zu)
NikonF3_0019 (https://flic.kr/p/Mb29zu) by Ramiro Elena (https://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
15-Sep-2016, 21:19

35mm HIE in PMK

16-Sep-2016, 04:20
One more Tri-X, this one was not a great favorite of mine but Flickr put it on their Explore page:
https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8271/29586095842_4c17e6663a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/M5qtwJ)
Rushes and Reeds (https://flic.kr/p/M5qtwJ) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


Scott Schroeder
16-Sep-2016, 10:38
Harvest moon last night. S7


Peter De Smidt
16-Sep-2016, 14:05

18-Sep-2016, 14:04
I'm guessing 4x4 (127) counts.

http://cdn.ipernity.com/200/26/04/42862604.cb0a367c.500.jpg (http://www.ipernity.com/doc/434637/42862604)
stay off platform (http://www.ipernity.com/doc/434637/42862604) par Terry B (http://www.ipernity.com/home/434637), on ipernity

19-Sep-2016, 20:36
I can't develop any color film at the moment so I decided to bring out the digital for this. Perhaps I'll shoot it in b&w but wanted to test this composition. This is at a local lake and there's not a whole lot of foreground to compose with...I tried to line up the streetlamp across the way with the north star but it's a bit off. The light to the left flared way worse than expected! Anyway, here was the results:

Nikon D800E, 14-24mm f/2.8, 82 minute exposures from stacked images:


21-Sep-2016, 09:36
Finally away from pine trees somewhat. I enjoy a good fir tree though.

Leica III, Jupiter 12 35mm f/2.8 LTM, TMX:


21-Sep-2016, 21:27
Corran, one of your earlier photos inspired me to try some nighttime photography when I was in Jackson, WY a week ago.

The Milky Way was especially bright and there was no moon. The orange glow above the Teton range is light from Jackson or Teton Village.

This is a single exposure of 20 seconds @ ISO 3200, processed in LR with "s" curve added and slight increase in exposure. WB around 3900. Camera was a D810 with 20mm Nikon f1.8 lens. The lens exhibits noticeable coma if the image is enlarged.


21-Sep-2016, 21:46
Nice one Dennis! I imagine the darkness was quite good (especially capitalizing on no moon). The new Nikkor 20mm f/1.8 has intrigued me, but I'm sad to hear it has some coma problems.

The best place in all of GA for stars is just about an hour and a half NE of me now and I just recently learned of a astronomy club that has occasion meetings there for stargazing. Looking forward to maybe connecting with them and shooting there in the winter when the weather is best.

Jim Jones
22-Sep-2016, 07:06
Dennis -- One of the most beautiful Milky Way photos I've seen. That orange glow really sets it off.

22-Sep-2016, 08:46
Dennis, that is a fine shot. Such darkness is hard to find east of the Mississippi River. Jim is right. the silhouette of the mountains does make the photo. You did not have any kind of equatorial mount and clock drive on the tripod? Most of my shots at as little as 8 seconds can detect rotation. But then again I am not using a 20 mm lens.

22-Sep-2016, 11:05
Nice one Dennis! I imagine the darkness was quite good (especially capitalizing on no moon). The new Nikkor 20mm f/1.8 has intrigued me, but I'm sad to hear it has some coma problems.

Thanks, Bryan. No moon really helped tremendously.
Re the lens. I'm pretty sure coma is somewhat of an issue given the exposure of 20 seconds @ f2.8. The time which is well within the '500 rule'. My understanding is that coma should be disappear at 2.8 or above. I will post sections of the image (center and corner) at 100% when I have a chance.

I'm sure you will have a great time at your GA location where stargazers gather.

Dennis -- One of the most beautiful Milky Way photos I've seen. That orange glow really sets it off.
Thanks, Jim, for that generous compliment ! The funny thing was that the glow was so faint - it was not evident to the eye until the camera processed image appeared. The surprises that appear in a time exposure are pretty amazing.

Dennis, that is a fine shot. Such darkness is hard to find east of the Mississippi River. Jim is right. the silhouette of the mountains does make the photo. You did not have any kind of equatorial mount and clock drive on the tripod? Most of my shots at as little as 8 seconds can detect rotation. But then again I am not using a 20 mm lens.

Thank you very much, Marty.
We intentionally went to a location where I could get the mountains in the image - thanks to a local astronomer.
Nothing fancy on the tripod. The 20mm lens is fairly wide, although I've seen some Astro photographers using lenses at 14mm and getting away with exposures at 30 seconds and apparently no sign of movement.

22-Sep-2016, 12:31
So I guess the 500 reflector lens is out of the question. :p

Does that 20 mm have a focusing stop at infinity? Auto focus is the bane of nighttime photography. None of my auto focus lenses have a stop at infinity. I frequently have to use some distant point to zoom to with the view screen to get sharp focusing. I have resorted to using older manual focus lenses (with the AI conversion). I have an 85 mm f1.9 that I use for lightning it is a nice portrait lens too.

23-Sep-2016, 06:48
Noodling around in my back yard with the Samsung.

https://c5.staticflickr.com/6/5556/29761374532_6a7c314e52_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MkUPM7)

23-Sep-2016, 07:00
waxed xerox negative from digital file printed as a cyanotype and mildly bleached

23-Sep-2016, 07:15
Cool Jnanian! The bleaching turns it dark? or is it toned too?

waxed xerox negative from digital file printed as a cyanotype and mildly bleached

23-Sep-2016, 08:03
Here a water's Edge that didn't have an LF companion, but some other-time the 4x5 will join me on that river.

23-Sep-2016, 08:22
Cool Jnanian! The bleaching turns it dark? or is it toned too?

hi nicholas:
thanks !
it was a dark muddy cyanotype so it was blue. the bleach ( baking soda or washing soda dilute heavily in water )
turned the colors brownish/yellowish ... i've toned some of this series in black tea but its not quite the same ...

Pali K
25-Sep-2016, 20:51
https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7779/29638996290_e232f9cc24_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ma6AZq)
STOP (https://flic.kr/p/Ma6AZq) by Pali K (https://www.flickr.com/photos/palikalsi/), on Flickr


Scott Schroeder
26-Sep-2016, 07:04
Pali I like it. Especially the dof. It reminded me of a fire hydrant I photographed years ago.


26-Sep-2016, 12:35
It's autumn here, although exceptionally mild (20°C/68°F) this late of season. The trees are getting very pretty, this is very close to my apartment. It's almost too much color for my taste (I like when it's just a touch of yellow) but here it goes anyways.


28 mm, several shots stitched together. I really miss perspective control when shooting 35 mm...

27-Sep-2016, 17:30
Nice night photos! I've been inspired to get some cool night air too.

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8270/29974896865_ed7644c6a6_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MEMbwD)
_DSC4983 (https://flic.kr/p/MEMbwD) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

27-Sep-2016, 18:47
FE2/HP5/HC-110(H) 50mm/24/50
Oaks park bumper cars155616

Eat Your Vegetables 155617

When no one is watching - the goats dance. 155618

27-Sep-2016, 21:20
Found me a new swamp. Water was low from lack of rain and so had some beautiful cracked mud. Except for one area where I sunk into the ground and literally lost my shoe and had to fish it out of the mud. Didn't have the proper boots with me.

Nikon F2, 15mm f/3.5 AI-S w/ orange filter, T-Max 100, FX-39:




28-Sep-2016, 18:35
Netherlands Carillon, Arlington, VA
Minolta X-700/Kentmere 400/L110
https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7576/29701904190_115af3bd04_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MfE2jo)
sphinx (https://flic.kr/p/MfE2jo) by Chris Kagy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/ckagy/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
2-Oct-2016, 08:27

2-Oct-2016, 14:50
Yours are always stunning, Scott. This one's no exception!

Here's a few from my end. All on Ilford FP4+, expired by about a decade, rated at 100 and developed in Pyrocat.
Musée du Louvre

Pont des Arts

Musée d'Orsay

2-Oct-2016, 15:06
Here's a few from my end. All on Ilford FP4+, expired by about a decade, rated at 100 and developed in Pyrocat.
Hi Koraks.

Marvelous gray scale in all of those. Great work.

- Leigh

2-Oct-2016, 15:11
Thanks Leigh, I hadn't shot much FP4+ before, but I really like it!

2-Oct-2016, 17:20
Found me a new swamp. Water was low from lack of rain and so had some beautiful cracked mud. Except for one area where I sunk into the ground and literally lost my shoe and had to fish it out of the mud. Didn't have the proper boots with me.

Nikon F2, 15mm f/3.5 AI-S w/ orange filter, T-Max 100, FX-39:


Looks like a fun area to photograph. I bet it'd be a nice place to photograph in fog or at night for stars.

2-Oct-2016, 19:28
True! Gotta check if the gate is closed at night.

2-Oct-2016, 22:05
Wonderful images, Scott, Koraks (especially the first two) and Bryan.

Here's one from a trip to Jackson, WY about a month ago.
It just appeared - as if out of nowhere !


3-Oct-2016, 00:45
Thanks Dennis, and the one you posted is impressive, gorgeous capture!

Peter De Smidt
3-Oct-2016, 04:30
That's an amazing shot, Dennis!

3-Oct-2016, 04:46
Great photo, and "out of nowhere" is how those thunder heads appear in that country.

3-Oct-2016, 09:27
Thank you, Koraks, Peter and Steve.

Your kind words are much appreciated !
As fast as the cloud appeared, it was gone just minutes later.

Here's different subject from the same trip.

I thought this shut down theater building had real character and a great "face" !
The sun was just rising behind the building and the front of the building was very dark.
I took a series of bracketed exposures and compiled them in Photomatix.

A good amount of follow up work in PS was necessary to get the image to this point. I'm happy with the result based on my original visualization.

The result is a bit unusual and flat looking, a bit eerie, due to the lack of good lighting on the facade. However, the marquee and the sky add interesting color.

Comments are welcome.


Jim Jones
3-Oct-2016, 10:28
This technique is often used with inappropriate surreal results, but with this subject in these conditions it is impressive.

3-Oct-2016, 10:40
I dont like how much the light fades towards the top of the building. I think I would also like the sky a bit brighter. The image is eye catching!

Scott Schroeder
3-Oct-2016, 17:34
Galaxy S7 and photoshop


Ian Gordon Bilson
3-Oct-2016, 21:23
Striking image ! Minor quibble - the verticals are over-corrected ( top right ). Took me a while to work out how a "Perfectly Aligned" image looked very slightly wrong when printed. Reading Norman McGrath ,who explained that a slight degree of undercorrection looked "better". Very slight though ; adjust to "Correct", then back a Tad. Tad being say .5 degrees.

3-Oct-2016, 22:15
Thanks for your thoughtful comments Jim, Nicholas and Ian,

This technique is often used with inappropriate surreal results, but with this subject in these conditions it is impressive.

Thanks, Jim - Yes, HDR effects are often applied in excess.
This is a simple blending of bracketed exposures with minimal adjustment.

I dont like how much the light fades towards the top of the building. I think I would also like the sky a bit brighter. The image is eye catching!

The little bit of lighting at street level accounts for the falloff at the top. It did not bother me, because I remembered how it was early that morning. Now that you mentioned it... I should improve on it. I had a lighter, brighter sky then let it go darker in preference to more saturated color.

Striking image ! Minor quibble - the verticals are over-corrected ( top right ). Took me a while to work out how a "Perfectly Aligned" image looked very slightly wrong when printed. Reading Norman McGrath ,who explained that a slight degree of undercorrection looked "better". Very slight though ; adjust to "Correct", then back a Tad. Tad being say .5 degrees.

You caught me on that, Ian. You have a keen eye. There is a slight over correction and I thought I could get away with leaving it ! Under correction would be better, I agree. I've heard that, too.
Next go round I'll try to improve it.

Thanks to all for the input.


Powerful tree image, Scott !

Scott Schroeder
4-Oct-2016, 14:30
s7, ps


5-Oct-2016, 04:02

Cinestill 800T Nikon FM3A 50mm f1.8D

Scott Schroeder
5-Oct-2016, 08:14


Scott Schroeder
6-Oct-2016, 06:50
S7, PS


8-Oct-2016, 21:58
At a local sunflower field.

Leica M6, Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 "Millennium," T-Max, FX-39:


9-Oct-2016, 04:07
What's wrong with your sunflower - normally they look straight into the sun :-)

The FX39 thing works fine out of your hands,

9-Oct-2016, 07:33

Surprisingly they were all facing away. In fact I'm not sure if I've ever seen a sunflower really looking straight at the sun! Thanks.

9-Oct-2016, 12:30
Our sunflowers love to "chase" the sun, they follow the sun during the whole day.
May be the reason for calling them sunflowers :-)
Perhaps this behaviour depends on climatic circumstances, I don't know.


Greg Y
9-Oct-2016, 14:22
Dennis D Love that theatre in Jackson Hole. I've seen a few movies there. Great photo

Leszek Vogt
10-Oct-2016, 02:01
Dennis D the cloud and the theater are v. nice. This is from my recent AK trip....taken near Fairbanks. Nikon D610 and 24mm AIS @F3.5, ISO 1250 and 13 sec.



10-Oct-2016, 03:45
M9, Voigtländer Nokton 50/1.5

https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7773/28218986761_140710f492_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JZBFCv)

M9. Zeiss 25/2.8

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8891/28694453520_80f6f9c277_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KHCzkf)

10-Oct-2016, 10:16
Nice shots tuco, here and in other threads - especially the color image. Good to see you again :).

10-Oct-2016, 10:32
At a local sunflower field.
Corran, nice sunflower. Like the sun shining thru.

Dennis D Love that theatre in Jackson Hole. I've seen a few movies there. Great photo
Thanks very much, Greg. The building has real character. No movies now !

Dennis D the cloud and the theater are v. nice. This is from my recent AK trip....taken near Fairbanks.

Beautiful image, Les... The sky & mirror image are great.
Thanks for your kind words.

Tuco, the color image is lovely - especially like the the composition and limited DOF.


10-Oct-2016, 11:28
Thanks you guys.

Bannack, Montana, M9, Zeiss 25/2.8

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8780/29760321896_f1b0eacb33_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MkPqSd)

https://c6.staticflickr.com/6/5645/29798212181_565528c6a1_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MpaCjZ)

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8500/29760316316_bae1ab1916_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MkPpd1)

Peter De Smidt
10-Oct-2016, 12:06
Good stuff, Tuco.

Jim Jones
10-Oct-2016, 13:43
Yes, indeed.

10-Oct-2016, 16:40
Yes, indeed.

Good stuff, Tuco.

Why thanks you guys.

Scott Schroeder
11-Oct-2016, 13:08


11-Oct-2016, 18:07
My sewing sucks but I still get useful things from this $30 garage sale special sewing machine.

https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7139/26516980234_62c411b9dc_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Gpdsoo)
Bow Shackle Case (https://flic.kr/p/Gpdsoo) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

D810, Takumar 50/1.4

Scott Schroeder
13-Oct-2016, 14:29
That's a badass sewing machine. Looks like you have the table also. My freshman year in college left me with one more class to sign up for, but my top choices were already full. Another guy told me to sign up for "Introduction to Costuming" which would fulfill a fine art requirement. I signed up and learned how to sew. There were projects like making small things and then a button down shirt. Along the way we made costumes for the theater productions. Despite getting a bit of shit from other people, it's one of the best skills I've acquired. I've made my own camping gear (shells, quilts and even a backpack). I also made curtains and bedding(for my son when he was in a crib). All in all it's a skill I'm glad I learned.

Backpack (external frame is from a Jansport). This served me well for many years but I've switched to an Osprey that has the curve/netting that keeps the back off the back.


13-Oct-2016, 19:23
Backpack (external frame is from a Jansport). This served me well for many years but I've switched to an Osprey that has the curve/netting that keeps the back off the back.

Thanks. Wow, awesome, your project was ambitious. Sewing is a handy thing to know that's for sure. Here is another project I did. I had to make it twice because the first one the sewing was so crapy plus I was figuring it out as I went. The blue section has plastic between two layers of Cordura fabric to protect my synthetic winch rope and hold shape. The black section is optional to put on.

https://c6.staticflickr.com/8/7348/27296854421_0642a458f0_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HA8vP4)
Winch Cover (https://flic.kr/p/HA8vP4) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7762/27333961016_9de1561b4f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HDpGiW)

14-Oct-2016, 19:24
Keeping it simple on an evening walk. Defocusing also allows me to get longer handheld speeds as it covers up quite a bit of motion blur. D600 and sigma 50 hsm.

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8681/30294386466_6cae390fea_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Na1DE3)
_DSC5092 (https://flic.kr/p/Na1DE3) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Feeling a little Steichen painting style here...

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8628/30256302966_6f3ac7704e_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/N6DsKY)
_DSC5126 (https://flic.kr/p/N6DsKY) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

15-Oct-2016, 21:14
Keeping it simple on an evening walk. Defocusing also allows me to get longer handheld speeds as it covers up quite a bit of motion blur. D600 and sigma 50 hsm.
Feeling a little Steichen painting style here...

Nice, process a little more and go towards bromoil.

15-Oct-2016, 23:07
Shot a half-dozen rolls today at the biggest festival of the year in my new town of Dahlonega. Just pulling a few of the first images off the scanner.

They had a period costume contest and I legitimately scared this toddler when my Nikon F2 and motor drive started chattering away at full speed! Shot with a 10.5cm f/2.5 pre-AI (Sonnar) lens on TMX of course but shot @ 200 and developed accordingly in FX-39 to boost contrast (cloudy day):


16-Oct-2016, 09:23
Some old-school home BW/color gear that just collects dust now. And with a calibrated Kodak density step tablet, I could use that PM2A as a densitometer for measuring BW negatives too.

https://c4.staticflickr.com/2/1516/24515275299_26511db7e4_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Dmkcfk)
Print Gear (https://flic.kr/p/Dmkcfk) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://c5.staticflickr.com/2/1544/25071704636_4231e71f7b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ecv3iA)
Old-School Home Color (https://flic.kr/p/Ecv3iA) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

16-Oct-2016, 19:46
More images from the "Gold Rush" Festival, including a magician, clogger, singer, and marching band tubist. All with my Nikon F2 and either an 80-200mm f/4.5 AI or 50mm f/2 pre-AI on TMX.

http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/goldrush-4551ss.jpg http://www.garrisaudiovisual.com/photosharing/goldrush-4583ss.jpg



Pali K
16-Oct-2016, 22:11
The images are beautiful Bryan! Particularly like the motion freeze in the 2nd dancing photo :)

https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5532/29747528624_eef744d9fb_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MjFRSy)
Street Art (https://flic.kr/p/MjFRSy) by Pali K (https://www.flickr.com/photos/palikalsi/), on Flickr

Shot today while roaming around Bethesda, MD. Canon AE1 with Kodak Ultramax 400 scanned on Eversmart Pro scanner.


18-Oct-2016, 01:09
Thanks Pali! I noticed in your image the two red poles really add something to the composition. I likely would've automatically moved to avoid such an obstacle but that would have been the wrong choice. Nice colors.

Speaking of which, I was able to setup my color development stuff this evening in a small bathroom and get some of my backlog of films done. I am currently negotiating with a contractor on building out my darkroom just how I want it...it's been lame lately not having my regular facilities. I miss having the color option. Anyway here's a photo from a couple weeks ago at a farm - a bunch of nice little pumpkins for cooking. Leica M6, Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 2000, Provia 100F:


18-Oct-2016, 05:40
... I am currently negotiating with a contractor on building out my darkroom just how I want it...it's been lame lately not having my regular facilities.

Sweet. Be sure to post some pictures of your darkroom when it's done.

Scott Schroeder
18-Oct-2016, 07:35


18-Oct-2016, 09:32
Sweet. Be sure to post some pictures of your darkroom when it's done.

Will do! It won't be anything super fancy but I am planning on modular work benches on wheels that I will be able to take with me if I move.

Here's one more color image, at a sunflower farm. Same specs as above but I stacked two exposures to get the shadow area up in the face of the flower:


18-Oct-2016, 14:03
Scott, don't remember anyone saying this, but you do darn nice work with a phone! ;)

Scott Schroeder
19-Oct-2016, 14:16
Thanks! The S7 has a nice camera.
Here's some more trees.


Scott Schroeder
20-Oct-2016, 13:54


20-Oct-2016, 17:11
Thanks! The S7 has a nice camera.
Here's some more trees.

It certainly looks like you're having fun with that camera. The camera on my phone is terrible so I don't even want to use it.

21-Oct-2016, 11:44
Months ago I acquired a scanner from a member here, it just have arrived last week. So, now I'm starting to scan those prints which I don't have any negatives to reprint or scan: working directly with the paper. That's funny, as we have had several conversations on the forum about how film & paper can last for ages, and now I'm trying to recover for permanence purposes a lot of analog material using digital tools.

Anyway, some shots from the '80ies of the last century when some members weren't born yet.

Paris - France - Gare de L'Est - 1982
Agfa Brovira & Selenium toned

https://c6.staticflickr.com/6/5457/30383163741_c359beb3b3_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/NhRE3H)Gare_de-L'est-82 (https://flic.kr/p/NhRE3H) by Renato Salles (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sallesrenato/), no Flickr

Granite & moon
Print scan - Paris - France, 1984. Printed on Agfa Brovira photo paper & Selenium toned.

https://c4.staticflickr.com/6/5808/29837170203_5f59bd8437_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MsBic2)Lua_Granitica-resampl (https://flic.kr/p/MsBic2) by Renato Salles (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sallesrenato/), no Flickr

Print scan - Saint-Dennis - Paris - Fr - 1984. Printed on Agfa Brovira photo paper & Selenium toned.

https://c3.staticflickr.com/6/5496/29839088914_552ecf2f6a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MsM8yf)Saint_Dennis-1 (https://flic.kr/p/MsM8yf) by Renato Salles (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sallesrenato/), no Flickr

