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28-Jul-2013, 09:53
Now this is cool! :cool:


Thank you both, I was going through some of my some of my shots from after Hurricane Sandy and found some I really liked, but had not shared.

Tin Can
28-Jul-2013, 10:04
And we now know why you say, 'I have no idea where I am now.'

Cool perspective, but I keep looking at those exposed wires.

I know that makes them easy to inspect and repair, but it worries me.

Thank you both, I was going through some of my some of my shots from after Hurricane Sandy and found some I really liked, but had not shared.

28-Jul-2013, 10:45
And we now know why you say, 'I have no idea where I am now.'

Cool perspective, but I keep looking at those exposed wires.

I know that makes them easy to inspect and repair, but it worries me.

I always seem to be on the go...

The electrical wiring looks exposed, but in order to damage it when loading cargo/passengers you would have to also damage the air frame (metal body) of the helicopter. We do have sound proofing/insulation we can install, but it takes away from how much weight we can carry.

The two thick metal cables are there to keep the loading ramp at the right angle when we use the tail gun (not mounted in this photo). And we can unhook them as needed to lower the ram all the way if needed.

Here's a photo with the ramp down with no gun:
Nikon D7000
8mm Fisheye

And with a gun:
Nikon F4
15mm F5.6
Kodak Ektar 100 film

Jay Decker
28-Jul-2013, 11:09

Snow Head
Camera: Leica M4
Lens: Summicron 50mm
Film: APX 100
Development: XTOL 1+1
Location: Dayton, WA

28-Jul-2013, 12:48
I was teaching my assistant how to use fill-flash in harsh back-lit situations, so I grabbed my best friend and made him pose for a minute.
Nikon D800E, 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-S, SB-800 on-camera flash:


28-Jul-2013, 12:56
And with a gun:
Hmmm... Looks like a 20mm. Does it have a detachable shoulder stock? :eek:

- Leigh

Tin Can
28-Jul-2013, 13:03
I love those SB 800's. So glad I bought 3, as I don't want the new Nikon flashes.

Man he looks young, to this old guy.

I was teaching my assistant how to use fill-flash in harsh back-lit situations, so I grabbed my best friend and made him pose for a minute.
Nikon D800E, 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-S, SB-800 on-camera flash:

28-Jul-2013, 13:06
Yep, they are great flashes. I've got two, and one SB-600 - easy to set up a 3-point lighting kit anywhere with some wireless triggers. One of my 800's actually fell off a stand once, and broke in half - still worked though as the cables inside didn't snap. Super-glued it back together later and it works a charm, ha!

He is 27 just like me, but has always had a youngish features. We met in middle school and have been best friends ever since.

28-Jul-2013, 14:47
Hmmm... Looks like a 20mm. Does it have a detachable shoulder stock? :eek:

- Leigh

It's a .50 cal (12mm) machine gun. With a rate of fire of 1,200 rounds per min. It puts more rounds through it's single barrel then any 20mm weapon we use puts through one of it's barrels during the same time. (6 barrels @6,000 rounds per min= 1,000 rounds per barrel per min).

In short, it's very angry.

I forgot too add, there is no shoulder stock. Other aircraft that used the M60 machine gun did carry a "egress kit" that had a barrel, pistol grip, and buttstock to convert the weapon to something that could be shoulder fired in case of an emergency. But it shot a 7.62mm round, and would not have nearly the kick of a .50 cal.

28-Jul-2013, 16:16
sb800 is a pretty good flash, but I ended up like my sb24 better, so I sold the sb800. I don't need the "creative lighting" technology. The sb24 I bought in the 1990's replaced a vivitar 285hv, another nice flash.

28-Jul-2013, 16:22
I rarely use the CLS capability either, but it's nice to have when I do. I actually have an SB-24 but it mysteriously stopped working one day. Won't even turn on :(.

28-Jul-2013, 16:39
It's a .50 cal (12mm) machine gun.
OK. The rounds in the foreground looked larger than .50 BMG, but I guess it's distortion from the short FL lens.
Neat toy, and a neat shot. :D

- Leigh

28-Jul-2013, 17:14
This roll of expired Tri-X turned out to be much more fogged from age than anticipated. (Must have been stored poorly before I got it.) Still, I like the reduced contrast in this particular image; every time I tried to boost the curves in PS I didn't like the result as much as the straight scan.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Michael Cienfuegos
28-Jul-2013, 21:13
I love those SB 800's. So glad I bought 3, as I don't want the new Nikon flashes.

Man he looks young, to this old guy.

I only bought one. I also have two SB600's. They aren't as versatile as the 800, but they were what I was able to get at the time. I also have the SU800 commander, I like it, easy to use and I don't have to fool with in camera menus on the D700.

Michael Cienfuegos
28-Jul-2013, 21:17
It's a .50 cal (12mm) machine gun. With a rate of fire of 1,200 rounds per min. It puts more rounds through it's single barrel then any 20mm weapon we use puts through one of it's barrels during the same time. (6 barrels @6,000 rounds per min= 1,000 rounds per barrel per min).

In short, it's very angry.

I forgot too add, there is no shoulder stock. Other aircraft that used the M60 machine gun did carry a "egress kit" that had a barrel, pistol grip, and buttstock to convert the weapon to something that could be shoulder fired in case of an emergency. But it shot a 7.62mm round, and would not have nearly the kick of a .50 cal.

Ma-Deuce is one awesome weapon. We had four of them on the ship I was on in the 1960's . It was something else to fire. I only got to fire it once, thankfully not in a combat situation. :)

Tin Can
28-Jul-2013, 21:20
I still use my SB 28 and SU4. I made a 16 multi-flash shot with the SB 28 and soon as I got it. The image became my only image people have approached me to buy. I just resurrected it for a FB college group, I have most of the viewers convinced it is a photo of a ghost! The school supposedly had a ghost, I gave them a photo of one.

I may as well post the pic, although I hope this fools no one here.

Shot with bulk load Arista B&W negative film, scanned years later. Nikon F70 and Sb-28, all auto, 2 shots, both worked.

It was my 1997 photo class, first darkroom work.


28-Jul-2013, 21:53

Peter De Smidt
29-Jul-2013, 07:15
I've an SB-28 too, and it's terrific. In particular, I love the threaded PC socket! I mainly use my Speedlights in manual mode.

30-Jul-2013, 01:07
All kinds of weeds and vines took over the backyard in the month we were away in California. I need to cut them back, mow the lawn and clean up, but there are lots of photo opportunities to exhaust first. Well...that's the excuse I'm using to avoid doing yard work for now.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Rolleinar 2, Tri-X (expired 2004).



30-Jul-2013, 06:37
just because i feel vicious today

Mamiya AFDIII, 55-105 zoom

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2841/9398995969_2231820631_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sergeistudio/9398995969/)
Black dress : 2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sergeistudio/9398995969/) by Sergei Rodionov (http://www.flickr.com/people/sergeistudio/), on Flickr

30-Jul-2013, 15:02
just because i feel vicious today

And just because I don't. :) This one inspired by Tom and Tuco's recent portraits.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Rolleinar 2, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Scott Schroeder
1-Aug-2013, 07:18

Racer X 69
1-Aug-2013, 07:43
I still use my SB 28 and SU4. I made a 16 multi-flash shot with the SB 28 and soon as I got it. The image became my only image people have approached me to buy. I just resurrected it for a FB college group, I have most of the viewers convinced it is a photo of a ghost! The school supposedly had a ghost, I gave them a photo of one.

I may as well post the pic, although I hope this fools no one here.

Shot with bulk load Arista B&W negative film, scanned years later. Nikon F70 and Sb-28, all auto, 2 shots, both worked.

It was my 1997 photo class, first darkroom work.


Nice picture Randy. Looks like the "ghost" is a twirler. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=twirler)

I kinda made some shots like this, locking the shutter open, then moving about and firing the flash manually.

Here is one I did right after I bought my Ram.


And another I shot with a digital camera, on a frosty morning when I was building my house.


Tin Can
1-Aug-2013, 07:56
If you mean the first definition of twirler, I stopped going to Dead concerts in 1972, after my girl was nearly trampled to death in a stampede.

I did see your Ram image before, the 'foundation ghost' is interesting.


Nice picture Randy. Looks like the "ghost" is a twirler. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=twirler)

I kinda made some shots like this, locking the shutter open, then moving about and firing the flash manually.

Here is one I did right after I bought my Ram.

1-Aug-2013, 08:01

Very Nice, Scott.

Racer X 69
1-Aug-2013, 09:14
If you mean the first definition of twirler, I stopped going to Dead concerts in 1972, after my girl was nearly trampled to death in a stampede.

Yep, the first one is what I meant. I have never been to a Dead show, although I have always enjoyed the music. I burned out on going to concerts when getting past the security became a pain in the ***, and the crowd got so bothersome that I would come away feeling bad thoughts about my fellow human beings and their inconsiderate behavior.

That and the trend to have bigger and bigger venues, like the Seattle Kingdome, which was no more than a giant echo chamber. If you weren't directly in front of the stage, the experience sucked, with the sound reverberating off of all the concrete the music was indistinguishable. And the size of the throngs also detracted from the show.

I always enjoyed smaller venues, like the Paramount Northwest, and bars where the setting was more intimate. And at the bars we could also enjoy food and beverages, at reasonable prices.

Good times.

I did see your Ram image before, . . .

Guess I forgot that I had already posted it, and I was too lazy this morning to go back and look.

. . . . the 'foundation ghost' is interesting.

It is. I had the idea to give it a try based on the film shots i did like the one with the pickup. I also have some others I did about 30 years ago, and maybe someday I'll find them among the thousands of slides I have in a file cabinet and scan them.


You're welcome, and thank you!

C. D. Keth
1-Aug-2013, 10:35
I'm doing a little bit more digitally captured work lately:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7396/9411640629_edb8f0b335_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9411640629/)
Saltair Sunset Pano (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9411640629/) by CKeth (http://www.flickr.com/people/cdketh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3734/9417647040_f7c31d7c14_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9417647040/)
Cowboy Hat-1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9417647040/) by CKeth (http://www.flickr.com/people/cdketh/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
1-Aug-2013, 13:19

Steve M Hostetter
1-Aug-2013, 16:19
Nice shots Scott

Peter Gomena
1-Aug-2013, 19:56
I agree, very nice shots, Scott. They say "summer" right out loud.

1-Aug-2013, 20:04
I third that. Good shot.

Scott Schroeder
2-Aug-2013, 08:09
Thanks y'all. Yes this is our favorite swimming hole, complete with rope swing.


2-Aug-2013, 08:12

Great tones

2-Aug-2013, 15:33
Another one from a rest stop in CA.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400



2-Aug-2013, 17:25
We had an unexpected guest at work, Fat Albert from the Blue Angels:


Tin Can
2-Aug-2013, 17:41
Kav, I think you are having fun!

2-Aug-2013, 17:55
Kav, I think you are having fun!


I try my best to have fun. One my way into work my co-worker tells me "hey, just so you know, Fat Albert is in our hanger. Did you want to get your camera?" So we turned around and I grabbed my camera and a few lenses. The funny thing is I came in late that day because I was waiting for my new to me D800, and some other goodies to show up that morning. So this was my first time using the D800 too.

Tin Can
2-Aug-2013, 18:16
Congrats on the D800.

I had one, but gave it up. A long story.

I really wonder what will replace it!

A hard act to follow.


I try my best to have fun. One my way into work my co-worker tells me "hey, just so you know, Fat Albert is in our hanger. Did you want to get your camera?" So we turned around and I grabbed my camera and a few lenses. The funny thing is I came in late that day because I was waiting for my new to me D800, and some other goodies to show up that morning. So this was my first time using the D800 too.

2-Aug-2013, 18:46
Congrats on the D800.

I had one, but gave it up. A long story.

I really wonder what will replace it!

A hard act to follow.

I picked up a used one from B&H. It only had about 500 clicks on it. So I got basically a new camera for 2/3 the normal cost. I also got the bottom grip because I like having a "square" camera (I have F3 with motor drive, F4E, F5, and gripped D7000, I shoot with too), as it seems to fit my hands better. I also like having the option to use AA batteries to power my camera in a pinch too.

I don't really know what they would follow the D800 with. Maybe a faster version? I would say than for most things, 36mp is higher rez them film. And lenses become the limiting factor. So if you have a 75mp camera like what Canon is rumored to be working on, what did you gain if the lenses can not support it? Also, at what point does the diffraction of light at wide aptatures come into play?

One nice thing I have found with the D800 is shooting at higher ISOs and then shrinking the photo to say 1/2 to 1/4 size seems to make for really awesome low light photos. I am guessing it's from using 4 camera pixels to make 1 pixel, so like having a 8mp full frame camera with huge pixels to gather light.

Tin Can
2-Aug-2013, 18:54
mmm, Now I need to read Canon rumours!

I doubt the pixel race ends here...

I picked up a used one from B&H. It only had about 500 clicks on it. So I got basically a new camera for 2/3 the normal cost. I also got the bottom grip because I like having a "square" camera (I have F3 with motor drive, F4E, F5, and gripped D7000, I shoot with too), as it seems to fit my hands better. I also like having the option to use AA batteries to power my camera in a pinch too.

I don't really know what they would follow the D800 with. Maybe a faster version? I would say than for most things, 36mp is higher rez them film. And lenses become the limiting factor. So if you have a 75mp camera like what Canon is rumored to be working on, what did you gain if the lenses can not support it? Also, at what point does the diffraction of light at wide aptatures come into play?

One nice thing I have found with the D800 is shooting at higher ISOs and then shrinking the photo to say 1/2 to 1/4 size seems to make for really awesome low light photos. I am guessing it's from using 4 camera pixels to make 1 pixel, so like having a 8mp full frame camera with huge pixels to gather light.

austin granger
2-Aug-2013, 19:35
Inflatable House, Brentwood Street, Portland



3-Aug-2013, 04:45
In the backyard again. I can't resist the late afternoon sunlight as it filters through the trees.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Michael Cienfuegos
3-Aug-2013, 10:37
At first glance that inflatable house looked like a portable darkroom.


3-Aug-2013, 18:23
A not so little spider in my yard:
Nikon D800
85mm f1.4 w/27.5mm extension tube

Racer X 69
3-Aug-2013, 19:15
We had an unexpected guest at work, Fat Albert from the Blue Angels:

I am envious! I love airplanes.

Like this.






3-Aug-2013, 19:17

Really like this one. Love the clouds and colors. I keep getting distracted by the water bottle though, ha!

Racer X 69
3-Aug-2013, 19:19
{the admin limits the amount of photos per post}





Racer X 69
3-Aug-2013, 19:21
{the admin limits the amount of photos per post}

I have an hour of right seat time in the Mitchell.





3-Aug-2013, 19:57
The shadow of a 4x5 neg hanging up to dry.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Tri-x (expired 2004).



3-Aug-2013, 20:03
And while I am posting screens, here is a cat-ravaged one.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Tri-X (expired 2004).



al olson
4-Aug-2013, 12:10
Couldn't resist a few night shots ... made with a Nikon F100.

Atlantic City, NJ

Peggy's Cove, NS

Fells Point, MD

Scott Schroeder
4-Aug-2013, 13:32
Another one from the swimming hole. Canon A-1, 50/1.4 This time PanF+ developed in rollo pyro, toned in ps


Scott Schroeder
4-Aug-2013, 14:58
Barn window.


Scott Schroeder
4-Aug-2013, 14:59
Staying cool on hot summer day.


austin granger
4-Aug-2013, 17:51
The shadow of a 4x5 neg hanging up to dry.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Tri-x (expired 2004).Jonathan

You're always reminding me that there are wonders all around. Wonderful picture!

austin granger
4-Aug-2013, 17:53
Barn window.

That's fantastic Scott. The way the window at left is angled gives it a very three dimensional quality and the light is amazing. Well done.

4-Aug-2013, 18:12
You're always reminding me that there are wonders all around. Wonderful picture!

Thanks. But the same goes for your inflatable house pictures, although I must admit I am lacking in inflatable houses around here on which to practice.


4-Aug-2013, 18:26
Love the texture on your shadow photo Jonathan. Al, love the photo of the lighthouse! And that barn window is certainly fascinating Scott, especially the reflections.

I hope you folks don't mind when I post wedding photos. It seems like all I've been shooting. I am starting to enjoy it more, especially when I feel like I've done something beyond the usual fare.
Here's a few from yesterday...

D800E, 55mm f/2.8 Micro:

50mm f/1.2 AIS:

50mm f/1.2 AIS:

4-Aug-2013, 19:30
50mm f/1.2 AIS:

Real Nice! Nice pose, nice composition, nice handling of white for a digital camera.

4-Aug-2013, 19:38
I am envious! I love airplanes.

Like this.


Nice. Well lit interiors! I had the privilege of being a passenger in the Collings Foundation's B17 a decade ago and it's an epic living history experience. I'm not a pilot, but live next to the Owls Head Transportation Museum and have been up in Stearman and Waco biplanes, Ford Tri-motor, Supercub, and some contemporary bush/puddle small aircraft.

4-Aug-2013, 19:44
Thanks jp. I know what you mean re: whites...I wish there was a "Tri-X & Rodinal" setting on my digital camera :D.

4-Aug-2013, 22:04

6x7 negative shot 2 weeks ago on Ektar that expired 7/2011, developed in Kodak C-41 chemistry that was first opened 1/2011, printed on Fuji CA of similar age with Kodak RA-4 chemistry of unknown age but color was still good. 9 second exposure at f22 with a crazy filter pack (0C 43Y 67M) with a 105mm El Nikkor. It turned out better than I expected - I'm impressed. Don't be too quick in tossing that expired film, paper and chemistry!


4-Aug-2013, 23:04
Don't be too quick in tossing that expired film, paper and chemistry!

Oh, don't worry. I never am. :)


4-Aug-2013, 23:46
I wish there was a "Tri-X & Rodinal" setting on my digital camera.

The black and white shots you posted above don't quite approach the look of Tri-X in Rodinal, it's true, but they have a gently filmic look to them nonetheless. And man, that's quite a ring she's got there.


4-Aug-2013, 23:51
Thanks - but I definitely have to work on it, unlike it just coming out of the scanner looking pretty good (assuming I did a good job shooting/developing, of course!). I will say I learned a lot about what I wanted the shots to look like by shooting film, if that makes sense.
If I wasn't already schlepping two cameras and a backpack full of gear to these things I'd go ahead and shoot some frames with my F4 or Pentax 67 or something but I just don't want more gear to carry.

Yes, the ring was very nice...crazy what some folks pay for their engagement/wedding rings these days.

5-Aug-2013, 00:00
If I wasn't already schlepping two cameras and a backpack full of gear to these things I'd go ahead and shoot some frames with my F4 Pentax 67 or something but I just don't want more gear to carry.

Having just schlepped a bunch of analog gear around at a wedding, including three 35mm SLRs, three medium format cameras, and a 4x5, I know what you mean. Some of the results were worth it, but not all. I think if I were to shoot a wedding again I would try to use film for the bride and groom portraits for sure--definitely some 4x5 if possible--and use digital for all the other stuff. The trouble is finding a client who can appreciate the difference.


5-Aug-2013, 00:28
The trouble is finding a client who can appreciate the difference.


Anyway, one more shot, of the bride/groom leaving. This of course is where digital shines. 50mm f/1.2 AIS again, at 1.4, 2500 ISO I think or something crazy.


5-Aug-2013, 05:14
Anyway, one more shot, of the bride/groom leaving. This of course is where digital shines. 50mm f/1.2 AIS again, at 1.4, 2500 ISO I think or something crazy.

I am amazed at the low-light capabilities of modern digital sensors. Nice shot. Something this low noise in color would be impossible with 35mm film.


Racer X 69
5-Aug-2013, 07:34
I keep getting distracted by the water bottle though, ha!

I know. I was so excited when I had the opportunity to get up close to these planes that when I got home and was going through the shots I noticed all kinds of stuff like that.

Maybe I should clone it out in Photoshop.

Scott Schroeder
5-Aug-2013, 07:38
Here's my son climbing a big oak tree


5-Aug-2013, 09:12
These are not as interesting as Joel's picture from a kayak. But here a few scenes kayaking around Port Gardner in the Puget Sound with a XP1 and 18-55mm.

There is a long line of these abandon ships all in a row

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3731/9435935474_1f3cc1c1c6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9435935474/)
Port Gardner (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9435935474/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

I want to go back and shoot this one with my BW film. I desaturated and crushed the blacks to get a feel what it might look like

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2879/9433161305_b41102df7b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433161305/)
Port Gardner (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433161305/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Leaf (I mean crab) placing.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2850/9433159963_94b568bf4c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433159963/)
Jetty Island (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433159963/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Ramiro Elena
5-Aug-2013, 12:04
People often and easily get into the resolution argument but I think high ISO is where digital beats analog photography. That's where I think future development will be centered. I predict the death of flash (and its trendy come back some years later) :P

I was at a wedding yesterday and a couple of friends where shooting Canon 5D mk2 at 3200ISO at F1.4. The results are just incredible. I took a couple shots with my D700 and they just suck. It might have to do with the fact that I suck.

Here's my kid again doing some jumps.
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3744/9443848415_d5276ccecb_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9443848415/)
Saltos Indoor (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9443848415/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

I am amazed at the low-light capabilities of modern digital sensors. Nice shot. Something this low noise in color would be impossible with 35mm film.


5-Aug-2013, 12:57
A fountain near where I work.
Voigtlander Bessa 6x9
Fuji Acros 100 @ 100
Adonal 1+100 x 60min stand (not as nice as caffenol-cl stand, but passable)

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5541/9420931972_fc052d2cab_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/9420931972/)
Fountain (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/9420931972/) by James Harr Photo (http://www.flickr.com/people/harrlequin/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
5-Aug-2013, 13:12
People often and easily get into the resolution argument but I think high ISO is where digital beats analog photography. That's where I think future development will be centered. I predict the death of flash (and its trendy come back some years later) :P

I LOVE being able to use my 5D without a flash. I especially don't like the 'gotcha' look that happens with direct flash. I also like a shallow dof, so shooting wide open at a high iso is great for me....
I can enjoy some grain as well, so I'm easy to please ;-)

5-Aug-2013, 13:21
This time of year our house becomes like Stonehenge; the sunlight comes in hard from the west in the late evening and sends little shafts of light deep into the rooms in surprising ways. Here's one coming through our back porch, into my office window, down the hallway and onto a stack of books on the floor. I think I'll try to reshoot this one in large format this week if the light cooperates.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Rolleinar 2, Fomapan 400.



Steve M Hostetter
5-Aug-2013, 13:42
These are not as interesting as Joel's picture from a kayak. But here a few scenes kayaking around Port Gardner in the Puget Sound with a XP1 and 18-55mm.

There is a long line of these abandon ships all in a row

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3731/9435935474_1f3cc1c1c6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9435935474/)
Port Gardner (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9435935474/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

I want to go back and shoot this one with my BW film. I desaturated and crushed the blacks to get a feel what it might look like

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2879/9433161305_b41102df7b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433161305/)
Port Gardner (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433161305/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Leaf (I mean crab) placing.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2850/9433159963_94b568bf4c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433159963/)
Jetty Island (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9433159963/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Hi Tuco,,, Those are really some good works ..I love the last one! I used to do this myself but in rivers and streams.. I had a 17' sea lion by perfection. I used a contax G1 rangefinder and a lot of txp 320

5-Aug-2013, 14:28
Hi Tuco,,, Those are really some good works ..I love the last one! I used to do this myself but in rivers and streams.. I had a 17' sea lion by perfection. I used a contax G1 rangefinder and a lot of txp 320

Thanks. These sea kayaks were home built out of strips of different wood for aesthetics. One has some really elaborate inlays of bear paws and arrow head.

Scott Schroeder
5-Aug-2013, 18:50
Pretty trippy abstract.


Racer X 69
5-Aug-2013, 19:04
Nice. Well lit interiors!

Thank you!

I had the privilege of being a passenger in the Collings Foundation's B17 a decade ago and it's an epic living history experience. I'm not a pilot, but live next to the Owls Head Transportation Museum and have been up in Stearman and Waco biplanes, Ford Tri-motor, Supercub, and some contemporary bush/puddle small aircraft.

It is fun going up in older aircraft. I went up in a 1922 Travelair about 30 years ago. What a wonderful experience. The pilot sits in the rear cockpit, a gal I was dating and myself rode in the front. The cockpit is rimmed with padded leather. The pilot cannot see forward when taxiing so he turned right and left as he made his was to the run up area.

It really was a unique experience, the thing takes off at 80, flies at 80, and lands at 80. The wind whistling through the wing wires was music to our ears.

6-Aug-2013, 04:27
On my recent vacation I did my best to recruit fresh talent to the cause:


Dark cloth or headscarf? Who says it can't be both?


(And yes, I really need a decent digital camera. Cameras in phones now are better than the one I've got.)


Ramiro Elena
6-Aug-2013, 04:49
She isn't just looking through but focusing! Focusing an Aero Ektar! I can't even do that properly!

austin granger
6-Aug-2013, 06:57
In an Alley, Tillamook, Oregon


6-Aug-2013, 12:39
She isn't just looking through but focusing! Focusing an Aero Ektar! I can't even do that properly!

She managed to focus it herself and did about as well as one can do with that lens wide open. All my nieces and nephews were fascinated by the camera, although my six year-old nephew thought the focusing hood snapping open was the best part. He just wanted to pop it open over and over and over again.


7-Aug-2013, 04:06
And here's my niece again on her birthday looking a bit maniacal. Fire does that to kids sometimes.

Canon FTb, 50mm f/1.4, Tri-X



7-Aug-2013, 12:25
In an Alley, Tillamook, Oregon

Did you realize that the angled drain pipe above the CSS bin coupled with the cloud on the black wall look terribly obscene???

- Leigh

7-Aug-2013, 13:29
Only to those with very vivid imaginations...

7-Aug-2013, 14:30

Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400 - XTOL 1:1

Scott Schroeder
7-Aug-2013, 17:13
Wonderful portrait Tom. Peaceful

austin granger
7-Aug-2013, 20:21

Did you realize that the angled drain pipe above the CSS bin coupled with the cloud on the black wall look terribly obscene???

- Leigh

Well, let's see what you can do with this then :):


Two monks were describing a flapping flag. One said: "The flag is moving." The other said: "The wind is moving." Hui Neng happened to be passing by. He said "Not the wind, not the flag; the mind is moving."
-- Zen koan


Peter Gomena
7-Aug-2013, 21:00
I dunno, Austin, I'm drawing a blank here. Almost. :)

"Don't just do something, sit there."
-- Fake Zen koan.

7-Aug-2013, 21:46
Two monks were describing a flapping flag. One said: "The flag is moving." The other said: "The wind is moving." Hui Neng happened to be passing by. He said "Not the wind, not the flag; the mind is moving."

This reminds me of Berkeley's theory of immaterialism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjective_idealism) which basically says that material objects do not exist except in the mind of the observer. I remember leaving a college lecture on this topic in frustrated disbelief and declaring, "I'm going to get on my perceived bicycle, ride on some perceived roads to my perceived apartment, take some perceived aspirin and lie on my perceived couch!"

I was relieved later in the same course to read Thomas Reid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Reid)'s theory of "common sense realism." That was something I could relate to.


7-Aug-2013, 22:41
Well, let's see what you can do with this then :):

You could makes $89 every hour on the internet with that photo. Doing that for the next five months and I bet you too could earn about $13334. :cool: Just kidding. A spoof on some spam austin should be familiar with.

austin granger
7-Aug-2013, 22:51
I'm afraid I'm with Berkeley. Take a thing and strip away all your ideas of it and what do you have left? Nothing. Of course, I say this with my nothing/computer while listening to nothing/music and enjoying a ice cold nothing/beer. Speaking of flapping flags though, here's another picture. It exists strictly in your mind, as do I.

Sack and Cloud, Washington


austin granger
7-Aug-2013, 22:55
You could makes $89 every hour on the internet with that photo. Doing that for the next five months and I bet you too could earn about $13334. :cool: Just kidding. A spoof on some spam austin should be familiar with.
Ha! You saw that eh? Is it just me or has flickr been inundated with spam ever since the "improvements?" I've been solicited for prostitution, told that the people of Africa (all of them?) love my pictures, and now come these offers of easy money. What's going on over there?

7-Aug-2013, 23:12
Take a thing and strip away all your ideas of it and what do you have left?

This starts to parallel an aspect of quantum theory, such as my small brain comprehends it, that observing something changes it. When physicists talk about the mulitverse they suggest that all possible universes exist but that most of them are likely devoid of life. If so, does an unobserved universe exist? If we ever crack the barrier between universes will the unobserved ones spring into existence at the moment we observe them? Argh. My head hurts.

Sorry to comment more on your words than your photos. I enjoy the pictures as well. I'm a fan of simple, balanced images, and yours have these qualities in spades.


Michael Cienfuegos
7-Aug-2013, 23:23
Ha! You saw that eh? Is it just me or has flickr been inundated with spam ever since the "improvements?" I've been solicited for prostitution, told that the people of Africa (all of them?) love my pictures, and now come these offers of easy money. What's going on over there?

I haven't been solicited as yet, but I sure don't like this new Flickr. Navigating it is akin to pushing a chain uphill. I'm bummed.

8-Aug-2013, 05:19
This starts to parallel an aspect of quantum theory, such as my small brain comprehends it, that observing something changes it. When physicists talk about the mulitverse they suggest that all possible universes exist but that most of them are likely devoid of life. If so, does an unobserved universe exist? If we ever crack the barrier between universes will the unobserved ones spring into existence at the moment we observe them? Argh. My head hurts.

Sorry to comment more on your words than your photos. I enjoy the pictures as well. I'm a fan of simple, balanced images, and yours have these qualities in spades.


maybe thats whats in all that "Dark Matter" & "Dark Energy" we keep hearing about.

8-Aug-2013, 05:52
Wonderful portrait Tom. Peaceful

Thanks Scott

8-Aug-2013, 11:57
Ha! You saw that eh? Is it just me or has flickr been inundated with spam ever since the "improvements?" I've been solicited for prostitution, told that the people of Africa (all of them?) love my pictures, and now come these offers of easy money. What's going on over there?

I haven't had any spam yet (fingers crossed) but I've heard others have.

Peter De Smidt
8-Aug-2013, 12:00
Sack and Cloud, Washington

Austin, that's terrific!

David Hedley
8-Aug-2013, 17:59
Still slowly working through the negatives from a trip to north-east Brazil last month - here's one more from the beautiful Lençóis Maranhenses;

Hasselblad 501CM, 50mm Distagon, Ilford Delta 400 / Tanol

This was one of the last photographs I took with an orange filter that I had used for over 20 years - the next day, it broke into tiny shards of orange glass. I'm still fairly upset about that.

8-Aug-2013, 18:09
More weeds.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Rolleinar 2, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Jan Pedersen
8-Aug-2013, 18:47

Re: safe haven for tiny formats

Still slowly working through the negatives from a trip to north-east Brazil last month - here's one more from the beautiful Lençóis Maranhenses;

Hasselblad 501CM, 50mm Distagon, Ilford Delta 400 / Tanol

This was one of the last photographs I took with an orange filter that I had used for over 20 years - the next day, it broke into tiny shards of orange glass. I'm still fairly upset about that.

Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message .


Today, 18:09

Wonderful Photo. Really deserve to be hung in a place with a little piece of the faithful Orange filter embedded.

austin granger
8-Aug-2013, 22:16
Sack and Cloud, Washington

Austin, that's terrific!

Thanks Peter!

austin granger
8-Aug-2013, 22:20
I dunno, Austin, I'm drawing a blank here. Almost. :)

"Don't just do something, sit there."
-- Fake Zen koan.

Hi Pete!

austin granger
8-Aug-2013, 22:25
Abandoned Farmhouse, Washington

I wish I'd had the big camera for this, but I was traveling light that day. What's that quote about chance favoring the prepared mind? Unfortunately, my mind is seldom as prepared as I'd like.


9-Aug-2013, 00:24
Seriously, Austin, do you use special divining rods to find old farmhouses or something? I've never in my life seen more than one, and it was more of a shack, yet you manage to find a new and spectacular one every couple of months it seems.


Ramiro Elena
9-Aug-2013, 00:29
...and expose and develop it incredibly well despite hour of the day or light conditions. Your tonal range is always perfect.

9-Aug-2013, 00:55
...and expose and develop it incredibly well despite hour of the day or light conditions. Your tonal range is always perfect.

That's his scanner. No, really. It has a special "exposure voodoo" button that gives all of his images that Austin Granger look. Sadly, my own scanner seems capable of operating only in "wrestle-with-me-for-hours-and-maybe-I'll-produce-somewhat-acceptable-results" mode.

When in doubt, blame the equipment. It's much easier on the ego than blaming the operator. ;)


Ramiro Elena
9-Aug-2013, 00:59
Oh! You got that scanner too??

David Hedley
9-Aug-2013, 03:43
Thanks Jan - I may well do just that.

Sadly, my own scanner seems capable of operating only in "wrestle-with-me-for-hours-and-maybe-I'll-produce-somewhat-acceptable-results" mode.

Not only do I have that scanner, I also have a 120 film developing spool that actually laughs when I suggest that it should accept a film be wound on to it and then placed in a developing tank.

austin granger
9-Aug-2013, 06:59
Seriously, Austin, do you use special divining rods to find old farmhouses or something? I've never in my life seen more than one, and it was more of a shack, yet you manage to find a new and spectacular one every couple of months it seems.


Well, as we were just talking about, the world is my mind, and my mind, truth be told, is full of ruins. :) Actually I just spend a lot of time aimlessly driving around.

austin granger
9-Aug-2013, 07:03
...and expose and develop it incredibly well despite hour of the day or light conditions. Your tonal range is always perfect.
Bah. Thanks Ramiro, but like Jonathan said, it's just my magic machine. My only purpose is to supply it with electricity.

Greg Y
9-Aug-2013, 08:30
JC Love that one

Greg Y
9-Aug-2013, 11:29
In keeping with Jonathan's theme:

9-Aug-2013, 11:39
Abandoned Farmhouse, Washington

I wish I'd had the big camera for this, but I was traveling light that day. What's that quote about chance favoring the prepared mind? Unfortunately, my mind is seldom as prepared as I'd like.

"best camera for any photograph is the one you have with you" can't remember who said that. Nice shot Austin.

C. D. Keth
9-Aug-2013, 12:24
My 5D just spat this out yesterday. That camera sure takes nice pictures!

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2832/9472194239_da469bde32_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9472194239/)
White Rock Bay-1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9472194239/) by CKeth (http://www.flickr.com/people/cdketh/), on Flickr

9-Aug-2013, 13:08
Very nice, Chris.

- Leigh

Greg Y
9-Aug-2013, 13:16
Thanks jp. I know what you mean re: whites...I wish there was a "Tri-X & Rodinal" setting on my digital camera :D.
Corran - I agree w/ your statement about low-light capabality of digital sensors...I hate to admit it but I was dead in the water with the Rolleiflex. (Nikon Coolpix P310)

9-Aug-2013, 13:35
My 5D just spat this out yesterday. That camera sure takes nice pictures!

It sure does, and a fine example there, Chris.

Here's one of my daughter taken with a 20x20 wet plate...um, I mean Yashica Mat and canned AlienSkin filter.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7317/9472648541_c513468476_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/9472648541/)
Mimz179 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/9472648541/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

9-Aug-2013, 14:05
And one more with apologies for the massive over-sharpening (Flickr's, not mine).

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3765/9472789467_08e788acca_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/9472789467/)
Mimz173 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/9472789467/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

al olson
9-Aug-2013, 19:04
Corran - I agree w/ your statement about low-light capabality of digital sensors...I hate to admit it but I was dead in the water with the Rolleiflex. (Nikon Coolpix P310)

Nice slow shutter image, Greg. The blurs define the story.

Tin Can
9-Aug-2013, 22:11

Ramiro Elena
10-Aug-2013, 03:25
Family on vacation.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2820/9478803658_a292e874a5_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9478803658/)
Sandra & Darío (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9478803658/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 50mm f1,4

Ramiro Elena
10-Aug-2013, 03:29
Same as before. She picked the colander and the dress which belongs to her grandmother. Awesome vintage clothes in perfect condition (and same size).

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7326/9476013697_9156b2d315_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9476013697/)
Sandra (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9476013697/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Steve M Hostetter
10-Aug-2013, 05:30
she is beautiful Ramiro

Greg Y
10-Aug-2013, 06:33
Beautiful photos Ramiro

10-Aug-2013, 13:37
I've been playing with my new to me D800 at higher ISOs. Color me impressed:


Tin Can
10-Aug-2013, 14:15
Get the meteor shower tonight, if you are anywhere near it.

I've been playing with my new to me D800 at higher ISOs. Color me impressed:


Racer X 69
10-Aug-2013, 14:30
I've been playing with my new to me D800 at higher ISOs. Color me impressed:


Very nice!

10-Aug-2013, 17:12
Nice Kav. Try some really stupid-high ISOs and then some noise removal tools, you'll be amazed even further!

10-Aug-2013, 17:21
Nice Kav. Try some really stupid-high ISOs and then some noise removal tools, you'll be amazed even further!

I bet I will be. This was "only" ISO 1250. I want to throw the 15mm f5.6 on this and see what I can come with.

10-Aug-2013, 21:31
That's a cool piece of glass!
Here's some startrails from the mill I took earlier this evening. Nikon 17-35mm @ about 30mm, f/5.6, ISO 250, 45 minutes of 2-minute exposures, merged with startrails.exe:


Leszek Vogt
10-Aug-2013, 22:33
From last night....through my dirty office window. Oh, it was Tammy 90/2.8 and D700....20 sec @ 200ISO.



11-Aug-2013, 11:37
That's a cool piece of glass!
Here's some startrails from the mill I took earlier this evening. Nikon 17-35mm @ about 30mm, f/5.6, ISO 250, 45 minutes of 2-minute exposures, merged with startrails.exe:


Honestly, I like this one better than all your other photos of the mill (some of which are quite good in their own right). It show the onslaught of time, but in the sky and in the rubble. The darkness shows the "sun has set" on this building. The stars are a clock and it doesn't stop ticking, whereas some of the other shots were "frozen" moments.

Tin Can
11-Aug-2013, 11:50
Yes, I like this shot and jb498's critique. Positive and descriptive critique is so more useful than, 'Love it!'

Brian, I actually did not think it was your shot as it is so different from your other work!

The glowing water tower bottom appears ready to blast off.

Honestly, I like this one better than all your other photos of the mill (some of which are quite good in their own right). It show the onslaught of time, but in the sky and in the rubble. The darkness shows the "sun has set" on this building. The stars are a clock and it doesn't stop ticking, whereas some of the other shots were "frozen" moments.

11-Aug-2013, 12:46
An interesting analysis. This shot has been something I've wanted to do for months, but, the weather was not cooperative! There has been looting and tagging at the deconstruction site, so, I didn't want to go by myself, but my friend bailed on me. I ended up only doing this one shot, as I was alone and it was getting very late. Hopefully I will get out there again and do more with a buddy - never can be too careful. Thanks guys!

11-Aug-2013, 18:09

Cyanotype made from 6x6cm negative. Makes for a nice little keepsake. Back before enlargers were common, more people enjoyed small photos like this.

11-Aug-2013, 18:50
I didn't get a chance to shoot the meteor shower due to a storm rolling in. But I did have this beast show up. A C-5 Galaxy:
Nikon 24mm f2.8 @f5.6

And a link to the full size photo. (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-XxwxGtc/0/O/i-XxwxGtc.jpg)

Greg Y
11-Aug-2013, 19:16
100049 panasonic LX5. The 120 negs are stunning...just having printing challenges between the clouds & building. Just wasn't fast enough with the 5x7

Tin Can
11-Aug-2013, 19:33
Great opportunity and image, lined up just so. Tripod?

You included a full rez link, if this is a test, I failed.

What an aircraft!

I didn't get a chance to shoot the meteor shower due to a storm rolling in. But I did have this beast show up. A C-5 Galaxy:

Nikon 24mm f2.8 @f5.6

And a link to the full size photo. (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-XxwxGtc/0/O/i-XxwxGtc.jpg)

11-Aug-2013, 19:41
Great opportunity and image, lined up just so. Tripod?

You included a full rez link, if this is a test, I failed.

What an aircraft!

We're trying to load the damn thing now...

This is a handheld shot, but in broad daylight so the shutter speed is up there. The markings in the view finder help out big time for leveling photos. If will try to get a shot after it's loaded when we are done.

Tin Can
11-Aug-2013, 19:49
That's a big one. Nose down and locked and maybe we see some squashed tires.

I'm gonna lock up the specs, but it looks like a 25 foot wide ramp entrance.

We could ride motorcycles in there!

Good thing you have a D800!

We're trying to load the damn thing now...

This is a handheld shot, but in broad daylight so the shutter speed is up there. The markings in the view finder help out big time for leveling photos. If will try to get a shot after it's loaded when we are done.

Racer X 69
12-Aug-2013, 06:18
I didn't get a chance to shoot the meteor shower due to a storm rolling in. But I did have this beast show up. A C-5 Galaxy:
Nikon 24mm f2.8 @f5.6

And a link to the full size photo. (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-XxwxGtc/0/O/i-XxwxGtc.jpg)

You have great opportunities in your job Kav. So which is larger, the C5 or the C17?

Racer X 69
12-Aug-2013, 06:27
I moved some tooling for the new Dreamliner the other day. Picked it up in Langley, BC, and dropped it of at the World's Largest Building.


When I got there I had to wait while they moved a 777 from one line to another.


Then I drove into the plant to get unloaded.


This one was with a crappy cell phone camera.


12-Aug-2013, 06:40


Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400 - XTOL 1:1

Scott Schroeder
12-Aug-2013, 06:53
Neighborhood tree. Canon A-1, 50/1.4, PanF+ shot at EI12 developed in rollo pyro


12-Aug-2013, 08:31
I moved some tooling for the new Dreamliner the other day. Picked it up in Langley, BC, and dropped it of at the World's Largest Building.

OMG. Do you know how serious Boeing is about taking pictures on its property and even worse inside the factory?

C. D. Keth
12-Aug-2013, 09:31
I went up into the mountains last night with hopes of some nice pictures during the perseid meteor shower but the brushfires in the area had other plans. It was too cloudy to see much of anything. I had to come home with something, though.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7292/9493599631_58bbec7e6f_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9493599631/)
Guardsmans Pass-1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9493599631/) by CKeth (http://www.flickr.com/people/cdketh/), on Flickr

C. D. Keth
12-Aug-2013, 09:32
But I did have this beast show up. A C-5 Galaxy:

That's pretty cool, Kav. Those fly over here now and then (Hill AFB is just north of my place) and they really don't look like they should fly.

12-Aug-2013, 11:06
Abstract photo I just took in my office at work because I have nothing better to do right now.


12-Aug-2013, 12:35
Abstract photo I just took in my office at work because I have nothing better to do right now.

Excellent! Boredom is the mother of creativity....


12-Aug-2013, 12:39
Abstract photo I just took in my office at work because I have nothing better to do right now.

How about work? :)

12-Aug-2013, 12:45
Much of my day-to-day job is handling requests/work orders/emails that take about 1-2 minutes, and then I sit. Only when there is an event that I'm running light/sound for am I more constantly involved.

12-Aug-2013, 13:19
Bryan, I work from home with my wife and daughter here, which means I have to be at my desk/workshop for an hour to get 15 minutes of real work done.

Here's another of my daughter, sulking, with my wife's back turned.
Pentax 67 (which I've grown very fond of using) and HP5+; toned in PS.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3731/9497987104_b1aac05097_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/9497987104/)
ZsuMi182ab (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/9497987104/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

12-Aug-2013, 13:24
I'm glad you all liked the C-5M, they do seem to look like they will drop out of the sky. But are rather smooth to ride on.

Here's one more after we loaded her up:
Nikon D800
Nikon 24mm f2.8 @f5.6
20 Sec exposure at ISO 100

12-Aug-2013, 13:52
Here's another of my daughter, sulking, with my wife's back turned.
Pentax 67 (which I've grown very fond of using) and HP5+; toned in PS.

Ha, great capture.

12-Aug-2013, 13:55
With the XP1 now having focus peaking, I picked up an inexpensive M42-XF adapter to use some of my Super Takumar lenses from my Spotmatic F on it. Here is a test spin using the Super Tak 28/3.5.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7456/9483320993_9d0c448f91_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9483320993/)
Everett Marina (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9483320993/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

12-Aug-2013, 14:12
Thanks, tuck; lovely sky, great colours.

12-Aug-2013, 16:22
Playing with a new toy...
Nikon D800E, Nikkor 18cm f/2.5 short-mount lens w/ N-F adapter (originally for Nikon rangefinder system w/ Visoflex):

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/180-25-7375s.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/180-25-7403sbw.jpg

Hand-holding this massive chunk of glass is proving to be quite a challenge. But the beautiful Sonnar design is quite engaging.


Ramiro Elena
12-Aug-2013, 16:35
Damn! This??

12-Aug-2013, 16:39
That's the one! I picked up two of them from a clueless estate/consignment firm and had them both completely refurbished. Will sell the other one when I get a slight dent in the filter ring hammered out (damage in shipping :().

They both even had the matching N-F adapters and very rare lens hood. Came from a newspaper equipment pool at some point in their lives.

12-Aug-2013, 16:59
That's the one! I picked up two of them from a clueless estate/consignment firm and had them both completely refurbished.

I thought it was 18mm and when I looked at the picture I was scratching my head.

Once at an estate sale I picked up three, heavy-gauge stainless steel 8x10 development trays for $0.50 each. I felt guilty.

12-Aug-2013, 17:04
Deals are deals - we can either capitalize on them or someone else will! I also have some "missed opportunities" stories, like everyone else I'm sure...such as the 50mm f/1.2 lenses (yes more than 1) for $25 each sold the day before I called up a guy advertising "camera stuff" on CL.

Ramiro Elena
12-Aug-2013, 17:09
Holly Molly! You guys find the craziest gear. I really like what it does.

Racer X 69
12-Aug-2013, 20:04
OMG. Do you know how serious Boeing is about taking pictures on its property and even worse inside the factory?

Google Search Boeing Everett 787 (https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&q=boeing%20everett%20787&revid=24206176&ei=AKIJUszlBYisyAHz8YCoDA&ved=0CA0QsyU&biw=978&bih=539)

Google has lots of pictures. Where do they come from?

12-Aug-2013, 20:21
Google Search Boeing Everett 787 (https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&q=boeing%20everett%20787&revid=24206176&ei=AKIJUszlBYisyAHz8YCoDA&ved=0CA0QsyU&biw=978&bih=539)

Google has lots of pictures. Where do they come from?

Looking at most of them: Hired photographers/PR teams. Many big CO/industrial places do not allow photography on site without prior approval. part of that whole "best foot forward at all times" thing.

12-Aug-2013, 21:05
Google Search Boeing Everett 787 (https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&q=boeing%20everett%20787&revid=24206176&ei=AKIJUszlBYisyAHz8YCoDA&ved=0CA0QsyU&biw=978&bih=539)

Google has lots of pictures. Where do they come from?

Yes, those are all PR photos. Back in the early wireless phone days, an employee was not allowed to have a phone with a built in camera on the properety. Obviously it wasn't long before all phones had cameras so they had to cave in on that mandate. But you had to acknowledge a promise never to use it. And anyone with a camera in the factory has to have a permit. Then there was that 787 body join gap issue that someone took a picture of in the factory and made it public. And now employees have yet another yearly training item on their long list of them they have to take.

Racer X 69
13-Aug-2013, 06:00
Yes, those are all PR photos. Back in the early wireless phone days, an employee was not allowed to have a phone with a built in camera on the properety. Obviously it wasn't long before all phones had cameras so they had to cave in on that mandate. But you had to acknowledge a promise never to use it. And anyone with a camera in the factory has to have a permit. Then there was that 787 body join gap issue that someone took a picture of in the factory and made it public. And now employees have yet another yearly training item on their long list of them they have to take.

When I was fresh out of college and working as an engineer I went on a tour of that factory. This was not the usual tour that people get when they go to the tour center and get led around by a guide, the organizer called it an "engineering tour". We were taken to places that even many employees rarely go. The tunnels under the support columns, and even the tunnel that goes under 526.

And just about all of us had film cameras (this was a long time ago), and took lots of pictures.

I go into lots of places that are high security, that include a search of the truck, and at many I am asked to leave my phone in a locker, like a bus station locker. Andrews Air Force base, the Savannah River Project are two that come to mind. At Offut Air Force base (a cold war era SAC base) they search the truck and trailer, even have trucks park over a pit where they go underneath for inspectio, but hey don't ask for or take phones, cameras, laptops. At some places I am escorted, at others I am left to find my own way.

No one has ever said anything in Everett. The security guard looks through the door, walks around with a mirror to look under the rig, and another officer has a dog and takes a lap around the truck and trailer.

Scott Schroeder
13-Aug-2013, 07:09

13-Aug-2013, 07:46
No one has ever said anything in Everett.

Which is surprising. There are no signs posted and you were not told anything so they really can't complain. I'd be snapping a shot too. ;)

13-Aug-2013, 11:10

Back to photography... I like equivalents style stuff like this. We don't get clouds like this year round, pretty much only in the summer in Maine.

Ramiro Elena
13-Aug-2013, 13:47
Here's one of my favorite old lenses. The brown tint of the glass makes it harder to color balance but the oof areas are really nice.
I'd really like to try this on a Canon DSLR where you don't have focusing problems like you do with Nikon.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5463/9505667414_36a98bbbf1_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9505667414/)
Super Takumar (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9505667414/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Super Takumar 50mm 1,4
Nikon D700

Greg Y
13-Aug-2013, 13:49
100130 BC Central Coast Range

Eric James
13-Aug-2013, 17:35
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7456/9472014425_29eb107aa8_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/9472014425/)
Perseis Flight 8613, Palouse Falls (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/9472014425/) by Neanderthal EAJ (http://www.flickr.com/people/eajames/), on Flickr

...and for John Olsen, a photo by Brad Wetli shot 8/6/13:


13-Aug-2013, 18:13
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7456/9472014425_29eb107aa8_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/9472014425/)
Perseis Flight 8613, Palouse Falls (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eajames/9472014425/) by Neanderthal EAJ (http://www.flickr.com/people/eajames/), on Flickr

...and for John Olsen, a photo by Brad Wetli shot 8/6/13:


Beauty! Nice feeling of calm and magic.

Scott Schroeder
14-Aug-2013, 15:39
More clouds.
From tonight. Hopefully it will actually drop some water this time....


Scott Schroeder
14-Aug-2013, 15:58
Another one. Pretty cool out there....


14-Aug-2013, 17:11

I'm a sucker for sunlit clouds, and this one is particularly nice.


15-Aug-2013, 05:14
at last i get my epson v750.... here is a scan of my last holiday in croatia (umag) ...
hasselblad 501cm; v750; Sharpen in PS; slightly blue tone as the rc paper print is, after toning in selen


15-Aug-2013, 06:28
Here's a stop motion video of the loading of the C-5 in my last shot. All shot with the D800 and the 24mm f2.8:

Click Me! (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-wn2WPrP/0/640/i-wn2WPrP-640.mp4)

Tin Can
15-Aug-2013, 06:37
Very cool, I watched it twice, full screen.

That 'bug' fits right in there.

Thanks! Kav.

Here's a stop motion video of the loading of the C-5 in my last shot. All shot with the D800 and the 24mm f2.8:

Click Me! (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-wn2WPrP/0/640/i-wn2WPrP-640.mp4)

Scott Schroeder
15-Aug-2013, 06:54
Here's another of my daughter, sulking, with my wife's back turned.
Pentax 67 (which I've grown very fond of using) and HP5+; toned in PS.

I really like this Ari. Her expression speaks volumes. ;-)

15-Aug-2013, 07:17
Very cool, I watched it twice, full screen.

That 'bug' fits right in there.

Thanks! Kav.

It fits with about an inch to spare.

15-Aug-2013, 07:26
Here's a stop motion video of the loading of the C-5 in my last shot. All shot with the D800 and the 24mm f2.8:

Click Me! (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-wn2WPrP/0/640/i-wn2WPrP-640.mp4)

Amazing & Cool !
Thank you


15-Aug-2013, 07:32
I really like this Ari. Her expression speaks volumes. ;-)

Thank you, Scott.
It's one of our favourite expressions from her 'repertoire'. :)

Tin Can
15-Aug-2013, 07:36
Ya it looked very close and seemed to kneel through the door and stand back up.

I like how the pilots climb a ladder!

It fits with about an inch to spare.

15-Aug-2013, 07:59
Here's a stop motion video of the loading of the C-5 in my last shot. All shot with the D800 and the 24mm f2.8:

Click Me! (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-wn2WPrP/0/640/i-wn2WPrP-640.mp4)

Thanks. That was fun to watch

15-Aug-2013, 08:08
Recently I switched my old cell phone to an iPhone. I found the camera feature to be excellent and the image quality quite good. The camera also has a built in HDR option which provides some expanded dynamic range. No user options for HDR control, however (just on/off).

The camera will be a great tool for exploring and scouting locations to which I would return with a larger format.

Just for fun I'm posting a few images and welcome any feedback. The images were imported into LR5, adjusted and finished in PS.




15-Aug-2013, 10:18
Here's a stop motion video of the loading of the C-5 in my last shot. All shot with the D800 and the 24mm f2.8:

Click Me! (http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-wn2WPrP/0/640/i-wn2WPrP-640.mp4)

Fascinating! Thanks.


Steve M Hostetter
15-Aug-2013, 13:59
Recently I switched my old cell phone to an iPhone. I found the camera feature to be excellent and the image quality quite good. The camera also has a built in HDR option which provides some expanded dynamic range. No user options for HDR control, however (just on/off).

The camera will be a great tool for exploring and scouting locations to which I would return with a larger format.

Just for fun I'm posting a few images and welcome any feedback. The images were imported into LR5, adjusted and finished in PS.




Hi Dennis,, a return to the first one a must

Roger Cole
15-Aug-2013, 14:04
Deals are deals - we can either capitalize on them or someone else will! I also have some "missed opportunities" stories, like everyone else I'm sure...such as the 50mm f/1.2 lenses (yes more than 1) for $25 each sold the day before I called up a guy advertising "camera stuff" on CL.

Or...we can explain to the seller what the item is really worth and offer a fair price.

I've actually done this - said, "that's far less than this item is actually worth, I'll give you XXX." Call me stupid if you like, but I sleep well.

Tin Can
15-Aug-2013, 14:10
I am no saint, but good for you Roger. When I sold Snap-On Tools I spent a lot of time talking people out of buying my product. I would advise beginning mechanics to buy inexpensive tools and try to make some money and then later when they were secure they could buy the best.

Not the easiest way to sell to fresh immigrants, but it made me money in the end.

It is good to sleep well.

Or...we can explain to the seller what the item is really worth and offer a fair price.

I've actually done this - said, "that's far less than this item is actually worth, I'll give you XXX." Call me stupid if you like, but I sleep well.

austin granger
15-Aug-2013, 14:16
White Chalk Line, Portland


15-Aug-2013, 14:20
Here's a stop motion video of the loading of the C-5 in my last shot. All shot with the D800 and the 24mm f2.8:

Where'd ya find all the little people??? ;-)

- Leigh

Roger Cole
15-Aug-2013, 14:34
I am no saint, but good for you Roger. When I sold Snap-On Tools I spent a lot of time talking people out of buying my product. I would advise beginning mechanics to buy inexpensive tools and try to make some money and then later when they were secure they could buy the best.

Not the easiest way to sell to fresh immigrants, but it made me money in the end.

It is good to sleep well.

When I was into bicycling in TN I had a friend who wanted to work on his own bike go to a bike shop to buy a crank tool. The owner showed him two, one $80, "this is what I use," and one for about $20, "this will do fine for you." "Why get the cheap one, isn't the more expensive one better?" "It's a lot better made and a little easier to use, but I use it every day. You may use it twice a year." He bought the $20 one.

15-Aug-2013, 15:50



15-Aug-2013, 16:14
Hi Dennis,, a return to the first one a must

Thanks, Steve. I like the image very much and plan to return for sure.

I have a collection of LF 'fence' photos of all sorts and should start a thread if there's not one already.

This is another image - same day, same area, but didn't like it as much. Still something to work with on return.


Jim collum
15-Aug-2013, 16:29
Leica M8, 50mm w IR filter
8 seconds

scan of Cesium Palladium Ziatype on Cot320 paper


15-Aug-2013, 16:33
Leica M8, 50mm w IR filter
8 seconds
scan of Cesium Palladium Ziatype on Cot320 paper
Very nice, Jim. It looks like an impressionist painting. ;-) Quite an interesting effect.

- Leigh

15-Aug-2013, 16:44
Breakfast, Pike Place Market:
http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2825/9518013821_0af2c01a93_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/9518013821/)
Breakfast, Pike Place (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/9518013821/) by Jeffery D Ross (http://www.flickr.com/people/jefferydavidross/), on Flickr

Walking around Seattle the other morning with my new (to me) Fuji GA645zi.


Peter De Smidt
15-Aug-2013, 17:26
That's lovely, Jim!

Ross, you captured an image with a great vintage vibe.

David R Munson
15-Aug-2013, 18:52
Leica M8, 50mm w IR filter
8 seconds

scan of Cesium Palladium Ziatype on Cot320 paper

This shot/print does so much for me. I love it and wish it were hanging on my wall!

Peter De Smidt
15-Aug-2013, 18:53

15-Aug-2013, 19:09
I dunno, Peter.

That photo strikes me as a real dog. ;-) Nice.

- Leigh

Jim collum
15-Aug-2013, 19:19
Jeffery.... love that!!!!

I've never shot with Acros100 (although i'm sure it has more to do with you than the film...)

Jim collum
15-Aug-2013, 19:21
This shot/print does so much for me. I love it and wish it were hanging on my wall!

Thank you David!!.. One of the best compliments that can be given!!

( and all from a web jpg.... there's a thread on scanning of Platinum prints that makes that comment... appropriate :) )

15-Aug-2013, 19:24
Leica M8, 50mm w IR filter
8 seconds

scan of Cesium Palladium Ziatype on Cot320 paper


I would love to see the actual print. Looks wonderful!

Peter De Smidt
15-Aug-2013, 21:07
One more from today:

Jim collum
15-Aug-2013, 21:09
Peter.. great moment in time captured!!!

One more from today:

Jim collum
15-Aug-2013, 21:11
Fall Creek, Felton
Lithium Platinum/Palladium Ziatype on Cot320
scan of print


Tin Can
15-Aug-2013, 21:20
That's a great image and a keeper!

I love the color, movement and youthful exuberance!

One more from today:

Tin Can
15-Aug-2013, 21:22
I never get fog right, well done. What size is the print?

Fall Creek, Felton
Lithium Platinum/Palladium Ziatype on Cot320
scan of print


Jim collum
15-Aug-2013, 21:25
10x10" (image size).. printed on 16x20" cot 320

I never get fog right, well done. What size is the print?

Peter De Smidt
15-Aug-2013, 21:52

That's superb! What terrific tonality.

Thank you, Jim and Randy, for you kind comments.

C. D. Keth
15-Aug-2013, 22:25
I know we've all seen and taken a million sunset photos but they're just so damn satisfying! We're in the middle of 7 wildfires right now so the overall look is different than usual.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3716/9521923496_ce3a89ff43_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9521923496/)
Smoky Sunset-3 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cdketh/9521923496/) by CKeth (http://www.flickr.com/people/cdketh/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
15-Aug-2013, 22:51
I've not seen a sunset like that. Nice work.

16-Aug-2013, 02:35
One more from today:

That's a winner.

16-Aug-2013, 20:29
I really like all three images above!

Here's one I took a few hours ago as I was waiting for chemicals to warm up. My girlfriend Meagan is a patient model. Sometimes :).
Nikon D800E, Nikkor 18cm f/2.5:

16-Aug-2013, 20:35
My girlfriend Meagan is a patient model. Sometimes :).
Great shot.

She seems to be saying: "Patient? Where does that word appear in my resume?" :p :cool:

- Leigh

16-Aug-2013, 20:40
The thing is if she isn't smiling, she has a tendency to look pissy even if she isn't, so she always smiles for pictures. I like trying to do more "serious" faces with her, but she doesn't always like the result. She likes these though!

One more:

16-Aug-2013, 21:26
The thing is if she isn't smiling, she has a tendency to look pissy even if she isn't.

I particularly like the first one, Bryan. Very flattering portrait. I hope she's happy with it. Your comment above reminded me of this satirical video ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v98CPXNiSk).


16-Aug-2013, 21:35
I'll have to show that to her tomorrow!
I like the pose/expression on #1 but I missed the catch-light, which bothers me a little. Not a big deal I guess. Thanks!

austin granger
16-Aug-2013, 22:26
Sand, Portland


16-Aug-2013, 22:47
Sand, Portland

I can't decide if this sign is stating the obvious or the not-so-obvious.


austin granger
17-Aug-2013, 08:43
Yes, is it a directive? A guide? An explanation? I couldn't tell you. Just another one of those small mysteries one comes across while strolling around a neighborhood.

Nathan Potter
17-Aug-2013, 12:13
Here's my daughter in 1979. Nikon FE, E3 Ektachrome (bit faded), Mostly window light at Christolph Columb St. Montreal. I liked the sort of Mona Lisa smile.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5532/9530388015_fa5ed7ea97_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/9530388015/)
HS-79-10[t1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/9530388015/) by hypolimnas (http://www.flickr.com/people/argiolus/), on Flickr

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

17-Aug-2013, 12:22
Lovely impish photo, Nathan, and the colour palette makes me nostalgic for that time (and place-I was in Montreal in 1979 too).

Peter De Smidt
17-Aug-2013, 12:45
Nate, it's a lovely, nostalgic portrait.

austin granger
17-Aug-2013, 17:25
Chair, Abandoned Shop Window, Portland


Scott Schroeder
17-Aug-2013, 20:02
School zone


18-Aug-2013, 00:22

Very nice, Austin. For reasons I can't properly articulate it reminds me of the chair in this Francis Bacon painting (http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/bacon/innocent.jpg), without the seated figure.


18-Aug-2013, 05:54
Self portrait with 20 foot cable release, 1987.

Oh, to be young....



Ramiro Elena
18-Aug-2013, 06:26
Francis Bacon, totally. Well seen Jonathan.

austin granger
18-Aug-2013, 08:52
Amazing! I kid you not, here is how it happened: spurred by Jonathan's great triptych of his wife, I was thinking of this format, which led me in a roundabout way to a Francis Bacon documentary on youtube. Later that same night, I was searching through old contact sheets trying to find something to print and, not thinking of Bacon at all, I found the chair. It was only after I was working on it that I thought; "This chair kind of reminds me of Francis Bacon's pope chair! Weird.

If you're interested, here's the documentary:


While I'm sympathetic to his work, I can't say that I've ever really drawn real sustenance from it if you know what I mean. Plus, he was kind of a jerk. :) Of course, Mark Rothko was kind of a jerk too, and his paintings have tangled with me in a very deep way. Here's the documentary I watched before the Bacon documentary. I'd highly recommend this one for Rothko fans:


Anyway, you guys are on the ball!

18-Aug-2013, 11:55
Amazing! I kid you not, here is how it happened: spurred by Jonathan's great triptych of his wife, I was thinking of this format, which led me in a roundabout way to a Francis Bacon documentary on youtube. Later that same night, I was searching through old contact sheets trying to find something to print and, not thinking of Bacon at all, I found the chair. It was only after I was working on it that I thought; "This chair kind of reminds me of Francis Bacon's pope chair! Weird.

If you're interested, here's the documentary:


While I'm sympathetic to his work, I can't say that I've ever really drawn real sustenance from it if you know what I mean. Plus, he was kind of a jerk. :) Of course, Mark Rothko was kind of a jerk too, and his paintings have tangled with me in a very deep way. Here's the documentary I watched before the Bacon documentary. I'd highly recommend this one for Rothko fans:


Anyway, you guys are on the ball!

Thanks for sharing the links Austin - interesting docu's

18-Aug-2013, 16:52
Rothko is in the lower right here:


Just above and to the left is my favorite abstract impressionist, much less well known. Maybe for good reason and I just have bad taste! :D


I didn't have time for all the Rothko videos, but enjoyed quite a bit of 8/8. I'll have to go back for more.

18-Aug-2013, 22:25
I was browsing my archives today looking for potential scanning candidates, and I was sad to discover some kind of moisture damage across a few sleeves of 35mm. I'm going to try to soak and clean these negatives as best I can, but I thought I would scan one frame before I do. This image was taken in 1986.

Nikon F3, Tri-X



Jim Jones
19-Aug-2013, 06:46
Jonathan -- It would be a nice shot without the water damage. Now it is more provocative. It might well have become a great shot!

Bill Kumpf
19-Aug-2013, 07:01

Michael Graves
19-Aug-2013, 07:57
I was browsing my archives today looking for potential scanning candidates, and I was sad to discover some kind of moisture damage across a few sleeves of 35mm. I'm going to try to soak and clean these negatives as best I can, but I thought I would scan one frame before I do. This image was taken in 1986.

Nikon F3, Tri-X



Not sure I wouldn't just leave this one as is....this is cool/

19-Aug-2013, 13:34
I agree that the moisture damage works somehow, but I could never bring myself to harm a negative on purpose for the sake of "improving" it, not unless I had multiples of the same image to work with. But if the ravages of time do it for me, that's a different story.

Here's an undamaged shot from the same session. Authentic 80s preppy, no costuming required!



19-Aug-2013, 13:51
Nice shot!

Ramiro Elena
19-Aug-2013, 13:53
I was going to say, the sax gives away the date. :)

19-Aug-2013, 13:58
Thanks, Bryan, but you know what's killing me? In searching through and scanning these negatives that I shot in high school, many of them are really well exposed and processed, and back then I relied on the camera's built-in meter and used whatever stock chemicals were on hand in the school's darkroom. Yet I struggle TO THIS DAY to get some of my 35mm negs to look this good with the much more "advanced" techniques of spot metering and push/pull development. Go figure.


Ramiro Elena
19-Aug-2013, 14:02
Nah, you just know more now and your expectations are much higher. I bet you were super excited that the shots came out at all back then.

19-Aug-2013, 14:06
I was going to say, the sax gives away the date. :)

My wife and I have a running joke, abbreviated to MS80, which stands for "mandatory sax of the 80s," because pretty much every 80s pop song and/or video had a sax in it somewhere. Anytime we're in the car listening to the radio or watching TV from the period one of us will call out "MS80!" when we hear the tell-tale sound of a sax kick in. Fortunately this affliction seems to have been eradicated, but obviously some of my own photos from the 80s suffer from this disease.

Nah, you just know more now and your expectations are much higher. I bet you were super excited that the shots came out at all back then.

You're probably right. These days shooting at "box speed" and processing for "normal recommended times" would seem like heresy, but if my early archives are any indication, that approach can work just fine.


19-Aug-2013, 14:15
Heh, well with my history and knowledge in instrument repair, I actually can fairly accurately date that saxophone - and it's older than the '80s most likely.

Ramiro Elena
19-Aug-2013, 14:19
My wife and I have a running joke, abbreviated to MS80, which stands for "mandatory sax of the 80s," because pretty much every 80s pop song and/or video had a sax in it somewhere. Anytime we're in the car listening to the radio or watching TV from the period one of us will call out "MS80!" when we hear the tell-tale sound of a sax kick in. Fortunately this affliction seems to have been eradicated, but obviously some of my own photos from the 80s suffer from this disease.

Hahaha! That's hilarious! And it seemed so cool back then, now it just makes you grin the second you start hearing it. Makes me think of INXS somehow...

19-Aug-2013, 14:27
Makes me think of INXS somehow...

Exactly! Although I think INXS probably used the saxophone in their pop music better than most.
