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30-Sep-2014, 12:44
I should have taken more than one shot or not flirted with such shallow DOF for memory sake. I missed focus on this one ( right at the dog's back leg).
105/2.4, Y2 Filter, 400TMY

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2942/15356623452_ba89ab83ef_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pp1H8S)

austin granger
30-Sep-2014, 12:54
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2941/15217694059_df0f31f020_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pbJEgv)Closing Time, Amusement Park, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pbJEgv) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

2-Oct-2014, 13:29
I have moved this vast thread from the Lounge to the new Everything Else image sub-forum.

But now that we have this new sub-forum, the need for such a general thread may have passed. Let's start creating a variety of threads as we have done in the Large Format image sharing sub-forum.

Rick "carry on" Denney

2-Oct-2014, 13:52
Don't you mean.....

Rick "took forever to copy" Denny

2-Oct-2014, 13:53
BTW Austin that is a nice image! love the smoothness of it all.

3-Oct-2014, 10:44
This is my "Monet's lily pond" which I've shot many times in many seasons. Here was yesterday. Pen-F 38/1.8.


3-Oct-2014, 17:38
If I post a set of shots, they could be of many categories of photography. One a landscape and one of people, for example. I'd rather not split them up into buckets. I, for one, like an anything goes thread.

3-Oct-2014, 21:29
This was taken near Kearsarge Pass a few weeks ago with a handheld Sigma DP3 Merrill. I'd love to see an example of it done well -- this is an amazing place, but the photo only hints at what someone with a better concept and technique could do.


Michael Graves
4-Oct-2014, 14:47
Back when I was in high school (yes, they had high school back in those days) my dad gave me a Ricoh 519 rangefinder for Christmas. That camera went with me everywhere until the shutter jammed up and I bought a Nikkormat with my own money. A couple of months ago, I was looking that old Ricoh over thinking that it was too pretty to stay broken, so I took it in and for $80.00 the local camera shop gave me a CLA and got the shutter working. I took it out to play for the first time in decades and this is one of the shots from that roll.

4-Oct-2014, 22:07
...I took it out to play for the first time in decades and this is one of the shots from that roll.

Wow, that must bring back memories.

4-Oct-2014, 23:29
A friend of mine was shooting a traditional Hindu wedding, which sounded really neat, so I halfway crashed the wedding. She was just going to say I was another assistant but no one asked anyway - there were hundreds of people there.
Anyway, I shot a bunch of color film with my Pentax 67. Here's two shots from the first roll I developed, some Fuji 400H:

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/iw01.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/iw02.jpg

5-Oct-2014, 19:33
Did I kill the thread? :eek:
It's always good to take a break and look at color neg images the next day. I see I need to do a bit more work on the blue/yellow balance, and some on the magenta/green. Here's one more, on Provia 100F, shot with an 81C filter:


Scott Schroeder
5-Oct-2014, 19:46


Tin Can
5-Oct-2014, 19:48
Great portrait!



6-Oct-2014, 00:47
Yes Jonathan, tehy do , indeed :) It is at the corner of the street of their boutique in Marais :)


Do they work at Mariage Frères? I seem to remember the employees dressed like this when I was there years ago.


6-Oct-2014, 09:45
A friend of mine was shooting a traditional Hindu wedding, which sounded really neat, so I halfway crashed the wedding. She was just going to say I was another assistant but no one asked anyway - there were hundreds of people there.
Anyway, I shot a bunch of color film with my Pentax 67. Here's two shots from the first roll I developed, some Fuji 400H:

I've seen some really nice wedding shots on 400H but mainly with earth tones. Perhaps this roll was overexposed? I want to do more color on film and think I found a good lab in Seattle to do it. I really don't want to home develop color anymore.

6-Oct-2014, 10:10
Yeah I intentionally overexposed it at 200 ASA. It's a bit expired (actually I've got a small stash of 220 rolls) but more importantly is I just need to work with the curves a bit more. Sometimes denser negatives are a real bear to get the color just right.

Scott Schroeder
6-Oct-2014, 10:53


6-Oct-2014, 11:23
Sometimes denser negatives are a real bear to get the color just right.

What's surprising is the people are in the shade yet the white clothing looks pretty much washed out with little or no texture. I'd think the film has more DR than that. The 100F looks better in that regard.

6-Oct-2014, 12:01
What's surprising is the people are in the shade yet the white clothing looks pretty much washed out with little or no texture. I'd think the film has more DR than that. The 100F looks better in that regard.

You are right tuco and it's mostly my fault. Sometimes I try to scan the negative somewhat flat, and sometimes I try to get the colors right in the scan so there's less work to do later. Both ways has potential drawbacks. Anyway, more specifically, those were my first two work scans that I kept pushing around and trying to use curves to dial in the color, which was way off in the scan as I did a "flat scan," and it just wasn't working for me (and I killed the detail in the highlights along the way).

A different image, but this is the 400H more correctly balanced, with a better initial scan. Note his clothes color. And it's not washed out, but you can't see the details in this small 1000px image:


6-Oct-2014, 12:04
I see a lot of that as a saturation problem with the first two, something Fuji E6 was know for. Many like it but I think that you have nailed the reason why I do not. Yes, the whites seem to be blown out a bit. Perhaps back down on the highlights and drop the contrast a bit. Don't get me wrong. Over all they are great. Yes the 100F does look better tho the yellow is well over saturated.

6-Oct-2014, 12:19
Thanks for your comments Marty :)

Of course I do have to say that the intense colors of the wedding itself is what I was going for. The blown highlights behind the couple (outside of the pavilion) are just going to be what they are. The 400H handled it pretty well though, of course being a negative film. I like the bright somewhat high-key style of 400H overexposed.

6-Oct-2014, 14:48
Rolleiflex 2.8f + Kodak Tri-X + XTOL 1:1

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3929/15462567832_498d2224b5_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pynGH7)Birdhouses 2014 (https://flic.kr/p/pynGH7) by ScottPhoto.co (https://www.flickr.com/people/12411796@N00/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
7-Oct-2014, 21:33



8-Oct-2014, 04:55
The university astronomy department hosted an eclipse watching event this morning. I pulled out the ol' Pentax 67 500mm, strapped it onto my D800E with a 1.4x TC, and shot some images. Still working on those but here is a quick wide shot of the roof scene:


8-Oct-2014, 06:01
The university astronomy department hosted an eclipse watching event this morning. I pulled out the ol' Pentax 67 500mm, strapped it onto my D800E with a 1.4x TC, and shot some images. Still working on those but here is a quick wide shot of the roof scene:

I made plans to get up and get a shot (4:00AM here) before work. But too much clouds and fog

8-Oct-2014, 06:13
Grrrrr. It was so foggy here I could barely find my way back to the house! Not the first time this has happened in the last couple years.

Nice shot Bryan. Look forward to the others.

8-Oct-2014, 06:51
We were lucky here. You can see the cloud bank rolling in. There was still a ton of atmospheric haze so the images from the 500mm + 1.4x TC aren't sharp at all, plus my lenses were fogging up like crazy due to 100% humidity (seriously). I need to get one of those anti-fog things, but generally it isn't a terrible problem.

Here's a quick composite image using another wide shot for the base. Due to the haze and such the close-ups aren't anything to write home about. I may cheat though and composite them on a completely different landscape image I have in mind from a few months ago, as it would work perfectly due to the composition. Fake it till you make it, right?!


Greg Y
9-Oct-2014, 03:05
122937 Just back from a trip to Italy. The last time I visited this place, almost 20 yrs ago the clouds were down to the scree & didn't see anything. Because we were trekking & climbing via ferrata, the Deardorff wouldn't work. Travelled with a Rolleiflex T. This is an Ipod image....many rolls of FP4+ yet to develop.

austin granger
10-Oct-2014, 14:45
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3935/15496038811_e7fc24358f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pBkfsX)Brentwood Street, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pBkfsX) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

10-Oct-2014, 23:39
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3935/15496038811_e7fc24358f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pBkfsX)Brentwood Street, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pBkfsX) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

Love this.

austin granger
11-Oct-2014, 08:41
Thanks Tim. Believe it or not, this wasn't staged. I pulled up in the driveway, got out of the car and saw my daughter drawing in the steamy bathroom. Two quick snaps and the hand disappeared.

11-Oct-2014, 17:07
I love the distortion in the finger and I really like the contrast in the image Austin Granger. I'm curious...what is she writing? lol and how did you meter the scene? Only asking because the light source isn't blown out but you still have good detail in the image. Curious to know if you metered off the window or wall/roof?

Scott Schroeder
11-Oct-2014, 18:02
Scratched floor


austin granger
11-Oct-2014, 20:03
I love the distortion in the finger and I really like the contrast in the image Austin Granger. I'm curious...what is she writing? lol and how did you meter the scene? Only asking because the light source isn't blown out but you still have good detail in the image. Curious to know if you metered off the window or wall/roof?

I'm not sure what she was writing; they're just doodles I think. As far as exposure goes, honestly I'm not sure. It was super quick. I used my GF670, loaded with Tri-X. I opened it up to f/5.6 or f/4 (can't remember) and let the camera pick the shutter speed, hoping for the best. When I scanned the neg, I scanned it very flat (as in low contrast) in order to keep the highlights under control, and then I bumped up the contrast and the brightness on just the windows and left the rest alone. I also cropped from the original 6x6 format to remove some distracting elements and because I thought the vertical orientation was more dramatic. That's about it really.

austin granger
11-Oct-2014, 20:04
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3949/15312948678_3570aec7e4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pk9S9w)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pk9S9w) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

12-Oct-2014, 11:18
Enjoying a little color with the shapes. I saw a sort of pinball game composition on this ramp that goes under the road at the Storyland parking lot.

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2948/15327556220_49fec79581_c.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/15327556220/)

_DSC8062 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/15327556220/) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

13-Oct-2014, 08:22
Another one of the carnival ride. The people on the far end are almost upside down. I was pointing the camera straight up to take the shot. Nearly everyone is looking at someone else to identify with in their moment
Df, 58/1.4G

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5565/15112884542_9d41da9a5c_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p2tu3S)

14-Oct-2014, 01:38
I wonder if in thirty or forty years people will still have shelves of books or if all their reading material will be on their phones, tablets, in the "cloud", etc. I can't imagine not having books around, but then again there was a time when I couldn't imagine not having vinyl records around, either.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Portra 160.



Michael Graves
14-Oct-2014, 06:57
I STILL can't imagine having vinyl records around. My collection is currently around 1600. Very nice shot, Jonathan.

I wonder if in thirty or forty years people will still have shelves of books or if all their reading material will be on their phones, tablets, in the "cloud", etc. I can't imagine not having books around, but then again there was a time when I couldn't imagine not having vinyl records around, either.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Portra 160.



14-Oct-2014, 07:29
... I can't imagine not having books around...

My 80-year old mother reads all her books on a Kindle now.

Tin Can
14-Oct-2014, 09:52
I STILL can't imagine having vinyl records around. My collection is currently around 1600. Very nice shot, Jonathan.

Vinyl records are making a niche comeback. Last week I noticed Reckless Records (http://www.reckless.com/) which sells primarily vinyl has a Chicago Loop store in an expensive location.

I almost prefer Kindle, but I sat one last recently and that never ruins a paper book.

14-Oct-2014, 09:57
My wife reads almost exclusively using the Kindle app, but I hate reading for pleasure on a "device." My preference for physical books mirrors my preference for film: it involves extra hassle and a degree of inconvenience vs. digital, but my enjoyment of the process makes it worthwhile.


14-Oct-2014, 10:04
*Envisions a Victorian chair holding a man in a robe quietly reading in the half light of an old desk lamp. A burl wood pipe smolders in an ash tray adjacent to a glass of some golden colored adult beverage.*

Steve M Hostetter
14-Oct-2014, 10:08
123276 D5000, Nikkor 50mm 1.4 AF-s healing tool used to remove distracting milk jug in background and color correct

14-Oct-2014, 16:23
Your are gonna spoil that child. ;-)

Tin Can
14-Oct-2014, 16:31
Your are gonna spoil that child. ;-)

That child is outside in nature and a n old fence.

Looks promising to me.

Michael Graves
14-Oct-2014, 16:36
Two years ago in Maine...last year, she sunk.

14-Oct-2014, 16:52
Per discussion in another thread. Uploaded with the insert button.
Sunday yard wanderings. Nikon D800e. This is a Carolina Moonseed.

Wow, that is incredibly terrible.
Here is flickr.
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3931/14910282614_7509c9c6f6_s.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oHz6yb)Carolina Moonseed (https://flic.kr/p/oHz6yb) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/)

Steve M Hostetter
14-Oct-2014, 18:41
Thanks Randy, you know it Jm;)

15-Oct-2014, 02:50
I STILL can't imagine having vinyl records around.
What can I say; here I'm testing my new (second hand) p45+ digital back with the vinyl's in the background - Hmmm!

15-Oct-2014, 07:25


15-Oct-2014, 22:53
I feel like this image is missing something (http://www.jacksonfineart.com/images/artists/large/319.jpg).

Canon FTb, 100mm, Provia



16-Oct-2014, 01:06
YES: You kissing your wife ;-)

[QUOTE=jcoldslabs;1179873]I feel like this image is missing something (http://www.jacksonfineart.com/images/artists/large/319.jpg).

Canon FTb, 100mm, Provia


David Lobato
16-Oct-2014, 17:29
Baltimore this afternoon on a walk with a Nikon 1 S1.


austin granger
17-Oct-2014, 14:38
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5599/15550327325_703f5f830d_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pG8uxP)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pG8uxP) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3929/15544651021_88c989a927_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pFCpbv)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pFCpbv) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

17-Oct-2014, 23:13
Nikon SP 2005, Voigtlander Heliar 50mm f/3.5, Agfa Optima (bulk load):


Scott Schroeder
18-Oct-2014, 06:40
Hey Bryan, did you piss her off? She looks ummm..kind of mad at you ;-)

18-Oct-2014, 07:07
Ha! No, she's just making a goofy face.
We (as in, the photography department) were having an impromptu wet-plate workshop. And old student working on his graduate degree came up to shoot some plates and show off his new portable darkroom, which is actually an ice fishing tent. Really nice bit of kit. Anyway, I was just snapping some random shots. Here's two more:



I really like this Agfa Optima. It's a bit finicky with exposure, but the colors are nice. A little grainier than I'm used to, probably due to age. I shied away from it after the second roll I shot because the colors were all wonky, but it's because I was shooting it too hot.

Scott Schroeder
18-Oct-2014, 07:13
Ah cool. Wet plate is a lot of fun like that. I love showing people the process and most people become captivated. I hope to make some plates this weekend.

18-Oct-2014, 07:17
Yeah I've always wanted to try it. The "barrier to entry" has been a bit much for me (mostly in the time needed for learning it). However my friend and I are planning a "collaborative" project doing some 8x20 plates. We'll see if we have time to do it.

Scott Schroeder
18-Oct-2014, 12:40


18-Oct-2014, 13:01
Went for a walk in the woods today.

d600 & sigma 50/1.4 hsm (I was not willing to splurge for their "art" version), this is a nice step up over the normal Nikon 50/1.4d I use.

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3945/15379440389_12dc5bac72_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pr2DPk)
_DSC8106 (https://flic.kr/p/pr2DPk) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Ramiro Elena
18-Oct-2014, 13:18
Do you find it better than the nikkor really? I've been considering the 35mm

18-Oct-2014, 13:38
It's a little sharper wide open than the Nikon 50/1.4d and 1.8d. I haven't used g versions of those. But most of all, it's got nice bokeh at any aperture as it's got lotsa round blades, where the Nikon is good bokeh only wide open. It's definitely bigger and heavier than the Nikon but that's not an issue for me. A few people complain they needed focus fine tuning; mine works well out of the box; any lens is apt to need focus fine tuning, even Nikon's.

18-Oct-2014, 13:50
Here was my work station for the day on Thursday. Taken with Nikon F5, 20mm f/2.8D, Tri-X, SPUR HRX:


jp, it sounds like you won the Sigma lottery. Most of the sample images I've seen show pretty abysmal performance for that older model. Reviews seem to confirm if I remember. The new ART though looks really nice, if I was looking for such a lens. I have the 1.4D but use the 50/1.2 AIS way more instead. I have a Sigma 300mm f/2.8 AF lens that front focuses even after setting the AF fine-tune all the way to the other direction so I'm not the happiest Sigma lens owner...

Speaking of lens performance my 20mm f/2.8D looks like crap. Something is up with the sides/corners. I wonder if someone dropped it...I've loaned it out to a few friends. Hmm...

Ramiro Elena
18-Oct-2014, 14:10
I am surprised Sigmas are more expensive than Nikkors.

18-Oct-2014, 14:18
E:never mind

18-Oct-2014, 17:57
That's quite a board, Bryan.

18-Oct-2014, 18:31
That's quite a board, Bryan.

Yup - it's a 32-channel Yamaha. I love Yamaha boards. I run sound for this event every year, usually 20-24 mics - full jazz band, combos, a jazz vocal ensemble, and even a steel drum band. Fun, but tiring (12-14 hour day). Get paid a pittance but it's a music scholarship fundraiser for the university so I'm "giving back" in a way. I somehow found time this year to shoot a bit - which I usually don't do, because lighting is awful. But a friend brought some lights so we had 5 hot lights to use for after sunset. Worked out well.

Here's some shots from the actual performance. All on Tri-X and developed with SPUR HRX, which is an AWESOME developer that I've been getting into. Finally think I've hit the jackpot for medium-speed Tri-X images (rated at 250-320 ASA). Nikon F5 again and an 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-S:



http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/popsinthepark-0309s.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/popsinthepark-0297s.jpg

18-Oct-2014, 19:23
That board looks a lot like the Mackie.. I use an old 16 channel one for live sound many Sundays. I used to have the Nikon 50/1.2 AIS back in the 90's but decided I like autofocus for the smaller format and sold it for more than I bought it for. Send your sigma 300 in for repair; I had a sigma lens once that didn't cooperate right electronically when I upgraded camera bodies and they fixed it gratis even out of warranty.

austin granger
18-Oct-2014, 19:35
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5611/15553833612_aa68cd11bf_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pGrsR3)The Last Supper, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pGrsR3) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

18-Oct-2014, 19:43
... I've been considering the 35mm

You mean the Sigma 35/1.4 Art? I use to own one and have posted some shots here with it.

18-Oct-2014, 20:10
jp, you're right, I should send it in. It's a nice lens, when it's in focus!

Okay I have to tell my Mackie story. I used to work for Guitar Center (or rather, one of their subsidiaries, that happened to be next door). I would go in all the time during lunch break and goof off with the sales reps. Anyway, one guy was fond of saying to folks looking for a mixer, with a great poker face, that Mackie boards "came with a free radio channel" - in reference to many of those mixers coming in with terrible radio frequency contamination and seriously having radio signals coming in through one (or more) of the channels.

I don't like Mackies...

Ramiro Elena
19-Oct-2014, 03:42
You mean the Sigma 35/1.4 Art? I use to own one and have posted some shots here with it.

Yes Tuco, I think they only have the Art version. I am not so sure due to hype. Lots of wedding photographers and amateurs are drooling all over it. My Nikkor 35 f2 is pretty lame to AF and the quality is nothing to write home about. It is quite expensive anyway.

19-Oct-2014, 07:23
I wonder if in thirty or forty years people will still have shelves of books or if all their reading material will be on their phones, tablets, in the "cloud", etc. I can't imagine not having books around, but then again there was a time when I couldn't imagine not having vinyl records around, either.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Portra 160.


When I visit friends, I enjoy browsing their library. I zoomed in and read your titles, quite a diverse selection. Also, a very nice vignette.

I now "read" audibles but still buy monographs and photography.


19-Oct-2014, 09:40
Yes Tuco, I think they only have the Art version. I am not so sure due to hype. Lots of wedding photographers and amateurs are drooling all over it. My Nikkor 35 f2 is pretty lame to AF and the quality is nothing to write home about. It is quite expensive anyway.

I liked the lens in general. But it was a little too heavy for my Df so I traded it in for the new 35/1.8G. The 35mm focal length is one of my most used lenses. Here is a test shot checking how the Sigma 35/1.4A renders out of focus lights. You can see some onion rings in them if that matters at all.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7457/8897008899_109cb5a9d4_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/eycuMa)

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7425/8897624774_ae626f5a19_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/eyfDRG)

Ramiro Elena
19-Oct-2014, 10:56
That's nice Tuco, very sharp.

Here's my kid with the Fuji X100.
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3954/15572558751_37e2eb6853_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pJ6rbg)La madriguera de Superman (https://flic.kr/p/pJ6rbg) by rabato (https://www.flickr.com/people/71073452@N00/), on Flickr

19-Oct-2014, 21:20
A buddy of mine builds his own speakers. He invited me to drop by a speaker contest. It was my first time at one and I caught the tail end of it. In the basement of a church they setup several listening rooms. For the contest, the judges could not see the speakers. But most everyone pretty much sat staring at an old-school tube amps while listening to the speakers in a zen-like way.

Df, 28/1.8G and 35/1.8G

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3946/15580036565_142f408f5b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pJKL56)

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3932/15580893772_36b419bc5f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pJQ9Tw)

Upstairs was this room. People sit around and listen to a speaker here too.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5588/15038593905_ab6707b273_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oUUJ2P)

20-Oct-2014, 07:13
Very cool! Though the room looks like it is not the best candidate for the venue. As a young sprout I worked for Bull Roar Speaker company as and assembler of their own speakers. Things have changed since then. ;)

20-Oct-2014, 08:09


Peter De Smidt
20-Oct-2014, 08:24
We've had quite a bit of rain lately. As a result, Parson's Creek is a little higher than normal for this time of year.

20-Oct-2014, 08:25
Very cool! Though the room looks like it is not the best candidate for the venue. As a young sprout I worked for Bull Roar Speaker company as and assembler of their own speakers. Things have changed since then. ;)

Yes. But they did have some acoustic panels put behind and to the side of the speakers. They had moved some by time I took this. These guys really get into their crossover circuits. People could also bring in their speakers and get them measured by various tests I noticed. I guess they'd use that info to fine tune resistors and what-not in their crossover.

20-Oct-2014, 08:39
We've had quite a bit of rain lately. As a result, Parson's Creek is a little higher than normal for this time of year.

It certainly captures the essence of the Fall season.

Michael Graves
20-Oct-2014, 08:40
Nikon SP 2005, Voigtlander Heliar 50mm f/3.5, Agfa Optima (bulk load):


Her thoughts are so easy to read...."Creeper!!!"

20-Oct-2014, 08:47
lol. A great photograph Bryan!

I spent Saturday morning at the local YMCA soccer fields photographing a friends children during their games (6 and 10 years). It is strange how many of those looks I captured from the girls on the field! I don't think camera at soccer fields is that common around here. I will not post any without parental approval.

20-Oct-2014, 08:50
Her thoughts are so easy to read...."Creeper!!!"


Marty, I can imagine. These days it seems a lot of folks are overly sensitive about photos.

Michael Graves
20-Oct-2014, 12:29
100% with you on that. I never post a photograph online that includes a person unless I have expliciit permission from that person to do so. The exception would be a shot where the major subject matter is not the person/people, but rather something in which there might be recognizable faces if one looks. There the rules of photojournalism come into play. I have some lovely photos of my neighbor's daughter...some with just her and some with her parents. But nobody here will ever see them. That is how it should be. People's privacy is a critical element to me, but children are sacred.

20-Oct-2014, 12:31
That is how I feel about it, Michael. Besides, protection of our young comes first. Sappy I know but truth.

20-Oct-2014, 14:52
I've got to disagree with you guys. I think people should lighten up about their photo being taken. From what I've seen, if you take a cell phone picture, no one complains, but take one with a big camera and they get all up in arms - but why? In my experience it's because they think you will somehow make money off of the photo, which of course most of the time is untrue (and if you are, through stock photo sales, then yes, you need a model release).

I'm not a photogenic person but I never complain when my photo is put on Facebook or whatever. It's just part of life these days.

I don't think children are any different. Everyone takes photos of their children. It's not a big deal? Of course there's some standards of decency there that most people understand, though I have seem many friends of mine post images on Facebook with their very young children pretty much nude. And of course we can talk about Sally Mann here...

With regard to the photos I post/posted, 95% of them are of people I am friends with or at least know somewhat.

That's how I see it anyway. Of course others are free to think otherwise!

20-Oct-2014, 15:06
From what I've seen, if you take a cell phone picture, no one complains, but take one with a big camera and they get all up in arms.

I think that in most people's minds, especially in this era of hand-held cell phone cameras, TRIPOD = PROFESSIONAL. That is not a fair assumption to make, but people make it. So while no one blinks when one billion cell phone snaps of all kinds of people are posted to Instagram every week and are even hash-tagged with personal info, people get squeamish if you post one portrait taken of them with a "real" camera mounted on a tripod. Go figure.



20-Oct-2014, 15:38
True but not the kids. I know many parents that would be extremely upset if someone besides them were to post pictures of there preteen children. Me among them.

20-Oct-2014, 15:48
And what harm is coming to kids that have their picture posted? They'll be posting more than we ever will on their Facebook page. I wouldn't even know who they are so they're just another anonymous face in the sea of 7 billion people on this planet.

20-Oct-2014, 17:26
A buddy of mine builds his own speakers. He invited me to drop by a speaker contest. It was my first time at one and I caught the tail end of it. In the basement of a church they setup several listening rooms. For the contest, the judges could not see the speakers. But most everyone pretty much sat staring at an old-school tube amps while listening to the speakers in a zen-like way.

Df, 28/1.8G and 35/1.8G

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3946/15580036565_142f408f5b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pJKL56)

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3932/15580893772_36b419bc5f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pJQ9Tw)

Upstairs was this room. People sit around and listen to a speaker here too.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5588/15038593905_ab6707b273_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oUUJ2P)

What did they listen to?

Peter De Smidt
20-Oct-2014, 17:29
It certainly captures the essence of the Fall season.
Thanks, Tuco.

Regarding photographing people in public, including kids: I photograph and video at Judo tournaments. Usually this involves children. I post some of the resulting picture and videos on Facebook, as do a large number of the parents at the events. Even though we're doing so without permission, are we therefore doing something morally wrong? If so, what's the moral principle that we're violating?

20-Oct-2014, 17:36
Peter I think violating is probably a bit strong but I just feel that when it comes to children particularly preteens, the parents should have a say in whether the photos should be posted or not. It is their children after all. No moral principle here, just my belief that the parent should have the say.

20-Oct-2014, 17:54
What did they listen to?

Each judge had his own selection of music, apparently. I didn't hear all the testing though.

20-Oct-2014, 18:15
Each judge had his own selection of music, apparently. I didn't hear all the testing though.

Ok, thanks; just asking because I was wondering what the gear heads listen to to evaluate their speakers.
Back in the day, we used a wide variety of recordings, not all of them "properly" engineered or mastered, as we needed to hear all of the speakers' flaws and talents.

20-Oct-2014, 18:42
Ok, thanks; just asking because I was wondering what the gear heads listen to to evaluate their speakers.
Back in the day, we used a wide variety of recordings, not all of them "properly" engineered or mastered, as we needed to hear all of the speakers' flaws and talents.

I'm pretty sure there were reference standards in those selections. They also measured the speakers. The frequency response curves were a source of much pride I gathered.

David Lobato
20-Oct-2014, 18:49
Blue Ridge Parkway last week. Nikon V1.


austin granger
20-Oct-2014, 19:28
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5607/15560564942_b15b745857_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pH2XQs)Break Area, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pH2XQs) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
20-Oct-2014, 19:42
Grabbing a beer


22-Oct-2014, 02:51
Technically 'tiny' format, as it is 6x9cm, but they were shot with a Sinar on Agfa Optima 100.




Ramiro Elena
22-Oct-2014, 02:55
I see a word here. Don't know what it means though. Last one is an "R".

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5607/15560564942_b15b745857_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pH2XQs)Break Area, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pH2XQs) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

Roger Cole
22-Oct-2014, 14:22
I wonder if in thirty or forty years people will still have shelves of books or if all their reading material will be on their phones, tablets, in the "cloud", etc. I can't imagine not having books around, but then again there was a time when I couldn't imagine not having vinyl records around, either.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Portra 160.



I still DO have vinyl records around.

More importantly, to my way of thinking anyway, I still have lots of CDs around too. When one item replaces another it's one thing. When it all goes "virtual" with no physical artifact is when I feel something is really lost. (Albeit, the size of vinyl records presents much more area for cover art and much more readable liner notes, compared to CDs, but at least you can hold a CD in your hand.) The fact the vinyl record takes a bit more prep to play is, in some ways, an advantage I think, much like film.

I'll always have books, probably always have vinyl, and will have film and paper as long as I can get what I need to work with without having to make my own.

Oh and the image really captures the atmosphere of a room with so many books, just waiting to be explored.

22-Oct-2014, 14:28
Tiny, only from film or digital can be involved too? how tiny? i mean tiny smaller than MF or 35mm or even smaller than 35mm? I only shoot with 35mm digital and MF both digital and film and no 35mm film yet and nothing smaller than 35mm too.

22-Oct-2014, 16:05
When it all goes "virtual" with no physical artifact is when I feel something is really lost.

I agree, but whenever I find myself thinking, "People in the future will never know the pleasure of __________ (flipping the pages of a book, dropping a stylus in a record groove, handling a pack of color 4x6 snapshots fresh from the one hour photo lab, dialing a rotary phone, manually tuning in an AM radio station, etc.)," I then wonder how many things my grandparents lamented that I would never get a chance to do that had been a part of their daily lives. I've never used a washboard to launder my clothes, for example, but it's hard to imagine I'm missing out.


austin granger
22-Oct-2014, 16:48
I see a word here. Don't know what it means though. Last one is an "R".

BAXAR? AHXHR? Honestly, I just found them that way; do you think it's a secret message? :-) Actually, I was going to say to Jonathan that this is an example of a picture of an idea. See, it's not really about the chairs, but about how a group of people can come together in a common cause without losing their individuality. Or is is just a bunch of chairs? Well, it depends on who's looking at it, doesn't it? My point is that so much of how we see a picture is in our minds, or that every picture IS a picture of our minds, and the thoughts contained therein. Sorry, I didn't mean to spread the equivalence thread over here. It's all Ramiro's fault!

22-Oct-2014, 17:06
I was going to say to Jonathan that this is an example of a picture of an idea. See, it's not really about the chairs, but about how a group of people can come together in a common cause without losing their individuality. Or is is just a bunch of chairs? Well, it depends on who's looking at it, doesn't it?

I'm guessing one of the reasons Stieglitz and White made such a fuss about "Equivalents" is that with representational photography, the objects contained within the frame of a photograph are easily recognized as what they are. (Even Stieglitz's clouds were identifiable as clouds.) Show your "Break Area" photo to 100 people and ask them what they see and 100 of them will surely say, "Chairs." But ask them what they see BEYOND the subject matter itself and opinions will diverge. It is in this divergence that "equivalents" arise, because no two people will usually "see" the same thing on this secondary level.

My problem is that I see chairs in the photo, yet when I try to see beyond the chairs into deeper realms of meaning I still see...chairs. To be fair, when I look at my own photo above I see books and shelves, and then, more deeply...books and shelves. A literalist to the end, I'm afraid!


Tin Can
22-Oct-2014, 17:37
I'm guessing one of the reasons Stieglitz and White made such a fuss about "Equivalents" is that with representational photography, the objects contained within the frame of a photograph are easily recognized as what they are. (Even Stieglitz's clouds were identifiable as clouds.) Show your "Break Area" photo to 100 people and ask them what they see and 100 of them will surely say, "Chairs." But ask them what they see BEYOND the subject matter itself and opinions will diverge. It is in this divergence that "equivalents" arise, because no two people will usually "see" the same thing on this secondary level.

My problem is that I see chairs in the photo, yet when I try to see beyond the chairs into deeper realms of meaning I still see...chairs. To be fair, when I look at my own photo above I see books and shelves, and then, more deeply...books and shelves. A literalist to the end, I'm afraid!


Yes, often the best practitioner of mysticism doesn't even know they are doing it.

btw, I saw you virtually manipulate those sharp lenses. +1

Michael Graves
22-Oct-2014, 17:45
Gryphon Antiques. RB-67, 65mm lens. Tri-X film.

23-Oct-2014, 05:55

23-Oct-2014, 06:04
Holm Acoustics



23-Oct-2014, 18:14
There was a partial solar eclipse today. It happened just at sunset in the eastern US. Here are a couple shots
Nikon 800e, ISO 25 (lo2) 70-200 f2.8 with a 2x converter, variable ND filter and circular polarizer.
Not only was there an eclipse but there is also a huge sunspot clearly visible on the image.
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5601/15425538819_a8e0e4240f_s.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pv6VgR)Partial Solar Eclipse 2014 (https://flic.kr/p/pv6VgR) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5610/14991431524_84459842bb_s.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oQK1ij)Partial Solar Eclipse 2014 (https://flic.kr/p/oQK1ij) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/)

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3939/15426606920_08c840afa8_s.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pvcoMo)Partial Solar Eclipse 2014 (https://flic.kr/p/pvcoMo) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

23-Oct-2014, 18:28
Nice job Marty!!!

I was so disappointed that I had to work a concert this evening :(

23-Oct-2014, 18:47
Thanks Bryan. I was trying to figure out how to use the LF but I just did not have enough focal length nor enough ND filters to feel comfortable with letting the full sun into the lens.

24-Oct-2014, 05:53
Yes, nice eclipse shots

24-Oct-2014, 06:59

I like this... It's a wild mix of shapes and lines that can't be planned. Horizontal lines on jackets and pant wrinkles, vertical lines on the bike forks, road, legs, circles when wheels and that little space between the girls is neatly filled with those chucks and peacoat person.

24-Oct-2014, 17:44
Took this with my trusty RZ67, 110mm and Ektar 100

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3954/14937205063_3a94ef2359_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oKX5Ek)Coopers Landing (https://flic.kr/p/oKX5Ek) by thermionic_valve (https://www.flickr.com/people/104349761@N02/), on Flickr

Let me know if the link is too big--still trying to figure out this forum.

24-Oct-2014, 18:35
Took this with my trusty RZ67, 110mm and Ektar 100

Let me know if the link is too big--still trying to figure out this forum.

The image autoscales to fit the current size of my web browser. The full size is rather large. I can see all of it on my home monitor. But on my work monitor I'd have to pan to see the full size. Flickr should offer you lots of sizes to select from when you use their BB-Code link to the image?

25-Oct-2014, 01:29
Thanks JP

Ramiro Elena
25-Oct-2014, 01:38
I agree, but whenever I find myself thinking, "People in the future will never know the pleasure of __________ (flipping the pages of a book, dropping a stylus in a record groove, handling a pack of color 4x6 snapshots fresh from the one hour photo lab, dialing a rotary phone, manually tuning in an AM radio station, etc.)," I then wonder how many things my grandparents lamented that I would never get a chance to do that had been a part of their daily lives. I've never used a washboard to launder my clothes, for example, but it's hard to imagine I'm missing out.


I am sure those wet platers from the past asked themselves the same question and here we are.
I was talking to a fellow photographer just yesterday about an interview to a journalism photographer. He claimed documentary photography was dead. I said, well maybe dead to him. Nothing is dead until there is one person on earth still doing it.

Ramiro Elena
25-Oct-2014, 01:43
My point is that so much of how we see a picture is in our minds, or that every picture IS a picture of our minds, and the thoughts contained therein.

Replace "picture" for reality. We shape everything around us and create collective realities.

25-Oct-2014, 14:05
Yes, nice eclipse shots

Thanks Tuco.

Jim Jones
25-Oct-2014, 14:12
I am sure those wet platers from the past asked themselves the same question and here we are.
I was talking to a fellow photographer just yesterday about an interview to a journalism photographer. He claimed documentary photography was dead. I said, well maybe dead to him. Nothing is dead until there is one person on earth still doing it.

The World is more thoroughly documented than ever. True, now it is less often recorded in large format B&W. This just makes it different and more alive, not dead.

Pali K
25-Oct-2014, 22:54
http://photolog.netsoft2k.com/blogImages/1014Velvia%20Little%20Benett%20Sep%202014%20-%20001.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/b4eA3lT.jpg)

Fall Leaves - RB67 ProS
Fuji Velvia
Jobo E6 Tetenal Kit

26-Oct-2014, 10:41
Great colors!

26-Oct-2014, 11:57
Last time I took a picture of this bridge the tide was way out and I think provided better and more options to shoot it.


https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5598/14984763574_00cc44c39a_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oQ9Q9E)
Siuslaw River Bridge, Florence, OR (https://flic.kr/p/oQ9Q9E) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
26-Oct-2014, 12:23
I like it tuco. Yes I could see photographing that bridge a ton. It's very cool!

26-Oct-2014, 12:57

26-Oct-2014, 13:51
I like it tuco. Yes I could see photographing that bridge a ton. It's very cool!


Scott Schroeder
26-Oct-2014, 14:43
Fence detail


Peter De Smidt
26-Oct-2014, 14:47
Great texture, Scott.

Scott Schroeder
26-Oct-2014, 18:56
Thanks Peter, I love those old decaying fences.

Outdoor lights


Scott Schroeder
26-Oct-2014, 19:03


Peter De Smidt
26-Oct-2014, 20:50
http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae37/peterdesmidt/pumpkin_zps162e15fe.jpg (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/peterdesmidt/media/pumpkin_zps162e15fe.jpg.html)

27-Oct-2014, 08:01
Nice one Peter :-)

Finally developed my first color negatives - I expected more problems to scan and color balance. RGB levels in Epson Scan en minor Color Temp tweak in ACR.


Pentax 67II - SMC 105mm - Portra 400 @320

Peter De Smidt
27-Oct-2014, 09:06
Thanks, Tom. The colors look great on your portrait.

27-Oct-2014, 17:23
Great colours, both of you (Peter and Tom, I mean)!

27-Oct-2014, 19:57
Nice one Peter :-)

Pentax 67II - SMC 105mm - Portra 400 @320

And I too like those colors. The New Portra 400 can be shot at EI 200 and 800 pretty effectively. It has a lot of latitude for sure

Peter De Smidt
27-Oct-2014, 20:12
Thanks, Ari. It was a fun, quick diversion from a mountain of commercial work...

28-Oct-2014, 02:51
Thanks Peter, Ari and Tuco

28-Oct-2014, 10:04
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7564/15465175439_7f2ae02ba1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pyB4RR)Light (https://flic.kr/p/pyB4RR) by ScottPhoto.co (https://www.flickr.com/people/12411796@N00/), on Flickr
Hasselblad + 80mm f2.8 + Acros + XTOL 1:1

Peter De Smidt
28-Oct-2014, 10:47
First rate, Scott!

28-Oct-2014, 11:32
First rate, Scott!

Thank you sir.

28-Oct-2014, 11:52
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7564/15465175439_7f2ae02ba1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pyB4RR)Light (https://flic.kr/p/pyB4RR) by ScottPhoto.co (https://www.flickr.com/people/12411796@N00/), on Flickr
Hasselblad + 80mm f2.8 + Acros + XTOL 1:1

Bravo Tim!

28-Oct-2014, 14:23
Yes Tim, first rate indeed.

Something from the past. Red band from a transparency scan.
Mono Lake and the Sierra Wave.
Mamiya 645 1000S 80mm. Ektachrome 64.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7579/15629896296_28eca9cb4d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pPaiCC)Mono Lake and the Sierra Wave (https://flic.kr/p/pPaiCC) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

28-Oct-2014, 15:50
Bravo Tim!

Yes Tim, first rate indeed.

Thank you gentlemen! I do appreciate the kind words.

Michael E
28-Oct-2014, 16:40


It should be titled "Invitation" :-)


28-Oct-2014, 17:30
Yes, really sweet portrait!

28-Oct-2014, 18:07
hasselblad + 80mm f2.8 + acros + xtol 1:1


Scott Schroeder
28-Oct-2014, 20:12
Fireplace clock....


Steve M Hostetter
29-Oct-2014, 04:20
124238Nikon D800 w/ 180mm 2.8 hand held wide open color corrected in PS

29-Oct-2014, 15:51
They say the best camera is the one you have at hand. Well, when I woke up this morning this was my view, but all I had to capture it was a five year old iPhone 3. Better then nothing, though.



29-Oct-2014, 16:05
This goes with the 617 images I just posted on the 617 image sharing thread:

"Pelican Man"
I was photographing with my 617 film camera with my Leica M9 as light meter and met this guy. He and his buddy claim that the pelican is his pet.

A friend found this,
International Bird Rescue – Every Bird Matters » Blue-Banded Pelicans (http://blog.bird-rescue.org/index.php/category/blue-banded-pelicans/)
looks like K15 has quite a history. I contacted the Wild bird rescue and sent them the photo. Lets see how it turns out...


29-Oct-2014, 17:35
Great story and picture, richardman.

Everyone else was taking a picture of this thing at a u-pick pumpkin patch so what the heck why not.

400TMY, Y2 Filter

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3941/14983788514_b95b2b7d2b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oQ4Qih)

30-Oct-2014, 02:12
Sinar 4x5, Modified Cambo back.
Exposure trough tiny slit with film advance.

30-Oct-2014, 05:17
Sinar 4x5, Modified Cambo back.
Exposure trough tiny slit with film advance.

Cool effect. But I still don't understand the modification.

30-Oct-2014, 05:38
Cambo 6x7 back, instead of 6x7 opening, did small vertical slit (approx 0,3mm) close to the film plane. Electric motor attached to advance the film during exposure.
As a result moving object is exposed "sharp" on the film, but steady background becomes lines.

May be it will be easier to understand this way: when you look on the ground glass, projection of moving car is moving across the ground glass. Then think of moving the film together with projection of the car. Car will be sharp on the picture, but background "motion blurred". Slit is needed to make exposure only at certain point, not during the whole frame of the back.

30-Oct-2014, 05:46
Okay, thanks for that explanation.

Peter De Smidt
30-Oct-2014, 07:26
That's a fun shot, Tuco, and the tonality is very good.

30-Oct-2014, 09:52
That's a fun shot, Tuco, and the tonality is very good.


Steve M Hostetter
30-Oct-2014, 16:23
124324 Nikon D800 20-35 f2.8 @ f8 The bottom photo was made a mistake posting (8x10" EPY) but couldn't get it deleted

31-Oct-2014, 10:03
Sinar 4x5, Modified Cambo back.
Exposure trough tiny slit with film advance.

Very cool effect!

Andrew O'Neill
31-Oct-2014, 13:21
Great texture, Scott.

Don't you mean, "Great Scott, texture!"? :)

31-Oct-2014, 18:45
It's a little sharper wide open than the Nikon 50/1.4d and 1.8d. I haven't used g versions of those. But most of all, it's got nice bokeh at any aperture as it's got lotsa round blades, where the Nikon is good bokeh only wide open. It's definitely bigger and heavier than the Nikon but that's not an issue for me. A few people complain they needed focus fine tuning; mine works well out of the box; any lens is apt to need focus fine tuning, even Nikon's.

Did a little video at f2 with this lens, just playing around (aka testing) to see how it looks. No double lines. Pleasing blur in the foreground and background. Less noisy focusing than the D lenses when doing video, but the in-camera sound on the d600 is pretty poor anyways. (it's got a mic jack which should be used)


2-Nov-2014, 12:11
Digital capture followed by intensive manipulation in PS and Painter, Hope MM# 3308116:


austin granger
2-Nov-2014, 14:29
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5611/15685423702_3ef9b9d190_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pU4TZG)Spire, Milwaukie, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/pU4TZG) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

austin granger
2-Nov-2014, 14:30
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3937/15684765182_341428d51f_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pU1weU)Tree, Hillsboro, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/pU1weU) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

2-Nov-2014, 14:37
Spire, Milwaukie, Oregon

I'm digging that one. Nice.

2-Nov-2014, 14:43
I'm digging that one. Nice.

Yep. Really good.


austin granger
2-Nov-2014, 15:04
Thanks guys. It's funny the reactions I've gotten on that one. People are seeing everything from a bosom to a behind to a UFO to a KKK hood. If it was large format, I'd put it in that "Equivalence" thread-ha!

Scott Schroeder
2-Nov-2014, 16:11
Austin that spire is magnificent. I love the geometry and balance.

2-Nov-2014, 16:18
I was in Everett, WA last week. Got out to shoot in the evenings. 25mm 1.4 Kern Switar.



2-Nov-2014, 17:35
My kitty Pasha in 35mm

austin granger
3-Nov-2014, 15:36
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7528/15692985241_bb452f2d57_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pUJDM4)St. Johns Bridge, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/pUJDM4) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

4-Nov-2014, 22:50
Fooling around today...took my 2x3 Century Graphic out, popped some old 35mm film in the 6x7 back using the adapter thingies I got from eBay, and shot with my 47mm XL lens focused at roughly 10ft. Glued a cold shoe onto the top and used a 21mm viewfinder to estimate framing. Shot these images handheld wide-open at f/5.6, 1/15 of a second exposure, of the jazz band warming up before the concert I was working:


5-Nov-2014, 06:59
...took my 2x3 Century Graphic out

For handhold they look great. I know I can't hold 1/15 steady enough.

5-Nov-2014, 07:39
Yeah I can barely handhold my Leica M6 at 1/15 consistently. Anything with a FP shutter is dubious. The little Graphic and leaf shutter though is easy. Blurring from subject motion is what causes the most problems. These little images of course mask a lot of issues!

5-Nov-2014, 20:30
A little bit of early wintry weather has kept me busy with work and the basics of life the past four days. We've had no broadband, no phone except cellular, and generator power for four days. Just got back in from refueling/collecting generators for work and am scanning a few photos. I'm slacking on the LF side of things....

This photo is on the dock of Monhegan island last month. Most people go there to see famous art scenes and birds. I went there for work with the idea that I'd have ten minutes to run to the job site, 40 minutes to do work, and ten minutes to get back to the dock for the once a day boat ride this time of year. The boat was late and I only had ten minutes to work and then bolted back to the dock. The boat was late again, and I got to hang out long enough to burn a roll of film. It is a magical place that I'd like to spend more time at, but things are pretty well shut down for the warm season there. Portra 160 in my usual Rolleiflex automat tessar.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5605/15536826210_7db549f03b_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pEWi8Y)
img521 (https://flic.kr/p/pEWi8Y) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

austin granger
7-Nov-2014, 21:47
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7528/15527254089_036a680a4f_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pE6eFp)Recycling, McDermitt, Nevada-Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/pE6eFp) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

8-Nov-2014, 07:58
Very cool effect!


8-Nov-2014, 07:59
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7528/15527254089_036a680a4f_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pE6eFp)Recycling, McDermitt, Nevada-Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/pE6eFp) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

I really like this one

Scott Schroeder
8-Nov-2014, 18:32


8-Nov-2014, 21:55
A candid from a WWII re-enactment today:


8-Nov-2014, 22:07
nice portrait!!

Daniel Stone
9-Nov-2014, 10:23
Here's a little fall color for y'all...
Shot this a few years back in the front yard, Pentax 67II, 135macro, E100G w/ an 81C warming filter(it was a very overcast, rainy day). 6x6 crop felt better, IMO


9-Nov-2014, 14:12
Face Rock, Bandon Beach, Oregon. Expired 125PXP, Zeiss CF T* 80/2.8

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5611/15725951366_8344371f04_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pXDBsw)
Bandon Beach, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/pXDBsw) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Peter Lewin
9-Nov-2014, 16:04
Tuco: Another winner! Beautiful composition and tones.

Peter Lewin
9-Nov-2014, 21:06
While my first love is still large format black & white, I just gave in to the digital age and bought a Sony Alpha A7, and the combination of color and Photoshop is seductive! My first effort, a simple jpeg with a little increase in saturation (after all, if I'm going to play with color, go all in!) of two whirligigs on a sunny afternoon:
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7510/15568945980_6d0bcc6308_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pHLVe7)DSC00018-1 (https://flic.kr/p/pHLVe7) by Pete Lewin (https://www.flickr.com/people/90970144@N06/), on Flickr

9-Nov-2014, 21:50
Tuco: Another winner! Beautiful composition and tones.


10-Nov-2014, 07:34
A sunrise hike in the cascade mountains by Mt. Rainier, WA.
M7II, 100TMX

(https://flic.kr/p/afcQT4)View From Tolmie Peak Lookout (https://flic.kr/p/afcQT4) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Michael Graves
10-Nov-2014, 09:13
Shot with a Canon EOS. Don't recall what film it was, just that it was color negative film, scanned on the Plustek 120.

10-Nov-2014, 14:44
My favourite nose :

Sony a 330, Tamron 2,8/90 Makro

http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/cosmo8x6t7xrfec0nh.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net)

10-Nov-2014, 15:09
Another "Last Picture Show in Texas"


10-Nov-2014, 19:05
A sunrise hike in the cascade mountains by Mt. Rainier, WA.
M7II, 100TMX

(https://flic.kr/p/afcQT4)View From Tolmie Peak Lookout (https://flic.kr/p/afcQT4) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Very nice Tuco almost like unsharp gone awry.

10-Nov-2014, 21:15

Stars and Spars:


All shot with a Nikon D800.

11-Nov-2014, 06:14
What started as a 4x5 project has evolved to the D800. Since results are best between ISO 250 and 500, with shutter speeds between 1/20 and 1/60. Velvia 100 is not workable. 124921124922124923

Comments welcome.


11-Nov-2014, 06:28
And one more which was among the first images taken with Nikon.124924



11-Nov-2014, 06:58
Here's a little fall color for y'all...
Shot this a few years back in the front yard, Pentax 67II, 135macro, E100G w/ an 81C warming filter(it was a very overcast, rainy day). 6x6 crop felt better, IMO





11-Nov-2014, 09:28
One form many years ago. Upper Long Valley, Mono County, CA.
Mamiya 645, Ektachrome 64. Cropped to 1:2
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3940/15653611695_684a15f902_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pRfRoP)North end of Long Valley (https://flic.kr/p/pRfRoP) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

Peter Lewin
11-Nov-2014, 11:53
Apologies for initially having too much fun with digital color primarily for color's own sake, rather than for considered photography, but it also seemed appropriate to recognize Veteran's Day in honor of the veterans on this forum. Two images from the small memorial held this morning in Green Village, NJ:

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3946/15581819337_1fd8ecec68_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pJUU2x)vet.-day-2014-pano (https://flic.kr/p/pJUU2x) by Pete Lewin (https://www.flickr.com/people/90970144@N06/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7522/15582189890_4fd55a736b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pJWNbo)vet.-day-2014-wreath (https://flic.kr/p/pJWNbo) by Pete Lewin (https://www.flickr.com/people/90970144@N06/), on Flickr

11-Nov-2014, 15:19
[QUOTE=pdmoylan;1186928]And one more which was among the first images taken with Niko



Sorry for the upload error.


11-Nov-2014, 20:55
The Nikon digitals are pretty useful and nice these days, but I enjoy retro looks as well when playing with colors. Peter, to do something special with color, you have to be aware of the colors for color sake first; that's definitely part of it.

Portra 160 / Rolleiflex automat tessar, at the lake in Hope Maine.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7550/15150755283_83373f83a7_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p5PzGF)
img531 (https://flic.kr/p/p5PzGF) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

12-Nov-2014, 12:44
Very nice Tuco almost like unsharp gone awry.


12-Nov-2014, 15:06
While my first love is still large format black & white, I just gave in to the digital age and bought a Sony Alpha A7, and the combination of color and Photoshop is seductive! My first effort, a simple jpeg with a little increase in saturation (after all, if I'm going to play with color, go all in!) of two whirligigs on a sunny afternoon:
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7510/15568945980_6d0bcc6308_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pHLVe7)DSC00018-1 (https://flic.kr/p/pHLVe7) by Pete Lewin (https://www.flickr.com/people/90970144@N06/), on Flickr

Nice photo, Peter; I agree, go all-in with the colour!
Great to have met you in person last week.

Scott Schroeder
14-Nov-2014, 21:03

Peter De Smidt
15-Nov-2014, 03:48
Good stuff, Scott.

15-Nov-2014, 05:51

Who can resist these eyes?

15-Nov-2014, 09:10
This is about as good as it gets for Fall Color in the Deep South.
Pentax 67, 55-100mm f/4.5, 2-stop GND, Portra 160 NC:


Tin Can
15-Nov-2014, 09:50
This is about as good as it gets for Fall Color in the Deep South.
Pentax 67, 55-100mm f/4.5, 2-stop GND, Portra 160 NC:


That's colorFULL, Chicago is now entirely 18% grey.

15-Nov-2014, 10:04
This weekend was the first time we dipped below 40° F this season...

Tin Can
15-Nov-2014, 10:09
This weekend was the first time we dipped below 40° F this season...

I'm ssure you will get much colder, like last year.

We were 18 F this morning, expecting 3" snow..................................

15-Nov-2014, 10:12
Wow! I'll have to re-acclimate one day. I've been looking for a new job, and some of the openings are way north...

Erik Larsen
15-Nov-2014, 16:52
Doing a little oil printing. Minolta 7000 35mm hp5 negative enlarged on dupe film to 8x10. Oil print on cot 320. Three little goats in Montana. Please forgive the phone pic.

15-Nov-2014, 18:08

Did he just get a "bad dog!"?
He didn't mean it, he was just goofing around. :)

Peter De Smidt
15-Nov-2014, 18:13
I'm leaning towards a "Sit. Stay."

15-Nov-2014, 18:51
I'm leaning towards a "Sit. Stay."

You may be right, he doesn't look that remorseful.

Scott Schroeder
16-Nov-2014, 07:55
He wasn't in trouble...He does really well sitting there for me but doesn't like a camera hovering all around...haha. I can get him to look at me and then capture the photo. He's a nice model!

Scott Schroeder
16-Nov-2014, 10:26
Rock and path


Scott Schroeder
16-Nov-2014, 14:52


Peter De Smidt
16-Nov-2014, 15:18
Scott, your pictures always have a very appealing tonality.

Liquid Artist
16-Nov-2014, 15:34
I love your last photo Scott,

I am not saying what I do for work, but you may be able to guess with these first 2 photos taken with my Sigma SD14, and a Vivitar Series 1, 28mm f2.8 lens.


We are getting ready for the next season, and I saw this sunset while in Fort Providence, NWT (Canada)
All that I had with me on this trip was my Blackberry Phone, so it had to do.

Peter Lewin
16-Nov-2014, 15:43
Liquid, you are reminding me of the reality series in the U.S., "Ice Road Truckers." The good news is that you're out in some very photogenic scenery. The bad news is that I don't know if you can stop your truck and set up the view camera...

Liquid Artist
16-Nov-2014, 16:10
Liquid, you are reminding me of the reality series in the U.S., "Ice Road Truckers." The good news is that you're out in some very photogenic scenery. The bad news is that I don't know if you can stop your truck and set up the view camera...

Thanks for the comments Peter,
We are kinda in a weird situation while on the ice. Although we are not supposed to stop, the longest lake crossing is over 3 hours long @ 30kph. As a result even in a perfect trip we have to take the odd 1 minute break.

when someone has a breakdown, we have 15 minutes to get the truck moving, before Security calls a tow and gets everyone else to drive forward.
The reason being, our trucks weigh over 150,000 pounds loaded. So we are always sinking, just very slowly. No one wants to see how long it takes to break through the ice.
If I was quick, and didn't have to help with the repair I may be able to get a shot. It isn't that easy at -50 degrees.

However there are some small land sections I may be able to set up on. Security doesn't usually allow it, but I am trying my best to bribe them with photos.

On another note, last season I was 10 feet from a Black wolf posing for me. Then photographed another wolf pack putting the run on a herd of Caribou.
Then the film camera I was also using buggered up destroying the film.

I can't wait until next season, hoping to recapture the images.

Just a quick edit. The company I was working for is looking for Canadian drivers for next season (Feb and Mar)
If you have off road experience driving big rigs hauling liquids I can pass along their contact info.

Peter Lewin
16-Nov-2014, 18:06
Wow, you sound as if you actually were in the series, and if you weren't, you could have been! I'm afraid my own experience in "big rig" hauling liquids consists of transporting a case of wine home from the liquor store in my reliable-in-all-weathers Subaru WRX, nothing that compares to you, or would interest your company ��. But you certainly have some life-experience stories, and photo opportunities, that I (and I'm sure other LFers) will enjoy hearing and seeing. Even Blackberry Phone pictures.

Scott Schroeder
17-Nov-2014, 17:06
Scott, your pictures always have a very appealing tonality.

Thanks Peter!

Here's some trees


18-Nov-2014, 02:11
Leica M6, Nikkor 3.5cm f/3.5 chrome, from the 50's, T-Max 100, FX-39:


Scott Schroeder
18-Nov-2014, 05:40


5D, 50/1.8

18-Nov-2014, 07:24
Very nice Scott!

18-Nov-2014, 09:30
Tree and rock - medium format


18-Nov-2014, 17:15
This scary fellow spun his web directly above a lonely Forest Road in the Cascade Mountains (Wash. state), just high enough for my car to pass under. Its web was supported by two tall bushes, one on each side of the two-track dirt road. I stopped for a few shots then pitched my tent nearby.

This shot is the spider's top side. If the letter "A" is any indication, this spider is quite literate. Maybe it stands for Arachnid? ;^)


Then I walked to the other side of the web and snapped its underside:


Can anyone help me identify this species? Some facts to help:

This is a full-frame scan of 35mm slide film – the magnification was about 1:1.2, so he (she?) is very close to life size on the film.
It's mid-May in a mature forest of hemlock and firs, about 3,500 high, Cascade Mtns in Wash. state. The web was circular, 18 inches wide.
The spider was very sensitive to the vibrations of my voice (not breath). When I spoke to it, the front legs would go up into a defensive position! Maybe it was sensing spoken vibrations transmitted through the web.

Nikon N90s
Tamron 180mm/3.5 macro lens
Nikon SB-22s flash (on camera-mounted bracket)
1/250th sec. at 1/32 (effective)
Provia-100 film

Scott Schroeder
18-Nov-2014, 21:34
5D 50/1.8


19-Nov-2014, 08:41
A c. 1983 RPN calculator still going strong.
Trying a M42 mount Takumar 50/1.4 off that Spotty in the background on a Nikon without corrective optics. I can only focus out about 6 feet max. It's not a very good scene for testing the lens except perhaps bokeh.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7549/15632184367_e97d884251_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pPn2N8)
Classic RPN Calculator (https://flic.kr/p/pPn2N8) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

19-Nov-2014, 11:05
Looks like a garden spider, they are black and yellow around here. They are fairly large body (almost half dollar) and it's typical for them to build a web across a trail. They freak out hikers as you will walk right into the web while on the trails, and come face to face with 'em.


19-Nov-2014, 13:03
Yes, I've suffered that "spider-web-in-the-face" surprise, and I remember it being especially traumatic when I was a boy in the forest. This time, I think my Nikon flash was freaking out the spider! (BTW, if anyone thinks my avatar is freaking out in my post above, you're probably right.)

Ramiro Elena
19-Nov-2014, 14:29
I swear scanning color negatives is driving me crazy. I really don't see a solution that will allow to me to scan without having to spend hours tweaking colors.
I just went all the way with this one, Epson Scan > Photoshop > Lightroom > VSCO presets...

Nikon F4 Nikkor 50mm f1.4
Agfa Vista100
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7469/15827425451_ffda720356_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/q7BGaH)
Sandy (https://flic.kr/p/q7BGaH) by rabato (https://www.flickr.com/people/71073452@N00/), on Flickr

19-Nov-2014, 14:38
Ramiro, I don't know how you are scanning color neg, and it's been a while since I used an Epson, but I've found it very helpful for build custom profiles for different emulsions and standardize on that setting for most of the shots I take on that film. I also usually have to have a color curve on the raw scan to get it close to right upon scanning.

Some frames will drive me nuts but a lot of times it goes pretty fast. I'm also kind of scanning as a "positive" but I invert the curves to give me a normal image, and adjust levels as necessary (in the scanning software). But I'm not using an Epson so your technique may be different. Personally, I've only had one scanner/software that gave me perfect color negative colors right out of the box with most any film - and that was Nikon Scan and my old LS-8000.

I think your whites look very muted and grey myself, in that image, but the skin tone is nice.

19-Nov-2014, 14:51
I swear scanning color negatives is driving me crazy.

You're not the only one. I have trouble too. I think the light source in my Coolscan 9000ED is also a source of problems doing color. Try as I may, I get purple in my blacks. I've pretty much given up and use digital for color. You know if Kodak wants to still produce film, they should get in the business of making good film scanners at a mid-range price and provide film profiles for their products. It seems to me anything they can do to help out people using film and making it easier the better it would be for them too.

Ramiro Elena
19-Nov-2014, 15:02
Yes Bryan, I decided to just give it a more extreme look and stop trying to get it right. I sometimes get good (better, no so bad) results with ViewScan. I keep trying different approaches. My Agfa T1200 was perfect. The software was really good.

Ramiro Elena
19-Nov-2014, 15:08
The way I see it, anyone who comes up with a reliable software to properly scan color negatives would get all the market and even free blow jobs.
I've tried ColorPerfect but still don't get good results.

You're not the only one. I have trouble too. I think the light source in my Coolscan 9000ED is also a source of problems doing color. Try as I may, I get purple in my blacks. I've pretty much given up and use digital for color. You know if Kodak wants to still produce film, they should get in the business of making good film scanners at a mid-range price and provide film profiles for their products. It seems to me anything they can do to help out people using film and making it easier the better it would be for them too.

Leszek Vogt
19-Nov-2014, 15:38
You're not the only one. I have trouble too. I think the light source in my Coolscan 9000ED is also a source of problems doing color. Try as I may, I get purple in my blacks. I've pretty much given up and use digital for color. You know if Kodak wants to still produce film, they should get in the business of making good film scanners at a mid-range price and provide film profiles for their products. It seems to me anything they can do to help out people using film and making it easier the better it would be for them too.

Although I wholeheartedly agree with you....dealing with orangy negatives (mot. pic film, I think it's 5247) can easily reduce my life by 10 yrs....well, I'm quite convinced of this...even if it's an exaggeration. I should add, that I don't even have a decent scanner....and the theory alone makes one sleepless in Seattle. The "new"/old Epson (800 series) don't appear to be stepping up to the plate either. OK, end of my 'itchin.


Ken Lee
19-Nov-2014, 16:16
Ogunquit Maine, 2004
Canon Point and Shoot

19-Nov-2014, 20:00
some 110 snapshots taken with a spykids 110 toy camera on Lomography Color Tiger 200
scanned with a smartphone, that is where the strange distortion comes from (i can't figure out how to hold the tiny negatives in the proper scanner)

20-Nov-2014, 06:45
I swear scanning color negatives is driving me crazy. I really don't see a solution that will allow to me to scan without having to spend hours tweaking colors.
I just went all the way with this one, Epson Scan > Photoshop > Lightroom > VSCO presets...

Nikon F4 Nikkor 50mm f1.4
Agfa Vista100
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7469/15827425451_ffda720356_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/q7BGaH)
Sandy (https://flic.kr/p/q7BGaH) by rabato (https://www.flickr.com/people/71073452@N00/), on Flickr

Colors look good there. That one would be easy to manually adjust since there are large white areas to get the color balance right. Check my description in the MF Color thread for another way of scanning. It's loosely based on autowhite balance algorithms, without the math.

Scott Schroeder
20-Nov-2014, 18:07
Roots and berries
5D 50/1.8



Scott Schroeder
22-Nov-2014, 17:09
Dead limb and grass



23-Nov-2014, 01:10
A publicity photograph I created for the upcoming feature film "Doin' Time" which takes place on a cotton plantation in rural Georgia USA in 1848.

Actress Victoria Hall as the slave "Mary"
© 2014 Terry Thomas Photos / Atlanta, Georgia USA

camera: Nikon D3s
lens: manual focus Vivitar 400mm f/5.6 MC
tripod: Gitzo with a Gitzo "joystick" ball head
exposure: 1/200 f/11 or f/16 (I didn't have time to write it down because I was chasing the sunset)
ISO: 200
software: 64 bit Photoshop CS5 Extended
cropping: absolutely none
location: a 2,000 acre cotton farm owned by Mr. David Cox of Unadilla, Georgia USA

23-Nov-2014, 05:04

23-Nov-2014, 12:24
A prior picture that I rescanned to upgrade it to a 16bit workflow.
500C/M, CB 60/3.5, NDX400, 100ACR

https://farm7.staticflickr.com/6095/6360909259_4783e6b488_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/aG6jHi)
Beach Tree (https://flic.kr/p/aG6jHi) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr