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7-Aug-2014, 21:43
Pure Dumb Luck
Nikon D700 ISO 400 f2.8

7-Aug-2014, 22:22
Nice one, regardless of luck!

8-Aug-2014, 05:55
Thanks Bryan. I actually got several good shots from this cluster of storms. It was over the Chattahoochee River. There was a small cluster over Worth County last night but I couldn't get a clear shot at it .........and it was too late. I am really anxious to get a LF on a storm like this.

Scott Schroeder
8-Aug-2014, 07:53
Very cool for luck ;-) it really shows how amazing lightning is.

Peter De Smidt
8-Aug-2014, 08:38
Nicely done, Marty. Lightning photography always involves some luck.

8-Aug-2014, 08:50
My biggest problem, other than it not being around as much as I would like, is it running off frame.


Scott Schroeder
8-Aug-2014, 10:57

8-Aug-2014, 11:00
Scott, I am trying to wrap my brain around that one. Wonderful textures in the highlights.

Scott Schroeder
8-Aug-2014, 11:10
Yes the desert has some wild abstracts. This was the edge of the racetrack.

8-Aug-2014, 16:58
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3850/14676545329_d31e2f5e6f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/omV8AZ)
Amy, Cannon Beach (https://flic.kr/p/omV8AZ) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
8-Aug-2014, 19:18
Window crank

Scott Schroeder
8-Aug-2014, 20:07
and it's sill/bench


Gary Tarbert
9-Aug-2014, 07:52
119617Hi from a series i did where i used a longer lens to focus on smaller elements within larger scenes . Cheers Gary

austin granger
9-Aug-2014, 09:40
Slab, Pendleton, Oregon

In a Motel Parking Lot, Pendleton, Oregon


Peter Lewin
9-Aug-2014, 19:32
Austin: I really like "Slab", it is both an "Austin Granger" (for those of us who are starting to recognize your style) with a touch of Robert Adams thrown in! A really nice example of making a great image out of a scene I would undoubtedly have walked past (or parked on) without a second glance.

10-Aug-2014, 05:09
(https://flic.kr/p/onZPM5)DSC_0021 (https://flic.kr/p/onZPM5) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

I didn't mention how I got it, but my family was universally convinced I got this from the air and wondered what old plane I managed to get on. This day, I was just a normal guy on the ground with a DSLR at an airshow. But it's IR converted and with a 300/2.8 lens. Big usual reason for aiming an IR camera upwards is the clouds' composition, and this is no different. When the planes were in a spot with clouds under it, I got my photo. I watched way too many WWII B&W documentaries as a kid and kinda knew what I was after.

Here's another war film inspired photo. In the old films, this would be the shot after or before they'd let loose their guns and riddle some planes on the ground.

(https://flic.kr/p/onZQku)DSC_0018 (https://flic.kr/p/onZQku) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
10-Aug-2014, 07:10
That first one is so cool that you got it from the ground. I would never have guessed.

Here's an old truck. I don't think she'll start... ;-)

10-Aug-2014, 07:28
back lit lilies
Scan from Porta 160
Mamiya RZ 67 Pro II
Mamiya 110/f2.8
wide open, metered via Sekonic 758, I think this works MUCH better than the prism AE meter
the vignette is mine, I added it.

10-Aug-2014, 16:13
Canon P w/35mm Color Skopar

2 1/4 X 3 1/4 Crown Graphic w/105 Agfa Apotar

10-Aug-2014, 17:34
That first one is so cool that you got it from the ground. I would never have guessed.

Here's an old truck. I don't think she'll start... ;-)

Great tones Scott.

:) this must be a tin type as all the controls are on the wrong side of the car.

Scott Schroeder
10-Aug-2014, 17:48
ha. good one!
This thing went through a fire. Check out the melted glass.

austin granger
11-Aug-2014, 11:32
Grass growing through Cracks in the Pavement, Pendleton, Oregon


Scott Schroeder
11-Aug-2014, 11:50
Very cool Austin. Excellent photograph.

austin granger
11-Aug-2014, 20:35
Thanks Scott. For as much as I complained to my wife about having to stay a night in the "wasteland" outside of Pendleton, Oregon (think fast food chains and gas stations and lots and lots of pavement), I have to admit I enjoyed wandering around there photographing.

Here's another one (excuse the stupid jpeg artifacts):

Gas Station, Pendleton, Oregon


12-Aug-2014, 07:15
Looks good to me, I don't see any artifacts. Don't point them out, I don't want to learn, and then be cursed to forever look for them. The pic looks fine.

12-Aug-2014, 12:42
JPEG compression is not kind to smooth, gentle gradients such as open sky or large out of focus areas. I agree with Garrett, or my old eyes just can't resolve as well as they used to, because I can't see much evidence of that here.


Scott Schroeder
12-Aug-2014, 19:03


12-Aug-2014, 19:29
Scott, that makes me think of what Roger Fenton might have seen if he did a 180 from his "valley of the shadow of death"

austin granger
12-Aug-2014, 19:36
JPEG compression is not kind to smooth, gentle gradients such as open sky or large out of focus areas. I agree with Garrett, or my old eyes just can't resolve as well as they used to, because I can't see much evidence of that here.


I mostly seem to run into it with with very dark areas, as in night photos. Strangely, there are people on flickr who do a ton of night stuff who appear to never have this problem, or have discovered some cure for it. If there is a cure, I can't figure out what it is.

Oddly, the picture I shared above, which I grabbed off of flickr, looks better here than it does there, where in the shadowed street you can see tons of that awful jpeg blockiness.

13-Aug-2014, 06:54
Some scenes from another night hike to the Mt. Pilchuck lookout. The first one is sepia toned.
Zeiss 21/2.8

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3882/14714568338_07472aed87_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oqh1w7)
Mt. Pilchuck Lookout - 2014 (https://flic.kr/p/oqh1w7) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3899/14715565049_d1256ce80b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oqn7NM)
Mt Pilchuck - 2014 (https://flic.kr/p/oqn7NM) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

13-Aug-2014, 06:57
I really like that first one tuco!

Peter Lewin
13-Aug-2014, 06:57
Tuco: Both are wonderful!

Jim Jones
13-Aug-2014, 07:00
The beauty of sunsets tempts us to try often, and rarely come close to that first one!

13-Aug-2014, 07:02
Me too, that first one is very nice. Here is one from my morning walk, we've had a lot of rain, and the desert is greening up. And purpling. Canon 50/1.4 in Leica screw mount.


13-Aug-2014, 08:18
Thanks you guys.

Scott Schroeder
14-Aug-2014, 10:55
Slot of sorts

Ramiro Elena
15-Aug-2014, 02:26
Taken with the new phone in Menorca a couple days ago during our family vacation.

Scott Schroeder
15-Aug-2014, 11:27
Jp thanks for mentioning that. I had never heard of him or the photograph. I find it particularly cool because it was a wet plate negative. Also interesting (and maybe guessed by the file name) mine was made in death Valley...

Scott Schroeder
15-Aug-2014, 18:41
Here's some bark.


16-Aug-2014, 19:39
Sunset tonight, at my back fence.


16-Aug-2014, 20:20
Very nice. Great saturation and contrast. There was a similar look here a couple evenings ago.

17-Aug-2014, 08:37
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5573/14754580948_d9f1bb0b28_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/otP5SG)San Diego Sunset (https://flic.kr/p/otP5SG) by DevalJoshi (https://www.flickr.com/people/27757526@N00/), on Flickr

Gotta love Kodak Ektar with its insane dynamic range. I've been much happier with the ease of scanning when you don't prewash the films...The colors come out much more chrome like without the bad cyan shifts.
Mamiya RZ 67 Pro II with Sekor Z 110 2.8

17-Aug-2014, 08:48
Nice. I agree, Ektar is a great film.

Scott Schroeder
17-Aug-2014, 09:43
Lazy dog


17-Aug-2014, 15:03
Great shot Scott. I recognize that look. "You're going to make me move, aren't you?" or "NO FLASH!"

Peter De Smidt
17-Aug-2014, 15:49
Nice one, Scott.

17-Aug-2014, 16:50
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3884/14952475255_d1882fe40c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oMikXv)
Wedding DJ (https://flic.kr/p/oMikXv) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

18-Aug-2014, 18:03
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3881/14777872419_94b9544c98_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ovSsBM)
Hood (https://flic.kr/p/ovSsBM) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
18-Aug-2014, 19:56
Shadow on a wall

19-Aug-2014, 18:25
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3859/14975280625_bcf54601e2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oPjecx)
Creepy Steve Nash (https://flic.kr/p/oPjecx) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
20-Aug-2014, 17:31


20-Aug-2014, 18:03
Very big space, love it.


22-Aug-2014, 18:41
Love those smooth tones and shapes Scott.

Went to the beach this evening, after sunset with the DSLR.

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3865/15003566702_94d094b7b8_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oRPcEw)
_DSC7395 (https://flic.kr/p/oRPcEw) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5575/14817235689_3062219c13_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ozmcWR)
_DSC7409 (https://flic.kr/p/ozmcWR) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
24-Aug-2014, 16:56

24-Aug-2014, 22:16
Nice shots, Scott

25-Aug-2014, 00:09
I've hardly had time to think the last few months as I've been working as Audio Engineer and Project Manager for a direct-to-TV opera production being done as a cross-curriculum venture at the college I work at. This project has been a year-long endeavor. We wrapped on Saturday with 12 hours of shooting in a studio with a full green-screen and stage. While I had to man a video camera and co-direct some of the shoot, I tried to stay hands off on this part. However, I did shoot some behind-the-scenes photos when I could.

This opera is a new setting of "Pyramus and Thisbe," the play-within-a-play from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream."

Here's two images from the first roll, taken with my Nikon F5 and 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-S, on Fuji Superia 1600. I shot a roll of my precious Elite Chrome 400 as well which is scanning now, and some Tri-X.

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/tvopera-0143s.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/tvopera-0137s.jpg

25-Aug-2014, 19:22
More...Elite Chrome 400 and Tri-X:




Behind the scenes:


Scott Schroeder
25-Aug-2014, 20:22
more from a weird world



26-Aug-2014, 01:20
Scott, all these Death Valley shots are giving me flashbacks--you might say PTSD flashbacks--to a 7th grade school trip that turned out to be a total disaster. At one point the teachers marched the group of us up Titus canyon in 100+ degree heat to see the petroglyphs, and the group collectively ran out of water. Heat stroke spread like a virus and the hike back to the bus seemed like a march out of hell.

Nice images, though. I'm enjoying the series. :)


26-Aug-2014, 06:03
I agree, Scott's pictures are great. I was close (100 miles) to Death Valley in June, and I thought there is no way I'd go there except in Winter, the highways I was traveling were 105 degrees, from about 11AM until after dark. I'm sure DV was 10 degrees hotter.

Here is a shot from my hot world last weekend, near Tucson, AZ. It was a cool 93 degrees, after our summer monsoon rains.


26-Aug-2014, 08:37
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5558/15043865745_68945932c7_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oVnKaB)
Toro (https://flic.kr/p/oVnKaB) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3836/15043868525_c06653ac5f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oVnKZx)
GRAPHICS (https://flic.kr/p/oVnKZx) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5561/15043506302_47af782744_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oVkUjj)
Tree (https://flic.kr/p/oVkUjj) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
27-Aug-2014, 06:27
Thanks y'all. I really enjoy being in Death Valley. It's massive and has a wide array of different landscapes.


27-Aug-2014, 07:18
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3883/14866804699_b0124db132_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oDJg5X)
Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/oDJg5X) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3874/14866984377_bd7f1d6075_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oDKbuR)
Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/oDKbuR) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

27-Aug-2014, 14:34
Sometimes I like shadows more than subjects...

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5507/10949325655_795839c3b0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/hFya3P)Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (https://flic.kr/p/hFya3P) by ScottPhoto.co (https://www.flickr.com/people/12411796@N00/), on Flickr
Hasselblad + 80mm

27-Aug-2014, 18:44

Scott Schroeder
28-Aug-2014, 10:08

From the backyard

28-Aug-2014, 17:47

One of the prints I'll have in an upcoming exhibition in Dallas.

Scott Schroeder
29-Aug-2014, 14:44
More racetrack ;-)


29-Aug-2014, 19:19
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5585/15055145906_cef7cfb52c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oWnyn9)
Ming Lounge (https://flic.kr/p/oWnyn9) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

29-Aug-2014, 20:43
Tuolumne Meadows, Cathedral Peak.

One of the Lakes, Ellery or Tioga.

Crowley Lake, Long Valley, CA

29-Aug-2014, 21:33
During creatively fallow periods I find myself scanning through half a lifetime's worth of old negatives and transparencies as a way to stay connected to my own work. It's interesting to see how my shooting style has changed over the years...and how it hasn't. This one is from January 1987. Despite my love of large format, sometimes I miss just wandering the city with a handheld camera.

Nikon F3, 24mm (cropped), Tri-X



austin granger
30-Aug-2014, 08:49
Nice Jonathan. The person, the shadow and the bottle feel connected. But I don't see why you can't still wander with a handheld. It's like cross-training, you know? :-)

Sunset on Beach Houses, Manzanita, Oregon


30-Aug-2014, 10:17
Oh, I still CAN wander with a smaller camera, but my youthful inclination to do so has waned. When I shoot with smaller formats I tend to treat them in a large format manner: slow, deliberate framing from the confines of a tripod. I need to load some Tri-X into my old Canon and leave the tripod at home.

I like the foggy houses. Very cinematic. I can see the camera slowly pushing in to the upper lit window to reveal....


30-Aug-2014, 15:09
Oh, I still CAN wander with a smaller camera, but my youthful inclination to do so has waned. When I shoot with smaller formats I tend to treat them in a large format manner: slow, deliberate framing from the confines of a tripod. I need to load some Tri-X into my old Canon and leave the tripod at home.

I like the foggy houses. Very cinematic. I can see the camera slowly pushing in to the upper lit window to reveal....


I treat 35mm as a convenient way to scratch an itch. I carry my XA with me wherever I happen to be going for non-photographic reasons, so I can take a picture if I do see something that strikes me. Definitely not a substitute for the LF experience, but it holds me over between bursts of real productivity.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5590/14900483917_39d223c63f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oGGSK8)
Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/oGGSK8) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3838/15087048295_9564f05285_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oZc4Qk)
Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/oZc4Qk) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

31-Aug-2014, 07:39
Near Lower Monument Dam in Washington wheat country with a Leica M6:

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3850/15066311226_a44f0a8668_c.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/15066311226/)
Wheat Barge (https://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/15066311226/) on Flickr

austin granger
31-Aug-2014, 11:33
Beach Cottage, Manzanita, Oregon


Scott Schroeder
31-Aug-2014, 11:56


31-Aug-2014, 19:17
Last Wednesday the photography professor and I took a group of 11 students to Pensacola to see Steve McCurry's work and a talk entitled "The Stories Behind the Photographs." It was mostly some behind-the-scenes information about his work in India and many other locations. I drove our university 14-passenger van...:eek:

We made a couple of stops between GA and Pensacola. Here's a few snapshots from the afternoon, Taken with a Canon P LTM rangefinder and Nikkor 5cm f/2 screwmount on Tri-X. No meter, souped in XTOL 1:1:



The reason the professor has a million cameras, by the way, is the theater did not allow any cameras in the building. He was taking them back to the van. Of course I was not quite cheeky enough to ask if we needed to hand over all dozen of our cell phones...

1-Sep-2014, 08:51
... Of course I was not quite cheeky enough to ask if we needed to hand over all dozen of our cell phones...

Camera discrimination once again.

1-Sep-2014, 09:09
Some scenes at a Fair
Nikkor 35/1.8G and Zeiss 18/3.5

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3840/14916725307_b89ee716aa_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oJ97K6)
More Fair Rides (https://flic.kr/p/oJ97K6) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3883/14916097109_cf52bb811e_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oJ5U16)

1-Sep-2014, 10:16
Very nice Tuco!

Scott Schroeder
1-Sep-2014, 10:31
Love those Tuco. Great color and sense of motion.

Peter De Smidt
1-Sep-2014, 10:38
Good stuff, Tuco.

1-Sep-2014, 11:03
Fantastic shots.

1-Sep-2014, 12:08
Very nice Tuco!

Love those Tuco. Great color and sense of motion.

Good stuff, Tuco.

Fantastic shots.

Thanks you guys.

Peter De Smidt
1-Sep-2014, 13:27
Here's one from the archives:

Scott Schroeder
1-Sep-2014, 15:20


DG 3313
1-Sep-2014, 16:39
Here's one from the archives:
Nice......would you mind sharing a little info about this one?

Peter De Smidt
1-Sep-2014, 16:56
Sure. It was taken with a Rollei 6008 with a 150mm. Film was FP4+ in PMK. The scan is a crappy flatbed scan from years ago. Is that what you wanted to know?

1-Sep-2014, 16:57
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3870/14923630287_7f3a98befb_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oJKvmt)Mojo (https://flic.kr/p/oJKvmt) by DevalJoshi (https://www.flickr.com/people/27757526@N00/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5589/15110148125_1c8a8b816a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p2esBg)Snick (https://flic.kr/p/p2esBg) by DevalJoshi (https://www.flickr.com/people/27757526@N00/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5552/14923480479_9d6dd2419d_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oJJJPz)Nick (https://flic.kr/p/oJJJPz) by DevalJoshi (https://www.flickr.com/people/27757526@N00/), on Flickr

Did a little modelling shoot with my pups.
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II
Sekor-Z 110 2.8
F8 1/125
Ilford Delta 100
Kodak XTOL 1:1

Peter De Smidt
1-Sep-2014, 17:08
Cute! I like the first one best.

DG 3313
1-Sep-2014, 17:45
Sure. It was taken with a Rollei 6008 with a 150mm. Film was FP4+ in PMK. The scan is a crappy flatbed scan from years ago. Is that what you wanted to know?
That's good, I like the shot....my guess is there was a crop on the top of the frame?? I like the depth of field choice on this photo, the pose and the tones. I am a big fan of ponytails but, this is a good one....thanks for sharing.

David R Munson
1-Sep-2014, 18:37
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3870/14926066400_1a45242cd9_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oJXZwq)
Accidental Calligraphy (https://flic.kr/p/oJXZwq) by David R Munson (https://www.flickr.com/people/70117898@N00/), on Flickr

Something I keep walking past every morning, finally stopped when I had a camera.

1-Sep-2014, 19:13
Something I keep walking past every morning, finally stopped when I had a camera.

I know how that goes, but it was well worth stopping for. Plus, you never know when things like that will disappear overnight. I like it.


David R Munson
2-Sep-2014, 05:40
I also met this guy in the park on the same walk. :)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5569/14926141738_00f6ab098c_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oJYnVm)

Michael Cienfuegos
2-Sep-2014, 11:01
I also met this guy in the park on the same walk. :)

Mr. Bunny looks like he has a lot of personality. Love your little Terror. I had a friend who called my little Scottie a "Black Mop with Attitude."


austin granger
2-Sep-2014, 12:05
In a dead Orchard, Goodnoe Hills, Washington


Scott Schroeder
2-Sep-2014, 17:40
I love pastures like that.

Here's a helluva view of Saline Valley


2-Sep-2014, 17:58
After the Labor Day rodeo. Canon 50/1.4 LTM mount.


Andrew O'Neill
2-Sep-2014, 20:26
Shot a roll of SFX at St. Mary's in Duncan, Vancouver Island a couple of weeks ago. Lovely cemetery there. No. 72 filter. Developed in Pyrocat-HD.

Peter De Smidt
2-Sep-2014, 21:25
Interesting image, Andrew.

2-Sep-2014, 22:46
Well done!

austin granger
2-Sep-2014, 23:09
Trucker's Chapel, Biggs, Oregon


3-Sep-2014, 05:38
That is a fine composition Andrew!

3-Sep-2014, 08:27
That is a fine composition Andrew!

Yes, I second that.

3-Sep-2014, 08:42
Yes, I second that.

I'll third that!

Andrew O'Neill
3-Sep-2014, 10:17
Thanks guys! It's one of those places where compositions abound and have to spend time fending off anxiety attacks!

3-Sep-2014, 15:32
Last Sunday evening there was a show that was too long in coming this year yet fell short of expectations.
None the less. I am pleased with this one.
Nikon D800e ISO 200 f2.8.

austin granger
4-Sep-2014, 09:32
Sunset, Manzanita, Oregon


Scott Schroeder
4-Sep-2014, 19:57
Flower petals in a bird bath.


austin granger
5-Sep-2014, 08:14


5-Sep-2014, 08:23
I love this one Austin.

austin granger
5-Sep-2014, 20:15
Thanks Marty. There was a big wall of fog coming in from the ocean and the light was amazing. Of course, my daughter there is always a worthy subject as well.

5-Sep-2014, 22:03
Great shot, Austin.

6-Sep-2014, 00:30
Suwannee River, Drought, Summer 2014
Leica M6, Fuji Sensia, 21mm CV Skopar, 81A:


6-Sep-2014, 01:52
Last weekend in Rotterdam. The wavy horizontal line is an artifact of the barrel distortion of the Tamron 17-35 I used. HP5+ in XTOL 1:1.

austin granger
6-Sep-2014, 15:15
Great shot, Austin.

Thanks Tuco!

6-Sep-2014, 20:52
While I had the strobes setup for something else, I thought also work on my camera p0rn. That's a ~20 year old roll of exposed film. I found it a while back packed away in a box.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5564/15158677881_c2500ac11f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p6wbPc)

7-Sep-2014, 04:51
I used that software (and probably a keyboard like that) 20 years ago! Throwback Sunday.

7-Sep-2014, 05:00
At the beach with the holga 120n and some tmax 400.

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3874/14979299128_35c69e3af9.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oPEPL5)
img370 (https://flic.kr/p/oPEPL5) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

7-Sep-2014, 08:28
I used that software (and probably a keyboard like that) 20 years ago! Throwback Sunday.

One thing that hasn't survived around the house to be used as a prop is a CRT monitor.

7-Sep-2014, 11:14
ummm, I still have one. It is not in use but I still have it.

Roger Cole
7-Sep-2014, 11:19
I still have a CRT monitor in use (for now, hooked to the docking station for my work laptop) and my wife uses a CRT monitor daily. WTH, they work.

Scott Schroeder
7-Sep-2014, 15:57


7-Sep-2014, 15:59
Excellent Scott. Saline? Lower Springs?

Scott Schroeder
7-Sep-2014, 16:06
Yes and yes. Surprised someone would be able to identify that. Not a lot of 'traffic' through that part of the world.

Scott Schroeder
7-Sep-2014, 16:07

Michael Graves
7-Sep-2014, 16:29

That looks kind of like the yogurt I found in the back of the refrigerator.

Seriously, Great image, Scott!

7-Sep-2014, 17:08
Yes and yes. Surprised someone would be able to identify that. Not a lot of 'traffic' through that part of the world.Yes, I have spent time there. I have more than a few small format images of the valley. Used to be an occasional visitor. I enjoyed a few of the evenings around communal fire with guitar in hand. I even have proof that a Honda Civic can make the trip. I would like to return.

Christopher Barrett
8-Sep-2014, 13:19
My first time shooting landscapes was in 2012 in Monument Valley. I had an awesome time and came to really love the genre. My next trip will be to Death Valley and I'll be shooting a brand new Chamonix 4x10.

This one, though, was done on my Arca Rm3d with a Phase IQ 160 back. The desert is a damn beautiful place!


Christopher Barrett
8-Sep-2014, 13:43
and another...


Scott Schroeder
8-Sep-2014, 18:17
Some dead trees




Andrew O'Neill
8-Sep-2014, 18:46
I love dead trees. Thanks, Scott.
Here's a dead leaf I shot taken with my phone, whilst walking the picket line...

Andrew O'Neill
8-Sep-2014, 18:50
Another cell phone shot at St. Mary's cemetery.

Scott Schroeder
8-Sep-2014, 19:34
And a patch in the middle of a 'forest'


austin granger
8-Sep-2014, 20:45
While I had the strobes setup for something else, I thought also work on my camera p0rn. That's a ~20 year old roll of exposed film. I found it a while back packed away in a box.

Are you going to develop that time-capsule or save it for another 20 years?

8-Sep-2014, 21:14
I showcase a lot of work here that I do for commercial shoots - I hope that doesn't annoy anyone. But if it does, let me know...

So today I did my first job for an architectural firm - shooting a new suite of doctors offices. I shot a variety of images in the suite, from the bathrooms to the exam rooms. I've never done architecture work for pay but I'm hoping to establish a relationship with this company and do a lot more. I really had fun even though it seemed "mundane." Here's one image from today. This is a blend of 3 images to get good midtones as well as open shadows and detail outside. Critiques are certainly welcome (paging Kirk...). Taken with my D800E and 20mm f/2.8 AF-D lens at f/8:


I also shot 3 sheets of 4x5 (!) just for kicks in the waiting room. I have to scan them but if they are any good I might post them as well.

Peter De Smidt
9-Sep-2014, 01:38

Nice work. Are they using the image for web display or for print? If print, I'd keep the detailed shadows no lower than rgb 15, 15, 15, and the lightest areas at about rgb 245, 245, 245. The rolling stool might've been a little better more to the right. Tonally, it's a little bright outside and dark inside, which is the reality, of course, but perhaps having an exposure or two with a flash bounced up behind the camera or a little to the right might've helped balance things out a little more.

9-Sep-2014, 05:51
Christopher, I would say that you did very well indeed. Love the colors and depth in the first shot.

9-Sep-2014, 05:58
Bryan that is decent but I agree with Peter that the interior is a tad dark. The brown is fading into black. For some reason the clipping of the base of the chair is distracting. I also agree with the stool placement.....................I wish my doctors office looked like that. His doesn't even have windows. I am left with nothing but my thoughts in that space.........while waiting.

9-Sep-2014, 06:01
And a patch in the middle of a 'forest'


You could call it negative space? :P
Maybe a bit tight (too close)

Peter De Smidt
9-Sep-2014, 06:40
Here are a couple more tips for the interior architectural shots. First, you could shoot early in the morning or in the evening when the light inside is brighter relative to the exterior light, but that's often not an option. When I get shoots like this, it's usually around noon for some reason. Second, in medical situations, I bring velcro cable ties along. There's always a bunch of squirrelly cables... Third, I have two large scrims about 10 ft by 16 ft, one white ripstop nylon and the other out of black. (I had a local seamstress make them.) These are useful for portraits but also for shots like this. If you shoot a series as is, when you get the room bright enough, there will be a lot of flare from the window, if you don't do anything about it. Using gaffer's tape, you can tape one of the scrims, probably black in this case, on the window after getting your outside exposure taken care of. It's best to do this outside, as it'd likely be easy to block the whole window, but if that's not doable, then putting the scrim up on the inside would also work.

9-Sep-2014, 07:16
Thanks Peter and Marty!

I had a flash but I didn't use it here, should of though. I will work on the file and see what I can do (I left a lot of shadow/highlight info on the table I think). I can see your point about the stool. I would re-shoot but this was a time-constraint project and the nurses were already moving in so I don't think I'll be able to redo.

9-Sep-2014, 07:32
If you are going to PS you might take the healer to the chords and cables.

9-Sep-2014, 07:44
I showcase a lot of work here that I do for commercial shoots - I hope that doesn't annoy anyone. But if it does, let me know...

So today I did my first job for an architectural firm - shooting a new suite of doctors offices. I shot a variety of images in the suite, from the bathrooms to the exam rooms. I've never done architecture work for pay but I'm hoping to establish a relationship with this company and do a lot more. I really had fun even though it seemed "mundane." Here's one image from today. This is a blend of 3 images to get good midtones as well as open shadows and detail outside. Critiques are certainly welcome (paging Kirk...). Taken with my D800E and 20mm f/2.8 AF-D lens at f/8:


I also shot 3 sheets of 4x5 (!) just for kicks in the waiting room. I have to scan them but if they are any good I might post them as well.

The large, dark, looming patient chair does not convey a very positive feeling of the space, in my opinion. Also, the shot is lit entirely with available light from outside, leaving one to wonder if the doctor has any interior lighting. A shot that balances interior and exterior light, making the space feel bright, clean and inviting would probably be the best outcome for the clients.

9-Sep-2014, 08:08
Good thoughts. The interior lights were very ugly fluorescent lights so I probably should've used my flash to simulate. I did take some others with the lights on though, so, always things to experiment with. Thanks.

Peter De Smidt
9-Sep-2014, 08:42
Bryan, try a little Image>Adjustment>Shadow/Highlight. Using a little of both the shadow and highlight sliders helped.

Scott Schroeder
9-Sep-2014, 10:14
Santa Elena Canyon


9-Sep-2014, 16:00

Pentax 67II - Takumar 105mm - TRI X400 - XTOL 1:1

austin granger
10-Sep-2014, 14:18
Brentwood Street, Portland


Scott Schroeder
10-Sep-2014, 17:47
Tom I really like that portrait.
It has a nice genuine feel to it.

Here's a plant


Peter De Smidt
10-Sep-2014, 18:29
Good stuff, as always, Scott.

10-Sep-2014, 20:53
Pentax 67II - Takumar 105mm - TRI X400 - XTOL 1:1

I like the portrait orientation version on your flickr stream too!

10-Sep-2014, 21:59
Tom I really like that portrait.
It has a nice genuine feel to it.

Here's a plant


I like the portrait orientation version on your flickr stream too!

Thanks gentlemen! Too bad they're never tack sharp handheld due to that big mirror slapping around

10-Sep-2014, 23:07
Too bad they're never tack sharp handheld due to that big mirror slapping around

Me thinks they will never be tack sharp perhaps because you're shooting at f2.4? ;)

I posted this handhold shot on my P67 a while back. It is 400TMY so not the finest grain but you can almost make out the lettering on the building in the reflection of her sunglasses on the 1:1 version. Good enough for my level of work. My Mamiya 7II rangefinder really doesn't do much better.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5588/15182037066_6c236699f1_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p8zUFL)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5037/14485883992_1f7ffcc327_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/o54WCy)

11-Sep-2014, 11:26
Me thinks they will never be tack sharp perhaps because you're shooting at f2.4? ;)

:-) It was evening Tuco! 1/125th @3.2

I posted this handhold shot on my P67 a while back. It is 400TMY so not the finest grain but you can almost make out the lettering on the building in the reflection of her sunglasses on the 1:1 version. Good enough for my level of work. My Mamiya 7II rangefinder really doesn't do much better.

Yes, that IS SHARP :-) I'm also switching more and more to TMY2 - the grain difference with TRI X is huge and I find the files much more flexible to edit after scanning.

Scott Schroeder
11-Sep-2014, 16:45
Thanks Peter. Tuco is was nice to see those boxes again....

Scott Schroeder
11-Sep-2014, 19:59
Dig this. Camera porn for Tuco ....
Film is 'analog' and 'retro'.
But hell, looky here.
In the digital age,,,this combo is 'retro'
Still diggin it. :-D
That's circa 2006.
Same SD!
never used another one
never lost a photo.
Damn good recommendation for Sandisk I suppose.


12-Sep-2014, 08:42
Dig this. Camera porn for Tuco ....
Film is 'analog' and 'retro'.
But hell, looky here.
In the digital age,,,this combo is 'retro'
Still diggin it. :-D
That's circa 2006.
Same SD!
never used another one
never lost a photo.
Damn good recommendation for Sandisk I suppose.

Yeah, "vintage gear" of the digital era already? Kudos for still using it. It seems in the digital era I generally don't have long-term relationships with them like I do with my film cameras. :cool:

austin granger
12-Sep-2014, 20:44
Storefront, Astoria, Oregon

Food Cart, Portland


13-Sep-2014, 19:24
Radium Springs, GA
Nikon D800e 4s @ f2.8 ISO 200

13-Sep-2014, 20:40
Nice one, Marty. Was that today?

13-Sep-2014, 21:22
That was Friday evening. This was in the area of Sylvester. The storm lasted about 30 minutes. It was very active but erratic I was toying with smaller apertures. It seemed to work ok. But I still have problems with the lightning blending with the cloud in twilight. It was an interesting evening.


13-Sep-2014, 21:42
Neat, well that's certainly a nice thunderhead.

13-Sep-2014, 23:08
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3925/15231914262_c13a65cc5c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pcZxrq)
Mirrors (https://flic.kr/p/pcZxrq) by Isaac Sachs (https://www.flickr.com/people/40786724@N00/), on Flickr

David R Munson
14-Sep-2014, 07:11
Two from my evening walk today:

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3901/15232364211_03ecc6485c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pd2Rca)
Power Lines (https://flic.kr/p/pd2Rca)

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3904/15212434836_54e2970308_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pbgGTf)
Willows at Dusk (https://flic.kr/p/pbgGTf)

Both images 5D Mk II, Sigma 50/1.4

14-Sep-2014, 08:55
Suwannee Springs, FL
Pentax 67, 55-100mm, HP5+, Spur HRX:

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/suwanneespringsss1.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/suwanneespringsss2.jpg

I really like this Spur developer. The problem is cost. This one roll of 120, even at a higher dilution than recommended, cost me about $2 in developer. I'm going to have to save up rolls rather than doing one at a time, though I need to check if that'll cause exhaustion if I do several rolls in the same soup.

14-Sep-2014, 09:17
I really like that first one.
That is some tough work there. A bright sky and large shadows. The bridge reminds me of the Ichawaynochaway bridge at the Jones Center. I need to get the 645 repaired.

14-Sep-2014, 09:23
Yeah the clouds didn't wait up for me yesterday. Indeed, despite the contrast ratio, this developer kept the midtones looking nice.

I looked up that bridge and found an entry at the "Vanishing South Georgia" blog. Have you seen that blog? It's kinda cool to see these different places but they have very sparse location data, if you want to visit it yourself. The photos are also kinda meh.

14-Sep-2014, 09:36
Suwannee Springs, FL
Pentax 67, 55-100mm, HP5+, Spur HRX:

I like the first one the most. Have you thought about going back with LF gear to work on it further?

14-Sep-2014, 09:40
Absolutely. I actually had my 4x5 with me in the car but I was scouting the area first, shooting handheld with the Pentax. But then I got kicked out because the place closes at 7pm, which is enforced with gates at the main entrance point. The nice old couple who were volunteering to open/close the park told me I could park outside of the gates and hike back in but it was already getting a bit dim so I left. Next time I'll be shooting the 4x5 for sure though.

Scott Schroeder
14-Sep-2014, 11:19
Dappled light


14-Sep-2014, 13:54
My favorite time of year is just around the corner!


Jim Andrada
14-Sep-2014, 22:03
First time posting an MF photo here. I usually do 5 x 7 and 4 x 5 with an occasional 8 x 10 thrown in for good measure. But really like the 7II

Mamiya 7II, 43mm, Ektar 100, Scanned on Nikon Coolscan 8000 converted to B&W,Afternoon, Monsoon Clouds, South Tucson

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3850/14993786309_6858eeca5a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oQX5i4)South Tucson clouds sml (https://flic.kr/p/oQX5i4) by Kirigakuresaizoh (https://www.flickr.com/people/89514126@N05/), on Flickr

14-Sep-2014, 22:25
A couple of weeks ago I was out at the Fargo entrance to the Okefenokee Swamp. Right at the parking lot there was this Great Blue Heron just hanging out. They are generally pretty jumpy so I had to stalk him pretty carefully but I got a few shots. Finally finished up the roll and developed it.

Pentax 67, 500mm f/5.6, #1 extension tube, Portra 400, handheld:



14-Sep-2014, 23:17
Pentax 67, 500mm f/5.6, #1 extension tube, Portra 400, handheld:

Geez, my M* 300mm gives me pause to shoot it handhold let alone that 500mm. Good work.

15-Sep-2014, 05:38
A couple of weeks ago I was out at the Fargo entrance to the Okefenokee Swamp. Right at the parking lot there was this Great Blue Heron just hanging out. They are generally pretty jumpy so I had to stalk him pretty carefully but I got a few shots. Finally finished up the roll and developed it.

Pentax 67, 500mm f/5.6, #1 extension tube, Portra 400, handheld:

Yes, I have a 500mm. I have to use a monopod, at the least.
Good work!

15-Sep-2014, 07:29
Yeah it's a beast. It's like two of the standard 300mm lenses stacked end-to-end. The lens doesn't even fit on my lens shelf. Then I add an extension tube...

A monopod would definitely be a good idea but I forgot it! I was shooting at 1/1000 or 1/500 though so it turned out okay. 4 shots, 3 were superb, 1 was slightly out of focus (that's the hardest thing). I am doing my usual Pentax 67 trick and using my middle finger to trigger the MLU right before shooting the frame, to lessen the slapback. Hard to compose though when performing that trick!

tuco, how do you like your M*? I would love to have one of the 400mm M* lenses. I have had the 400mm f/4 in the past and it was a great lens, especially when stopped to f/5.6 or f/8. This 500mm seems sharp and little to no fringing right out the gate. It seems to be a rarer lens (not much said about it online). I got it for a screaming deal (less than 3 bills) from eBay, from a pawn shop. He had no idea what it was or the condition. Turned out to be dead mint. Never used, I reckon, complete with case/caps.

john wood
15-Sep-2014, 13:54
i shot a stack of LF color infrared, but the smaller format (120 & 35mm) are far more friendly, given you can bracket for less $$..

Andrew O'Neill
15-Sep-2014, 16:13
Angel. Cemetery somewhere east of Edmonton, Alberta. Cell phone shot...

austin granger
15-Sep-2014, 22:29



16-Sep-2014, 08:00
tuco, how do you like your M*?.

It's a darn good lens. And apparently it is a good lens on the 645D/Z too which not all Pentax 6x7 lenses perform well on those cameras. Congrats on getting that 400mm for such a good deal.

Here are a few shots from the M* 300mm I probably posted here before.

New Portra 400

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5251/5460296582_b488a8d2d5_o.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5460296582/)

Delta 3200

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7186/7037845679_308bcff392_o.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7037845679/)

16-Sep-2014, 08:26
Oh I remember that skyline shot, one of my favorites from you ever!

Peter De Smidt
16-Sep-2014, 08:35
Great job on the dog photo. Nailing focus on that type of shot is a real challenge.

16-Sep-2014, 08:53
Great job on the dog photo. Nailing focus on that type of shot is a real challenge.

Thanks but it is not what it seems. I built a wireless remote control for mechanical film cameras and that was a test shot using it. It also has a IR beam when broken trips the shutter. Here is a picture. Those are DIY, single layer circuit boards I made. That black thing has a CO2 used to trip the shutter with one of those air bulb cable releases. My 500C/M and P6x7 take a lot of force to trip the shutter so I used C02. I also have a electronic solenoid instead for cameras that trip easy like my M7II.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7067/6948301427_3be521fa9b_o.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6948301427/)

16-Sep-2014, 08:58
Austin, that first one of the tower is first class!

Tuco, buried in there some where is the Beaumont Motel. I had the displeasure of staying there for a few days during a convention.
It actually snowed.

16-Sep-2014, 09:00
tuco, as ever, I am impressed by both your photos and your technological prowess.

al olson
16-Sep-2014, 09:54
i shot a stack of LF color infrared, but the smaller format (120 & 35mm) are far more friendly, given you can bracket for less $$..

Where did you find a stack of color infrared in LF sheets? As far as I know it was only available in 35mm for many years until it was discontinued. This must have been many, many years ago.

Steve M Hostetter
16-Sep-2014, 15:06

16-Sep-2014, 16:58
Wow Steve. That is great. Very sharp too.
Care to share the setup?

austin granger
16-Sep-2014, 19:10
Newberg, Oregon

Telephone Booth, Eastern Oregon


Scott Schroeder
16-Sep-2014, 19:22
608.5 is perfect.

Scott Schroeder
16-Sep-2014, 20:21
Hate 'em


Scott Schroeder
16-Sep-2014, 20:26
Outdoor smoking area


16-Sep-2014, 20:30
Hate 'em

Don't let Ray Davies hear you say that. ;)


Scott Schroeder
16-Sep-2014, 20:32
yes totally. With you on the kinks.....those kinks are cool. These kinks suck ;-)

Scott Schroeder
16-Sep-2014, 20:32
And here we have the heathens


Steve M Hostetter
17-Sep-2014, 06:52
Wow Steve. That is great. Very sharp too.
Care to share the setup? Thanks Jmarmck, I used window light to one side and a reflecta-sal to the other.. 3' away 1/1.3 sec. @f16 with a Nikkor 105 DC lens on a Nikon D5000 with color correction in PS

17-Sep-2014, 10:37
tuco, as ever, I am impressed by both your photos and your technological prowess.

Why thanks.

Telephone Booth, Eastern Oregon

Those are really starting to be an rare sight. Pretty cool setting

Scott Schroeder
17-Sep-2014, 19:29
Yea booths have been gone a long time. Now it's hard to find a pay phone at all....
In a similar vein I saw these the other day and kind of felt shocked. Not very prevalent any more.


18-Sep-2014, 06:33
I don't smoke, but matches are still useful. Up here in Maine, people run wood stoves for half the year and have campfires the other half. Probably as many people smoke pot as tobacco here too. I like matches and lighters for fireworks and shrink wrap tubing.

austin granger
18-Sep-2014, 10:29
We share some photographic interests Scott. I was just photographing some cigarette butts the other day. That's something I love about photography; depending on your inclination, you can be an archaeologist, anthropologist, psychologist, geologist, detective, story teller, and on and on. It's infinite!

Speaking of artifacts, here are a few pictures from a recent trip to the coast:

Broken Corn, Highway 26, Oregon

Along Highway 26, Oregon


Scott Schroeder
18-Sep-2014, 17:19

Scott Schroeder
18-Sep-2014, 17:20
I. Hate mobile apps....

18-Sep-2014, 17:59

I. Hate mobile apps....

I can see why. :)

Scott Schroeder
18-Sep-2014, 18:47
Used coaster


David Lobato
18-Sep-2014, 19:09
Terry's Garden, Baltimore, MD


David Lobato
18-Sep-2014, 19:16
Waverly Farmer's Market, Baltimore, MD


I love the samosas. And get a Zeke's coffee at the Farmer's Market to go with a pair of samosas.

Ken Lee
19-Sep-2014, 15:23

20-Sep-2014, 09:54
Nice shapes and shadows there Ken!

Hi my name is Jason and I am a mug collector.

My wife puts up with it. I like the designs of the mugs themselves, and sometimes the printing too. Other times, it's a useful souvenir.

I got this one while enjoying good meals with excellent photographers at Russ Young / Tillman Crane's soft focus workshop in the Blue Hill mountains. I sat at the table this morning with my breakfast and was quite taken by the mix of shapes and colors in front of me.


David R Munson
21-Sep-2014, 07:43
Tonight in Shanghai. Kind of felt like having nothing in focus, and I like what I got.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5578/15122226897_dbd031dc99_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p3incX)
Myopic (https://flic.kr/p/p3incX)

Peter De Smidt
21-Sep-2014, 08:05
Fun shot, jp.

Intriguing, David. The grain plays an important part.

21-Sep-2014, 09:37
David, I do that sometimes too. My Helios lens doesn't go to infinity on my Nikon, so it's a fun exercise in seeing and creativity.

21-Sep-2014, 11:09
Hell, all I have to do is take off my glasses.

21-Sep-2014, 18:01
More FIRE!
Pentax 67, 105mm f/2.4, Kodak EPT:


21-Sep-2014, 18:33
More FIRE!
Pentax 67, 105mm f/2.4, Kodak EPT:


Cool, I like it!
It has an 80s bad-ass aura about it.

21-Sep-2014, 19:13
Cool err smoking hot Bryan. :cool:

21-Sep-2014, 21:04
Another trip to the Oregon Sand Dunes and another version of The Living And The Dead. Windy, slow shutter and motion blur.
Zeiss 21/2.8

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3870/15311812805_b98d120ddc_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pk43uv)
Living And The Dead (https://flic.kr/p/pk43uv) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

A view of those trees in more context of the dunes.

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3882/15314796525_fddb7f90c1_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pkjkrX)
Oregon Dunes (https://flic.kr/p/pkjkrX) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

A single exposure and headlamp fill

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3898/15313477202_ed3da13edd_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pkczg1)
Oregon Dunes (https://flic.kr/p/pkczg1) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

21-Sep-2014, 21:15
Thanks guys! I like that - "bad-ass aura." Sounds like a good title. That 105/2.4 definitely popped him out of the background.

tuco, great color, especially the first.

21-Sep-2014, 21:46
tuco, great color, especially the first.

Yeah, that fire picture of yours definitely has a bad-ass feel.

22-Sep-2014, 07:25
Some scenes from Bandon Beach, Oregon. A few street lights up on a cliff was enough to illuminate the sea stacks on these nighttime shots.

Zeiss 21/2.8, f4, ISO800 73 seconds

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5563/15294374426_63875476e1_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pivEEN)
Bandon Beach, OR (https://flic.kr/p/pivEEN) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr


(https://flic.kr/p/pkh7Pc)Bandon Beach, OR (https://flic.kr/p/pkh7Pc) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

(https://flic.kr/p/pjvfTu)Bandon Beach, OR (https://flic.kr/p/pjvfTu) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
22-Sep-2014, 08:18
Tuco, I'm very envious of your nearby photo locations.... The photos are different from the usual photos of these that I see.

22-Sep-2014, 09:34
Surreal, that is all I have to say..............other than very well done.

What kind of light were the lamps?

22-Sep-2014, 10:06
Tuco, I'm very envious of your nearby photo locations.... The photos are different from the usual photos of these that I see.


Surreal, that is all I have to say..............other than very well done.

What kind of light were the lamps?

The worst kind of street light. The orange ones that are just horrible to color balance. I usually just leave my camera on daylight balance to capture light relative to that color temperature and those street lights make for a really monotone orange picture.

austin granger
22-Sep-2014, 22:26
Those are really striking Tuco. What a blue!

Mount St. Helens with clearing Fog


23-Sep-2014, 06:00
Thanks, Austin.

A gloomy day in North Bend, OR. My nephew and I were checking out some sand dunes in that area.


https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5589/15304876456_82ae0cd6cb_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pjruyh)
North Bend, OR (https://flic.kr/p/pjruyh) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Andrew O'Neill
23-Sep-2014, 19:28
Nice work, Tuco!

David Schaller
23-Sep-2014, 19:33
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2944/15337216812_2ca8621cf3_z.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/81679884@N03/15337216812/) Fresh Grass 2014 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/81679884@N03/15337216812/) by dschal (https://www.flickr.com/people/81679884@N03/), on Flickr

Fresh Grass at MassMOCA Sunday night. Yes, very buggy.

23-Sep-2014, 23:30
Still experimenting with developers. Here's a test of T-Max 100 at full speed in FX-39. I diluted it 1:15, and developed for 13.5 minutes.

Leica M6, 21mm Skopar:

My observations is that this combo is exceedingly sharp and grainless. The midtones aren't compressed, the lighting was just flat. On a more contrasty day (typical) I think it'd be beautiful in the midtones, but some shots were overdeveloped so I'll pull back to 12 minutes. This stuff seems to be what T-Max developer should be, instead of the temperamental mess that it is.

23-Sep-2014, 23:32
Nice work, Tuco!


24-Sep-2014, 07:35
Another of my nephew at Bandon Beach, Oregon. I'm trying to get him interested in trying a film camera but I think I'll have to wait on that. Apparently, not being able to preview the picture you just took now is an issue for him at this stage.

400TMY, Y2 Yellow Filter

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2943/15151983298_a9515ed5a8_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p5VSKm)
Bandon Beach, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/p5VSKm) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

24-Sep-2014, 12:26


Scott Schroeder
24-Sep-2014, 17:06
This looks like it would be a heavenly bed


24-Sep-2014, 18:13

Is this stair steps with a railing shadow?

25-Sep-2014, 04:49
Indeed, that's all it is. I'm just a simple being incapable of figuring out intricate concepts. My photography is just 'gefundenes fressen'.

25-Sep-2014, 08:36
Indeed, that's all it is. I'm just a simple being incapable of figuring out intricate concepts. My photography is just 'gefundenes fressen'.

I was just trying figure it out is all. Some nice texture in it.

austin granger
26-Sep-2014, 10:53
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2944/15175061947_bf883f027f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p7Yae6)Sunset, Manzanita, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/p7Yae6) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

27-Sep-2014, 15:34
Bandon Beach, Oregon. Single exposure testing the 500 Rule on this 21mm focal length. A little too long I think. It looks like stars furthest from the celestial pole trail a little too much.

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3880/15172622218_008aeab918_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/p7KDYN)
Bandon Beach, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/p7KDYN) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

27-Sep-2014, 18:01
I think it's a very strong image Tuco!

28-Sep-2014, 05:10
B-36 and girl with Kern pizar 25mm/1.5.


28-Sep-2014, 05:23

28-Sep-2014, 08:50
I think it's a very strong image Tuco!

Thanks. They are fun to shoot. And flirting with the edge of black in the foreground is definitely not going to look the same on everyone's monitor.

Scott Schroeder
28-Sep-2014, 19:12
Leaf detail


28-Sep-2014, 19:40
B-36 and girl with Kern pizar 25mm/1.5.


I'm getting some Keith Carter (http://www.inceptivenotions.com/images/blog/12.8.08/keithcarter1.jpg) vibes from this image. Never a bad thing!


29-Sep-2014, 14:09
I see what you mean. Thanks!


30-Sep-2014, 02:48
Minolta CLE, M-Rokkor 90/4@f4 TRIX400@800

30-Sep-2014, 04:53
Minolta CLE, M-Rokkor 90/4@f4 TRIX400@800

I like it. It looks very retro, except for the shrinky-dinky wrinkly too-small jacket fashion.

30-Sep-2014, 05:50
djdister, thank you! Actually these guys are working in a tea shop and this is their outfit for work :)

30-Sep-2014, 09:36
It looks very retro, except for the shrinky-dinky wrinkly too-small jacket fashion.
They look like linen suits. They were particularly fashionable in the....1920s. Not very retro? ;)

30-Sep-2014, 10:41
Actually these guys are working in a tea shop and this is their outfit for work :)

Do they work at Mariage Frères? I seem to remember the employees dressed like this when I was there years ago.
