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Ramiro Elena
23-Jan-2014, 01:47
i bet i know what word is behind the van.


austin granger
23-Jan-2014, 14:17
Woman in Couch, Portland

Jesus in the Fog, Portland


Racer X 69
23-Jan-2014, 14:56

VERNS* what? :cool:

23-Jan-2014, 22:55
I haven't shot roll film in a bit, so I loaded my Mamiya 7 with some ten year old Tri-X and brought it with me on some errands downtown this week. I don't like to rely on the camera's meter so I brought a hand-held one and dutifully set the meter for ISO 200. (Film this old loses at least a stop in my experience.) I ended up being lazy and used the camera's meter instead which was set to ISO 400. The whole roll was therefore underexposed at least a stop and subsequently underdeveloped since I didn't discover my error until after the roll was processed. The two shots below were the only salvageable ones on the roll and required a great deal of post-processing to look passable.

Maybe there should be a small format 'mistakes' thread. D'oh!




24-Jan-2014, 13:56
My spoof of an old Pentax advertisement. My lens may be smaller but my cigar is bigger!

Original Advertisement

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3713/12122968265_cba19c25c2_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12122968265/)

My Spoof

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5483/10918307745_fa123cb70f_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10918307745/)

24-Jan-2014, 14:45
That's nice tuco... Sadly I am giving up on P67, today I have recieved yet another non-functioning body... I'll stick to good ol' Rolleis I think.

24-Jan-2014, 15:24
That's nice tuco... Sadly I am giving up on P67, today I have recieved yet another non-functioning body... I'll stick to good ol' Rolleis I think.

Thanks. My P6x7 I purchased new about 25 years ago. It's still going strong. As such I have collected the most focal lengths for it over the years of all my medium format cameras from 45mm to 300mm.

24-Jan-2014, 15:33
Thanks. My P6x7 I purchased new about 25 years ago. It's still going strong. As such I have collected the most focal lengths for it over the years of all my medium format cameras from 45mm to 300mm.

Well, hearing and reading all that praise I wanted to give the system a try as well, but I've had bad luck with my purchases.. And after talking with the local repairman about prices and spare parts availability I don't feel like pursuing that idea further...

Ramiro Elena
24-Jan-2014, 15:34
A digital shot through the gg of the 8x10 while setting up a still life I posted over the still-life thread. I finally ended up using the 4x5.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7296/12123420086_47d643fbd6_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jtiGqf)

24-Jan-2014, 15:41
Well, hearing and reading all that praise I wanted to give the system a try as well, but I've had bad luck with my purchases.. And after talking with the local repairman about prices and spare parts availability I don't feel like pursuing that idea further...

Like all MF film cameras, they each have strengths and weakness in some areas. Some are more at home in the studio while others more convenient in the field. But I think in all cases parts and repair will only get worse as time marches on.

austin granger
24-Jan-2014, 21:14
Stephen, Saddle Mountain, Oregon


Joel Truckenbrod
24-Jan-2014, 21:43
Stephen, Saddle Mountain, Oregon
Ha! Priceless.

24-Jan-2014, 23:06
Stephen, Saddle Mountain, Oregon

Good one.

Racer X 69
25-Jan-2014, 06:20
Stephen, Saddle Mountain, Oregon

Very good Austin!

Racer X 69
25-Jan-2014, 09:42
My spoof of an old Pentax advertisement. My lens may be smaller but my cigar is bigger!

Nice Tuco.

Since smoking has become "outlawed" you don't see it in advertising, TV or movies anymore. I remember there used to be lots of it, and doctors used to shill for the tobacco companies.

A certain "men's" magazine was very biased against smoking and would have "ads" against it. One that stuck in my mind was an entire page of photos of famous people. At the top it read, "What do all these famous people have in common?"

At the bottom it closed, "They all died of lung cancer."

25-Jan-2014, 16:01
A digital shot through the gg of the 8x10 while setting up a still life I posted over the still-life thread. I finally ended up using the 4x5.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7296/12123420086_47d643fbd6_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jtiGqf)

Gorgeous, Ramiro.

Ramiro Elena
25-Jan-2014, 16:03
Thanks Ari :)

26-Jan-2014, 14:21
Nice Tuco.


austin granger
27-Jan-2014, 10:14
Windmills, Goodnoe Hills, Washington


austin granger
27-Jan-2014, 21:47
It's pretty quiet around this corner of the lounge today... I really should get off this computer and tackle the mountain of dishes in the sink. Well, first a couple of pictures of Portland's bridges. I'd planned on doing the second one with my large format camera, but once I got to the spot I realized that to do it right, I'd either need a much taller tripod to see over the stupid railing, or else set up on the tracks and risk getting run over by a train. As the trains run pretty frequently here, I decided to play it safe. For now.




Peter De Smidt
27-Jan-2014, 22:01
Austin, your compositions are terrific, as usual.

austin granger
27-Jan-2014, 23:23
Thanks Peter. You're too kind, as usual.

28-Jan-2014, 09:40
I really love the first one especially, Austin; well done!

Steve M Hostetter
30-Jan-2014, 12:14
109531 Mariah and Poppy

Steve M Hostetter
30-Jan-2014, 12:15
109533 Mariah and ChooChoo

Steve M Hostetter
30-Jan-2014, 12:18
109534 ChooChoo

Racer X 69
30-Jan-2014, 19:53
109531 Mariah and Poppy

109533 Mariah and ChooChoo

Looks like she is kinda cranky in the first, and more content in the second shot.

Steve M Hostetter
31-Jan-2014, 07:19
Yeah, I liked it because it is a good shot of me :D

Michael Cienfuegos
31-Jan-2014, 13:09
Yeah, I liked it because it is a good shot of me :D

A selfie?

Steve M Hostetter
31-Jan-2014, 17:17
No Michael, gf took it

Steve M Hostetter
31-Jan-2014, 17:18
109600 messin around in the creek today

Steve M Hostetter
31-Jan-2014, 17:19
109601 Daniela

Steve M Hostetter
31-Jan-2014, 17:20
109602 Devyn and Mooch

Steve M Hostetter
31-Jan-2014, 17:22
109603 Devyn

Michael Cienfuegos
1-Feb-2014, 00:32
109603 Devyn

You certainly have some pretty girl friends! :)


1-Feb-2014, 02:27
Is there a theme here? Hadn't noticed. :rolleyes:

Mamiya 7, 80mm, T-Max 400.




Steve M Hostetter
1-Feb-2014, 12:24
Michael, yes thank you, this is my step-daughter though.. I was doing light tests for LF shots


1-Feb-2014, 16:47
Fuji X-e1 with Pen-F 38/1.8. Camping last night.


1-Feb-2014, 18:27
Very nicely captured Garrett!

1-Feb-2014, 18:29
Fuji X-e1 with Pen-F 38/1.8. Camping last night.

Nice. Looks cozy.

austin granger
1-Feb-2014, 20:09
Fuji X-e1 with Pen-F 38/1.8. Camping last night.

I love this one. And what a great trailer!

1-Feb-2014, 22:20
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3772/12262597995_2c7be9ff85_c.jpg (http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3772/12262597995_2c7be9ff85_c.jpg
"Lenticular Cloud" by Jeffery D Ross, on Flickr)
on Flickr[/URL]

"Lenticular Cloud"

Hammil Valley, California

Leica M6, Fuji Acros 100

1-Feb-2014, 22:34
"Lenticular Cloud"

That's great. Looks like an alien space ship hovering over the valley.


2-Feb-2014, 04:18

Big Island Hawaii 2005

2-Feb-2014, 04:20

Goliad, Texas 2013

Steve M Hostetter
2-Feb-2014, 09:36
The theme is 300,000 views :cool:

Andrew Plume
2-Feb-2014, 09:57
Nice. Looks cozy.

top work Mr A



2-Feb-2014, 10:35
Vines growing on my house.
Bessa R2S, Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 "Millennium," Kodak Gold 200 converted to b&w:


austin granger
2-Feb-2014, 10:40
Signs, Astoria, Oregon

Ebony SV57E, Rodenstock APO-Sironar-S 360mm/5.6, Fomapan 100 developed in Pyrocat-HD with Bisulphite... Okay, I'm kidding. Holga, Tri-X.


Scott Schroeder
2-Feb-2014, 11:47
I've got some interesting vines also....on the fence.


2-Feb-2014, 12:27
I guess when you do a lot of portraits in the same general area (not to mention a small town with limited numbers of locales) you are bound to start repeating yourself.

Here's one from Friday:


And one from almost exactly a year ago:


Not that I didn't realize this while shooting. In fact, the first subject knew about my earlier work and wanted to have something similar. So it all works out. Also, they both have the same name, ha!

Peter De Smidt
2-Feb-2014, 13:05
Scott, nice texture and tone.

2-Feb-2014, 14:00
I guess when you do a lot of portraits in the same general area (not to mention a small town with limited numbers of locales) you are bound to start repeating yourself.

Nice portraitures.

2-Feb-2014, 14:01
The kids went down the hill with no problem. This is what happens when the parents give it a go. Trying out the Nikon Df on some action with a sports lens. It does okay. It has a 21-24 frame buffer so you get between 4 to 5 seconds worth of continuous shooting.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7353/12273769144_07d76b6268_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12273769144/)

2-Feb-2014, 14:12
Thanks, and superb action shot!

Ramiro Elena
2-Feb-2014, 14:41
I like the tones in the first one Bryan. Nice place too, the cello rounds it up nicely.
You used fill flash for the second right?

Hilarious Tuco.

Peter De Smidt
2-Feb-2014, 15:08
Fun shot, Tuco! Bryan, those are nice portraits, although I wish the out of focus plant in the "cello" picture was gone.

2-Feb-2014, 15:15
Thanks guys. Yes Ramiro, the second was mostly flash as it was a little later in the day, camera right of course. I agree about the plant Peter! That place was so overgrown this time - I already had moved several weeds and decided to go with what it was.

2-Feb-2014, 15:28
The kids went down the hill with no problem. This is what happens when the parents give it a go. Trying out the Nikon Df on some action with a sports lens. It does okay. It has a 21-24 frame buffer so you get between 4 to 5 seconds worth of continuous shooting.

Fantastic action!

Steve M Hostetter
2-Feb-2014, 18:46
109738 emerge, nikon D5000- 105mm f2 DC

Racer X 69
2-Feb-2014, 18:51
I've got some interesting vines also....on the fence.


Nice photograph Scott!

2-Feb-2014, 20:01
Thanks, you guys.

David R Munson
3-Feb-2014, 18:35
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3750/12297145155_ab2807ba98_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/12297145155/)
Medium Format Camera Comparison (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/12297145155/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

What I did today instead of packing for Shanghai. Procrastination is one of my greatest skills.

3-Feb-2014, 18:53
What I did today instead of packing for Shanghai. Procrastination is one of my greatest skills.

Are all those your cameras?

That's my motto too. Why do today what you can do tomorrow.

David R Munson
3-Feb-2014, 19:03
The Pentax belongs to the friend for whom I'm house-sitting, but the others are mine. Hadn't shot with the 67II until this past weekend, but it resolves pretty much everything I didn't like about the older versions.

3-Feb-2014, 19:07
Wow, that RZ dwarfs the Hasselblad. I had no idea.

Procrastination is my recreation. When I should be washing dishes, I take photos. When I should be taking photos, I check the forums. When I should be checking the forums, I watch Netflix. When I should be watching Netflix I......wait. I should never be watching Netflix.


austin granger
3-Feb-2014, 20:26
What I did today instead of packing for Shanghai. Procrastination is one of my greatest skills.

Cool photo David! I'd forgotten just what a beast the RZ is. It's like the Gigantosaurus of medium format cameras.

David R Munson
3-Feb-2014, 21:09
Yeah, it's a huge thing, but the RB and RZ have always impressed me in terms of how smoothly they operate. Especially compared to the big KA-CHUNK! of the Pentax, it's quiet and low vibration.

Steve M Hostetter
4-Feb-2014, 05:52
The RZ has been the best med format camera for fast pace portrait as with children. A smooth focus and right where you need it not out on the lens. The Hassy sucks in terms of focusing smooth and fast

4-Feb-2014, 09:43
The RZ has been the best med format camera for fast pace portrait as with children. A smooth focus and right where you need it not out on the lens. The Hassy sucks in terms of focusing smooth and fast

I'd think the 645NII with auto focus would nail the little buggers moving around even easier. The stock focus screen on a 500C/M is bad indeed. But you can put a split focus screen in it. Much improved.

Steve M Hostetter
4-Feb-2014, 10:48
your right but I was thinking the larger negs :)

Michael Cienfuegos
4-Feb-2014, 11:12
I like my RB, but the arthritis in my wrists keeps me from being able to use it to chase small children or small critters.

4-Feb-2014, 17:12
Tryon Palace in New Bern, NC after a rare snow

austin granger
4-Feb-2014, 21:16
Scarecrow, Oregon


5-Feb-2014, 12:58
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5493/12328101713_6f9efd3f07_c.jpg (http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5493/12328101713_6f9efd3f07_c.jpg
"Joshua Tree Shadow" by Jeffery D Ross, on Flickr)
Joshua Tree Shadow (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/12328101713/) by Jeffery D Ross (http://www.flickr.com/people/jefferydavidross/), on Flickr

Leica M6, Acros 100

Scott Schroeder
5-Feb-2014, 21:11
As put.....


Daniel Stone
6-Feb-2014, 09:28
wow, that rz dwarfs the hasselblad. I had no idea.

Procrastination is my recreation. When i should be washing dishes, i take photos. When i should be taking photos, i check the forums. When i should be checking the forums, i watch netflix. When i should be watching netflix i......wait. I should never be watching netflix.


cool photo david! I'd forgotten just what a beast the rz is. It's like the gigantosaurus of medium format cameras.

I guess you guys have never seen/handled a Fuji GX680 then ;)?


Yes, that Fuji shoots rollfilm, 120/220, 645,6x6,6x7, and 6x8 depending on what mask you put on the back(same backs, just change drop-in masks).
50-500mm lens range, all the front movements of a LF camera, but with the convenience of shooting rollfilm!

I love mine, lenses are stellar and it makes MF even better, since I have movement capabilities like with LF


austin granger
6-Feb-2014, 09:39
I guess you guys have never seen/handled a Fuji GX680 then ;)?
Yes, that Fuji shoots rollfilm, 120/220, 645,6x6,6x7, and 6x8 depending on what mask you put on the back(same backs, just change drop-in masks).
50-500mm lens range, all the front movements of a LF camera, but with the convenience of shooting rollfilm!

I love mine, lenses are stellar and it makes MF even better, since I have movement capabilities like with LF


Wow. I'd heard of the GX, but never seen one to scale. So I guess if the RZ is a Gigantosaurus, then the GX is would be like (stand-by for google search) a Argentinosaurus. I mean no disrespect by the way-I love both dinosaurs and big camera. I have fond memories of my old Pentax 67, even though it now seems compact in comparison to these guys.

austin granger
6-Feb-2014, 09:40
Parking Garage, Portland


6-Feb-2014, 10:07
A shot while on a ferry crossing


http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7320/12327354383_faffb026af_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12327354383/)
A Man And His Gear (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12327354383/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

6-Feb-2014, 10:12
I guess you guys have never seen/handled a Fuji GX680 then ;)?

Yes, that Fuji shoots rollfilm, 120/220, 645,6x6,6x7, and 6x8 depending on what mask you put on the back(same backs, just change drop-in masks).
50-500mm lens range, all the front movements of a LF camera, but with the convenience of shooting rollfilm!

I love mine, lenses are stellar and it makes MF even better, since I have movement capabilities like with LF


I'm surprised they just didn't make it also accept 4x5 holders as well. It looks big enough for them.

Daniel Stone
6-Feb-2014, 11:52
I'm surprised they just didn't make it also accept 4x5 holders as well. It looks big enough for them.

IIRC, there was a mod'd Polaroid 545(it might have been NPC that did the mod) back so you could shoot 8x8cm Type 55. Kinda weird IMO, since type 665 was available, but if you wanted it...


6-Feb-2014, 12:24
Parking Garage, Portland


Love it, Austin; you have a knack for finding the quirky.

A shot while on a ferry crossing


http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7320/12327354383_faffb026af_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12327354383/)
A Man And His Gear (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12327354383/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Very good portrait, Tuco; looks like a nice gentleman.

Ramiro Elena
6-Feb-2014, 12:57
I first thought you were joking about the Argentinosaurus since Argentinians are known to have big egos and being megalomaniac.

6-Feb-2014, 13:40
Love it, Austin; you have a knack for finding the quirky.

Very good portrait, Tuco; looks like a nice gentleman.

Thanks. Yes, Austin sure can find them.

6-Feb-2014, 13:49
Winter on the Washington coast you can backpack without the summer crowds. You just have to fight off the raccoons from getting your food. But a new rule effective last year makes it mandatory to use bear canisters for scented food.

Pentax 6x7, 105/2.4, 400TMY

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3753/12340398494_1083d12560_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12340398494/)
Near Cape Alava - Olympic Nat. Park (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12340398494/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

austin granger
6-Feb-2014, 15:01
I first thought you were joking about the Argentinosaurus since Argentinians are known to have big egos and being megalomaniac.


I've never been to Argentina but I'd be willing to go investigate the character of its peoples and report back my findings.

6-Feb-2014, 15:28
The three stooges.

Pentax 6x7, 67 55/4, 400TMY

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5532/12330688044_ab93c55962_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12330688044/)
Lake 22 Hike (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12330688044/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Nathan Potter
7-Feb-2014, 10:32
Ari, the quirky always seem to find the quirky. Austin Granger is a master at this - just a great eye for composition. The angles in the arrow image make me dizzy.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

Peter De Smidt
7-Feb-2014, 13:06
Nice one, Tuco!

7-Feb-2014, 15:27
Nice one, Tuco!


Some people doing their thing.

500C/M, Sonnar 150/4, 100ACR

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7402/12357437034_19338c15e5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12357437034/)
Enhancing Your Calm (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12357437034/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Andrew O'Neill
7-Feb-2014, 19:28
Image grabbed with cheap digital point and shoot. Digital neg made and printed on gelatin silver paper.

7-Feb-2014, 19:45
Walking around in Monday nights blizzard conditions here in KC.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2845/12336586233_08cd27fbf3_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336586233/)
portals sealed against the elements (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336586233/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3815/12336426935_a222a72195_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336426935/)
harlene's light (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336426935/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3770/12336017674_0fa3be93e6_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336017674/)
decorative adornments, new walmart view (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336017674/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5498/12335280183_cba61ccd94_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12335280183/)
underpass, still snowing hard (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12335280183/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

7-Feb-2014, 19:53
Too good, Clay; what a great set.

austin granger
7-Feb-2014, 20:33
Image grabbed with cheap digital point and shoot. Digital neg made and printed on gelatin silver paper.

Damn I wish I'd made that. Great picture!

7-Feb-2014, 20:52
Too good, Clay; what a great set.

Thank you Ari.

Andrew O'Neill
7-Feb-2014, 21:40
Thanks, Austin. I passed by it often on the way to work and never really noticed it until someone stuck the hoop there. I couldn't resist!

8-Feb-2014, 00:25
Did this with (an old) Hasselblad digital back to have somethig to compare with 8x10. The problem as always is to get un-flat mid-tones while hanging on to the highlights. Easy enough with digital, reqires a double scan on 8x10.

Greg Y
8-Feb-2014, 08:30
110079 Damn I wish I'd had my Fuji 6x8! :-( instead of the pocket digital

8-Feb-2014, 09:53
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5475/12289171645_d0b26c4193_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/12289171645/)

One from a night out at Holy Island

Scott Schroeder
8-Feb-2014, 10:06


Peter Lewin
8-Feb-2014, 19:35
Nguss: That's an incredible image! Is it a single exposure or a composite to get the star lit sky?

Scott Schroeder
8-Feb-2014, 20:23
hanging out with the dog




9-Feb-2014, 03:00
Nguss: That's an incredible image! Is it a single exposure or a composite to get the star lit sky?
Thanks very much Peter. It is one image, the foreground lit with a torch for a few seconds. I am having to use the digital cameras a little more at the moment as my light meter has just broken and I don't want to waste film (this was at iso 3200 - one of the benefits of digital I suppose - so I don't think it would have been feasible with colour film although I am looking forward to trying so 4x5 star trails if I can at some point once I get a new light meter).

9-Feb-2014, 07:24
Yes, awesome image Nguss!
I'm not sure a meter will help much with the startrail shots - it's almost impossible to overexpose :). I usually find myself at f/8, 3-4 hours, for T64 film.

Nathan Potter
9-Feb-2014, 10:59
Nguss, really fine work with that scene. Keep us posted if you try something similar with film.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

9-Feb-2014, 11:53
I'll post this again for Nguss. It was f8, 100ACR, 15 min and not totally dark outside. I could have gone much longer in the exposure. If you start, say, a 1 or 2 hour exposure with some trace light still around when you start, chances are you can capture detail in the near ground without light painting.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7408/9303155575_27d8068ddd_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9303155575/)
Under Some Stars (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9303155575/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

9-Feb-2014, 12:28
Thanks all, and Tuco that is superb. This is exactly the sort of thing I am looking to try, weather permitting.

Sorry also for not being clearer Corran, I am not able to use much in the way of film at the moment as my meter is not working, which is annoying me when I see the fine shots posted in the forum. I was planning for star trail type shots to just leave the shutter open for an hour or more and see what I end up with.

Racer X 69
9-Feb-2014, 13:03
Walking around in Monday nights blizzard conditions here in KC.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3815/12336426935_a222a72195_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336426935/)
harlene's light (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12336426935/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

Nice Clay, you have captured the special wintery feeling of snow at night. Especially this one.

Steve M Hostetter
9-Feb-2014, 17:21
110182 Michigan Lighthouse, Nikon 50mm lens

Steve M Hostetter
9-Feb-2014, 19:21
110184 Sis, Nikon 105mm110185

austin granger
10-Feb-2014, 09:52
Just a quick, phone pic of my kids but it made me laugh. I think they're ready for Sochi! A spectacular crash follow seconds later.


10-Feb-2014, 10:14
Awesome, Austin!

10-Feb-2014, 10:21
Just a quick, phone pic of my kids but it made me laugh. I think they're ready for Sochi! A spectacular crash follow seconds later.


Ah, the staple scene of winter joy in a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.

10-Feb-2014, 10:24
I think they're ready for Sochi!

Or Tatooine:



Ramiro Elena
10-Feb-2014, 11:01
xDDDD AWESOME! The post and the replies! LOL

austin granger
10-Feb-2014, 15:58
Both Calvin and Hobbes and Tatooine passed through my mind when I first saw it! I guess we're of a certain generation. I'm wishing now I'd brought a different camera. With my phone you push the "shutter" and then about two seconds later the picture actually takes. This one was sheer luck as it was.

I like the fact that my fearless daughter is the one who voluntarily took the reigns and steered them precisely toward the jump (just out of frame to the left). She's a wild one, that girl.

10-Feb-2014, 16:44
Nice Clay, you have captured the special wintery feeling of snow at night. Especially this one.

Thanks Racer it was a lot of fun to be out shooting in those conditions with a weather sealed camera, and the proper attire to keep me weather sealed as well.

10-Feb-2014, 16:49
Just a quick, phone pic of my kids but it made me laugh. I think they're ready for Sochi! A spectacular crash follow seconds later.


That's fantastic Austin but you better hang on to your hat those teenage years are coming faster than you think. I've got one of those wild ones too and she just turned 14.

Nathan Potter
11-Feb-2014, 10:07
Some Nikon FE2 work with a 20mm Nikkor on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Nikon 5000 ED scan.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3739/12461513453_8f895788ac_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12461513453/)
35V11-82-G1.4,D89[t1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12461513453/) by hypolimnas (http://www.flickr.com/people/argiolus/), on Flickr

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

11-Feb-2014, 10:52
Nice composition and beautiful colours, Nathan.

Steve M Hostetter
11-Feb-2014, 15:08
110284 Found a cool place to do portraits,, I compressed the perspective with a 300mm lens on a Nikon .. Only thing I have to figure out is how to shoot around this tree just to my right which is why I couldn't shoot it straight on.

12-Feb-2014, 11:09
Here's the $30k shot - PhaseOne Achromatic monochrome straight out of the can. It's doing the rounds for testing.

12-Feb-2014, 11:36
110284 Found a cool place to do portraits,, I compressed the perspective with a 300mm lens on a Nikon .. Only thing I have to figure out is how to shoot around this tree just to my right which is why I couldn't shoot it straight on.

If you get in that tunnel you could probably get some mad swirly bokeh in the portraits with those branches above and a quirky old inferior lens of your choice.

Roger Cole
12-Feb-2014, 13:50
Nice Clay, you have captured the special wintery feeling of snow at night. Especially this one.

Agree - it really says stillness and calm.

austin granger
12-Feb-2014, 14:28
Camper Shell, Portland


Scott Schroeder
13-Feb-2014, 06:05
Night at the park




Scott Schroeder
13-Feb-2014, 06:05


13-Feb-2014, 09:16
A walk in the park


http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7437/12492544913_4dacfbba4f_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12492544913/)
Anonymous Walk (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12492544913/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Tin Can
13-Feb-2014, 13:26
35mm Arista B&W shot of Barat College 4th floor ghost.


13-Feb-2014, 14:17
35mm Arista B&W shot of Barat College 4th floor ghost.

Looks like a streaking ghost. Must have been found on the girls floor?

Tin Can
13-Feb-2014, 14:46
This is Old Main, 4th floor art studios, no dorms in building. The building is sadly now due for destruction shortly. Failed college after 100 years.

This is the only image people have repeatedly tried to buy from me. All former students. Many were/are totally convinced the building was haunted. I spent many 24 hour sessions there, in darkroom and my studio which was right behind the shooting position. This was done very late at night. I only photographed this ghost once.

Looks like a streaking ghost. Must have been found on the girls floor?

13-Feb-2014, 16:17
I'm feeling good about capturing mood at the moment.

Here's a winter and summer contrast.

Holga 120N

Lifepixel Converted D100

austin granger
13-Feb-2014, 18:19
Truck in the Snow, Sauvie Island


Steve M Hostetter
13-Feb-2014, 19:48
If you get in that tunnel you could probably get some mad swirly bokeh in the portraits with those branches above and a quirky old inferior lens of your choice.

jp, my thoughts exactly :) Thx for the feedback!

Scott Schroeder
13-Feb-2014, 20:28


Scott Schroeder
13-Feb-2014, 20:33
Side view mirror


Andrew O'Neill
13-Feb-2014, 23:15
35mm HP5, from coal mine series, Omuta, Japan.

14-Feb-2014, 06:44
Hasselblad 500 CM/Planar 80/2.8/CFV II Hasselbald digital back
Portaits from 09/2011 Fashion week in Paris a reportage that was never paid and published...


14-Feb-2014, 07:02
Nice shots, Christo.
I lived in Paris from 2001-2006, and I can sympathize; the words "Paris" and "unpaid" often went together.

14-Feb-2014, 08:29
Hasselblad 500 CM/Planar 80/2.8/CFV II Hasselbald digital back
Portaits from 09/2011 Fashion week in Paris a reportage that was never paid and published...

Nice. I'd like to try a digital back on my 500C/M one of these days.

14-Feb-2014, 08:36
RZ67 with 645 back.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5523/12482676695_bfdea0800a_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sergeistudio/12482676695/)
Portrait (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sergeistudio/12482676695/) by Sergei Rodionov (http://www.flickr.com/people/sergeistudio/), on Flickr

14-Feb-2014, 08:41
Thank you. Ari and Tuco!
Ari, yes, unfortunatly it is true...:(

Kiev 6x6/some russian lens and Ilford XP2
A friend of mine and her son ten years ago

Another friend of mine, now mother of 3 children

Nathan Potter
14-Feb-2014, 10:58
christo, the top one above is marvelous, just perfect.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

14-Feb-2014, 11:43
Thank you, Nathan!

austin granger
14-Feb-2014, 15:28
Truck in the Snow, Sauvie Island, Oregon


Scott Schroeder
17-Feb-2014, 19:19


18-Feb-2014, 09:11
And for all you in winter, how about a little Arizona sunshine from the past 2 weeks!



18-Feb-2014, 17:21
And for all you in winter, how about a little Arizona sunshine from the past 2 weeks!



I want to move to the SW, really; I've had enough cold and snow.

18-Feb-2014, 17:21


Lovely, Scott; the first tree shot is just plain awesome.

austin granger
18-Feb-2014, 22:27
I believe Ari said he wanted some more snow.



It might be that I'm finally going crazy, but I can't help but notice that these trucks have faces. Those eyebrows! That mustache! I think I need a break...


18-Feb-2014, 22:34
I can't help but notice that these trucks have faces. Those eyebrows! That mustache!

You're not alone. I think those people at Pixar have noticed it, too. ;)


19-Feb-2014, 14:48
And some older cars you didn't even need an imagination to see a face on them.

https://v4s.yimg.com/te/8445/7971953770_d8f5999bcc_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7971953770/)
1941 Cadillac 62 Convertible Coupe (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7971953770/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Tin Can
19-Feb-2014, 15:05
Garrett, everything's just ducky here.

The view from my front door, adjusted for Facebook.


Peter De Smidt
19-Feb-2014, 18:21
In a similar vein:

20-Feb-2014, 04:05
Rolleiflex 2.8F Planar
BRF Bergger 400

Nathan Potter
20-Feb-2014, 13:36
[QUOTE=SergeiR;1109828]RZ67 with 645 back.

https://v4s.yimg.com/sk/3785/12662114223_0b4ae748b5_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12662114223/)
Rodionov 6 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12662114223/) by hypolimnas (http://www.flickr.com/people/argiolus/), on Flickr

Sergei, an entrancing portrait - I took the liberty of removing the dimples even though her personality is changed. The piercing blue eye are spectacular.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

20-Feb-2014, 14:10
Lith print from MF negative

20-Feb-2014, 15:35
Rolleiflex 2.8F Planar
BRF Bergger 400

Nice shot. It looks like someone is hitting you on the head.

Nathan Potter
21-Feb-2014, 11:51
Image from Dec. 1991. The Sanctuario de Chimayo in Chimayo New Mexico on the "high" road between Santa Fe and Taos. Nikon FE2 with Ek 64 and a 75 to 150 Nikon zoom. Nikon LS 5000 ED scan with PS adjustment.

https://v4s.yimg.com/so/7311/12680841864_4f274470e1_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12680841864/)
35NM1-91-11[F1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12680841864/) by hypolimnas (http://www.flickr.com/people/argiolus/), on Flickr

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

21-Feb-2014, 18:17
Had a portrait session today with an oboe player for her upcoming recital and announcements.

Near the end we were both getting a bit tired so we started doing some silly shots. Here's one...the "Oboe Rifle" ;)

Nikon D800E, 50mm f/1.2 AI-S:


Scott Schroeder
21-Feb-2014, 19:13


Scott Schroeder
21-Feb-2014, 19:17

Colin Graham
22-Feb-2014, 11:20

Really like this one, I keep coming back for another look.

tom thomas
22-Feb-2014, 15:54
Beautiful shot Nate. A. J. Merrill and Woody Crumbo, to name two have painted the heck out of this scene. Your photo should join their accomplishments. I've visited several times and enjoy every visit.

24-Feb-2014, 18:39
I am the worst editor on the planet. I still have images from my Europe trip last summer that I need to edit. This weekend, I finally finished them.
This is a pano of the Bibliothèque Mazarine in Paris.
Camera - Nikon D800E
Lens - Nikon 24-120 mm f4
Stitched together with Panorama Maker 5

austin granger
24-Feb-2014, 19:11
Gate, Sauvie Island, Oregon


Tin Can
24-Feb-2014, 19:22
+1 Austin!

25-Feb-2014, 00:33
From the archives.

Mamiya 7, Delta 400.



Roger Cole
25-Feb-2014, 00:51
Gate, Sauvie Island, Oregon


Beautiful Austin!

Tin Can
25-Feb-2014, 00:53
Wow, what a catch! And i mean that in several excellent ways!

From the archives.

Mamiya 7, Delta 400.



25-Feb-2014, 01:40
Thanks, Randy.


25-Feb-2014, 02:06
New analog stuff.

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2810/12704164143_0e113ca699_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/hoodedone-photos/12704164143/)
P2014-001.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/hoodedone-photos/12704164143/) by HoodedOne (http://www.flickr.com/people/hoodedone-photos/), on Flickr

Shot with Polaroid SLR680 on the new Impossible b/w film.

austin granger
25-Feb-2014, 15:40
Thanks Randy, Roger. Here are some surfacing whales, or caskets, or stonehenge.

In a Supermarket, Beaverton


25-Feb-2014, 17:39
Really good, Austin. Did you use a tripod for this or are your hands surgeon-steady?


25-Feb-2014, 19:29
Possibly a repost, but this is a much more satisfying scan than my previous attempt.

Fuji GSW690II, Ektachrome 100SW



Peter De Smidt
25-Feb-2014, 19:53
Terrific, Jonathan!

25-Feb-2014, 20:00
Thanks, Peter. This was from back in the day when I had a 20 minute commute to work along the coast and could pull off the road and take photos like this when the opportunity arose. I miss that. Getting to the coast from Portland is a 90 minute affair.


Peter De Smidt
25-Feb-2014, 20:15
Well, it's a much longer affair for me. :(

26-Feb-2014, 01:57
From the days when I would carry my camera with me everywhere. I need to resume that habit.

Nikon F3HP, T-Max 100.



austin granger
26-Feb-2014, 09:51
Really good, Austin. Did you use a tripod for this or are your hands surgeon-steady?


It's hand-held. I'm pretty steady when I need to be. I think Fred Meyer would probably kick me out if I tried to set up a tripod. I'd love to be able to though-first up would be a 5x7 negative of the wall of milk!

I like your wedding shot, and the cloud as well-pretty amazing really, the way it reached down so close to the water. And the laundromat too. I've missed so many good pictures from not having my camera with me. You'd think I'd have learned by now.

austin granger
26-Feb-2014, 10:01


Nathan Potter
26-Feb-2014, 12:13
Jonathan, nicely iconic image. Austin, nice almost abstract espalier growth. Yes, always worth never being without a camera, even if a DSLR.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

26-Feb-2014, 12:46
My walk this morning. Canon 50/1.2 rangefinder lens on Fuji X-E1. Can you say Spring is Coming?



26-Feb-2014, 12:58
Pretty amazing really, the way it reached down so close to the water.

To me that cloud has always looked like a giant cat's paw reaching down to touch the water.

Jonathan, nicely iconic image.

Thank you, Nate.


Jim collum
26-Feb-2014, 13:03
alt process .. scans of prints

Both Ziatypes.. scans of 9x14" prints on Japanese lightweight Kozo paper (about 50gsm)
30 drops Lithium Palladium, 6 drops Cesium Palladium.
Paper was pre coated with a dilute solution of PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol)

.. and yes.. the blacks are that black (measured dmax of 2.12 on one, 2.19 on the other)

shot with Leica M9, 21mm preasph
digital negative using an HP z3200 printer & built in digital negative profile.


shot w Nikon D800E, Zeiss 21mm
digital negative using HP z3200 printer & built in digital negative profile


Scott Schroeder
26-Feb-2014, 13:57
Absolutely beautiful Jim. I love the compositions and the prints.

austin granger
26-Feb-2014, 14:02

Women and cheetahs and juice-it makes my head hurt. I mean, just what exactly are they selling here? :)

26-Feb-2014, 14:24
just a few diji 3 color chanelmixers before i start doing it with lf film
there are a few of hopefully a longer series on my blog

Tin Can
26-Feb-2014, 14:34
Did you leave a 'w' out on purpose? Chrome figured it out, but the your link is not direct.

Nice website and images.

just a few diji 3 color chanelmixers before i start doing it with lf film
there are a few of hopefully a longer series on my blog

26-Feb-2014, 15:56
thanks randy

i fixed it, i cant type veery well

MIke Sherck
26-Feb-2014, 20:02
Women and cheetahs and juice-it makes my head hurt. I mean, just what exactly are they selling here? :)

Is it possible that you're actually that old? :rolleyes:


26-Feb-2014, 20:19
Jailbirds, Falcon Field, Arizona
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7361/12709083765_c37d6d1d86_b.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/kn4nPT)

Tin Can
26-Feb-2014, 20:49
8 years we waited.

Good one!

good name.

Jailbirds, Falcon Field, Arizona
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7361/12709083765_c37d6d1d86_b.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/kn4nPT)

Jim collum
26-Feb-2014, 20:51
love this one!

Jailbirds, Falcon Field, Arizona
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7361/12709083765_c37d6d1d86_b.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/kn4nPT)

26-Feb-2014, 20:56
Superb, as always, Jeff.

Jim collum
26-Feb-2014, 21:13
this would make a great carbon print..




26-Feb-2014, 21:51
Women and cheetahs and juice-it makes my head hurt. I mean, just what exactly are they selling here?

Perhaps you're too old to care. :cool: :p

Google's opinion:
Sugar Shack, a Strip Club in Portland, Oregon

- Leigh

26-Feb-2014, 21:52
Another from the vaults, circa 1985. Yes, growing up in southern California has its pleasures. :)

Canon A-1, Kodachrome.



26-Feb-2014, 22:52
8 years we waited.

Good one!

good name.

Well my nickname isn't "swiftly"; that's for sure :)

Thank you Randy for the kind words.

26-Feb-2014, 22:53
love this one!

Much appreciated Jim.

26-Feb-2014, 22:55
Superb, as always, Jeff.

You are too kind Ari. I've got much to relearn film-wize; it's been a long time. It should be a great adventure.

Scott Schroeder
27-Feb-2014, 18:38
The Driskill


27-Feb-2014, 19:12
Jim, the prints are gorgeous. The first one is especially arresting. I really love the blacks. Which kozo washi are you using?


alt process .. scans of prints

Both Ziatypes.. scans of 9x14" prints on Japanese lightweight Kozo paper (about 50gsm)
30 drops Lithium Palladium, 6 drops Cesium Palladium.
Paper was pre coated with a dilute solution of PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol)

.. and yes.. the blacks are that black (measured dmax of 2.12 on one, 2.19 on the other)

shot with Leica M9, 21mm preasph
digital negative using an HP z3200 printer & built in digital negative profile.


shot w Nikon D800E, Zeiss 21mm
digital negative using HP z3200 printer & built in digital negative profile


Scott Schroeder
27-Feb-2014, 20:14

austin granger
28-Feb-2014, 19:14
Stump, Portland


Jim collum
28-Feb-2014, 23:15
an incredible eye.
(or two)

always enjoy seeing new work you post!

Stump, Portland


Jim collum
28-Feb-2014, 23:17
Lightweight (50gsm) Goyu Kozo from Bostick & Sullivan.

Jim, the prints are gorgeous. The first one is especially arresting. I really love the blacks. Which kozo washi are you using?


1-Mar-2014, 11:20
With my renewed interest in LF, and simultaneously getting into a more
formal mode, with lighting, in the studio, I'm using my Nikon D300 as
an exposure meter and lighting tester when I shoot 4x5 (digital: the
modern Polaroid!) Though I did shoot this setup on 4x5, also, the real
purpose here was to get a quick photo for a concert program.

https://v4s2.yimg.com/sk/3724/12840076623_864df73ec9_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdarnton/12840076623/)
Stefan Hersh (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdarnton/12840076623/) by Michael Darnton (http://www.flickr.com/people/mdarnton/), on Flickr

Steve M Hostetter
1-Mar-2014, 12:26

1-Mar-2014, 14:55

This is my first posting. This is my portrait of my wife way back when . I do not remember much, it was before I started writing things down but is was taken with a Canon AE1P in 135 and a 35-70 zoom at about 50mm and the light source was a single bare light bulb over her head

Tin Can
1-Mar-2014, 15:05
What a lucky guy, she is a great beauty!

Pic is great also.


This is my first posting. This is my portrait of my wife way back when . I do not remember much, it was before I started writing things down but is was taken with a Canon AE1P in 135 and a 35-70 zoom at about 50mm and the light source was a single bare light bulb over her head

DG 3313
1-Mar-2014, 17:25
Good stuff!

1-Mar-2014, 20:27
Yesterday was like Spring - relatively warm and sunny. I went for a walk and snapped this. Today, cold and rain mixed with snow. Go figure.

100ACR, Orange Filter

https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3805/12861649983_840e63be27_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12861649983/)
Tombstone (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12861649983/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

austin granger
2-Mar-2014, 16:25
In a Bank, Portland

Smoking Area, Portland


Tin Can
2-Mar-2014, 16:48
Austin, you mean the 'No Rain' area!

Love that bank shot.

3-Mar-2014, 08:24
Went for a stroll at the cemetery.
Nikon SP, 50mm f1.4 Millennium, Pluis-X, Acufine:


3-Mar-2014, 08:26
In a Bank, Portland

Lovely shot, Austin; casing the joint? :)

austin granger
3-Mar-2014, 11:35
Lovely shot, Austin; casing the joint? :)

Well I wasn't in there to do my banking, I can tell you that.

3-Mar-2014, 13:54
because sometime i am too lazy to shoot with 8x10.

RZ67 with 645 back

https://v4s1.yimg.com/sj/2836/12892832924_deeae6c245_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sergeistudio/12892832924/)
MMFC0252www (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sergeistudio/12892832924/) by Sergei Rodionov (http://www.flickr.com/people/sergeistudio/), on Flickr

Daniel Stone
4-Mar-2014, 00:36

Just got a new addition to the collection, and I needed to photograph it for insurance purposes(my agent likes seeing my photos of guns, he has one has his desktop wallpaper even, of his over-under Berettas I shot for him a year or so back).
This Ruger MKII 10" belonged to a good friend who died a few years ago unexpectedly, and his wife/widow made me a deal on it I couldn't pass up this last week. It's seen some use, but I plan to get many years of happy shooting out of it, so I don't mind the scratches/wear one little bit :)

One light(400w/s Dynalite monoblock) w/ a grid installed in the reflector, shooting into a white plastic trash bag sliced open and stretched between two of the tripod legs as a diffuser.
Some small white cards were also used for fill/accent(rim) light to separate it out some more.
Camera: Fuji X100s


Tin Can
4-Mar-2014, 00:41
My favorite pistol.

4-Mar-2014, 08:55
Those are fun high quality pistols. I have used a friends a few times and it's nice. If you don't do 22 much, you'll find some pistols like some ammo and not other ammo, depending on how magazine lips work, how greasy it is, velocity, etc...

You can get cheap white diffuser umbrellas from china if you need such things on a low budget.

4-Mar-2014, 16:52
A few pictures from a prescribed burn area. Pretty much the only time I like the pine trees...when they are burnt.

Nikon F2, 2.1cm f/4 or 5cm f/2 pre-AI lenses, and Agfa Optima 100 or Portra 160:





As a side note, I bought three 100' bulk cartridges of this Optima for about $30 apiece, expired of course. It seems to me to have color saturation and look close to Portra, with maybe a tad more grain, but with slightly better tolerance of overexposure (I have struggled with the new Portra and blowing highlights, compared to using old Portra NC/VC). Damn nice stuff, and a steal at about $1.25 per bulk-loaded roll.

4-Mar-2014, 17:20
Still searching the archives looking for scan-worthy material.

Nikon 8008s, Kodachrome



Nathan Potter
4-Mar-2014, 21:36
Yes digging more archives for Kodachromes. Here is Mono Lake with Golden Broom and lenticular clouds, Aug 1989. Nikon FE with a 28 mm Nikkor. Nikon LS 5000 ED scan.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12942243724_6e27745b57_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12942243724/)
35VA89-1-33[t1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/12942243724/) by hypolimnas (http://www.flickr.com/people/argiolus/), on Flickr

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

4-Mar-2014, 22:26
Good to see I'm not the only one rooting around in the vaults. This one was an accidental double exposure circa 1986.

Nikon F3, Kodachrome.



Robert Brazile
5-Mar-2014, 06:39
Jonathan, that's a wonderful accident.


5-Mar-2014, 09:50
Great shots.

Channeling Eliot Porter?

How are they scanned?

A few pictures from a prescribed burn area. Pretty much the only time I like the pine trees...when they are burnt.

Nikon F2, 2.1cm f/4 or 5cm f/2 pre-AI lenses, and Agfa Optima 100 or Portra 160:





As a side note, I bought three 100' bulk cartridges of this Optima for about $30 apiece, expired of course. It seems to me to have color saturation and look close to Portra, with maybe a tad more grain, but with slightly better tolerance of overexposure (I have struggled with the new Portra and blowing highlights, compared to using old Portra NC/VC). Damn nice stuff, and a steal at about $1.25 per bulk-loaded roll.

5-Mar-2014, 11:00
Good to see I'm not the only one rooting around in the vaults. This one was an accidental double exposure circa 1986.

Nikon F3, Kodachrome.


Great combo for a double exposure.

austin granger
5-Mar-2014, 11:24
Good to see I'm not the only one rooting around in the vaults.

My bank picture was from the vaults, no pun intended. It's this blasted rain I tell you! Yesterday I was considering going to the airport, just so I could photograph something. Cafes? Libraries? Abandoned buildings? Train stations? My own home?

5-Mar-2014, 12:43
Thanks gth. These were scanned on my Screen Cezanne by manually setting white/black points and adjusting the individual levels slightly. I don't use profiles for different negative films as most negative settings on this old scanner are for old films...so it may actually have Optima in there but I didn't look. Seems to work for me most times, when the exposure is good.

Oh, in case it matters, the first two are Optima, the second two are Portra. Right now I'm shooting a few different neg films - Portra 160/400, Optima 100, Gold 100, and Superia 200. Gold/Superia is a bit more saturated than the Optima or Portra. I like the soft pastel / low contrast look for neg film. I'll shoot Provia/Velvia otherwise.

Andrew O'Neill
5-Mar-2014, 13:07
SergeiR, that's very nice. Love the colour, the composition, the whole setup.

5-Mar-2014, 13:32
Jonathan, that's a wonderful accident.

Great combo for a double exposure.

Thanks, guys. This is one of those images that has been bouncing around in my files for decades but I never managed to get it printed or scanned until now. (Oh how it pains me to be old enough to talk in terms of decades. How is that possible?)


5-Mar-2014, 13:36
Jonathan, as has been said, awesome double exposure.

5-Mar-2014, 13:50
Jonathan, as has been said, awesome double exposure.

Thanks, Bryan. The only problem with happy accidents is that they are hard to repeat. I've seen some purposeful double exposure work that really impressed me, but I have a hell of a time keeping one photo in mind while making another; it's like 3D chess or something and my small brain can't handle it.


5-Mar-2014, 19:06
I know these light-on-the-water shots are a dime a dozen, but I'm a sucker for the phenomenon every time.

Nikon 8008s, Kodachrome.



Peter Gomena
5-Mar-2014, 23:33
Yes, but good ones don't come as cheaply. Nice shot!

5-Mar-2014, 23:37
Thanks, Peter. My dream is to capture a scene like this in LF, but I have never encountered this kind of light while carrying one of my big cameras. Living even farther from the coast now means it will be even harder to achieve, but you never know....


Peter Gomena
6-Mar-2014, 09:15
It's a tough subject for large format. With roll film you can crack off a dozen shots as the light changes. Not so cheap or easy with a 4x5 or larger. You have to 1. be there with a LF camera, as you said, 2. be patient, 3. be a little lucky.

austin granger
6-Mar-2014, 09:52
The Safari Club, Estacada, Oregon


6-Mar-2014, 14:11
A few from a recent shoot:

Hassey + 150mm:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7299/12896372685_f77fcdf345_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896372685/)
©2014 Scott Photo Co. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896372685/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3826/12896463883_9418cf5128_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896463883/)
©2014 Scott Photo Co. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896463883/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

P67 + 105mm:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7374/12896467643_82a4104ed5_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896467643/)
©2014 Scott Photo Co. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896467643/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7404/12896792384_763cfda002_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896792384/)
©2014 Scott Photo Co. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/12896792384/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

6-Mar-2014, 15:12
Nice work, Tim.
I don't know if it's the lighting, but I really like the look of the P67 shots more than the Hassy's look.

6-Mar-2014, 15:42
My vote is for the 105mm shots too.

One from my Zeiss CF T* 150/4 lens. These guys wanted to look bad-ass but I didn't do a very good job. I was mostly shooting with my digital camera but did get a few shots on film to finish a roll off.


http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7289/12486509153_3954700480_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12486509153/)
We-Be Bad (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/12486509153/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Andrew O'Neill
6-Mar-2014, 15:59
The dude on the right looks more scared than scary. Reminds me of the suburban gangsta wannabe's here.

6-Mar-2014, 16:35
... Reminds me of the suburban gangsta wannabe's here.


6-Mar-2014, 17:26
Nice work, Tim.
I don't know if it's the lighting, but I really like the look of the P67 shots more than the Hassy's look.

My vote is for the 105mm shots too.

Thanks guys! I quite agree. I pushed the Tri-X to 800 in the P67 shots as well and I really like the tones. All processed in XTOL 1:1.

Roger Cole
6-Mar-2014, 19:59
A few pictures from a prescribed burn area. Pretty much the only time I like the pine trees...when they are burnt.

Nikon F2, 2.1cm f/4 or 5cm f/2 pre-AI lenses, and Agfa Optima 100 or Portra 160:





As a side note, I bought three 100' bulk cartridges of this Optima for about $30 apiece, expired of course. It seems to me to have color saturation and look close to Portra, with maybe a tad more grain, but with slightly better tolerance of overexposure (I have struggled with the new Portra and blowing highlights, compared to using old Portra NC/VC). Damn nice stuff, and a steal at about $1.25 per bulk-loaded roll.

I really liked the old Optima film. I think I have a few rolls left in a box of 120 film I bought, supposedly frozen since new and definitely since I got it. The one roll I shot was fine. I used to shoot it in 4x5.

The old Agfa Ultra 50 was like a negative version of Velvia, maybe MORE saturated. Amazing stuff when you needed that. And there is NOTHING on today's market like the old Agfa Portrait 160 - soft muted pastel palette.


6-Mar-2014, 20:09
Half-frame Pen-FV with 38mm/2.8 on Fuji 200.


6-Mar-2014, 20:34
The Skull

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2865/9594127586_e5935fa41a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9594127586/)
Skull (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9594127586/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr