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13-Nov-2013, 06:51
Okay, I'll look into it. But I don't have a box that will execute a *.exe binary. All my computers are UNIX based. Perhaps one's available for OSX at least. I was looking how I might do it in Photoshop.

The new Nikon DF has generated some buzz. Their ad campaign and this product shot of the Black DF With A Modern Lens (http://nikonrumors.com/2013/11/07/nikon-df-demand-not-as-strong-as-the-d800.aspx/) was the inspiration for this bit of a spoof. With all the market talk implying, finally, Pure Photography once again... got me thinking. If pure photography on the camera end is turning dials for the camera's primary controls and manually focusing, sheesh, most here -if not all- have been doing that and even take it one step further. Plus no waiting on the pre-order list either. Since there are some Pentax 6x7 owners here, I used that camera for the shot.

Awesome shot tuco!
Don't know what to tell you about the software...kudos if you want to go 100% UNIX but hey, maybe try it out on a friend's computer or something.

13-Nov-2013, 07:49
Dropped anchor in NC and enjoyed the sunset.

Wonderful sunset, and here is today's sunrise from Arizona, though I'm originally from NC too. Only had a few seconds to get 3 shots, it changed that fast.


13-Nov-2013, 09:50
Awesome shot tuco!
Don't know what to tell you about the software...kudos if you want to go 100% UNIX but hey, maybe try it out on a friend's computer or something.

Thanks. I built my firewall/router and radio to copper bridge from OpenBSD. I have FreeBSD and Linux on a couple of other boxes and have OSX to take care of other things. My last Windows OS was Windows 2000. I still have the disks. Perhaps I could slap a box together with that on it with all the computer parts I have lying around.

Daniel Stone
13-Nov-2013, 19:28
new phone (Galaxy S4)
running it through it's paces :)

Rusty wall at an abandoned Clippinger Chevrolet dealership
Covina, CA

14-Nov-2013, 00:44
No, I haven't used my miter saw in ages. Why do you ask?

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar w/Rolleinar 2, Fomapan 400.



David Schaller
14-Nov-2013, 09:54
Mamiya 7, Acros, Pyrocat.

I'm oppressed by apples this year.


Peter De Smidt
14-Nov-2013, 10:34
http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae37/peterdesmidt/Green_Yellow_Leaf_2x_zpsce4e309c.jpg (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/peterdesmidt/media/Green_Yellow_Leaf_2x_zpsce4e309c.jpg.html)

Racer X 69
14-Nov-2013, 11:27
Wonderful sunset, and here is today's sunrise from Arizona, though I'm originally from NC too. Only had a few seconds to get 3 shots, it changed that fast.


I had a sunrise like that a week ago in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I was just pulling out, at the signal light waiting to get going and I looked in the mirror and saw this.


I grabbed the camera and pressed the shutter button. The light turned green, other drivers were honking their horns an I headed for the 24 highway. It was only a couple blocks up the street, and by the time I got there the morning colors were gone.

14-Nov-2013, 11:52
http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae37/peterdesmidt/Green_Yellow_Leaf_2x_zpsce4e309c.jpg (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/peterdesmidt/media/Green_Yellow_Leaf_2x_zpsce4e309c.jpg.html)

Awesome, Peter.

Peter De Smidt
14-Nov-2013, 12:39
Thanks, Ari.

14-Nov-2013, 14:15
Forest Park in downtown Portland. I need to get out of the house and spend more time in the woods.

Votarflex TLR, Fuji NPS 160



14-Nov-2013, 20:38
At some point last year I bought a dozen rolls of Ektar in 135 and 120 because I had just heard so much about it, and how awesome it was. Ektar and me didn't get along though. Every time I shot it I thought it was disgustingly magenta and blue in the shadows and pinkish yellow in the highlights, among other things...but I think I finally figured it out. I know some people get beautiful results out of it (and I don't know what post-processing they are doing) but for me it's just my "silly colors / hipster / vintage feel" film I guess. It does what it does well...it's just not what I would choose for accurate colors. No offense to those who like it!! And maybe you know how to control it more. I'll stick with Velvia and Provia! Or Portra...

Here's some stuff from Florida. Shot on my Nikon SP and 35mm f/1.8 or 50mm f/1.4:




14-Nov-2013, 22:32
...Every time I shot it I thought it was disgustingly magenta and blue in the shadows

Sounds familiar for the few rolls I've tried of it. I wonder if it would work better if the scanning software had it profile for it. I use VueScan and it has profiles for the older films but none of the new Kodak stuff.

14-Nov-2013, 22:45
I really don't think that's it because I don't use profiles for ANY of my negative films, and so I'm just using white/black points and such. I get natural colors on most films (unless I screwed up) but Ektar is just wacky.

14-Nov-2013, 22:55
Bryan, I've never shot Ektar (and you've got me thinking maybe I won't) but here's a Velvia shot that echoes your first image above.



15-Nov-2013, 08:08
Nice one! But I thought you liked wonky colors ;)

15-Nov-2013, 09:04
In other news, I'm doing some real field tests of Acufine with T-Max 100 and Tri-X, and I am blown away. I'm getting the same or better tonality as my old standard Rodinal, with 2.5x the effective speed, with less grain and MORE acutance! Sounds like a winner!

Nikon SP, 50mm f/1.4, TMX:



15-Nov-2013, 11:30

Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TMY 2
Little bit motion blur due to 1/60 I think

15-Nov-2013, 12:03
I really don't think that's it because I don't use profiles for ANY of my negative films, and so I'm just using white/black points and such. I get natural colors on most films (unless I screwed up) but Ektar is just wacky.

I don't know, I like a little difference in shooting color film. Otherwise, I might as well shoot digital. I agree Ektar (and Portra) can do some strange things with color, but so does Velvia! Here are two with fairly normal color, Ektar and Nikkor 50/1.4 1950s RF lens.



15-Nov-2013, 14:36
Absolutely! I like different films for different things but for me Ektar never really slotted in with what I wanted to "see."

Peter Gomena
15-Nov-2013, 16:12
I've relegated Ektar to my 1950s Agfa Clack and pinhole camera use. The color I get from those is goofy anyway, so I figure the more the merrier. I really like Portra 160 for "serious" color.

Drew Wiley
15-Nov-2013, 16:49
I've found Ektar to possibly be the most accurate color film I've ever used outdoors, based on some pretty intense objective testing. But ya gotta understand it
and how to correctly balance it for color temp. People just get so accustomed to the inherent idiosyncrasies of certain films, whether chrome or color neg, that
they eventually start accepting this as a visual "normal", or even a desirable effect, even though it's something artificial. Ektar is different in certain respects, but
can certainly be tamed much more easily than any chrome film, and prints wonderfully, esp by direct enlargement. It's not something you'd want to High School
yearbook portraits of kids with a lot of zits, however.

15-Nov-2013, 16:54
http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae37/peterdesmidt/Green_Yellow_Leaf_2x_zpsce4e309c.jpg (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/peterdesmidt/media/Green_Yellow_Leaf_2x_zpsce4e309c.jpg.html)Peter, nice aerial photo of waterways meandering through woodlands. How'd you capture it?

15-Nov-2013, 17:07
I've found Ektar to possibly be the most accurate color film I've ever used outdoors, based on some pretty intense objective testing. But ya gotta understand it
and how to correctly balance it for color temp. People just get so accustomed to the inherent idiosyncrasies of certain films, whether chrome or color neg, that
they eventually start accepting this as a visual "normal", or even a desirable effect, even though it's something artificial. Ektar is different in certain respects, but
can certainly be tamed much more easily than any chrome film, and prints wonderfully, esp by direct enlargement. It's not something you'd want to High School
yearbook portraits of kids with a lot of zits, however.

Agree with everything Drew said, except I left out the "intense objective testing" bit.
I tried Ektar first on a whim; I loved the punch, sharpness and vibrancy, and haven't looked to any other colour film since.


15-Nov-2013, 17:13
Well I think it's great how we can all have our own opinions on certain films, and find our own way with them...

Drew Wiley
15-Nov-2013, 17:16
You probably would be surprised at the degree I test things. But there is still a long ways to go before all the voices in the head of Ektar get psychoanalyzed, along with all its dreams. The basic difference is that, with chromes, photographers know they have to exposure carefully, but can quickly evaluate their progress and the learning curve with a simple lightbox. With Ektar, being a neg, it has to go thru something intermediate to view it, with all kinds of unrelated complications. They assume they can just shoot from the hip like amateur color neg films, wing it, and get forgiven in Fauxtoshop afterwards. Then they scan it sloppy and futz
around, and finally blame the film itself. Treat it with as much respect as a chrome, and the game ain't very difficult at all. ... But it's not a film for everyone or
every subject. That why we've got choices.

15-Nov-2013, 17:27
Funny how I shoot it the same as I would Velvia (and Portra for that matter) and it still has funky color.

Drew Wiley
15-Nov-2013, 17:33
Maybe you don't know how to correctly expose or print those either! ... Not saying you don't get the results you want, but that every film has certain idiosyncrasies
that you need to recognize if you intend to tame them. Portra is horribly idiosyncratic, yet in the sense of being superbly engineered for the class of usage it's largely
marketed towards, namely commercial applications skewed to portraiture. But this does not equate to accurate color by any means, but to what people expect skintones etc to look like. Problem is, related color in nature tend to become "pleasing skintones" instead or being accurately differentiated. People complain about
Ektar having blue shadows, while others screamed when Ektachrome 64 was replaced by films having less blue! As I recall, people called Manet and Monet nasty
names for painting shadows in nature blue.... Hmmm.... maybe they are actually blue, just like Ektar has figured out too!

15-Nov-2013, 17:37
Okay whatever Drew, I forgot everyone is wrong and you're right as usual.

15-Nov-2013, 18:15
Well, back to something important, let's talk about me! I still like Ektar!

15-Nov-2013, 18:30
Yah, me too!

15-Nov-2013, 20:31
For what it's worth I absolutely love Ektar...

....lenses. :)


Michael Cienfuegos
16-Nov-2013, 09:08
Me four!


Peter De Smidt
16-Nov-2013, 13:42
Another day, another close-up photo of a leaf:

http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae37/peterdesmidt/Leaf5_zpse3b054a2.jpg (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/peterdesmidt/media/Leaf5_zpse3b054a2.jpg.html)

Scott Schroeder
16-Nov-2013, 15:30

austin granger
16-Nov-2013, 23:32

Chief Joseph, Joseph, Oregon


17-Nov-2013, 02:17

Very nice! Do you know what the shutter speed was?

17-Nov-2013, 02:23
I tried Ektar first on a whim; I loved the punch, sharpness and vibrancy, and haven't looked to any other colour film since.
Beautiful image, Ari!
I never used Ektar, I'm a Fuji film user for color negs (NPH400 and NPS160).
But just because of this beautiful image I'll try a roll in my Gevabox pinhole camera and my Bronica SQ-B. Let's see what it will bring me ...

Scott Schroeder
17-Nov-2013, 08:35
looks like it was 1/60


17-Nov-2013, 08:59
Beautiful image, Ari!
I never used Ektar, I'm a Fuji film user for color negs (NPH400 and NPS160).
But just because of this beautiful image I'll try a roll in my Gevabox pinhole camera and my Bronica SQ-B. Let's see what it will bring me ...

Thank you, TTM; Ektar takes some getting used to, but it is well worth the effort.

17-Nov-2013, 09:54

Some Holga Photos from the Hoover Dam.

Roger Cole
17-Nov-2013, 12:10
Funny how I shoot it the same as I would Velvia (and Portra for that matter) and it still has funky color.

I shoot Ektar a bit more carefully than Portra, but not nearly as carefully as chromes. The "when in any doubt just give a bit more" works just as well with Ektar IME as with other negative films. I don't get "wonky color." I get rich, vibrant, accurate if rather saturated color. Shrug - dunno, I love it, and I'm far from "Drew Careful." The biggest reason I don't shoot more of it is just the speed. I continue to find 100 pretty limiting.

17-Nov-2013, 12:13

Some Holga Photos from the Hoover Dam.

Nice Holga shots.

Roger Cole
17-Nov-2013, 12:13
Well, back to something important, let's talk about me! I still like Ektar!

Yah, me too!

Me four!


Make that five, at least.

Ed Bray
17-Nov-2013, 15:13
From the first roll through my Leica M4 taken with a Voigtlander 35mm f1.7 Ultron, first decent drum scan on the Scanview 11000 (4000dpi) too.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3683/10912787226_86e3053a9b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/10912787226/)
Ernesettle & Tamar Valley from rear of St. Budeaux Parish Church. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/10912787226/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

17-Nov-2013, 15:52
Scott, yours looks like the bottom half of this one of mine:




18-Nov-2013, 14:48
On the way to Mt. Manaslu
Rolleiflex 2.8E Planar
Tri-X 400

18-Nov-2013, 15:15
From the first roll through my Leica M4 taken with a Voigtlander 35mm f1.7 Ultron, first decent drum scan on the Scanview 11000 (4000dpi) too.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3683/10912787226_86e3053a9b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/10912787226/)
Ernesettle & Tamar Valley from rear of St. Budeaux Parish Church. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/10912787226/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

Excellent shot, with beautiful grain and all. And I love those trees in the distance. Almost like a painting.
You were standing on the spot where I want to build a house.
I would love to make a carbon print or a bromoil print of this negative.
Thanks for sharing.

Colin Robertson
18-Nov-2013, 15:17
Hi Ed- what film is this? Nice and sharp for sure, but it looks very grainy. Also (could be all imagination) looks like some kind of extended red sensitivity?
Just curious, as it's not a look I'm used to.

Scott Schroeder
18-Nov-2013, 18:03
Bbarna. That is excellent. I love the feeling of it. Great moodiness.

18-Nov-2013, 18:52
On the way to Mt. Manaslu
Rolleiflex 2.8E Planar
Tri-X 400


18-Nov-2013, 19:25

Couldn't agree more. Very nice image!

Bill Koechling
18-Nov-2013, 21:53
I've really enjoyed your work, Austin. I haven't posted much here but when I saw your Clarksdale photos I thought it would be a good time to put up a photo of the Mojo Man that I shot in 1976. You can see more here (http://koechlingphoto.com/2009/12/28/the-mojo-man/).
Canon F-1 and Tri-X

18-Nov-2013, 23:44
(Pentax 67, 120 mm soft-focus lens)


Ed Bray
19-Nov-2013, 01:14
Hi Ed- what film is this? Nice and sharp for sure, but it looks very grainy. Also (could be all imagination) looks like some kind of extended red sensitivity?
Just curious, as it's not a look I'm used to.

Tri-X, no filter, it has been suggested that the grain is due to my use of USM. This was one of the few images I have managed to scan with my Drum Scanner (been having a few issues with it), 4000dpi.

Excellent shot, with beautiful grain and all. And I love those trees in the distance. Almost like a painting.
You were standing on the spot where I want to build a house.
I would love to make a carbon print or a bromoil print of this negative.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your comment, there are a few houses the opposite side of the church with a similar view (lucky beggers).

austin granger
19-Nov-2013, 10:22
On the way to Mt. Manaslu
Rolleiflex 2.8E Planar
Tri-X 400

This is fantastic. I could look at this for a long time. Actually, I just did. Nice work.

austin granger
19-Nov-2013, 10:32
I've really enjoyed your work, Austin. I haven't posted much here but when I saw your Clarksdale photos I thought it would be a good time to put up a photo of the Mojo Man that I shot in 1976. You can see more here (http://koechlingphoto.com/2009/12/28/the-mojo-man/).
Canon F-1 and Tri-X

I really enjoyed looking through those Bill, as well as reading your reminiscence. I particularly like that first picture, as well as the one of the truck (!) and crowd from above. Obviously, the great man still had his mojo working, and was enjoying himself to boot. I wish I could have been born a little earlier, so I could have seen him in person. It was a moving experience though, to stand in the place where his cabin was there on Stovall Farms. I'd like to go back to the south someday and photograph those places in a more measured way.

Thank for the kind words regarding my stuff. I appreciate it.

austin granger
19-Nov-2013, 10:35
Funeral Procession, Oregon City


Reserve Police Office Robert Libke was shot while responding to a report of a house fire.


19-Nov-2013, 17:19

I like this one a lot. There is something disconcerting about it with the empty square where the flag should be hanging and the triangle above where it should not--yet there it is.


austin granger
19-Nov-2013, 18:09
Thanks Jonathan. The wind was blowing pretty hard and it took me eight frames to get the flag upside down.

austin granger
19-Nov-2013, 18:10
Bingo, Portland


19-Nov-2013, 18:49
It took me eight frames to get the flag upside down.

That's some dedication, and totally worth it.


P.S. Since it makes an 'A' I can also see it as an Austin Granger avatar sometime in the future.

Scott Schroeder
19-Nov-2013, 19:19
On the wall....




Scott Schroeder
19-Nov-2013, 19:19


Racer X 69
20-Nov-2013, 09:34
Bingo, Portland


High security bingo. Must have trouble with rouge grannys!

20-Nov-2013, 10:23
One of my favourite adventures is the annual Hot Rod Reunion in Bakersfield, CA every year. They bring back the vintage drag cars and drivers and have three days of racing, cars shows and other events. Of course, I shoot film. :)

This year 90% medium format with the Hasselblad 500c/m and some 4x5. For this thread I'll share a few of the Hassey shots. Full set here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.596446297084834.1073741830.200460126683455&type=1&l=03a2378fff

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5503/10949322215_94397da60d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949322215/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949322215/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3773/10564675866_d80207a4a8_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10564675866/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10564675866/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5507/10949325655_795839c3b0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949325655/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949325655/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr


20-Nov-2013, 10:23
A few more...

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2808/10949374656_5b7212a0b1_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949374656/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949374656/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3830/10949476504_ed51e535f6_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949476504/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949476504/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7417/10949560023_c39d97a646_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949560023/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949560023/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7382/10949378096_f56dc27627_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949378096/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10949378096/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

austin granger
20-Nov-2013, 10:26
Those are great Scott. I remember the ones you did last year. Such a great feel, and the approach works so well with the subjects.

austin granger
20-Nov-2013, 10:28
High security bingo. Must have trouble with rouge grannys!

Yeah, it's kind of rough neighborhood.

Barber, Portland


20-Nov-2013, 10:43
A couple on colour film for good measure.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7378/10564925493_893a9bbc2f_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10564925493/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10564925493/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3676/10564658105_2558d91cbf_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10564658105/)
Hot Rod Reunion 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/10564658105/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

20-Nov-2013, 10:44
Those are great Scott. I remember the ones you did last year. Such a great feel, and the approach works so well with the subjects.

Thanks Austin! Much appreciated.

20-Nov-2013, 11:09
I don't know how these could be any better on 4x5; they are great, the tones are fantastic.
EDIT: the colour shots are excellent, too.

Bill Koechling
20-Nov-2013, 11:55
Thanks Austin. Your photos and the history of American music make me want to wander the Mississippi delta. In Chicago we've still got Buddy Guy, Bob Margolin (pictured in the Muddy photos) and a bunch of good blues folks.

As long as you keep posting photos, I'll keep lookin'.

20-Nov-2013, 12:39
I don't know how these could be any better on 4x5; they are great, the tones are fantastic.
EDIT: the colour shots are excellent, too.

Thanks Ari! That's saying something. :) I still love the detail and beauty of LF, especially at larger sizes, but there is so much ground and material to cover LF just becomes time prohibitive. So with that in mind I generally look for really specific situation or light to shoot LF. Between the Hasselblad and IKON TLR the images I get are quite pleasing and I'll likely continue to shoot with those as well in the future.

It was interesting to me. After shooting primarily black and white in the past I shot a little more colour this year to answer requests from the car community. In reviewing the entire 2013 project I find so much more satisfaction in the black and white work than the colour. I may really keep my focus on black and white in the upcoming work as it makes me enjoy the final product so much more. As I'm doing this as a personal project I don't have the pressure of outside requirements to change my mind. :)

20-Nov-2013, 12:51
Thanks Ari! That's saying something. :) I still love the detail and beauty of LF, especially at larger sizes, but there is so much ground and material to cover LF just becomes time prohibitive. So with that in mind I generally look for really specific situation or light to shoot LF. Between the Hasselblad and IKON TLR the images I get are quite pleasing and I'll likely continue to shoot with those as well in the future.

It was interesting to me. After shooting primarily black and white in the past I shot a little more colour this year to answer requests from the car community. In reviewing the entire 2013 project I find so much more satisfaction in the black and white work than the colour. I may really keep my focus on black and white in the upcoming work as it makes me enjoy the final product so much more. As I'm doing this as a personal project I don't have the pressure of outside requirements to change my mind. :)

I hope you took it as a compliment, I certainly intended it that way.
You matched the format and camera type perfectly to suit the subject.
You might get more detail from 4x5, but you wouldn't have those shots come out that way because of the way LF works.
I use MF half the time because otherwise I'd miss most of those shots on LF; and the quality of most MF lenses is nothing to sneer at.

20-Nov-2013, 13:28
Late autumn snap, somehow I lost track of this photo until now.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5496/10966909005_c5b5404274_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10966909005/)
Mi275 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10966909005/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

20-Nov-2013, 14:45
I hope you took it as a compliment, I certainly intended it that way.
You matched the format and camera type perfectly to suit the subject.
You might get more detail from 4x5, but you wouldn't have those shots come out that way because of the way LF works.
I use MF half the time because otherwise I'd miss most of those shots on LF; and the quality of most MF lenses is nothing to sneer at.

Absolutely took it as a compliment. Thank you. :)

Late autumn snap, somehow I lost track of this photo until now.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5496/10966909005_c5b5404274_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10966909005/)
Mi275 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10966909005/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

Great image on one of my favourite MF combinations!

20-Nov-2013, 14:56
Thank you, Tim!

20-Nov-2013, 15:36
Bingo, Portland

Makes one wonder if Bingo is a front for something else going on. Any rough-looking dudes outside the doors? ;)

Jan Pedersen
20-Nov-2013, 16:06
Wonderful and sweet image Ari.
You really know how to treat Acros to perfection.

David R Munson
20-Nov-2013, 17:02
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3807/10969808894_4f24c85de4_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/10969808894/)
Kneeling, Union Station (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/10969808894/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

I finished my CELTA course on Friday and can now rejoin the world of actually making photographs, developing, scanning, etc. Feels good.

20-Nov-2013, 17:22
Wonderful and sweet image Ari.
You really know how to treat Acros to perfection.

Thank you, Jan; I owe it all to Lightroom.

David, great image, wonderful presence and blacks.

austin granger
20-Nov-2013, 18:29
Late autumn snap, somehow I lost track of this photo until now.

Another future family heirloom Ari. I'm smiling to myself here in my office.

austin granger
20-Nov-2013, 18:30
Makes one wonder if Bingo is a front for something else going on. Any rough-looking dudes outside the doors? ;)

Just rough looking grandmas.

Scott Schroeder
20-Nov-2013, 18:59
Dead wood


Scott Schroeder
20-Nov-2013, 19:08
Wilderness Poker


Scott Schroeder
20-Nov-2013, 19:13
Ari, what a great, fun photo. I'm glad you found it.

David, great photo. It leaves me wondering about this fella. The walkie talkie especially....

Scott Schroeder
20-Nov-2013, 19:22
A tree


whom most won't see

20-Nov-2013, 19:43
Another future family heirloom Ari. I'm smiling to myself here in my office.

Ari, what a great, fun photo. I'm glad you found it.

Thank you, Austin and Scott; very kind of you.

A tree


whom most won't see

Love it! It looks like it could be 5ft tall or 35ft tall.

21-Nov-2013, 22:22
This leaf was bouncing up and down and swinging back and forth in the wind. I'm surprised that I managed to get it in focus at all. (It took 4 shots.) Unfortunately, the expired film had color shifted a bit and I had a hell of a time trying to balance it in PS.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Fuji NPH (expired 2004).



22-Nov-2013, 07:13
Wow, shades of Forrest Gump.
Bravo, Jonathan, worth the effort!

austin granger
22-Nov-2013, 09:53
Yeah, that's great Jonathan. To my eyes, the color has a nice vintage (or out of time) feel to it, and the composition is thoughtful with the chimneys and with the empty empty space under the leaf. I keep expecting it to fall through the frame but of course it never will (at least not in this picture)!

austin granger
22-Nov-2013, 09:54
Tractors, Sauvie Island


austin granger
22-Nov-2013, 10:49
Road, Sauvie Island

The same spot in 2011:


22-Nov-2013, 11:09
When time is short, I grab the DSLR.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3761/10935758674_19d938d697_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/10935758674)

22-Nov-2013, 12:48
Bravo, Jonathan, worth the effort!

Yeah, that's great Jonathan.

Thanks to you both. I saw the leaf bouncing on the strand of web while walking the dog and returned with my camera a little while later. It's been a while since I "went back" for a photo--unless you include "going back" to the kitchen. Here's how it looked when I first encountered it.



David Lobato
22-Nov-2013, 16:58
Austin's square format b&w shots prod me to post my first on this thread. Rolleiflex Automat at a friend's farm in Kentucky last September.


austin granger
22-Nov-2013, 18:56
Gee thanks David. Your picture has a nice enveloping sense of light. I'd like to have porch like that myself.

Speaking of light, it was recently suggested here that Oregon doesn't get any sunshine. Below is proof to the contrary. We get plenty of sunshine. In fact, I'd say this beam lasted a good ten seconds.

Tractor, Sauvie Island, Oregon


austin granger
22-Nov-2013, 18:57
And then it was dark for the rest of the day. :)

22-Nov-2013, 19:10
It was recently suggested here that Oregon doesn't get any sunshine. Below is proof to the contrary.

Indeed. I only had about two minutes of sunlight to work with in the kitchen the other day, but it sure brightened things up.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar w/Rolleinar 2, Fuji NPH (expires 2004).



22-Nov-2013, 19:14
Nice, Jonathan! I tried to figure out what that was before reading your post.
My first thought was "mid-70s, groovy bachelor pad".

David Lobato
22-Nov-2013, 19:17
Gee thanks David. Your picture has a nice enveloping sense of light. I'd like to have porch like that myself.

Speaking of light, it was recently suggested here that Oregon doesn't get any sunshine. Below is proof to the contrary. We get plenty of sunshine. In fact, I'd say this beam lasted a good ten seconds.

Tractor, Sauvie Island, Oregon

Austin, ten seconds? LF photos with sunlight in Oregon must be well nigh impossible. So anything like that would only have a chance on these shftf pages.

The chairs on my friend's porch were hand made by a pair of itinerant gypsies. He allowed them to camp on the property and provided them saplings from the farm as the raw material. Two weeks later they finished, he paid them the agreed upon price, and they left.

22-Nov-2013, 19:20
That's some pretty intense red/orange Jonathan!! I like it.

Here's a shot with Superia 100 made with my Pentax 67 and 105mm lens. I wish I could get a bundle of Superia 100 and freeze it. I love this stuff.


22-Nov-2013, 19:49
Nice, Jonathan! I tried to figure out what that was before reading your post.
My first thought was "mid-70s, groovy bachelor pad".

Thanks, Ari. When I was working on the scan it started to look like a technicolor version of the Sydney Opera House to me.

That's some pretty intense red/orange.

It is, but it matches the actual colors pretty well. We used to use paper plates all the time but were sick of the waste so we switched to these colorful plastic ones from the dollar store. They're not disposable but clean up very easily and are worry-free, unlike some of my wife's fine bone china that would be hard to replace if I were to--ahem--drop it. Not that that's ever happened....


Scott Schroeder
23-Nov-2013, 10:11

23-Nov-2013, 13:01
Hi Scott,
This is a great shot. Often a field like this turns out real flat in a photo, but yours didn't. I like it.
If you print this image, you might dodge the trees on the left a bit.
How did you make this photo?


23-Nov-2013, 13:48

Might as well change your name to Scott "Tone" Schroeder.
Just great.

Scott Schroeder
23-Nov-2013, 14:30
Thanks y'all. This is from the 5D.
This was a great situation to have a color capture. I couldn't decide on the poppy flowers. It was nice to go through options and decide on their tonal values. Some options had them blending in too much. I wanted them to stick out. I hear ya on the upper left trees. I just tend to be pretty hard on my shadows ;-) I would like to open those up a click though.
Its a great little opening in the forest behind my house. It's off the main trail and you can see a light game trail that the deer use.

Scott Schroeder
23-Nov-2013, 15:15
Desert life


austin granger
23-Nov-2013, 16:29
Bowling Alley, Milwaukie, Oregon


24-Nov-2013, 01:01
Road, Sauvie Island

The same spot in 2011:


Must have been some of that shovel ready bailout money to create that kind of infrastructure improvements in just two years.
both great shots Austin.

Scott Schroeder
24-Nov-2013, 11:17

Dry puddle

24-Nov-2013, 20:54
We also had our Birthday Ball, good times were had by all:




Nikon F3HP
Nikon 24mm f2.8, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.4
TMax 400 (shot at ISO 800)

24-Nov-2013, 21:04

Dry puddle

nice Scott

24-Nov-2013, 21:19
Now that's serious ! A well-earned salute.


- Leigh

24-Nov-2013, 21:57
A couple from Joshua Tree.


25-Nov-2013, 10:40
Nice images. I love the boulders.
The second shot made me somehow think of a set of Star Trek - the original series from the 60's - a scene where Kirk and Spock will beam down any second now ...
Thanks for the memory :)

A couple from Joshua Tree.


Michael Cienfuegos
25-Nov-2013, 14:37
We also had our Birthday Ball, good times were had by all:

Fantastic! God bless our Marines! Semper Fi!


25-Nov-2013, 17:01
Now that's serious ! A well-earned salute.

- Leigh

He only looks that way in photos. He's a hell of a good guy too.

Fantastic! God bless our Marines! Semper Fi!



Scott Schroeder
25-Nov-2013, 17:10


Scott Schroeder
25-Nov-2013, 17:15
The maze


25-Nov-2013, 17:21
We also had our Birthday Ball, good times were had by all:
Nikon F3HP
Nikon 24mm f2.8, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.4
TMax 400 (shot at ISO 800)

Fantastic! Nice to see these young marines following quite a few traditions.

26-Nov-2013, 08:27
Working down in Georgetown yesterday.

Ran out of film, so I used my cell phone.

Ice Pond at Seguinland Road, Georgetown ME.

It's pretty much across the street and up the hill from Clarence H White's school and F Holland Day's old place. So I drove down there. Any major fans of pictorialism will recognize the "Little good harbor" cove. There is a pergola still outside the Day house. I didn't snoop around, people were working there. Just a quick curious driveby.


26-Nov-2013, 10:21
Scott, I am enjoying the shallow depth of field in your pictures. What are you shooting with?

Wilderness Poker


Scott Schroeder
26-Nov-2013, 11:42
Thanks Randy. Those would be the 5D with the inexpensive 50/1.8 shot wide open. I also shoot the A-1 wide open with the 50/1.4
Lots of fun in my opinion. ;-)

Scott Schroeder
26-Nov-2013, 19:21


27-Nov-2013, 15:56
Beautiful image. And I like the way the DOF works here.
It could be a small cliff of a few feet deep and wide, it could be a real cliff like the Grand Canyon.
(Probably the latter)
That's what I like about images like these.



29-Nov-2013, 16:31

I surprised myself with this one! One of those cold windy days last week, at Reid state park in Georgetown Maine. Late afternoon sun, walking circumspectly so as to not step in any sand I might want to photograph. Rolleiflex automat tessar with tmy2 film, in pyrocat-hd

Steve M Hostetter
29-Nov-2013, 16:33
105609 Chris, Nikon 50mm 1.4

29-Nov-2013, 16:49

I surprised myself with this one! One of those cold windy days last week, at Reid state park in Georgetown Maine. Late afternoon sun, walking circumspectly so as to not step in any sand I might want to photograph. Rolleiflex automat tessar with tmy2 film, in pyrocat-hd

I like this! Good work.

Scott Schroeder
30-Nov-2013, 07:51
Jp Love the texture. Wonderful comp.
Steve I really like the portrait. Nice dof and atmosphere

Racer X 69
30-Nov-2013, 08:51

I surprised myself with this one! One of those cold windy days last week, at Reid state park in Georgetown Maine. Late afternoon sun, walking circumspectly so as to not step in any sand I might want to photograph. Rolleiflex automat tessar with tmy2 film, in pyrocat-hd

It almost looks like a high altitude shot, from tens of thousands of feet up.


Scott Schroeder
30-Nov-2013, 14:04
crazy,strange creatures
Mantis abdomen


Joe O'Hara
30-Nov-2013, 15:09
Here are a couple from a very foggy morning a couple of weeks ago in my neighborhood. I made them with my
Pentax 67 camera with the 100mm lens on Tmax 400, developed in D-23.

It's been a while since I used roll film and the crunchy grain is kind of cool, I think.

Peter De Smidt
30-Nov-2013, 23:16

1-Dec-2013, 19:32
Beautiful portrait, Peter.

Peter De Smidt
1-Dec-2013, 19:43
Thanks, Ari. It was a quick "grab" shot. That window used to be perfect, but Sophia has gotten taller, and so now it's a little low.

David R Munson
2-Dec-2013, 05:42
http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2872/11016172633_194825395e_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11016172633/)
Jessica (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11016172633/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

A recent-ish picture of my favorite person that's become one of my favorite photos of her. Canon 5D Mk II, 85mm f/1.8, window light.

Peter De Smidt
2-Dec-2013, 12:46
Go window light!

2-Dec-2013, 13:13
Here are a couple from a very foggy morning a couple of weeks ago in my neighborhood. I made them with my
Pentax 67 camera with the 100mm lens on Tmax 400, developed in D-23.

It's been a while since I used roll film and the crunchy grain is kind of cool, I think.

Excellent work. I like the second image best.

Ed Bray
2-Dec-2013, 15:02
9000dpi scan from Yashica 124G (bought on here for $50)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7299/11178415565_e8ab17db52_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11178415565/)
LNER Thomson B1 61264 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11178415565/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

Andrew O'Neill
2-Dec-2013, 15:16
Small section of 6x6 TMX. Digi neg. Carbon transfer.

Michael Graves
2-Dec-2013, 18:01
Power station in Vermont. RB-67. 127mm lens. Tri-X in HC-110.

David Hedley
3-Dec-2013, 06:19
Almost no time for photography these days, but here´s a quick shot (with my old Canon EOS5D) from yesterday evening, after an enormous thunderstorm over São Paulo;


Steve M Hostetter
3-Dec-2013, 18:26
105933BRANCHES, nikon 50mm 1.4

3-Dec-2013, 19:50
"Chicago" - a Lith Print


Captured with the D700, 24-120mm f4 lens from the top of the Sears Tower (through the glass).
Dig neg created with Pictorico white film. Printed with Moersch SE5 on Ilford 300 paper.

Ramiro Elena
4-Dec-2013, 11:57
Checking out locations for a shoot next wednesday.
Nikon D700 Nikkor 35mm f2 + Replichrome Fuji 800Z


David R Munson
4-Dec-2013, 12:30
On the road for work, made some scans before I left, been working on files in bed, beer in hand. Not a bad way to work! All shots Hasselblad, 80mm, Acros in Pyrocat MC.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3741/11210372953_28e670ea89_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11210372953/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11210372953/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2862/11210373413_c07c3997d7_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11210373413/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11210373413/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7341/11210262886_18d6b142c8_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11210262886/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11210262886/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
4-Dec-2013, 17:54
David, I really like the first one. It has a great feel for that particular area. It makes me wonder about the neighborhood it's in.

austin granger
4-Dec-2013, 22:53
Window with Stacked Chairs and Tape Residue, Woodburn, Oregon


5-Dec-2013, 08:50
Hello David,
Very nice images and composition. I like the second image best.
I hope the third image wasn't made from your bed ??

On the road for work, made some scans before I left, been working on files in bed, beer in hand. Not a bad way to work! All shots Hasselblad, 80mm, Acros in Pyrocat MC.
David R Munson

5-Dec-2013, 09:27
9000dpi scan from Yashica 124G (bought on here for $50)

Dang, that must have been a large file. What scanner are you using that can actually do a optically true 9K dpi scan for 120 film?

5-Dec-2013, 09:42
Window with Stacked Chairs and Tape Residue, Woodburn, Oregon


Austin: Superb!

Ed Bray
5-Dec-2013, 11:03
Dang, that must have been a large file. What scanner are you using that can actually do a optically true 9K dpi scan for 120 film?

Scanview Scanmate 11000 drum scanner. Working file was 2.5GB 16Bit Tiff.

austin granger
5-Dec-2013, 11:28
Austin: Superb!
Thanks Ari!

austin granger
5-Dec-2013, 11:29
Cutlass Supreme with Balloons, Woodburn, Oregon


5-Dec-2013, 12:45
Scanview Scanmate 11000 drum scanner. Working file was 2.5GB 16Bit Tiff.

I have a few negatives I'd like drum scanned one of these days. about 4 years ago I went looking here in the Seattle area to get a drum scan of one of my 4x5 negs. I found a place but they only would do about 1800dpi, IIRC. Still pretty good size file for a 4x5 but this image needed some cropping.

5-Dec-2013, 12:57
Cutlass Supreme with Balloons, Woodburn, Oregon

Cutlass, balloons and Outhouse!

Steve M Hostetter
5-Dec-2013, 15:58
106084 nikon 50mm 1.4 color correct and sharpen

6-Dec-2013, 02:17
Mamiya 7, 80mm, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Steve M Hostetter
6-Dec-2013, 08:41
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7417/11237175474_2c775ba749_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/110761806@N05/11237175474/)
Mariah4 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/110761806@N05/11237175474/) by hostetterstephen (http://www.flickr.com/people/110761806@N05/), on Flickr

Steve M Hostetter
6-Dec-2013, 09:38
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3737/11238676445_fe26e5f542_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/110761806@N05/11238676445/)
Mariah3 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/110761806@N05/11238676445/) by hostetterstephen (http://www.flickr.com/people/110761806@N05/), on Flickr

austin granger
6-Dec-2013, 10:18
Here are a couple from a very foggy morning a couple of weeks ago in my neighborhood. I made them with my
Pentax 67 camera with the 100mm lens on Tmax 400, developed in D-23.

It's been a while since I used roll film and the crunchy grain is kind of cool, I think.

I like the dock Joe. It's got a great feel to it.

austin granger
6-Dec-2013, 10:20
Mamiya 7, 80mm, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Nice shapes going on here Jonathan. The hedge and the car seem connected. But when was it sunny? I must have missed that.

austin granger
6-Dec-2013, 10:22
Linda's Furniture, Woodburn, Oregon

You have to admire Linda's ingenuity in using the existing sign (Espinoza).


Ed Bray
6-Dec-2013, 10:29
I have a few negatives I'd like drum scanned one of these days. about 4 years ago I went looking here in the Seattle area to get a drum scan of one of my 4x5 negs. I found a place but they only would do about 1800dpi, IIRC. Still pretty good size file for a 4x5 but this image needed some cropping.

I have found the maximum I can push a 5x7 LF image to is about 4000dpi but to be honest the size of the working files are so big that any digital post processing becomes a pain, this image is a 5x7 at 2100dpi (http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?57170-In-Praise-of-5x7-Post-em-!&p=1082445&viewfull=1#post1082445).

I suspect the maximum I could get out of a 4x5 negative would be about 6000dpi with perhaps a little more if cropped.

Bernice Loui
6-Dec-2013, 10:44
From iPhone, converted to monochome.



6-Dec-2013, 11:01
Linda's Furniture, Woodburn, Oregon

What a mix of lettering too. Some letters are 2-D, some 3-D with a vanishing point to the left and finally one letter 3-D with a vanishing point to the right.

6-Dec-2013, 11:46
Nice shapes going on here Jonathan. The hedge and the car seem connected. But when was it sunny? I must have missed that.

It was the repetition of shapes that prompted me to take the photo--I think I was channeling my inner Austin Granger. :)

As for it being sunny, unlike with sheet film which I tend to shoot, process and scan all in the same day, this roll of 220 Tri-X was in the camera for a while. This image was probably taken two months ago back when it was sunny.


6-Dec-2013, 11:46
106084 nikon 50mm 1.4 color correct and sharpen

I like. The smoothness and muted colors and shapes make it nice.

6-Dec-2013, 11:53
Another one from around the neighborhood.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Racer X 69
6-Dec-2013, 12:09
What a mix of lettering too. Some letters are 2-D, some 3-D with a vanishing point to the left and finally one letter 3-D with a vanishing point to the right.

Gives a "true" sense of perspective! :cool:

Racer X 69
6-Dec-2013, 12:28
Mamiya 7, 80mm, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Is that your '65 Impala?

Steve M Hostetter
6-Dec-2013, 14:06
Thank you jp,, i was gonna get out today and get some snow shots but was too bad out... Maybe tomorrow:)

6-Dec-2013, 14:23
Is that your '65 Impala?

No, it belongs to a neighbor down the street.


David R Munson
6-Dec-2013, 16:37
A few more recent scans:

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3751/11212001263_7802231129_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11212001263/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11212001263/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5499/11226665955_02d069706e_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11226665955/)
Derelict Storefront, Chicago (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11226665955/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2875/11226668545_c0f9320231_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11226668545/)
Jessica's Shelf (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/11226668545/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

6-Dec-2013, 17:49
A couple from the night, and a couple from the day

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5479/11231955154_7004a170de_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11231955154/)
low point drainage grate (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11231955154/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3721/11230783383_1e11c6581c_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11230783383/)
sme lancers watertower (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11230783383/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2834/11217254183_4d16bddbb4_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11217254183/)
wall with grass (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11217254183/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2821/11216333286_d424c1c2f1_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11216333286/)
stop arrows (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11216333286/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
6-Dec-2013, 18:42
Clay, I really like these. Simplicity with so much to look at.

Key on a table


6-Dec-2013, 20:57
Good stuff. I like that water tower pic because of all the various antennas on the railing.. That's my field of work (wireless broadband), so I'm always fascinated at that sort of thing.

I was just commenting in the Landscapes thread how subdued everything is this time of year around here... It's dark before 4pm right now and was cloudy/dark/gray all day. Keep your head up and get the fresh air like on this walk and SAD won't get you.


Joe O'Hara
7-Dec-2013, 07:41
A couple from the night, and a couple from the day

All very nice! Especially the drainage grate.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5479/11231955154_7004a170de_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11231955154/)
low point drainage grate (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11231955154/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3721/11230783383_1e11c6581c_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11230783383/)
sme lancers watertower (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11230783383/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2834/11217254183_4d16bddbb4_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11217254183/)
wall with grass (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11217254183/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2821/11216333286_d424c1c2f1_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11216333286/)
stop arrows (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/11216333286/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

Joe O'Hara
7-Dec-2013, 07:43
I like the dock Joe. It's got a great feel to it.

Thanks Austin. I had to wait for a posse of ducks to swim out of the frame to the lower right. You need patience to do this stuff.

austin granger
7-Dec-2013, 11:52
I really like those Clay, especially the grate and the water tower. There's mystery all around us!

austin granger
7-Dec-2013, 11:54
I seem to be on a tractor streak lately.

Tractor with Burn Pile, Oregon


7-Dec-2013, 12:05
Clay, great shots, all; the last one is particularly amazing, there's a beautiful depth and vibrancy to it.

7-Dec-2013, 12:12
Batteries not included

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5545/11248578434_1b90bc81ea_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11248578434/)
Gear p0rn (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11248578434/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

The setup

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3689/11248867496_fe244300cb_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/11248867496/)

7-Dec-2013, 12:23
Nice, Tuco! Well planned and executed.
I see a bit of string on the A12 back, in case that matters to you.

7-Dec-2013, 12:41
Carbon transfer print, 17X23" in size, printed from a digital negative. Original image capture with Nikon D800.

From a recent trip to the coast of northern Spain.


7-Dec-2013, 13:13
Nice, Tuco! Well planned and executed.
I see a bit of string on the A12 back, in case that matters to you.

Thanks. Yeah, I see it now.

Racer X 69
7-Dec-2013, 13:35
I seem to be on a tractor streak lately.

Tractor with Burn Pile, Oregon


I thought the Oregon Tree Huggers banned open burning years ago.

Remember when all the lumber mills had those tee pee things that always had a fire burning in them?

Peter Gomena
7-Dec-2013, 22:11
I was intrigued by a ritual I noticed in rural areas near the Oregon coast a couple of years ago: People standing around a very smoky burning pile of stuff in a yard or field near their houses. Usually in the winter, on a calm non-rainy day. It turns out open burning is allowed in rural parts of the state as long as you're not burning garbage and if fire danger is low. It's a way to rid your yard of deadfall branches, orchard trimmings, etc. in areas where there is no yard debris recycling available. I think farmers are allowed some leeway for agricultural debris. In the metropolitan areas, leaf burning has been banned for 40 years, and we have huge yard debris composting sites.

Gary Sommer
7-Dec-2013, 22:32
Wig Waum burners.

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t243/gary2881/Wigwam.jpg (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/gary2881/media/Wigwam.jpg.html)

They are pretty much gone now , along with the mills, and the timber industry.

austin granger
8-Dec-2013, 00:26
I had no idea about the legality of burning, but it's something I see fairly often in my explorations. I also didn't know what a wig wam burner was, although those too, I've seen. I even photographed the inside of one in Seneca a long time ago:


That's one of the great bonuses of photography-you're learning new things all the time!


Racer X 69
8-Dec-2013, 08:38
Interesting stuff about Oregon and the "Give A Hoot, Don't Pollute" thing.

I remember as a kid riding in the family car through Western Oregon, before I-5 was built. The smoke always hung in the air from the wood scraps burning at the mills, especially from Eugene to the California border.

8-Dec-2013, 10:26
Bought a craigslist Bolex for this Kern Switar wide angle last night. When I found it doesn't focus at infinity, I was about to put it on the sell list. Then I started shooting macros this morning! A few more here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettsphotos/sets/72157638479636554/


8-Dec-2013, 10:38
Nice images. With "Bolex" you mean a (lens from a) Bolex movie camera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolex)?
How does this combo work?

Bought a craigslist Bolex for this Kern Switar wide angle last night. When I found it doesn't focus at infinity, I was about to put it on the sell list. Then I started shooting macros this morning!

Peter Lewin
8-Dec-2013, 10:41
Goamules: Striking image (beautiful colors and background swirl, looks like a petzval lens!). It looks like there is some vignetting. Can you post just a little about how you mounted a cine lens (IIRC Bolex is a movie camera, not sure of film size) on a still camera, etc.?

8-Dec-2013, 11:16
Thanks, the Bolex H16 Reflex was a 16mm Swiss movie camera, these high quality cameras used to cost a fortune, and have been used to make feature length movies. Anyway, the lenses are C-mount. Though you could probably make an adapter for a Pen-F half-frame camera, I don't know of any. So I shot this on digital, Micro 4/3s, with a common C-mount to M4/3 adapter. It will do a lot of swirl, it's almost a fisheye on this format. It vignettes, but the other lenses don't. They're all good.

The past year, a couple of very high quality, pocket digital movie cameras have been made (Black Magic and Digital Bolex). So these C-mounts are having yet another resurgence. Here is the front of the cam I bought last night...again, for the lenses.


8-Dec-2013, 11:31
Got roped into doing a Christmas photoshoot for little Bam-Bam here:


Jan Pedersen
8-Dec-2013, 19:57
From earlier today. Finally some interesting weather due to the cold here in the NW.

8-Dec-2013, 23:18
Clay, great shots, all; the last one is particularly amazing, there's a beautiful depth and vibrancy to it.

I really like those Clay, especially the grate and the water tower. There's mystery all around us!

All very nice! Especially the drainage grate.

Good stuff. I like that water tower pic because of all the various antennas on the railing.. That's my field of work (wireless broadband), so I'm always fascinated at that sort of thing.

Clay, I really like these. Simplicity with so much to look at.

Thank you all for the interest, jp498 my company does a little bit of this kind of work as well so I'm also familiar with those antennas.

8-Dec-2013, 23:47
Panasonic LX5

9-Dec-2013, 00:48
Carbon transfer print, 17X23" in size, printed from a digital negative. Original image capture with Nikon D800.

From a recent trip to the coast of northern Spain.


A stunning image, Sandy, must look really good in hands...

Daniel Stone
9-Dec-2013, 04:32
Here's one from NSW, AU.

"The Three Sisters"
Panoramic auto-stitch on my Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile
Twas' a bit rainy whilst there, so the 5x7 stayed in the car


EDIT: oh darn... this is REALLY low-res... Oh well...

9-Dec-2013, 10:31
more portraits with the Pentax 67 / 105mm/f2.4 / Kodak Portra 400 combination.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7379/11238397503_8018f181b3.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thicktheo/11238397503/) http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7445/11287089273_fe2d122779.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thicktheo/11287089273/)

austin granger
9-Dec-2013, 12:47
From earlier today. Finally some interesting weather due to the cold here in the NW.

That's a very pleasing composition Jan. I like it a lot.

I think it's time for me to get out of the city:



9-Dec-2013, 13:21
Hey, now. Nothing wrong with staying in the city!



Peter Gomena
9-Dec-2013, 22:42
That's a beauty, Jan!


Jan Pedersen
10-Dec-2013, 08:42
Thank you Pete..

10-Dec-2013, 08:51
That's a beauty, Jan!


Agree whole-heartedly; this was worth burning a few sheets for.
Nicely done!

Jan Pedersen
10-Dec-2013, 09:58
Thanks Ari, it was just medium format :)

10-Dec-2013, 10:00
Oh, right, forgot where I was for a moment. :)
Great shot, nonetheless.

Jan Pedersen
10-Dec-2013, 19:37
Another one from Sunday morning, a little more drama in this one.

Scott Schroeder
10-Dec-2013, 20:47

10-Dec-2013, 21:38
Someday I'll get a real digital camera. You know, the kind that lets you choose an aperture and shutter speed and everything!



10-Dec-2013, 23:20
My old slow battery hog very cheap Olympus made beautiful subtle jpegs, compared to my newer more manual and raw capable Panasonic. Dont go there. A camera is only camera.

11-Dec-2013, 01:14
A camera is only camera.

I get that, but I do wish I had more manual control over this particular camera's settings. I shoot so little digital that I haven't bothered to upgrade. Yet.


11-Dec-2013, 17:56
My first half-way not horrible image from a camera I just finished fixing up and a darkroom that's a work in progress, welcome to what we call "winter" here in SoCal.

It's a snapshot and not what I'd call real photography but I'd love to get some feedback from technical and artistic points of view to give me ideas on my way forwards. I feel so out of my league after seeing the work here!


1962 Century Graphic with Schneider-Kreuznach 1:2.8/80 with the 120 back for 6x9 negatives.
Arista EDU Ultra 400 and Xtol 1:1 @ 70deg + 7:00 minutes with pre-soak and initial agitation + 5 inversions each minute.
The digital processing was to "scan" the negative with my DSLR, invert, apply a gentle S curve and unsharp mask.

12-Dec-2013, 13:24
I bought a Fuji X-E1 camera during the Thanksgiving sales. I learned the settings and took a walk to take some first photos this morning at sunrise.
With Pen-F 25/F4:



12-Dec-2013, 14:42
One more, with a Pen-F 50-90 zoom:


Peter Gomena
12-Dec-2013, 18:56
Nice, Garrett. Three people I know have those cameras and I've been very impressed with the image quality. I'm going to have to save my pennies.

12-Dec-2013, 19:30
Thanks, I'm liking it, first day with it. I've wanted one for over a year, but waited until the prices went down.

austin granger
12-Dec-2013, 22:54


13-Dec-2013, 02:21
well, I havent posted a lf image for a while, shame on me.. but been busy polishing my lith printing skills.. it just sucked me in.
However, If Im allowed... a tiny format frame.. misty UK, love the Isles for that mood.
canon A1+28mm+HP@800


13-Dec-2013, 06:00
well, I havent posted a lf image for a while, shame on me.. but been busy polishing my lith printing skills.. it just sucked me in.
However, If Im allowed... a tiny format frame.. misty UK, love the Isles for that mood.
canon A1+28mm+HP@800


Nice to see you back here, and beautiful photo!

13-Dec-2013, 07:34
Thanks for nice words, Ari.

13-Dec-2013, 11:18
Trying my luck with my first portrait from a recently restored century graphic. Shot at 6x9 but I cropped it down to 6x6, I've never done anything square before and wanted to give it a go. I'm open to suggestions on presentation and formatting.

Please pardon the scanning artifacts, I don't have a setup yet so I jury rigged something.


Nathan Potter
13-Dec-2013, 11:34
Austin and ajsikel, very different but excellent images. Really fine work. Thanks for showing.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

13-Dec-2013, 11:52
Marcel - worn out from his fight against prostate cancer. Refuses any further treatments as of today...

http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/img/s5/v132/p156714526-4.jpg (http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/p367918631/e957461e)

Pentax 67II - Takumar SMC 105mmF2.4 - TMY2 - XTOL 1:1

Scott Schroeder
13-Dec-2013, 13:19
That's wonderful Tom. Great stern expression.


13-Dec-2013, 15:35
Thanks Scott

Ed Bray
14-Dec-2013, 09:16
2 from a very recent roll of Tri-X, 21mm f4 Color Skopar on Leica M4.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5531/11368450143_bec22e72eb_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11368450143/)
West Hoe foreshore, Grand Parade & Mouth of River Tamar (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11368450143/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3828/11367706234_800da10078_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11367706234/)
Plymouth Hoe foreshore (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11367706234/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

14-Dec-2013, 09:26
# removed double post, sorry #

14-Dec-2013, 09:27
I'm guessing you're happy with the Skopar lens?
Nice shots. I like the grain in the clouds on the second image.

2 from a very recent roll of Tri-X, 21mm f4 Color Skopar on Leica M4.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5531/11368450143_bec22e72eb_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11368450143/)
West Hoe foreshore, Grand Parade & Mouth of River Tamar (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11368450143/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3828/11367706234_800da10078_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11367706234/)
Plymouth Hoe foreshore (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11367706234/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

Racer X 69
14-Dec-2013, 09:55
Marcel - worn out from his fight against prostate cancer. Refuses any further treatments as of today...

http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/img/s5/v132/p156714526-4.jpg (http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/p367918631/e957461e)

Pentax 67II - Takumar SMC 105mmF2.4 - TMY2 - XTOL 1:1

How sad that the treatment is so much worse than the disease and a person would just give up. Please pass my prayers along to your friend.

14-Dec-2013, 10:35

taken on 35mm roll, 28mm, then lith printed and then multitoned in sulphur , selenium then gold.

Ed Bray
14-Dec-2013, 12:00
I'm guessing you're happy with the Skopar lens?
Nice shots. I like the grain in the clouds on the second image.

Thanks, yes I am pleased with the Skopar, it performs better than I expected although it has a good reputation amongst those in the know.

austin granger
14-Dec-2013, 12:52
A few more pictures from a stroll around Woodburn, Oregon:





Roger Cole
14-Dec-2013, 13:15
I'm guessing you're happy with the Skopar lens?
Nice shots. I like the grain in the clouds on the second image.

I'm guess to get grain like that it was either highly pushed (which is also consistent with the contrast but you might have done that in printing) or this is a pretty severe crop?

14-Dec-2013, 17:01
How sad that the treatment is so much worse than the disease and a person would just give up. Please pass my prayers along to your friend.


austin granger
14-Dec-2013, 18:36
Great Trees

Credit Cards



Ken Lee
14-Dec-2013, 20:20
Someday I'll get a real digital camera. You know, the kind that lets you choose an aperture and shutter speed and everything!



Superb !!

15-Dec-2013, 01:22
Superb !!

Thanks so much, Ken. Maybe there's something to this digital revolution after all. ;)


Darin Boville
15-Dec-2013, 03:28
Marcel - worn out from his fight against prostate cancer. Refuses any further treatments as of today...

http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/img/s5/v132/p156714526-4.jpg (http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/p367918631/e957461e)

Pentax 67II - Takumar SMC 105mmF2.4 - TMY2 - XTOL 1:1

Nice photo, Tom.


15-Dec-2013, 06:57
Phuktal (Ladakh)
Nikon FM2N
Tokina 35/2.8
Ilford FP4

Ed Bray
15-Dec-2013, 08:15
I'm guess to get grain like that it was either highly pushed (which is also consistent with the contrast but you might have done that in printing) or this is a pretty severe crop?

Neither I'm afraid, just my rubbish attempts at PP. The top image is as shot and includes the edges of the film frame, the second image needed a 0.7 degree rotate and was then cropped to include the absolute maximum amount of the image possible.

For some reason the PP seems to cause me real issues with 35mm Tri-X.

I will continue to practise and hopefully get it right sooner rather than later.

15-Dec-2013, 08:31
Nice photo, Tom.


Thanks Darin

15-Dec-2013, 08:38
Marcel - worn out from his fight against prostate cancer. Refuses any further treatments as of today...

http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/img/s5/v132/p156714526-4.jpg (http://Tomkeymeulen.zenfolio.com/p367918631/e957461e)

Pentax 67II - Takumar SMC 105mmF2.4 - TMY2 - XTOL 1:1

Would have been a great portrait even without the background story; best wishes to Marcel, and well done, Tom.

Racer X 69
15-Dec-2013, 09:22

The LF topic about photographing in cold weather. 12 below(f) when I shot this one. Light breeze going. Pixelograph from Fuji X-E1.

The digital gear is very nice for North Dakota winters. No bellows to catch wind so I can photograph in blizzards(35mph+ for a minimum o 3 hours - blowing and drifting snow) and lesser storms. Add in that in sub zero temps, especially with winds it is difficult to work photo gear at times.

Then we have Auroras where the digital really takes a lot of the guesswork out of the process.


Another area where the digital gear is nice. Would love to do these in 4x5 or 8x10. Ephemeral nature of the phenomena makes it difficult at times and the immediate feedback with pixelography is welcome and helpful.

When you are out and a major light show is going and you are working horizons, edges, buildings, windmills and light shows in various areas of the sky, even to the South 35 degrees above the horizon, the speed of digital makes it nice.

Hitting a half dozen pre-chosen locations to fit them in the foreground with light shows that vary in sky location as well as in intensity makes for hurried driving and setups to get things right. Helps I have a number pre-chosen and shooting angles blocked out for when we have good Aurora displays.

Either way shooting in cold(32 below a few nights ago and 2 below was our high today - warmest of the week -all farenheit) can be a challenge for any gear as well as on me at times.

Nice shots, the Aurora really looks nice.

I passed through Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota last week, just before the temps really dropped. I saw -15° F, and drove on over a hundred miles of nothing but compact snow and ice. I heard that a couple days later the temps dropped to more than -20°.




15-Dec-2013, 09:33
Would have been a great portrait even without the background story; best wishes to Marcel, and well done, Tom.

Thanks Ari

Ed Bray
15-Dec-2013, 10:11
Neither I'm afraid, just my rubbish attempts at PP. The top image is as shot and includes the edges of the film frame, the second image needed a 0.7 degree rotate and was then cropped to include the absolute maximum amount of the image possible.

For some reason the PP seems to cause me real issues with 35mm Tri-X.

I will continue to practise and hopefully get it right sooner rather than later.

Here is my first ever 11,000 dpi scan from the Scanview 11000 which I managed to achieve this afternoon using Color Quartet 5.2.2 on OS9. Camera was Leica M4 with 21mm f4 Color Skopar.

Settings were RGB Lab, 2750%, 200lpi, 2.0QF, no sharpening and an aperture of 2. Only PP was to convert to mono, no other PP and no sharpening, this gave an 82MB jpg.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5508/11386548983_6c05f7b0a3_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11386548983/)
11000dpi 35mm Tri-X (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/11386548983/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr