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Roger Cole
15-Dec-2013, 11:39
Neither I'm afraid, just my rubbish attempts at PP. The top image is as shot and includes the edges of the film frame, the second image needed a 0.7 degree rotate and was then cropped to include the absolute maximum amount of the image possible.

For some reason the PP seems to cause me real issues with 35mm Tri-X.

I will continue to practise and hopefully get it right sooner rather than later.

Interesting. I was just curious and please don't take it as a criticism. The grain actually works well in that photo, but the only time I've seen grain like that from Tri-X was with really strong push.

austin granger
15-Dec-2013, 11:58

Another area where the digital gear is nice. Would love to do these in 4x5 or 8x10. Ephemeral nature of the phenomena makes it difficult at times and the immediate feedback with pixelography is welcome and helpful.

When you are out and a major light show is going and you are working horizons, edges, buildings, windmills and light shows in various areas of the sky, even to the South 35 degrees above the horizon, the speed of digital makes it nice.

Hitting a half dozen pre-chosen locations to fit them in the foreground with light shows that vary in sky location as well as in intensity makes for hurried driving and setups to get things right. Helps I have a number pre-chosen and shooting angles blocked out for when we have good Aurora displays.

Either way shooting in cold(32 below a few nights ago and 2 below was our high today - warmest of the week -all farenheit) can be a challenge for any gear as well as on me at times.

Wow, that's amazing! I've always wanted to see the northern lights in person but haven't managed it yet. Great picture, and hats off to you for getting out there to make it-I feel wimpy now for thinking that Portland's recent cold snap (it got down to around 20) was rough.

Ed Bray
15-Dec-2013, 12:34
Interesting. I was just curious and please don't take it as a criticism. The grain actually works well in that photo, but the only time I've seen grain like that from Tri-X was with really strong push.

No worries Roger, I have no issues with criticism, and truly appreciate all comments good or bad (obviously good is nicer but hey ho) without such we would never improve. In all things, it is easy to get stuck in your own little world and believe you are better at something than you really are, although, I regularly get brought back to earth quickly by looking at others work on this and other forums and it just gives me something for me to aspire to.

15-Dec-2013, 13:59

http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/img/s10/v103/p987366426-4.jpg (http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/p367918631/e3ada041a)

Pentax 67II - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400 - XTOL 1:1
Dark days - 1/4s wide open :(

16-Dec-2013, 03:32
Marcel - worn out from his fight against prostate cancer. Refuses any further treatments as of today...

http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/img/s5/v132/p156714526-4.jpg (http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/p367918631/e957461e)

Pentax 67II - Takumar SMC 105mmF2.4 - TMY2 - XTOL 1:1

A good and strong portrait, especially when you know his story.
I think it is good to also make portraits on our tougher moments in life, not only the joyfull moments. Thank you for sharing.
And I'll say a prayer for Marcel his well being.

16-Dec-2013, 10:02
A good and strong portrait, especially when you know his story.
I think it is good to also make portraits on our tougher moments in life, not only the joyfull moments. Thank you for sharing.
And I'll say a prayer for Marcel his well being.

Thanks - yes, I think you're right: it's not always sunshine and why not capture those moments as well

Darin Boville
16-Dec-2013, 12:33
Would have been a great portrait even without the background story; best wishes to Marcel, and well done, Tom.

Exactly. For me the story caused me to pause a second and give it more time than I usually do as the river of internet images roll by. But it's all there in the eyes, the skin, the set of the mouth and jaw, all of it. The caption just makes it specific, which si not really necessary in the end.


16-Dec-2013, 16:31
Leaving this here because it's a number soup kind of a picture. Composition could be better, but it was mainly a lens+shutter + development process test of a 10" tele-optar and not meant to be a family portrait :) I'm liking the bokeh, looking forwards to trying a portrait soon.

An HP5+ 4x5 with a 10" at f5.6 of a 2x3 with a 6x9 in Xtol 1:1


16-Dec-2013, 16:35
An HP5+ 4x5 with a 10" at f5.6 of a 2x3 with a 6x9 in Xtol 1:1


A few years ago I wouldn't have understood most of that. :)

austin granger
16-Dec-2013, 18:27
Eagles Club, Skagway, Alaska

Early Morning, Winnemucca, Nevada

Pictures of Skagway, Alaska and Winnemucca, Nevada right next to each other is a sure sign of someone sifting through their old negatives...:)


16-Dec-2013, 18:28
A few years ago I wouldn't have understood most of that. :)

Same here. Hell, it took me a long time to get my head around the idea of focal lengths expressed in inches instead of millimeters. Now I've gone 'round the bend and think of all my 150mm lenses as six inchers.

Someone sifting through their old negatives...:)

Old negatives, you say? Here's a bathroom self-portrait taken in 1986. Look at that hairdo. Yikes.



David R Munson
16-Dec-2013, 18:40
Tonight's new scans. Hasselblad, Acros, Pyrocat MC.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7293/11411679205_4406212f72_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11411679205/)
Jessica (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11411679205/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7435/11411680355_19b64b099f_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11411680355/)
Ryan and Iggy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11411680355/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

16-Dec-2013, 19:30
Great photos, David, especially the portrait; nice dodging! (if that is indeed what you did)

austin granger
16-Dec-2013, 19:53
Old negatives, you say? Here's a bathroom self-portrait taken in 1986. Look at that hairdo. Yikes. Look at that cool kid! I don't have a picture of me from 1986 offhand, but I can tell you that at the time I was trying my hardest to model my hairstyle after this guy:


Of course when I got old I lost my hair while Morrissey managed to hold onto his. Bastard.

austin granger
16-Dec-2013, 19:57
That is a very striking portrait of Jessica David. Mesmerizing.

16-Dec-2013, 22:34
Tonight's new scans. Hasselblad, Acros, Pyrocat MC.
Lovely shot of Jessica.

I give 90% of the credit to the model, 10% to the photographer. ;-)

- Leigh

17-Dec-2013, 10:04
Tonight's new scans. Hasselblad, Acros, Pyrocat MC.

Nice portrait.

17-Dec-2013, 10:09
Old negatives, you say? Here's a bathroom self-portrait taken in 1986. Look at that hairdo. Yikes.


Dang, I almost fill like I've been Rickrolled (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickrolling) ;)

17-Dec-2013, 11:15
Panasonic LX5

Peter De Smidt
17-Dec-2013, 11:50
Before the Concert

17-Dec-2013, 12:24
Before the Concert

Beautiful portrait!

David R Munson
17-Dec-2013, 18:46
Nice portrait.

Lovely shot of Jessica.

I give 90% of the credit to the model, 10% to the photographer. ;-)

- Leigh

That is a very striking portrait of Jessica David. Mesmerizing.

Great photos, David, especially the portrait; nice dodging! (if that is indeed what you did)

Thanks everyone! I really like how it turned out.

Leigh - you're too generous. Jessica deserves more credit than that!

17-Dec-2013, 19:03
Leigh - you're too generous. Jessica deserves more credit than that!
I was trying to be polite. Perhaps 99/1, or ... ;-)

Lovely lady.

- Leigh

18-Dec-2013, 18:25
The past couple rolls of ten year old Tri-X I've shot have been particularly grainy, but I don't mind too much. I guess you could say I'm a 'glass half-full' kind of guy!

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Peter De Smidt
18-Dec-2013, 21:45
Beautiful portrait!

Thank you!

Nice work, Jonathan. I like grain sometimes as well.

austin granger
21-Dec-2013, 00:06
Enclosure, Portland


21-Dec-2013, 00:36
Enclosure, Portland


this is like a gateway to an alternate reality, which I guess is what it really is, just not in the way I was thinking. brilliant shot Austin.

21-Dec-2013, 00:49
Christmas on the Country Club Plaza

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3762/11474640076_b1c46a823b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11474640076/)
night geometry christmas 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11474640076/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3692/11474946013_66a6304389_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11474946013/)
no parking area plaza 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11474946013/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3764/11475075064_e95ae67f6a_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11475075064/)
skelley building plaza christmas 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11475075064/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

21-Dec-2013, 01:19
Enclosure, Portland


That's a brilliant image, Austin!

Ramiro Elena
21-Dec-2013, 02:41
holy molly Austin.

21-Dec-2013, 04:34
holy molly Austin.



austin granger
21-Dec-2013, 10:38
Thanks guys! I was telling Clay over on flickr that the zoo keeper thought I was mad. :)

And Clay, those are terrific. What a collection of shapes! I have to say, the thought of you making pictures outside at the mall while the shoppers shop brings me comfort. The only way I make it through those sorts of places at Christmas is to pretend I'm a spy infiltrating an alien civilization.



21-Dec-2013, 14:03
Enclosure, Portland

Now THAT is some good photography. Well done!


21-Dec-2013, 21:24
Another day, another wedding...the 8th this year.
Anyway, the reception this time was incredibly crowded. I thought I'd be cute and do a series of these...I know it's been done a million times but whatever. D800E, 28mm f/2 AI, SB-800 flash:




Jan Pedersen
21-Dec-2013, 21:32
Now THAT is some good photography. Well done!


More praise Austin. Wish I had the creativety to make such a nice image.

22-Dec-2013, 00:00
Thanks guys! I was telling Clay over on flickr that the zoo keeper thought I was mad. :)

And Clay, those are terrific. What a collection of shapes! I have to say, the thought of you making pictures outside at the mall while the shoppers shop brings me comfort. The only way I make it through those sorts of places at Christmas is to pretend I'm a spy infiltrating an alien civilization.

Thanks Austin.
That goal appears to be under attack from psychopathic squirrels.

22-Dec-2013, 06:35
Enclosure, Portland


Very nice indeed! you captured the light perfect
Reminds me of Hellraiser :-)

Michael Cienfuegos
22-Dec-2013, 19:59
Another day, another wedding...the 8th this year.
Anyway, the reception this time was incredibly crowded. I thought I'd be cute and do a series of these...I know it's been done a million times but whatever. D800E, 28mm f/2 AI, SB-800 flash:

Really cool, I would have never thought of this idea.

22-Dec-2013, 21:18
Thanks Michael. People love those shots, despite it being kind of a social commentary on the phone culture. It's the thing to do - grab a cell phone shot of whatever, just to show "they were there," which is of course immediately uploaded to Facebook or the like.

By the time I get home from a wedding shoot there's already dozens of photos on social network sites of the bride and groom when I hop on Facebook to throw a shot or two up for advertisement purposes.

Peter De Smidt
22-Dec-2013, 21:48
We had some freezing rain a few days ago. I took some bw LF photos of this apple tree, but I also brought along my digital camera.

22-Dec-2013, 23:49
One more from the Plaza lights series.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5488/11500013336_b6f8010996_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11500013336/)
valencia place (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11500013336/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

And one from my family room.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3698/11500322926_ba6e64b22d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11500322926/)
cat scratch post #2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11500322926/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

austin granger
23-Dec-2013, 08:32
The simplicity and formality of the composition makes each thing (outlet, locks, switches) feel significant. I also like how the slant of the top of the post and the sun match. I can't but help see the shadow as a very hairy graduate. :)

Swan, Portland


Michael Cienfuegos
23-Dec-2013, 09:52
Thanks Michael. People love those shots, despite it being kind of a social commentary on the phone culture. It's the thing to do - grab a cell phone shot of whatever, just to show "they were there," which is of course immediately uploaded to Facebook or the like.

By the time I get home from a wedding shoot there's already dozens of photos on social network sites of the bride and groom when I hop on Facebook to throw a shot or two up for advertisement purposes.

I've never shot a wedding, never will. When I attended my nephew's wedding I took only my Leica M2 with a 50mm/1.1 lens and Delta 3200 film. No flash. I took candids of my family and some friends. I got a kick out of the all the cell phones. I just might take my D700 next time. Looks like a lot of fun. (Facebook drives me crazy)

23-Dec-2013, 10:33
We had some freezing rain a few days ago. I took some bw LF photos of this apple tree, but I also brought along my digital camera.

This is nice in color with the shapes and lines and gnarly bokeh!

Ramiro Elena
23-Dec-2013, 14:45
This is the last image I took with the Pentax 67 before selling it to someone here who gets a lot more from it than I did.
It is worth noting I used very expired Agfa Scala film which always gave me unpleasant grainy and contrasty results. This I am happier with. I used Moersch Finol and developed as if it was Kodak Plus-x, reducing time for continuos agitation.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5496/11520888616_bc31f1b8c5_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11520888616)

23-Dec-2013, 15:05
And one from my family room.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3698/11500322926_ba6e64b22d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11500322926/)
cat scratch post #2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11500322926/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

This picture reminds me of an old classroom and the professor has taken off his mortarboard and placed it atop all the student's books at the end of the year. It's because of Peter O'Toole dying recently and he was iconic as a professor like that in "Goodbye, Mr. Chips."

In any case, I like it :)

Joe O'Hara
27-Dec-2013, 09:08
Spotted this on the cabinet by the kitchen window a couple of days ago. Panasonic GF1.

Scott Schroeder
27-Dec-2013, 20:10
I love my kegerator..... http://schroederworks.com/Pics/2013.12.27_20.57.03~01.jpg

28-Dec-2013, 01:11
I love my kegerator..... http://schroederworks.com/Pics/2013.12.27_20.57.03~01.jpg

Nice interpretation of the theme "tiny format" :rolleyes:

Ramiro Elena
28-Dec-2013, 02:46
A roll developed last night from who knows when.
Mamiya 645 80mm f1.9
Tri-x Pro in Finol
Toned in PS
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3766/11600397454_dc6d835b53_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11600397454)

Scott Schroeder
28-Dec-2013, 11:05
Nice interpretation of the theme "tiny format" :rolleyes:
Looks like I left spaces in there to have it embedded....
And I can't edit the post....

29-Dec-2013, 17:39
Rolleiflex with Arista 200 rated at 100. f/8 at 1/60th with a yellow filter. Rodinal 1:100, 60 minute stand.


Ramiro Elena
29-Dec-2013, 17:59
At the FC. Barcelona match with brother in law and kids. Something vintage in it I like. It was my kid's first game, a bit overwhelming perhaps.
Nikon F4 with Nikkor 35mm f2
Plus-x in Finol.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3796/11600957206_7c5ee8eed5_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11600957206)

And later for some more fun for the kids.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5502/11600359313_eebdaea336_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11600359313)

29-Dec-2013, 19:40
This picture reminds me of an old classroom and the professor has taken off his mortarboard and placed it atop all the student's books at the end of the year. It's because of Peter O'Toole dying recently and he was iconic as a professor like that in "Goodbye, Mr. Chips."

In any case, I like it :)

Thanks Patrick, It certainly does have the look of a mortarboard reminds me of high school graduation.

29-Dec-2013, 19:46
We had some freezing rain a few days ago. I took some bw LF photos of this apple tree, but I also brought along my digital camera.

there is something very appealing about this image, how did LF turn out?

Peter De Smidt
29-Dec-2013, 23:23
Thanks, cpercy. I haven't gotten around to developing the LF film yet. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow.

30-Dec-2013, 00:21
Here's a little postcard-ish shot from a an "upscale" area in KC. One must be careful not to get arrested or run off when lurking around here at night.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3708/11641254245_37f1d7b81f_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11641254245/)
mh christmas lights (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11641254245/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

30-Dec-2013, 00:26
Here's one a little closer to my house.
Jonathan turned out the dusk shot I liked best didn't have any Christmas lights

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7322/11639377335_947b09ebf8_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11639377335/)
dusk (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11639377335/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

30-Dec-2013, 00:46
Clay--that first one captures so well what I love about holiday lights at dusk: the halo of illumination all around. It looks like digital once again served the scene very well. There is a house in my neighborhood that has white lights year-round in a tree in the front yard. They aren't always on, but I keep hoping to catch it at dusk when it is lit up. But lights aren't required for nice dusk shots, of course; they're merely an added holiday bonus.


30-Dec-2013, 01:32
Another try at using soft-focus lens (p67/120):


30-Dec-2013, 03:57
Interesting image and lens. Is it a "Pentax SMC P 67 120 mm F/3.5 II Lens" you meant with p67/120?
107379 107380

And what camera did you use it on?

I have a Pentax 67 and recently a Pentax 645 PRO, but I never heard of this lens before.
It seems a good lens for making images in the Pictorialism style (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pictorialism).
I want to try this style for making some negatives for alt-photo printing (gum, carbon and bromoil printing).

Another try at using soft-focus lens (p67/120):

30-Dec-2013, 12:48
Polaroids from Northern Greece, shot on Fuji FP-100c with the Polaroid Land 250 camera. See more in my blog. (http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2013/12/polaroids-from-the-north-polaroid-land-camera/)



30-Dec-2013, 13:33
Hello Thodoris,
These are most excellent!!
I just checked the others on your blog. The first two and the bridge are my favorite.
Style, composition, colour, shapes, … all fits!
Good work! If you ever want to trade some images , let me know.
Bert from Holland

Polaroids from Northern Greece, shot on Fuji FP-100c with the Polaroid Land 250 camera. See more in my blog. (http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2013/12/polaroids-from-the-north-polaroid-land-camera/)

30-Dec-2013, 13:37
I live outside a small town at the "Veluwe" in the middle of The Nertherlands. It's a very large area with fields, woods, heather and small streams. Close to my home there are some planes ruled by nature. There is a small stream called "Egelbeek" (= Hedgehog stream) that originates close by and is needed to transport the rain away. The name of my street is "Waterstreet" so you can imagine why this small stream is very important to us. Nature's natural transport of water in this area!!

I like to wander around with my panorama pinhole camera and take images along this small stream. I used a 6x19 cm wooden pinhole camera loaded with expired Fuji RVP 120 roll film (= Velvia 50 ASA slide film). Exposure times about 40 seconds. All images are straight scans without any Photoshop adjustments:




Bert from Holland

30-Dec-2013, 23:02
Haven't shot anything worth a damn for a while. Finally got something I'm quite pleased with.

War Memorial - Milton, FL
Bessa R2S, Nikkor 5cm f/1.4, Plus-X, Acufine


Jim collum
31-Dec-2013, 00:03
M9, 50mm pre asph Lux
Cesium Palladium print

Henry Cowell, path at dusk

Ramiro Elena
31-Dec-2013, 01:51
Beautiful Jim.

1-Jan-2014, 12:17
Me being silly while Meagan was getting ready. Bessa R2S, Nikkor 50/1.4 RF, TMZ @1000, T-Max Developer @75F, 7:00


Ramiro Elena
1-Jan-2014, 14:18
I got a Nikon F4 on eBay for the lens which turned out to be useless. After a couple test rolls, I gotta say I am very pleased with it. It's one hell of a camera. I am using the same lenses I use on my D700 so this is either a 35mm f2 or the 50mm f1.4.
Fuji Superia 100 self developed with the Tetenal kit.

My girl waking from a nap.
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5510/11693796826_1aa3b26a6a_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11693796826)

John Rodriguez
1-Jan-2014, 19:08
I dig this a lot.

M9, 50mm pre asph Lux
Cesium Palladium print

Henry Cowell, path at dusk

John Rodriguez
1-Jan-2014, 19:13
Rough draft of a shot from last night.

Merced River Boulders - van Wagtendonk Beach, El Portal, CA


Peter De Smidt
1-Jan-2014, 19:50
Nicely done, Ramiro. You're processing looks to be spot on.

John, that's a very likable image.

1-Jan-2014, 19:59
The birthplace of Pepsi

Out sailing:

1-Jan-2014, 22:05
Until I took to photographing them I used to think of cut flowers as a terrible waste. They look pretty for a few days, yes, but are then unceremoniously tossed out. Now when I buy my wife flowers I selfishly think of it as buying myself some photographic props, too.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Velvia 50.



1-Jan-2014, 23:42
Now when I buy my wife flowers I selfishly think of it as buying myself some photographic props, too.

The best of both worlds (until she finds out, that is ...)

1-Jan-2014, 23:44
The more I look at it, the more I like it. I love alt-photo prints. This one fits the Pictorialism style (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pictorialism) too.
Great job

M9, 50mm pre asph Lux
Cesium Palladium print
Henry Cowell, path at dusk

2-Jan-2014, 01:21
The best of both worlds (until she finds out, that is ...)

Oh, she knows. :)


2-Jan-2014, 20:19
I've always loved watches so when I saw this little guy in an antique mall for $25 I splurged a little. Of course it's just a cheap watch but I like it anyway. Was messing around tonight and did this.
Nikon D800E, 200mm Micro, f/22, 2-minute exposure by simple incandescent light source. One of these days I need to really work on my lighting for still-life and such, but I never feel like getting out the big lights:


2-Jan-2014, 22:26
Trying to channel Austin

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3731/11722993494_4c1603be21_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11722993494/)
depleted (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11722993494/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

3-Jan-2014, 15:39
More gear p0rn. A Df sporting a 58/1.4G lens. I also shot this with some Ektar 100 on medium format yet to be developed. Once again I suspended the camera with threads and cloned them out in post.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7325/11723083124_84a8bb4942_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11723083124/)
Gear p0rn (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11723083124/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Ramiro Elena
3-Jan-2014, 15:49
You have no heart Tuco.

3-Jan-2014, 16:06
Very nice shot.
BTW: does this mean you actually have a Nikon Df? How does it feel and handle?

More gear p0rn. A Df sporting a 58/1.4G lens. I also shot this with some Ektar 100 on medium format yet to be developed. Once again I suspended the camera with threads and cloned them out in post.

3-Jan-2014, 16:32
Very nice shot.
BTW: does this mean you actually have a Nikon Df? How does it feel and handle?

Thanks. Yes. The camera is light and comfortable with plenty of room for my hands. And as long as you don't put lenses on that weigh more than 80% or so of the camera (= 710g of mass), it handles and feels its best. So for Nikon's modern lenses that means f1.8 lenses are more suited. The 58/1.4G looks big but is not very heavy at all. The low light capability is excellent but the camera has a few design mistakes.

One is the dials do not control the minimum shutter speed and top ISO when in auto ISO ( can only be changed via the menu). And the focus module does not match the low light capability of the sensor. Otherwise, the camera shoots much like a DSLR if you want. It is replacing my XP1 as a candid and walking around camera. So far I shoot it mostly in auto ISO in aperture priority and hardly touch the dials at all. But I also shoot in auto ISO and manual mode which lets me use the dials and the camera finds the matching ISO for the situation.

Here is a test shot from the Df + 58mm.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3770/11470707673_a7f8aca59c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11470707673/)

austin granger
3-Jan-2014, 19:12
Wood Chips, West Linn, Oregon


3-Jan-2014, 21:22
tuco, very jealous! I really want to try a Df, and that 58mm seems like a swell lens. But I am not investing in digital stuff right now.

austin granger
3-Jan-2014, 23:58
Tree with Lights and Straps, Portland


4-Jan-2014, 01:02
Tree with Lights and Straps, Portland

That looks like some kind of prehistoric planetarium (an anachronism, I know). I like it.


4-Jan-2014, 06:48
Looks like an electron microscope photo, or a regular microscope photo with stains on B&W film.

4-Jan-2014, 09:11
Wow that's nice Austin.

Colin Graham
4-Jan-2014, 10:19
Wood Chips, West Linn, Oregon

This really made my morning, wonderful.

Peter De Smidt
4-Jan-2014, 10:43
Wow that's nice Austin.


Peter Gomena
4-Jan-2014, 11:36
Damn, that's a good one!

Steve M Hostetter
4-Jan-2014, 11:37
107661 The trees of Brookside park 50mm 1.4 @ f2.8

4-Jan-2014, 13:17
Tree with Lights and Straps, Portland

I don't comment often but this is a beautiful image. I'd have walked past scenes like this a hundred times this season and not thought of the potential.

4-Jan-2014, 15:18
Roy's Motel and Cafe. It is right up the street from me so I figured I would go and take a few photos. The color one is a D7000 and the Black and White is a Yashicamat 124.


4-Jan-2014, 15:22
And here is another Yashicamat 124 shot of the sign.


4-Jan-2014, 17:40
Roy's Motel and Cafe. It is right up the street from me so I figured I would go and take a few photos. The color one is a D7000 and the Black and White is a Yashicamat 124.


The B&W is superb, the way you used perspective to get the corner of the roof and the arrow on the sign pointing at each other.

austin granger
4-Jan-2014, 17:53
Thanks guys. It's funny, neither a microscope nor a planetarium crossed my mind when I made that, though I love both of those things. Actually, what I was thinking (not that it matters) was that this living thing bound with straps and netted with spiky lights was a pretty good metaphor for the crucifiction story. Maybe because I was at a Catholic shrine here in Portland. Also, I just thought it had a good feeling of movement, like the tree limbs were two dancers, or else two people tied together trying to escape one other. See, now aren't you glad I don't usually talk about my pictures? :)

Atop a Parking Garage, Portland


4-Jan-2014, 18:33
Austin, love the tree shot, and great tones in this one here; bravo!

5-Jan-2014, 06:34
Yashicamat wins this round :)

Roy's Motel and Cafe. It is right up the street from me so I figured I would go and take a few photos. The color one is a D7000 and the Black and White is a Yashicamat 124.


5-Jan-2014, 10:56
Roy's Motel and Cafe. It is right up the street from me so I figured I would go and take a few photos. The color one is a D7000 and the Black and White is a Yashicamat 124.

The BW is sweet. I really like old hotel/motel signs. The Roy's sign is amazingly clear of power cables/poles and what-not. I found some old, run down hotel signs in my area and thought about collecting shots of them while they still exist. But they are so polluted with power cables, poles and other things built around them and in the way that it stops me from ever trying.

5-Jan-2014, 10:59
Thanks for the replies. There are alot of old abandoned things out here in the desert along route 66 to take photos of.

austin granger
5-Jan-2014, 11:24
Hedgerow hiding Something, Beaverton

Deer grazing, Portland


Ramiro Elena
5-Jan-2014, 14:04
These are meant to go as a tryptic. My last pack of Polaroid 665. I kicked the wife and the kid out of the house for a while so I could have some time for myself and a new Isco-Gottingen Kiptar lens. I am quite liking it. It's a 180mm f3.1 Petzval projection lens.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3731/11783866154_c4d55ea110.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11783866154)http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5527/11782535535_73e8352d92.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11782535535)http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5530/11783481815_887a1156ce.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11783481815)

5-Jan-2014, 14:21
These are meant to go as a tryptic. My last pack of Polaroid 665. I kicked the wife and the kid out of the house for a while so I could have some time for myself and a new Isco-Gottingen Kiptar lens. I am quite liking it. It's a 180mm f3.1 Petzval projection lens.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3731/11783866154_c4d55ea110.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11783866154)http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5527/11782535535_73e8352d92.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11782535535)http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5530/11783481815_887a1156ce.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11783481815)

Keep the lens! These are fantastic; bravissimo!
RIP Type 665.

5-Jan-2014, 15:02
These are meant to go as a tryptic. My last pack of Polaroid 665. I kicked the wife and the kid out of the house for a while so I could have some time for myself and a new Isco-Gottingen Kiptar lens. I am quite liking it. It's a 180mm f3.1 Petzval projection lens.

Very nice Ramiro! You should kick them out more often :D

5-Jan-2014, 15:17
Another trip to the Oregon Sand Dunes. This time I also took some color film along so I used my 500C/M so I could swap backs. A color and BW version of the same.

Zeiss CF T* 50/f4 FLE, 100ACR

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7311/11760129865_4d01334763_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11760129865/)
Oregon Sand Dunes (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11760129865/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

New Portra 160 + CPL Filter, Jobo C-41 Press Kit

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3776/11785681266_38f7e37123_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11785681266/)
Oregon Sand Dunes (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11785681266/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

6-Jan-2014, 00:49
My last pack of Polaroid 665.




These are lovely, Ramiro, but what are they doing in the 'Tiny Formats' thread? My understanding is that if you shoot it with a large format camera it counts as large format (as far as this forum is concerned, anyway) even if you use a roll film back.

I, too, have one remaining pack of Type 665 that I have been hesitant to shoot, although I think I'm just going to harvest the pods to bring some old Type 55 back to life.


Ramiro Elena
6-Jan-2014, 03:26
Thank's y'all :)
I never know which side to fall on with these in between formats. Truth is it is only a bare centimeter short from 9x12. I placed it here just to be "safe" :P
There's one on the Still Life 2014 thread too.
I wonder what the market price is for expired 665 these days. I have located some but I don't know if it is too expensive.

It was nice to have that "in tune" feeling again when shooting these stills. Ever too often I don't have the time to relax and enjoy it with family rushing you on to the next thing.
The lens was a nice find too. I have several of these in shorter focal lengths. My all time trusty Petzval wasn't doing it for me lately. The area of focus is so narrow it is impossible to compose anything that's not in the dead center of the frame.
I'll have to see if it cover 4x5. I see some clipping in the corners at infinity. This 665 format seems perfect for it.

6-Jan-2014, 10:56
Thanks guys. It's funny, neither a microscope nor a planetarium crossed my mind when I made that, though I love both of those things. Actually, what I was thinking (not that it matters) was that this living thing bound with straps and netted with spiky lights was a pretty good metaphor for the crucifiction story. Maybe because I was at a Catholic shrine here in Portland. Also, I just thought it had a good feeling of movement, like the tree limbs were two dancers, or else two people tied together trying to escape one other. See, now aren't you glad I don't usually talk about my pictures? :)

Fantastic image Austin, I like the two dancers idea it really fits the image well, to me its quite celebratory.

6-Jan-2014, 10:59
Another trip to the Oregon Sand Dunes. This time I also took some color film along so I used my 500C/M so I could swap backs. A color and BW version of the same.

Zeiss CF T* 50/f4 FLE, 100ACR

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7311/11760129865_4d01334763_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11760129865/)
Oregon Sand Dunes (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11760129865/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

New Portra 160 + CPL Filter, Jobo C-41 Press Kit

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3776/11785681266_38f7e37123_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11785681266/)
Oregon Sand Dunes (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11785681266/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

I might not be impartial but I think the monochrome takes the day here. Beautiful image Tuco.

6-Jan-2014, 11:01
These are meant to go as a tryptic. My last pack of Polaroid 665. I kicked the wife and the kid out of the house for a while so I could have some time for myself and a new Isco-Gottingen Kiptar lens. I am quite liking it. It's a 180mm f3.1 Petzval projection lens.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3731/11783866154_c4d55ea110.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11783866154)http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5527/11782535535_73e8352d92.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11782535535)http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5530/11783481815_887a1156ce.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/11783481815)

very nice use of the last of your Polaroid Ramiro.

6-Jan-2014, 12:23
I might not be impartial but I think the monochrome takes the day here. Beautiful image Tuco.


6-Jan-2014, 14:14
I agree the monochrome is superb, although the colour rendition of the Portra is very nice. A couple of mine, the first needs a 4x5 to do it properly and the second was taken on a dreary day.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7447/11784197955_2f32fcbe05.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11784197955/)
Some Rocks and Reflections 85mm (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11784197955/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5526/11784312005_10686b248f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11784312005/)
C for Charlie (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11784312005/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
6-Jan-2014, 14:26
Nice work, Tuco. I too prefer the BW version.

6-Jan-2014, 14:38
I really like the second shot.
The flow of the water on the pebbles, the silent rock in the distance, worn out by water, the clouds filled with water, ...
It really works for me.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5526/11784312005_10686b248f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11784312005/)
C for Charlie (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11784312005/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

6-Jan-2014, 14:47
Thank you. I think that it goes to show that sometimes it is probably better to leave a photo a few days and then go back to it as it is one of those that I almost deleted. I will have to see what happens to the film ones, but I have a feeling the camera is not working properly so I am not too confident.

Peter De Smidt
6-Jan-2014, 16:36
Self portrait taken after the mid-day -15F dog walk.

6-Jan-2014, 17:42
Thanks Nguss and Peter

Self portrait taken after the mid-day -15F dog walk.


6-Jan-2014, 23:19
Self-portrait of my shadow with fallen leaves and rainwater on cracked cement in the parking lot at the university. Also testing a lens.
Nikon SP, Nikkor 2.5cm f/4, Kodak Elite Chrome 400:


Ramiro Elena
7-Jan-2014, 13:13
I used the same set up to try my new PC-Nikkor 35mm. It distorts quite a lot when getting up close.
Nikon D700.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7407/11824093453_87a96501b9_z.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/j1Rz3e)

7-Jan-2014, 14:37
I used the same set up to try my new PC-Nikkor 35mm. It distorts quite a lot when getting up close.
Nikon D700.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7407/11824093453_87a96501b9_z.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/j1Rz3e)

Ooh, just lovely; I wish for that kind of soft light.

Ramiro Elena
7-Jan-2014, 14:53
That's right by the window in our bedroom. I placed the diffusing fabric from a soft-box over the window because we don't have curtains.
The light in our town sucks. We live right in front of the sea and it is always sunny. I need to move to Oregon and become a good photographer just like Austin, Isaac and Jonathan did. They sucked before they moved, really!

7-Jan-2014, 15:03
They sucked before they moved, really!

There's some truth in that, at least for me. I grew up in Santa Barbara, California and it was (is) always sunny there, too. I like the Oregon light better but I miss the SB weather.


7-Jan-2014, 20:13
And speaking of California, here's one taken at a friend's wedding (near Paso Robles) on a rather Oregon-like day.

Mamiya 7 w/35mm panoramic adapter, 65mm, HP5+



7-Jan-2014, 22:44
Nice one Jonathan! Excellent use of the format.

I've been in a funk lately, photographically, so I'm trying to constantly carry with me one of my smaller 35mm cameras every day and just chip away at my mental block. So you can for better or worse expect a bunch of junk photos from me in the coming times I guess.

Nikon F3, 50/1.8E, old as dirt Fuji RDP:


7-Jan-2014, 22:49
Thanks, Bryan. I've been a bit uninspired myself, but chipping away at it is usually the best approach. Something will "pop" one of these days and you'll be back on track.

I should follow my own advice. I keep meaning to carry my Rollei 35 in my pocket wherever I go, but do I? Nope.


8-Jan-2014, 07:33
As far as I'm concerned you've been killing it lately Jonathan!

I got a Rollei 35 in a box full of old cameras, I really liked it but after one roll the entire shutter mechanism locked up and failed :(

Ramiro Elena
8-Jan-2014, 08:05
The perfect camera for your pocket is the Ricoh GR1. Another recent find for me was the Pentax PC35AF. It looks cheap but makes great images.

8-Jan-2014, 08:19
I'm liking my Nikon SP and 2.5cm pancake I just got for pocketable camera - of course no AF or meter, but who needs that eh? :)

austin granger
8-Jan-2014, 10:46
That's right by the window in our bedroom. I placed the diffusing fabric from a soft-box over the window because we don't have curtains.
The light in our town sucks. We live right in front of the sea and it is always sunny. I need to move to Oregon and become a good photographer just like Austin, Isaac and Jonathan did. They sucked before they moved, really!

I've been laughing at this for about a minute now. I think there must be a good travel slogan in there somewhere: "Come to grey Oregon-where the sun won't hurt your eyes!" or something. It's actually raining right now, as a matter of fact.

I like that picture Ramiro. The colors (only two really!) against the muted background are very striking. Such an elegant picture.

8-Jan-2014, 11:08
That's right by the window in our bedroom. I placed the diffusing fabric from a soft-box over the window because we don't have curtains.
The light in our town sucks. We live right in front of the sea and it is always sunny. I need to move to Oregon and become a good photographer just like Austin, Isaac and Jonathan did. They sucked before they moved, really!

After a lifetime spent in the Great White North, I've grown less and less enchanted by the interminable winter.
Living by the sea where it's always sunny might not make me a better photographer, but I'd be willing to take that chance! :)

And speaking of California, here's one taken at a friend's wedding (near Paso Robles) on a rather Oregon-like day.

Mamiya 7 w/35mm panoramic adapter, 65mm, HP5+



Hey, nice wedding photo; that goes right up on the wall.
Lucky for them; at my wedding, I was the groom and photographer (no kidding).

8-Jan-2014, 11:54
And speaking of California, here's one taken at a friend's wedding (near Paso Robles) on a rather Oregon-like day.

Mamiya 7 w/35mm panoramic adapter, 65mm, HP5+


Yes, good use of the pano adapter. Nice shot.

Lucky for them; at my wedding, I was the groom and photographer (no kidding).

That must have been tough. After seeing Jonathan's picture, a vision flashed through my mind of you running back and forth from setting the camera on a timer to running back to posing in the picture.

8-Jan-2014, 11:59
That must have been tough. After seeing Jonathan's picture, a vision flashed through my mind of you running back and forth from setting the camera on a timer to running back to posing in the picture.

Timer? That would have made things much easier; why didn't I think of that? :)
It was mostly selfies, and a couple where I gave the camera to the judge and told her where to stand and what to do.

8-Jan-2014, 14:29
After a lifetime spent in the Great White North, I've grown less and less enchanted by the interminable winter.
Living by the sea where it's always sunny might not make me a better photographer, but I'd be willing to take that chance! :)

I'm just the opposite. I literally grew up at the beach so I've had my fill of palm trees and sunny weather. Give me some dark, cloudy skies and I'm happy.

I was the groom and photographer (no kidding).

So I'm not the only one? We got married in Ireland with only a five people in attendance, so I was the photographer and groom, too. The kicker is: I shot it with my Toyo 45A. Looking back I think I was nuts, but the photos are fine, or at least the best my 23 year-old self could do under the circumstances.


8-Jan-2014, 14:36
The kicker is: I shot it with my Toyo 45A.


Ok, you win. :)

8-Jan-2014, 14:45
Ok, you win. :)

Don't tell my wife that. She can regale you with stories of all the fights we had as I lugged my huge camera bag and tripod around with us the whole trip. There was one particularly bad episode where we rented old rusty bikes in Sligo. Just imagine: hard-to-ride bikes, a huge Tamrac camera bag with pull-out "backpack" shoulder straps that were an afterthought at best, a hilly rural area, stormy weather and not enough water or snacks. At one point she came unhinged because I was being, shall we say, unreasonable.

22 years later and we're still happily married. At least she can never say that my passion for LF came as a surprise.


8-Jan-2014, 14:56
Jonathan, have you ever posted any of those photos?

Ramiro Elena
8-Jan-2014, 15:01
That's insane Jonathan. Your wife must love you very much.
Of course if I moved to Oregon I would kill myself within 5 minutes upon arrival. I get mini depressions when a cloud passes by.

8-Jan-2014, 17:00
Jonathan, have you ever posted any of those photos?

You mean from the wedding trip in '92? I think I did at some point. Here are a few, with apologies for being redundant if people remember seeing these before. For the last one I framed up and focused on where my wife was standing then ran over to be in the photo. My newly minted brother-in-law was the trigger man on the cable release. Velvia was not the best choice for portraits, but it was the only color film I had with me in 4x5. I stupidly neglected to shoot any B&W wedding portraits of us. That's not a mistake I would make today.

I've now joined Ramiro in posting LF to the tiny formats thread. ;)





8-Jan-2014, 20:36
A little Hasselblad action...

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3687/11845019435_e72c3f737d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/11845019435/)
Tracy. October 2103. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/11845019435/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

Hasselblad + 80mm f2.8 + Acros 100

austin granger
9-Jan-2014, 00:01
Don't tell my wife that. She can regale you with stories of all the fights we had as I lugged my huge camera bag and tripod around with us the whole trip. There was one particularly bad episode where we rented old rusty bikes in Sligo. Just imagine: hard-to-ride bikes, a huge Tamrac camera bag with pull-out "backpack" shoulder straps that were an afterthought at best, a hilly rural area, stormy weather and not enough water or snacks. At one point she came unhinged because I was being, shall we say, unreasonable.

22 years later and we're still happily married. At least she can never say that my passion for LF came as a surprise.

The mental image of you on your honeymoon riding a bike through the country while carrying a large format camera on your back has brightened my day. Thanks for that. And great pictures!

Trailer, Maupin, Oregon


Roger Cole
9-Jan-2014, 07:17
Don't tell my wife that. She can regale you with stories of all the fights we had as I lugged my huge camera bag and tripod around with us the whole trip. There was one particularly bad episode where we rented old rusty bikes in Sligo. Just imagine: hard-to-ride bikes, a huge Tamrac camera bag with pull-out "backpack" shoulder straps that were an afterthought at best, a hilly rural area, stormy weather and not enough water or snacks. At one point she came unhinged because I was being, shall we say, unreasonable.

22 years later and we're still happily married. At least she can never say that my passion for LF came as a surprise.


I didn't photograph my own wedding but I did take a full 35mm kit with three bodies, lenses etc, my Yashicmat 124 in its small bag with LunaPro SBC and plenty of film, and my complete 4x5 kit plus tripod on our honeymoon. I didn't use any of them except the 35mm much, but I took 'em. She didn't mind though, and we weren't bicycling. I think you win the "insane level of devotion to photography in general and LF in particular" award hands down! :)

austin granger
9-Jan-2014, 12:04
I would have liked to have done this one with the big camera but the sun was dropping fast (you can see the shadow racing up from the bottom) and I didn't think there was time. The more I do this photography thing the more I realize just how much changes from second to second. Did you know the earth is spinning at over 1000 miles an hour, while at the same time going around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour? And it seems so peaceful here in my office. :)

Abandoned Farm, Oregon


9-Jan-2014, 15:02
... Did you know the earth is spinning at over 1000 miles an hour, while at the same time going around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour?

That's the tangential velocity at the equator. At Portland, OR it is roughly 700 MPH. See, you had more time than you thought. ;)

austin granger
9-Jan-2014, 15:13
Ha! Thanks Tuco. I feel much more at ease now. :)

9-Jan-2014, 15:33
I think you win the "insane level of devotion to photography in general and LF in particular" award hands down! :)

If anything I win the award for youthful naivete and optimism. I don't regret it, but I wouldn't do it again I don't think.


9-Jan-2014, 16:23
If anything I win the award for youthful naivete and optimism. I don't regret it, but I wouldn't do it again I don't think.


Last summer I went on a hike with only a small Fuji XP1 for camera gear. It was a rough hike up a steep pass that completely taxed my physical resources. I did that hike 15+ years ago hauling a 4x5 gear and heavy wood tripod with no problem. Time takes its toll for sure.

Nathan Potter
9-Jan-2014, 16:42
Yes, and we are spinning around our galactic center even faster, not to mention our velocity from an expanding universe. I bet at some very distant reference we are traveling at nearly the speed of light. It's enough to make ones head spin. :cool:

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

10-Jan-2014, 01:56
The more I do this photography thing the more I realize just how much changes from second to second. Did you know the earth is spinning at over 1000 miles an hour, while at the same time going around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour? And it seems so peaceful here in my office. :)

Well, if yo shot at 1/30s, you captured about through 9.3 miles of space in this single image ...

10-Jan-2014, 09:13
Haven't posted here in a while.
I had a backlog of 120 film dating back to when the weather was still kind of hospitable (mid-November).
The first photo is where we're at, weather- and snow-wise.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2824/11872430135_617cda97a5_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11872430135/)
Snow Shovel (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11872430135/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7414/11873273326_f303df259e_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11873273326/)
Autumn Pool (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11873273326/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3672/11872867794_4d39d0ef33_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11872867794/)
Swing (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11872867794/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2815/11872419305_61b04b39b4_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11872419305/)
Hoops (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11872419305/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

10-Jan-2014, 14:54
Excellent series. I always seem to post here at the moment as I haven't taken a LF image for a few weeks at least now. And so..

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5475/11877049806_c0230e1f01_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11877049806/)
Tynemouth Velvia 50 Mamiya RB67 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11877049806/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

10-Jan-2014, 15:21
Before we cracked that bottle open I asked, hey, would you... and she did.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5495/11858387494_b425e7a428_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11858387494/)

austin granger
10-Jan-2014, 15:30
I'm not sure how you follow that, but someone has to so, ah, here's a football field ("Touchdown!"):

Goalpost, Maupin, Oregon


Nathan Potter
10-Jan-2014, 15:42
tuco, brilliant. Two of the great enticements in one image. Of course a divided center of interest no no, but here a perfect fit.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

10-Jan-2014, 15:48
Nice one tuco.

Here is a bit of a "visual diary" of an average day at work. All taken with my Nikon SP and 2.5cm f/4 lens. I carried it around all this week grabbing random photos around work - they show the campus, the theater shop and my coworker welding, some art that is hanging in the hallway, the street sign on the corner, the auditorium I run and our lightboard, my GF and her car on lunch break, etc.


10-Jan-2014, 17:07
I'm not sure how you follow that, but someone has to so, ah, here's a football field ("Touchdown!"):

I'm still laughing at that one, Austin.

10-Jan-2014, 20:32
tuco, brilliant. Two of the great enticements in one image. Of course a divided center of interest no no, but here a perfect fit.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

Nice one tuco.

Thanks, you guys.

Really nice shot, Austin.

austin granger
10-Jan-2014, 21:46
Thanks man. Here's its mate:

Scoreboard, Maupin, Oregon


al olson
11-Jan-2014, 12:33
Excellent series. I always seem to post here at the moment as I haven't taken a LF image for a few weeks at least now. And so..

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5475/11877049806_c0230e1f01_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11877049806/)
Tynemouth Velvia 50 Mamiya RB67 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/11877049806/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

Nguss, that is a wonderful photo. I love the threatening sky with the silhouettes and it appears that you can even see the navigation dayboards on the horizon. I would love to see a full sized print.

Tuco, that is a classic and one that will be remembered. You have a wonderful model who also obviously has the same zany sense of humor.

11-Jan-2014, 12:45
Thank you Al. The original slide looks nice under a loupe, the detail picked up is surprising, though not a patch on 4x5 (which is the largest format I own unfortunately). I should probably go out in the rain a little more.

11-Jan-2014, 15:44
I live in a frigid climate from November to April, so here's a shot of, uh, snow.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3745/11895045215_644ed35c5e_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11895045215/)
And more snow... (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11895045215/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

11-Jan-2014, 15:50
Another shot featuring snow...

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3710/11895575194_86242de22e_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11895575194/)
Miriam in Snow (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11895575194/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

dave clayton
11-Jan-2014, 16:02
Norwegian church Swansea south wales Fuji reala 100 expired 6x9 shot on a crown


Peter De Smidt
11-Jan-2014, 16:17
Hi Ari,

The "Miriam in Snow" picture is a fun shot.

11-Jan-2014, 16:30
Hi Peter,
Thank you; the snow was waist-deep that day.
Trying to use the swings was a heroic but comical effort.

11-Jan-2014, 19:48
Hi Ari,
I like this one best. Nice set of images. The Acros film seems to agree with you. How do you develop it?
Bert from Holland

Another shot featuring snow...

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3710/11895575194_86242de22e_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11895575194/)
Miriam in Snow (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11895575194/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

11-Jan-2014, 22:16
Another shot featuring snow...
Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

Winter wonder land. Nice winter shots. The tide is turning and the days are slowly getting longer.

12-Jan-2014, 01:18
Trying to use the swings was a heroic but comical effort.

What about the tilts and shifts, were those any easier? ;)


Ken Lee
12-Jan-2014, 08:55
Table and Chair, 2014
Canon Point & Shoot

austin granger
12-Jan-2014, 09:54
Gloves drying on a Fence, Portland

Tricycle, Maupin, Oregon


12-Jan-2014, 11:33
Hi Ari,
I like this one best. Nice set of images. The Acros film seems to agree with you. How do you develop it?
Bert from Holland

Thank you Bert.
I expose it at 100, develop it 7,5 minutes in HC-110 (dilution H); the rest of the look comes from Lightroom 5.

Winter wonder land. Nice winter shots. The tide is turning and the days are slowly getting longer.

Thanks, Tuco, and yay!

What about the tilts and shifts, were those any easier? ;)


Snicker, snicker; these kinds of jokes always work for me. :)

12-Jan-2014, 11:35
Table and Chair, 2014
Canon Point & Shoot

Nice, Ken; you have avery clean house, too.

Gloves drying on a Fence, Portland

Tricycle, Maupin, Oregon


Very good stuff, Austin, as usual; nice crispness.

12-Jan-2014, 13:44
You have avery clean house, too.

How do you know the name of his housekeeper is Avery? :)

(Sorry. Since I have no new photos to post, I'm going with bad jokes instead.)


12-Jan-2014, 13:52
How do you know the name of his housekeeper is Avery? :)

(Sorry. Since I have no new photos to post, I'm going with bad jokes instead.)


You see? I got a chuckle out of that one too.
Henny Youngman got nothing on you.

dave clayton
12-Jan-2014, 14:10

As soon as i saw this William Eggleston sprang to mind love this shot

12-Jan-2014, 14:28
Got a roll of Ektar 100 back, I'm pretty pleased with it.


austin granger
12-Jan-2014, 16:53
As soon as i saw this William Eggleston sprang to mind love this shot

Thanks Ari. And thanks Dave. It's hard to see a tricycle and not think about that Eggleston picture, but I'm not going to let being derivative stop me! :) Actually, this one turned out a little more unsettling than I meant it to. I was going for a feeling of melancholy, or else a self-referential thing (here's a photographer looking at things), but instead there's a sort of sinister vibe going on; Where's the kid? Is the shadow holding the kid? Etc. My own pictures still surprise me sometimes.

12-Jan-2014, 17:54
When I was in high school there was a girl in my class who had such a beautiful and unique style to her handwriting that she never had to put her name on her papers. When I saw this post I said to my self '...well, this Dave Clayton fellow has a style very similar to AG's...impressive' :(


As soon as i saw this William Eggleston sprang to mind love this shot

12-Jan-2014, 18:02
Very nice, especially in b/w. The shadow of W.E.

12-Jan-2014, 23:56
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5474/11923557895_f4d7f8f37d_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11923557895/)
Voila (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11923557895/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7378/11924392914_eddcb2a0d6_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11924392914/)
Surveillance (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11924392914/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

Ramiro Elena
13-Jan-2014, 03:11
Here's the digital take of the image posted in the Still-life 2014 thread as reference for color.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3792/11870664425_a18eddd00f_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/j5YfY2)
Nikon D700 50mm f1.4

13-Jan-2014, 09:47
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3688/11931630123_15d436fe1b_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11931630123/)
Montana Wildlife (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11931630123/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

Roger Cole
13-Jan-2014, 10:18
Did you know the earth is spinning at over 1000 miles an hour, while at the same time going around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour? And it seems so peaceful here in my office. :)

That's the tangential velocity at the equator. At Portland, OR it is roughly 700 MPH. See, you had more time than you thought. ;)

Yes, and we are spinning around our galactic center even faster, not to mention our velocity from an expanding universe. I bet at some very distant reference we are traveling at nearly the speed of light. It's enough to make ones head spin. :cool:

Nate Potter, Austin TX.


13-Jan-2014, 23:18
A scene from Butte Montana last summer. I made a phone background out of it.
Sigma 35/1.4 Art

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3797/10285124304_b1c735de95_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/)
Butte, MT (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

13-Jan-2014, 23:22
View of Mt. Baker taken near Anacortes, WA.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2814/11925113166_4541ac192c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11925113166/)
Fidalgo Bay (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11925113166/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss CB 60/3.5, NDX400, 100ACR

Roger Cole
13-Jan-2014, 23:25
View of Mt. Baker taken near Anacortes, WA.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2814/11925113166_4541ac192c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11925113166/)
Fidalgo Bay (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11925113166/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss CB 60/3.5, NDX400, 100ACR

Wow, gorgeous!

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2014, 03:37
Great photo, Tuco!

14-Jan-2014, 07:16
A scene from Butte Montana last summer. I made a phone background out of it.
Sigma 35/1.4 Art

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3797/10285124304_b1c735de95_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/)
Butte, MT (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

I like this one as well.

14-Jan-2014, 07:56
View of Mt. Baker taken near Anacortes, WA.

Zeiss CB 60/3.5, NDX400, 100ACR


Very nice Tuco!

14-Jan-2014, 08:06
Setup with a Monochrom+Biogon35. The real shot is on 8x10 Fomapan.

14-Jan-2014, 08:37
Wow, gorgeous!

Great photo, Tuco!

I like this one as well.

Very nice Tuco!

Thanks, you guys.

14-Jan-2014, 08:42
View of Mt. Baker taken near Anacortes, WA.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2814/11925113166_4541ac192c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11925113166/)
Fidalgo Bay (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11925113166/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss CB 60/3.5, NDX400, 100ACR


14-Jan-2014, 08:54
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7377/11948782753_e5d6392e20_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11948782753/)
Shelter (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11948782753/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7389/11948492865_e6b306c5b2_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11948492865/)
Buckle Up For Safety! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/11948492865/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

14-Jan-2014, 12:02
tuco, a real beauty - View of Mt. Baker

Here's a couple of snapshots on a cold overcast day at the swamp. Nikon SP, Nikkor 2.8cm f/3.5, really old Tri-X, Acufine:



14-Jan-2014, 12:48

tuco, a real beauty - View of Mt. Baker

Thanks. I really don't like when I get those uneven density streaks though. It pops up now and then and the more I like the picture the more likely it will occur on that one!

austin granger
14-Jan-2014, 14:03
Another thumbs up for that view of Mt. Baker Tuco. Really nice.

Lenticular Cloud, near Mt. Hood


14-Jan-2014, 14:26
Another thumbs up for that view of Mt. Baker Tuco. Really nice.

Thanks. I thought about going back this weekend to shoot again for another chance to develop it over but I know it will not be the same. It never is. Something will be different like the light and weather.

Lenticular Cloud, near Mt. Hood

Oh my. That's an amazing shot. That looks more like mushroom clouds that you needed to be worried about some radiation fall-out. ;)

14-Jan-2014, 16:20
Still going through shots from November, before the Great Freeze.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3789/11955188733_aab961ce56_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11955188733/)
Mimi Monkey (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/11955188733/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
14-Jan-2014, 18:38
That's some wiggy clouds, Austin.

Good stuff, Ari.

14-Jan-2014, 19:03
A scene from Butte Montana last summer. I made a phone background out of it.
Sigma 35/1.4 Art

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3797/10285124304_b1c735de95_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/)
Butte, MT (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

I find this one to be the equal of (or better than) the Mt. Baker image, although the latter would get the nod if it was going on my wall. But I find the muted colors, the clouds and sun, and the balance of the grass and plant on the right with the long tailings pile and graded area to give a lot of value to this image.

14-Jan-2014, 19:16
Thank you, Peter.

I find this one to be the equal of (or better than) the Mt. Baker image, although the latter would get the nod if it was going on my wall. But I find the muted colors, the clouds and sun, and the balance of the grass and plant on the right with the long tailings pile and graded area to give a lot of value to this image.

That's what I meant to say; thanks for putting it into words.

Nathan Potter
14-Jan-2014, 20:40
A scene from Butte Montana last summer. I made a phone background out of it.
Sigma 35/1.4 Art

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3797/10285124304_b1c735de95_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/)
Butte, MT (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10285124304/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

A great image - evoking desolation, loneliness and waste. The sky with the approaching distant shower gives a sensation that the scene is about to be cleansed. For me the toning fits the mood exactly. Nice work here tuco, bravo.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

15-Jan-2014, 00:51
Thanks again you guys. That storm rolled up to where I was in short order and was gone as fast as it came.

Ramiro Elena
15-Jan-2014, 02:44
This got more than 14.500 views in one day over at Flickr :eek:

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/11927347393_a4eea29ef6_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jaYLQz)

15-Jan-2014, 08:13
This got more than 14.500 views in one day over at Flickr :eek:


Not weird at all. That's a beautiful, classic image.

15-Jan-2014, 10:20
This got more than 14.500 views in one day over at Flickr :eek:

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/11927347393_a4eea29ef6_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jaYLQz)

I was one of them :)
This deserves all that attention and more; lovely, timeless and perfect.

15-Jan-2014, 11:12
This got more than 14.500 views in one day over at Flickr :eek:


Dang, that's probably more than my whole stream has ever been looked at. Especially since it doesn't look like you posted it to any groups. Congrats.

Ramiro Elena
15-Jan-2014, 11:34
I know, mine too :D It is weird to think 15.000 have looked at it so far. Funny thing is I set up to do nudes of my girl and it didn't go well so I snapped a few of them together while she was still undressed. I was a bit mad/depressed so I didn't actually make any effort or tried to direct anything.
The background is all wrinkled and too close to them because I have no space at home.

Racer X 69
15-Jan-2014, 13:36
This got more than 14.500 views in one day over at Flickr :eek:

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/11927347393_a4eea29ef6_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jaYLQz)

Nothing is more beautiful than a mother with her child. Your photograph captures that beauty very well.

Nothing weird about that.

austin granger
15-Jan-2014, 15:14
This got more than 14.500 views in one day over at Flickr :eek:

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/11927347393_a4eea29ef6_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jaYLQz)

I was one of them :)
This deserves all that attention and more; lovely, timeless and perfect.

And I was another. This is such a beautiful and powerful picture, and in my opinion it couldn't be any better. If any photo deserves 14,500 views (probably 20,000 by now) this is it.

15-Jan-2014, 15:53
This got more than 14.500 views in one day over at Flickr :eek:

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/11927347393_a4eea29ef6_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jaYLQz)

Ramiro, this was on the the Flickr Explore page on Jan, 13th. When they go up there you get a huge number of views. I have no idea how they decide which images to include everyday but once they include one of yours they will probably put up more of them in the next few weeks, especially if you keep posting new stuff during that time period. By the way it's a beautiful image with a very relaxed and genuine expression and gesture.

16-Jan-2014, 07:04
Sometimes older single-coated optics are helpful for reducing contrast...
Bessa R2S, Nikkor 2.5cm f/4 (Topogon clone), Plus-X, Acufine:


austin granger
16-Jan-2014, 13:16
Last Light, Mt. Hood


Scott Schroeder
17-Jan-2014, 16:50
I've had a busy last month or so with moving....not much fun...
But I've been checking in here regularly and love the work on this thread.


17-Jan-2014, 18:10
Panasonic LX5

18-Jan-2014, 22:06
some new stuff from around the neighborhood

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7442/12019000994_103fbdb3d6_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12019000994/)
illegally parked snow (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12019000994/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2837/12007686825_a7ce75f59a_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12007686825/)
wet spot with lines (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/12007686825/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5481/11974457945_8cdbb931e1_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11974457945/)
duck plumer (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11974457945/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

18-Jan-2014, 22:31
summer solstice along the beartooth highway
http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u4/kzpictures/_DSC1561curve_zps0060c600.jpg (http://s164.photobucket.com/user/kzpictures/media/_DSC1561curve_zps0060c600.jpg.html)

19-Jan-2014, 01:42

This one's a winner in my book.


19-Jan-2014, 06:41
I flew a WWII Navy SNJ for my birthday yesterday. Wife shots; Jupiter 9.



19-Jan-2014, 08:00
I hope this isn't slang for "I shot 9 wifes for my birthday yesterday with some old WWII Jupiter guns ... and, oh, I also flew in a nice plane as well" :confused:

Would love to fly in one of those old planes myself sometimes. Must have been a great day!!

I flew a WWII Navy SNJ for my birthday yesterday. Wife shots; Jupiter 9.

Racer X 69
19-Jan-2014, 09:18
I flew a WWII Navy SNJ for my birthday yesterday. Wife shots; Jupiter 9.



Very cool Garrett. Those old warbirds have a certain feel and sound like no other plane.

I have an hour of right seat time in a Mitchell B25. And experience that will live in my memory forever.

Peter De Smidt
19-Jan-2014, 10:08
Nicely done, Clay.

Z-photo: Very Wagnarian!

19-Jan-2014, 14:53
This one's a winner in my book.


Nicely done, Clay.

Z-photo: Very Wagnarian!

Thank you guys.

19-Jan-2014, 17:49
This F4U Corsair Training Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpxyyLQ7u7g) is pretty fascinating. I don't fly so I can't say but there seems to be so many idiosyncrasies a pilot has to deal with I don't know how anyone could remember them all in the heat of the moment with bullets buzzing by during a dog fight and you just want to punch it.

Peter De Smidt
19-Jan-2014, 21:10
Sophia and Luna

19-Jan-2014, 21:40
Centennial Bridge over the Missouri River in Leavenworth, KS.

Taken with a Cambo using the Dayi 6x17 back

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7427/12000897904_352695f29b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/james_hendrix_photography/12000897904/)
Day-11 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/james_hendrix_photography/12000897904/) by James Hendrix Photography (http://www.flickr.com/people/james_hendrix_photography/), on Flickr

19-Jan-2014, 22:22
Sophia and Luna

Nice. What kind of lizard is that?

Peter De Smidt
20-Jan-2014, 08:06
Thanks. Luna is a leopard gecko.

Ramiro Elena
20-Jan-2014, 16:29
We got a little fog.
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5497/12058969923_ba7ea694a3_c.jpg (http://flic.kr/p/jnBnCx)
Nikon D700 PC-Nikkor 35mm f2,8

Andrew O'Neill
20-Jan-2014, 17:13
HP5 35mm. From Coal mine series, Japan.

Andrew O'Neill
20-Jan-2014, 17:49

Nice rock formations. TMY-2 120. Mamiya RB67. Obsidian Aqua developer. Negative was heavily cropped, duplicated, flipped. Digital neg printed out, resulting in a very nice beastly looking carbon transfer print.

Peter De Smidt
20-Jan-2014, 18:12
That's a very interesting image, Andrew.

austin granger
20-Jan-2014, 18:18
In a Hospital, Portland


Racer X 69
20-Jan-2014, 21:19

. . . . . resulting in a very nice beastly looking carbon transfer print.

Very beastly. I see several faces too.

Nice work!

Racer X 69
20-Jan-2014, 21:19
In a Hospital, Portland


So sterile. Just like a, um, yeah, a hospital!

I like it.

Andrew O'Neill
20-Jan-2014, 21:26
Thank you Peter and Racer. There's almost something skeletal about it too.

21-Jan-2014, 01:36
Austin, Super!

Steve M Hostetter
21-Jan-2014, 12:45
108923 my 1 yr. old grand daughter and girlfriend .. I printed this as a 16x20" and framed it for a Christmas gift to my gf. Nikon 50mm

Andrew O'Neill
21-Jan-2014, 13:37

Steve M Hostetter
21-Jan-2014, 13:38
Thank you Andrew:)

Racer X 69
21-Jan-2014, 17:28
108923 my 1 yr. old grand daughter and girlfriend .. I printed this as a 16x20" and framed it for a Christmas gift to my gf. Nikon 50mm

She has very feminine eyes.

21-Jan-2014, 21:14
Our big university opera production is this weekend with a double-bill of comic operas. As usual I am the technology consultant and in-house photographer. Here's some snaps from this evenings rehearsal. Taken with my D800E and either 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-S or Sigma 300mm f/2.8 lenses, as well as an SB-800 gelled to match the incandescent stage lights:

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/opera2014-0413.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/opera2014-0434.jpg


21-Jan-2014, 21:18
Those are some pro looking stills, Bryan, especially the last one. I bet the cast was pleased.


21-Jan-2014, 21:23
Thanks! I've been shooting the yearly opera since getting really into photography seriously so it's almost a litmus test for how I've "improved" since the last show. This is the 5th year I've shot.

I'm sure they will like them but I can't post them on social media till the show starts :)

Steve M Hostetter
22-Jan-2014, 09:33
I agree Racer, she is all girl! She takes after my daughter :)

Steve M Hostetter
22-Jan-2014, 12:19
109037 Nikon 50mm @f1.4 converted to B&W in ps

austin granger
22-Jan-2014, 14:39
So sterile. Just like a, um, yeah, a hospital!

I like it.

Austin, Super!

Thanks guys. I quickly strolled through that hallway before suddenly stopping with the thought; "Hmm, I think there was a picture back there." It's funny the things that make an impression. Like this (below) for example. I think VERNS* has taken the adage "Practice makes perfect" to heart. :)



C. D. Keth
22-Jan-2014, 19:03
I think VERNS* has taken the adage "Practice makes perfect" to heart. :)

I bet I know what word is behind the van.

austin granger
22-Jan-2014, 19:20
I bet I know what word is behind the van.

Yep, VERNS*. They went higher too but I couldn't back up any more.