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23-Jun-2010, 15:33
Found this guy and thought some might enjoy seeing it.

That’s a graceful grasshopper – I like how its greenish-bumpy texture blends into the leaf.

I wish I could report that my two insects (above) remained “friends,” but later in the day, they ran into each other and argued. No agreement was reached, and the result was quite horrifying — the poor beetle was alive and kicking, even as the two ants hauled him to their Queen as a sacrifice. (I’ve reduced magnification to 1:1.5)

If the entomologists can identify any of these insects, that would be kind…

Rick Tardiff
26-Jun-2010, 18:06
I took this with the canon G11..a neat little P&S I carry everywhere. I was setting this up to shoot with the 4x5 and wanted to see what it "looked like".

27-Jun-2010, 03:44
Two negs of a tiny format.

Three Boys, North Jetty, 2010
Humboldt County, CA
Scanned Carbon Print
Diana Camera negatives

The boys are on the remains of a wrecked ship's boiler

27-Jun-2010, 03:51
This time a strip of three negatives. A work in progress. I give it a little more contrast, a little more exposure, and balance out the exposures of the 3 frames a bit more. Fun image for me.

Cottonwoods, 2009
Grand Tetons National Park
From a scanned Carbon Print

Rolleiflex, on FP4+

Allen in Montreal
27-Jun-2010, 10:19
I have fallen behind and am just seeing this now a few weeks later,
I hope you are recovering ok?


Mirror shot, testing whether i could mount & operate one-handed (days before shooting a band).

Long story short, hit by a car (upper arm snapped in half), overnight in hospital. Got bit by a mozzie = infected leg, so operation postponed all month.

Allen in Montreal
27-Jun-2010, 10:29
Brat number 2.

Pentax 645, 150mm, TXP.

http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/1738/vickyboarderfr3x.jpg (http://img708.imageshack.us/i/vickyboarderfr3x.jpg/)

27-Jun-2010, 10:30
Hi Allen, 5 weeks on nearly... I complained after 4 weeks & got a neoprene brace which is a significant improvement to comfort, but there's no improvement to the left hand.

They canceled the op indefinitely, saying it's better to treat conservatively. The infection is totally cleared apart from a scar.

This is the reason I've put the Razzle back up for sale; I may never be able to use it again as I can't stretch my arm straight & can't lift my hand to my face. The radial nerve palsy means the wrist is limp/useless and the fingers/thumb can hardly move at all.

I'm determined all the same, but unable to work & exhausted easily.

Get those risers off that deck! It must ride so high!

Tell the kids to watch out crossing roads. I was on my longboard...
It was my right of way, van stopped to let me across, a taxi in the bus lane hit me.

Board got snapped in half too.

Allen in Montreal
28-Jun-2010, 05:03
That is horrible Ash!
I hope things turn around and it mends.
I am speechless.

28-Jun-2010, 05:31



I'm not sure which I'm more upset about....!

1-Jul-2010, 12:15
Damn... just read it Ash. Really sorry to hear it

1-Jul-2010, 13:06
Thanks Nicolas. Am trying to get on the best I can.

Another xray...


I had both upper 7's pulled on tuesday. First took bout 10 minutes, second took 40; they had to cut the roots into 3 and do each individually.

Robert Hughes
1-Jul-2010, 13:48
Ash, you're taking quite the beating this last several weeks, my sympathies. My gal had most of her teeth rot out from chemotherapy a few years back; she got the whole lower set pulled last week. Ow!

Steve M Hostetter
1-Jul-2010, 16:46
Ash, get well soon!

kind regards

1-Jul-2010, 21:01
Whew, Ash! I hope that things will steadily become easier and better for you. My ex got hit by a cab once, and it's the recovery that's hardest, but it will improve.

Now onto brighter things, who says lens flare is bad?


I took a wrong turn in a folder directory and found this old scan from 2004 that I had forgotten about. This would have been taken with a Canon AT-1 and a 50mm 1.8 on some 400 speed consumer film. The scan is unadjusted from a lab.

3-Jul-2010, 23:51
Reeeaaaal small format.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4094/4759530470_9223b3f6c7_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4759530470/)

Jim collum
5-Jul-2010, 21:35
Images from a new series .. Pet Cemetery

(Aptus 75s back, Zeiss 50/2.8, Zeiss 110/2 or Zeiss 80/2.8.. everything shot wide open)





Jim collum
5-Jul-2010, 21:40
Pet Cemetery





Robert Hughes
6-Jul-2010, 06:09
Pet cemetaries are truly weird. Imagine putting up one of those sad little monuments for every cheeseburger you've downed in your life.

Barry Trabitz
6-Jul-2010, 12:04
AA Yosemite 1980. 35mm tri x

Frank Petronio
9-Jul-2010, 14:16

9-Jul-2010, 14:45

Frank, sometimes your stuff just pegs my weirdometer...

...but in an undeniably interesting way.

Rick "who can't decide whether to stare or run screaming" Denney

Allen in Montreal
9-Jul-2010, 15:35

Rick "who can't decide whether to stare or run screaming" Denney

Me thinks....

Mission Accomplished! :)

Allen in Montreal
9-Jul-2010, 15:38
Images from a new series .. Pet Cemetery

(Aptus 75s back, Zeiss 50/2.8, Zeiss 110/2 or Zeiss 80/2.8.. everything shot wide open)

Very cool project, nice stuff!

9-Jul-2010, 15:43
Nettar 515 / Portra160

10-Jul-2010, 11:22
African scene. Nikon D3s, Zeiss ZF 21/2.8 Distagon, 1/1600 at f/3.5, ISO 800.

Deniz Merdanogullari
11-Jul-2010, 08:47

11-Jul-2010, 09:38

Robert Hughes
12-Jul-2010, 07:51
In the "girls and mud" vein - daughter Char again, as a faerie in an outdoor production of "Midsummer Night's Dream". Leica III, 50mm Summar, HP5 movie film:

24-Jul-2010, 21:05
Some cliches of my own. Still, I love them.

24-Jul-2010, 21:07
All 50mm lens on 35mm film

24-Jul-2010, 21:28
found this guy and thought some might enjoy seeing it


Very nice..

Last month I saw one in the grass but I had´nt the macro lens with me.. Now is almost imposible to turn see one of them. Google say that they´re growing very fast..

Thanks for the image.

24-Jul-2010, 22:36
Yashica 24, 80mm lens, Fuji Reala 100 ASA - the falls photo
Nikon D 200, 60mm micro - the flowers photo

25-Jul-2010, 17:23
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4078/4825591321_0b238fd2f3_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4825591321/)

27-Jul-2010, 09:51

Hasselblad 500C/M, 80/2.8 CT*, Tri-X @ 1600 in 1+1 Xtol

10-Aug-2010, 08:17
Holman's department store has been a Pacific Grove landmark since 1924. It was the first of its kind on the Monterey Peninsula, featured four floors, and served its community until 1964. At the moment Holman's has an antique dealer on the first floor, and rents studio space on the upper floors. Owner Nader Agha has ...been trying to sell the building or knock it down so a large hotel can be built in Pacific Grove. It just wouldn't be the same without Holman's there on Lighthouse Aveneue.

Canon EOS D60, ASA 100.


11-Aug-2010, 19:25
Cadillac fin, medium format Tmax 400, Speed Graphic with roll back, 150mm Nikkor-W

Jeremy Moore
18-Aug-2010, 09:40

getting ready for the date.

Frank Petronio
20-Aug-2010, 21:51
Hope you're not at work.


21-Aug-2010, 09:25
You could take Jeremy's image and Frank's and put them together, and title them "Date Dreams, Before and After". The problem is that the before picture shows the woman's dreaming, and the after picture shows the man's.

Rick "thankfully not at work" Denney

Barry Trabitz
21-Aug-2010, 10:59
Another attempt

Henry Ambrose
21-Aug-2010, 15:32

getting ready for the date.

Heck yeah!!

Allen in Montreal
22-Aug-2010, 09:54
If the Fuji 6x9 is Texas Leica,
Is the Mamiya 7 a Tokyo Leica? :) :)

Mamyia 7, 65mm, T-100.


(Quick and dirty scan, printed this frame wet. prints beautifully.
Pls don't kill me Ash, I have not taken the blocks off the deck for her yet,
no time to get new stainless bolts)

Robert Hughes
24-Aug-2010, 08:43
Hope you're not at work
Wow! Uh oh, I AM at work. I can't believe what I just saw. I had to go back and check 3 or 4 times to make sure ...

24-Aug-2010, 08:55
Three from my Speed Graphic with a 6x7 back, Velvia 50:




24-Aug-2010, 09:10
Hope you're not at work.


Hey she even got me a beer. Now that's a keeper! :D

Southern Pacific 2467 steamed up alongside a 50 year old diesel switcher built by Fairbanks-Morse. Yea, they weren't only known for marine engines. ;) Canon TLb, Kodak Tri-X.


Jeremy Moore
24-Aug-2010, 09:20
You could take Jeremy's image and Frank's and put them together, and title them "Date Dreams, Before and After". The problem is that the before picture shows the woman's dreaming, and the after picture shows the man's.

You're dating the wrong women :cool:

Jeremy Moore
24-Aug-2010, 09:59
Heck yeah!!

Thanks, Henry!

24-Aug-2010, 11:24
Hey Allen, they look like Original Trucks in that pic... in which case you need the risers or you get wheel bite

Ben Syverson
24-Aug-2010, 17:57
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4079/4924621849_bfbe4c7c52_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/4924621849/)

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4095/4925218434_ac1fd8898b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/4925218434/)

Some snapshots on the Olympus Stylus Epic, Portra 160NC. HDR multipass scans.

tom thomas
27-Aug-2010, 16:03

Salad dressing goes well on apples, not katsup. Great photos otherwise.

Jim collum
28-Aug-2010, 00:04
Xpan, Ektar 100





Tony Karnezis
28-Aug-2010, 11:12
Xpan, Ektar 100


Nice, Jim.

Jim collum
28-Aug-2010, 21:42
thanks tony!

I took the MF on the same excursion

Hasselblad FCW2000, Zeiss 110/2, TXP & pyro




29-Aug-2010, 08:03
jessa from a recent visit to Austin


14-Sep-2010, 07:33
Jessa is a tough act to follow.

9-11-2010. Glenwood Cemetery. Houston, TX. Whole plate aspect ratio crop of multiframe stich.


19-Sep-2010, 18:04

Shot with a Canon 5D, Zeiss 35mm Distagon T* F2, polarizer and graduated ND filter. Shot at about F12. I love clouds :)

19-Sep-2010, 19:28
Another tough act to follow.
After a two day trip, my daughter rewarded us with a great home cooked meal and this little after dinner treat. Sundown from a 5,000+' ridge on the North Carolina-Tennessee border. Slowly getting a feel for this digital camera I bought last January.

http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/237288-2/Sundown+Pano-TIFF-1-1.jpg (http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/237287-1/Sundown+Pano-TIFF-1-1.jpg)

21-Sep-2010, 15:56
I just developed my first roll of film in "Caffenol", that home mix of instant coffee, C-vitamin and soda, and this was on there. I'll try some efke 25 stand developed in this stuff. Should work. :)


Steve M Hostetter
21-Sep-2010, 18:42
Another tough act to follow.
After a two day trip, my daughter rewarded us with a great home cooked meal and this little after dinner treat. Sundown from a 5,000+' ridge on the North Carolina-Tennessee border. Slowly getting a feel for this digital camera I bought last January.

http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/237288-2/Sundown+Pano-TIFF-1-1.jpg (http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/237287-1/Sundown+Pano-TIFF-1-1.jpg)

wow,,!! really nice

Ben Syverson
21-Sep-2010, 20:26
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4109/5012322717_c5234231ff_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/5012322717/)
Alcala, Chicago Avenue
Olympus Epic

22-Sep-2010, 20:46
Ben, I'd would love to see that neon lit up!

David Hedley
22-Sep-2010, 22:14
Door and windows, Sankt Alban Strasse
Canon 5D. Hoping to return with Sinar soon.

Ramiro Elena
24-Sep-2010, 09:20
Picked and served.


25-Sep-2010, 08:30
St. Anthony's in Pescadero, California this past Tuesday afternoon. Not much happens out on the west side of San Mateo County. Canon EOS D60, ASA 100.


Ben Syverson
25-Sep-2010, 16:31
Shooting tons of 8x10, but it's for a project that I want to post all at once. So for the moment, more 35mm! Both Ektar 100 on Olympus Epic, HDR scans. You have to fight this film sometimes when scanning, but it's by far the cleanest 35mm I've ever used.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4149/5024402548_0b935ac945_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/5024402548/)

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4148/5023797657_f8059d0193_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/5023797657/)

25-Sep-2010, 17:21
wow,,!! really nice

Thank you Steve!

Michael Graves
29-Sep-2010, 18:29
From an Olympus OM-2, 35mm Zuiko lens. Arista II 400 in Rodinal.

29-Sep-2010, 20:20
Person at a gas station.


agfa film, D76. Nikon N90s, 50mm 1.4

30-Sep-2010, 21:10
From last weekend near Ward, CO:


I was a bit late for peak Aspen leaves but had fun doing closer-in shots of the leaves in the water, on the ground, etc.

Mamiya RZ67, 65mm lens, 2-3 second exposure @ f/16, Provia

1-Oct-2010, 12:35
Picked and served.

I like this; then I guessed Nikon 50 1.4 (since I use that a lot) and was right! Good bunch of pix of flickr!

1-Oct-2010, 12:36
From last weekend near Ward, CO:


I was a bit late for peak Aspen leaves but had fun doing closer-in shots of the leaves in the water, on the ground, etc.

Mamiya RZ67, 65mm lens, 2-3 second exposure @ f/16, Provia

Very nice; you can see lots of great stuff in the woods on a wet/gray day.

Frank Petronio
2-Oct-2010, 23:21



Ramiro Elena
3-Oct-2010, 02:06
I like this; then I guessed Nikon 50 1.4 (since I use that a lot) and was right! Good bunch of pix of flickr!

Ha! It's the only lens I have for the F3. I too use it all the time even with the D300. It's got to be the sharpest I own, beats the 105mmVR.

Thanks ;-)

4-Oct-2010, 14:12
Mamiya 645J, Tri-x

5-Oct-2010, 05:49

Spent a nice afternoon outside with family using both fuji instant 4x5 and DSLR. 1yo has figured out noisemaking with the timer. Give her a few years for doing something useful with the meter and camera.

Michael Cienfuegos
5-Oct-2010, 11:46
Spent a nice afternoon outside with family using both fuji instant 4x5 and DSLR. 1yo has figured out noisemaking with the timer. Give her a few years for doing something useful with the meter and camera.

You need to get her a Baby Speed Graphic. ;)

5-Oct-2010, 11:46

Reverse processed FP4 shot on my Mamiya 645 Pro

5-Oct-2010, 12:22
I went up to see the aspens in the mountains above town this weekend. While I wait for the film to return, you'll have to put up with this small format digital stuff.





5-Oct-2010, 12:23

I really like the flow of motion captured here Frank.

5-Oct-2010, 13:46
I went up to see the aspens in the mountains above town this weekend. While I wait for the film to return, you'll have to put up with this small format digital stuff.

I can tolerate stuff like this. ;)

Jim collum
5-Oct-2010, 14:55
Playing around with an old meniscus lens (w pvc & duct tape) on a MF camera. Significant back focus in all of these to get it to 'draw' this way... just out playing with it this morning (note.. all effects are optical.. not digital)





Ramiro Elena
5-Oct-2010, 14:59
These are fantastic! They'd make great book covers.

5-Oct-2010, 18:38
Very playful images!

9-Oct-2010, 14:53
The smallest format in my quiver: 35mm.
This is from the first of six rolls of HIE I got from a friend:


The print from last night's darkroom session looks better... :)

Ben Syverson
9-Oct-2010, 20:47
The smallest format in my quiver: 35mm.
This is from the first of six rolls of HIE I got from a friend:
Wow, this is incredible. A lot of the time I don't "get" infrared shooting, but this shot really shows what it's capable of.

10-Oct-2010, 02:47
Thanks, Ben! :)

Michael Cienfuegos
10-Oct-2010, 07:51
Trying to finish up the last of my Kodachrome. This is from a roll of Kodachrome 200. Leica M2, Nokton 35/1.4. Taken at San Diego Old Town State Historic Park:


Let's make some music!:

10-Oct-2010, 08:19
The smallest format in my quiver: 35mm.
This is from the first of six rolls of HIE I got from a friend:


The print from last night's darkroom session looks better... :)

Fantastic. It was truly a great film.

12-Oct-2010, 13:22
I'm posting this again to illustrate a point about Leicas and stitching vs 4x5.
(This is an M8.2, not even an M9)

12-Oct-2010, 13:33
From what I read elsewhere, the M8.2 doesn't take a back seat to the M9. If anything, the files from the M8 are more detailed. Well done as always.

Steve M Hostetter
12-Oct-2010, 13:52
really nice Christopher :)

12-Oct-2010, 14:11
Thanks Wayne and Steve, here (http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/nx7BGv_O-E7CWyBgFLDdPg?feat=directlink) is the missing ingredient

Steve M Hostetter
12-Oct-2010, 15:47

12-Oct-2010, 16:45


Donald Miller
12-Oct-2010, 19:30
Imperial Dunes

13-Oct-2010, 05:31
love those last two, guys!

13-Oct-2010, 14:43


Donald Miller
13-Oct-2010, 22:18
Thanks...glad you liked it.

Donald Miller
13-Oct-2010, 22:19
Il Monumentale composite

Steve M Hostetter
15-Oct-2010, 16:29
My ex shot this of Megan and me with an F5 and a 300mm 2.8 auto focus

we named her after actress Meg Ryan for some reason

I'm sure the conversation was deep :)

Steve M Hostetter
15-Oct-2010, 16:30
My ex girlfriend and my daughter's mother

Steve M Hostetter
16-Oct-2010, 10:00
Corn fed

19-Oct-2010, 06:03
This morning. Digiroid with an M9 for an 8x10 posted elsewhere.

21-Oct-2010, 05:33
New version with 3 vertical stitches just to show you don't have worry about parallax.

21-Oct-2010, 05:50
Finally. A digital B&W conversion. More work than real B&W. ;) :cool:

http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/240477-2/Gouging-3.jpg (http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/240476-2/Gouging-3.jpg)

21-Oct-2010, 17:36
I found a Nikon PK-11a extension tube on CL!

Until now, I didn’t know how much fun wide-angle macro could be. For this shot, I was on my stomach. Heck, I was on my chin. Check-out that orange lichen! It gets psychedelic when you’re down here. Who needs LSD when you have a potent mixture of this:

Nikon N90s (handheld) + PK-11a + 24mm/2.8D + Provia 100F + mountain meadow.


22-Oct-2010, 08:42
An old IR neg from Spring Garden, California on the Union Pacific Feather River Route.

Canon TL-QL, Canon FL 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, Kodak High Speed Infrared.


24-Oct-2010, 19:23
Nice Sam; IR does nice for that sort of subject mix.

Here's from my d300 with a 1970's era 55 3.5 micro AI lens. I'm a big fan of this lens and just picked one up from KEH after good memories with it almost 20 years ago with slide film.



Ben Syverson
28-Oct-2010, 16:02
Cheap cameras, cheaper film:

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1333/5123697525_ac532ca069_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/5123697525/)

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1058/5124297544_5615bb6925_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/5124297544/)

Jan Pedersen
29-Oct-2010, 19:04
Since 6x17 is to small to be in the LF group i guess they belong in the tiny format group :)
Da Yi 90mm Agfa RSX II 50

29-Oct-2010, 19:57
But if I use a split darkslide on 5x7, as I plan to, it is LF? All rather silly in the end. Using a roll film back you can use many colour and B&W films that are unavailable in 5x7.


Frank Petronio
29-Oct-2010, 21:11

Mike Anderson
29-Oct-2010, 21:43

That is really good. A girl, a tree, a reflection, and a story all in one picture.


29-Oct-2010, 22:51
Ouch. This one will eviscerate you. But the photograph is worth it.


30-Oct-2010, 12:12
Since 6x17 is to small to be in the LF group i guess they belong in the tiny format group :)
Da Yi 90mm Agfa RSX II 50

We've been told by the moderators that photos made on roll films used in large-format cameras with roll-film holders can be displayed in the regular forum, without regard to the ongoing variations in the definition of "large format". Thus, if it was a Da Yi 6x17 adapter on a 4x5 camera, you aren't limited to showing your lovely photos in this thread.

Rick "who has displayed 6x12 made using a Sinar without only minimal grumbling, and none from the moderators" Denney

31-Oct-2010, 01:27
A lot of great shots all over this forum. I found my way here doing some research on LF cameras I'll be receiving in November when my parents visit and bring my grandfather's old gear. In the meantime...

Nikon F and Ektar 100

T-Max 3200

Velvia 100

Digital shot

The last shot is at the top of my list of places to go with LF. Can't wait.

31-Oct-2010, 08:16
Digital shot

The last shot is at the top of my list of places to go with LF. Can't wait.

I bet! I'd like to go there too with my Tachi. Nice work.

Just some of the first arrivals here in Pacific Grove this past week. They city botched a prune job in the monarch sanctuary, and there were no butterflies last year. Hopefully this year will be better. Canon EOS D60, ASA 100, Canon EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens.


3-Nov-2010, 22:43
Not much time to get LF shooting or scanning done with school, here's two 35mm sets I was working on recently:



4-Nov-2010, 00:48
Self portrait, asleep.
3 hours exposure, 6x12 pinhole camera. :)


Steve M Hostetter
8-Nov-2010, 18:27
Great photos here ppl:)..! here is one dedicated to fall

10-Nov-2010, 17:22
Another entry on my list of places to return with LF gear.


11-Nov-2010, 10:46
Another entry on my list of places to return with LF gear.


You'll never manage to do it so well next time in LF. This is magic.

11-Nov-2010, 10:47
35mm Ektachrome and a real window.

11-Nov-2010, 15:10

Just beautiful.

12-Nov-2010, 12:54
From a Kodak full-frame DCS with a a PCNikkor to keep things straight.

12-Nov-2010, 23:42
Another entry on my list of places to return with LF gear.


What was this shot with?

13-Nov-2010, 00:35
What was this shot with?

Intelligence and good taste.

Allen in Montreal
13-Nov-2010, 07:42
Outabounds, nice work!

Sorry for the shitty cell phone snap of a print, but I my flat bed scanner is a piece of junk and too small for this print.

Remembrance Day, at a temporary cenotaph due to renovation work in the main park.
Not too many WW ll vets, less than 2 dozen I would guess.

http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/2530/cellsnapnov11x.jpg (http://img152.imageshack.us/i/cellsnapnov11x.jpg/)

Canon 1v zeiss 28mm HP5 in Pyro.
Almost a straight print on old Seagull.
(The "mist" is smoke from the canon fire.)

13-Nov-2010, 08:02
The mist and shadow and backlighting make that really good!

13-Nov-2010, 08:57
35mm Fuji 400 with Canon Serenar 50mm F1.5 (Sonnar) from about 1951. Hiking through the Manzanita forest this week.


13-Nov-2010, 09:05
Great photos here ppl:)..! here is one dedicated to fall

Another entry on my list of places to return with LF gear.


Great fall colors guys. I'll pile on. Hope Valley, California three years ago in October. Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


13-Nov-2010, 12:54
Ektachrome 70mm. My (un)patented wedge shaped slit to make the sky behave. For a calendar.

13-Nov-2010, 23:09
Intelligence and good taste.

You can say that again! Love the photo below and above it also...Christopher's shots are lovely as always and the below shot has wonderful bokeh/tones.

13-Nov-2010, 23:13
Ektachrome 70mm. My (un)patented wedge shaped slit to make the sky behave. For a calendar.

Wowey...this one has such a very real look to it. Any chance to see it larger? It's one of the nicer ones I have seen with how beautiful the color tones/lighting/depth/and sheer realism of it is.

14-Nov-2010, 04:02
..wedge shaped slit to make the sky behave.

Christopher, could you explain this in a bit more detail?

14-Nov-2010, 04:33
Panoramic cameras usually expose through a rotating slit. There is no way to use a de-grad filter for the sky.
On this particular 70mm Seitz (for a Venice calendar and the nippon Gulliver mag) I had a permanent piece of black tape down one side of the slit at a slight diagonal so that the sky got only half the exposure. The next Seitz I used (ruins in Sicily for mantle-piece concertina cards for a bank), the 220 film version had a custom-made slit on my design, where the two rollers that made the slit were milled by Seitz, not cylindrical but cuneiform to halve the sky exposure.
Since then I did a couple of jobs with a Linhof 6x17 but gave it up because it is too clumsy. Now I just use a 5x7 point&shoot box (http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/9YzcrqoG1WQTTpjO66jYPA?feat=directlink) with a 120 super-angulon and scan a 6x strip in the middle - which qualifies as LF.

14-Nov-2010, 06:55
Thanks you, now I can picture ;) it and its function.

14-Nov-2010, 10:42
What was this shot with?

Oh, how embarrasing. :o
D90, Nikon 12-24mm

15-Nov-2010, 04:44
35mm Ektachrome with a PCNikkor. Just one strobe bounced off awhite foam panel above and behind.
Two hundred more of the same here (http://picasaweb.google.com/cjbroadbent/Food#) if you are feeling peckish.


15-Nov-2010, 05:47
35mm Ektachrome with a PCNikkor. Just one strobe bounced off awhite foam panel above and behind.
Two hundred more of the same here (http://picasaweb.google.com/cjbroadbent/Food#) if you are feeling peckish.

Not only a picture of food but a portrait of the person eating it.


15-Nov-2010, 10:24
Intelligence and good taste.

not to mention excellent execution of a vision.

15-Nov-2010, 21:57
35mm Ektachrome with a PCNikkor. Just one strobe bounced off awhite foam panel above and behind.
Two hundred more of the same here (http://picasaweb.google.com/cjbroadbent/Food#) if you are feeling peckish.

Christopher, were these for a commercial job?

Very nice...

16-Nov-2010, 00:27
Christopher, were these for a commercial job?...
For an early-edition CD-rom on world cuisine. 50 days work with three wonderful food stylists. I'm mostly proud of the middle-east dishes. The setup was minimal - some old doors as tables - one bounced strobe.

17-Nov-2010, 21:25
Outabounds, nice work!

Sorry for the shitty cell phone snap of a print, but I my flat bed scanner is a piece of junk and too small for this print.

Remembrance Day, at a temporary cenotaph due to renovation work in the main park.
Not too many WW ll vets, less than 2 dozen I would guess.

http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/2530/cellsnapnov11x.jpg (http://img152.imageshack.us/i/cellsnapnov11x.jpg/)

Canon 1v zeiss 28mm HP5 in Pyro.
Almost a straight print on old Seagull.
(The "mist" is smoke from the canon fire.)

I was there. No idea what the cannons were up to, it seems they were firing whenever they felt like it. Didn't have a very good angle but I did use my Mamiya 645 for a few shots of the sunlight striking the cannon smoke. (I was on the hill behind the wreaths)

18-Nov-2010, 12:35
Here are a couple from my Mamiya Super 23. Film is FP4.
The tree is done with the Chromoskadasic Sabatier process while the dying flowers is a straight print with a little selenium toning.

Allen in Montreal
20-Nov-2010, 09:35
I was there. No idea what the cannons were up to, it seems they were firing whenever they felt like it. Didn't have a very good angle but I did use my Mamiya 645 for a few shots of the sunlight striking the cannon smoke. (I was on the hill behind the wreaths)

Hello Vascilli,

The canons did seem off compared to years past.
I did not get to walk back and shoot an image of the canons firing, did you?

We should get a MTL group together, there are a lot more MTL'ers on LFPF than I realized.

21-Nov-2010, 11:56
Something went "wrong" with this film; sadly I can't reproduce this solarized effect at will.
Mabel looked awesome in her 50s dress, and I hope she'll like a print of this.


Tri-x in a Hasselblad.

Jay DeFehr
21-Nov-2010, 15:21
Juliet, Halloween. RB67, TMY-2, Halcyon

23-Nov-2010, 12:18

South Carolina Autumn.

27-Nov-2010, 08:21
taken in Mexico with Kodachrome:


28-Nov-2010, 13:52
Hasselblad, Ektachrome, Finland.


28-Nov-2010, 15:45

"6 Month Anniversary"

Pentax 67ii + 90mm at about f/11
Fuji Pro160s
Single flash with barndoors

More info: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=471704709724&set=a.426178059724.198877.280018619724

Barry Trabitz
28-Nov-2010, 22:29
Can anyone suggest where or how I can get my Mamiyaflex 330s repaired? The film transport mechanism suddenly jammed.
Barry Trabitz,

28-Nov-2010, 23:23
Ansel Adams said that 10 is a good crop for the year.... I have two

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4015/4317639047_8266735f7f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/aznpharm79/4317639047/)
broken1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/aznpharm79/4317639047/) by Heespharm (http://www.flickr.com/people/aznpharm79/), on Flickr

Building is torn down now...

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2737/4289476953_b4c4505e70.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/aznpharm79/4289476953/)
trinpines (http://www.flickr.com/photos/aznpharm79/4289476953/) by Heespharm (http://www.flickr.com/people/aznpharm79/), on Flickr

Recovered by decent scanning from a thin thin neg

Kerik Kouklis
29-Nov-2010, 12:15



1-Dec-2010, 00:08
Taken last weekend in Nederland. Hasselblad 503CX, 80mm lens. Not bad for 1/30 @ f/2.8 handheld.

Richard Wasserman
1-Dec-2010, 07:44
Mamiya 7 65mm lens

I don't know how he plans on getting a 6 foot tall concrete sign to Planet X...

Frank Petronio
1-Dec-2010, 15:27
Cristina at Eddie's Wet Plate thing.... the gun is large format


7-Dec-2010, 00:26
Why isn't anybody hugging me?
Nikon F
Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 HC
T-Max P3200

7-Dec-2010, 09:29

Geourgeous, love that wisp of fog.

Cristina at Eddie's Wet Plate thing.... the gun is large format


She like big boom! LOL. :D

Union Pacific work train rolling south on the Coast Line at Bradley, California last week. Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


7-Dec-2010, 10:07

8-Dec-2010, 22:56
Hello Vascilli,

The canons did seem off compared to years past.
I did not get to walk back and shoot an image of the canons firing, did you?

We should get a MTL group together, there are a lot more MTL'ers on LFPF than I realized.

I was only in Montreal for some six days, I'm in Calgary. I wouldn't mind trading cities. (I'll keep the oil money, though ;)) I wasn't able to get a shot of the cannons firing, the trees were in the way and I couldn't leave my group.

Donald Miller
9-Dec-2010, 09:27
Nice images Kerik, Good to see you posting and hope that things are going well for you.

Steve M Hostetter
9-Dec-2010, 15:30
PUMPED, scan of a 35mm Kodachrome slide Nikon F3

I was running 6 miles a day and 24 on weekends and working out 3 of those.. work out involved 20+ reps/ 5-sets per muscle group

Brian C. Miller
9-Dec-2010, 23:28
All from Pentax 6x7, 90mm LS lens.

Amanda's Panda: Gravesite of Amanda Brown, aged 8.
Dead Tree: On the Yakima River Road, between Yakima and Ellensburg, WA.
Stamp Mill Chimney: Cornucopia mine, OR
Glen and Pogo: Abandoned school house, eastern Washington.

Frank Petronio
16-Dec-2010, 09:38
Buy a book: http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1771098

Robert Hughes
16-Dec-2010, 09:48
Lovely work here. Ash's model is a classic English beauty, she looks like she walked out a painting circa 1820.

And I'm really impressed by Frank's ability to make his models comfortable in a shoot. Of course they're acting out, but they never have that deer in the headlights look, despite their vulnerability as nude models.

16-Dec-2010, 20:00
How about some really small format? I have been taking still frames with an 8mm movie camera.


This was taken in an abandoned cabin near the moffat tunnel in Colorado. Lighting was a T2 flashbulb fired by the model.



Ben Syverson
16-Dec-2010, 20:20
Woah, Argos, that's really cool! How are you scanning?

16-Dec-2010, 20:39
Ben - I've just been using the stock wet-mounting tray that comes with the Epson V750. It actually works great - I am impressed by the quality. Those last two aren't even sharpened. I may try getting some drum-scanned in the future - mainly to just get more resolution. Even at 6400 I can only print ~3x4 since the frames are so small. Not that I would go real big with them, but it's fun to experiment.


Ben Syverson
19-Dec-2010, 09:48
That's too cool. You're getting great resolution for a flatbed!

Scott Walker
22-Dec-2010, 10:18

35mm Cannon 300mm lens, slight crop to remove an extra nose in the bottom left corner

22-Dec-2010, 10:24
Wasn't Rudolph was it? :)

Nice shot!

Jon Shiu
22-Dec-2010, 13:25
Mt. Diablo


22-Dec-2010, 15:42
Mt. Diablo


Taken somewhere off of Willow Pass Road?

Jon Shiu
22-Dec-2010, 15:56
Taken somewhere off of Willow Pass Road?

Yes, very close to there. In hills above Port Chicago. Here is another taken on same roll w/miniscus lens camera.


Donald Miller
22-Dec-2010, 21:14
360 degree pano of Soronno Italy Cathedral

24-Dec-2010, 07:37

24-Dec-2010, 12:18
Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico:


Nikon D3, 28-300mm VR lens

24-Dec-2010, 14:08
Pentax 67 45mm

24-Dec-2010, 14:12
Rented Hasselblad 80mm

24-Dec-2010, 14:14
Holga 120

24-Dec-2010, 14:51
San Francisco long exposure at about 1min 30sec with ND400 filter

Hasselblad 150mm F4
Kodak Tri-x 400
Processed in Rodinal (1:100)

24-Dec-2010, 17:08
San Francisco long exposure at about 1min 30sec with ND400 filter

Hasselblad 150mm F4
Kodak Tri-x 400
Processed in Rodinal (1:100)


That sky is gorgeous. A lot like my river.

Fuji GSW680III, f32 @ 1sec, Tiffen 87 filter

HSI-120 (custom cut from Kodak Infrared Aerographic Film 2424)

Bob G.

24-Dec-2010, 17:22

That sky is gorgeous. A lot like my river.

Fuji GSW680III, f32 @ 1sec, Tiffen 87 filter

HSI-120 (custom cut from Kodak Infrared Aerographic Film 2424)

Bob G.

Bob, thanks for the kind words.

Your IR work is fabulous. Is that Kodak IR film you're using even available anymore?

24-Dec-2010, 17:47
Bob, thanks for the kind words.

Your IR work is fabulous. Is that Kodak IR film you're using even available anymore?

Unfortunately no... no longer available anywhere I know of.

And that is quite a shame.

A few more done last summer with the same batch of film. These done f16 @ 1/125 handheld with Fuji GS645W. Filters: B&W Red Grad on top of a Y1.

Cheers. Bob G.

al olson
26-Dec-2010, 11:59

Your Rememberance Day photo reminded me of a couple of photos that I took some years back. They are made on 35mm Kodak HIE in a Nikon F100 with IR filter. The first is at the Viet Nam Memorial


The second is at the Korean War Memorial


al olson
26-Dec-2010, 12:09
And while I am thinking infrared, I find that infrared films capture the atmosphere of ancient ruins. The following photo were made with a Bronica SQ-A, 80mm lens, and IR filter on MACO 820c.





al olson
26-Dec-2010, 12:12
And here is an example of Ilford's SFX with IR filter


26-Dec-2010, 14:46
And here is an example of Ilford's SFX with IR filter


Al: A great shot on Ilford SFX. I have quite a bit of it in the freezer waiting.

Would you be willing to tell us what filter and exposure you used for this one.

Looks like the kind of IR photo I like best.

Some Ilford SFX 120 Photos attached... all experiments with different filter combinations:

#1: Fuji G617 cropped to 6x12-cm: F16 @ 30 sec w/ Red-25 on top of ND 0.6
#2: Fuji GW690III: f16 @ 1/2 sec w/B&W 092
#3: Fuji GW690III: F32 @ 1 sec w/B&W 092
#4: Fuji G617: f16 @ 900 sec w/Tiffen 87

al olson
26-Dec-2010, 16:17
Thank you, Bob

For all of my medium format infrared work I use a Cokin 007 filter which claims to have a 50% cutoff at 720nm, if I recall.

I do my metering with a hand held Sekonic meter. For the SFX films I consistently use an EI of 12, although sometimes my densities are just a mite thin. For the MACO/Efke films I use an EI of 1.5 and sometimes 0.5 for winter. The Efke films tend to require more exposure at the lower sun angles. Perhaps the IR is being attenuated because of the longer path through the atmosphere?

I am thinking of making a 25% reduction in the EI to gain more density for each film. I should mention that I currently develop all my b&w films in D-76

One of the things I miss about the HIE films was the ability to obtain the Wood Effect using a Wratten A filter. Thus I could use through the lens metering set at a 320 EI. The grain was a little coarse, though.

I find that the SFX produces good results with using just a red filter. The Efke also does well with a red filter as a comparison of the two examples shows. Note that these are both negative scans with a Microtek i800

Example one: Efke IR film with a Cokin P003 red filter (equivalent to a #25). I used through the lens metering with the Bronica.


Example two: Efke IR film with a Cokin P007 infrared filter. I used a hand held Sekonic for metering at EI 1.5. The negative is a little on the thin side although the darkroom print provides better separation of the timbers in shadow vs. the sky.


Allen in Montreal
26-Dec-2010, 18:05
Very nice use of IR!

al olson
27-Dec-2010, 08:34
Thank you, Allen, for your kind comment.

Bob, it looks to me from your comments that you are giving SFX a lot more exposure than I typically use. Are you doing your metering with a hand held meter?

Using the Sunny 16 rule it appears that you are using an EI of 2 with the 92 filter that has a 650nm cutoff, while I normally use an EI of 12 with the Cokin P007 at 720nm cutoff. So you are giving your 92 far more exposure even though it includes more of the visible region. Perhaps I should be reducing my EI for SFX.

Your fourth image with the 87, if I recall, has a cutoff near the 800 nm mark. There is not much IR left to make an image on SFX, but I like the way that the dam house becomes a silhouette against the light in the trees.

27-Dec-2010, 09:42
Union Pacific 2561 pauses for a moment at the old casino located on Beach Street in Santa Cruz, California in November of 2005. The engineer is discussing the city's street work for that day before continuing to Davenport. Big freight has been gone from the Santa Cruz Branch for nearly three years now with the absence of the cement plant at the end of the line.

Canon F-1, Canon FD 28mm ƒ2 lens, Kodak Tri-X.


27-Dec-2010, 17:17
Thank you, Allen, for your kind comment.

Bob, it looks to me from your comments that you are giving SFX a lot more exposure than I typically use. Are you doing your metering with a hand held meter?

Using the Sunny 16 rule it appears that you are using an EI of 2 with the 92 filter that has a 650nm cutoff, while I normally use an EI of 12 with the Cokin P007 at 720nm cutoff. So you are giving your 92 far more exposure even though it includes more of the visible region. Perhaps I should be reducing my EI for SFX.

Your fourth image with the 87, if I recall, has a cutoff near the 800 nm mark. There is not much IR left to make an image on SFX, but I like the way that the dam house becomes a silhouette against the light in the trees.

Al: Those exposures were all experiments with different filters to see how the film would respond. I really haven't brought out the SFX much since then. I have lots of it in the freezer but also a number of other IR films. Since then I've done a lot more with 4x5-inch on Efke IR820 and Aura.

So I need to defrost some of the SFX and work with it a bit more.

I also just bought the Cokin filter system to fit my MF camera and given your results, I may spring for the P007. I currently don't have a filter with cutoff at 720nm... just the B&W 092 and Tiffen 87 which are much lower and higher respectively.

I think your exposures are much better and mine will need some fine tuning.

Thanks for comparing notes.

Cheers. Bob G.

28-Dec-2010, 00:37
Yashica 24, 80mm lens, Fuji Reala 100 ASA - the falls photo
Nikon D 200, 60mm micro - the flowers photo

any comment will be wellcome

31-Dec-2010, 09:19
Last one for 2010! The Golden Gate is lit by a wintry sky yesterday as seen at Crissy Field in San Francisco, California. It was very frigid outside, but still worth the trip to see our west coast landmark. The bridge itself was clogged with traffic, so my plans to photograph from Marin County were dashed. Crissy Field turned out to be a good second option! Happy New Year to everyone.

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


al olson
31-Dec-2010, 12:43
Beautiful twilight shot, Sam. What do you consider frigid? Doesn't look that cold to me. We'll be at -11 by this evening.

Where is Crissy Field? The location looks to be very close to the Presidio.

Which reminded me of some photographs that I made there with my Bronica a year ago last fall. The film is SFX with a red filter. I waited with my tripod for over an hour and a half for a boat to go under the bridge. I was concentrating on a sailboat that was going back and forth but never reaching the bridge. I finally settled for this yacht.

What was amusing during my wait was that over a dozen vehicles passed by and they would stop or slow down, the passenger window would roll down and a point and shoot would stick out for a moment. Then they would continue on.

I have had similar experiences with the large cameras as well with people coming over to where I am set up to take their snapshot. I am sure that everyone has had similar experiences and this could be a separate thread. There is something about a serious camera on a tripod that makes people think that is the best location for their photo.


31-Dec-2010, 15:49
From Kodachrome and My M6:


31-Dec-2010, 15:50
and this one, very similar - don;t know which I like better...


Ben Syverson
31-Dec-2010, 20:12
Hexar AF with Portra 400 NC

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5250/5310695351_7dbd101823_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/5310695351/)

1-Jan-2011, 10:22
Beautiful twilight shot, Sam. What do you consider frigid? Doesn't look that cold to me. We'll be at -11 by this evening.

Where is Crissy Field? The location looks to be very close to the Presidio.

Which reminded me of some photographs that I made there with my Bronica a year ago last fall. The film is SFX with a red filter. I waited with my tripod for over an hour and a half for a boat to go under the bridge. I was concentrating on a sailboat that was going back and forth but never reaching the bridge. I finally settled for this yacht.

What was amusing during my wait was that over a dozen vehicles passed by and they would stop or slow down, the passenger window would roll down and a point and shoot would stick out for a moment. Then they would continue on.

I have had similar experiences with the large cameras as well with people coming over to where I am set up to take their snapshot. I am sure that everyone has had similar experiences and this could be a separate thread. There is something about a serious camera on a tripod that makes people think that is the best location for their photo.


Thanks Al. Crissy Field is next door to the Presidio. I'd imagine it was 44°F with a stiff wind out there that evening. Not good for LF at all, but the digi did just fine out there.

I like the SFX negative. I've never had good luck with that film, so I always stuck to Kodak HSIR.

From Kodachrome and My M6:


Yay for Kodachrome! Nice slide.

And here's another Kodachrome of sorts. Southern Pacific was set to merge with the Santa Fe railroad in 1986. Thus a handful of merger inspired locomotives painted up in the colors of Kodachrome took to the rails. The merger was denied by the ICC, and quickly both railroads had to go back to their old paint jobs. Most railroad buffs called these merger painted locomotives "Kodachromes." This "Kodachrome" pulls a local freight up to Davenport, California in March of 1996.

Canon TL-QL, Tamron 28-200mm ƒ3.5 lens, Kodachrome 64.


Brian C. Miller
2-Jan-2011, 13:35
Abandoned barn, east of Douglas, Hwy 2, Washington state.
Pentax 645, 75mm, Kodak TMX

Allen in Montreal
2-Jan-2011, 13:39
This may be my favorite rail shots from your collection.
really nice!



Brian C. Miller
2-Jan-2011, 14:05
Out in the Cascades, summer 2009.
Pentax 645, 75mm, Agfa APX 100

3-Jan-2011, 09:22
This may be my favorite rail shots from your collection.
really nice!

Thank you. :)

al olson
3-Jan-2011, 11:39
Here are three more using Bronica 6x6, 80mm and SFX. I really like the SFX for prints of ancient ruin. It performs very well with a red filter (first two images) as well as with an IR filter (last image)




Donald Miller
3-Jan-2011, 13:00
and this one, very similar - don;t know which I like better...

I like both of these. The first one is my preferance.

5-Jan-2011, 13:30
Sam did you read this article? At first I thought it was you:


Yay for Kodachrome! Nice slide.

And here's another Kodachrome of sorts. Southern Pacific was set to merge with the Santa Fe railroad in 1986. Thus a handful of merger inspired locomotives painted up in the colors of Kodachrome took to the rails. The merger was denied by the ICC, and quickly both railroads had to go back to their old paint jobs. Most railroad buffs called these merger painted locomotives "Kodachromes." This "Kodachrome" pulls a local freight up to Davenport, California in March of 1996.

Canon TL-QL, Tamron 28-200mm ƒ3.5 lens, Kodachrome 64.


Frank Petronio
6-Jan-2011, 00:22
See, now you won't need that second cup of coffee....

(Don't scroll down at work or in front of the kids)





6-Jan-2011, 18:01
After that blast you guys might need a cool down.

What happend to the last image, it was there this morning, now it is disabled? Somebody got too hot and bothered?

Zihuatanejo 2009, Agfa Record 6x9, Ektar 100.

7-Jan-2011, 08:34
nice images, Frank

definitely not a sunny 16 image:

7-Jan-2011, 09:17
Sam did you read this article? At first I thought it was you:


LOL, yes a lot of us are talking on the railroad forums about the guy who waited to the last minute to send his film to Dwayne's. It was an expensive processing bill for sure.

(Don't scroll down at work or in front of the kids)


I scrolled with the neighbors looking and the blinds open!

Nice work as always Frank.

11-Jan-2011, 13:47

11-Jan-2011, 13:48

Scott Walker
11-Jan-2011, 14:20
Nice images ElRooster

1973 Pinto? You don't see many in good condition like that very often. :p

11-Jan-2011, 20:14
hahaha! I found this Pinto on a hike and decided to go back with my Pentax 67. :)

Bryan Lemasters
12-Jan-2011, 07:19
hahaha! I found this Pinto on a hike and decided to go back with my Pentax 67. :)

Nice! Oh sure, it has a few wrinkles, but any Pinto that has not had the paint burned off the back half of it is a pretty rare find!;)

12-Jan-2011, 08:39
Dante's View, Death Valley national Park


12-Jan-2011, 10:40
Nice images ElRooster

1973 Pinto? You don't see many in good condition like that very often. :p

At least the gas tank didn't explode.

Nice photo.

But I'm a Chevy man myself...

Bob G.

Steve M Hostetter
12-Jan-2011, 15:03
Nikon 50mm 1.4

Steve M Hostetter
12-Jan-2011, 15:04
Whitetail Doe, nikon 180mm 2.8

Steve M Hostetter
12-Jan-2011, 15:06
nikon 300mm 1.4 tele convert @ 5.6

12-Jan-2011, 23:00
At least the gas tank didn't explode.

Nice photo.

But I'm a Chevy man myself...

Bob G.

That's awesome Bob! Thanks.

13-Jan-2011, 11:03
That's awesome Bob! Thanks.

Even more awesome to me... considering that I found this local junkyard out of the blue and the old chevy is the exact same model that my father had as a second car back in the late 1950s when I was a little boy. I recall riding in the back of it... there were no back seats so my old-man put a soap box back there for me to sit on. Possible even that this could be the exact car but no way to know for sure.

Bob G.

13-Jan-2011, 11:12
nikon 300mm 1.4 tele convert @ 5.6

Steve: We think alike with the railroad tracks.

I did several sets of these on Kodachrome back in the 1980s with my Canon A1 and a 500-mm zoom lens.

I called them "rails of fire."

Bob G.

13-Jan-2011, 12:26
I happened near a rolling thunderstorm - an almost continuous rumble in the clouds over Monte Generosa in Switzerland. I had a 4x5 but no film. At least the tripod came in useful to hold a digital p&S.



Steve M Hostetter
13-Jan-2011, 13:17
Steve: We think alike with the railroad tracks.

I did several sets of these on Kodachrome back in the 1980s with my Canon A1 and a 500-mm zoom lens.

I called them "rails of fire."

Bob G.

Hi Bob,

Just the other day I photographed a doe humping another doe near those tracks.. Very strange image
I like your shots!

13-Jan-2011, 19:49
Hi Bob,

Just the other day I photographed a doe humping another doe near those tracks.. Very strange image
I like your shots!

Well I had a vision for telephoto shots into the sun.

But the 500-mm zoom (I don't recall the brand) was what made the shots.

I still use it from time to time but mostly focusing on MF/LF now-a-days.

A few more from the same era.

All on Kodachrome 25 if I recall. I really liked what it did with skies.

Bob G.

23-Jan-2011, 10:15
Another one from this week on the digi. A kitty observes life on the farm at Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz, California.

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


Michael Cienfuegos
25-Jan-2011, 10:17
1940 Mercury Coupe


Leica IIIf, Summitar 50/2.0

25-Jan-2011, 12:42
59 Diner. Hwy 249 & FM 1960. Houston, TX.


Steve M Hostetter
26-Jan-2011, 09:32
Nice Wayne,,

I was born in April the year you took this:)

Ben Syverson
26-Jan-2011, 14:13
Hexar AF and the new Portra 400
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5213/5388026824_8217dc1bb6_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/5388026824/)

26-Jan-2011, 17:23
Got reminded about this today.

Listen to these songs for an idea of the voice...


Here's Dionne Charles (the singer) in all her glory last year

Ben Syverson
26-Jan-2011, 17:31
Ash, that is fantastic.

26-Jan-2011, 17:41
Thanks, I'm trying to convince myself that publishing the hilarious photos is better than the flattering ones

Ben Syverson
26-Jan-2011, 17:45
Maybe the hilarious ones are just a parallel but separate body of work!

Brian C. Miller
31-Jan-2011, 01:33
Bicycling up and down local alleys with my Holga. I've found that Fomapan 100 just drops shadows like nothing! I can just about always get something with Agfapan, but not Fomapan. Plus it's unbelievably curly. I got maybe three decent shots on that roll. The first two are with Fomapan, the second two are with Agfapan. There's some spots that I'm going to follow up with my Graflex.

31-Jan-2011, 03:02



31-Jan-2011, 09:54
Here's an old slide from June of 1984. Southern Pacific 4449 simmers on King Street in San Francisco on its way home to Portland, Oregon while pulling the World's Fair Daylight. This very engine ran in regular service on the Coast Daylight from San Francisco to Los Angeles on SP's famed Coast Line.

Canon TL-QL, Canon FL 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, Ektachrome 200.


31-Jan-2011, 09:58
Bicycling up and down local alleys with my Holga. I've found that Fomapan 100 just drops shadows like nothing! I can just about always get something with Agfapan, but not Fomapan. Plus it's unbelievably curly. I got maybe three decent shots on that roll. The first two are with Fomapan, the second two are with Agfapan. There's some spots that I'm going to follow up with my Graflex.

With that cloudy sky, the fomapan100 probably just needs more exposure.

It's reasonably capable in the shadows, rated at iso64 and properly exposed and developed.

31-Jan-2011, 19:52
Iris shot with my D3 and gridded 27" beauty dish:
http://www.bartkophoto.com/Iris/Iris_0129.jpg (http://www.bartkophoto.com/Iris/Large/Iris_0129.jpg)

Camera Model: NIKON D3
Lens: 28.0-70.0 mm f/2.8
Image Date: 2011-01-30 16:58:22 +0000
Focal Length: 65mm (35mm equivalent: 65mm)
Focus Distance: 0.89m
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.0080 s (1/125)
ISO equiv: 100
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Spot
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
White Balance: Manual

Steve M Hostetter
31-Jan-2011, 20:09
Iris shot with my D3 and gridded 27" beauty dish:
http://www.bartkophoto.com/Iris/Iris_0129.jpg (http://www.bartkophoto.com/Iris/Large/Iris_0129.jpg)

Camera Model: NIKON D3
Lens: 28.0-70.0 mm f/2.8
Image Date: 2011-01-30 16:58:22 +0000
Focal Length: 65mm (35mm equivalent: 65mm)
Focus Distance: 0.89m
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.0080 s (1/125)
ISO equiv: 100
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Spot
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
White Balance: Manual


31-Jan-2011, 20:47
Hopefully a good damn?

31-Jan-2011, 21:33
I always enjoy Sam's Trains....

Thought I'd share one of mine....

Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge RR....

35mm - TMax100 - probably Rodinal - I believe around 2001

Old Nikon F - long gone...

Scan from print - Oriental FB VC - Dektol

Brian Legge
1-Feb-2011, 09:20
I'm still shooting primarily smaller formats so I should probably throw something up here every now and then. ;)


Olympus 35SP, Tri-X 400, HC110(h)

1-Feb-2011, 09:24
Iris shot with my D3 and gridded 27" beauty dish:
http://www.bartkophoto.com/Iris/Iris_0129.jpg (http://www.bartkophoto.com/Iris/Large/Iris_0129.jpg)

Camera Model: NIKON D3
Lens: 28.0-70.0 mm f/2.8
Image Date: 2011-01-30 16:58:22 +0000
Focal Length: 65mm (35mm equivalent: 65mm)
Focus Distance: 0.89m
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.0080 s (1/125)
ISO equiv: 100
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Spot
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
White Balance: Manual

Phone number please. :D Nice.

I always enjoy Sam's Trains....

Thought I'd share one of mine....

Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge RR....

35mm - TMax100 - probably Rodinal - I believe around 2001

Old Nikon F - long gone...

Scan from print - Oriental FB VC - Dektol

Thanks! And I enjoyed your image of the D&S narrow guage. That's something on my to do list one of these days, if I ever escape for California.

1-Feb-2011, 09:30
Many years old. Two of my favorite shots from Vietnam, 35mm Pentax SV. Poor print scans.:o

Steve M Hostetter
1-Feb-2011, 11:23
Hopefully a good damn?
