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David Hedley
15-Dec-2009, 09:48
From a (very cold) forest walk last weekend;
Canon 5D

Robert Hughes
15-Dec-2009, 13:25
Happy Holidays from FEMA! :p
Cell phone, Minneapolis, today (it's cold outside)!

brian mcweeney
15-Dec-2009, 13:48
Happy Holidays from FEMA! :p
Cell phone, Minneapolis, today (it's cold outside)!

That's sad and funny at the same time!

15-Dec-2009, 14:05
David -- really like your image! Visually intriging!

15-Dec-2009, 16:19
Lovely, jon.oman. Striking color and classic composition make for a very nice photo. Format, camera, lens, film, if you feel like divulging secrets? The detail makes me think 6x9 rather than 35mm, but who knows? Got some more?


I was out for birds with my Nikon D700 and Sigma 100-300mm F4 lens, with the 1.4TC. This scene presented itself. The lighting and everything just 'worked'!


15-Dec-2009, 17:35
Artist/Designer Amy Day wearing a piece from her latest collection at an event in Camden - London.

Contax T2

Rick Tardiff
15-Dec-2009, 19:22
This is my grand-daughter Katherine. I used a canon 5d, this year I am using a ebony, wish me luck in getting her to cooperate!

15-Dec-2009, 21:54
From a (very cold) forest walk last weekend;
Canon 5D[/QUOTE]

Wonderful looking image David, thank you very much for sharing! What was the exposure time and the weather like that day, our of curiosity?


David Hedley
15-Dec-2009, 23:15
Thanks for your comments, Vaughn and Brian. It's quite an unusual channel of water, in that the water is moving in an upward incline towards a 50 foot drop at this point. I was hoping that the photograph would look a little odd from this angle. The shutter speed was 1/13s, which meant I was shooting at f/4, hence less sharpness throughout than I would have wanted.

MIke Sherck
16-Dec-2009, 07:30
Artist/Designer Amy Day wearing a piece from her latest collection at an event in Camden - London.

Contax T2

I bet she doesn't sell many of those in Minneapolis! ;)

16-Dec-2009, 19:16

16-Dec-2009, 19:25
Z, very nice, tell us more about the technical details of how you did it.

16-Dec-2009, 19:42
hi. thanks. it was my first attempt to use the stitch capability in photoshop. heading down the coast toward big sur we saw this scene near sunset. it was done fairly quickly. level tripod, overlap of about a third of the image going from one frame to the next. i tried to time the shots for similar wave positions to get a good blend in the water. as it was a first attempt (you can see at the right side) that i did not remove the keystone effect from the composite. it was either a nikon D2x or D300, most likely with a tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 lens at mid aperture, exposures of several seconds. i would have to look at the original files for more accurate details, but that is what sticks in my fading memory

16-Dec-2009, 21:41
Sunrise in one of the local parks:




Brian Bullen
18-Dec-2009, 16:25
A quick snap at work.
The Gaffers D700

20-Dec-2009, 14:32

My 4yo concentrating on the computer. Tmy2, Nikon f4s, 105/2 af-dc. Existing indoor light plus the glowing screen. negative scanned on my Epson v700.

20-Dec-2009, 16:51
Still waiting to be able to post scans of LF negs. In the meantime, here's a humble D80 snap from last year:


Rodney Polden
20-Dec-2009, 16:59
My 4yo concentrating on the computer. Tmy2, Nikon f4s, 105/2 af-dc. Existing indoor light plus the glowing screen. negative scanned on my Epson v700.[/QUOTE]

Lovely portrait, jp498! Such clarity and absorption in that little young face.

Keep shooting lots of her while she's still willing to let Dad catch her on film - she will treasure every one, once she's older (and you too). They tend to suddenly change in their attitudes in the tweeny years, and threaten you or hide whenever you pick up a camera in their vicinity. Nowadays my daughters complain "how come you stopped taking pictures of us when we reached our teens?" and I have to remind them of how appalled they were at one time of the burden of being a photographer's daughters.

It resumed being something cool at the point when they realised their friends really liked the pictures they had of themselves.

20-Dec-2009, 18:35
Don't worry, I have thousands of digital photos and hundreds of B&Ws. Her attitude can change PDQ with the camera as she loves to pose and ham it up more than necessary for candids as shown here.


25-Dec-2009, 14:20
ok. I'll show off too. My almost 4 years old daughter:


Helios 40 at f/1.5, Canon 5D.

Happy Christmas to All!

25-Dec-2009, 17:25
Lake St. John, Louisiana. Cyprus trees in December.

DSLR IR, reversed.

Sandy King

David Hedley
27-Dec-2009, 07:06
From this morning, a wetlands area on the upper Rhine, on the French / Swiss border;
Canon EOS5D

27-Dec-2009, 09:20
Sandy, I like those IR photos. Abstract and well done.

David Hedley
3-Jan-2010, 12:23
From this afternoon;
Canon EOS5D

3-Jan-2010, 15:26
The Union Pacific "Santa Cruz Local" heads home for the last time this past Monday before the Sierra Railroad takes over. They are passing through La Selva Beach, California as the rain starts to fall and a fitting end of 123 years of service (combined with predecessor Southern Pacific). On Canon Elan 7 and Ilford HP5.


3-Jan-2010, 22:24
This was taken a few years back at Petroglyph National Monument in New Mexico. Sorry about the out of focus scan.

They were taken with a Nikon EM and a 50mm lens on Ektachrome that expired in 1979

4-Jan-2010, 10:10
Another late autumn scene (winter postings to come, scanner willing) taken on Portra 400NC with a Bessa R2S and a Nikkor 50/1.4 Millenium lens. Pond in Wright Woods, Lake County Forest Preserve, IL.

4-Jan-2010, 10:22
The Union Pacific "Santa Cruz Local" heads home for the last time this past Monday before the Sierra Railroad takes over. They are passing through La Selva Beach, California as the rain starts to fall and a fitting end of 123 years of service (combined with predecessor Southern Pacific). On Canon Elan 7 and Ilford HP5.


And Sam, please forgive my near oversight of your beautiful image. I find it evocative and moving in a way that few photographs actually achieve, although we all try. And on a little tiny piece of film too! Congratulations on a real keeper, on many levels.

Emil Schildt
5-Jan-2010, 05:47
My VERY first images this year...
Took them at about 2.30 in the new year's night.

Amazing whether! Full moon - just a little clouds, moving slowly - snow - frost on the tree branches - VERY VERY still...

Loved it!


next is of a big willow tree, that fell in a storm a few years ago.. The students cut off the top, turned the tree upside down, and now it grows happily again - with the old roots on top! Our tree of trolds....


Both taken with my Rolleiflex SL 66 E, 50mm F4, 30 sec, about 12000 iso (P3200)

5-Jan-2010, 16:04

6-Jan-2010, 10:33
And Sam, please forgive my near oversight of your beautiful image. I find it evocative and moving in a way that few photographs actually achieve, although we all try. And on a little tiny piece of film too! Congratulations on a real keeper, on many levels.

Thanks! Appreciate your comments. :)

Jim collum
6-Jan-2010, 10:41
Aptus 75s, Zeiss 110/2 Planar (shot wide open)


6-Jan-2010, 12:12
That is nice Jim C!

6-Jan-2010, 15:47
Jim, What a pleasure this shot gives!

Jeremy Moore
6-Jan-2010, 20:17
platinum/palladium over watercolor.

Jim Bradley
6-Jan-2010, 23:01

On the way to work. Nikon D300 80-200


16-Jan-2010, 19:04
Two recent DSLR images from Maya ruins in the Yucatan.

Sandy King

16-Jan-2010, 20:46
I don't shoot roll film very often, but here's a few 6x9's from my Zeiss Ikon folder :) My folk's back yard in Louisiana during a bit of rain :)



18-Jan-2010, 21:51
I don't shoot roll film very often, but here's a few 6x9's from my Zeiss Ikon folder :) My folk's back yard in Louisiana during a bit of rain :)

Wow, really great atmosphere there! I can feel and hear the drizzle of the rain!

I was a little tired and lazy today (and had and still have a lot of homework to complete) so I just took a quick backlit shot of my guitar during the rain. It's shot with 35mm digital and a smc pentax-m 50mm f/1.7 lens. This was my first time trying out the smearing vaseline on the edges of your uv filter then sandwiching it with another uv filter trick. I think it worked out pretty interestingly. It not only seems to soften the edges but makes the lens more susceptible to flare but the pretty kind of contrast reducing flare rather than the green blobs normally associated with flare. And a confession, this was inspired by the many beautiful backlight yet soft and smooth photographs I've seen here :)



18-Jan-2010, 23:04
Speaking of rain, we got some today too...



Jim collum
18-Jan-2010, 23:27
beautiful images.. gorgeous tones

(they'd better *never* get rid of tri-x)

I don't shoot roll film very often, but here's a few 6x9's from my Zeiss Ikon folder :) My folk's back yard in Louisiana during a bit of rain :)



Jim collum
18-Jan-2010, 23:32
Aptus 75s, Zeiss 110/2 Planar




19-Jan-2010, 08:46
Beautiful, Jim!

Rodney Polden
20-Jan-2010, 04:10
Aptus 75s, Zeiss 110/2 Planar




Wow, Jim! Three stunning photographs.

20-Jan-2010, 08:20
Wow, Jim! Three stunning photographs.


Jim collum
23-Jan-2010, 00:20
From an on going series on My Hometown (Felton, Ca)
all aptus 75s & zeiss 110/2 (shot wide open)





23-Jan-2010, 11:07
Aptus 75s, Zeiss 110/2 Planar

Jim, incredible!

23-Jan-2010, 14:35
From an on going series on My Hometown (Felton, Ca)
all aptus 75s & zeiss 110/2 (shot wide open)

Nice detail photos of the Sonora. That's probably Roaring Camp's best shay locomotive. :)

Something of my own. Surf and a whole lotta foam this past Wednesday here in PG. Canon EOS D60.


24-Jan-2010, 00:24
I really love the mood and atmosphere of your images, Jim. Every time I see your photographs, I'm inspired to go take some photographs, haha.

These two photographs are part of my attempt to improve my post processing style and adopt this type of low key, smooth look.


24-Jan-2010, 02:31
Three portraits that I'm proud of. Shot for Artemide with a Kodak DCR and a Nikon 35mm lens.




Michael Cienfuegos
24-Jan-2010, 14:53
Blew most of my money on this M2, now I need to find some money to get an M mount lens for this baby, hopefully a 35mm Summilux. I couldn't afford one of Mr. Luigi's cases, so I have attempted to make my own. :)


24-Jan-2010, 15:38
Great envy Michael! There's nothing in there between the M2 and the MP.

Frank Petronio
25-Jan-2010, 00:55
I'm in awe of Jim C's digital work. It really made me pick up and take notice.


Jim collum
25-Jan-2010, 01:00
I'm in awe of Jim C's digital work. It really made me pick up and take notice.


i love it!!!! (thanks Frank!)

25-Jan-2010, 07:44
Canon IVSB 50/1.8. Scanned the Walgreens prints, lots of dust so I'll keep the sizes small:

Robert Hughes
25-Jan-2010, 10:31
Good girls/bad girls. Vive la différence!

Kirk Gittings
25-Jan-2010, 10:33
Jim, that is a great series on your hometown.

25-Jan-2010, 21:55
Here's a few 6x7 shots from my christmas holiday around the south island of NZ. It was a bit of exposure training for when my large format camera turned up and I'm not too disappointed with the shots. Some are ok, some less so. They're all possibly a touch on the dark side but that could be the scanner/Photoshop to blame.

And some of them have light spill/leaks. My housemate can take the blame for that. My normally pitch black bathroom was lit up like Time Square for a brief second when my housemate decided to take a shower at around 1 in the morning. Huddling round the film that was in the process of being bundled into my developing tank apparently did little to keep the light off my negs.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2709/4304375239_7892d5f949.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alastairmoore/4304375239)

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4012/4305121508_6f9a610d60.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alastairmoore/4305121508/)

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4059/4305123152_1bf3d85a47.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alastairmoore/4305123152/)

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4029/4305132912_429a8914e4.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alastairmoore/4305132912)

25-Jan-2010, 21:56
And one last one!

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2733/4304746021_08fc6bc416.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alastairmoore/4304746021/)

27-Jan-2010, 16:01
Having a play with the new Bowens; digital proofs off the 40D, should have the blad shots developed tomorrow sometime....




28-Jan-2010, 17:15
Trying out stitching with a LeicaM9. 3 frames with a 50mm Summicron

29-Jan-2010, 17:49
If you feel like trying out a new developer for digital raw. Have a go with the "Raw Photo Processor" by A.Tverdokhleb - it's like Acufine compared to D76.
The last four shots on this page (http://picasaweb.google.com/cjbroadbent/Formats?feat=directlink) do a Hasselblad and Leica 3-shot tone-map versus RPP.

30-Jan-2010, 06:35
Mac only. Not fair.

Rick Tardiff
31-Jan-2010, 15:42
My new way to travel is to leave my canon Dslr home, bring only a p&s and the 4x5. As a newbie my learning curve is pretty steep with LF. I am "screwing up" more than not, and loving every minute. Here is a shot with the canon g10, with a photoshop b&W conversion and maybe a tweak for contrast/levels...My LF attempts that week are not worth showing...thats fine I am getting there..

Scott Walker
3-Feb-2010, 16:03
Canon T70, Fuji X-TRA 800 color print film, developed in D-76, printed on Galerie

Scott Walker
3-Feb-2010, 16:18
A point & click from my Canon DSLR, shot through a red filter then converted to B&W in photoshop.
This is a barn on my property so I am hoping that I see this frosty image again with some good cloud formation & I'll bring the LF out.

Jim collum
3-Feb-2010, 19:29
3 from this month's picture-a-day project

Fisherman Mark - Not A Fisherman - Felton

Ian - Mechanic/Engineer - Narrow Gauge Railroad

Pan - Philosopher - Santa Cruz

Rick Tardiff
5-Feb-2010, 06:28
these are wonderful Jim, thanks.

5-Feb-2010, 12:56
Some from a shoot last Sunday:
With a cooler treatment:

5-Feb-2010, 13:03
I really like the lighting. Nice shots.

5-Feb-2010, 13:04
Whoa! David. You didn't invite me? I don't get no respect. Very nice work. Your processing too?

6-Feb-2010, 16:32
Haha - I barely was able to tear myself out of bed at 5am Sunday morning to shoot those. Yes, it's my processing but they were shot with my D200 (it's not Portra). I'm looking forward to acquiring some Ektar 100 for the Bronica to do some of this style of shooting with. I have a thread with more on TPF - no surprise you didn't see it posted in the people section.

6-Feb-2010, 18:58
Your model deserves a medal. My schedule has been out of synch with everyone in Houston. Hopefully I can fix that.

6-Feb-2010, 21:41
Happy Mardi Gras. Early. Give you time to get warmed up.

ISO 6400. 1:5.6 @ 1/60 sec. Digital could be habit forming in the right conditions.


6-Feb-2010, 23:52
A long westbound UP auto train crests Donner Pass at Norden, California in October of 2007. The engineer is carefully throttling down and setting up the dynamic brakes while his charge plods along at a slow rate. Canon EOS D60.


David Hedley
7-Feb-2010, 11:09
A few shots using my blackberry on the tram home, combined in a zoetype;

7-Feb-2010, 12:34
A long westbound UP auto train crests Donner Pass at Norden, California in October of 2007. The engineer is carefully throttling down and setting up the dynamic brakes while his charge plods along at a slow rate. Canon EOS D60.

I understand it is a delicate situation. The front half of the train wants to increase its speed as it heads down the grade as the rest of the train is still struggling up the grade. Lots of weight and a lot of forces at work.


7-Feb-2010, 14:27
Snowmageddon yesterday. Canon digi point and shoot.

7-Feb-2010, 14:32
I understand it is a delicate situation. The front half of the train wants to increase its speed as it heads down the grade as the rest of the train is still struggling up the grade. Lots of weight and a lot of forces at work.


Indeed! That's why the use of helper locomotives either in mid-train or at the rear end can aid in helping to control the speed. This particular train did not have helpers, so the engineer was guiding his train downhill very slowly.

Kerik Kouklis
8-Feb-2010, 12:43
Good stuff, Jim Collum! What camera are you shooting these with?

Kerik Kouklis
8-Feb-2010, 12:47
Hasselblad 201F, 250mm Sonnar:


8-Feb-2010, 12:52
Very well done, Kerik. It looks like one process is informing (influencing) another.

brian mcweeney
8-Feb-2010, 12:59
A cloudy day west of Fort Worth, Texas. Hasselblad with some very old Plus-X.

Robert Hughes
8-Feb-2010, 13:51
Kerik's Hasselblad shot is interesting, that plays completely against type. I've always seen Hassie's as the epitome of sharpness.

10-Feb-2010, 12:08

10-Feb-2010, 12:59
Kerik's Hasselblad shot is interesting, that plays completely against type. I've always seen Hassie's as the epitome of sharpness.

Yes, but who wouldn't want to explore that Sonnar rendering from time to time?

Rick "a long-time Sonnar fan" Denney

Robert Hughes
10-Feb-2010, 14:39
Teenager. LG cellphone camera:

11-Feb-2010, 21:17
A day at the office.



Quittin time.


Jim collum
11-Feb-2010, 22:46
more from the Hometown series
Aptus 75s




12-Feb-2010, 19:15
I don't know... my old Kodachromes just seem to grab me.

15-Feb-2010, 21:59


Thanks for looking.

brian mcweeney
16-Feb-2010, 10:23
Snow in North Texas:

16-Feb-2010, 11:06
Lovely Brian. You might know that I would be stuck working in Houston while the house got a nice white mantle. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..................

brian mcweeney
16-Feb-2010, 14:26
More Texas snow:

16-Feb-2010, 14:35
Some with the ETRSi and Portra 160NC:

16-Feb-2010, 14:38

Home processing? Did you hear about Ektar 100 in 4x5?

16-Feb-2010, 14:39
Now with Neopan:

16-Feb-2010, 14:40

Home processing? Did you hear about Ektar 100 in 4x5?

Yes, Jobo CPE-2+ w/Lift and Kodak C-41 chemicals (home mixed as well). No, I hadn't heard about Ektar 100 in 4x5.:eek:

16-Feb-2010, 22:49
Joshua Tree NP


Canon Rebel XT

Wade Guisbert
18-Feb-2010, 16:56
Hydra Island, Greece Mamiya 643 45mm lens with polarizer, not a clue on f stop or shutter speed, Velvia 100

Wade Guisbert
18-Feb-2010, 16:59
Hydra Island, Greece Mamiya 645 45mm lens with polarizer, not a clue on f stop or shutter speed, Velvia 100

18-Feb-2010, 19:01
The beach at dusk (Owls Head ME)

Monkey See Monkey Do, when I play with umbrellas, my 4 YO does too.

24-Feb-2010, 12:19
I was very moved by Jim Collum's series above.
This is one trying out Silverefex on Leica raw. I also did it in 4x5 but can't quite match
the zing of a leica lens.
The tests are at the bottom of this (http://picasaweb.google.com/cjbroadbent/Formats?feat=directlink) page.

25-Feb-2010, 10:13
The Sierra Railroad has a new crew lounge where they park their locomotive in Santa Cruz, California. Seen yesterday, you can curl up in this nice green recliner and have a Budweiser in the puddle after a day's work! :)

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L USM lens.


28-Feb-2010, 17:15
Bronica ETRSi and Neopan Acros 100 - Lighting provided by a Bowens Gemini 500w/s monolight through a 27" beauty dish and our local star.

David Hedley
1-Mar-2010, 10:56
From last week, at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome;

2-Mar-2010, 00:46
Here's a view looking back at coastal Chile from the Gulf of Corcovado south of Puerto Montt.

Traveling south from Puerto Montt, NaviMag leaves the protected fiord's in the late afternoon and heads into the open Pacific to reenter the fiord's the following morning and arrving at Puerto Natales a couple of days later. This area is located a bit south of the 2010 magnitude 8.8 earthquake center. That is snow on the side of the far right peak.

Image captured with a 35mm Pentax K1000 on Fuji Provia slide film, projected, and shot with a Canon G9. No post exposure manipulation but it looks much better on the screen :)


MIke Sherck
2-Mar-2010, 09:12
From last week, at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome;

Lovely! Well seen!


Scott Walker
2-Mar-2010, 12:55
From a small Vilage in the Municipality of Chankom, Yucatan, Mexico

David Hedley
2-Mar-2010, 14:22
Thanks Mike.

2-Mar-2010, 14:52
Just back from a trip, got the C-41 developed, waiting on the E-6 now.
Higher res, technical info, and more pictures on flickr.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4002/4402257726_be3e745f04.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4402257726/)

David Hedley
3-Mar-2010, 00:15
Vaulted ceiling, State Archives, Rome

3-Mar-2010, 05:53
Very nice geometric shot.

Robert Hughes
3-Mar-2010, 15:36
A pleasant day in Duluth:

Brad Bireley
3-Mar-2010, 18:07
Susquehannock State Forest, Potter County, PA
Minolta Autocord
Agfa Optima 400


Jim collum
4-Mar-2010, 07:52
a few from the pic-a-day series, all taken with the hassey 110/2 wide open




Mike Anderson
4-Mar-2010, 11:53

Beach Stairs at Night

Nikon F2A, 28mm AIS, Kodak BW400CN, about 20 sec. exposure.

Now that I have a view camera, I'm going to do this same shot in 4x5.


brian mcweeney
5-Mar-2010, 13:47
A personal project I have worked on for some time. One tree four seasons. 35mm transparency film, no photoshop manipulation.

5-Mar-2010, 15:33
I've often thought about something similar, but as yet have not found a suitable subject. Good job.

6-Mar-2010, 16:57
Back to basics - but with a Leica. Next week I will try this in 8x10, but I doubt I can hold on to the mid-tone contrast.

Frank Petronio
6-Mar-2010, 18:15
From the LA trip, didn't really get out.




7-Mar-2010, 18:06
Taken in Homer, NY with my dad's Minolta SRT 201 and a 50mm 1.8 lens (which he gave to me last winter). Film was Plus X, Scanner was either the 2450 or the V750 - can't remember.



9-Mar-2010, 11:19
Books. North Beach, San Francisco. Pentax 645N, 75mm lens and tripod on Fuji Provia.


Stephanie Brim
10-Mar-2010, 23:26

Blowing off some steam. I'm gravitating toward very simple compositions...and very simple things that I didn't really think to photograph before. I think that most people find these things boring, but for some reason I don't.

kev curry
11-Mar-2010, 02:50
That BW's a killer Frank!

MIke Sherck
11-Mar-2010, 13:02

Blowing off some steam. I'm gravitating toward very simple compositions...and very simple things that I didn't really think to photograph before. I think that most people find these things boring, but for some reason I don't.

The foreground seems a bit empty to me but otherwise it isn't boring at all! I like it when people make something interesting out of such banal things such as breakfast. I can't remember who it was who photographed a couple of shiny stainless steel forks thrown into the bottom of their kitchen sink -- I loved that picture!

Gotta say, I love the out of focus highlights in the background, the indistinct gleam from the juice widget on the left, and so on. Even the light sockets in the left background make me smile.

Stephanie Brim
11-Mar-2010, 14:34
I'm particularly fond of my very simple citrus juicer and the fact that I chose it over the attachment for my Cuisinart. I'm also one of those types that still uses a bladed pastry blender (or a potato masher when it disappears) for making pie crust and such. My love of simple things tends to creep into other things in life as well. :)

But you can pry my KitchenAid mixer from my cold, dead fingers. How I lived without one for so many years with how many things I bake is beyond me.

Kerik Kouklis
11-Mar-2010, 14:42
Here are some 17x17 gum over palladium prints from Hasselblad negs:




Jim collum
11-Mar-2010, 14:43
Here are some 17x17 gum over palladium prints from Hasselblad negs:




love this series Kerik. How you liking the 110/2?

Kerik Kouklis
11-Mar-2010, 14:46
Thanks, Jim. LOVE the 110/2!! I've been so busy printing for Fotofest since I got it that I haven't had much chance to put it to use.

Jim collum
11-Mar-2010, 14:50
Thanks, Jim. LOVE the 110/2!! I've been so busy printing for Fotofest since I got it that I haven't had much chance to put it to use.

have you been printing this series with the hard black borders? if so, any reason for the change from the brush stroke borders?

Kerik Kouklis
11-Mar-2010, 14:52
I've been using the clean black borders on my larger prints for years. I got over brush strokes a long time ago, but when I'm printing smaller I usually don't take the time to mask the borders.

Stephanie Brim
11-Mar-2010, 15:47
I can really relate to the foggy road. I love it. We've had that atmosphere most days now for a week or so. I really love the warm color of the print.

11-Mar-2010, 16:13
Excellent work Kerik!

11-Mar-2010, 22:35
A few from Fire Island, on Long Island:




Here's a link to the whole set:


12-Mar-2010, 19:49
^Very nice set.

Playing with my new camera, all handheld with a dirty Tamron 90mm Macro.

Camera Model: NIKON D3
Lens: 90.0 mm f/2.8
Image Date: 2010-03-12 15:53:15 -0600
Focal Length: 90.0mm (35mm equivalent: 90mm)
Aperture: f/3.5
Exposure Time: 0.013 s (1/80)
ISO equiv: 800
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Spot
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
White Balance: Manual
Light Source: Unknown
Flash Fired: No
Color Space: sRGB

Camera Model: NIKON D3
Lens: 90.0 mm f/2.8
Image Date: 2010-03-12 17:09:43 -0600
Focal Length: 90.0mm (35mm equivalent: 90mm)
Aperture: f/11.0
Exposure Time: 0.025 s (1/40)
ISO equiv: 400
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Spot
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
White Balance: Manual
Light Source: Unknown
Flash Fired: No
Color Space: sRGB

Camera Model: NIKON D3
Lens: 90.0 mm f/2.8
Image Date: 2010-03-12 17:16:31 -0600
Focal Length: 90.0mm (35mm equivalent: 90mm)
Aperture: f/16.0
Exposure Time: 0.033 s (1/30)
ISO equiv: 800
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Spot
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
White Balance: Manual
Light Source: Unknown
Flash Fired: No
Color Space: sRGB

Steve M Hostetter
13-Mar-2010, 08:11
under the rail

13-Mar-2010, 08:35
Ha, interesting pic! I have a possible caption, "So what are you looking at?"

Steve M Hostetter
13-Mar-2010, 08:52
Ha, interesting pic! I have a possible caption, "So what are you looking at?"

hehe :D

Jeremy Moore
13-Mar-2010, 14:09

13-Mar-2010, 14:10
Diana camera

Expired (late 70's) Tech Pan -- numbers from paper show.

Scanned 6"x6" silver gelatin print.

Alex at an Oregon Beach, November 2008

15-Mar-2010, 16:15
Thanks, Jim. LOVE the 110/2!! I've been so busy printing for Fotofest since I got it that I haven't had much chance to put it to use.


I am in Houston. Where are your prints displayed during FotoFest? I would love to them up close and personal.


15-Mar-2010, 21:40
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4072/4437003790_10434de2e7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4437003790/)

Greg Gibbons
16-Mar-2010, 07:24
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4072/4437003790_10434de2e7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4437003790/)

What film did you use for this? Normally I hate grain, but on occasion it's nice to be able to control it.

16-Mar-2010, 09:26
Here are a few from last Sunday's Steamfest on the Niles Canyon Railway. A photo special and photo freight were scheduled for the Southern Pacific 2472, Robert Dollar Company #3, and Mason County Logging #7. The 2472 still needed an FRA inspection done, and was not fired up on Sunday. The much smaller Quincy Railroad #2 filled in and did a great job with the passenger train. Most people seemed to enjoy themselves, and the star of the show was 100 year old Mason County Logging #7.

Canon EOS D60.

Quincy Railroad #2 arrives Sunol.

Mason County #7 and Robert Dollar Company #3 at Niles.

Mason County #7 at Niles.

16-Mar-2010, 16:31
What film did you use for this? Normally I hate grain, but on occasion it's nice to be able to control it.

Fuji NHGII (800) that expired in 2001 and was poorly stored. I exposed it at EI640 for that shot.

16-Mar-2010, 19:02
Fuji NHGII (800) that expired in 2001 and was poorly stored. I exposed it at EI640 for that shot.

My guess was right! I've only used the film a couple times, and probably that long ago.

17-Mar-2010, 07:34
Fuji NHGII (800) that expired in 2001 and was poorly stored. I exposed it at EI640 for that shot.

My guess was right! I've only used the film a couple times, and probably that long ago.

Same film. Same age or older. Properly stored.


18-Mar-2010, 14:05
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2700/4443348695_1dfb255287_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4443348695/)

Robert Hughes
18-Mar-2010, 14:25
Here are a few from last Sunday's Steamfest on the Niles Canyon Railway.
I wonder how many cigarettes it would take to equal the smoke output from one of these babies... :rolleyes:

18-Mar-2010, 14:45
I wonder how many cigarettes it would take to equal the smoke output from one of these babies... :rolleyes:

Well, at least the trains are not burning a natural insecticide (ie nicotine):D

Robert Hughes
18-Mar-2010, 15:08
Yeah, but... what about that coal, and the sulfur dioxide? Acid rain and all... :(

(Don't get me wrong, I like steam trains, too.)

18-Mar-2010, 16:28
Yeah, but... what about that coal, and the sulfur dioxide? Acid rain and all... :(

(Don't get me wrong, I like steam trains, too.)

Some organizations/companies that run steam locomotives do carbon-offsets (tree planting and the like).

18-Mar-2010, 19:39
Most of the steam engines here run on recycled oil since it's cheap to get. They should be running on bunker C fuel oil, but that gets expensive after the tender is filled. There's no coal burners in California that I can think of since coal was never available to western railroads. They always burned oil here. However back east where there are plenty of coal mines, the locomotives there and still do run on coal.

One more from this past weekend…

Mason County Logging #7 and Robert Dollar Company #3 roar by near Farwell, California with their small freight this past Sunday. The little 2-6-2T put on a great show, and will do so again this coming Saturday.

Canon Elan 7, Ilford HP5.


18-Mar-2010, 22:14
Most of the steam engines here run on recycled oil since it's cheap to get. They should be running on bunker C fuel oil, but that gets expensive after the tender is filled. There's no coal burners in California that I can think of since coal was never available to western railroads. They always burned oil here...

Our two local engines are wood-burners. But they are pretty small little engines. http://redwoods.info/showrecord.asp?id=3638


Robert Hughes
19-Mar-2010, 08:16
I lived down the street from the train shed for Milwaukee 261 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee_Road_261), a big 4-8-4 from about 1940. It burns coal, and lots of it! Imagine how much fry oil that thing would go through in a day...


19-Mar-2010, 09:28
I lived down the street from the train shed for Milwaukee 261 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee_Road_261), a big 4-8-4 from about 1940. It burns coal, and lots of it! Imagine how much fry oil that thing would go through in a day...


A very nice image! Most oil burners from what I know are pretty efficient. They usually take on more water than they do oil at each service stop.

21-Mar-2010, 21:06

From this weekend, if you look at the right along the river there's a 130 car (my friend counted) freight passing by

Jim collum
21-Mar-2010, 22:37
some from Roaring Camp, in Felton Ca.. a narrow gauge railroad with quite a few engines in various stages of operation






Robert Hughes
22-Mar-2010, 10:37
some from Roaring Camp, in Felton Ca.. a narrow gauge railroad with quite a few engines in various stages of operation
Yeah, about the only operation those engines are doing is rusting...

27-Mar-2010, 14:34


End of winter is usually a muddy dead pale time in the woods, but this year, it's beautiful. We got a dusting of snow which provided some extra brightness to the woods. I went in with my Speed Graphic (B&W), Yashica TLR (B&W), and D300 (as shown).

Ulrich Drolshagen
28-Mar-2010, 09:19
One of this the just gone winter



29-Mar-2010, 09:32
No rusting on the Niles Canyon Railway. Both Southern Pacific 2472 and 5472 put on a nice show yesterday.

All Canon EOS D60.

SP 2472 coughs up a fine plume of black smoke near Farwell, California

Lots of hootin' and hollering from the back of the biz car Oakland. It must have been a good time!

SP 5472 drifts back towards the depot at Sunol.

29-Mar-2010, 16:01

Hasselblad 500C/M, 80/2.8 CT*, Tri-X. Scan from fibre print.

Brad Bireley
6-Apr-2010, 12:40
Pine Creek in Gaines, PA.
Minolta Autocord / Kodak Ektar 100


6-Apr-2010, 12:56


Brad Bireley
6-Apr-2010, 15:25


And another from the Autocord the same morning.


7-Apr-2010, 03:51

Rolleicord V, Tri-X. The Fens, Lincolnshire, UK.

Donald Miller
10-Apr-2010, 17:04
5DII/300/2.8 L lens w1.4 extender.

Donald Miller
10-Apr-2010, 17:10
5DII/16-35 L @35mm

Donald Miller
10-Apr-2010, 21:54
Taken in Philippine Islands.

11-Apr-2010, 18:03

(On black if you feel inclined) (http://5onitnyc.com/JPEGS/connetquot-tree.html)



Couple things from over spring break

Robert Hughes
12-Apr-2010, 12:36
Uh oh, is that piano sitting in direct daytime sunlight? :eek: Maybe you hadn't heard before, but direct sun is very bad on pianos. At least put up some curtains if you want that instrument to still play in 20 years.

12-Apr-2010, 14:57
Infrared converted D70:


12-Apr-2010, 15:43
I like this perspective, nice shot. I picture you lying on your back to take it. I hope no one stepped on you during the taking. :) It just goes to show you looking all around isn't enough sometimes.

12-Apr-2010, 16:26
I like this perspective, nice shot. I picture you lying on your back to take it. I hope no one stepped on you during the taking. :) It just goes to show you looking all around isn't enough sometimes.

Thanks! I was actually standing up, but I could have lain down. Only one person past me in about 15 minutes of looking and shooting.


Jim collum
15-Apr-2010, 23:55
Mamiya 645, zeiss distagon 50/2.8

same perspective


Frank Petronio
16-Apr-2010, 05:04




Deniz Merdanogullari
16-Apr-2010, 07:59
Konica Big Mini - Tri-X 400 - XTOL

16-Apr-2010, 08:30


I like this first one for some reason... Sort of fun and intriguing at the same time.

Second one, guessing may 28-35mm just above the subject's eye level? I like the smooth warm lighting.

Frank Petronio
17-Apr-2010, 00:19
It's actually just the 35/1.8 DX lens on a Nikon D300 (APS sensor) -- which is like a 50mm normal on a full-frame digital or 35mm film camera.

I have a zoom somewhere but I just keep this lens on 99.9% of the time.

Tony Karnezis
17-Apr-2010, 18:43
One of this the just gone winter




18-Apr-2010, 11:13
Efke 25 in 35mm, Hanimex 35SL w/Asahi 55mm f/2:

18-Apr-2010, 11:30
Rolleiflex FW / FP4+ in HC-110b

M7 / 28/2.0 ASPH / Fuji Pro 400H

19-Apr-2010, 10:22

Beachy Head. Hasselblad 500C/M, 150/4.0 CT*, Fomapan 100, Xtol 1+1

curtis roberts
19-Apr-2010, 20:46
Sun hitting frost on the hood of a car
6x6 T max 400

21-Apr-2010, 11:44
M7 / 28/2.0 ASPH / Fuji Pro 400H

Those phone booths have a great color selection! Nice one.

Steve M Hostetter
22-Apr-2010, 12:43
A porch near Linton Indiana

Steve M Hostetter
22-Apr-2010, 13:34
my birds, I like to fill time when not shooting LF

first shot is a Prothonitary warbler and is the rearest of the warblers.. It got mislabled sorry

Joe Forks
22-Apr-2010, 13:54
accidental self portrait


Michael Cienfuegos
4-May-2010, 09:04
I finally got my new Nokton 50/1.1 for my M2. What a combo! I have run only one roll through the camera, will give it a real workout this next week. Arista Premium 400 film, Rodinal 1:25:


5-May-2010, 18:48
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4033/4582995822_ca0c68fa42_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4582995822/)

11-May-2010, 15:58
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4033/4582995822_ca0c68fa42_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4582995822/)

Was that taken with a 0.1 megapixel camera? I like it.

11-May-2010, 21:11
Title? They Call Me Bruce?"?

12-May-2010, 14:08
Was that taken with a 0.1 megapixel camera? I like it.

Nikon D100 actually. ;)

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1242/4600855010_7fba7a2c71_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/crooked_style/4600855010/)

13-May-2010, 11:09
Hard to remember what I have and have not posted!

Wheeler Peak
Great Basin National Park


Tom, Lake Powell

platinum/palladium prints
taken with TLR Rollei

22-May-2010, 13:00
A Leica shot.

Steve M Hostetter
22-May-2010, 22:08
A Leica shot.

Christopher,, as usual you do the unusual,,

22-May-2010, 23:36
Beautiful image Christopher.

23-May-2010, 04:46
Thanks all. It started out like this - but the readyload jammed and the jug fell off the back which was punishment for going against nature and putting the windowlight on the wrong side. This was Friday PM. Rebuilding and getting it off with a Leica taught me a thing or two. Tomorrow I'll have another go with 4x5 but it will never be quite so transparent.

23-May-2010, 07:51
The Union Pacific "Santa Cruz Local" heads up to the cement plant at Davenport, California in September of 2001. The line since then has been leased out, the cement plant closed, and there's nothing but stored tank cars here today. Canon A-1, Kodak Supra 100.


23-May-2010, 20:14
Great work everyone!
I have this one on my screen at work, just for an occasional "trip".
Morning light, Lanin Volcano, Patagonia, Argentina.
Canon 5d and a zuiko 28mm manual.

24-May-2010, 08:32
I did it again in 4x5 TMX but it looked so boring that I re-did it with a Leica. Last version here before breaking the set.

25-May-2010, 10:14
Well almost, here's the final fantasy done with a Hasselblad. It is less aggressive and has a better position. It is for an old maid in a memento mori series.

25-May-2010, 11:50
Eastward, Old Port, Montreal


5d & photoshop hijinks

26-May-2010, 15:10
Just got my Epson V700 scanner yesterday and doing some test scans.

This was takes with a Fuji GSW690 and Kodak E200 film. (cropped a bit on top)

Donald Miller
27-May-2010, 22:01
Milano, Italy 5DII/85-F1.2

Ben Syverson
28-May-2010, 00:57
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4055/4646876174_c0813f49e8.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/4646876174/)
Olympus Epic, 35mm

My first time doing a multi-pass scan and combining with HDR. It seems to be the only way to get all the information out of the negative with my Nikon scanner...

28-May-2010, 05:52
Ben, very delicate. Shows what HDR is for.

Ben Syverson
28-May-2010, 07:41
Thank you Christopher! I was inspired by your HDR scans.

28-May-2010, 11:24
Early evening, downtown Seattle.

Dinner was on the table, but the child was having too much fun.

(Higher-up is someone else’s second kite.)

Nikon FM3a, 35/1.4 AIS, Astia-100F

Ben Syverson
28-May-2010, 13:10
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4016/4648386976_6278351b35.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/4648386976/)

Yashica Samurai 3X, a half frame camera that looks like a camcorder.
It's very good for confusing your subject.

Another multipass HDR scan, which makes this probably the most lovingly-treated Samurai shot in history.

Ben Syverson
28-May-2010, 21:18
More pool flooding...

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4021/4648671207_c053744041_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/4648671207/)

This little Olympus Epic is often frustrating, but when it decides to nail the focus, it's pretty incredible what it can do.

Ben Syverson
31-May-2010, 18:22
http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1286/4658382560_c9dac068ff_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/4658382560/)

Minolta 7sii wide open, TMAX 100

31-May-2010, 23:17
Ben, That looks like cheating, you must have done it in LF!

2-Jun-2010, 01:28
Long walk on the South Downs last Saturday, from Shoreham By Sea to Amberley. Heavy winds and rain most of the way, walking through very thick low cloud, at times visibility was down to about 10 metres. So we almost missed the Chanctonbury Ring completely.


Rolleicord V, Tri-X, scan from darkroom print.

3-Jun-2010, 11:33

Rolleicord V, Tri-X, scan from darkroom print.
My first camera was (is) the Rolleicord. The shutter is somewhat flaky. I must get it out and give it a spin.

Ben Syverson
3-Jun-2010, 20:15
Ben, That looks like cheating, you must have done it in LF!
Ha, you are too kind!

You know, it's funny, but LF really can change the way you see. When using smaller formats, I often find myself trying to inject a LF sensibility. It leads to digital snapshots like this:

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4057/4566674719_eda0c3a6ea.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bensyverson/4566674719/)

For proof that it's a snapshot, check the aperture -- f/1.8! No Photoshop either; you can get a lot of "front rise" just by cropping to square!

4-Jun-2010, 02:14
Sorry, I'm working this to the bone. Since the set just decays over time and will not go away, I've reshot (Leica M9) with a different background to push a feeling of age and depression (memento mori). And Ben, I can't even use a 35mm without a tripod.


Frank Petronio
4-Jun-2010, 04:56
I feel for you Christopher... here are a few made without a tripod...





4-Jun-2010, 07:09

Mirror shot, testing whether i could mount & operate one-handed (days before shooting a band).

Long story short, hit by a car (upper arm snapped in half), overnight in hospital. Got bit by a mozzie = infected leg, so operation postponed all month.

Robert Hughes
4-Jun-2010, 09:51
Great photo, Ash! You look like a superhero after taking on TyrannoMan.

4-Jun-2010, 12:08
Two freshly printed 120 negs (negs from last year). Both are scanned from carbon prints I made yesterday.

Horsetail Falls, El Capitan, 2009
Yosemite National Park

Oak, Cascade Creek, 2009
Yosemite National Park

4-Jun-2010, 12:56
The bark on that tree must be something special in the print.

You have inspired me. I have just got a pre war agfa record with a sharp tessar. The wonderful 'picture window' negatives dont have to be scanned and printed on the epson after all. I dont think there is a less expensive way to make contact prints and learn about a wonderful process.

4-Jun-2010, 13:35
mdm...thank you!

Contacts prints are wonderful things -- even the above prints are nice to hold and look at -- despite (or perhaps because) of their small size (6x9, like your Agfa).


PS...congrats on getting the camera!

5-Jun-2010, 23:24
Ben, Christopher, and Frank, you are all tremendous inspirations (Ben, I found you on flickr before I found you here). Mentions to those not mentioned, as well.

I've just started trying to figure out how to use Vuescan (tip: unintuitive programs are made more understandable by reading the manual) and my Epson 4990. These are preliminary test scans with the negatives laying on the glass, still in their sleeves (I've got to finish building my poor man's betterscanning holder).

I'm kind of fond of these, though.

I happened to stumble upon these Vespas one morning and couldn't resist grabbing my camera and running through half a roll of film on them. I actually took one shot with the Speed Graphic, but it turns out that the sheet of Portra I found in a holder I bought off of eBay had previously been exposed, even though the darkslide was placed in the white position (which would probably explain why it was still there).



Taken with a Canon A-1 with a I forget which lens and Kodak Colour Plus (same thing as Kodacolor VR) film. Slight (maybe too much in retrospect) cross-processing effect and vignetting done in Photoshop.

In conclusion, I've placed too many statements in parentheses (indeed).

Eric James
6-Jun-2010, 00:09
Camera toss images of my dogs Sassy and Scrabble.

6-Jun-2010, 10:45
Two freshly printed 120 negs (negs from last year). Both are scanned from carbon prints I made yesterday.

Horsetail Falls, El Capitan, 2009
Yosemite National Park

Oak, Cascade Creek, 2009
Yosemite National Park

Nice images Vaughn. Here's a scan of a C-print of the same oak in Cascade Creek also shot in 2009 (6x7 camera, 45mm lens on Fuji Reala):


Shooting it when its overcast is the way to go. I shot it probably around noon when its guaranteed to be contrasty. I tried to dodge the tree as much as I could and adjusted the filtger pack to bring out a yellow/green background. It could probably be improved with advanced masking techniques. Epson 3200 scan.

As a side note, that is a very dangerous section of the park. About 6 weeks ago a friend got his foot stuck between a rock and fell breaking his leg in several places just a few paces to the right of where this was taken. It took 3 rangers and a Yosemite SAR team 2 hours to move him to a waiting ambulance in the parking area.

6-Jun-2010, 12:24
Excellent job, especially considering the light. Fun to see another version of this great oak.

Here is the previous incarnation of the image -- as an 8x10 neg/carbon...


PS...getting that sort of injury is always on my mind. I have done tons of stream-walking/rock-hopping with full packs and have taken enough falls, but have been fortunate with just bruises.

6-Jun-2010, 15:25
Nice Image Vaughn. I think I like that one better than the former. While we're on that area, here's another scan of a C-Print of Wildcat Falls taken within an hour of the Oak in Cascade Creek. Same camera and film but 75mm lens.


Speaking of falling with a full pack, from my old army experience it takes about 30 days of daily hiking with full gear before your body completely adjusts and your muscles make allowance for the added weight. In the meantime, falls are common (your foot was just a millimeter short in making that step) and to be expected. In this case I was the one with the full pack (AWII Photo Treker, 6x7 camera with several lens, filters, etc and Gitzo G1348) while my friend hand carried a DSLR on a light tripod. I was following behind about 15 feet pickin' my way and didn't see him actually fall but saw that he did and was relieved when he lifted his torso up so he didn't break his back which was a good possibility on those rocks. "Are you alright," I asked? "I think I broke my leg" was the reply.

A lot of folks passed by while we were getting his leg stabilized and packed away in a gurney. Fathers carrying small children piggy-backed and hoping over the rocks and mothers carrying their small ones sandwiched between an arm and a hip like logs. One misstep and you're down on some very hard roc

6-Jun-2010, 16:58
Thanks...the medium format image was taken when I arrived in Yosemite to find that I accidently left all my 8x10 film holders at home, 400 miles away. I borrowed a friend's Mamiya Press Super 23 camera (w/ a nice set of lenses) and some out-dated film he had in his freezer. The oak was taken with some Delta 100 that had a fairly heavy base fog, but still turned out some nice prints (all the film was given considerable development to bump the contrast into the platinum/carbon printing range -- not intended for enlargement).

I photographed images I do not usually make, and re-made some older images...making the most of a unfortunate situation. Sort of like having nothing but lemons, forgetting the sugar, so just puckering up and making the most of it!

While I don't backpack as much I use to (wilderness ranger for 10 years), I do carry a 60 pound pack of 8x10 equipment when I photograph - having a pack on my back feels quite natural to me, if not a bit more tiring than it use to!

Nice image of Wildcat -- don't think I have seen that falls.


6-Jun-2010, 17:15
Thanks Vaughn. Wildcat is right next door to Cascade.

Chris C
7-Jun-2010, 23:01
Spent a few days in Bangkok last month before heading into Myanmar. Portra 400NC in a Mamiya 645 with 45mm f2.8.

Plugging away at developing the large quantity of B&W at the moment…


8-Jun-2010, 08:13
The long and forgotten Spreckels Branch near Salinas, California in February of 1998. This branchline connected the Spreckels sugar factory with the Southern Pacific mainline. However the artificial sweetner put the sugar beet business into the history books, and this line along with it. Canon TL-QL, Kodak High Speed Infrared.


11-Jun-2010, 02:39
Neopan 400 in Caffenol C, pre-war Agfa Record with a 105mm Solinar (tessar). I have been having trouble with Epson Scan so this is my first scan using Silverfast SE, tried Vuescan too but the file is full of $ signs. This tree was one of my first 4x5 photographs too. It leans a lot more than this when you get the perspective right. I love this little camera.


12-Jun-2010, 20:46
I had a Mamiya C220 camera. A wonderful way to get into MF. It came with several 99 or so expired fuji or konica C41 color film which I used to get used to the camera.
This shot came out the first roll, I took it to a "serious" lab around here and they scanned it for me, damaging the whole roll. The crazy thing is that the colors are untouched, they just came out like this. Shot during a very warm sunset in Patagonia

Ben Syverson
13-Jun-2010, 17:23
Nicolas, nice image! But geez, what was this lab thinking? Unless it was raining white cotton and newton rings when you took this, I'd say they owe you a refund and a serious apology!

13-Jun-2010, 17:48
Thanks Ben, they do owe me, but for some reason, I just decided to never gi back there and avoid their lame excuses. On the bright side, this little camera and that first roll showed me how much I like the famous "film look".

Frank Petronio
13-Jun-2010, 19:33


Robert Hughes
14-Jun-2010, 10:51
I never understood the "mouse ears" thing until a few nights ago...with my gal...in bed... :p

14-Jun-2010, 12:56
One from Ireland.


14-Jun-2010, 13:12
A good one from Ireland! Wonderful composition and use (and restraint in the use) of color.

14-Jun-2010, 16:51
Along Mulholland Highway:




14-Jun-2010, 20:05
A good one from Ireland! Wonderful composition and use (and restraint in the use) of color.

Thank you, Vaughn.

17-Jun-2010, 12:55
Please don’t bite-off more than you can chew.

Nikon FM3a + Tamron 180mm/3.5 macro
Nikon SB-22s on flash bracket (TTL)
1/250th @ f/32 (effective)
1:1 magnification & full-frame scan
(Rocky Mountain stump, S.W. Montana)

17-Jun-2010, 13:14
He's just showing off because you were watching. :)

Interesting macro pic.

17-Jun-2010, 13:32
He's just showing off because you were watching. :)

Ha! I think you’re right – here’s his friend w/ a mouthful of pollen on a nearby plant.

These critters do need better table manners. :p

(Identical technical information.)

18-Jun-2010, 04:19
go. spend. enjoy.


19-Jun-2010, 13:41
DSLR (i know, i know...urghh... but I still don't have a portable LF camera and no usable medium format)
5D Mark II // 24-105mm @ 24mm


19-Jun-2010, 15:18
found this guy and thought some might enjoy seeing it
