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Peter Gomena
24-Jun-2013, 23:29
Nice camera, I am trying to resist.

I know three people who own this camera and they rave about it. Prints I've seen are very high quality. I can resist because I can't afford one, but i'm going to watch the evolution of this line veeerrrry carefully.

Bob T
25-Jun-2013, 15:20
I know three people who own this camera and they rave about it. Prints I've seen are very high quality. I can resist because I can't afford one, but i'm going to watch the evolution of this line veeerrrry carefully.

I haven't touched my digital Nikon stuff since I received the Fuji. I'm using the "so called" kit lens (18-55 zoom), the Fuji 14 as well as a Hexanon 90 with adapter. Plus an old Nikon SB-20 in auto mode for the rare times I need a flash. The kit has me covered for the majority of what I shoot in color and everything fits in a relatively small shoulder bag.
I still shoot film for black and white, 35mm up to 4x5.

26-Jun-2013, 12:11
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2847/9142612633_60d281cf20_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/9142612633/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/9142612633/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

26-Jun-2013, 13:57
All the Fujis seem to work. This is an X10, today, a jpeg straight out of the can.
And it's got a 4x5 ratio!

Leszek Vogt
26-Jun-2013, 14:33
Christopher, you can make any P&S (even crappy one) shine with your set up. V. nice!!!!


27-Jun-2013, 18:12
Testing sharpness, bokeh, and rendering with an old 50mm f/2 Nikkor-S lens that I bought for $10 (chewed-up filter ring, spots of fungus). Tri-X, Rodinal:



Tin Can
27-Jun-2013, 18:19

I was using my 55mm f1.2 version yesterday on my 11x14 GG to test focus at various f stops on a big meniscus lens. Put the results into a slide show, to visually check the new meniscus lens. I have not done that before, it was interesting, but also predictable.

The Nikkor f1.2's are nice. I need to use it more often.

27-Jun-2013, 18:54
I love 50's. I have the 50/2 S (6-bladed aperture), 50/2 H (two of 'em), 50/1.4D, 50/1.2 AIS, and a 55/2.8 AF Micro to boot. Oh and my 50/1.4 rangefinder lens and a 50/3.5 Heliar to go with it in the mail to me!

Looking for an earlier 50/2S with 9 blades. Would like to try some of the 55/1.2 variants. How's the OOF rendering?

Anyway, they all have such a unique look. It's fun to match subjects to lens. The 50/1.2 is one of my go-to lenses at weddings. One of these days I'll send about 10 of my older lenses off to get AI-converted. Just discovered I have two "tick mark" lenses in my pre-AI archive that are worth maybe $1000 (paid nothing for them almost!). Old Nikkors are really quite awesome!

Tin Can
27-Jun-2013, 19:31
I shot Pentax H3 and 50mm without a meter, Sunny 16, for 40 years until I went digital and recently added LF, and with LF I mostly set up with 50mm equivalent 'normal' lens.

50 mm is the way I see the world.

I also used my f1.2 for macro the other day, with Nikon PB-4 fully extended, digital macro is great. I need to get a real macro lens. It's on the list...

27-Jun-2013, 19:44
50 mm is the way I see the world.

Me too! Too bad you aren't nearby, I'd be happy to loan you my 200mm Micro. I need to do some macro, haven't done any in a while. Dragonflies are in season here...good subject.

Ramiro Elena
28-Jun-2013, 01:08
Bryan, how do you find manual focussing for weddings? I really don't trust myself without AF.

28-Jun-2013, 01:53
I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow with a Mamiya 7, a Rolleiflex and two Canon FTb bodies. Never having had the luxury of autofocus I don't know any other way. I'm a bit nervous about it, though, to be honest.


Ramiro Elena
28-Jun-2013, 02:05
Analog is much more forgiving. I shoot all my film cameras wide open. With digital though, it is different. An out of focus image really looks bad and I shoot digital wide open too :/
Also, digital cameras (at least the one I have) don't have cross hair screens. You do have a focus confirmation but you need to be looking at a dot in the bottom left part of the viewfinder. You can be seeing a focused image in the viewfinder and turn out with a massively out of focus one. Imagine that in a wedding where everyone is moving randomly all over the place...

28-Jun-2013, 03:41
I manual focus a lot with weddings, especially using older 35/1.4 and 50/1.2.

Firstly, I focus bracket most times. Just fire off three shots while slightly moving the focus ring and one of them is generally in perfect focus. Second, I stopped looking at the focus confirmation dot and used my eyes. You can't see the DOF properly but you can get pretty close, and plus the confirmation dot has such a wide range that if you shoot it right as it comes on it's always out of focus. I also am not shy about asking for "just one more." It is digital after all for me (that being said, if I could get a pair of digital Nikon SP rangefinders I'd never have to worry again. RF focusing is so superior! IMO anyway).

Ramiro - I think shooting everything wide-open though is just asking for trouble, at an event like that. When situation allows, I'm always stopped to f/2 or f/2.8. Focus bracketing is more of a thing I do when it gets crazy dark and I'm shooting at f/1.4, 1/60,
3200 ISO and flash just won't work. Can't remember what my settings here were but it's a good example:


It's a whole new world though with digital capture. I think "analog is more forgiving" because you can have grain sharpness making up for some of the focus issues. In my view , I basically have 4x5 chromes with every shot from my D800E, in terms of sharpness and such, and a tiny bit of focus problem just kills it. I'd rather have a little motion blur than that.

On another tangent - I'm at the age where a lot of people I know are getting married and they are all posting wedding photos on Facebook and such. I have to say, 2/3 of the people doing weddings these days can't use their autofocus worth a damn anyway or have it in "P" mode and must be shooting at 1/15 for half the wedding. If things are badly shaky at 800px wide, somebody screwed up. But that's the "biz" for ya, with everyone having a DSLR now. (Last wedding, no less than 5 guests proudly proclaimed that they were a "photographer" to me at some point during the wedding, some asking about what ISO I was using and other inane questions. The bride had told me though that several of them had offered to shoot the wedding and then wussed out last minute. My friend was Best Man and called me in to save her butt. Not the best planned event!)

28-Jun-2013, 05:34
I love 50's. I have the 50/2 S (6-bladed aperture), 50/2 H (two of 'em), 50/1.4D, 50/1.2 AIS, and a 55/2.8 AF Micro to boot. Oh and my 50/1.4 rangefinder lens and a 50/3.5 Heliar to go with it in the mail to me!

Looking for an earlier 50/2S with 9 blades. Would like to try some of the 55/1.2 variants. How's the OOF rendering?

Anyway, they all have such a unique look. It's fun to match subjects to lens. The 50/1.2 is one of my go-to lenses at weddings. One of these days I'll send about 10 of my older lenses off to get AI-converted. Just discovered I have two "tick mark" lenses in my pre-AI archive that are worth maybe $1000 (paid nothing for them almost!). Old Nikkors are really quite awesome!

Funny, as I have almost as many 50/55/60mm (six total inc two AF). I just bought an Nikon F and it came with a 50mm f2.


28-Jun-2013, 05:35
I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow with a Mamiya 7, a Rolleiflex and two Canon FTb bodies. Never having had the luxury of autofocus I don't know any other way. I'm a bit nervous about it, though, to be honest.


Well if shooting weddings is not something you do every day you'd have to be crazy not to be a little nervous. But with your eye and technical knowledge they ought end up with a very nice remembrance of their day. Be sure to enlist your wife and or others to direct the people around for the more formal shots, (I've found my wife very good at directing people especially me). Most of all remember photography is fun and have a good time doing it.

28-Jun-2013, 05:53
Funny, as I have almost as many 50/55/60mm (six total inc two AF). I just bought an Nikon F and it came with a 50mm f2.


Nice, any favorites? Which 50/2, Nikkor-H or Nikkor-S?

I find the "H" variant sharper at wide apertures but with less pleasing bokeh.

Good luck Jonathan!! I'm sure you'll do awesome.

Steve M Hostetter
29-Jun-2013, 15:15
97856 Nikon D5000 50mm 1.4

29-Jun-2013, 19:15
Nice, any favorites? Which 50/2, Nikkor-H or Nikkor-S?

I find the "H" variant sharper at wide apertures but with less pleasing bokeh.

Good luck Jonathan!! I'm sure you'll do awesome.

It is the H, it came with the camera. I favor the f1.2 and like both the 50 and 55. There is a difference in the bokeh and the 50 seems not as harsh. Both are contrasty. need to save up for the 58mm.


30-Jun-2013, 00:44
Clay and Bryan, thanks for the votes of confidence, but having just gotten back from a 16 hour day (including travel time) shooting the wedding, I can tell you that I screwed up royally. Technical snafus abounded, including one roll of 35mm Tri-X not catching on the take-up spindle which means I missed some very crucial stuff. Rookie mistake!

That said, I also think I took some of the best bride and groom portraits I've done, including some Type 55 shots with the Speed Graphic. The bride is a friend, and while she is not likely to be furious with me, I feel like I let the couple down. The rest of my coverage should be fairly comprehensive and competent--I'll know for sure once I've developed the film--but I feel like a complete heel right now.


P.S. I think Ramiro is right, auto focus would have helped.

30-Jun-2013, 01:04
one roll of 35mm Tri-X not catching on the take-up spindle

Ouch, done that before.
Let us know/see how the rest comes out...

30-Jun-2013, 04:28
Ouch, done that before.
Let us know/see how the rest comes out...

As have I, at my sisters wedding she still reminds me on occasion. But in the end it all worked out all right I missed a few shots but filled in with stuff other people had taken for the few I missed on that roll. Don't worry to much Jonathan I'm sure there is a lot of good stuff in all those rolls yet to be processed.

30-Jun-2013, 05:00
Clay and Bryan, thanks for the votes of confidence, but having just gotten back from a 16 hour day (including travel time) shooting the wedding, I can tell you that I screwed up royally. Technical snafus abounded, including one roll of 35mm Tri-X not catching on the take-up spindle which means I missed some very crucial stuff. Rookie mistake!

That said, I also think I took some of the best bride and groom portraits I've done, including some Type 55 shots with the Speed Graphic. The bride is a friend, and while she is not likely to be furious with me, I feel like I let the couple down. The rest of my coverage should be fairly comprehensive and competent--I'll know for sure once I've developed the film--but I feel like a complete heel right now.


P.S. I think Ramiro is right, auto focus would have helped.

Good for you, you survived, and keep the flag high.

Next time bring a big gun to the battle > Nikon F5.

They are inexpensive now, AND WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN.

Scott Schroeder
30-Jun-2013, 09:05


Tin Can
30-Jun-2013, 09:08
+1 f5 :)

good for you, you survived, and keep the flag high.

Next time bring a big gun to the battle > nikon f5.

They are inexpensive now, and will not let you down.

30-Jun-2013, 12:45
2 more from the Pentax 67, my favourite Point & Shoot :cool:





Both Tri X in TMAX developer

austin granger
30-Jun-2013, 13:52
For Nathaniel, Tillamook, Oregon

Smashed Pedestrian Signal, Portland


30-Jun-2013, 16:41
USMC Helicopter Crew Chief


David R Munson
30-Jun-2013, 21:21
Trying to get back to scanning new stuff, as well as developing new stuff (tomorrow? maybe?)


Drew, Denton, TX.

Hasselblad, 80mm, Acros, Pyrocat MC

austin granger
1-Jul-2013, 12:07
Evidence, Portland

Entrance, Portland


2-Jul-2013, 16:23
Flying over the Hudson River:


Nikon F4
70-300mm f4.5-5.6G VRII (forgot to turn the VR on)
1/100 sec
Kodak TMax 100 Film.

Tin Can
3-Jul-2013, 19:30
#1 of 3 old prints, found and scanned tonight. This one got a little curve, no spotting.


Tin Can
3-Jul-2013, 19:37
#2 of 3. Straight scan, no spotting, no adjustment. These are all 35 mm shot 15 years ago. This one was stolen and used for a College recruitment card, with no accreditation, I was mad, but did nothing, I was a student at the school using their facilities and fairly naive. I shot this with a wired remote, with my lovely and young assistant.

"Forbidden Kiss"


Tin Can
3-Jul-2013, 19:41
#3 of 3. Hired model for photo class, shot in the boiler room, I wish I had shot more of this school, as it is now closed and scheduled for demolition. The building is now 115 years old.

Scanned 4x5 Helix camera color print. Color adjusted and cropped.


3-Jul-2013, 20:30
Cool Randy...

Regarding the story on #2...an interesting thing about the university I work for: there is a clause in the student AND faculty papers that any and all creative works made on campus, regardless of equipment used, is automatically the property of the university. Much of the time this is safely ignored, especially by faculty, but stories like yours are common, with student artwork showing up in adverts and brochures all the time, sometimes without accreditation. Tricky subject sometimes.

austin granger
3-Jul-2013, 20:36
Ladders, Manzanita, Oregon


Tin Can
3-Jul-2013, 21:04
I said I was naive, I was just an old man having fun in art school. This was a small undergraduate school, that had great arts programs. And a 24/7 darkroom that I used alone much of the time.

The nuns went crazy over a Super 8 movie I directed and shot, I think it was the chapel scenes. They heard exaggerated stories. They wanted the movie destroyed without even watching it. I refused. It had pre Columbine themes. Perhaps it should have gotten a wider audience, as a cautionary tale.

Later the school was closed and the chapel was used for a Hollywood devil worship movie. The site was perfect.


Cool Randy...

Regarding the story on #2...an interesting thing about the university I work for: there is a clause in the student AND faculty papers that any and all creative works made on campus, regardless of equipment used, is automatically the property of the university. Much of the time this is safely ignored, especially by faculty, but stories like yours are common, with student artwork showing up in adverts and brochures all the time, sometimes without accreditation. Tricky subject sometimes.

Ian Gordon Bilson
4-Jul-2013, 02:21
Well, Mr Moe,
I see a book in this ..( a respectful comment-not a cheap shot). If the "unexamined life is not worth living",and we are recorders,what is next to do?

Tin Can
4-Jul-2013, 08:10
Well, thank you.

I tell lot's of 'tavern size' stories and my neighbor is constantly telling me to write a book. But I am not a writer. I do video my stories sometimes, I try to keep them under 2 minutes, people have no attention span. And most of my stories are only interesting if the listener and teller are drinking.

I quit drinking, losing my audience...

Well, Mr Moe,
I see a book in this ..( a respectful comment-not a cheap shot). If the "unexamined life is not worth living",and we are recorders,what is next to do?

Ramiro Elena
4-Jul-2013, 13:55
My kid playing with yellow petals.
Nikon D300 Nikkor 35mm f2
VSCO Fuji Superia 800ISO


austin granger
5-Jul-2013, 19:18
Sunset, Burns, Oregon


5-Jul-2013, 19:31
Playing around with out of focus using my helios-44 on the d600.



5-Jul-2013, 19:32

And in-focus stuff with the 105/dc.. Alford Lake, Hope ME. I was photographing a beautiful evening. Traded the camera for a lighter when it was time for fireworks.

Steve M Hostetter
6-Jul-2013, 07:03
Bravo jp!

6-Jul-2013, 08:53
Spent all day July 4th down in Florida, at "The Boneyard" in Big Talbot State Park. I went once last year and it was awesome, but never had time to go back until now.
Shot 4x5 all morning and then went back before sunset. The light wasn't great so I just took my new Bessa R2S rangefinder. The sun poked its head out for about 15 minutes and I grabbed this shot. Wish I had it on LF but so be it. I was thinking of a "Möbius Strip" when I saw this. Taken with my Nikkor S-mount 50mm f/1.4 on TMX rated at 64, developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 9 minutes:


Tin Can
6-Jul-2013, 09:05
Nice Brian,

My monitor shows a slight color tint to the sand. Is this seen by anyone else? Is this intended?

Am I seeing things? Could be that also.

6-Jul-2013, 09:21
No, that's correct. I always give my scans a slight toning. Oftentimes I do a "flat" scan in terms of color but the film base is never 100% neutral, so it comes out slightly toned, and I just leave it or modify it slightly. Here I left a slight purplish hue, to what I see as emulating the look of Ilford MGIV after selenium toning.

Tin Can
6-Jul-2013, 09:51
Ok, good! And nicely done, I thought I was seeing things!

No, that's correct. I always give my scans a slight toning. Oftentimes I do a "flat" scan in terms of color but the film base is never 100% neutral, so it comes out slightly toned, and I just leave it or modify it slightly. Here I left a slight purplish hue, to what I see as emulating the look of Ilford MGIV after selenium toning.

austin granger
6-Jul-2013, 21:52
Bears, Alaska

Skagway, Alaska


7-Jul-2013, 06:45
bear food trucks!

Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 08:41
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5337/8896375626_5454fbf585_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8896375626/)
Incinerator (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8896375626/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

You don't see too many of those around anymore. I remember when that was how the lumber mills dealt with the scrap left over from turning logs into lumber. The air was always thick with smoke from those things. This was back before I-5 was built. Travel from LA to Seattle by car took a few days longer than it does today, and was a much more interesting journey.

Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 09:39
OK, I'll add to this.

From my Ricoh XR2S.

Nigel Mansell, at Portland International Raceway. Kodachrome 64. Sigma 600mm f8 Mirror.


My dog Zoe and my (then) brand new Ram 3500 with Cummins power. Kodachrome 64. Pentax M 40~80 f2.8~4.


My new Ram and me, many times. Kodachrome 64. Pentax M 40~80 f2.8~4. (very long exposure)


Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 09:41
And the admin says I can only have 4 images per post. So here are some more.

From my Pentax K10.

Thunderstorm over Billings, MT. DA 18~55 f3.5~5.6AL WR.


Texas Summit, West of Willcox, Arizona, about a mile up a pig path off of the interstate. DA 18~55 f3.5~5.6AL WR.


Cactus in the Sonoran National Monument, Arizona. Pentax DA 50~200 f4~5.6ED.


Ultra wide sky view from my home. Sigma Circular Fisheye, 4.5mm f2.8.


Tin Can
7-Jul-2013, 09:43
The storm shot is truly awesome.

Print that one!

Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 09:43
Two more from the K10.

A tractor trailer turned advertising sign, Tonkawa, OK. DA 18~55 f3.5~5.6AL WR.


Captain Quack Sparrow riding proud on grille shell, while the Shaker kills birds. DA 18~55 f3.5~5.6AL WR.


From my Pentax *istDL.

A metal sculpture at an art gallery in Gold Bar, WA, along US-2. DA 18~55 f3.5~5.6AL WR.


Such a pretty face.


Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 09:44
One last shot from the *istDL.

Merry Christmas. DA 18~55 f3.5~5.6AL WR.


Yes, I know, it is July. But cameras enable us to capture our memories forever (almost).

Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 09:47
The storm shot is truly awesome.

Print that one!

Thank you Randy!

Actually, that shot will be the first one printed on my new Canon Pixma printer. Film at 11.

7-Jul-2013, 10:15
My Van Gogh imitation

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3822/9212041083_1390f18720_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9212041083/)
Eastern Washington Fields (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9212041083/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

At a gathering, this girl looked like this practically all the time.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7397/9226844739_539b253152_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9226844739/)
Expressions (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9226844739/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Tin Can
7-Jul-2013, 10:40
Which Pixma do you have?

I have a Pro 1 and like it, but few seem to be able to leave Epson.

I got real sick of Epson, so I thought I would try something else.

Thank you Randy!

Actually, that shot will be the first one printed on my new Canon Pixma printer. Film at 11.

Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 10:56
I just came across these. The JAL Boeing 787 Dreamliner that had the battery "fire" earlier this year when leaving Logan and had to make an emergency return to the airport.

K10, DA 18~55 f3.5~5.6AL WR.



Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 11:00
Which Pixma do you have?

The Pro 100. 8 ink tanks, prints on up to 13"x19" (such an odd size!). I picked it up "used" from a guy who bought it and then decided it was too big for his "lab". So it was new, in the box for $300, shipping included.

I stole it.

Tin Can
7-Jul-2013, 11:20
I print mostly B&W. Soon I will try digital negs, and that is Epson only territory.

For everyday, I use Costco, it is hard to beat their prices and they are very close to me.

The Pro 100. 8 ink tanks, prints on up to 13"x19" (such an odd size!). I picked it up "used" from a guy who bought it and then decided it was too big for his "lab". So it was new, in the box for $300, shipping included.

I stole it.

Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 11:42
I print mostly B&W. Soon I will try digital negs, and that is Epson only territory.

For everyday, I use Costco, it is hard to beat their prices and they are very close to me.

From what the Cannon literature says the Pixma is supposed to do B&W well. I dunno, though, as I have yet to give it a go.

My very first printer ever was an Epson, just a basic one for general printing. It printed photos well though, and I used to custom make Christmas and birthday cards with it on photo paper. Then one day it just refused to print. I fiddled with it, searched the web for a resolution and came up goose eggs.

So I got an HP that would also handle 11"x17". It was great, and also did an acceptable job with photos. Then after a power outage it got fussy. I had to set it up every time I wanted to print from it. It was on a print server along with a 24" wide format printer I use for printing CAD work. I tried connecting it directly to a PC and it was still a pain, so I replaced it with a wireless HP Envy, printer/scanner/copier.

The Pixma is also wireless, so the 24" printer resides alone on the server.

7-Jul-2013, 17:45
A little impressionism taken on the 4th of July in the AZ mountains. 3" Elgeet cine on m4/3.


Racer X 69
7-Jul-2013, 18:34
A little impressionism taken on the 4th of July in the AZ mountains. 3" Elgeet cine on m4/3.


That's pretty nice. The bokeh gives it that "artsy" feel.

austin granger
9-Jul-2013, 07:17
Deck Chairs, Muster Station 9, Alaska

Lamps, Inside Passage, Alaska


9-Jul-2013, 10:24
Deck Chairs, Muster Station 9, Alaska

Nice shots, Austin. I love the shadow work on the second one.

10-Jul-2013, 18:04
Pen-F 25/4 on G1:


Scott Davis
10-Jul-2013, 19:26


Two shots from Photostock 2013. Both taken with the Rolleiflex 2.8E Planar, Ilford Delta 400, Pyrocat HD 1:1:100.

10-Jul-2013, 19:49
Garrett, #6316 is strikingly unique in it's color and pattern...

11-Jul-2013, 06:06
Garrett, #6316 is strikingly unique in it's color and pattern...

Thanks, I thought so too, it's very impressionistic. Here is the same lens, a few minutes later with the background a different distance. It's not as surreal as the other.


Racer X 69
11-Jul-2013, 09:49
It's not as surreal as the other.


It is still a very nice shot. The contrast between the subject and the background is perfect!

austin granger
11-Jul-2013, 11:15
Nice shots, Austin. I love the shadow work on the second one.Thanks Tuco!

Muster Station 7, Inside Passage, Alaska 19:56

Muster Station 7, Inside Passage, Alaska 21:46


11-Jul-2013, 11:43

You're killing me. Muster Station 7 21:46 is gorgeous...



11-Jul-2013, 13:25
Yeah, that second shipboard one with the clock is killer!

11-Jul-2013, 13:30
Nice photos. A recent one.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7349/9176874215_8710897d13_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/9176874215/)
Charlies Garden (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/9176874215/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

11-Jul-2013, 13:47
Just messing around with a 30 sec shot at ISO 1600 and light painting the cabin with the red LED light on my headlamp. The camera was set fixed to a color temp of 5000K.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3771/9207924717_d0c9c9c231_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9207924717/)
Nighttime At The Cabin (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9207924717/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

11-Jul-2013, 14:00
Bravo sir! Contrasting color here is very nice.

11-Jul-2013, 14:03
Wow! You call that messing around :-) very nice!

11-Jul-2013, 14:53
Bravo sir! Contrasting color here is very nice.

Wow! You call that messing around :-) very nice!

Thanks you guys. I also took a BW film shot at a hour-long exposure. We'll see how that turns out.

Tin Can
11-Jul-2013, 15:45
@ Tuco,


11-Jul-2013, 21:21
Thanks, Randy.

I sort of snuck up into the rear balcony to get this shot in the Assumption Abby, Richardton, ND.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3806/9218074135_2eeaa2b9fa_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9218074135/)

Zeiss 21mm/2.8

12-Jul-2013, 13:14
Tuco that previous one is beautiful sir. The one above is not too bad either!

12-Jul-2013, 21:28
Leaf in a rain storm today:
Nikon F5
Nikon 85mm f3.5G DX Macro Lens
Ilford XP2 film

13-Jul-2013, 18:06
Tuco that previous one is beautiful sir. The one above is not too bad either!


Leaf in a rain storm today:
Nikon F5
Nikon 85mm f3.5G DX Macro Lens
Ilford XP2 film

Nice macro work.

13-Jul-2013, 18:54
A short collection of people with their personal communication devices and their handhold techniques.

Here we have the basic leading index finger and shutter thumb technique. Add a version of it to the other side of the phone and it creates a graceful, hand model style camera support for those intimate shots.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7349/9233212172_e9ca0e0134_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9233212172/)

Then, there is the more advanced multitasking holding technique. Here a leading index finger and shutter thumb add grace to the hold. A three-finger tripod brace completes the need support for a statically indeterminate hold. But it frees up two critical fingers that may need to tend to other tasks as demonstrated here.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3808/9276539145_2feec44826_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9276539145/)

The basic landscape orientation C-clamp hold when utility is needed.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3713/9280303648_b680a71068_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9280303648/)

The sturdy and dependable double shutter thumb grip for when you take so long to snap the picture, the subject has time to take a call.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8295/7883090978_16b25228c5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7883090978/)

Scott Schroeder
13-Jul-2013, 19:27


Tin Can
13-Jul-2013, 19:41
@ Tuco

I love telling people I do not have a cell phone.

No cable TV either.

13-Jul-2013, 19:53
tuco, love it, really nice shots and definitely some potential for a large set! The colors are vibrant and the locations/people varied.

14-Jul-2013, 10:09
@ Tuco

I love telling people I do not have a cell phone.

No cable TV either.

C'mon. Join the crowd and have all your voice, text messages and positions automatically saved in a national archive underground somewhere.

tuco, love it, really nice shots and definitely some potential for a large set! The colors are vibrant and the locations/people varied.

Thanks. I'm going to keep looking for more of them.

14-Jul-2013, 10:29
"Tiny Format" is 16mm and Minox to me.


austin granger
14-Jul-2013, 13:15
Sunset, Salish Sea


15-Jul-2013, 08:27
Monochrom. 35mmBiogon (not Sonnar) This time with umbrella/flash.

15-Jul-2013, 08:40
Velvia 50 cross processed in Unicolor C-41. Yashica Mat 124G.
So. Cal. backyard.
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5342/9286222624_a089ca7c09_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/9286222624/)
Big Wheel Country (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/9286222624/) by James Harr Photo (http://www.flickr.com/people/harrlequin/), on Flickr

15-Jul-2013, 08:45
Some farm sheep
500C/M. Zeiss 50mm CF T* FLE + Orange filter, 400TMY

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3763/9288552109_0177c4e35e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9288552109/)
Farm Sheep (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9288552109/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Michael Cienfuegos
15-Jul-2013, 08:48
@ Tuco

I love telling people I do not have a cell phone.

No cable TV either.

If you live in Chicago you really don't need cable TV unless you want to see cable-only programming. Not having a cell phone (electronic leash) can be a blessing.


Tin Can
15-Jul-2013, 09:29
I am guilty of using my iPod with VIOP, but it's free and works at any McDonald's and Starbucks, without even going inside.

OTA free TV is fine with me.

Youtube has a deep catalog.

But it is essential for me to have the best Internet connection I can find, so I pay at home, and maintain a ringer-less land line for 911.

I also have no doorbell, or address marked.

Solitude can be difficult to find.

If you live in Chicago you really don't need cable TV unless you want to see cable-only programming. Not having a cell phone (electronic leash) can be a blessing.


Racer X 69
15-Jul-2013, 11:31
Solitude can be difficult to find.

So true. Even in the country.

Like at my home.


15-Jul-2013, 14:22
Elgeet 3" f2.9:

15-Jul-2013, 14:31
Nice macro work.

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.

16-Jul-2013, 07:42
A long exposure

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2832/9296657619_d4118a91a0_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9296657619/)
Sawhorse (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9296657619/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss 50mm CF T* FLE, NDX400 + O2 Orange filters, 100ACR

David R Munson
16-Jul-2013, 09:22
Dude. Your killin' me. Great shot!

16-Jul-2013, 09:44
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3726/9302292786_70cc95a8db_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/9302292786/)
Artifact, Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/9302292786/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

A long exposure

Very nice. I need to use my 10-stop B+W ND more often.

Peter De Smidt
16-Jul-2013, 14:07
Nice work, Tuco!

Here's one from yesterday, when Sophia turned 8:

Fujinon GW670III
Fuji Acros
Pyrocat MC

16-Jul-2013, 14:17
Someone's rather fond of lichen:

Leica M6TTL, 50/2, Tmax 100.

16-Jul-2013, 17:37
Dude. Your killin' me. Great shot!

Very nice. I need to use my 10-stop B+W ND more often.

Nice work, Tuco!

Here's one from yesterday, when Sophia turned 8:


Joel Truckenbrod
16-Jul-2013, 18:50
I've been photographing handheld from a sea kayak on Lake Superior recently and its been great fun. Here's one of my favorites thus far - Fuji GSW 690II, Kodak TMY2 in Xtol 1:1

Palisade Head, Foggy Dawn, Tettegouche State Park, MN.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v390/truckyj/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg~original (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/truckyj/media/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg.html)

Tin Can
16-Jul-2013, 18:57
Nice, I have been to that park. On the shores of the Gitche Gumee.


[QUOTE=Joel Truckenbrod;1047417]I've been photographing handheld from a sea kayak on Lake Superior recently and its been great fun. Here's one of my favorites thus far - Fuji GSW 690II, Kodak TMY2 in Xtol 1:1

Palisade Head, Foggy Dawn, Tettegouche State Park, MN.

16-Jul-2013, 18:58
I've been photographing handheld from a sea kayak on Lake Superior recently and its been great fun. Here's one of my favorites thus far - Fuji GSW 690II, Kodak TMY2 in Xtol 1:1

Palisade Head, Foggy Dawn, Tettegouche State Park, MN.

Great vantage point and nice shot.

Peter De Smidt
16-Jul-2013, 20:53
That's terrific, Joel.

16-Jul-2013, 21:12
Nice photos Peter, Joel!

Loring Air Force Base, Speed trials. Rolleiflex Automat Tessar, fp4+, orange filter. Came out a little thin, but the scanner can handle it. Just learning FP4+ and it seems to need more exposure comp than tmy2 when it comes to the orange filter. pyrocat hd.

And on tmy2 120 film my usual film. Probably no filter. After swimming at camp.

Leszek Vogt
16-Jul-2013, 21:27
Nice photos Peter, Joel!

Loring Air Force Base, Speed trials. Rolleiflex Automat Tessar, fp4+, orange filter. Came out a little thin, but the scanner can handle it. Just learning FP4+ and it seems to need more exposure comp than tmy2 when it comes to the orange filter. pyrocat hd.

And on tmy2 120 film my usual film. Probably no filter. After swimming at camp.

I'm trying to figure out why the sky is not darker with orange filter ? I was expecting charcoal to.... ????? Yes, I'm showing my lack of experience with filters.


Racer X 69
17-Jul-2013, 04:03
Nice photos Peter, Joel!

Loring Air Force Base, Speed trials. Rolleiflex Automat Tessar, fp4+, orange filter. Came out a little thin, but the scanner can handle it. Just learning FP4+ and it seems to need more exposure comp than tmy2 when it comes to the orange filter. pyrocat hd.

This is the place where Bill Warner died the other day, right? Sad news.

17-Jul-2013, 04:54
This is the place where Bill Warner died the other day, right? Sad news.

This is the place. Sad Indeed. I was at the event Friday/Saturday and he prepared and raced on those days. I was not there Sunday when he died.

Red filter gets a much darker sky. I also shot with my lifepixel infrared-converted DSLR; that will get you a darker sky.

Ken Lee
17-Jul-2013, 08:55
Muster Station 7, Inside Passage, Alaska 21:46

Bravo Bravo Bravo !

17-Jul-2013, 08:56
Kind of a surprise what you end up with these kind of shots.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7408/9303155575_00bfe97216_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9303155575/)
Under Some Stars (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9303155575/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss 50mm CF FLE, 100ACR

Edit: I'd add that I used the Sun Surveyor app on my phone to line up the camera and get an idea where the celestial pole was. It was too bright to see the North Start when I set up the shot.

17-Jul-2013, 09:48
Very nice...tough call on which I like better! The movement in the clouds on the bottom left is quite cool, along with the stars of course. Looks like about 30 minute exposure?

Peter De Smidt
17-Jul-2013, 10:40
Nice portrait, JP. Very cool shot, Tuco.

17-Jul-2013, 10:47
Very nice...tough call on which I like better! The movement in the clouds on the bottom left is quite cool, along with the stars of course. Looks like about 30 minute exposure?

Thanks. I didn't record the exposure on this shot unfortunately. But 20-30min sounds about right. I did a 1.5 hour shot after this. Much longer star streaks but the clouds completely filled the sky by then and the star trails were weak and I went with this shot instead. The cloud streak in this shot being tangent to the trail radius kind of give it a vortex look to me.

Very cool shot, Tuco.

austin granger
17-Jul-2013, 12:51
Thanks Ken.

In a Fog, Salish Sea

Wake, Puget Sound


17-Jul-2013, 15:19
I'm trying to figure out why the sky is not darker with orange filter ? I was expecting charcoal to.... ????? Yes, I'm showing my lack of experience with filters.


From my experience with using filters, there are many variables that determine how dark your sky will be with an orange filter. It is not automatic, I feel. For example, typically when I point my spot meter up into the blue sky, EV16 is a common number I see. If your middle gray exposure happens to be one stop or so below that and the sky is really clear and "blue" you should get a really dark sky.

If, on the other hand, the sky happens to be 3 stops above your middle gray exposure (eg favoring shadows in the shot), you will render a much lighter sky. Summertime, often, the sky can be rather hazy and not that blue. So you really have to be there and see the sky conditions.

Scott Schroeder
17-Jul-2013, 16:38
Delta 3200


Scott Schroeder
17-Jul-2013, 18:50
Jill's Tree


18-Jul-2013, 08:28
Civil War era cannon at Fort Clinch, near Jacksonville FL. Taken with my 2x3 Century Graphic and 80mm f/2.8 Xenotar on Portra 400, Sunny 16 metering. Got a lot of weird looks from other visitors toting their whiz-bang DSLRs ;)


Tin Can
18-Jul-2013, 09:10
Nice DOF on that cannon.

Sunny 16 rules.

Do you develop that film yourself?

[QUOTE=Corran;1047952]Civil War era cannon at Fort Clinch, near Jacksonville FL. Taken with my 2x3 Century Graphic and 80mm f/2.8 Xenotar on Portra 400, Sunny 16 metering. Got a lot of weird looks from other visitors toting their whiz-bang DSLRs ;)

18-Jul-2013, 09:30
Thanks! Indeed I did - I haven't used a commercial lab in almost a year. I've got my color development down pat, and with a 5L C-41 and E-6 kit costing only about $200 from Freestyle I'm saving a ton of money, as well as being a lot more free to shoot color film and not have to wait for it to get developed or worry I messed up. I only just threw away my first 2L mix of the chemicals, and used the other half, so that 5L kit will last me a total of almost a year.

18-Jul-2013, 12:05
Civil War era cannon at Fort Clinch, near Jacksonville FL. Taken with my 2x3 Century Graphic and 80mm f/2.8 Xenotar on Portra 400, Sunny 16 metering. Got a lot of weird looks from other visitors toting their whiz-bang DSLRs ;)

Nice results. Your blacks look good. For some reason on my scanner/software, which has no profile for the New Portra 400, I get nasty purple in my blacks. I remove it by reducing the saturation of purple in the image but that only works for images without purple in it.

18-Jul-2013, 12:28
Hmm, well I have no profiles for anything, so I just use white/black points and some editing to get colors right on negative film. That said, I have trouble with new Portra 160 giving me the results I want (400 is fine though?!), and I have some Fuji 160C that just will NOT balance right no matter what I do. I tried Color Perfect and it didn't do anything for me (it looked exactly the same as if I pushed "Auto Levels" in Photoshop, nothing more).

I have a love/hate relationship with color neg film. Love the colors, hate the orange mask BS. Seems like it makes the blues clip faster than everything else, which is an issue with landscapes and sky. No sky in the image? Then it's usually perfect and easy to get good colors.

18-Jul-2013, 12:40
This was taken with my Yashica Mat 124G. I thought I had Acros 100 in there, so I put a yellow filter on to darken the sky a bit. Turns out I had Lomo X-Pro 200 loaded! So yellow filter, over-exposed 1 stop, cross processed. That makes for some crazy color, so I 'corrected' a bit in PS. The 'fuzz' around the edges is flocking material inside the camera that I haven't gotten around to trimming yet. Sometimes I crop it, sometimes I don't. This film curled something awful, so it was hard to keep it in the film holder to get a decent scan.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3736/9281730900_5bfb59e891_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/9281730900/)
Eves (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/9281730900/) by James Harr Photo (http://www.flickr.com/people/harrlequin/), on Flickr

18-Jul-2013, 12:47
Hmm, well I have no profiles for anything, so I just use white/black points and some editing to get colors right on negative film. That said, I have trouble with new Portra 160 giving me the results I want (400 is fine though?!)

Interesting, it is the opposite for me. New Portra 160 scans pretty nice and accurately whereas 400 is the problem.

I have a love/hate relationship with color neg film. Love the colors, hate the orange mask BS.

Me too.

Here is a test of the latitude of the New Portra 400. All developed on the same standard time. It looks like you really have to be way off on the exposure to not get a usable image from it.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5257/5487513654_611fbc48a5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5487513654/)
Portra Latitude Test Negs (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5487513654/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Jim Galli
18-Jul-2013, 12:57
somewhere west of frenchglen

Maybe this qualifies as large format if it has enough sensor square inches?

Drove the old girl 1860 miles in May. Rainy day in the Hart Mtn Antelope reserve.

18-Jul-2013, 13:46
That is interesting tuco. I think my other problem is chronically overexposing color negative film, when I should just let the film do it's thing and not try to get infinite shadow detail. Or maybe not. More testing is needed...

Cool shot Jim. What did you shoot it with?

Jim Galli
18-Jul-2013, 13:51
That is interesting tuco. I think my other problem is chronically overexposing color negative film, when I should just let the film do it's thing and not try to get infinite shadow detail. Or maybe not. More testing is needed...

Cool shot Jim. What did you shoot it with?

Thanks. Nikon D200

Tin Can
18-Jul-2013, 13:56
I have to move my head to see it, how about a little info Jim?

Look at fancy top, thats kinda rare to see up, but then rain was coming.

somewhere west of frenchglen

Maybe this qualifies as large format if it has enough sensor square inches?

Drove the old girl 1860 miles in May. Rainy day in the Hart Mtn Antelope reserve.

Jim Galli
18-Jul-2013, 14:49
I have to move my head to see it, how about a little info Jim?

Look at fancy top, thats kinda rare to see up, but then rain was coming.

It was raining when I took it. The car was wet. The big tripod on the back was for the 6.5X8.5 ~ 8X10 which got used quite a bit. This is 11 frames stitched together to make a single pan. The idea was to feel the alone ness out in this high desert on a gravel road.

I drove from Tonopah Nevada to The Dalles Oregon and back on this trip. The '29 A is basically stock but has a "B" motor and overdrive, so on good roads can cruise about 55 - ish.

My title is a play on the famous Jordan Playboy automobile advertisement, "somewhere west of Laramie"

18-Jul-2013, 15:53
Found some old rolls of Ilford XP2 that I bought 3 years ago that were repackaged from bulk rolls in some Chinese factory (says so right on the roll). They've rolled around in my misc. film box for too long, so I shot some...but it's really dirty, has a light leak the last several inches of the film, and is just not worth the time! But I got one good shot out of the roll, ha!

Bessa R2S, Nikkor 35mm f/1.8
Near Jacksonville, FL

18-Jul-2013, 15:54
A few night shots from an area in Kansas City know as the west bottoms.
All done on the Nikon D600.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3816/9296000077_5ae434a5d1_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9296000077/)
Night Ju Ju (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9296000077/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7456/9296001071_73319f1a90_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9296001071/)
Dynatron night (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9296001071/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7350/9274811228_3d4e9178c2_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9274811228/)
column 5 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9274811228/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7422/9274811684_c33e4a8a45_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9274811684/)
12th & hickory (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/9274811684/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

Tin Can
18-Jul-2013, 15:56
[QUOTE=cpercy;1048119]A few night shots from an area in Kansas City know as the west bottoms.
All done on the Nikon D600.

Ya that D600 is pretty darn nice, looks great, but it's the shooter, not the camera!

Gary Sommer
18-Jul-2013, 16:00
1800 miles in a model A, that is so cool. Bravo Jim.


Tin Can
18-Jul-2013, 16:01
I found a couple rolls of the Kodak film C41 B&W version and was wasting it today in a 35mm Kodak Retina IIa, people wanted to know if it was a Leica, I told them it was a German improvement. Hard to hold this brass weight!

Found some old rolls of Ilford XP2 that I bought 3 years ago that were repackaged from bulk rolls in some Chinese factory (says so right on the roll). They've rolled around in my misc. film box for too long, so I shot some...but it's really dirty, has a light leak the last several inches of the film, and is just not worth the time! But I got one good shot out of the roll, ha!

Bessa R2S, Nikkor 35mm f/1.8:

18-Jul-2013, 16:57
I have to move my head to see it, how about a little info Jim?

Look at fancy top, thats kinda rare to see up, but then rain was coming.

It looks like a 1800 mile pano! Really nice.

18-Jul-2013, 18:58
[QUOTE=cpercy;1048119]A few night shots from an area in Kansas City know as the west bottoms.
All done on the Nikon D600.

Ya that D600 is pretty darn nice, looks great, but it's the shooter, not the camera!

Yes I agree but having a camera this convenient to use sure makes this sort of stuff more accessible for lazy people like me. I might not have made all these images had I been carrying the Deardorff, of course maybe I shouldn't have.

18-Jul-2013, 19:06
I've been photographing handheld from a sea kayak on Lake Superior recently and its been great fun. Here's one of my favorites thus far - Fuji GSW 690II, Kodak TMY2 in Xtol 1:1

Palisade Head, Foggy Dawn, Tettegouche State Park, MN.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v390/truckyj/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg~original (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/truckyj/media/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg.html)

This is quite nice Joel no need for a tripod here.

18-Jul-2013, 19:07
Rockland Maine Breakwater. Lifepixel Converted Infrared D100 with 12-24 lens.

and some more variations here:

Scott Schroeder
19-Jul-2013, 09:10


Racer X 69
19-Jul-2013, 11:57
somewhere west of frenchglen

Drove the old girl 1860 miles in May. Rainy day in the Hart Mtn Antelope reserve.

This is very cool. I like the old cars a lot.

A guy my mom worked with years ago at JanSport has nothing but Model A's. Several cars, a pickup or two, a panel van, even flatbed truck. He owns and drives nothing else. He has traveled to all of the lower 48, up into Canada, and even Alaska in his Model A's.

And I think he has old large format cameras too. Next time I talk to mom I'll have to ask her.

Oh, nice picture too!

Jim Galli
19-Jul-2013, 12:58
This is very cool. I like the old cars a lot.

A guy my mom worked with years ago at JanSport has nothing but Model A's. Several cars, a pickup or two, a panel van, even flatbed truck. He owns and drives nothing else. He has traveled to all of the lower 48, up into Canada, and even Alaska in his Model A's.

And I think he has old large format cameras too. Next time I talk to mom I'll have to ask her.

Oh, nice picture too!

Thanks! Yes, they seem to breed. I have 2.

David Hedley
19-Jul-2013, 14:22
I've been buried at work for the last eight months, but brought a Hasselblad 501CM with me on a quick break last week to the Lençóis Maranhenses, a beautiful wilderness of sand dunes in north eastern Brazil. I should have brought the 4x5, of course, but enjoyed taking some landscape photographs nonetheless, and not thinking about work for a while;

Distagon 50mm, Ilford Delta 400 / Tanol

Tin Can
19-Jul-2013, 14:44
That's a great image, that lens certainly helped.

I've been buried at work for the last eight months, but brought a Hasselblad 501CM with me on a quick break last week to the Lençóis Maranhenses, a beautiful wilderness of sand dunes in north eastern Brazil. I should have brought the 4x5, of course, but enjoyed taking some landscape photographs nonetheless, and not thinking about work for a while;

Distagon 50mm, Ilford Delta 400 / Tanol

19-Jul-2013, 15:25
I've been buried at work for the last eight months, but brought a Hasselblad 501CM with me on a quick break last week to the Lençóis Maranhenses, a beautiful wilderness of sand dunes in north eastern Brazil. I should have brought the 4x5, of course, but enjoyed taking some landscape photographs nonetheless, and not thinking about work for a while;

Sweet shot.

Jim Galli
19-Jul-2013, 15:35
Wow David. Spectacular shot!

19-Jul-2013, 15:36
I passed through Yellowstone from the north end out through Beartooth Pass and took a few roadside shots along the way. This one you can take from the window of your car. And countless people have, no doubt.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7446/9320033714_7d929d345d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9320033714/)
Angle Terrace, Yellowstone NP (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9320033714/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss 100/f3.5, CPL + NDX400, 100ACR, PMK

More messing around with a ND filter.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5446/9320581179_428a681ba0_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9320581179/)
Irrigation Pivot (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9320581179/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss 100/3.5, O2 + NDX400, 400TMY @ EI50, PMK

19-Jul-2013, 17:20
Some images from a recent road trip to see family. All made with a now very obsolete dslr!

Eastern Oregon:


Western New Mexico:


Eastern Arizona:


Racer X 69
19-Jul-2013, 20:16
Thanks! Yes, they seem to breed. I have 2.

I have a Ford tractor that has a flathead 4 cylinder engine in it that is basically the same engine that Ford used in the Model A.


And it makes a great lawnmower.

Jim Galli
19-Jul-2013, 20:26
I have a Ford tractor that has a flathead 4 cylinder engine in it that is basically the same engine that Ford used in the Model A.


And it makes a great lawnmower.

Sweet! That thing is in beautiful shape.

Tin Can
19-Jul-2013, 21:34
Wow, nice Ford tractor, we used to have a 1948 that looked just like it. We even had that PTO Bush-Hog and a rear blade in Wisconsin on 80 acres of great land. I miss the farmette and tractor. Those things are so tough and reliable every decade somebody paints one into a 'rebuild'!

Brings back some bittersweet memories I should just let go.

I have a Ford tractor that has a flathead 4 cylinder engine in it that is basically the same engine that Ford used in the Model A.


And it makes a great lawnmower.

Scott Schroeder
20-Jul-2013, 07:18
Couple of portraits. Canon AV-1 50/1.8 panf 50 plus



Racer X 69
20-Jul-2013, 09:20
Sweet! That thing is in beautiful shape.

Thank you!

Wow, nice Ford tractor, we used to have a 1948 that looked just like it.

Mine is a '48.

We even had that PTO Bush-Hog and a rear blade in Wisconsin on 80 acres of great land.

The attachment in the picture is a 6 foot wide finish mower, 3 blades, rear discharge.

I also have a blade, a rock rake, a rear mount sickle bar mower and a mid/side mount sickle bar mower. After I bought the tractor I picked up and installed a Sherman over and underdrive unit (you split the machine at the bell housing and it is installed in place of the input shaft) and a Howard gear reduction unit (goes between the back of the transmission and the rear case).

I miss the farmette and tractor. Those things are so tough and reliable every decade somebody paints one into a 'rebuild'!

Yep. Henry did a good job with the N series tractors. Too bad he stole the 3 point system from Mr. Ferguson

Brings back some bittersweet memories I should just let go.

So sorry to hear that this brings up memories best left forgotten.

David Hedley
20-Jul-2013, 10:42
Thanks, everyone, for the kind comments. Here's another, from a different location in that area - the Pequenas Lençóis - taken with my venerable Canon EOS5D;


20-Jul-2013, 13:16
A Dreamcatcher somewhere along a country road near Pullman, WA.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5509/9327313909_be22f58e86_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9327313909/)
Dreamcatcher (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9327313909/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Zeiss 50/4 FLE, O2 Orange, 400TMY @ EI50, PMK

20-Jul-2013, 15:08


Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400 - TMAX developer

20-Jul-2013, 16:15

Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400 - TMAX developer

Everything about that shot rocks!

20-Jul-2013, 17:46
Nikon F5
Nikon 85mm f3.5G DX Macro Lens
Ilford XP2 film

Leszek Vogt
20-Jul-2013, 18:02
I was going to switch this to b&w, but it wouldn't work as well. D700 and 105/2.5

Tin Can
20-Jul-2013, 18:06
Yes, very nice in color, and I wish i still had a D700, darn good camera.

I was going to switch this to b&w, but it wouldn't work as well. D700 and 105/2.5

Leszek Vogt
20-Jul-2013, 18:16
Thanks, Randy. Outside of the stuff for sale, this just might be the first photo on the LF forum. I decided not to get all swept up with the gear bs and the quality of the D700 continues to amaze me.


20-Jul-2013, 18:35
I was going to switch this to b&w, but it wouldn't work as well. D700 and 105/2.5

Well seen and gentle!

Michael Cienfuegos
20-Jul-2013, 21:00
I was going to switch this to b&w, but it wouldn't work as well. D700 and 105/2.5

I have the same combo. Really great for when I need to use a digital camera. My other go-to lens for this camera is the AF-S 300/4. Not too heavy, great for most birds.

austin granger
20-Jul-2013, 22:13
I've been photographing handheld from a sea kayak on Lake Superior recently and its been great fun. Here's one of my favorites thus far - Fuji GSW 690II, Kodak TMY2 in Xtol 1:1

Palisade Head, Foggy Dawn, Tettegouche State Park, MN.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v390/truckyj/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg~original (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/truckyj/media/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg.html)

Damn Joel, that's fantastic. Really good photograph.

20-Jul-2013, 23:06
Great capture Austin!

austin granger
20-Jul-2013, 23:15
I can't take credit for that ross, although I wish I could. That's Joel Truckenbrod's photograph.

21-Jul-2013, 00:12
Everything about that shot rocks!

Thanks Tuco

21-Jul-2013, 00:32
I can't take credit for that ross, although I wish I could. That's Joel Truckenbrod's photograph.

Oops! Great capture Joel!

21-Jul-2013, 07:47
I've been photographing handheld from a sea kayak on Lake Superior recently and its been great fun. Here's one of my favorites thus far - Fuji GSW 690II, Kodak TMY2 in Xtol 1:1

Palisade Head, Foggy Dawn, Tettegouche State Park, MN.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v390/truckyj/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg~original (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/truckyj/media/Dawn-Fog-PalisadeHead-13_zps4b8dc403.jpg.html)

You've really captured the feeling of awe and mystery of Lake Superior with that shot; bravo, Joel!

21-Jul-2013, 11:38
Thanks Tuco

I happen to try a head shot with the 105mm + extension tube the other day on a few volunteers at a dinner party with expired (in 2000) Tri-X Pan Professional. I plan on developing it today but I fear I'm going to have to push the film it because the low light and I didn't want to go slower than 1/30 on the shutter.

Joel Truckenbrod
21-Jul-2013, 12:43
Thanks everyone!

21-Jul-2013, 13:46
I happen to try a head shot with the 105mm + extension tube the other day on a few volunteers at a dinner party with expired (in 2000) Tri-X Pan Professional. I plan on developing it today but I fear I'm going to have to push the film it because the low light and I didn't want to go slower than 1/30 on the shutter.

I use Tmax developer for medium format (1+4) and the negatives come out much thicker than in Pyrocat HD. In fact their recommended development times for shooting TRI-X at 800 are the same as for 400.
So you might give that a try, it is a bit expensive though - I think I paid 16€ /liter

21-Jul-2013, 14:09
Enjoyed Hedley's recent cloud photos...

From the Rockland (ME) Breakwater yesterday watching some nearby downpours

With my infrared D100:

And the D600 and 105/dc:

21-Jul-2013, 14:36
I use Tmax developer for medium format (1+4) and the negatives come out much thicker than in Pyrocat HD. In fact their recommended development times for shooting TRI-X at 800 are the same as for 400.
So you might give that a try, it is a bit expensive though - I think I paid 16€ /liter

I have some T-Max dev on hand and used it. I don't push film with PMK. I also shot of roll of 400TMY-2. I developed them in the same tank. The TMY time was a little push for the TXP according to my old Kodak BW Darkroom Dataguide. The film is drying now and the expired TXP looks to have some higher than normal base fog. We'll see how they scan.

Tin Can
21-Jul-2013, 15:50
Test shot for 5x7 session. Same boring subject in 5x7 folder later...


22-Jul-2013, 00:51
Since LF and darkroom gear are currently taking a hiatus (the saga of renovations to a property in a conservation area goes on. . . just discovered we've got to replace some of the DPC - seriously thinking the muppets would have done a better job :( ). . .
Anyway going over some old files and here's one that surprisingly has been mistaken for film by a few viewers, but did sell last year to, of all folk, a meterologist. . . The good thing about the property, being on the Fife Coast is that you get cloud formations like this


Leszek Vogt
22-Jul-2013, 01:02
Nice!!! No Fair, Flagstaff never looked this nice.


22-Jul-2013, 01:30
One from the road.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400



David Hedley
22-Jul-2013, 05:45
One more from the Lençóis Maranhenses in north-eastern Brazil;

Hasselblad 501CM, Distagon 50mm, Ilford Delta 400 / Tanol

Jim Jones
22-Jul-2013, 05:54
DKirk: Fine cloud capture, magnificent presentation!

22-Jul-2013, 06:32
Cheers Jim, looks way better as the 800mm x 300mm print, and thats a crop from a D7000 with the kit lens. . . Can't wait till renovations are over and break out the film and LF gear again, and complete my cloudscape project :)

22-Jul-2013, 06:44
One from the road.


Great shot Jonathan, so much going on from so few elements.

22-Jul-2013, 12:43
Expired in the year 2000, some Tri-X Pan Professional (TXP 6049). Not as good as D-Tach's shot. Shot outdoors in the shade near sunset.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7353/9341137794_74913c603c_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9341137794/)
Faces (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9341137794/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3808/9341137438_ba898fd974_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9341137438/)
Faces (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9341137438/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Pentax 6x7, 105/2.4 + Extension Tube #1

22-Jul-2013, 13:40
Great shot Jonathan, so much going on from so few elements.

Thanks, Clay. It's been a while since I just walked around and shot with a roll film camera. All the other images from this roll were pretty poor. I guess I was just warming up.

In light of this, I can totally appreciate your recent digital B&W adventures. It would be nice to have a camera I could walk around with and have near-instant results; it might help me get back into the swing of using small cameras again.


22-Jul-2013, 16:06
Expired in the year 2000, some Tri-X Pan Professional (TXP 6049). Not as good as D-Tach's shot. Shot outdoors in the shade near sunset.

Pentax 6x7, 105/2.4 + Extension Tube #1


You wouldn't want to know how many sh*tshots counter the better ones :eek:
I like that second one very much, also prefer that time of day for portraits (outside)

A last one with the same set up as yours, but TMAX 400 I think


22-Jul-2013, 18:55
A couple more from the wedding I shot last month. Every time I shoot with my Rolleiflex--which isn't often enough--I fall in love with its rendering all over again. My Mamiya 7 is a fine camera, and the optics are modern and superb, but there is something about the Rollei's Planar that floats my boat in a way few other lenses do.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Tri-X




22-Jul-2013, 19:30
You wouldn't want to know how many sh*tshots counter the better ones :eek:
I like that second one very much, also prefer that time of day for portraits (outside)

A last one with the same set up as yours, but TMAX 400 I think

Another nice one. I also took the same kind of shot of a woman. I fear to process it the same as a men and have her see it. In fact I might not even touch it!

So I have one of my hair-brain ideas. I'd like to construct a setup to take this kind of a shot like a photo booth at some kind of gathering of people (eg wedding, party, etc). Imaging a wooden picture frame that is just larger than the FOV of the camera. People would stick their head in the frame and the camera would automatically snap the picture when, say, the bridge of the nose breaks a inferred beam switch. I have already made an IR beam switch to trip mechanical film cameras. So all I'd have to do build the frame, decorate it up and man the camera for rewind.

Michael Cienfuegos
22-Jul-2013, 19:38
A couple more from the wedding I shot last month. Every time I shoot with my Rolleiflex--which isn't often enough--I fall in love with its rendering all over again. My Mamiya 7 is a fine camera, and the optics are modern and superb, but there is something about the Rollei's Planar that floats my boat in a way few other lenses do.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Tri-X


Beautiful, just beautiful. :)

Tin Can
22-Jul-2013, 20:02
When shooting women with digital I have taken the coward's way out. I set up a monitor in portrait mode, camera right beside it and give them a remote shutter release. They can blast away until they are happy and I always lie, that I will delete all the bad ones!

Another nice one. I also took the same kind of shot of a woman. I fear to process it the same as a men and have her see it. In fact I might not even touch it!

So I have one of my hair-brain ideas. I'd like to construct a setup to take this kind of a shot like a photo booth at some kind of gathering of people (eg wedding, party, etc). Imaging a wooden picture frame that is just larger than the FOV of the camera. People would stick their head in the frame and the camera would automatically snap the picture when, say, the bridge of the nose breaks a inferred beam switch. I have already made an IR beam switch to trip mechanical film cameras. So all I'd have to do build the frame, decorate it up and man the camera for rewind.

22-Jul-2013, 20:17
Beautiful, just beautiful. :)

Thank you, Michael. I'm still developing the film from the wedding, but so far things look pretty good.


23-Jul-2013, 01:18
Znachtal (Austria)

Hasselblad 501cm
80mm Planar
400TX; D76
Ilford RC Glossy..... but I want to start with Baryt next Week :-)


I just photographed the Picture; not really good quality...

23-Jul-2013, 08:38
Another nice one. I also took the same kind of shot of a woman. I fear to process it the same as a men and have her see it. In fact I might not even touch it!

So I have one of my hair-brain ideas. I'd like to construct a setup to take this kind of a shot like a photo booth at some kind of gathering of people (eg wedding, party, etc). Imaging a wooden picture frame that is just larger than the FOV of the camera. People would stick their head in the frame and the camera would automatically snap the picture when, say, the bridge of the nose breaks a inferred beam switch. I have already made an IR beam switch to trip mechanical film cameras. So all I'd have to do build the frame, decorate it up and man the camera for rewind.

:-) portraits of women I sometimes adjust the clarity slider (ACR) a bit to the left and I also noticed that when you set the noise reduction in the sharpening section to 20 or 25 it 'smoothes' the skin in a pleasing way.

Nice idea for the photobooth, I just heard of a colleague that they rented a thing like that on her sisters wedding and it was very popular, especially in the later hours :-). But that was probably with a small digital camera in it.

24-Jul-2013, 00:17
nice all posting ,thanks for sharing with us.........keep it...:)

Leszek Vogt
24-Jul-2013, 00:53
Thanks JP and Micheal....little slow here. I'm still reacting to D-tach and Tuco's portraits. Can both of you explain the positioning and motivations ? Thanks. Also, liked Jonathan's Rollei images....were they shot in F3.5 ?


24-Jul-2013, 01:40
Also, liked Jonathan's Rollei images....were they shot in F3.5?

Thanks. I can't remember if they were shot wide open or not. I think I was stopped down to at least f/5.6.


24-Jul-2013, 03:56
I had a few frames left on a roll that needed to be processed today, so I took some quick shots around the house. Since my wife vetoed the shots I took of her, that leaves this one for me to post.

Canon AE-1, 50mm 1.4, Tri-X



Joel Truckenbrod
24-Jul-2013, 05:48
I had a few frames left on a roll that needed to be processed today, so I took some quick shots around the house. Since my wife vetoed the shots I took of her, that leaves this one for me to post.


That's an inventive and unexpected use of negative space. Very well seen, Jonathan.

Peter De Smidt
24-Jul-2013, 06:55
Well done, Jonathan!

24-Jul-2013, 12:37
Thanks Joel and Peter. I feel like it's a gimmick sometimes, but I almost always take a worthwhile photo or two when I completely change my perspective; in this case it was lying on the bedroom floor. Of course. It's much easier to do this with a small camera as opposed to a large format one, but I keep meaning to apply this approach to 4x5 as well. It's easy to let 99% of my LF shots to be taken from 'normal' tripod height without questioning why.


24-Jul-2013, 14:07
Thanks JP and Micheal....little slow here. I'm still reacting to D-tach and Tuco's portraits. Can both of you explain the positioning and motivations ? Thanks. Also, liked Jonathan's Rollei images....were they shot in F3.5 ?


For positioning I mostly try to put them in a place with natural light but that the light is a bit directional - for instance if you put them before a big window the light is too even (for close portraits I mean then). If you go further away from that window the light gets more directional as it's not reaching the subject from all sides.
Motivation: mmm, more difficult :-) I like faces a guess... I know it's mostly close ups of faces I make lately but every face is so different and interesting. I think the closer I show a face the more you can read from that person's inner self and their past, how life shaped their faces and personality. I always try to put them in a state that I think matches their personality best but I find that the most difficult part of photographing people - also mostly when I think I have them in a way I'm more or less happy with and want to trip the shutter I forgot to wind the film forward...

24-Jul-2013, 17:06
I developed and scanned this one today, and it made me smile. Shooting weddings can be grueling in many ways, and I don't really miss doing it professionally, but sometimes you take a photo that reminds you what a joyous occasion each wedding day really is.

Canon FTb, 50mm f/1.4, Tri-X



24-Jul-2013, 17:24
And another.



24-Jul-2013, 18:04
Very nice Jonathan! Both are great, especially the first. What developer did you end up using?

24-Jul-2013, 18:55
And another.


I'm digging that one. Nice angle.

I was recently at a wedding and sneaked a shot of the bride putting on her face.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3752/9319078482_75dcbea65c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9319078482/)

24-Jul-2013, 19:09
Very nice Jonathan! Both are great, especially the first. What developer did you end up using?

Thanks. I pretty much use HC-110 exclusively. Not sure why, other than I've read that it is easy on fog and most of my shooting is with old films. I tried D-76 once and liked it (and as you know I've played around with T-Max RS and Rodinal) but since I've been using HC-110 for so long I don't want to wade into the "is developer X better for film Y" debate and confuse myself even further. I haven't shot fresh Tri-X in a while, though, and these last couple of rolls were a bit overdeveloped at 7 1/2 min. in dil. B. The whole "new Tri-X (400TX) vs. old Tri-X" thing really threw me. Without proper testing my development times were a best guess based on research. Thank goodness Tri-X is as forgiving as it is. That highlight detail is still there for most of the shots, but they have needed some contrast curve taming in PS to bring it out.

I was recently at a wedding and sneaked a shot of the bride putting on her face.

Nice one, Tuco. I always enjoy taking the photos of the bride and bridesmaids getting ready. It tends to be a relaxed time for them and for me--literally the calm before the storm!


24-Jul-2013, 19:21
Cool, well, it looks great to me, in terms of tonality.

24-Jul-2013, 19:35
Cool, well, it looks great to me, in terms of tonality.

The medium format Tri-X negs look really good in HC-110. The 35mm stuff is a bit harsher and shows more grain, but that's part of it's charm--I hope. I told the wedding couple I could only shoot film and that much of it would be 35mm B&W, and they were fine with that. Who knows, maybe it's cool to have a wedding shot all on film these days. Sooooo 20th century!


24-Jul-2013, 20:26
Jonathan; great wedding photos!

I'm enjoying summer near the ocean getting some nice clouds and weather to include in photos. I'm feeling good about composition and tones these days.
rolleiflex automat tessar. tmy2 in pyrocat hd. Rockland Maine Breakwater.


24-Jul-2013, 21:22
Speaking of weddings - finally finished editing one of the ones I shot in April, now onto the next...

Here's one from the golf course at Callaway Gardens.


24-Jul-2013, 21:34
One more in the woods at dusk. Nikon D800E, 50mm f/1.2 AIS I believe:


24-Jul-2013, 23:01
One more in the woods at dusk. Nikon D800E, 50mm f/1.2 AIS I believe:

That's really nice.

24-Jul-2013, 23:05
That's really nice.

+1. I envy you the soft evening light. All I had for my recent bride and groom portraits was bright, hot, harsh sunlight. I made it work well enough, but what I would have given for an overcast day.


25-Jul-2013, 05:10
Thanks, both of you.

Trust me, there is plenty of harsh sunlight to go around - the ceremony for them was cloudless, late afternoon sun and I would love to have been shooting b&w film and giving it some N-1 development or so (either way, they were still all squinty-eyed). There are certainly positives and negatives to each medium though. For instance those shots in the woods were at ISO 800, 1/60th, f/2.8, so not a lot of light, and I had to jack around the white balance to get them where they needed to be. Glad I was shooting digital at that point.

Tin Can
25-Jul-2013, 08:16
I guess this goes here.

Russia to the rescue.


Tin Can
25-Jul-2013, 08:37
Selling really fast. It will close today.

I guess this goes here.

Russia to the rescue.


25-Jul-2013, 15:54
Glad I was shooting digital at that point.

There were times at my recent wedding shoot that digital (or even just auto-focus) would have been a godsend. Although, while I had some snafus, I like the overall look of the 35mm Tri-X. At the end of the day it is the images that matter, so film vs. digital isn't the point, but I do wonder how younger laypeople perceive real film images with all the film emulation filters in use these days.

Both your and Tuco's examples above look obviously digital to me, in the best sense--very sharp, clear, with smooth gradations and well defined detail with little or no noise--and I respect the fact that those images aren't trying to be something they are not. I wish some of my shots looked that rich and detailed.


25-Jul-2013, 15:58
One more from yesterday's scanning.



Michael Cienfuegos
25-Jul-2013, 16:04
The medium format Tri-X negs look really good in HC-110. The 35mm stuff is a bit harsher and shows more grain, but that's part of it's charm--I hope. I told the wedding couple I could only shoot film and that much of it would be 35mm B&W, and they were fine with that. Who knows, maybe it's cool to have a wedding shot all on film these days. Sooooo 20th century!


We were married is a small town, there was only one photographer. He shot our wedding in black and white with a 4x5 Speed. Looking back, yes, it was cool.

Drew Wiley
25-Jul-2013, 16:29
My brother routinely shot weddings with a handheld Linhof Technika, just like he did commercial work. He even had a nice gyro device for handholding. For my
wedding he used my P67 and 8x10 on tripod. That sure made an impressive album. I'm not much into personal photography, but when I have done it, it has generally been LF. I've had a few art collectors demand I do it the old way and hand print it myself - I charged per print, not per job. No way I'd do a wedding otherwise. It was basically a favor, but made some good bucks too from time to time. Now the young couple want it all digital so it will be plastered on the web for their friends
before they even return from the honeymoon (if they can afford one!). They know that the quality will be compromise, but basically don't care. They might someday
as they reminisce.

25-Jul-2013, 17:06
Must...not...make sarcastic...comment...

Jonathan, I know exactly what you mean about the "digital look." Whether it's a good or bad thing depends! I like your distinctly film photos for different reasons.

26-Jul-2013, 01:04
One more from yesterday's scanning.


Very nice Jonathan

26-Jul-2013, 04:39
I know exactly what you mean about the "digital look." Whether it's a good or bad thing depends!

There are photos from this wedding that I am really glad were done on film (pretty much all the ones I posted here), and there are others where digital would have been the better choice. Trust me, if I had a DSLR I would have used it at least 50% of the time. Maybe for the next wedding, if there is one!

Very nice Jonathan

Thanks, Tom. I think I've reached the end of the "good ones" in my photos from this recent wedding. Everything that's left to scan is either the couple going up or coming down the aisle, hugs at the receiving line, family line-ups, and dancing at the reception. I'll be surprised if I managed anything particularly good; there just isn't much room for creativity in those situations, at least for me, especially when you consider that most of those shots were done with on-camera flash. I can never make photos taken with that set-up look good, no matter how high up I mount the flash on a bracket. I suppose a soft box would help.


Ramiro Elena
26-Jul-2013, 06:02
I am still shooting both the F3 and the D700 but I find scanning unbearable. I "analogisize" all the digital.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7369/9368319615_75f9cbaf95_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9368319615/)
Darío El Taió (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9368319615/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7432/9368306741_2fb539b1de_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9368306741/)
Darío El Taió (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/9368306741/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Michael Cienfuegos
26-Jul-2013, 10:18
My brother routinely shot weddings with a handheld Linhof Technika, just like he did commercial work. He even had a nice gyro device for handholding. For my
wedding he used my P67 and 8x10 on tripod. That sure made an impressive album. I'm not much into personal photography, but when I have done it, it has generally been LF. I've had a few art collectors demand I do it the old way and hand print it myself - I charged per print, not per job. No way I'd do a wedding otherwise. It was basically a favor, but made some good bucks too from time to time. Now the young couple want it all digital so it will be plastered on the web for their friends
before they even return from the honeymoon (if they can afford one!). They know that the quality will be compromise, but basically don't care. They might someday
as they reminisce.

If they can afford one? Yipes, I can't believe what people spend on weddings these days. I only hope that in some cases it is paid off before the divorce. :(

26-Jul-2013, 11:30
Thanks, Tom. I think I've reached the end of the "good ones" in my photos from this recent wedding. Everything that's left to scan is either the couple going up or coming down the aisle, hugs at the receiving line, family line-ups, and dancing at the reception. I'll be surprised if I managed anything particularly good; there just isn't much room for creativity in those situations, at least for me, especially when you consider that most of those shots were done with on-camera flash. I can never make photos taken with that set-up look good, no matter how high up I mount the flash on a bracket. I suppose a soft box would help.


A few years ago I stumbled upon a link from a photographer that uses a kind of black foam thing for his on camera flash and bounces it on the wall and ceiling so the light doesn't hit the subject directly to make it look more natural. He uses it with digital so you can quickly do a few testshots and check your histogram. With film that's a bit more difficult :-) but perhaps fire a test flash and measure with a lightmeter? But outside it doesn't help much offcourse


26-Jul-2013, 11:34


Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400

Tin Can
26-Jul-2013, 11:36
I see a few event shooters pointing their flash backwards over their shoulder in low ceiling white galleries.

Never saw, the images, and they used my images shot P&S with an add on flash bounced off the ceiling in the normal method.

My Nikon P7000 and Nikon SB 400 make a nice small rig for events and I want the great DOF a tiny sensor provides.

A few years ago I stumbled upon a link from a photographer that uses a kind of black foam thing for his on camera flash and bounces it on the wall and ceiling so the light doesn't hit the subject directly to make it look more natural. He uses it with digital so you can quickly do a few testshots and check your histogram. With film that's a bit more difficult :-) but perhaps fire a test flash and measure with a lightmeter? But outside it doesn't help much offcourse


26-Jul-2013, 11:43
Black foamie thing! Lol...i just bought a big roll of foam and a 100 pack of hair bands. Who wants a foamie?

For a while now I would do the same basic thing with my hand, if I needed a quick flag, but having an actual attachment will make it easier.

Racer X 69
26-Jul-2013, 11:58
If they can afford one? Yipes, I can't believe what people spend on weddings these days. I only hope that in some cases it is paid off before the divorce. :(

Avoid the high costs of weddings and the ugliness of divorce. Live in sin.

Michael Cienfuegos
26-Jul-2013, 14:51
Avoid the high costs of weddings and the ugliness of divorce. Live in sin.

We had a small wedding in a small town. Not sure what it cost, but it lasted 35 years. :)


26-Jul-2013, 15:07
A few years ago I stumbled upon a link from a photographer that uses a kind of black foam thing for his on camera flash and bounces it on the wall and ceiling so the light doesn't hit the subject directly to make it look more natural.

I see a few event shooters pointing their flash backwards over their shoulder in low ceiling white galleries.

For a while now I would do the same basic thing with my hand, if I needed a quick flag, but having an actual attachment will make it easier.

I have a feeling dedicated TTL flash metering would alleviate some of my problems. As it is bounced flash isn't really an option in big, open indoor spaces like churches and reception halls, not unless I had a much, much more powerful flash or used digital where I could dial up the ISO really high. I do have a Quantum Q-Flash that used to work really well for me, but the bulb is burned out and the battery pack died and I don't shoot flash enough to justify the expense of reviving it. Anyway, I would rather shoot something like Delta 3200 and push the hell out of it and live with the grain and blocked shadows than have a full front firing flash. Maybe I should have done that.


Racer X 69
26-Jul-2013, 15:23
We had a small wedding in a small town. Not sure what it cost, but it lasted 35 years. :)


Congratulations. I am happy for you. You say it "lasted" 35 years. Does that mean it ended?

I tried marriage once. Left a real bad taste in my mouth. Fortunately it didn't hurt my checkbook. Been living in sin with a nice woman who tried and failed twice at wedded bliss. We are both very happy and have logged over 16 years together on our journey through life.

I am confident that it should last into eternity, but I have no crystal ball, so, meh, who knows, eh?

26-Jul-2013, 16:55
Lovely shot of a pretty lady. Thanks.

- Leigh


Peter De Smidt
26-Jul-2013, 19:23
Very nice portrait, Tom!

26-Jul-2013, 23:59
Thanks Leigh and Peter, it was taken during a working trip in Banie, Poland. A beautiful country

27-Jul-2013, 07:03
Moving on from the wedding stuff, here's one taken yesterday in a Costco parking lot.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400.



Michael Cienfuegos
27-Jul-2013, 07:53
Moving on from the wedding stuff, here's one taken yesterday in a Costco parking lot.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400.



Around here you don't see an empty Costco parking lot unless it is late at night. I swear, that place is packed form the instant it opens until closing time, and I hte lines. :(

27-Jul-2013, 10:44
The USS Wasp

Tin Can
27-Jul-2013, 10:47

27-Jul-2013, 13:42
Around here you don't see an empty Costco parking lot unless it is late at night. I swear, that place is packed form the instant it opens until closing time, and I the lines. :(

Indeed, I was there just before closing last night, and it was the emptiness of this corner of the lot that caught my eye. But yes, Costco and crowding are usually synonymous.


Alan Gales
27-Jul-2013, 18:02
The USS Wasp

Now this is cool! :cool:

28-Jul-2013, 00:26
Taken at a highway rest stop near Weed, CA.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400.



28-Jul-2013, 05:31
Taken at a highway rest stop near Weed, CA.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400.


Fantastic Jonathan.

28-Jul-2013, 05:50
Fantastic Jonathan.

Thanks, Clay. This is the sort of image I think would be equally suited to the kind of digital B&W you have been shooting recently. I am slowly beginning to look forward to the day that I can afford a DSLR of my very own. Until then, there's always film. :)


28-Jul-2013, 08:50
Looks like some kind of alien eye!